D-11 Chapter 9 Turb Alignment and S P Clearances
D-11 Chapter 9 Turb Alignment and S P Clearances
D-11 Chapter 9 Turb Alignment and S P Clearances
(4) Shell arm compensation factor by type - .005 or .007 for non centerline supported
shells, zero for centerline supported shells
(5) Rotor sag at each stage
(6) Steampath component setting factors. D-11 N-2 packing set .015 high, Lynn reheat
No 1 inner shell set .013 high, etc
(7) Packing cell hook fit distortion compensation factors diaphragms and packing
(8) Rub and radial clearance measurement assessment
Rotor Alignment factors
(9) Bearing elevations per Bearing Alignment Diagram
Coupling alignments per Bearing Alignment Diagram
Rotor Alignment Theory
Rotor alignment involves setting the rotor journals at the right engineering specified cold
elevation, and offsets so that bearing loading when running will be within designed loading
criteria. The design of the rotor system is based on maintaining approximately 200 psi to 450
psi bearing loading throughout the range of turbine movement. Some bearing designs will
operate with stability slightly below 200 psi. The Bearing Alignment Diagram for LSTG
Large Steam Turbines specifies coupling alignment and bearing elevations for setting the
rotor. There are many procedures for setting different types of casings to achieve this. There
have been different documents that specify rotor and coupling alignment for other turbine
product departments, such as Shop and Field Calculated Alignment used by GE Lynn
MSTG for Medium Steam Turbines. These documents also provide engineering information
that is used in steampath alignment as well. This information includes rotor sag at each stage,
and other details that are used to set up alignment factors that have to be used at every turbine
stage to determine where steam path components should be set. There are many factors that
are not on these documents, which have to be factored into the readings and settings of each
D-11 Steampath Alignment
The D-11 HP turbine alignment is very special and difficult to perform correctly unless the
person performing technical direction has significant knowledge particular to this type of
machine, and is knowledgeable in GE LSTG methodology, and how to apply proper
engineering correction factors to tops off raw readings. The low pressure turbine is more
routine and the same for any LSTG unit, using the same low pressure turbine sections as in
D4, D5, G2, and G3 turbine designs.
The high pressure turbine shell, when unbolted is quite flexible and the shell will sag around .
035-.045 as installed on the foundation with piping and reheat valves attached. When the
turbine shell horizontal joint is bolted, it is approximately 8 times stiffer than in the unbolted
condition. Factory alignment tops on to tops off correction factors are typically less than .005
from joint bow as the shell is built on factory assembly blocks without reheat valves and
piping attached. The tops off factory alignment data taken with essentially no shell sag or
distortion in this condition, is thus very different to the tops off field condition that must be
evaluated and corrected for the tops on condition in order for the turbine to run without
significant midspan packing rubs.
In the field, the tops on to tops off alignment correction factor can easily be .035 to .055
just from sagging of the shell, depending on design, shell distortion, and actual weight
imposed on the shell mostly from the reheat valves, but also from the piping. One major
weight is from the reheat valves, in which by design intent, 40% of the valve weight should be
on the shell and 60% on the turbine foundation transmitted thru the valve spring supports
commonly known as the Pogo Sticks. When performing shell arm drop checks on the non
centerline support design shell arms, one shell arm will typically deflect .055 or so before the
other one moves .001. Typical older shell designs involve around .010 to .020 under the
same conditions. The larger centerline supported shell arm designs used on larger D-11 steam
turbines in the 270-360 MW size range have thicker shell arms, but the joints are of similar
flexibility. Internal steampath alignment should only be performed if necessary, since the
chances are that the original factory alignment is good. On single shell construction like the
D-11, the diaphragms are supported directly pockets machined into the shell just below the
joint. It is very unlikely that that relationship changes from when the steampath is factory
aligned correctly, therefore there is usually no need for alignment unless, and making
alignment moves based on field condition tops off assessments can be plagued with errors.
