IFLA Guide Library Preservation
IFLA Guide Library Preservation
IFLA Guide Library Preservation
Number One
Experts Group
Number One
Appendix I 70
Where to turn for advice
Appendix II 72
Number One
The following list defines words and terms used in the text,
not always as they would be encountered in a standard dictionary.
In chemistry, a substance capable of forming hydrogen (H+)
ions when dissolved in water. Acids can damage cellulose in
paper, board, and cloth, by catalyzing hydrolysis. Acids may be
introduced during manufacture, or may be present in the raw
material. Acids may also be introduced by migration from
acidic materials or from atmospheric pollution.
Materials that have a pH of (neutral) or higher (alkaline).
A plastic material noted for its transparency, weather
resistance, and colour-fastness. Acrylics are important in
preservation because of their resistance to chemical change.
They are available in sheets, films, and resin adhesives. Some
common trade names for the sheet form are Perspex, Lucite,
and Plexiglas. Ultraviolet-absorbing acrylic sheet is used in
preference to glass for glazing framed materials because it is
less likely to break and the additional ultraviolet absorbers
protect the framed objects from UV damage.
Adhesive tape
Paper, fabric, or other material in sheet form with an adhesive
layer. The adhesive is generally activated by pressure, or by
the application of heat or water. Pressure-sensitive or
sticky tapes should not be used for material intended for
long-term preservation, since the adhesive degrades and
yellows and the adhesive residues can become impossible to
In chemistry, a substance capable of forming hydroxyl (OH)
ions when dissolved in water. Alkaline compounds may be
added to materials to neutralise acids or as an alkaline reserve
or buffer for the purpose of counteracting acids which may
form in the future.
Archival quality
An imprecise term suggesting that a material, product, or
process is durable and/or chemically stable, that it has a long
life, and can therefore be used for preservation purposes. The
phrase is not quantifiable; no standards exist that describe
how long an archival material will last. The word permanent
is sometimes used to mean the same thing.
A property or condition that causes failure of a material when
Number One
The common name for the plastic polyethylene terephthalate.
Its characteristics include transparency, lack of colour, high
tensile strength, and chemical stability (when made with no
coatings or additives). Used in sheet or film form to make
folders, encapsulations, book jackets and adhesive tapes. Trade
names include Mylar and Melinex.
In its pure form, a chemically stable plastic material. Used in
film form to make sleeves for photographic material and other
uses. A cheaper alternative to polyester film.
A material built up from a series of smaller units (monomers),
which may be relatively simple, such as ethene (the unit of
polyethylene), or relatively complex, such as acrylic.
In its pure form, a chemically stable plastic material. Used in
film form to make sleeves for photographic material and other
Plastic usually abbreviated as PVC, or sometimes vinyl. Not
as chemically stable as some other plastics. It can emit acidic
components which damage cellulosic material. Added
chemicals called plasticisers are also used to make PVC more
flexible. These also damage library material.
Includes all the managerial and financial considerations,
including storage and accommodation provisions, staffing
levels, policies, techniques, and methods involved in
preserving library and archival material and the information
contained in them.
Pressure-sensitive tape see adhesive tape
A mechanical or electronic instrument which records
temperature and relative humidity. Sometimes called a
Ultraviolet (UV)
Magnetic radiation having a shorter wavelength and higher
energy than visible light, of which it usually is a component.
Ultraviolet is damaging to library, archive, and museum
objects. Removing UV can reduce the rate of deterioration.
Certain acrylic sheets include UV-filtering chemicals.
Photochemical degradation
Damage or change caused or increased by exposure to light.
International Preservation Issues
Number One
IFLA has a responsibility to encourage the acceptance and diffusion through its
channels of professional principles of preservation and conservation
administration .
Principles for the Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials was
first published in the IFLA Journal, (), pp. . This was revised and
expanded by J. M. Dureau and D. W. G. Clements, from the IFLA Section on
Conservation, and published by IFLA HQ in as Professional Report no. .
