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Tut 001 TwoStageHelicalGearbox E

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KISSsys 03/2012 Tutorial 1

Two Stage Helical Gearbox

Uetzikon 4
8634 Hombrechtikon
Tel: +41 55 254 20 50
Fax: +41 55 254 20 51

The tutorial has three parts to be studied in this order.
To finish this tutorial it will be expectedm the user has already basic knowledge of the KISSsoft Gearpair
and Shaft calculation.
Part I

shows how to start KISSsys.

Part II

illustrates the use of an existing KISSsys model. Furthermore, basic functions and data
manipulation are described which will later be used in part III.

Part III

explains techniques how to build a KISSsys model of a two stage gearbox.

During the study of this tutorial, questions may arise or problems may occur. The KISSsoft customer
support can be reached through the address and phone number given above.


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Start KISSsys ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Start program .................................................................................................................................. 4
Definition of project folder ............................................................................................................... 4
Open a KISSsys model .................................................................................................................. 5
2 Toolbars and views .................................................................................................................................. 6
Views in KISSsys ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 Views and windows .................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Connection between 3D-View, schematic and tree structure ..................................................... 7
2.1.3 Using the 3D-View ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 Refresh All .................................................................................................................................. 8
In- and output of data ..................................................................................................................... 8
Starting KISSsoft analysis .............................................................................................................. 8
3 Benutzung des Modells 001-KISSsysTutorial ....................................................................................... 9
Calculate kinematics ....................................................................................................................... 9
Analysis of root and flank safety factors ......................................................................................... 9
Changing gear data, earing data and shaft geometry .................................................................. 10
4 Task ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Aufbau des Systems ..................................................................................................................... 11
Sketch of the system .................................................................................................................... 11
Start KISSsys ............................................................................................................................... 11
Loading the templates .................................................................................................................. 12
Principles ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5.1 Elementes, Templates .............................................................................................................. 13
4.5.2 Copy, rename, delete ............................................................................................................... 13
4.5.3 Insert ........................................................................................................................................ 13
4.5.4 Naming conventionen ............................................................................................................... 14
Insert machine elements .............................................................................................................. 15
Add constraints ............................................................................................................................. 17
Add external elements .................................................................................................................. 18
Calculation definition .................................................................................................................... 20
4.9.1 Gear pair definition ................................................................................................................... 20
4.9.2 Definition of the shaft geometry ................................................................................................ 22
4.10 3D-View and positioning ............................................................................................................... 22
4.10.1 Positioning of the shafts ........................................................................................................... 23
4.10.2 3D-View .................................................................................................................................... 24
5 User Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Table with information on gear and bearing data ......................................................................... 25
User Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Insert a UserInterface ............................................................................................................... 26
5.2.2 Adding text ............................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Display of results ...................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.4 Execution of functions .............................................................................................................. 28
6 Completing the model ............................................................................................................................ 31
Setting 3D-View ............................................................................................................................ 31
Display of the coupling ................................................................................................................. 31
Definition of the force acting on the output shaft .......................................................................... 31


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Part I, Start KISSsys

1 Start KISSsys
1.1 Start program
Start KISSsys through Windows-Start Programs KISSsoft 03-2012 KISSsys.

1.2 Definition of project folder

KISSsys uses projects to manage the files. Project folder simply defines where KISSsys models and the
respective KISSsoft files are saved. Before a KISSsys model can be opened or created, the project / folder
where the model will be saved is to be defined.
File Open project folder, the project folder will be defined.
If there is no Project folder defined everything will be saved in the default folder. E.g. Users KISSsoft.
In the following figure it is shown the project folder for this tutorial. In this case the dolder is
C:\Programme\KISSsoft 03-2012\KISSsys\Tutorial. Nach der Auswahl wird diese besttigt und KISSsys
wird geffnet.

Figure 1.


Selction of project folder

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1.3 Open a KISSsys model

After having selected the project, the KISSsys models available in this project can be opened through the
menu using File/Open. The message whether the current file should be saved or not can be answered
negatively since KISSsys starts with an empty file. Now, the KISSsys model KISSsys-Tutorial-001.ks is
opened, and KISSsys should look as follows:

Figure 2.

