Sample of Structural Analysis Proposal With Strusoft
Sample of Structural Analysis Proposal With Strusoft
Sample of Structural Analysis Proposal With Strusoft
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Table of Conten
Research Aim.......................................................................................................................5
Research Objectives.............................................................................................................5
Content of Thesis.................................................................................................................7
Literature Review........................................................................................................................9
Earlier methods used for structural analysis and design of indeterminate structures..........9
Insufficiency of the manual simplified Hand Calculation method for structural
analysis 18
Advanced computational method (numerical simulations) used for structural analysis and
design of indeterminate structures................................................................................................18
Appendix A.......................................................................................................................................25
Appendix B.......................................................................................................................................26
Risk Assessment............................................................................................................................26
This paper intends to present the structural investigation and optimization of a three storey build
for both concrete and steel design in accordance to Eurocode prescription. The StruSoft F E
simulations would be use to accomplish the investigation and optimization, exploring the suitable
techniques of improving structural efficiency in modeling and analyzing modern day structures.
Both Static and dynamic Loading conditions would be use to test the models to failure and then
optimize the model structural arrangement to achieve optimal satisfaction on the conditions
namely; structural integrity (progressive collapse, lateral stability), aesthetics, intend purpose of
structure and lastly economics.
Results obtained from the simulations would be validated with manual calculations of simplified
structural analysis methods.
Lastly, the research aims are remarking on the proficiency in adopting StruSoft FE for structural
investigation and optimisation.
toppling collapse. Another typical example is designing of a reinforced beam as an under reinforce
to over-reinforced for ductility, that is enough redistribution of load before sudden failure.
In regards to the different modes of failure that could be exhibited by a structural member in the
building, this supports the fact of trying to optimize the design by considering different extreme
loading on a define model of the building, therefore a structural engineering software would be
capable of doing justice to this concern.
structural elements usually approximated by conversant experiences from practice and rule of
thumb are overcome (Bendse and Sigmund, 2003). Problems such as beam buckling, initial
boundary conditions, and automated selection of members to standard from different catalogues
are precisely and friendly defined in most structural engineering softwares.
Thus, the research focuses on the design investigation and optimization of the numerical
simulation package, StruSoft FEM. Hence, the aim and objectives these thesis is listed in the next
Develop a detailed model of a 3 storey reinforced concrete building and steel structures
Itemized the part of the models such as the shear wall and evaluate to investigate the
Furthermore, the soil interaction of the office building substructure and resting earth would
be investigated with a different define bearing soil conditions.
Results would be validated with simplified hand calculation for single structural elements
in the model for the stress envelopes computed from the F.E simulation.
1.3 Methodology
As stated earlier, the finite element method would be use as the structural analytical method to
conduct this investigation and optimsation. The summary of the procedure are listed below:
Develop both the concrete and steel models on different files in StruSoft FE. Methods of
import CAD files from other application would be explored in the software to check for
modeling efficiency.
Define different load cases and loading combinations in accordance to Eurocode, EN 1991.
The entire design would be done to Eurocode 2 for the concrete design and Eurocode 3 for
the steel design. Load cases to be taking account for are wind load, gravity load and
dynamic loading.
Application of the different load combination on both models and investigates both local
failures and global failures of structure members. Each loading combination would be
2 Literature Review
Acquisition of sufficient knowledge from literatures of related subjects to this research would be
efficient for a grounded understanding to attain the aims and objectives earlier stated in previous
chapter. The following subjects would be reviewed;
Earlier methods used for structural analysis and design of indeterminate structures
Advanced computational method (numerical simulations) used for structural analysis and
design of indeterminate structures.
Scientifically, the concepts of structural analysis are rules or theories approximately adopted for
structural models (which could be more or less accurate) and loads that are relatively proportion
ensuring safe transmission of the imposed loads. This fact can be concise into different subjects
which are numerical methods, material mechanics and engineering modelling (Jacques, 1999).
