Vacuum Concreting: Advantages-Techniques With Equipments

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Vacuum Concreting : AdvantagesTechniques with Equipments


NeelmaniArticlesconcrete1 Comment


Water-cement ratio is detrimental for concrete. We always try to restrict the watercement ratio in order to achieve higher strength. The chemical reaction of cement
with water requires a water-cement ratio of less than 0.38, whereas the adopted
water-cement ratio is much more than that mainly because of the requirement of
workability. Workability is also important for concrete, so it can be placed in the
form work easily without honeycombing.
After the requirement of workability is over, this excess water will eventually
evaporate leaving capillary pores in the concrete. These pores result into high
permeability and less strength in the concrete. Therefore, workability and high
strength dont go together as their requirements are contradictory to each other.
Vacuum concrete is the effective technique used to overcome this contradiction of
opposite requirements of workability and high strength. With this technique both
these are possible at the same time.
In this technique, the excess water after placement and compaction of concrete is
sucked out with the help of vacuum pumps. This technique is effectively used in
industrial floors, parking lots and deck slabs of bridges etc. The magnitude of
applied vacuum is usually about 0.08 MPa and the water content is reduced by upto
20-25%. The reduction is effective upto a depth of about 100 to 150 mm only.

Technique and Equipments for Vacuum Concrete:

The main aim of the technique is to extract extra water from concrete surface
usingvacuum dewatering. As a result of dewatering, there is a marked reduction
in effective water-cement ratio and the performance of concrete improves
drastically. The improvement is more on the surface where it is required the most.
Mainly, four components are required in vacuum dewatering of concrete,
which are given below:
Vacuum pump
Water separator


Filtering pad
Screed board vibrator
Vacuum pump is a small but strong pump of 5 to 10 HP. Water is extracted by
vacuum and stored in the water separator. The mats are placed over fine filter
pads, which prevent the removal of cement with water. Proper control on the
magnitude of the water removed is equal to the contraction in total volume of
concrete. About 3% reduction in concrete layer depth takes place. Filtering pad
consists of rigid backing sheet, expanded metal, wire gauge or muslin cloth sheet. A
rubber seal is also fitted around the filtering pad as shown in fig.1. Filtering pad
should have minimum dimension of 90cm x 60cm.

Fig. 1: Vacuum dewatering of concrete

Advantages of vacuum concreting:

Due to dewatering through vacuum, both workability and high strength are
achieved simultaneously.
Reduction in water-cement ratio may increase the compressive strength by
10 to 50% and lowers the permeability.
It enhances the wear resistance of concrete surface.
The surface obtained after vacuum dewatering is plain and smooth due to
reduced shrinkage.
The formwork can be removed early and surface can be put to use early.

Fig. 2: Effect of vacuum dewatering of concrete

The advantages of dewatering are more prominent on the top layer as compared to
bottom layer as shown in fig. 2 above. The effect beyond a depth of 150mm is

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Moisture-related floor covering and coating problems have in recent years become among the most
common and costly issues being faced by design professionals, contractors, manufacturers, installers,
and building owners. Each year, such problems account for hundreds of millions of dollars in
unanticipated expenses to correct problems and resolve disputes.
Here are some commonly asked questions on this issue.
Question: Why does it seem that moisture-related flooring problems are more common today than in the

Answer: Moisture-related problems with flooring materials installed over concrete slabs are not new and
have been around since the earliest days of flooring installations. However, the magnitude and frequency
of such issues does appear to be more prevalent today.
There are a number of reasons why moisture-related flooring problems are so common today. First, we
live in a fast-track world where construction schedules often do not provide sufficient time for concrete to
dry naturally to a level acceptable for the installation of flooring or coating materials.
Second, it is all too common for below-slab moisture protection to either be omitted from the building
design or for the materials used to provide a less than adequate protection, be installed improperly, or
compromised during construction.
There are several other factors, such as the change from solvent-based to water-based adhesive
formulations and the widespread use of curing and bond-breaking compounds.
Question: Where does the moisture come from?
Answer: The first moisture that is a challenge to any new flooring installation is free water within the
concrete itself. Free water, or water of convenience, is that water above what is absolutely necessary to
hydrate the cement particles and brings a concrete mixture to a workable consistency for placement. Free
water does not combine chemically in the hydration process and is present within the concrete paste,
aggregate particles, or within capillaries or pores of the concrete.
The second source is moisture rising from below the slab. If an effective, low-permeance vapor retarder
material is not installed directly in contact with the underside of the slab, the concrete will be exposed to a
perpetual source of moisture rising from below. Without an effective vapor retarder below the slab, the
flooring material becomes the stopping point for rising moisture, setting the stage for problems to develop