All too often unwarranted and incorrect alignment changes have been made to D-11 steam
turbines especially, that have resulted in severe operational problems such as vibration, bowed
rotor excursions, and loss of efficiency from undoing alignment that was reasonable in the
first place. Usually this work is performed by amateurs who do not have the proper training to
evaluate basic alignment principles such as evaluation of packing rubs, shell movements,
deflections, and distortion, engineering correction factors for different shell arm designs,
special N-2 packing head elevations, and the differences between factory alignment readings,
and tops off shell readings without tops on correction factors. There have been many cases
where alignment has been performed at the first major inspection, and then the unit didnt run
right, and suffered many bowed rotor aborted cold starts. Usually these units are then put on
turning gear and miraculously the problem goes away when restarted several hours later. This
is because the cold shell normally bows downward making bad alignment even worse. When
the heat soaks into the shell over several hours on turning gear, the downward bow then
disappears in addition to the packing having been rubbed out from the bowed rotor incident.
While there seems to be improvement, the machine has suffered permanent efficiency loss,
especially in the midspan N-2 packing area, and the misalignment is still in the machine just
waiting for the problem to repeat on the next cold start. .
In these cases, is usually because the shell is in reality typically .050 or so higher than the
individuals performing the alignment believed, and the N-2 packing casing was incorrectly set
concentric instead of .015 high per engineering specifications. When machines have had to
be taken apart to fix heavy rubbing bowed rotor situations after outage alignments were
performed, it is not uncommon that the turbine field service expert who was called in to fix
the problem finds the alignment readings and calculations show good numbers, yet when
performed correctly, the rotors were found to be .060 to .100 higher than the outage numbers
indicated. The real proof is in how the turbine starts up and runs following this type of work.
There are true turbine field service alignment experts that have a long track record of
performing complicated alignments on all types of turbines, including very large casings with
significant shell and packing cell distortion that is properly compensated for and have a track
record of the units running well upon startup. There are also laser alignment tools that permit
corrections based on sweeps of distorted packing cell fits to correct the bores for distortion out
of roundness. Often correction factors of around .010 - .020 are applied to left and right side
readings based on bore optimization programs, vs only 3 point readings.
Factory vs Field Alignment for D-11 Steam Turbine
The factory alignment process for the D-11 steam turbine is completely different than field
alignment for this turbine. Much of the factory steampath data taken for the D-11 cannot be
used for field alignment due to shell flexibility issues.
These differences, and significance of data should be fully understood before any field
alignment of a D-11 is attempted. This is because the high pressure turbine section, as sits on
factory building blocks does not have the reheat valve weight, or piping attached to the lower
turbine shell. The stiffness of the high pressure turbine shell in the cold bolted condition, if
slugged tightly, is eight times stronger by design than when sitting with the upper half shell
unbolted. Thus, the sag of the shell around N-2 packing casing mid section is negligible when
data is taken in the factory. In the field, sitting on then foundation with reheat valves attached,
and upper half unbolted, the shell for many D-11 turbine shell designs typically sags around
between .035 and .055 depending on design, machining, and reheat valve hanger
adjustment. It is difficult, if not almost impossible to asses except by using special laser
equipment, with special training, and special Tops Off alignment methodology that has been
developed using special alignment factors depending on the stage being measured, support
type, and location within the moving turbine shell relative to turbine joint support structures
including factors to assess packing cell out of round and distortion factors.
There have been numerous instances of D-11 steam turbines not running correctly with high
vibration, bowed rotor excursions, efficiency loss due to severely rubbed internal components,
and cold start up problems due to the rotor to packing teeth alignment assessments being .
060 and .100 off of where they should be vertically due to these factors. It is therefore
essential that steam path alignment changes only be performed if really necessary based on
rub pattern assessment, and by professionals fully knowledgeable in this type of work on D-11
single casing high pressure turbine sections.
Installation of D-11 Steam Turbine Shipped With Factory Assembled High Pressure
Turbine Section
There are different installation and alignment methodologies that are based on various
differences in turbine designs, casing manufacturing methods, how the product is shipped, and
foundation interface equipment.
engineering clearance calculation system has always been based on minimum clearance at
first stage rub tolerance, which is why this convention is used in the engineering design of
Conventions For Taking Steam Path Clearances
There are many conventions, practices, and evaluations that should be followed when taking
steam path clearances. Thrust housing fit looseness, or movement, shell arm key clearance,
inner shell, diaphragm and packing movement, must also be factored out when taking steam
path clearances. Clearances recorded are always the minimum measured, regarding rub
tolerance, particularly packing and steam seal teeth. Correct clearance designations that GE
used for the particular machine, as found in specific turbine serial number documents should
be used, not designations that apply to different machines or ones that are made up. This can
lead to significant communication problems, in addition to problems created when steam path
and alignment data is not taken in a technically correct manner with the correct references,
and clearly documented. It is important to recognize that there are different clearances and
methodologies used to determine various problems typical with certain types of steam paths.