Surface after opening a model in KISSsys

Note that models should be opened only from the current project folder.


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Part II, Using an Existing Model

2 Toolbars and views
2.1 Views in KISSsys
2.1.1 Views and windows
KISSsys features the following views:

Short-cut Icon

Tree structure
Figure 3.







Views available in KISSsys

The Classes, the Model (tree structure) the Templates, the Messages, the KISSsoft (Messages from the
KISSsoft calculations) and the Diagram can be shown or hidden by using the menu View:

Figure 4.


Show or hide tree structure, messages and schematic

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The tables, user interfaces and 3D view can be minimised, restored and closed. Using the menu Window,
navigating between the windows is possible. A closed window can be shown by a right mouse click on its
corresponding element in the tree structure and then selecting Show.
Another way to reopen the window ist o double click on the element in the tree structure.

2.1.2 Connection between 3D-View, schematic and tree structure

If an element in the tree structure is selected (left mouse click), it is highlighted blue. Also, in the 3D view, a
local coordinates system is shown in the centre of the element.

Figure 5.

Selecting an element in the tree structure highlights it in the 3D view

If an element is selected in the schematic, it is highlighted in the tree structure and in the 3D view.
When moving the cursor over the elements of the schematic, the name of the respective element is shown.
With a right mouse click, the element can be modified.

Figure 6.


Information about the element in the schematic

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2.1.3 Using the 3D-View

In the 3D view, the gearbox can be rotated, moved and zoomed (left, centre, right mouse buttons

2.1.4 Refresh All

Data and graphics are updated when the Refresh All button
is pressed.
This command results in an update of for example the 3D view after having changed some parameters
such as the tip diameter of a gear or that the power flow is highlighted in the schematic after the calculation
of the kinematics.

2.2 In- and output of data

In the user interfaces and the tables, the following text elements are used




Output / Text

Using black, results are shown that change with the

analysis. Comments are also in black.



In these fields, values can be entered directly or they can

be chosen from an underlying list (double click). The
values entered or chosen are then stored in the respective

Grey background


Functions are executed through double-click (left mouse


2.3 Starting KISSsoft analysis

Through the tree structure, the KISSsoft analysis can be started by a double click on the respective symbols
as shown below:

Figure 7.


of KISSsoft analysis

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3 Benutzung des Modells 001-KISSsysTutorial

3.1 Calculate kinematics
The kinematic analysis is started through double click on the function Kinematic. All speeds, torques and
bearing forces are calculated. Based on the input speed, the gear data and the output torque, the resulting
reduction i tot, the input torque and the output speed are calculated and shown:

Figure 8.

Results in the UserInterface after execution of kinematics analysis

The speed at the input and the torque at the output can be defined directly. Note that the sign of the torque
defines the direction of the power flow.
After having changed the values for input speed and output torque, the kinematics should be analysed
again by executing the function Kinematic in order to get the corresponding results.

3.2 Analysis of root and flank safety factors

On execution of the function Strength (double click) the kinematics are calculated again, followed by the
strength analysis of the gears, bearings and shafts. The resulting safety factors for the root and flank are
shown in the user interface (based on a lifetime of 20000h):

Figure 9.


Output of resulting safteies fr root and flank

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If the analysis is to be performed for a different lifetime, the required lifetime should be changed in KISSsoft.
Using the function GP1, access to KISSsoft is available where the lifetime can be changed from 20 000h
to e.g. 30 000h (repeat for second stage). In order to have the new value accepted, Calculate
has to be pressed, then exit KISSsoft:

Figure 10.

or F5

Changing the required lifetime

After that, the calculation of the safety factors can be repeated by double click on Strength.

3.3 Changing gear data, earing data and shaft geometry

The gears, shafts and bearings can be changed in KISSsoft in the usual manner. For this, double click on a
KISSsoft symbol in the tree structure in order to get into the KISSsoft analysis of the desired element. Here,
for example fine sizing of gears can be executed or the type of bearing may be changed in the bearing
analysis. In order to make the changes permanent, Calculate F5 has to be pressed before exiting

Note that elements (gears, bearings, couplings, ) shown in the graphical shaft editor
must not be removed or added since the number of elements on a shaft is defined
in the tree structure within KISSsys.
The number of elements to be arranged on a shaft may only be changed in KISSsys directly.