Method of and apparatus for compacting and dewatering

cementitious mixtures
It is well understood that for the easy handling of cementitious mixtures such as Portland cement
concrete, it is necessary to add sufficient water to produce a plastic mass. If less water is added, the
mixture is harsh, and if too much water is used the finer particles tend to separate from the coarser rocks.
On the other hand, it is now generally recognized that after the concrete mixture is'properly placed in
forms, or the like, in compact form free from segregations of anp'of the ingreclients, its final strength after
curing is roughly inversely proportional (within limits) to the water remaining in the mixture at setting, and

participating in the chemical reactions of setting and hardening. Sufficient water to give plasticity or easy
working in a concrete mixture is commonly more than the amount required to give the maximum cured
It has been demonstrated that in a wet cementitious mixture, that intense vibration causes the water to
move toward the point of vibration, and wherever physically possible. this excess water will come to the
top surface. The effect of vibration is apparently to settle the irregular shaped and sized particles into
positions giving maximum density or packing, thereby releasing water from the larger interstices between
the particles before being settled to maximum packing. I have found that a vibrating mechanism inserted
within the wet mixtures is most effective and in particular when combined with means for removal of the
excess water as further detailed below.
It is, therefore, an object of this invention to provide a method of treating fresh concrete whereby the
excess water used to give plasticity and easy working, may be efiectively removed from the unset mass to
insure the development of maximum strength in the concrete in place.
Another object is to provide an apparatus for partly dewatering plastic masses, and imparting vibration
thereto to assist in the dewatering and for compaction of the mass.
Other objects and advantages will be apparent from the following description, reference being made to
the accompanying drawings in which:Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing the apparatus of the invention as it appears in operation on a roadbed.
Fig. 2 is a side elevation of the apparatus in raised position.
Fig. 3 is a vertical section taken substantially ontheline3-3ofFig. 1.
I the plates 15, may be elevated or lowered so Fig. 4 is a horizontal section taken substantially on the line
4-4 of Fig. 3.
Fig. 5 is a fragmentary vertical section taken on the line 55 of Fig. 4.
This invention has been described and illusm trated by way of example, in connection with'the
construction of concrete highways, but it will be readily understood that it maybe applied to the.
dewatering and compaction of concrete in other J situations, as for examplein sidewalks, floors, 5 roofdecks and other masses of concrete or cementitious compositions.
Referring more specifically to the drawings, the apparatus consists of a hollow member preferably in the
form of a rectangular suction box .7 or chamber 12. Member 12 is or sufiiclent length to extend between