Since the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
Core Programme on Preservation and Conservation (IFLA-PAC) has undertaken
a survey among preservation specialists from a broad range of institutions and
organisations (librarians, archivists, ICA, IFLA-PAC, IFLA Section on
Conservation) to collect comments with a view to updating the document.
Over the last twelve years, articles and books have been published on a copious
number of diverse themes that the preservation and conservation of library material
now entails. Moreover, preservation and conservation have become established
themselves, to some degree, in the library profession. However, there are still
many libraries throughout the world which need guidance in looking after their
collections. Therefore, while planning the revision of the Principles for the
Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials, IFLA-PAC decided to
produce a concise document, which concentrates on certain key elements of
preservation that libraries can adopt to look after their collections.
The IFLA-PAC International Centre would like to thank the Council on Library
and Information Resources, particularly Deanna Marcum, Hans Rtimann, Maxine
Sitts, and Kathlin Smith for their support and advice, and for entrusting us with
this publication.
IFLA Principles for the Care and Handling of Library Materials is available
on the CLIR website: <http://www.clir.org> and the IFLA website: <http://
nlc-bnc.ca/ifla>. IFLA intends to publish further revisions when needed.
This document is a general introduction to the care and handling of library material
for individuals and institutions with little or no preservation knowledge. It does
not provide a comprehensive list of detailed methods and practices, but gives
basic information to assist libraries in establishing a responsible attitude to looking
after their collections. The threats to collections are often known, but librarians
frequently do not proclaim sufficiently loudly the consequences of ignoring the
dangers. IFLA Principles for the Care and Handling of Library Materials is
therefore designed to encourage those responsible to face up to these consequences
and, together with scientific and technical experts, to formulate a positive policy
for the future of the material in their collections.
Primarily, this publication sets out to:
Number One
Editors note
Number One
What are the main threats to library material?
The type of library and how it is used reflect the preservation needs of its
collections. The preservation requirements of a local public lending library are
obviously different from those of a national library. However, both are obliged
to maintain and keep accessible their collections, whether for a few years or
w Economically, libraries cannot afford to let their holdings wear out prematurely.
Replacing library material, even when possible, is expensive. Preservation makes
good economic sense.
w It cannot be easily predicted what will be of interest to researchers in the
future. Preserving current collections is the best way to serve future users.
w Responsible and professional library staff should be committed to caring for
and preserving the material with which they work.
Who is responsible?
Number One
Those who are responsible for managing the library and maintaining the external
and internal fabric of the buildings must liaise closely with those who are
responsible for the welfare of the collections. For example, if money has been set
aside to rewire and replace the lighting of a building, then the opportunity should
be used for ensuring not only that energy-saving lighting is used but also that it
meets particular preservation lighting requirements. When plumbing is being
installed or replaced, all concerned should be working towards ensuring that risks
to the collections are reduced, and not increased by having pipes running through
areas where library material is present. In such instances clear communication is
the key.
The preservation needs of a library have to be considered in line with the social
and political climate in which the organisation operates. The organisations purpose,
collecting policies, and available resources also have to be taken into account.
Consequently, preservation policies must be made in consultation with various
departments for the following reasons:
w The acquisitions and collecting sections of a library should be prepared to
purchase additional copies of heavily used material, like reference works, when
the cost of repairing such items is greater than replacing them. It is also
necessary to calculate whether surrogate copies (i.e., microform or electronic
versions, and the machines to read them) are a more economical and effective
way of providing access to heavily used material than hard copy.
w A policy should be agreed with the cataloguing and record-creating activities
of the library together with readers services to direct users to surrogates rather
than originals and to the most appropriate copy.
w Departments should plan for sufficient, good-quality accommodation for
w Reading room staff should be kept informed of any restrictions concerning
the use of original material and briefed on limitations to photocopying.
w Resources should be provided for training staff on security for themselves and
for library material, on how to handle library material correctly, and on how
best to pass this knowledge on to users.
w An exhibition policy should be drawn up which ensures that items will not
come to harm while on exhibition, whether within the library or on loan to
other institutions. Librarians and conservation staff should agree on whether
items are fit for display. Adequate support and security, and suitable
environmental conditions for material to be exhibited, should be enforced.
w Preservation staff and those responsible for the collections, whatever their
level of experience, should not only have some technical and scientific
knowledge, but should also be familiar with the history of collections, the
material they are made of, and the contents of the documents so as to be able
to understand better the preservation problems. Librarians, library staff at all
levels, and students of librarianship should be acquainted with the importance
of preservation within a librarys overall function and policy.
