Higher-Dimensional Physics: Old English Saying
Higher-Dimensional Physics: Old English Saying
Higher-Dimensional Physics: Old English Saying
Theres more to this than meets the eye (Old English saying)
Theoretical physics is in the happy situation of being able to
pluck good ideas from philosophy, work them through using the machinery of algebra, and produce something which is both stimulating
and precise. It goes beyond words and equations, because when
properly done it encapsulates what many people regard as reality.
We sometimes tend to forget what a stride was made when
Newton realized that the force which causes an apple to fall to the
ground is the same one which keeps the Moon in its orbit and which
is now known to influence the motions of even the most remote galaxies. Nowadays, gravity has to be considered in conjunction with
electromagnetism plus the weak and strong forces of particle physics.
Even so, it is still possible to give an account of modern physics in a
few hundred pages or so. On reflection, this is remarkable. It comes
about because of the enormous efficiency of mathematics as the natural language of physics, coupled with the tradition whereby physicists
introduce the least number of hypotheses necessary to explain the
natural world (Occams razor of old). At present, it is commonly believed that the best way to explain all of the forces of physics is via
the idea of higher dimensions.
In this regard, five-dimensional field theory is particularly
useful, as it is the basic extension of the four-dimensional spacetime
Five-Dimensional Physics
tuitive. Recent histories of the idea are given in the books by Wesson
(1999) and Halpern (2004). It was already established by the time of
Newton, who realized that mass was a more fundamental concept
than density, and that a proportionality between physical quantities
could be converted to an equation if the latter balanced its ingredients
of mass, length and time (i.e., was dimensionally homogeneous).
Hence the introduction of a parameter G, which we now call Newtons constant of gravity.
The coordinates of an object (x, y, z) in ordinary space and
that of local time (t) are, of course, the basic dimensions of geometry.
But the concept of force, at least the gravitational kind, obliges us to
introduce another dimension related to the mass of an object (m).
And modern physics recognizes other such, notably the one which
measures a bodys electric charge (q). The role of the so-called fundamental constants of physics is primarily to transpose quantities like
mass and charge into geometrical ones, principally lengths (Wesson
1999, pp. 2-11). This is illustrated most cogently by the conversion
Higher-Dimensional Physics
Five-Dimensional Physics
natural way in which the 4 Maxwell equations fall out of the 15 field
equations of what is a kind of general relativity in 5D, has since come
to be called the Kaluza-Klein miracle. However, the mathematical
basis of the unification is simple: In 5D there are 15 independent
components of the metric tensor, of which one refers to a scalar field
which was not at the time considered significant and was so suppressed. For similar reasons, to do with the presumed unobservability
of effects to do with the extra dimension, all derivatives of the other
metric coefficients with respect to the extra coordinate were set to
zero (the cylinder condition).
equations and the 4 Maxwell equations. Voila: a unification of gravity and electromagnetism.
Klein pushed the 5D approach further in 1926, when he published a paper which showed how to incorporate quantum effects into
the theory. He did this by the simple device of assuming that the topology of the extra dimension was not flat and open, but curved into a
circle. In other words, while a local orbit in spacetime (x) would be
straight, an orbit in the extra dimension (x4) would merely go around
and around. This cyclic behaviour would lead to quantum effects,
provided the extra dimension were rolled up to a microscopic size
(compactification). The size of the extra dimension was presumed
to be related to the parameter typical of quantum phenomena, namely
Higher-Dimensional Physics
Plancks constant h. Among other consequences of the closed topology of the extra dimension, it was shown that the cyclic momentum
could be related to the charge of the electron e, thus explaining its
The brainwaves of Kaluza and Klein just summarized are the
kind which are neat and yet powerful. They continued to be held in
high regard for many years in theoretical physics, even though the
latter was redirected by the algebraically simple and effective ideas on
wave mechanics that were soon introduced by Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Dirac. Kaluza-Klein theory later underwent a revival, when
Einsteins theory was recognized as the best basis for cosmology. But
something has to be admitted: Kaluza-Klein theory in its original
form is almost certainly wrong.
