TJUSAMO 2013-2014 Functional Equations
TJUSAMO 2013-2014 Functional Equations
TJUSAMO 2013-2014 Functional Equations
Functional Equations
Robin Park
Functional Equations
Robin Park
February 24, 2014
Functional equations are equations in which a function is specified implicitly. Functional equations are
different from algebraic equations in that they generally cannot be reduced into solving an expression in
terms of f (x). As functional equations are mainly based on recursion, various substitutions can be used to
find the solutions of a functional equation, but there are various clever manipulations involved in them.
Definition 1.1. In a function f : X Y , X is called the codomain and Y is called the image of f . We
also denote Y = Im(f ).
Definition 1.2. In a function f : X Y , the kernel of f denoted by Ker(f ) is the subset of X that satisfy
f (x) = 1.
Definition 1.3. A function f : X Y is said to be surjective if, for every element y in Y , there exists an
element x in X such that f (x) = y.
Definition 1.4. A function f is injective if f (a) = f (b) implies a = b.
Definition 1.5. A function f is bijective if it is both surjective and injective.
Definition 1.6. A function f is monotonic if it is either nonincreasing or nondecreasing. It is monotonically
increasing if, for all x and y in the codomain of f such that x y, then f (x) f (y). It is monotonically
decreasing if f (x) f (y).
Definition 1.7. A function f is continuous at c if for any > 0, there exists > 0 such that for all x in
the codomain of f with |x c| < , the value of f satisfies |x f (c)| < . A function is continuous if it is
continuous everywhere.
Unfortunately, functional equations can only be mastered through practice. However, there are various
techniques that one can use in solving functional equations.
Prove that f is injective by assuming that f (a) = f (b) for some a, b X, and then proving that a = b.
Prove that f is surjective by letting the value of a function equal a variable.
If f (0) = 0, we can let c be some number such that f (c) = 0. Substituting c in the functional equation
may prove that c is unique.
Transform the original functional equation into a special one by considering a new function.
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
Most Olympiad functional equation problems will not fall due to pure substitutions. As such, cleverer
manipulations must be made, often implicitly. A technique discussed above is to use the fact that there
exists c such that f (c) = 0, and then substituting this new variable in the equation. This is exemplified in
the following example.
Example 3.1 (MOP 2013). Find all functions f : R R such that for all x, y R,
f (f (x + y)f (x y)) = x2 yf (y).
Solution. Let P (x, y) be the above assertion. Note that P (0, 0) implies that f (f (0)2 ) = 0, so there exists a
constant c such that f (c) = 0. Now P (2c, c) and P (c, 0) give f (0) = 4c2 and f (0) = c2 , so c = 0. Hence
f (0) = 0.
Now from P (x, x) we obtain f (f (2x)f (0)) = x2 xf (x), so xf (x) = x2 for all real x. It follows that f (x) = x
for all real x.
Other substitutions can boil down functional equations easily.
Example 3.2. Find all functions f : R R such that
(x y)f (x + y) (x + y)f (x y) = 4xy(x2 y 2 )
for all x, y R.
Solution. Let u = x + y and v = x y. The original equation gives us vf (u) uf (v) = (u + v)(u v)uv, so
dividing through by uv yields
f (u) f (v)
= u2 v 2 ,
which rearranges to
f (v)
f (u)
u2 =
for all u, v R. Hence the value
for some constant c R.
f (x)
x x
f (x)
x x
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
and so a2 = b2 . Consider the function g : (0, ) (0, ) such that g(x) = f ( x)2 . The given condition
becomes f (g(x) + y) = x + f (y) for x > 0. Now notice that
f (g(p) + g(q) + y) = p + f (g(q) + y) = p + q + f (y) = f (g(p + q) + y)
so that g(p) + g(q) + y = (g(p + q) + y) for all positive reals p and q and reals x and y. However,
g(p)+g(q)+y = (g(p+q)+y) is impossible to hold for all reals y, so it follows that g(p)+g(q)+y = g(p+q)+y,
or that g is additive. Since the image of g is positive,
it is evident that g is bounded below, and thus g(x) = cx
for some positive real c. It follows that f (x) = cx.
If f (y) = cy for some
y, then c(cx + y) = f (cx + y) = (x cy) which is clearly not true for all x
and y. Hence, f (y) = cy and a quick check reveals that c = 1. Therefore, the only solution is f (x) = x.