For example, an experienced turbine expert will understand, and direct workers in what
clearances should be taken, and how and explain and properly direct the work. All to often,
data presented and in field service reports is ambiguous and meaningless with numbers on
paper without correct reference to where the rotor was for the given data. Giving axial
dimensions at the coupling is meaningless when trying to troubleshoot false thrust failure
device alarms and trips, or if steampath clearances have been set properly with the rotor
pushed towards the governor, up against the inactive thrust plate, or where the inactive thrust
plate should be when installed later. Many customers have very strong language in bid
specifications regarding recording and approval of data sheets, clearance and alignment data
based on these types of experiences. There is often also language on who is allowed to accept
data, and how it must be witnessed by a turbine expert responsible for the work. It is always
good practice to work with the customer so they can understand exactly how and why certain
clearances are taken, and for them to see the readings being taken as the case with other
aspects of the work being performed. Some examples of clearance conventions are as follows:
1. Clearances are not only taken to assure sufficient rotor to casing axial and radial
2. Sometimes rotor positions 1Right, and 1 Left are sufficient and other times 1Right,
1 Left, 3, and 4 should be taken depending on the machine and circumstance. For
example, on larger machines with high steam conditions, when significant high
temperature creep is suspected, of new large buckets are installed, and other
technical reasons, etc
3. K and L clearances are basic clearances taken, but clearances such as E and F are
designed to detect and quantify diaphragm creep of the inner / outer web welds and
or distortion. When creep in these fabrication weld areas approaches .060, action
must be taken since creep is well into secondary creep, and failure is imminent
once tertiary creep begins. Certain designs are susceptible to this, and thus special
attention is required as per service engineering experience, and defined in TILs.
4. Steam seal packing conventions. Past practices used, and only applicable to certain
types of machines for technical reasons. Butt clearances were taken on LSTG units
in the 250 MW-1,000 MW range at factory turbine, and subsequent field assembly
during installation to assure these turbines with very high steam conditions would
pass performance testing. This carried over to maintenance of these type of units,
however control of steam seal packing butt clearances is really not applicable to
other units in the fleet. When attempted on many units where this is not controlled,
significant and expensive unnecessary work is performed since any radial
dimensional error is compounded by the factor (2 x Pie x R) and can be quite large.
5. Etc, etc
These are just several examples of what is involved regarding clearance and alignment
methodology. When performing maintenance, it is necessary to design a custom work scope
for taking opening clearances and alignment, and plan for what is appropriate for the
particular turbine hardware.
Assessing Turbine Alignment and Steam Path Clearances
The assessment of and disposition technical direction of turbine alignment and steam path
clearances should be performed by an individual who understands the conventions and
practices that are applicable for the particular turbine. Certain data and clearances are taken
for technical highly reasons such as assessment for high temperature creep, and assessment of
internal sealing and other design functions working properly, not just to determine where the
rotor should be. There is a different strategy for different situations, based on technical
reasons. A turbine expert will be able to determine if axial clearances in areas not normally
measured are acceptable, such as balance weight overhang by knowledge of how the steam
path design works and fix problems that exist. Some of this knowledge is based on
understanding the rotor differential expansion for a given unit, and comparing things that
dont look right to the expert eye against rotor differential expansion short and long rotor
normal running, alarm, and trip values. This is especially important for the short rotor side of
the clearance spectrum. The workers should understand how to take the date properly, in
detail such as minimum teeth radial clearances recorded by convention and why vs just any
tooth clearance they happen to measure. There are many shortcuts that not only lead to a
quicker job, but higher quality that should be used. There are many specific ways
measurements should be taken depending on the component, in order to get good readings,
and avoid a lot of extra work taking data in an inefficient manner.