By this, it is not meant that an experiment was performed
which in the standard but simplistic view of physics led to a disproval
of the 5D theory. Rather, it means that the original Kaluza-Klein theory is now acknowledged as being at odds with a large body of modern physical lore. For example, the compactification due to Klein
leads to the prediction that the world should be dominated by particles
with the Planck mass of order 10-5 g, which is clearly not the case.
(This mismatch is currently referred to as the hierarchy problem, to
which we will return.) Also, the suppression of the scalar field due to
Kaluza leaves little room to explain the dark energy currently believed to be a major component of the universe. (This is a generic
form of what is commonly referred to as the cosmological-constant
Five-Dimensional Physics
Higher-Dimensional Theories
These may be listed in terms of their dimensionality and
Higher-Dimensional Physics
( )
Five-Dimensional Physics
Higher-Dimensional Physics
Theories in N > 5 dimensions have been around for a considerable time and owe their existence to specific physical circumstances. Thus 10D supersymmetry arose from the wish to pair every
integral-spin boson with a half-integral-spin fermion, and thereby
cancel the enormous vacuum or zero-point fields which would ensue
otherwise. The connection to ND classical field theory involves the
fact that it is possible to embed any curved solution (with energy) of a
4D theory in a flat solution (without energy) of a higher-dimensional
theory, provided the larger manifold has a dimension of N 10.
From the viewpoint of general relativity or a theory like it, which has
10 independent components of the metric tensor or potentials, this is
hardly surprising. The main puzzle is that while supersymmetry is a
property much to be desired from the perspective of theoretical particle physics, it must be very badly broken in a practical sense. The
reason for this apparent conflict between theory and practice may
have to do with our (perhaps unjustified) wish to reduce physics to
4D, and/or our (probably incomplete) knowledge of how to categorize
the properties of particles using internal symmetry groups. The latter
have, of course, to be taken into account when we attempt to estimate
the size of the space necessary to accommodate both gravity and
the particle interactions. Hence the possible unification in terms of
(4+7)D or 11D supergravity. However, a different approach is to
abandon completely the notion of a point with its implied singularity and instead model particles as strings (Szabo 2004, Gubser and
Lykken 2004). The logic of this sounds compelling, and string theory
10 Five-Dimensional Physics
The energy-
Higher-Dimensional Physics
originally added to the left-hand side of the field equations as a geometrical term g , whence the curvature it causes in spacetime corresponds to a force per unit mass (or acceleration) rc 2 / 3 , where r
is the distance from a suitably chosen origin of coordinates. But
nowadays, it is commonly included in the right-hand side of the field
equations as an effective source for the vacuum, whose equation of
state is pv = v c 2 , where v = c 2 / 8 G corresponds to the density of a non-material medium. (Here we take the dimensions of
as length-2 and retain physical units for the speed of light c and gravitational constant G, so the coupling constant in the field equations is
8 G
R Rg + g = 4 T
R =
8 G
T T g + g
12 Five-Dimensional Physics
R = g
R = 0
R AB = 0 ( A, B = 0,123, 4 )
Higher-Dimensional Physics
dS 2 = ds 2 + 2 ( dx 4 + A dx )
14 Five-Dimensional Physics
general, the motion consists of the usual geodesic one found in Einstein theory, plus a Lorentz-force term of the kind found in Maxwell
theory, and other effects due to the extended nature of the geometry
including the scalar field. Further results on the dynamics, and the
effective 4D energy-momentum tensor associated with the offdiagonal terms in line elements like (1.6), have been worked out by
Ponce de Leon (2002). We eschew further discussion of metrics of
this form, however, to concentrate on a more illuminating case.