Functions that satisfy
f (xy) = f (x)f (y)
are called multiplicative functions. Note that we can derive the so-called multiplicative Cauchys functional
equation by taking the logarithm of Cauchys functional equation and setting g(x) = log f (x). When a
function is both additive and multiplicative, then an interesting result occurs:
Theorem 4.3. If f is both additive and multiplicative, then f is the identity function.
Note that we can also derive the exponential and logarithmic Cauchys functional equations by setting
g(x) = f (log x) and g(x) = ef (x) .
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
Example 4.2. Find all functions f : (0, ) (0, ) such that for all x, y (0, ),
2f (x)f (y)
f (x) + f (y)
Solution. Consider the function g(x) = f (11 ) . The given condition then becomes g x+y
. Since
f is bounded, g is also bounded, and thus by Theorem 4.4 it follows that f (x) = cx + d for some constants
c, d (0, ). Therefore, g(x) = c 1+d = c+dx
ex +ex
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
Although the extremal principle is a technique that is most effectively used in combinatorics, some functional
equation problems can also be solved using the extremal principle. The most common case in which the
extremal principle is used in functional equations is when the range of a function is bounded, and thus has
a minimal/maximal element.
Example 5.1. Find all functions f : Z N such that
6f (k + 3) 3f (k + 2) 2f (k + 1) f (k) = 0
for any k Z.
Solution. The most important difference between Z and N is that N is bounded, and thus every subset of N
has a minimal element. Let a = min{Im(f )}, and f (x) = a. Letting k = x 3 yields
6a = 6f (x) = 3f (x 1) + 2f (x 2) + f (x 3) 3a + 2a + a = 6a
and so equality occurs everywhere where f (x 1) = f (x 2) = f (x 3) = a. A simple induction shows that
all constant functions satisfy the condition.
Surjectivity is generally easier to prove than injectivity. If a variable is allowed to vary freely while the other
side of an equation is the image of a function, then the function is surjective. As an example, the functional
f (yf (x)) = x y
is an example of such an equation because we may let x span the real numbers, and thus every real number
has an inverse image; that is, f is surjective.
Injectivity is proven by assuming that f (a) = f (b) for some a and b, and then proving that a = b. In the
previous example, f is also injective because
a y = f (y(f (a))) = f (y(f (b))) = b y,
implying that a = b. Since f is both surjective and injective, f is bijective.
The fact that a function is bijective provides crucial information. If f is bijective, then an inverse of the
function exists; that is, the inverse of any value is unique. In addition, it says that such an inverse always
exists. In a problem, you generally cannot assume something like assume that there exists t such that
f (t) = 2014. However, if f has been found to be bijective, then we can make such an assumption.
Example 6.1. Find all functions f : R R such that
f (f (x) + yz) = x + f (y)f (z)
for all x, y, z R.
Suppose that f (a) = f (b) for some a, b R. Then
a + f (y)f (z) = f (f (a) + yz) = f (f (b) + yz) = b + f (y)f (z),
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
so a = b, implying that f is injective. f is also surjective because fixing y and z and letting x vary shows
that f can attain any value. Therefore, f is bijective.
Let P (x, y, z) be the above assertion. Let q R be such that f (q) = 1. P (0, y, q) yields f (f (0) + yq) = f (y),
so f (0) + yq = y for all y R, which is impossible unless f (0) = 0 and q = 1. Hence f (0) = 0 and f (1) = 1.
The assertion P (x, 0, z) now yields f (f (x)) = x. Finally, P (f (u), y, 1) yields f (u + v) = f (u) + f (y), and
P (0, y, z) yields f (yz) = f (y)f (z). Since f is both additive and multiplicative, f (x) = x.
In some problems, it is given that the functional equation is a polynomial. This provides a significant amount
of information, such as the function cannot equal some value infinitely many times, and in the case of integer
polynomials, the fact that the difference of two integers divides the difference of the values of the function
evaluated at the two integers. In addition, polynomials are continuous and infinitely differentiable. Most
importantly, we can compare coefficients, as polynomials are finite.
Example 7.1. Find all nonconstant polynomials P R[x] such that
P (x3 + 1) = P (x + 1)3
for all x R.
Solution 1. Let Q(x) = P (x + 1) = an xn + an1 xn1 + + a0 x0 . The given condition states that Q(x3 ) =
Q(x)3 , or
an x3n + an1 x3n3 + + a0 x0 = (an xn + an1 xn1 + + a0 x0 )3 .