Where to begin?
Number One
However, national and regional libraries should cooperate in sharing the
responsibilities of what to preserve and retain.
In order to be able to care for its holdings, a library must make a comprehensive
and honest assessment of the physical state of the institution, the collections, and
their preservation requirements. Moreover, to care for collections with a limited
budget and limited resources, it is important that decisions are made on a clear
and rational basis. Such an assessment can be done internally, by the library itself,
or by independent consultants, whose expertise is established both have
advantages and disadvantages. Consultants are expensive and take up a lot of staff
time. However, the final assessment should reveal the stark truth of the facts. An
internal assessment will probably be cheaper but might be influenced by staff
politics. Unfortunately, it is also usually easier to accept recommendations from a
body outside than from within.
Such an undertaking must be a cooperative effort of all the departments and be
endorsed at the most senior level. An assessment without authority is likely to be
ineffectual. The final report is obviously critical to the success of any needs survey.
It should clearly identify the risks to the collections and be realistic in its proposals.
How to begin?
Number One
Once a preservation needs assessment has been carried out, the next step is to
prioritise the recommendations which have been made. Because of both limited
resources and the potential scale of the problem it is necessary to be selective in
deciding what is to be done in terms of
w securing the fabric of the buildings
w improving environmental control
w improving the storage and handling of the collections.
Such selectivity needs to be an explicit part of a librarys policy if its responsibilities
towards future users are to be properly undertaken. It is important to understand
that selectivity does not preclude adopting an holistic approach to caring for library
collections. All library material may not warrant special attention in the way of
boxing or being stored in specific environmental conditions, but all should be
safeguarded against man-made and natural disasters, theft and mutilation, pest
and mould attack, and poor handling practices.
Generally, selecting material for specific preservation processes such as
reformatting or boxing is based on common sense. Boxing a collection which is
in good condition and not used before attending to a collection which is in poor
condition and heavily used is not common sense; neither is reformatting material
which has been reformatted by an institution elsewhere.
What are the financial implications?
Almost always, the amount of information held in libraries is greater than the
resources available for carrying out their objectives with total success. It is not,
and never has been, possible to save everything. A commitment to indefinite or
permanent retention involves considerable financial expenditure on accommodation, special storage conditions, and possibly reformatting. Therefore,
International Preservation Issues
Number One
decisions have to be made as to what will be collected and preserved.
Every library has a duty to ensure the welfare of its collections for present and
future users. There is no avoiding the fact that the maintenance and retention of
collections costs money. For too long, libraries have spent a large proportion of
their budget on acquisitions. Most libraries have no, or inadequate, funds set aside
for preservation purposes. Spending time and resources on preventing damage to
library material is almost always cheaper than repairing or replacing it.
No library can afford not to take precautionary measures against fire, flood,
theft, and mould and insect infestation, for salvaging material which has suffered
from these disasters is extremely expensive in terms of human and financial
resources. The consequences of such disruptions are manifold. Serious disasters
are often caused by circumstances which could have been avoided at little cost.
Prevention is not only better but, more often than not, cheaper than cure.
Caring for library material does not necessarily mean an excessive expenditure
of library funds. There are many common-sense and economical solutions to
preservation problems. However, all libraries must realise that preserving and
maintaining their collections is as important as acquiring them, and that appropriate
funds should be allocated accordingly.
Why cooperate and with whom?