The gauge for neutral matter has a line element which can be
dS 2 = g ( x , l ) dx dx + 2 ( x , l )
R = 4 R
, ;
,4 g ,4
2 2
+ g g ,4 g ,4
g ,44
g g ,4 g ,4
Higher-Dimensional Physics
g g ,4 g g ,4
g g , g g ,4
g g , g g ,4
R44 =
g ,4 g ,4
,4 g g ,4
g g ,44
g g g ,4 g ,4
g , ; and
16 Five-Dimensional Physics
remaining terms in 5 R of (1.8) are then used to construct an effective or induced 4D energy-momentum tensor via G = 8 T .
Several instructive results emerge during this process. For example,
the 4D scalar curvature just mentioned may be shown using all of
(1.8) to ge given by
g , 4 + g g , 4
This relation has been used implicitly in the literature, but explicitly
as here it shows that: (a) What we call the curvature of 4D spacetime
can be regarded as the result of embedding it in an x 4 -dependent 5D
manifold; (b) the sign of the 4D curvature depends on the signature of
the 5D metric; (c) the magnitude of the 4D curvature depends
strongly on the scalar field or the size of the extra dimension
physics (where the 4D curvature is small) it can be crucial in cosmology and particle physics. Another instructive result concerns the form
of the 4D energy-momentum tensor. It is given by
8 T =
, ;
,4 g ,4
g g ,4 g ,4
g ,44 + g g ,4 g ,4
. (1.10)
Higher-Dimensional Physics
This relation has been used extensively in the literature, where it has
been shown to give back all of the properties of ordinary matter (such
as the density and pressure) for standard solutions. However, it has
further implications, and shows that: (a) What we call matter in a
curved 4D spacetime can be regarded as the result of the embedding
in an x 4 -dependent (possibly flat) 5D manifold; (b) the nature of the
4D matter depends on the signature of the 5D metric; (c) the 4D
source depends on the extrinsic curvature of the embedded 4D spacetime and the scalar field associated with the extra dimension, which
while they are in general mixed correspond loosely to ordinary matter
and the stress-energy of the vacuum. In conclusion for this paragraph,
we see that a 5D manifold which is apparently empty contains a
4D manifold with sources, where the tensor set of the 5D field equations corresponds to the 4D Einstein equations of general relativity.
The vector components of (1.8), in conjunction with (1.5), can
be couched as a set of conservation equations which resemble those
found in Maxwellian electromagnetism and other field theories. They
P; = 0
g g , 4 g g , 4
These are usually easy to satisfy in the continuous fluid of inducedmatter theory, and are related to the stress in the surface (x4 = 0) of
18 Five-Dimensional Physics
g ,4 g ,4
,4 g g ,4
+ g g ,44
. (1.13)
Here as before g , ; and some of the terms on the righthand side are present in the energy-momentum tensor of (1.10). In
fact, one can rewrite (1.13) for the static case as a Poisson-type equation with an effective source density for the -field. In general (1.13)
is a wave equation with a source induced by the fifth dimension.
Let us now leave the gauge for neutral matter (1.7) and focus
on a special case of it, called the canonical gauge. This was the
brainchild of Mashhoon, who realized that if one factorizes the 4D
part of a 5D metric in a way which mimics the use of cosmic time in
cosmology, significant simplification follows for both the field equations and especially the equations of motion (Mashhoon, Liu and
Wesson 1994). The efficacy of this gauge is related to the fact that a
quadratic factor in l on the 4D part of a 5D model has algebraic con-
Higher-Dimensional Physics
dS 2 =
g x , l ) dx dx dl 2
2 (
where x 4 = l is the extra coordinate and L is a constant length introduced for the consistency of physical dimensions. There is an extensive literature on (1.14), both with regard to solutions of the field
equations (1.5) and the equations of motion which follow from minimizing the interval S in (1.14). Some of the consequences of (1.14)
can be inferred from what we have already learned, while some will
become apparent from later study. But for convenience we here
summarize all of its main properties following Wesson (2002):
(a) Mathematically (1.14) is general, insofar as the five available coordinate degrees of freedom have been used to set g 4 = 0, g 44 = 1 .