Rotor Alignment
Rotors will take a temporary bow when sitting for many hours which is not to be confused
with normal rotor sag that always exists no matter what the position or condition of the rotor,
or operation. Rotor alignment is always performing a 16 point coupling alignment while
rotating the two rotors together. When two rotors are turned in this manner, the coupling offset
that is associated with any possible rotor bow is factored out as the coupling offset swings a
perfect geometric circle relative to the other target rotor. If both turbine rotors are not turned
when taking coupling alignment readings, at least one coupling will be aligned to the other
half while it has a significant offset from true centerline. Then as the rotor turns 180 degrees
from its first aligned position, the error would be twice the offset. This is the reason for this
standard methodology that most, if not all turbine manufacturers use. The nature of this
temporary bow can be seen for many different types, geometries, and stiffness of turbine
rotors including solid construction rotors vs rotors composed of a shaft with shrunk on wheels.
For turbines with turning gears, the standard starting recommendation is for the rotor to be on
turning gear for 4 hours prior to start to take the temporary bow out. On more modern turbines
with Bently Nevada eccentricity proximity probes, a representation of the rotor bow, and rotor
behavior can be seen by watching the eccentricity readings during this four hour time on
turning gear. The standard recommendation for GE steam turbines is for the eccentricity to be
less than .001 prior to rolling the rotor to high speed. The typical eccentricity probe is no
more than 18 away from the NO. 1 bearing centerline to its reading surface at the front of the
rotor. By measuring the bearing span relative to the eccentricity probe distance, and using that
ratio, the bow at the center of the rotor can be approximated. For GE steam turbines, many
times the ratio is typically 7, meaning that for every .001 of eccentricity reading observed,
the middle of the rotor would have a .007 bow. This is a very useful tool when making either
temporary or permanently bowed rotor bow estimations in the course of troubleshooting
vibration and other associated problems.
There are instances where alignment work is performed improperly in contradiction to GE
alignment methodology, by people who do not understand the reasons for turning both rotors.
In some of these cases, periphery reading measurement tools have been made to take coupling
rim readings resulting in all sorts of alignment problems. Some of this has occurred regarding
the installation alignment of D-11 steam turbines shipped with a factory assembled high
pressure turbine section in the belief that they can save work by not turning the rotors when
aligning the assembled HP section to the target LP turbine coupling prior to grouting in the
front standard. There are a number of D-11 steam turbines where the first major inspection
shows that the NO 1 bearing is significantly off from where it should be, from this and other
workmanship issues. The 16 point coupling alignment face reading methodology, and
calculations are used to average the face readings whose valves are typically small and need to
be averaged for accuracy reasons, and also because small amounts of coupling face
misalignment, is often multiplied into large misalignment corrections at the other end of the
rotor due to the law of geometry. There are also many incidents of improper coupling
alignment causing unacceptable rotor vibration, soft generator feet, and other problems by
those performing coupling alignment work who do not know how to calculate or use the
coupling alignment calculation matrix, and convince themselves that the coupling face is
only a little off when in fact, the far end of the rotor may be off by around .080 to .150 or
so. Coupling face alignment generally cannot be determined by trial and error shimming of
generator feet due to the geometric complexity, and casing feet flexibility when improperly
supported on uneven shim packs. This is the root cause of many generator core vibration
issues due to soft foot support issues.
Coupling Alignment Calculations Used in Rotor Alignment
The following is a sample of standard calculation methodology that is used for coupling
alignment of adjacent rotor spans supported in their own bearings. and aligning generators to
turbines. This is based on the laws of geometry, and is expected to be used by anyone
providing technical direction of coupling alignment. It is acceptable to use a coupling
alignment program, as long as the user fully understands the principles of how it works, like
the manual calculation. It is not acceptable to attempt to align generators to turbines by trial
and error shimming, since this leads to bad alignment and operational problems mainly caused
by the inability to trial and error the coupling face parallelism. The calculation corrects the
face and rim in one calculated move, which usually cannot possibly be done correctly by trial
and error methods. Even if trial and error shimming seems to obtain proper coupling
alignment, it is often the basis or generator soft feet issues once the original good feet contact
by blue check performed during installation is lost.
Graphic - Stick Figure and table to be inserted
the specific turbine design. The drawing gives some instruction as to some of the suggested
alignment details, however it is not exact and must be used with an understanding of how to
accomplish the final intended alignment result, using different installation or maintenance
alignment methodology. The simplest usage of this drawing is for coupling alignment of an
existing machine that is in reasonably good alignment regarding where the front standard and
NO 1 bearing should be. The usages of this drawing, and information necessary from other
sources becomes significantly more complicated when performing steam path alignment, new
turbine installation and alignment, or in troubleshooting alignment problems associated with
previous workmanship issues. A higher level of expertise is required for any other alignment
activities other than routine coupling alignment. The D-11 steam turbine has many unique
alignment requirements due to the shell flexibility, N-2 packing area, and steam path design.