the head boards, 13, employed in the formation of a concrete roadway'designated as R, and is provided
on the under side with a filtering surface, 14, adapted to engage the surface of the concrete designated
as C, after the wet mixture is poured or placed in the prepared roadway between the headboards 13.
Filtering surface 14 preferably consists of prepared porousceramic filter plates, 15, held in place by
longitudinal bars, 16, fastened to spaced structural metal crossbars; 1'7, by countersunk screws 18.
Crossbars 17 are rigidly. secured at their ends to the walls of the main chamber or suction box, 12.
The filter plates, 15, may be recessed and specially shaped so that the filtering surface in contact with the
concrete is essentially a relatively smooth plain surface; or if desired bars 17 and that, grooves or squares
or other simple patterns may be formed; or the filter plates themselves may have engraved or raised
designs which may be transferred, in reverse, on the concrete. Other means of securing the filtering
plates to the chambered member may be employed, and filtering surfaces other than porous ceramic
plates may be used. For example, I have found. that I may also use for the filtering surface fine mesh
metal or canvas filtering cloth, suitably support- '10) ed by stifi screen mesh or perforated plates:
Excess water in the concrete, brought to the surface by the settling and compaction of the concrete
brought about by the internal vibration induced by means of the inserted vibrators 19, 106 is
simultaneously removed thru the filtering surface 14, by a suction pump, 20, which provides a partial
vacuum within the'chamber or suction box 12.
Pump 20, which may be of any suitable char- 110 iii - which are connected 2 acter employed. for this
purpose, may be mounted on top of the chambered means, and is driven by an electric motor 21 or other
sources of power. The suction means may be separately located and a flexible pipe or hose connection
be made therewith to the suction box of my apparatus without departing from the scope of my invention.
In the present illustrative example, the pump is provided with a cylinder 22 connected to the suction
chamber 12 by a suction pipe 23 provided with a check valve 24.
Theapparatus is adapted to be moved over the roadway progressively as the prepared roadbed is filled
with wet concrete mixture, and is provided with fianged rollers, 25, forthis purpose, which rollers engage
the upper faces of the headboards. The rollers are also connected to the suction box 12 in such a manner
that it may be raised or lowered to conform to the depth of concrete and for moving forward after
completion of the dewatering and compaction operation on the underlying section of concrete.
Rollers 25 are mounted on inwardly projecting spindles 26, secured to the outer ends of arms 27 pivotally
connected as indicated at 28 to the end walls of the suctionbox, the inner ends of by links 29 to arms 30
secured to a rock shaft 31 carried by bearings 32 mounted on the upper or top, side of the suction box.
Formed integral with one of the arms 30, or secured to the rock shaft is a lever 33 provided with a pawl 34
arranged to engage teeth 35 of a ratchet segment 36, the pawl being interconnected with a hand grip 37
which in turn is engaged by a leaf spring 38 which serves to urge the pawl into engagement with the
ratchet teeth.

From the foregoing it will be seen that by manipulation of a lever 33 the suction box may be raised from
the surface of the concrete to permit its forward movement to another portion of the roadway; also to
lower and adjust the same in relation to the position of the concrete surface. Means for imparting vibration
to the concrete to compact the same consists of a plurality of vertically disposed vibrating members,
individually actuated, preferably by electric motors. The vibrating mechanism preferred is that described
and claimed in Pelton, U. S. Patent No. 1,747,555, which consists essentially of a rotating out-ofbalance
weight on the inserted end of a shaft, flexibly connected to means of rapid rotation, as an electric motor,
the whole being totally enclosed in an outer casing so that it may be inserted within the concrete, and
impart its vibratory energy directly thereto. In the present illustrative example, three independent vibratory
units 19 are shown, flexibly supported by spring bolts 39 on brackets 40 secured to the top forward
longitudinal edge of the suction box. A flexible connection 41 in the outer tubular casing 42 of the vibrating
unit gives greater freedom of vibration of the insertable end of said casing, the vibration being caused by
the 'out-of-balance weight revolved in the lower end of the casing 42 by a shaft connection to the motor
Other means for internally vibrating the concrete by inserting within the concrete a source of vibrational
energy may be used; internal vibration being specifically differentiated from tapping, pounding, Jolting and
tamping operations such as those commonly used, both manually and mechanically on the surface of
concrete masses.
In operation, the apparatus may be placed over a section of the concrete; the vibrators and suction pump
are set in operation, and the apparatus lowered by means of the hand lever 33, and its connected links,
levers, shaft and arms, by which procedure the loose concrete material in a more or less plastic state is
settled in place, air and water pockets removed by the vibration, and the excess water brought to the
surface by the vibration and consequent compaction, is simultaneously drawn off by the suction applied
through the filtering surface. The filtering surface prevents the removal of the solid materials of the
mixture. After completion of the dewatering and compaction, the vacuum is broken by manipulation of the
valves 24 and 44, the apparatus is elevated by means of lever 33, and moved forward on the rollers to the
next adjoining area of concrete, where the operationis repeated.
The vibrational energy effect spreads out from each vibrating unit for a distance dependent upon local
conditions of depth, mixture and. fiuidity. It is obvious that in a continued progression of the apparatus as
in a roadway, the area under the suction box (omitting the initial setting) will have been vibrated on the
rear side by the vibration of the mechanisms on the forward side of the previous setting of the whole
The accumulated water in the suction box, if not wholly removed through the vacuum pump, may be
removed thru the drain valve 45, as required. It is also obvious that if in the operation of the apparatus it is
necessary to use positive air .pressure to break the contact between the finished surface and the filter
surface, that such positive pressure may be applied to the interior of the suction box by suitable inlets and