Iconic civil engineering structures analyse and design in accordance these scientific rules and
theories are still functional and maintainable for their design purposed. Evidence to proof such are
namely The Colosseum and the Pantheon in Rome, the Greek temples, the Aya Sofia in Istanbul,
the exotic architectural ancient gothic cathedral which were built without computational
These rules and theories of proportion were establish base on through experience and practical
training by the early the earlier medieval master whom normally oversee the both the aesthetics
and architectural design. This only change during the medieval Renaissance when many details are
then given to the structural analysis approach and architectural design (Jacques, 1999).
The beginning renaissance on the history of structural analysis could be divided in five different
periods which are the preparation time (1575-1825), Discipline Creation (1825-1900),
Consolidation period (1900-1950), the Integration (1950-1975) and the diffusion era (1975 till
present) (Kurrer, 2002).
The preparation time started with the concept of strength of material where Discorsi Galileo
(1638) evaluate the strength of a cantilever wooden beam fixed in a masonry wall to be
proportional to the width and square the height , furthermore observing the structural performance
as the load increases. However the initial result was noticed to be wrong in regards to the
assumption of uniform stress. Other researchers at this time Robert Hooke was base the analytical
approach was based on elasticity of the material for safe load limits. The earlier researchers forms
the basis of structural analysis which was further worked on by recognised mathematicians which
are Daniel and Jacob Bernoulli (1646-1716) ,continuation of Galileo findings on bending and
Leonard Euler.
Yet, still with these availability of knowledge, structural analysis if complex structural element
were limited. The cause the curiosity of the mathematical brothers in adopted the infinitesimal
calculus to evaluate the beam strength about 50 years later. This brought light into engineering that
a state-of-art was the created for civil engineering.
Furthermore the Discipline era as research interest increases in in design specific load to a
considerable geometry structural elements, Henty Naiver (1785-1836) worked on the strength of
wood and steel construction material using different loading conditions and measuring the stresses
at elastic limits of the loaded structural elements. This was done of determinate structure supported
by equilibrium equations. The equilibrium equation defines the internal forces in the structural
element is equal to the external forces. Several experimental modifications was carried to obtained
accuracy and optimisation results using practical experiences but different researcher on the basis
of Hookes law elasticity concept for beams.
Other researcher like Karl Cullman (1821-1881) then specialised on truss theory by developing a
graphical method of analysing the stresses on the truss members. Later on Maxwell, Castigliano,
Otto Mohr and Muller-Breslau later develop simplified approaches for analysis complex structure
on the basis of simple beam theory and to reduce the rigor mathematical derivations using
infinitesimal calculus. Maxwell approach can be highlighted as a reciprocal theorem which less
cumbersome to infinitesimal calculus , while Castigliano approach is based on a slope-deflection
method which is still has series of cumbersome compatibility equations but preferable to the
infinitesimal calculus. Muller-Breslau (1851-1925) developed the force-displacement method by
detaching the indeterminate structural system and analysis by first a virtual force and the external
load. The stresses are obtained by superposition of both loading conditions and integration of the
broken structural system.
The consolidation era, new theories where develop in regards to the structural performance
of structure. The discovered of reinforced concrete was found in Germany which move the civil
engineering construction to frame type of structure. Thus the need of analysing the structure in
two dimension forms was necessary such as shell, plates and indeterminate structure. The Hardy
cross method was develop which could be used to evaluate the bending stresses along at
connection of structural members to desire degree of accuracy which is still a very useful
analytical method for checking computational results. Moreover, the steel construction also
develops, by inculcating the plastic hinges into the static equilibrium for plastic design. The British
steel industry was the first to find to adopt the influence of plastic design on steel construction.
This approach was encouraged as an economical approach of optimising the steel material.
2.1.2 Common simplified Hand Calculation method for structural analysis
They are various methods of analysing the structural members of a structure. This enables
structural engineers to have a good and accurate data in their structural analysis results. These
methods also aid as a check method for structural analysis result resolved by another method of
analysis by another structural engineer. Hence some of these methods have their limitations and
benefits depending on the type of structure that is to be analysed.