Even more important is to understand how to evaluate the machine during maintenance, to do
what is necessary, especially in deciding not to change the internal alignment, or when some
changes may be beneficial. There are many cases where alignment evaluations are performed
incorrectly, and unnecessary and incorrect alignment changes are made that changes
reasonable good alignment into machines that have significant internal alignment, steam path
rub, and operational problems, particularly with rub and bowed rotor induced vibration during
cold start ups. The specifics of this will be discussed in more detail in other sections.
The Bearing Alignment Diagram also provides information on how the steam turbine behaves
during operation, to those who understand how various GE steam turbine designs work, and
are well versed in matters regarding bearing loading, alignment, and rotor dynamics in
addition to the fleet history of other steam turbines. Any experienced turbine expert is
expected to understand how major turbine components move during startup and operation and
how to definitively troubleshoot alignment and vibration problems. For this, it is essential to
understand operating parameter observations, and have an in depth knowledge of machine
behavior based on vacuum, exhaust casing temperature, front standard movement, and other
factors that the alignment shown in this drawing is based on. Watching the vibration
characteristics of the rotor system using Bently Nevada vibration equipment on the turbine,
and tools such as Bently Nevada ADRE data system, as well as performing appropriate
differentiating turbine operational tests, will show in a definitive manner what the turbine
rotor system is doing. Bowed rotors as a result of rubs can also be detected by looking at
vibration data, in addition to rotor eccentricity sensor readings mounted on the front of the
Insert Bearing Diagram Alignment Sample
Diaphragm Maintenance and Alignment
Diaphragm maintenance at the field service maintenance outage level often involves crush pin
and lower centering slot work beads on side and axial slip readings taken when disassembling
the turbine. Repairs of crush pins should never be performed by taking diaphragm thickness
readings and casing slot thicknesses, since this will usually lead to significant rework.
In many cases like this where clearance corrections are desired, it is better determine the
corrections by actually seeing the clearance movements since it is an exact representation of
how the part fits. In this case, the crush pin and casing fit wear are seldom in the same plane,
and even the parts as new when machined in the factory, have taper and variation along the fit.
Even in new factory parts at turbine assembly, it is better to determine how much material has
to be added by the axial slip check readings. When performing this, it is necessary to push the
diaphragms not only at the left and right, but at the bottom in order to get good readings.
Micrometer readings can be performed later in the process when hand fitting thicknesses.
Similarly, the lower centering slot work should be performed in the same manner. It typically
takes less than half the time to fix side slip and axial slip looseness in this manner and around
10% minor rework is normal based on these reasons. If repairs are done using dimensional
measurement methods, .rework can be up to 50% or even 70% depending on the technique.
The design axial and side slip for diaphragms is .001 - .003 but .005 is acceptable and
repairs should be considered after the clearance is .007 or more. There are many other
maintenance situations where for the same reason, parts variation in parallelism, taper, high
locations etc favor and even necessitate fitting checks and measurements by turbine
methodology protocol. They are valve stem clearance mandatory use of try bars, fitting keys
on new turbine casings, putting buckets and fit ups on rotors, etc.
Diaphragm alignment is performed if necessary by changing the joint elevation adjustments.
There are two types of diaphragm alignment hardware used on modern diaphragms. Higher
force designs are bolt on lug designs and the lower force designs are the set screw type. Larger
diaphragms do not stay with the upper half casing when removed, and smaller ones do by
design. Packing casings require axial and side slip checks, and alignment just like diaphragms.
If diaphragm alignment changes are made, joint checks must be performed to set the upper
half casing joint clearance to .003-.005 For the bolted on lug type alignment features, only
stainless steel shims can be used, and no more than three shims are permitted under the lug
factory machined thick shim piece. To avoid trial and error, turbine field service methods are
to use geometric calculations using simple geometry that lowers and raises the bore by 1./2
the side by the side reading, and if both sides are lowered or raised, the bore movement factor
is 1.
