Markson This Is Not A Novel
Markson This Is Not A Novel
Markson This Is Not A Novel
The Ballad of Dingus Magee
Going Down
Springers Progress*
Wittgensteins Mistress*
Readers Block*
Vanishing Point
The Last Novel
Malcolm Lowrys Volcano: Myth, Symbol, Meaning
this is not
a novel
Collected Poems*
Epitaph for a Tramp
Epitaph for a Dead Beat
Miss Doll, Go Home
Cb editions
When I was their age I could draw like Raphael. But it took
me a lifetime to learn to draw like they do.
Said Picasso at an exhibition of childrens art.
For whatever reason, Jean Sibelius did not write a note in the
last thirty years of his life.
Kierkegaard died of a lung infection.
Or a disease of the spine.
Karl Barths surmise:
That while the angels may play only Bach in praising God,
among themselves they play Mozart.
Theophrastus pronounced that flute music could cure
Not to mention epilepsy.
Alexander Pope died of dropsy.
Anne Hathaway.
The perhaps less than idle speculation that Columbus was a
Space is blue and birds fly through it.
Said Werner Heisenberg.