It is not simply sufficient for librarians to be aware of their responsibility for the
preservation of their collections, although awareness is the first necessity. It is
also important to raise awareness among the general public and those who are in
a position to fund preservation programmes. Governments must play an active
role in ensuring the welfare of a nations heritage. National preservation offices,
financially supported either by government or private funding, are essential if a
countrys written heritage, in whatever format, is to survive. These establishments
should be in a position to encourage all libraries and institutions to adopt sound
preservation policies. Very useful services, such as supplying literature on disaster
planning, photocopying, or security matters on request are not enough. Active
training and education should also be provided.
Furthermore, national preservation offices can sometimes be appropriate bodies
for coordinating retention policies on a national scale. There is also the potential
for them to be the political mouthpiece for libraries on issues like the mandatory
use of permanent paper in publishing. Enlightening the general public through
poster campaigns in schools and public libraries about the respect for and care of
library material is another useful responsibility that can be assumed by national
preservation offices.
If a nations heritage is to survive, then the coordination of national, regional,
consortial, and institutional preservation programmes is essential. It is unrealistic
to expect libraries and archives to address individually and resolve successfully
the technical and financial problems associated with preservation on a national
level. For instance, in IFLA and ICA established the Joint IFLA ICA
Committee for Preservation in Africa (JICPA) to raise awareness of preservation
issues and coordinate activities in the region.
Libraries should cooperate not only with archives but also with museums and
galleries. Considerable savings can be made and duplication of effort avoided by
institutions consulting with each other over areas such as environmental control,
building and collection evaluation, and disaster preparedness and recovery plans.
Number One
Risk assessment
Number One
Routine maintenance
Air drying
It is the responsibility of the library manager to intitiate, coordinate, and implement
the development of a security policy within the library. When drafting such a
policy other libraries, police, and staff should be consulted.
Securing perimeters and buildings
As part of the building survey,
all areas of security should be
noted and shortcomings addressed as soon as possible.
Criminal and anti-social behaviour ranges from the rowdy visitor to the determined
thief. Staff, books, equipment, and personal property are all at risk. Starting-points
in deterring criminal and anti-social behaviour include:
w having a calm and ordered library
w creating an environment which the genuine reader regards as helpful and
efficient, but in which the villain feels anxious and wary
Points to consider:
w how are loose items issued and how are they checked on return?
w how well are reading areas invigilated?
w are security devices in place?
w are bags allowed in these areas and are they checked on exit?
Number One
All library material should be stamped in a way that clearly identifies it as belonging
to a particular institution. Library stamps should be fast-drying, non-fading, stable,
and indelible. Security tagging systems, if present, should be regularly inspected.
Emergency information booklet
It is useful for all staff to have easy access to an emergency information booklet
which lists only the immediate steps to be taken, key personnel, and how they can
be contacted in the event of:
w accidents to staff and visitors
w vandalism, theft, and assault
w incidents like power failures, lift failures, loss of security keys
w emergencies which threaten the welfare of people, the collections, and the
fabric of the buildings e.g. bomb threats
w hurricane, earthquake, and flood warnings.
It is vital for any library, no matter what its size, to take every precaution possible
to prevent the occurrence of an avoidable disaster. Of equal importance is having
measures in place to cope with the consequences of disasters, whether they be
natural or man-made.
Volcanic eruptions
Number One
w Recovery
Risk assessment
Try to identify any external and internal threats that might cause problems for the
collections and assess any shortcomings of disaster prevention measures which
are already in place. Consulting with fire departments will help to find any potential
hazards which are not immediately obvious.
Identifying external environmental threats
Describe the district where the collections are housed (residential, industrial,
shopping centre, rural, recreational).
Are there any major industrial or natural hazards very close to where the
collections are housed (airport, railroad/motorway, natural waterways such as
the ocean, lakes, rivers, natural vegetation or bushland, other buildings)?
Are the surroundings secure (regular patrols, effective lighting, gates secured
and access controlled, separate access for staff and visitors/users)?
How safe is the building from fire and flood are there hazards in the vicinity,
either natural as in woodland and river or man-made, as in petrochemical plants?
Have any major incidents or disasters occurred in the past five years (bomb
threats and bombing, civil disturbances, riots, wars, natural disasters flood,
earthquake, fire, dust storm, vandalism)?