Another time saver, and quality enhancement for shim moves is to have a sheet metal
company laser cut pre determined shim patterns and in incremental thicknesses that can be
swapped out, instead of trying to cut and drill bolt holes on site, which can be quite messy.
Packing cells near the N-2 packing casing areas on other long service turbines like D4, D5,
G2, G3 often are found with up to .055 bore distortion due to the high differential
temperatures and high temperature creep found in this area. Tight wire readings where
workers are trying to get the 3 bore point micrometer readings to within .001 are almost
pointless, when the bore itself is often distorted more than 10, 30, or even 50 times that.
Chasing readings that are in reality built on quicksand can be counterproductive. There are
techniques for assessing these conditions quickly when parts are being handled in the
disassembly process, especially by spot checking areas based on technical knowledge. This is
part of the expertise in evaluation of clearances and alignment where knowledgeable turbine
service personnel can save a lot of time, and produce quality work by taking all the shortcuts
that also lead to higher quality. Failure to asses conditions like this, and other technical
methods used by experts is the leading cause of turbines not running right with high vibration
following outage work. Reheat steam turbines with long rotor midspan sections are very
sensitive to rubs in these areas. There are now laser tools that can asses and map distorted
bores, so that turbine service experts can optimize alignment using compensation factor
corrections in these areas. Topless alignment techniques using lasers to topographically map
out turbine joints in the tops on condition, are used by experts to apply highly engineered
correction factors to axial and lateral shell distortion, axial shell sag, and distorted packing cell
bores. The proof of this expertise, is in the track record of success in how the turbine runs
following work like this being performed.
N-2 Packing Casing Alignment
The D-11 steam turbine N-2 packing casing alignment elevation by engineering design, is set .
015 high to where the rotor centerline sits, corrected for rotor sag, and bearing clearance,
and .005 low correction for non-centerline shell arm support designs. This and other
alignment settings for the D-11 are critical in order to avoid mid-span packing rubs, bowed
rotors, vibration, and mid-span efficiency loss. These alignment factors are based on the
physics of how the D-11 steam turbine high pressure turbine shell behaves during startup from
cold to hot.
When steam first enters the cold high pressure turbine shell through the reheat valves and
piping connections, the lower half shell heats up very quickly, will grow longer, and suck the
shell downward by .015 on average as determined by extensive engineering analysis and
observation of different shell designs. It should be noted that different GE Lynn design reheat
units from the 1960 and 1970s with short No 1 inner shells behaved similarly for the same
reason, and the N-2 packing casings were set .013 high on these deigns where as other LSTG
designs with full inner shells behave differently during cold starts. Thus, it is very important to
know, and follow the latest GE alignment details for various steam path component designs,
as well as make alignment changes only where changes are warranted based on proper
technical assessment, especially in turbine mid-span areas that are some of the more alignment
sensitive areas. See Field Alignment of D-11 Steam Turbines for other details regarding
proper alignment methods and compensation factors used for D-11 steam turbines.
Factory assembled D-11 high pressure turbines are shipped with turbine components aligned
to these settings, and compensation factors in the Tops On condition. Per advice in many
parts of this training, careful consideration should be given to any attempts to make any
alignment change to turbines unless there is sound technical reason to make changes. It has
been found that this N-2 packing casing offset and other official GE steam turbine alignment
factors is critical in minimizing severe mid-span area packing rubs. Other factors include
proper thermal insulation, so that the shell temperature profile, and temperature gradient
through the shell wall thickness is per design. There have been many incidents on D-11 and
other reheat steam turbines where sagging lower insulation, or insulation installed too thin, or
with gaps caused the lower shell to hump, and cause significant mid span packing rubs and
bowed rotor excursions, until the condition was fixed. In some cases, turbines have been
opened needlessly due to failure to understand this issue. Due to these problems, some
customers and turbine manufacturers perform thermograph surveys of turbine and valve
insulation on a routine basis, and during maintenance start ups.
N-2 Packing Vertical Steam Joint Sealing
The D-11 N-2 packing casing vertical steam joint must be assembled correctly with no joint
steps, and full contact with the turbine shell fit contact area in order to avoid major steam
leaks and associated efficiency loss in this area. There have been many incidents of severe
efficiency and performance loss from incorrect assembly resulting in steam leakage in as
much as 30,000 #/Hr of steam at inlet steam conditions of typically 1.959 Psi and 1,050 F on
later models. Even more damaging, is the fact that any steam leakage in this area will bypass
the entire high pressure turbine section, and thus cause losses in typically thirteen turbine
stages or so vs just one or two stages like leakage in other areas of the steam path.