The common methods of structural analysis are as follows:
a) Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames by the method of consistent
b) The three-moment Equation
c) The slope-deflection method
The method of consistent deformation is the most general method of analysing statically
indeterminate structures. Consider a structure which is statically indeterminate because it has more
than adequate external supports for static stability. The number of external reaction components
(one for each roller support, two for each hinge support, and three for each fixed support) which
are necessary and sufficient for static stability is equal to the number of conditions for static
equilibrium. If the excess supports are removed and replaced by unknown force (or moment)
reactions, a basic determinate structure must nevertheless still satisfy the physical requirements at
the location of the excess supports now replaced by redundant reactions. If a roller support has
been removed at a certain point, the requirement is that the deflection in the direction
perpendicular to the supporting surface must be zero; if a hinge support has been removed, the two
requirements are that the horizontal and vertical deflections at the point must both be zero; if a
fixed support has been removed, the three requirements are that the rotation and horizontal and
vertical deflections at the point must be zero.
Thus there are always as many physical condition of geometry as there are redundant reactions.
After the redundant reaction component are found by using the condition of geometry, the
remaining two or three reaction components can be resolved by the equation the equations of
statics (Chu-kia 1956). Three-Moment Equation (force method)
The three-moment equation express the relation between the bending moments at three successive
supports of a continuous beam, subjected to a certain applied loading on the various spans, with or
without unequal settlements of supports. This reaction can be derived on the basis of the continuity
of the elastic curve over the middle support; that is, the slope of the tangent at the right end of the
left span of the left span must be equal to the slope of the tangent at the left end of the right span.
(Chu-kia, 1956)
This three moment equation expresses the relation between the bending moments at three
successive supports of a continuous beam subjected to loading on the various spans with or
without settlement of supports. Here moments at the supporters are taken as unknowns. It is a force
method of analysis. A statically determinate solution is first assumed satisfying the equilibrium
requirements. The compatibility condition is then imposed. In the case of continuous beam the
compatibility condition is continuity of the beam over intermediate support, which is the slope of
the tangent at the left end of the right span, is equal to the slope of the tangent of the right end of
the left span (Roy et al, 2003).
L 1 L2
A 1 a1
A 2 a2
+2 M b
+ Mc
+6 E ++ 6 E
I1 I2
I 1 L1
I 2 L2
( )
) ( )
Mb , Mc
- moment at support A, B, C
The slope deflection method can be used to analyse all types of statically indeterminate beams or
rigid frames. In this method all joints are considered rigid; i.e., the angles between members at the
joints at the interior supports of statically indeterminate beams can be considered 180 rigid joints;
and ordinarily the joints in rigid frames are 90 rigid joints. When beams or frames are deformed,
the rigid are joints considered to rotate only as a whole; in other terms, the angles between the
tangents to the various branches of the elastic curve meeting at a joint remain the same as those in
the original structure (Chu-kia 1956).
In the slope-deflection method the rotations of the joint are treated as unknowns. It will be shown
later that for any one member bounded by two joints the end moments can be expressed in terms of
the end rotations. But, to satisfy the condition of equilibrium, the sum of the end moments which
any joint exerts on the ends of members meeting there must be zero, because the rigid joint in
question is subjected to the sum the of these end moments (only reversed in direction). This
equation of equilibrium furnishes the necessary condition to cope with the unknown the end
moment can be computed from slope deflection equations (Roy et al, 2003).
(2a b)
ab= M ab+2
(2 ba )
ba= M ba +2
The above equation express the end moments in terms of the end rotation and the applied loading
(Wang, 1956).
The procedure of analysing statically indeterminate beams by slope-deflection is as follows;
Determine the fixed-end moments at the ends of each span
ii. Express all end moments in terms of the fixed-end moments and the joint rotations by using the
slope-deflection equations.