Physically, this removes the potentials of electromagnetic type and
flattens the potential of scalar type. (b) The metric (1.14) has been
extensively used in the field equations, and many solutions are
known. These include solutions for the 1-body problem and cosmol-
20 Five-Dimensional Physics
ogy which have acceptable dynamics and solutions with the opposite
sign for g 44 which describe waves. (c) When g / l = 0 in (1.14),
the 15 field equations R AB = 0 of (1.5) give back the Einstein equations as described above, now in the form G = 3 g / L2 . These in
general identify the scale L as the characteristic size of the 4-space.
For the universe, the last-noted relations define an Einstein space with
= 3 / L2
1/ 2
Higher-Dimensional Physics
ponents and an extra component. For g / l 0 , the former contain terms parallel to the 4-velocity u , which do not exist in 4D general relativity. We will look into this situation later. But we note now
that for g / l = 0 , the motion is not only geodesic in 5D but geodesic in 4D, as usual. Indeed, for g / l = 0 , we recover the 4D
Weak Equivalence Principle as a kind of symmetry of the 5D metric.
The preceding list of consequences of the canonical metric
(1.14) shows that it implies departures from general relativity when
its 4D part depends on the extra coordinate, but inherits many of the
properties of Einsteins theory when it does not. In the latter case, the
4D cosmological constant is inherited from the 5D scaling, and has a
value = 3 / L2 depending on the signature of the extra dimension
( = 1) .
anti-de Sitter spaces in approaches to cosmology and particle production, which use quantum-mechanical approaches such as tunneling.
However, in general we might expect the potentials of spacetime to
depend on the extra coordinate. Both for this case as in (1.14), and
for the case where the scalar potential is significant as in (1.7), the
vacuum will have a more complicated structure than that implied by
the simple cosmological constant just noted. It was shown in (1.10)
that in general the effective 4D energy-momentum tensor for neutral
matter in 5D theory contains contributions from both ordinary matter
and the vacuum. Ordinary matter (meaning material particles and
electromagnetic fields) displays an enormous complexity of structure.
22 Five-Dimensional Physics
Vacuum matter (meaning the scalar field and virtual particles which
defy Heisenbergs uncertainty relation) may display a corresponding
complexity of structure. To use a clich, 5D induced-matter theory
implies that we may have only scratched the surface of matter.
Membrane theory uses an exponential rather than the quadratic of (1.14) to factorize the 4D part of a 5D metric. Thus a generalized form of the type of metric considered by Randall and Sundrum
(1998, 1999) is
dS 2 = e F ( l ) g dx dx dl 2
Here F ( l ) is called the warp factor, and is commonly taken to depend on the cosmological constant and the extra coordinate x 4 = l
in such a way as to weaken gravity away from the brane (l = 0 ) . Particle interactions, by comparison, are stronger by virtue of being confined to the brane, which is effectively the focus of spacetime. An
important aspect of (at least) the early versions of brane theory is the
assumption of Z2 symmetry, which means in essence that the physics
is symmetric about the hypersurface l = 0. This prescription is simple
and effective, hence the popularity of membrane theory. However, a
comparison of (1.16) and (1.7) shows that the former is merely a special case of the latter, modulo the imposition of the noted symmetry.
In fact, examination shows that membrane theory and induced-matter
theory are basically the same from a mathematical viewpoint, even if
they differ in physical motivation. The most notable difference is that
for membrane theory particles are confined to the spacetime hypersur-
Higher-Dimensional Physics
24 Five-Dimensional Physics
nature. We are primarily concerned with the former because our field
equations are local. (The distinction is relevant, because global theorems are more difficult to establish; and since they may involve
boundary conditions, harder to satisfy.) There are several local embedding theorems which are pertinent to ND field theory, of which the
main one is commonly attributed to Campbell (1926). He, however,
only outlined a proof of the theorem in a pedantic if correct treatise on
differential geometry. The theorem was studied and established by
Higher-Dimensional Physics
Campbells theorem at different places in our studies of 5D field theory. In the present section, we wish to draw on results by Ponce de
Leon (2001) and Seahra and Wesson (2003), to give an ultra-brief
account of the subject.