Are there fire-resistant walls separating parts of the building and are there fireresistant doors?
Number One
Once the risks have been assessed, take all the necessary precautions to make the
library buildings and their holdings secure. Consult with the emergency services
(fire, police, and hospital).
Fire alarm systems
All parts of the building should be provided with a fire and smoke detection
system, which simultaneously alerts occupants and the local fire brigade. Smoke
detection equipment can provide early warning of a developing fire, thereby giving
an opportunity of manual suppression prior to the activation of a sprinkler system.
Manually operated fire-alarm call points, which can be used by occupants to
indicate the presence of fire or smoke, should also be present throughout the
Manual extinguishing systems
Number One
The hydrant or rising mains should be located so as to permit the fire brigade
to pressurise the pipework from outside the building.
Wet-pipe sprinkler systems are a reliable and safe extinguishing method and
are relatively easy to maintain. Contrary to popular belief, the activation of
one sprinkler does not cause all sprinklers to operate; and so danger of accidental
discharge should not be over-estimated. The average sprinkler discharges
gallons per minute ( litres per minute) while typical fire hoses release
gallons per minute ( litres per minute). It is important to
remember that the environmental and human safety aspects of water are known,
unlike the possible impact from various chemical agents. Furthermore, the
recovery techniques for water-damaged material are also known.
Dry-pipe sprinkler systems are essentially the same as wet-pipe systems except
that the pipes in the protected area contain pressurized air. When the sprinkler
is activated a valve opens allowing water to flow into the pipes. This lessens
any threat of water leaking into collection areas.
Routine maintenance
Fire alarms and suppression systems, the building fabric, plumbing, electric, and
gas supplies and fittings, etc., should be maintained and routinely tested. All reports
should be kept and any maintenance work documented.
The following should be prepared, reviewed, and updated regularly:
w Building floor plans which indicate storage areas, windows, entrances, and
exits; fire extinguishers; fire alarms; sprinklers; smoke/fire detectors; water,
gas, and heating pipes; elevator controls; electrical and water supply and cutoff points.
Number One
Priority rescue lists made by departments, stating which items are to be salvaged
from individual rooms. The fire services may allow entry into a building for
salvage purposes for a limited time, and it is essential to know what items are
to be saved and where they are located.
A list of external contacts and names, addresses, and home and work telephone
numbers of personnel with emergency responsibilities.
Record-keeping forms: multiple copies of all forms that may be needed in the
salvage operation, including inventory forms, packing lists, requisitions, and
purchase orders, etc.
Insurance information: explanations of coverage, claim procedures, recordkeeping requirements, restrictions on staff/volunteers entering a disaster area,
and information on state/federal disaster relief procedures.
Contact the leader of the disaster response team to brief and direct the
emergency response team.
Number One
Set up an area for recording and packing material which requires freezing, and
an area for air-drying slightly wet material and other minor treatments.
As part of the preparation for a disaster plan it is essential to be familiar with the
various procedures for drying different types of library material. The following
drying methods all have advantages and disadvantages:
w Vacuum thermal-drying
Vacuum freeze-drying
If time must be taken to make critical decisions, books and records should be
frozen to reduce physical distortion and biological contamination.
Air-drying is the simplest technique for drying damp not totally wet material.
A damp book can be stood on its end and its pages fanned out or interleaved with
blotting paper. Although this is an effective technique which does not require
expensive equipment or materials (fans and interleaving paper), it is labourintensive, time-consuming, and generally results in some dimensional distortion.
Recover y
Number One
Relative humidity (RH)
Particulate pollutants
Attending to an infestation
Number One
Types of lighting
HVAC systems
The environmental factors of temperature, humidity, light, and atmospheric and
particulate pollutants can all cause degradation reactions. The chemical, mechanical,
and biological nature of these reactions may vary for different materials.
Relative humidity (RH)
Relative humidity (RH) can be expressed as the ratio (in percent) of vapour pressure
in a sample of moist air to the saturation vapour pressure at the same temperature.