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Part III, Building a model

4 Task
In KISSsys, a model of for the strength analysis of a two stage helical gearbox with analysis of the gears,
bearings and shafts is to be built. This model is to be used for analysis or dimensioning such systems.
In the end, the model built will correspond to the model KISSsys-Tutorial-001.

4.1 Aufbau des Systems

Das neue System wird aus Elementen wie Zahnrdern, Wellen usw. sowie den dazugehrigen KISSsoft
Berechnungen zusammengefgt. Diese Elemente werden aus einer Bibliothek, den sogenannten
Vorlagen oder Templates entnommen.

4.2 Sketch of the system

Before starting with the model, it is recommended to sketch the system. This will be used later for the
element name definition.

Figure 11.


4.3 Start KISSsys

First a new project folder is defined, e.g. C:\MyTutorial. Then, start KISSsys with this folder as project.
KISSsys is then opened with an empty model. Using File Save from the menu, this file is given a name,
e.g. KISSsys-Tutorial-001.
In order to be able to build a new model, KISSsys should be used in the administrator mode, which is
activated in the menu Extras:


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Figure 12.

Change to Administrator mode

If the option Administrator is not available, the respective license is missing. Contact KISSsoft AG.

4.4 Loading the templates

The Template with the standard default library element, will be open automatically when changing to the
Administrator mode. If a specific template shall be opened, then go to File Open Template.
In the Templates, all elements available in KISSsys are now listed:

Figure 13.

Element library after loading the default template

After having imported the templates, the model can now be assembled.


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4.5 Principles
4.5.1 Elementes, Templates
In KISSsys, a model is assembled from different elements. These elements are arranged in a tree structure.
The following types of elements are available:

Analysis modules for the respective machine element (light blue)
Machine elements (red symbols)
Connections (grey)

They are available from a library, called the templates. The templates may be modified by the user
(recommended for experienced users only).
The template is based on the classes. The User or the Administrator has no permission to change the
classes. Usually it will not use.
The user can switch between the elements arranged in the tree structure and the template using the tabs as
shown below or for easier use tabs can be arranged to be seen simultaneously:

Figure 14.

Model and Templates

The model is arranged in the Model - section.

4.5.2 Copy, rename, delete

User can select how to copy elements from templates to the model. You may drag and drop elements or
you can copy and paste elements from the templates to the tree structure using Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V or, with
right mouse click, copy / paste. Delete elements by selecting them and press Del or right mouse click
and Deleteelement. Renaming an element is performed by right mouse click and selection of Rename.

Note: Renaming an element will result in the connections to this element being invalid.
Renaming elements is hence not recommended.
This ist he classical method.

4.5.3 Insert
In this menu are two assistants and it is only available from KISSsoft 03-2012.

Figure 15.


Menu Insert

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The menu Insert Wizard parallel shafts is an assistent to build a helical stage gearbox. This wizard will
guide the user step by step through the whole model. The tables are not part of this wizard.
As explained in the previous chapter, the Template which is loaded will be used to add elements to the tree
structure. With the second assistant Element-Box, the most commen elements from the templates will be
find in here.

Figure 16.

Wizard parallel shaft and Element-Box

The user has to define the starting position in the element tree, to add elements from the two assistant to
the model. This will happen by clicking the element in the assistant.

4.5.4 Naming conventionen

Under the menu Extras Settings Tab Elements, the default settings can be changed here for the
automatic name settings, when a new element will be add to the model. In this tutorial the default setting will
be used.


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4.6 Insert machine elements

The modelling of this tutorial will be usesd the Wizard parallel shafts. All elements will be add to a group.
The element kSysGroup will placed on the root directory (_O.). During the insert procedure the name can
be changed e.g. to GB.


Figure 17.