Campbells theorem in succinct form says: Any analytic
Riemannian space Vn ( s, t ) can be locally embedded in a Ricci-flat
Riemannian space Vn +1 ( s + 1, t ) or Vn +1 ( s, t + 1) .
We are here using the convention that the small space has
dimensionality n with coordinates running 0 to n 1, while the large
space has dimensionality n +1 with coordinates running 0 to n. The
total dimensionality is N = 1+ n, and the main focus is on N = 5.
To establish the veracity of this theorem (in a heuristic fashion at least), and see its relevance (particularly to the theories considered in the preceding section), consider an arbitrary manifold n in a
26 Five-Dimensional Physics
n n n A n A = = 1 . If eA form an appropriate basis and the extrinsic curvature of N is K , the ADM constraints read
GAB n A n B =
R + K K K 2 ) = 0
GAB eA n B = K; K , = 0
These relations provide 1 + n equations for the 2 n ( n + 1) / 2 quantities g , K . Given an arbitrary geometry g for n , the constraints therefore form an under-determined system for K , so infinitely many embeddings are possible. This implies that the embedding of a system of 4D equations like (1.1)(1.4) in a system of 5D
equations like (1.5) is always possible.
This demonstration of Campbells theorem can easily be extended to the case where Vn +1 is a de Sitter space or anti-de Sitter
space with an explicit cosmological constant, as in brane theory. De-
Higher-Dimensional Physics
= S Sg
K ( l >0 ) = K ( l <0 ) = S Sg
P K Kg =
28 Five-Dimensional Physics
In this chapter, we have espoused the idea that extra dimen-
Higher-Dimensional Physics
30 Five-Dimensional Physics
g ( x , l ) dl
1/ 2
the size of the extra dimension. Even at this stage, two issues arise
which need attention.
What is the nature of the fifth coordinate? Possible answers
are as follows: (1) It is an algebraic abstraction. This is a conservative but sterile opinion. It implies that l figures in our calculations,
but either does not appear in our final answer, or is incapable of
physical interpretation once we arrive there. (2) It is related to mass.
This is the view of induced-matter theory, where quantities like the
density and pressure of a fluid composed of particles of rest mass m
can be calculated as functions of l from the field equations. Closer
inspection shows that for the special choice of gauge known as the
pure-canonical metric, l and m are in fact the same thing. We will
return to this possibility in later chapters, but here note that in this interpretation the scalar field of classical 5D relativity is related to the
Higher-Dimensional Physics
Higgs (or mass-fixing) field of quantum theory. (3) It is a length perpendicular to a singular hypersurface. This is the view of membrane
theory, where the hypersurface is spacetime. It is an acceptable opinion, and as we have remarked it automatically localizes the 4D world.
But since we are made of particles and so confined to the hypersurface, our probes of the orthogonal direction have to involve quantities
related to gravity, including masses.
The other issue which arises at the outset with 5D relativity
concerns the size of the extra dimension, defined as above to include
both the extra coordinate and its associated potential. This is a separate, if related, issue to what we discussed in the preceding paragraph.
We should recall that even in 4D relativity, drastic physical effects
can follow from the mathematical behaviour of the metric coefficients. (For example, near the horizon of an Einstein black hole in
standard Schwarzschild coordinates, the time part of the metric
shrinks to zero while the radial part diverges to infinity.) This issue is
often presented as the question: Why do we not see the fifth dimension? Klein tried to answer this, as we have seen, by arguing that the
extra dimension is compactified (or rolled up) to a microscopic size.
So observing it would be like looking at a garden hose, which appears
as a line from far away or as a tube from close up. Since distances are
related to energies in particle experiments, we would only expect the
finite size of the fifth dimension to be revealed in accelerators of
powers beyond anything currently available. This is disappointing.
But more cogently, and beside the fact that it leads to conflicts, many
32 Five-Dimensional Physics
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