Relative humidity is a difficult concept to comprehend and therefore warrants
If the water vapour in one cubic metre of air, at normal atmospheric pressure,
was extracted and weighed, the absolute humidity of the sample of air would be
known and expressed as grams of water per cubic metre of air (g/m).
The hygrometric chart below shows the maximum amount of water vapour a
cubic metre of air can hold at certain temperatures. As air temperature increases,
the amount of water vapour air can hold increases as well.
At C ( F) air can hold no more than grams of water vapour. The air is at
its maximum absolute humidity and is said to be saturated. At C ( F) the
saturation point is g/m.
Therefore, if a cubic metre of air in a closed container at C ( F) contains
grams of water vapour, the absolute humidity is g/m . If grams of water is
added to the container, it will evaporate and increase the absolute humidity to
g/m . If another grams of water is added, grams will evaporate and grams
will remain as a puddle on the bottom of the container because air at C
( F) can only hold g/m.
The relative humidity of the air in the container when only grams of water
vapour was present would have been:
absolute humidity of sample air
= ., or %
= ., or %
Conversely, if the air in the container is cooled to C, the RH will rise, even if
no more water is added. At C the air can only hold . g/m of water vapour:
. = ., or %
If the air were cooled to C ( F), it would become saturated with water
vapour, and the RH would rise to %. If the air were cooled any further, droplets
would form on the side of the container because the air must give up some of its
Number One
Indoors, in winter, the room air circulates to window panes, which are often cold
enough to cool the air below its dew point. Drops of water then appear on the
The first point that needs to be understood about temperature and relative
humidity is that there is no one ideal level for all types of library material
only values and ranges that minimize specific types of change in materials and
objects. A temperature or humidity that is acceptable for one object may be
disastrous for another. For example, photographic film, magnetic recordings,
and digital carriers require low storage temperatures and relative humidity levels
if their longevity is to be ensured; whereas parchment and vellum items require
an RH higher than % if they are to retain their flexibility.
There is extensive scientific evidence to suggest that paper will retain its chemical
stability and physical appearance for longer at a constant, low storage
temperature (below C / F) ) and relative humidity (%).
However, while the paper text-block in a leather or vellum binding may benefit
from being kept at a low RH, the binding itself will inevitably suffer. Leather
and vellum need an RH of at least % if they are to continue to operate
mechanically. The argument of
Number One
The effects of temperature
Chemical reactions increase
in organic materials when
humidity and temperature
rise. W hile moisture can
catalyse chemical reactions,
increases in temperature will
accelerate the rate of these
Heat coupled with low relative humidity will eventually lead to desiccation and
embrittlement of certain materials leather, parchment/vellum, paper,
adhesives, the adhesive binders on audio and video cassettes, etc.
Heat together with high relative humidity encourages mould growth and creates
an environment conducive to pests and insects.
Cold (less than C / F) together with high relative humidity and poor air
circulation will lead to dampness and eventually mould growth.
Organic matter is hygroscopic. It gains and loses water with increases and decreases
in RH. Consequently, materials expand and contract as moisture levels rise and
A low RH (less than %) minimizes chemical change but can cause materials
to shrink, stiffen, crack, and become brittle.
As has been stated, if the water content of a room is fixed, a sudden lowering
of temperature will cause a rapid rise in the relative humidity, leading to
condensation and possibly resulting in mould and other problems excess
moisture causes.
Moderate changes over a long period of time produce minimal stress in materials
that are free to expand and contract.
Visible damage can take the form of flaking inks, warped covers on books,
and cracked emulsion on photographs.
Number One
Many attempts have been made to provide ideal figures for temperature and
relative humidity levels. However, it is now recognised that it is probably
impractical and unrealistic to maintain a building or stack temperature at one
setting throughout the year, especially in areas with extreme temperature
variations, without incurring huge costs.
Taking into account these factors the following parameters should be observed:
a level low enough to slow deterioration of materials and control insects and
In humid parts of the world, where relative humidity does not fall below %
all year round and is much higher for long periods, it is unrealistic to expect a
level much below %, unless the institution is air-conditioned day and night
all the year round at great cost. In these regions good air circulation is imperative
if mould is to be discouraged.