Establish simultaneous equations with the rotation at the support as known by applying the
conditions that the sum of the ends moments acting on the ends of the two members meeting at
the support should be zero.
Determine all reactions, draw shear and moment diagrams, and sketch elastic curve.
It can now be summarized that the slope deflection method is a displacement (stiffness) method
that employs the equation of equilibrium in the direction of the degrees of freedom of the structure
in terms of the joint rotations and displacement perpendicular to each member. This method is the
forerunner of the matrix stiffness method but is not easily programmed and hence has limited use.
For small structures it can serve as an efficient hand method (Roy et al, 2003).
2.1.4 Moment- Distribution Method
The moment-distribution method can be used to analyse all types of statically indeterminate beams
or rigid frames. Essentially it consists in solving the simultaneous equations in the slope-deflection
method by successive approximations. Thus the moment-distribution method consists in
successively locking and releasing the joints; the first locking moment is the fixed-end moment
due to applied loading, after the first balancing; the successive locking moments are carry-over
moments which are induced to act at the other ends of the respective spans by the balancing
moments. In applying this method, it is advisable to first put down the signs in any one at the same
time and then the numerical values. This helps the computer to concentrate on one operation at a
time (Chu-kia 1956).
In fact essentially it consists of solving the simultaneous equations of the slope deflection method
by an interactive technique. It is not an approximate method but a method of successive
approximation where any degree of accuracy can be obtained by repeated iteration. The moment
distribution is not always recognized as a deformable variable method because the computations
are carried out in terms of moments produced by the changes in the deformable variable. This is all
advantageous because in structural problems we are interested in finding the bending moments
rather than slopes and deflections. Before the advent of computers, this method developed by
Hardy Cross (1930) was very popular. Even in this age of computer, the method will method will
be useful in preliminary designs and checking of computer results (Roy et al, 2003).
In checking the end moments in this method of analysis, the moment-distribution table begins with
relative stiffness and fixed-end moments and ends with final end moments. A check can be made to
that the correct end moments have been obtained on the basis of the relative stiffness and fixed-end
moments at the head of the table (Chu-kia 1956).
The important steps in moment distribution method are:
Column analogy method was developed by Prof Hardy Cross in 1930; it is used for solving
statically indeterminate structures like indeterminate beams and fixed arches. It is also useful in
calculating stiffness and carries over factors for beams particularly with variable section. General
solution of a statically indeterminate structure of 3 rd degree involves solution of three simultaneous
equations which is long and tedious. Column analogy method transforms the problem to routine
calculation of pressures in a short biaxial eccentric load (Roy et al, 2003).
The method of column analogy is most useful in the analysis of beams and curved with two fixed
supports and of rigid frames, either with two fixed supports closed with one cell inside. The
analysis of these structures, which are statically indeterminate to the third degree, by the method of
consistent deformation involves the solution of three simultaneous equations.
In the method of column analogy, however, the moment at any point in the given structure can be
computed directly. Probably the most extensive use of the method is in the computation of stiffness
and carry-over factors for members with variable cross sections and in the analysis of closed rigid
frames and fixed arches.
This method cable to determine the fixed moment of a prismatic member due to the applied
loading will now be developed. Also, the method can be used to determine the fixed-end moments
on a straight member with variable cross sections, when it is subjected to applied loads in the
transverse direction (Chu-kia 1956).
2.1.6 Insufficiency of the manual simplified Hand Calculation method for
structural analysis
It could be clearly seen the transmission of curious structural investigation to attaining accuracy
and optimisation of structural analysis and design methods from the earlier 16th century. However,
still in influence of computational approach a have enhance these approaches with new numerical
solution proffered. More details to be discussed in section 2.2
The term ICT means information, Communication and Technology. Taken separately, information
implies fact told, heard or discovered about a thing or person, place, events, issues, etc.
