Community Development
Community Development
Community Development
come together in new ways, undertake new activities and create new, more diverse communities,
releasing new energy and resources.
In the modern world, one person can belong to many different communities, based on where they
live, their interests or culture, or the people that share common difficulties.
Tremendous strengths can be found in communities. But these are not automatically built upon,
especially when economic disadvantage or rapid social change makes it difficult.
In the end it is what communities can do for themselves that matters. But there usually needs to
be something in the background some person or organisation to help get things started, or to
whom people can turn for advice or support, or to build up the right skills.
Community development is a process, a way of doing things. It can:
But it goes beyond a narrow focus on any one of these things. Good community development
work is done in ways which challenge disadvantage and tackle inequalities. It involves
changing the relationships between ordinary people and people in positions of power. It is not
simply about listening to the loudest voices, or doing things the way they have always been
done. It is an approach to achieving social change. It is based on the idea that disadvantage
and social injustice cannot be tackled by top-down solutions alone.
The various authors writing about the process of community development each offer a definition
of community development itself. While a universal definition is difficult to produce, Chris
Masers definition of community development may be most fitting for consideration in this
context. In Maser's definition community development efforts build the capacity of people to
work collectively in addressing their common interests (Maser, 1997). Other definitions from
source and secondary articles (most notably, Christenson and Robinson, Jr., 1980) have been
assembled in Table 1 (at the end of this paper). Together, they offer a sense of the breadth of
thought and application present in the field of community development.
The Genesis of Community Development
Scholars identify the professional practice of community development as a post-World War II
event (Batten, 1957; Cary, 1979; Cawley, 1989; Sanders, 1970). The earliest projects evolved
from the efforts of industrialized countries to assist emerging nations in their development.
While basic concepts and underlying principles were already known, new in the second half of
the 20th Century was the articulation of professional practice.
Cary (1979) traces the earliest foundation of community development to a set of principles
felt need, extensive citizen involvement, consensus, and local decision making. The wide appeal
of democratic principles and practical application has resulted, according to Cary, in a
community development practice in which these principles are repeated over and over again with
only modest refinement. Cary suggests that the result is a lack of theoretical or empirical
underpinning for the profession. In detailing the history of community development practice,
Cary credits the outreach efforts of land grant universities and programs of adult education and
community betterment for contributing to the evolution of todays community development
Cawley (1989) also links the genesis of academic and practitioner models of the community
development process to roots in both the fields of community development and adult
education. He sees the common thread in the focus on community as the arena for engaging
persons, groups and organizations.
Sanders (1970) cite the ancestry of community development as a union of community
organization and economic development. Community organization activities grow out of
societal responsibility coupled with local action. Satisfying economic development needs
requires an application of a process stages of change necessary in order to reach desired
goals. Sanders define contemporary community development as the linkage of community
organization, which stresses local action and use of local resources, with economic
development, which emphasizes national planning, careful allocation of resources, and
systematic movement toward well -defined goals. Sanders provide another insight which
might explain some of the lack of a common understanding of community development.
Sanders (1958) notes that there are four ways of viewing community development. Community
development is a process moving by stages from one condition to the next. The emphasis is on
what happens to people. Community development is a method, a way of working toward the
attainment of a goal. The emphasis is on an endpoint. Community development is a program,
whereby if procedures are carried out, activities will be accomplished. The emphasis is on
activities. Finally, community development may be viewed as a movement, a cause to which
people become committed. The emphasis is on inciting to action.
Batten wrote in 1957 that what is [new] in community development practice, is the emphasis
(rather than the principles) on local needs and welfare of the people (as opposed to material
resource development). Batten emphasized the concept of community empowerment as a
means of identifying issues, managing change, and facilitating community-based solutions.
In Search of a Model
Perhaps because the profession of community development is somewhat void of a significant
theoretical and empirical foundation, but rather, was built on a tradition of successful and
pragmatic application of locally supported initiatives, it is difficult to find seminal writings on
Community strategic planning and visioning efforts have become popular in the 1990s
(Gordon, 1993). Principles of successful strategic planning and visioning, derived from case
studies and literature published in a recent research publication
Community Visioning/Strategic Planning Programs: State of the Art (Walzer, et al, 1995),
1) Having a clear vision of what one can and wants to accomplish
2) Accurately assessing the strengths and limitations of the community
3) Creating goals and objectives which will result in achieving the vision
Establishing a set of strategies and action plans for accomplishing community
goals and objectives
4) Exhibiting perseverance and follow-up on all details and over time
5) Continually evaluate and take corrective action when programs require redirection.
Among other key findings, the report describes requisite ingredients for initiating and carrying
out successful locally-based efforts; principally, local ownership of the effort, an emphasis on
vision, and adaptive means of implementation. This report is one of a handful that contributes
new insights (moving beyond planning to visioning) to an evolving community development
One example of a community visioning/strategic planning program applied to a community
economic development process is Take Charge: Economic Development in Small Communities
(Ayres, et al, 1990). This model sets out to engage community members in answering these
three questions:
1) Where Are We Now?;
(2) Where Do We Want To Be?; and
(3) How Do We Get There?