Add a kSysGroup

Menu Insert Wizard parallel shafts


Root directory will be choosen automatically

Add kSysGroup
Rename the group with GB
In the element tree the new group will be shown
In the schematic the new group will be illustrated as a box

The Wizard parallel shafts will guide the user step by step to the finished model. Now add a new shaft to
the group GB. Additionally under the group the new shaft (red element) will be shown. This element is
necessary for the gears, bearings and couplings.
The use of this wizard is to finish shaft by shaft. The configuration for the shaft looks as follow.


Add shaft shaft1 machine element can be add to the new shaft
Add machine element to the shaft1 with following element
a. 1 x Coupling
b. 2 x Bearing
c. 1 x Gear
The order of the elements will be displayed as it adds to the shaft. The order can be set in the shaft
calculation later to the origin position.
Add the kSoftShaft calculation to shaft1
Go one level up to the main wizard


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Figure 18.

Figure 4.6-1 Configuration shaft 1

Finish the model according to the given configuration.

1. Add shaft shaft2 machine element can be add to the new shaft
2. Add machine element to the shaft2 with following element
a. 2 x Bearings
b. 2 x Gears
3. Add the kSoftShaft calculation to shaft2
4. Go one level up to the main wizard

1. Add shaft shaft3 machine element can be add to the new shaft
2. Add machine element to the shaft3 with following element
a. 2 x Bearings
b. 1 x Gear
c. 1 x Force
d. 1 x Coupling
The order of the elements will be displayed as it adds to the shaft. The order can be set in the shaft
calculation later to the origin position.
3. Add the kSoftShaft calculation to shaft3
4. Go one level up to the main wizard


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Figure 19.

Shaft definition

4.7 Add constraints

In the main menu of the wizard, is now the constraint icon available to connect force elements together.
Under the Main menu in the wizard Constraints kSysConstraints, can be set the connection.


Figure 20.


Gearpair constraint

Add gearpair constraint kSysGearPairConstraint

Pinion Element 1
Gear Element 2
Add KSoftHelicalgearPair to the constraint
Go one level up to the main wizard

Do the same steps for the second stage.


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4.8 Add external elements

To finish the model it is necessary to add input and output elements. In KISSsys this element represent by
kSysSpeedOrForce. This element will be placed at the same level as the group GB. The group itself is the
gearbox, which is connected for example with a motor and generator. In this tutorial the input speed and
output torque are given.
One level up, before adding the external elements.

Figure 21.

Main Menu

Figure 22.

Add In- and Output elements


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Input element:

Add kSysSpeedOrForce element rename to Input

The Input element will be connected with the coupling from the shaft1
Speed constraint yes. The speed is 2000 1/min

Figure 23.

In- respective Output dialog

Output element:


Add kSysSpeedOrForce Element rename to Output

The Input element will be connected with the coupling from the shaft3
Torque constraint yes. The torque is -1000 Nm
Power/Torque input Torque with sign. The idea of this model is, to define it for several scenarios.
This is the reason why it is not defined as Torque driven. With this possibility it will be easy to
define the power flow with the sign of the torque.
Close the wizzard

The model is now finished without tables.


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Figure 24.

Two stage helical gearbox before and after the kinematic calculation

All single shafts are overlaid each other, first rearrange it according to your belongings. To see the power
flow in your schematic run the kinematic calculation. In this step you can check the functionality of the
power flow.

4.9 Calculation definition

The calculation shall be start always with the gear calculation first. The calculated data from the gear
geometry will be forwarded to the shaft calculation. As defined in the task, this model will be used for the
gearbox rating and recalculation. The gear and shaft data will be keep simple in this tutorial. The
modification will done by the user, which has usually no influence to the model.

4.9.1 Gear pair definition

The gear data will be defined with the rough sizing in KISSsys. In every kSoftHelicalGearPair is an
additional function GearSizing available. With this function KISSsys will generate a gear pair by defining
the ratio, the pressure angle and helix angle.


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Figure 25.

Rough sizing for helical gear pair

The data for the first stage are.

i = 5
= 20
= 15
Repeat these steps also for the second stage.
The data for the second stage are.
i = 4
= 15
= 0
Modification for the gears will be done in the KISSsoft interface. This steps give the user the first dimension
about the gears.


