STAAR Grade 4 2014 Test Write
STAAR Grade 4 2014 Test Write
STAAR Grade 4 2014 Test Write
Administered April 2014
Copyright 2014, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited without express
written permission from the Texas Education Agency.
(DAY 1)
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Mike Kemp/Rubberball/CORBIS
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Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
Devin was curious about the history of the sneaker. After doing some
research, he wrote this paper. Read Devins paper and think about how
Kimberly Reinick/Fotolia
A Comfortable Invention:
The Sneaker
(1) Almost everyone has a pair of sneakers. (2) We wear them for
playing sports. (3) We wear them for everyday walking. (4) We wear
them for PE class. (5) And we wear them to be stylish. (6) But
sneakers havent always been commonplace.
(7) The first rubber-soled shoes were made in England in the 1830s.
(8) They were called sand shoes because people wore them to the
beach. (9) The shoes quickly became popular because they were
comfortable, and they were popular because they were easy to clean.
(10) In 1840 a U.S. inventor came up with a new process to make
rubber, and companies used this rubber to create new types of shoes.
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athletic shoes. (12) Not only were Keds comfortable, but they were also
very quiet. (13) In fact, the rubber soles made them so quiet that
people could sneak up on one another. (14) People were referring to the
new shoes as sneakers, and the name stuck.
(15) In 1917 a company called Converse invented an athletic shoe
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In conclusion
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Devin wants to add a sentence to tell more about the idea he has expressed in
sentence 15. Which of these could BEST follow and support sentence 15?
A People everywhere enjoy playing and watching basketball.
B This was in the beginning of the 1900s that this happened.
C It had a higher top to support the ankle.
D Basketball had been invented in 1891.
peoples feet
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Devin needs a topic sentence for the seventh paragraph (sentences 2731).
Which sentence could come just before sentence 27 and help open this
A Sneakers are now worn all over the world.
B A lightweight shoe is better for your foot and ankle.
C In other countries there are many different styles of shoes.
D There are sneakers in England, Canada, and South Africa today.
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Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
Samantha imagines that her pets talk to one another the way humans
do. This gave her an idea for a story. Read the story Samantha wrote
and look for any corrections she needs to make. Then answer the
questions that follow.
by a family. (3) Then one day it happened. (4) A mom, a dad, and a
little girl named Lauren pointed at him. (5) They took Oliver out of his
pen and put him in there car. (6) Oliver was finally on his way to a
place he could call home!
(7) All that day Oliver played with his new family. (8) He wrestled
with toys, nipped at ankles, and chased balls. (9) Oliver was happier
than he had ever been.
(10) Then night fell. (11) While the people went upstairs.
(12) Oliver was left to sleep downstairs in the basement. (13) Oliver
was scared! (14) Where was his family? (15) He didnt want to be by
(16) I cant sleep alone, he thought. (17) He howled a long, loud
cry. (18) That was when Oliver learned that he wasnt alone after all.
(19) Whats the problem, buddy? someone asked in a raspy voice.
(20) Olivers ears stood up on his head. (21) He growled, trying to
sound tough. (22) He looked across the room and saw a big glass box
with a light inside it. (23) There was water in the box, too. (24) Three
small things seemed to be gesturing to him from the box! (25) They
werent people, but they werent dogs either.
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you? he asked.
(28) Were pets! replied a creature with long legs and a lanky
(31) And Im a piece of coral, sang something that looked like a
clown fish, the coral cheered, waving its arms wildly. (34) The shrimp
tagged the fish and turned back to Oliver. (35) What do they call
you? he asked.
(36) Oliver, barked the pup.
(37) Oliver, you look like you need some bedtime friends, said the
clown fish.
(38) Thats us! the coral chimed in.
(39) Oliver wagged his tail in delight. (40) Suddenly sleepy, he
rested his nose on his paws. (41) Then he glansed again at his new
friends and let out a contented sigh. (42) Thank you, he mumbled
(43) That night, and every night after that, Oliver snoozed in the
glow of the fish tank. (44) He no longer felt lonely. (45) Mom, Dad,
and Lauren was upstairs. (46) They would be back in the morning.
(47) But for now he had a talkative shrimp, a funny clown fish, and a
pretty coral to keep him company. (48) Oliver had found two new
families, one for day and another for night.
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The shrimp swam after the clown fish. The coral cheered, waving its arms
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(DAY 2)
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Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
In the following paper Angela tells about a neighborhood project. Read
Angelas paper and look for any revisions she should make. Then Price
Friendship Garden
(1) Theres a big empty lot next to my house. (2) For years the lot
had been filled with weeds. (3) When new neighbors moved in across
the street, they suggested that we turn the empty lot into something
(4) In the spring our two families had a meeting and then got right
to work. (5) First we had to clear all the weeds out of the area.
(6) Then we had to loosen the hard soil and remove the rocks.
(7) Finally we were ready to plant. (8) We planted corn, peppers,
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(12) Over the next few weeks, the garden turned out to be a bit
more work than we had expected. (13) We had to make sure that all
the plants were receiving just the right amount of water. (14) And we
had to keep the weeds out of our garden. (15) They kept popping up
no matter what we did to stop them. (16) Sometimes my cat would
stroll into the garden and slink around. (17) Every afternoon, at least
one of us had to spend time pulling the weeds that would interfere with
the growth of our precious plants.