Communication, on its part, means the process or action of passing on information, while
Technology is the scientific study and the use of applied sciences to practical tasks in industry
(Atkinson et al, 1996).
On their own, each of these concepts does not make meaningful impact nor explains the
significance of the term, ICT. The use of the ICT is the integration of the three separate words,
information, Communication and Technology. This integration helps in achieving greater capacity
to make information more readily available to users in more efficient and effective manner. In
other words, information and communication have come to have greater meaning and impact with
the rapid development in technology. Technology has made it possible for the transmission of
variety of communication devices including voice, data, visuals, etc over long distances and
simultaneously through the internet (Adu, 2004).
ICTs make it possible to acquire, store, and transmit information in a common digital format.
Common standards for computer software can be designed to manipulate this information so that it
becomes widely accessible.
Software based on defined and agreed standards provides a basis for universality in the
manipulation of codified information. Previously the exchange of information had to be based on a
common linguistic context that was dependent on a commonly understood language. Software
permits some language barriers to be overcome by providing a common context in which codified
information can be stored and manipulated. In this sense, software-based systems are becoming
truly 'global' technologies (Computer Integrated Design And Construction, 1999).
The fast-moving world of information technology confronts the civil engineer with constant
change. This creates challenges for educators and students because rapid change requires curricula
to be flexible and educators to gain competency and access to new equipment and software.
Whereas a decade ago, civil engineering educators debated how to teach programming, the
picture is now much more complex. The paper reports on how information technologies are
changing the practice of civil engineering and offers a new framework for integrating nextgeneration information technology into the civil engineering curriculum at the department level.
Some major reasons for information and communication technology during this 21st century are:
ICT literate workforce is the key to the success in all these development (B. Baha, 1999).
Table 1 Selected Most Benefits Gained (B. Baha, 1999)
IT has overcome obsolescence, facilitated retrieval of meaning information and improved filtering
information. These were perceived to be the dominant benefits to the civil engineering
organization (Martin, 1999).
Thus these benefits facilitate the use of Finite element method in investigating structural system
which would have cost a large scale laboratories work. The gives birth as earlier discuss to
computational optimisation in structural engineering.
2.3.1 Finite element Methods for numerical simulation for complex analysis
This method is the most advance method of structural analysis. It analyses the stress and strain
structural members in finite particles, hence producing a more accurate and approximate value
compared to other method of analysis discuss above. But, the moment distribution method of
analysis produce is a very close analysis result when compared with finite element method. It is a
good alternative to finite element analysis if the structural members are to be analysed manual.
Figure 6 Finite element analyses with StruSoft showing mesh patterns on floor and walls
This method of analysis is very sophisticating if to be analysed manual, hence, this method is
suitable with the use of computer. The analysis is done with matrix equation which the stiffness
matrix is derived from the physical conditions of the structural members. The relative stiffness
matrix is the fundament equation for the analysis of the structure member.
Figure 7 a and 6b Finite element analyses with StruSoft showing stress distribution on floor and walls
Figure 6a and 6b shows the use of FE analysis to evaluate the stresses for a concrete floor and
wall. Obviously, the programme is sensitivity that the meshes are finer at support region were
likely stresses are optimal. While coarse meshes are seen more along the mid-span of the floor and
uniform along the walls so as to all significant deflection and deformation respectively.
Furthermore, the method is of more advantage to other method of analysis because;
It is cable of analysing any number of spans of beams and bays of rigid frames
Result produce from analysis is more refine and not approximated valves like others
More compatible and less tedious to program with many programming languages.
Boundary conditions,
mesh sensitivity
performance method on the basis of physical deformation,
material properties
Appendix A
Table 2 Research Gnat Chart
Work Description
Appendix B
Risk Assessment
Table 3 Risk Assessment Table
Possible Risks
Avoid liquid substances
around working area
1 out 10
Electrical shocks
4 out 10
5 out 10
Ergonomics ( back
pains from seating
position, eyes pain
from rays from
computer screen)
7 out of 10
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