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4.9.2 Definition of the shaft geometry

With double click on the KISSsoft shaft analysis modules shaft1, shaft2 and shaft3 the KISSsoft shaft
analysis is started. Here, in the graphical shaft editor, the shaft can be modelled in detail. When opening the
shaft editor, no shaft is visible, only the elements positioned on the shafts are present. To keep it simple, a
cylindrical element of diameter D=30mm and length 200mm is defined for all three shafts, shown here for
the first shaft:

Figure 26.

Shaft geometry shaft1

The end position and geometry form the other machine elements, bearings and coupling will be defined
later. The shaft can now be detailed in the usual way. It is also possible to define bearings in shaft module
including the axial supporting. After definition press Calculate F5 in order to start the shaft analysis. This is
necessary to get reaction forces on the bearings which are in turn necessary for the bearing
Repeat this step for all other shafts (in this example all shafts have the same length of 200mm, and the
diameter are 30mm, 40mm and 60mm for shaft1, 2 and 3).

4.10 3D-View and positioning

To show the defined geometry in KISSsys it is essential to add the kSys3DView from the Elmente-Box into
the root directory.

Figure 27.

Elemente-Box Systemelemente

Double click on the kSys*DView elemetn in the element tree and a new tab of the 3D will be shown. Or use
the submenu with the right mouse button and click show to open the graphic tab.
All shaft are overlaying each other, cause the positioning of the shafts is not yet defined.


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Figure 28.

3DView without positioning

4.10.1 Positioning of the shafts

The shafts are still to be positioned with respect to each other. The shaft1 will be set as reference. This is
similar to a CAD-System in the assembly. All other elements will take the reference to this shaft. The
second shaft should be parallel to the first shaft, the distance being the centre distance of the first gear pair.
Shaft 3 should be parallel to shaft 2, and again in the distance of the centre distance of the second gear
Positioning procedure is started by right mouse click onshaft1, shaft2 and shaft3, select Dialog:

Figure 29.

Dialog of shaft

The shaft shaft1 will use the function Parallel to Shaft/Group. As already mentioned the shaft1 will be
fixed in the space. When the shaft shaft1 has to be positioned at a certain position, then this can be
defined in the interface mask. In this example it will stays at the current position (0/0/0).

Figure 30.


Fixing of shaft1

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Second the intermediate shaft will be placed relatively to the input shaft. Under the dialog the function
According to gear pair will be choosen:

Figure 31.

According to gear pair

Figure 32.

Formula in the positioning dialog

Choose the Gear pairs and let the definition according to Formulas. With this definition every change in the
gear pair calculation will take into account and shown in the 3D-View too.
Repeat this step for shaft shaft3.

4.10.2 3D-View
Once the postioning is done, update the 3D-View by clicking the Refresh button.
Folowing picture will be shown:

Figure 33.


3D-View of the system

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5 User Interface
5.1 Table with information on gear and bearing data
Choose the two predefined table from kSysTable from Elemente-Box: GearPairCalulations and

Figure 34.

Predefined tables

The table names can be renamed and has no influence to the table.
With the right mouse button on the table and click on show or double click on the predefine table to show:

Figure 35.

Predefined table

Those tables show the important result from the calculation in KISSsys.


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5.2 User Interfaces

5.2.1 Insert a UserInterface
A table for definition of the main input and output data is to be introduced: Choose the table UserInterface
from the templates and copy it into the tree using the name UserInterface. With Show, the table is
shown. Use function Dialog to define the number of rows and columns for table size.
To add a UserInterface do the same as for predefine table.

5.2.2 Adding text

Use right mouse click and Insert String to insert text as shown in the figure below. The text is to be defined
in the field Value:

Figure 36.

Defining the In- and Output values

5.2.3 Display of results

The marked cell in grey in Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. are calculated values
and are defined as expression in KISSsys. Those results will be shown on the following example. The input
speed is set in the properties in element kSysSpeedOrForce Torque.

Figure 37.

Properties "kSysSpeedOrForce"

Click and keep on the variable Torque with the right mouse button, place over the cell and release the
button. Then a selection menu will be shown where Text, Reference and Expression can be chosen.
Text is defined as String, Reference is an expression, where the value can be changed in the table (e.g.
input speed) and Expression return a value.