(18) Eventually the hard work began to pay off as a bounty of
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13 Angela wants to add a sentence that clearly states the topic of her paper. Which
of the following should Angela add after sentence 3 to accomplish this goal?
A Neighbors need a way to become friends.
B We decided to plant a garden.
C It needed to be special for everyone.
D The new neighbors had come from Chicago.
We finished planting and had a tasty picnic it was at a table we had set up
under a tree.
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15 The third paragraph (sentences 1217) is hard to follow because one of the
sentences does not belong. Which sentence should Angela delete from this
A Sentence 13
B Sentence 15
C Sentence 16
D Sentence 17
16 Which sentence should Angela add after sentence 23 to create the most effective
closing for her paper?
F That is the end of our garden story.
G Friends can be the best and worst parts of life.
H Our garden had helped us cultivate a lot of new things, for which we were
very happy.
Not only had we grown some amazing food, but we had also made some
special friends.
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Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
Tyler loves his cat and wants to convince others that cats make better
pets than dogs. He has written this paper to share his thoughts. Read
Tylers paper and look for the corrections he should make. Then answer
Dennis Vogler/Fotolia
have to look hard to find a story about a dog that has saved someones
life. (3) Now dont get me wrong. (4) I like dogs. (5) I just think they
get a little too much atention. (6) In my opinion cats are just as
wonderful as dogs. (7) In fact, in some ways I think they are even
(8) First of all, cats are much easier to take care of than dogs.
(9) Dogs that live inside have to be taken out a few times a day.
(10) This means that their owners have to come home throughout the
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regular schedule. (14) However, we put food in my cats bowl, she eats
whenever shes hungry. (15) Theres also no barking with a cat. (16) A
cat is quiet and polite. (17) And you wont never see a cat tip over a
trash can and shred its contents. (18) Cats just dont get into the same
mischief that dogs do. (19) Most cats are perfectly happy playing with
a plastic bottle cap or a crumpled sheet of paper.
(20) Second, a cat can be a loyal and helpful friend. (21) If you
look past all the dog hero stories, you will find a lot of cat heroes, too.
(22) For example, Cathy Keeslings cat Winnie jumped onto her bed one
night and started meowing loudly. (23) At first Keesling was annoyed,
but she soon realized that she felt sick and couldnt wake up her
husband. (24) She dialed 911, and paramedics rushed to the house.
(25) They discovered that it was filled with carbon monoxide, a
dangerous gas. (26) The family was treated and soon recovered,
thanks to the warning from their cat. (27) Cats have also been known
to warn residents of house fires, fight off attackers, and protect their
owners from deadly snakes. (28) One cat in Columbus, Ohio, actually
dialed 911 when its owner fell out of his wheelchair. (29) Over and
over, cats have come to the aid of their owners. (30) And proved that
they are heroic, loyal companions.
(31) So the next time you hear someone listing the reasons that
dogs are better than cats, remember that having a cat for a pet has its
advantages. (32) They are easy to take care of, and they can be
helpful and loving. (33) In my opinion, cats are truly mans best
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Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.
Then fill in the answer on your answer document.
Marsha wrote this fictional story in response to a class assignment.
Now she would like you to proofread her story and look for any
mistakes she has made. When you finish reading, answer the questions VanBuskirk
that follow.
(1) After the big fire the forest looked different. (2) Dead trees lay
on the ground next to the bare trunks of burnt trees that were still
standing. (3) A layer of ash covered the once-green forest floor. (4) It
seemed impossible that anything would ever grow there again. (5) But
one morning a bright-green shoot sprouted up from the ground.
(6) In the maze of charred trees. (7) A tiny seedling began to
grow. (8) It leaned toward the sun and stretched out its tiny branches.
(9) The little plant thought about what a beautiful place the forest must
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(10) The sun kept shining, and the little plant kept growing.
(11) As its hungry roots dug into the rich soil, the plant grew stronger.
(12) Its delicate stem became a woody trunk and its bare branches
were soon filled with pointy pine needles. (13) By the end of the
Summer, the tiny sprout had become the first new tree in a brand-new
(14) All around the young tree, green grasses and other small trees
began to grow, first one and then another. (15) Before long the charred
ground was covered with new growth. (16) The forest was coming back
to life.
(17) Winter came, and the little tree was blanketed in snow.
(18) Eventually the snow melted, and the bright sun came out to shine
on the little tree. (19) It grew bigger and bigger, and so did the forest
around it. (20) Color slowly returned to the area as new grass swayed
in the wind. (21) Bright-red berrys began to grow on shrubs, and tiny
wildflowers started to dot the landscape. (22) Birds returned, filling the
forest with their joyful songs again. (23) Woodpeckers pecked at bugs
in dead trees, and blue jays plucked juicy fruit from live ones.
(24) Rodents scurried about looking for places to make their homes.
(25) The tree was thrilled to hear all the busy sounds of the forest.
(26) As the years went by, the tree got taller and taller. (27) As the
tree grew, it watched a new forest spring up all around them. (28) Tall
pines reached upward, and mighty redwoods stretched out their
branches. (29) Squirrels chased one another up and down tree trunks,
birds nested on high perches, and black bears lumbered about looking
for their next meal. (30) In time the tree could hardly tell where the
fire had left its mark. (31) The forest was alive and healthy again.
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April 2014
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