Let am be a nonzero coefficient of Q such that m < n is maximal. Comparing the coefficient of x2n+m
yields 0 = 3a2k am , which is a contradiction. Thus an x3n = Q(x3 ) = Q(x03 = a3n x3n , so an = 1. Hence
P (x) = (x 1)k or P (x) = (x 1)k .
Solution 2. We have P (33 +1) = P (33 +1)3 = = P (4)3 for all k N. Let P (x) = an xn +an1 xn1 +
+ a0 x0 . Since P is continuous, the limit
P (x)
an xn
is well-defined. Therefore,
P (33 + 1)
P (33 + 1)
1 = lim
= lim
k an (3
an k
+ 1) k an 3
P (4)
Comparing the leading coefficients of the given condition yields an = 1. We thus have P (4) = 3k , and
so P (33 + 1) = P (4)3 = an (33 )n . Thus P (x) = (x 1)k or P (x) = (x 1)k for all x = 33 + 1, k N.
The fact that P is a polynomial extends this to all real numbers.
Regardless of what type of polynomial P is, the codomain of P is all complex numbers. That is, even if
P Z[x], we may still substitute complex numbers in x (although this may rarely help).
Example 7.2. If P , Q, R, and S are polynomials such that
P (x5 ) + xQ(x5 ) + x2 R(x5 ) = (x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1)S(x),
prove that P (1) = 0.
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
Solution. Let be a fifth root of unity not equal to 1. Substituting x = 1, , 2 , 3 , 4 in P (x5 ) + xQ(x5 ) +
x2 R(x5 ) = (x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1)S(x) and adding the resulting equations gives us 5P (1) = 5S(1). Now
substituting them in xP (x5 ) + x2 Q(x5 ) + x3 R(x5 ) = x(x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1)S(x) yields 0 = 5S(1), so
P (1) = 0, as desired.
Miscellaneous Theorems/Lemmas
Theorem 8.1 (Brouwer). For any continuous function f : I I, where I is a subset of R, there exists
x I such that f (x) = x.
Theorem 8.2 (Mikusi
nski). Let f : R R be a function such that
f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y)
for all x, y R with f (x + y) 6= 0. Then f is additive.
Theorem 8.3 (Intermediate Value Theorem). Consider an interval I = [a, b] R and a continuous function
f : I R. If f (a) < u < f (b), then there exists a c (a, b) such that f (c) = u.
Theorem 8.4 (Bezout). If P and Q are coprime polynomials, there exist polynomials R and S such that
P R + QS = 1.
Theorem 8.5 (Mason-Stothers). Let a, b, and c be pairwise coprime polynomials such that a + b + c = 0.
Then their degrees are not greater than N (abc) = 1, where N (abc) is the number of the distinct zeros of the
polynomial abc.
Theorem 8.6 (Fermat). The equation f n + g n = hn , n 3 has no solution is pairwise coprime polynomials
at least one of which is not a constant.
Theorem 8.7 (Davenport). Let f and g be coprime polynomials of positive degree and h = f 3 g 2 6= 0.
Then deg f 2 deg h 2.
1. Find all polynomials P that such that
P (x2 + 1) = P (x)2 + 1.
2. Find all polynomials P R[x] such that
P (x)P (x + 1) = P (x2 ).
3. Find all functions f : R R such that
f (f (x)) = x2 2
for all x R.
4. Find all functions f : N N such that
f (f (n)) + f (n + 1) = n + 2
for all n N.
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
5. (Vietnam 2003) Let F be the set of all functions f : (0, ) (0, ) which satisfy the inequality
f (3x) f (f (2x)) + x for all positive x. Find the largest positive number such that for all functions
f F , we have f (x) x.
6. Find all functions f : R R such that
f (x + y) + f (x)f (y) = f (xy) + f (x) + f (y)
for all x, y R.
7. (USAMO 2002) Find all functions f : R R such that
f (x2 y 2 ) = xf (x) yf (y)
for all x, y R.
8. Find all functions f : Q Q such that f (1) = 2 and
f (xy) = f (x)f (y) f (x + y) + 1.
9. (BMO 2007) Find all functions f : R R such that
f (xf (x) + f (y)) = y + f (x)2
for all x, y R.
10. (USAMO 2000) Call a function f : R R very convex if
f (x) + f (y)
+ |x y|
holds for all real numbers x and y. Prove that no very convex function exists.