Another model in this same genre is the Green Communities Assistance Kit prepared by the
EPAs Region III office (McDowell, 1997). Green Communities is defined as a capacitybuilding effort designed to help local communities take charge of their own environmental
quality issues to help citizens and community leaders solve problems and make decisions in
ways that integrate environmental, social, and economic issues at the local level.
The strategic planning premise of these models includes elements of the traditional community
development model of problem solving. Strategic planning provides the basis for many kinds of
community development efforts, not only those limited to economic development and
environmental protection.
In describing substance abuse prevention efforts, Chavis and Florin (1990) make the case that a
community development approach to addressing social problems is essential to bringing
together all sectors of the community in a true collaborative partnership. The authors assert that
the linkages that can be forged and maintained by comprehensive community involvement,
cooperation and collaborative problem solving are necessary to engage key interest groups and
the broader community. They note that the key ingredient to using the community development
approach successfully in substance abuse prevention programming is to engage in meaningful
community participation, a central theme in the community development approach.
Kaye and Wolff (1997) describe the application of coalition building and community
development to community-based health issues (based on innovative grassroots efforts to tackle
health and quality of life issues in communities). They make distinction between models which
are community- based and those which engage in true community development and suggest
moving from a paternalistic betterment model to one of authentic empowerment.
These are just a few examples of a number of community development approaches used to
address not just traditional economic development matters, but issues as diverse as public
health concerns, housing, leadership and organizational development, and youth at risk.
Innovative approaches
New and innovative approaches to the basic concept of community development are emerging.
Kretzmann and McKnight (1993) suggest a critical paradigm shift in the manner in which
community developments needs assessment methodology is employed. Rather than focusing on
what is wrong with a community (and listing all of what needs improvement), the authors
provide a guide to community building that begins with indentifying assets: individual and
organizational skills and capacities. Their guide lays out five steps in the community-building
process: mapping assets, building relationships, mobilizing for [economic] development and
information sharing, convening the community to develop a vision and a plan, and leveraging
outside resources to support locally driven development.
Cornelia Butler Flora (1997) has best-detailed contemporary innovations in community
development theory and practice in a brief, but seminal discussion of the newly evolved
approach to working with communities. Butler stresses that rather than a mere semantic twist,
the change in vocabulary means a change in attitude and approach. In short, Flora notes the
following changes in community development:
It may be difficult to find universal definitions for community and development. Community
development may ultimately have too many different meanings to make it universally acceptable
as a vehicle for supporting education about the environment at the community level. But for our
purposes, the practice of community development (or advancement, betterment, capacity
building, empowerment, enhancement, or nurturing) provides clues for improving the success of
partnerships of federal experts, local facilitators and concerned community interests to identify,
discuss and resolve local environmental concerns.
Common themes of the community development practice in the U.S. occur throughout the
many resources identified to prepare this paper. Key aspects are summarized in Table 2. These
characteristics are already applied to a variety of community issues including economic
initiatives, but more and more often are also used to address community vision, leadership,
public health, housing concerns. Natural resource managers and environmental educators can
benefit from these successes in the effort to develop contemporary approaches to communitybased education about the environment.
development that includes users of the program. I identify Community Development in the
context of initiating and of developing supportive human relationships. (Miles, 1974)
A process in which increasingly more members of a given area or environment make and
implement socially responsible decisions, the probable consequence of which is an increase
in the life chances of some people without a decrease in the life chances of others.
(Oberle, Darby, & Stowers, 1975)
Facilitating those cultural mechanisms that provide for shared experience, trust, and
common purpose. (Parko, 1975)
A process. Our concern is with the life process -- continuity, adjustment, and fulfillment,
and finally the self-sufficiency of the people. (Pell, 1972)
The active voluntary involvement in a process to improve some identifiable aspect of
community life; normally such action leads to the strengthening of the communitys pattern
of human and institutional interrelationships. (Ploch, 1976)
The active involvement of people at the level of the local community in resisting or
supporting some cause or issue that interest them. (Ravitz, 1982
Many community development efforts are essentially efforts to help community residents
understand what is happening and recognize some of the choices they face in order to
achieve the future community they desire. (Shaffer, 1990)
People who are affected by change participate in making it ... A system provides for
communication among all groups in the community, including open discussion of issues,
feelings, and opinions. The community understands its problem-solving process and needs
no further instruction. (Vaughn, 1972)
A situation in which some groups, usually locality based such as neighborhood or local
community ... Attempts to improve its social and economic situation through its own efforts
using professional assistance and perhaps also financial assistance from the outside ...
and involving all sectors of the community or group to a maximum. (Voth, 1975)
A process of helping community people analyze their problems, to exercise as large a
measure of community autonomy as is possible and feasible, and to promote a greater
identification of the individual citizen and the individual organization with the community
as a whole. (Warren, 1978)
A public-group approach dedicated to achieving the goals of the total body politic.
(Weaver, 1971)
Acts by people that open and maintain channels of communication and cooperation
among local groups. (Wilkenson, 1979)
Key Characteristics of the Community Development Process
$ Participation comes from a broad cross section of the community. $
Deliberations are made on the basis of well-informed participation.
$ The process purposefully fosters group building, leadership development and capacity
building (process objective) as an essential element, while striving to successfully
address a substantive issue as well (product objective).
$ Processes are largely focused on a purposeful and systematic approach to addressing a
local concern(s).
Processes are flexible and not rigidly structured to only deal with an initial concern.