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Figure 38.

Add expression

Now add all the Expression to cell which has a grey background. The finish step looks like the next table.

Figure 39.

UserInterface with all Expression

Next step ist o add reference values into the UserInterface. The grey cells have to be filled with the correct
reference value. The inserted vallues are in red, tis indicats to the user, that this is changeable. At the
beginning it is difficult to know what ist he name of the required variable. This will comes with the
Here are the list with the name of the variable which are in use.
Calc Method
Shaft angles


Geear pair calculation calcMethod

kSysShaft angle
kSysGearPairConstraint eta

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Figure 40.

UserInterface with Reference values

Similarly input and output powers can be shown. Furthermore, the total gear ratio shall be shown. Again,
right mouse click on the desired field, insert real and defining the following expression:

Figure 41.

Calculation of the total reduction from input and output speed

Expression is extended to have a condition (IFTHEN and ELSE) to check that Output speed is not zero to
be able to evaluate the formula. can be calculated from power difference between input and output. With
right mouse click, Insert string, in desired field, the following dialog is shown. In Expression the formula
for efficiency can be given. Again condition is first checked and then CADH_ValToSrt() converts value to a
string and CADH_Round(value, nof digitst) will round the value to desired number of digits. After the
conversion also % mark is shown. Press Ok to accept and the result is shown in the user interface. Be
careful to type expression correctly not to lose it if there is typing mistakes.

Figure 42.

Condition and formula to calculate efficiency of the system and convert the value to a text

5.2.4 Execution of functions

In the user interface, functions can be included. In this example, four functions are included:
- Function Kinematic
- Function Strength
- Function GP 1
- Function GP 2


Calculate the kinematics of the gearbox

Execution of KISSsoft strength analysis
KISSsoft interface for gears of first stage
KISSsoft interface for gears of second stage

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Figure 43.

Defining calculation in UserInterface

Functions can also be defined within a field of the user interface (right mouse click, Insert function). A
name for the function is to be given and the commands to be executed have to be listed.
For the function Kinematic:
The name of the function Kinematic will be visible
in the User Interface, but has no other effect otherwise.
_O.System.calcKinematic(); means that in System, the
function calcKinematic is executed (empty brackets since no
values are handed over to the function), ; to complete the
command line
kSys_Refresh corresponds to Refresh All, to ensure that the
values calculated (the output speed and the input torque) are
shown as results in the user interface.
Enter the following text:
Figure 44.

Function to calculate the kinematics

For the function Strength

In the first step, the kinematics of the gear is analysed again to
ensure that the correct power is used.
_O.System.kSoftCalculate(); calls the function
kSoftCalculate under System. This command executes all
KISSsoft strength analysis.
Enter the following text:

Figure 45.
Figure 5.2-1 Function to calculate the


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For the function GP 1 and GP 2:

The command kSoftInterface opens the corresponding
KISSsoft analysis.
The full path has to be included to identify the
KISSsoft analysis to be shown.
Enter the following text:

Figure 46.
Function to call the KISSsoft calculation
for the 1st. Stage (same for the 2nd stage)

Now the UserInterface has 4 function tab integrated, to activate the functions double click on it:

Figure 47.


Executive function in the UserInterface

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6 Completing the model

6.1 Setting 3D-View
Use function System specific settings from menu to set 3DView colors and appearance.

Figure 48.

3D specific settings

6.2 Display of the coupling

The couplings may not yet be shown in the 3D view since their width is still zero. Right mouse click on the
couplings (cIn and cOut), Properties and define variable b (=width) and d (=diameter). Let the width
be 20 mm and the diameter 70 mm for example. After RefreshAll the 3D view looks as follows:

Figure 49.

Figure 6.2-2 3D-View oft the couplings (red)

6.3 Definition of the force acting on the output shaft

On the output shaft, a force has been introduced. The five components of the force (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, Mz) can
either be defined in the Properties directly or through the user interface (reference to the variable, as
shown above). The force has an effect on the lifetime of the bearings, but not the gears.


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