The design of the vertical steam joint fit, is that there is around .005 clearance between the
N-2 packing casing part appendage, and mating groove in the high pressure turbine shell.
When the turbine is in normal operation, the high pressure inlet steam pressure pushes the N-2
packing casing vertical joint against the shell fit to achieve a steam joint contact seal. It is
important that these parts are checked during assembly, and observed during disassembly to
ensure the integrity of this contact surface, and quantify and document any vertical joint steps,
or signs of lack of sealing that may exist. Axial and side slip checks should be performed on
the N-2 packing casing just like diaphragms and smaller packing casings for the same reasons.
The N-2 packing casing has blind alignment dowels, and mating reamed hole in the horizontal
joint that is typically .003-.005 by design. In reality, this fit can be up to .007-.010 loose
producing a step in the vertical steam joint of up to .007-.010 in the worst case, but
typically .005 which allows significant steam leakage in operation. In principle, the care
required during assembly is the same as the assembly of any generator end shield vertical
hydrogen joint, where any joint steps produce completely unacceptable leakage. In addition to
checks to assure the integrity of this critical steam joint, special tightening procedures are
required where vertical joint step monitoring is performed throughout the entire tightening
and stud elongation procedure, using a variety of feeler and straight edge and blue contact
checks to assure the steam joint seal integrity of the final assembled joint.
Other N-2 Packing Casing Issues
Other N- packing casing issues besides alignment, steam joint sealing, and clearance related
include cracking at the shell rabbit fit, and jacking problems to open the shell. There have
been many incidents where the N-2 could not be opened after unbolting thru normal means
mostly due to binding of the blind joint dowels. Sometimes re bolting a little, and selective un
tightening can solve this problem before going to more complicated means.
Steam Seal Packing Clearances
The D-11 steam seal packing design clearance standards have changed three times since the
first machines were shipped. The original design was the standard .025 packing clearances
used by turbine engineering. Then incorrect design changes were made reducing the
clearances to .015 in the quest for higher efficiency. The same mistake was made in 1956
when it was found that .015 clearances are unsustainable. Paperwork, drawings, and field
service training in the 1970s showed the history regarding this subject. To the experienced
field service turbine expert, examples of the changes of .015 radial clearance back to .025
can be seen in various paperwork systems from turbines built in the late 1950s and early
1960s. The same is true for the D-11 today regarding this issue. When performing
maintenance on the D-11, investigation should be performed to determine what packing were
originally in the machine and specified on paperwork, and what packing should be in the
machine, with proper notes and documentation added to the turbine record for future use. The
preferred designs listed in item (3) below is best for what should be in the turbine. There are
significant maintenance, operational, and efficiency gains to make sure the latest, preferred
design is used. By copying a similar rated D-11 of where they use the .015 horizontal, .025
vertical radial clearance elliptical midspan packing rings and .015 cylindrical end packing
rings this can be sorted out. It should be noted that both the D-11 and A-10 reheat steam
turbines have these two designs, and that this elliptical packing ring concept can be applied to
other turbines for midspan packing rub relief and efficiency gain with a little engineering
understanding of midspan steampath behavior.
The following is a summary of the three different steam seal packing design clearances that
have been shipped on D-11 steam turbines::
History of Elliptical Steam Seal Packing Design
(1) Original Design 1991 thru 1999. Standard steam seal packing with .025 radial
clearance to rotor
(2) Second Design 1999 thru 2001 Steam path designs were changed for higher
efficiency in the marketplace. Steam seal packing designs were changed to .015
radial clearance, along with more usage of integral covered buckets, new spill strip
designs, and new steam path clearance designations.
(3) Final Preferred Design 2001 thru Present. Elliptical bore steam seal packing was
used with .025 vertical and .015 horizontal radial clearance in N-2 Packing midspan and adjacent steam path areas. Cylindrical bore packing with tighter .015
clearances to rotor were used in steam path areas adjacent to bearings and packing
casings, where this tighter clearance could be maintained. This has been applied to
D-11 and A-10 reheat steam turbines used for combined cycle applications.
Mark A. Cohen
Turbine Field Engineer