The Message Bible (True or Not?)
The Message Bible (True or Not?)
The Message Bible (True or Not?)
Do whats best
as above, so below.
as it is in heaven.
Youre in charge!
6. Recognize the overall plan of the Bible: the ages and dispensations; the
ultimate purpose of God to defeat Satan and restore mans dominion, rid the world
of rebellion, and establish an eternal kingdom on earth ruled by God, Christ, and
the resurrected saints.
7. Recognize the three classes of people dealt with in Scripturethe Jews, the
Gentiles, and the church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
8. Keep in mind the historical background of each book and the circumstances
under which it was written.
9. Never change the literal meaning of Scripture to a spiritual, mystical,
symbolic, or figurative meaning unless this is done by God Himself. Take
everything in the Bible literally unless this could not possibly be the meaning.
When the language used is symbolic, dig out the literal truth conveyed by it.
10. When studying the Bible, keep a complete concordance to look up any
subject that confuses or compels you, and to unearth the true definition of any
Greek or Hebrew word where there is a question of proper translation.
11. Be as analytical and honest with the Bible as with any other book. Study it
not to disprove it, but to master its secret contents and to conform to its teaching.
When approached in this manner, you will find it to be in unity.
12. It must be settled once and for all that the Bible does not contradict itself,
and all Scriptures on a subject are in harmony. It has a way of confusing its
enemies and blessing its friends.
The only thing difficult about the Bible is that it is a very large book, and it will
take time to master its contents to the point where you get a general understanding
of it. Read it over, and over! Practice its teachings, and it will soon become a
simple and practical book.