The above is illustrative of my method and an example of specific means for carrying out this new method
of forming concrete surfaces, but other equivalent means will be readily apparent. For applying my
method to the laying of concrete floors, for example, a suction box somewhat smaller than illustrated may
be suspended from overhead beams and cables, with suitable pulley attachments for raising andlowering
the apparatus, and operating it, upon desired portions of the cementitious mixture spread out for the floor.
Any portable co-operative means for simultaneously vibrating internally an unset cementiatious mixture
and removing the excess water by suction through a filtering medium to form a compacted partly
dewatered mass, is believed to be within the scope of my invention.
I clairm" 1. A method of forming a concrete roadway which comprises pouring a plastic concrete mass
upon a prepared roadway base, covering a portion of said plastic mass with a chambered member,
placing vibratory mechanisms in the contiguous mass, vibrating the mass to compact the same and
release excess water, exhausting the air from said chamber, and extracting a portion of the water from
said mass.
2. A method of forming a concrete roadway which comprises pouring a plastic concrete mass upon a
prepared roadway base, covering a portion bratory means within the contiguous mass, vibrating the
mass, and removing said vibrating and extracting means before the setting of the concrete.
3. An apparatus for treating unhardened concrete comprising a vacuum compartment adapted to be
placed over a portion, of the leveled surface of the concrete mass, a filtering bottom to said vacuum
compartment forming the contact with said mass of concrete, suction means operatively connected with
said vacuum compartment for exhausting the air therein, and insertable vibrating means carried by said
vacuum compartment.
4. An apparatus for treating unhardened concrete comprising a vacuum compartment adapted to be
placed over a portion of a leveled surface of the concrete mass, a filtering bottom to said vacuum
compartment forming the contact with said mass of concrete, suction means operatively connected with
said vacuum compartment, vibratory means carried by said compartment for vibrating the contiguous
concrete, and means for raising and lowering said compartment.
5. An apparatus for treating unhardened concrete comprising a vacuum compartment adapted to be
placed over a portion of a leveled surface of the concrete mass, 2. filtering bottom to saidvacuum
compartment forming the contact with said mass of concrete, suction means operatively connected with
said vacuum compartment, vibratory means carried by said compartment for vibrating the contiguous
concrete, and means for moving the machine to an untreated portion of the concrete surface.
6. An apparatus for treating unhardened concrete comprising a vacuum compartment adapted to be
placed over a portion of a leveled surface of a concrete mass, a filtering bottom to said vacuum
compartment forming the contact with said mass of concrete, suction means operatively connected with

said vacuum compartment, vibratory means carried by said compartment for vibrating the contiguous
concrete, means for raising and lowering said compartment, and means for moving the machine to an
untreated portion of the concrete surface.
'7. In a paving machine for compacting and dewatering unhardened concrete in place on a roadbed, in
combination, a surface-contactingsuction means and insertable vibratory mechanisms.
8. In a paving machine for compacting and dewatering unhardened concrete in place on a roadbed, in
combination, a surface-contacting suction-filtering means, insertable vibratory mechanisms, and means
for raising and lowering said vibratory and said suction means. a
9. In a paving machine for compacting and dewatering unhardened concrete in place on a roadbed, in
combination, a surface-contacting suction-filtering means, surface pattern-impressing means attached to
said filtering surface, insertable vibratory mechanisms, and means for raising and lowering said vibratory
and suction means. GRAHAM M. GORDON

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