11. (IMO 2008) Find all functions f : (0, ) (0, ) such that
w 2 + x2
(f (w))2 + (f (x))2
f (y 2 ) + f (z 2 )
y2 + z2
for all positive real numbers w, x, y, and z satisfying wx = yz.
12. Let f : R R be an additive function such that
f (x)
= 2
for all x 6= 0. Prove that f (x) = cx for some constant c R.
13. Find all polynomials P R[x] such that
P (x2 2x) = P (x 2)2 .
14. Find all continuous functions f : R R such that
f (xy) = xf (y) + yf (x).
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
f (x)
for all x, y Q0 .
16. Given a positive integer n, let f : R R be a continuous function satisfying f (0) = 0, f (1) = 1, and
f (n) (x) = x for every x [0, 1]. Prove that f (x) = x for all x [0, 1].
17. Let f : R R be an additive function such that f (1) = 1 and
f (x)f
for all x 6= 0. Prove that f (x) = x.
18. (ISL 2002/A1) Find all functions f : R R such that
f (f (x) + y) = 2x + f (f (y) x)
for all x, y R.
19. (USAMO 2012) Find all functions f : Z+ Z+ (where Z+ is the set of positive integers) such that
f (n!) = f (n)! for all positive integers n and such that mn divides f (m)f (n) for all distinct positive
integers m and n.
20. (ISL 2012/A1) Find all functions f : Z Z such that, for all integers a, b, and c that satisfy a+b+c = 0,
the following equality holds:
f (a)2 + f (b)2 + f (c)2 = 2f (a)f (b) + 2f (b)f (c) + 2f (c)f (a).
21. (MOP 2013) The function f : R0 R0 satisfies the following properties for all a, b R0 :
(a) f (a) = 0 if and only if a = 0,
(b) f (ab) = f (a)f (b), and
(c) f (a + b) 2 max{f (a), f (b)}.
Prove that for all a, b R0 we have f (a + b) f (a) + f (b).
22. (Bulgaria 1994) Find all functions f : R R such that
xf (x) yf (y) = (x y)f (x + y)
for all x, y R.
23. (ISL 1999/A5) Find all functions f : R R such that
f (x f (y)) = f (f (y)) + xf (y) + f (x) 1
for all x, y R.
24. (China 1996) Let f : R R be a function such that for all real numbers x and y,
f (x3 + y 3 ) = (x + y)(f (x)2 f (x)f (y) + f (y)2 ).
Prove that for all real numbers x, f (1996x) = 1996f (x).
TJUSAMO 2013-2014
Functional Equations
Robin Park
25. (ISL 2005/A2) Find all functions f : (0, ) (0, ) such that
f (x)f (y) = 2f (x + yf (x))
for all x, y (0, ).
26. (Romania 2001) Find all polynomials P R[x] such that
P (x)P (2x2 1) = P (x2 )P (2x 1)
for all x R.
27. (ISL 2007/A2) Consider the functions f : N N which satisfy the condition
f (m + n) f (m) + f (f (n)) 1
for all m, n N. Find all possible values of f (2007).
28. (Romania 1986) Let f, g : N N be functions such that f is surjective, g is injective and f (n) g(n)
for all n N. Prove that f (n) = g(n) for all n N.
29. (IMO 2009) Determine all functions f from the set of positive integers to the set of positive integers
such that, for all positive integers a and b, there exists a non-degenerate triangle with sides of lengths
a, f (b), and f (b + f (a) 1).
30. (ELMO Shortlist 2013/A3) Find all f : R R such that for all x, y R, f (x) + f (y) = f (x + y) and
f (x2013 ) = f (x)2013 .
31. (ISL 2009/A5) Let f be any function that maps the set of real numbers into the set of real numbers.
Prove that there exist real numbers x and y such that
f (x f (y)) > yf (x) + x.
32. (ISL 2012/A5) Find all functions f : R R that satisfy the conditions
f (1 + xy) f (x + y) = f (x)f (y)
for all x, y R and f (1) 6= 0.
33. (TSTST 2013) Find all functions f : N N that satisfy the equation
f abca (abc) + f abcb (abc) + f abcc (abc) = a + b + c
for all a, b, c 2. (Here f 1 (n) = f (n) and f k (n) = f (f k1 (n)) for every integer k greater than 1.)
34. (ISL 2009/A7) Find all functions f : R R such that
f (xf (x + y)) = f (yf (x)) + x2
for all x, y R.
35. Find all continuous functions f, g : R R such that
f (x y) = f (x)f (y) + g(x)g(y)
for all x, y R.