Temperate regions with warm summers and cold winters often fare far worse
Number One
than arid or humid areas. The RH in summer may be acceptable, but in winter,
when central heating is used, it is often hot and dry during the day, and at
night, if the heating goes off, it becomes cold and damp. Such fluctuations do
far more damage than a constant high or low RH all the year round.
Particulate pollutants, such as soot, dirt, and dust abrade, soil, and disfigure
materials. Dust and dirt that have absorbed gaseous pollutants from the air become
sites for harmful chemical reactions when they settle on library material. Particulate
pollutants can also aid mould growth. Modern library material, such as magnetic
and optical media, are very sensitive to dust and dirt.
Dust is commonly a mixture of fragments of human skin, minute particles of
mineral or plant material, textile fibres, industrial smoke, grease from fingerprints,
and other organic and inorganic materials. There are often salts such as sodium
chloride (carried in from sea spray or on skin fragments) and sharp gritty silica
crystals. In this chemical mixture are the spores of countless moulds, fungi, and
micro-organisms which live on the organic material in the dust (fingerprints, for
example, serve as good culture media). Much of the dirt is hygroscopic (waterattracting), and this tendency can encourage the growth of moulds, as well as
increase the corrosiveness of salts, hydrolysis, and the release of acids.
Number One
Light is energy and energy is required for chemical reactions to take place. All
wavelengths of light visible, infrared, and ultraviolet (UV) promote the chemical
decomposition of organic materials through oxidation. Higher-energy ultraviolet
is the most harmful. However, light in all its forms, especially in the presence of
atmospheric pollutants, leads to a weakening and embrittlement of cellulose,
adhesives, cloth, and skin materials. Light can cause some papers to bleach and
others to yellow or darken; it can also cause media and dyes to fade or change
colour, altering the legibility and appearance of documents, photographs, art works,
and bindings. The following factors concerning light should be known by all those
responsible for preserving library material:
w Chemical reactions initiated by exposure to light continue even after the light
source is removed and materials are put into dark storage.
w Light damage is irreversible.
w The effect of light is cumulative. The same amount of damage will result from
exposure to a strong light for a short time as to a weak light for a long time.
lux (the unit of measure of illuminance) on a picture for hours gives it an
exposure of lux-hours, equivalent to lux for hours.
w Visible and infrared light sources, such as the sun and incandescent light bulbs,
generate heat. An increase in temperature accelerates chemical reactions and
affects relative humidity.
w Daylight has the highest proportion of UV radiation and therefore must be
Types of lighting
Incandescent lamps are the most familiar type of electric light source. Light
is produced by passing an electric current through a thin tungsten wire filament.
Incandescent lamps usually have less harmful UV radiation output than
fluorescent lighting, but they generate more heat through infrared radiation.
Tungsten incandescent lights also burn less efficiently and must be replaced
more often than fluorescent lights.
It is necessary to measure and record light and UV levels at different times of the
year, as readings will change with the seasons.
International Preservation Issues
Number One
A light meter or lux meter measures the intensity of visible light in lux (lumens
per square metre). A camera with a built-in light meter can also be used to measure
light levels indirectly.
A UV meter measures the amount of UV radiation (wavelengths less than
nanometers) in units of microwatts of UV radiation per lumen.
Recommended light levels
When storage areas are not in
use it should be mandatory to
switch off lights.
In exhibition situations, the light level falling on the surface of objects on display
must be kept low. No more than lux during an eight-hour day for a maximum
of days, is often recommended for light-sensitive materials like coloured
paper, newsprint, and certain bindings (e.g. textile bindings), and media like
manuscript ink and watercolours.
The spores of fungi that become mould are always present in the air and on
objects and will grow wherever conditions are favourable. In general, moisture
(above % RH), darkness, and poor air circulation are ideal conditions. Warmth
is a factor, but certain moulds and bacteria will thrive in cold temperatures too
(think of what can happen in a refrigerator).
Mould can weaken, stain, and disfigure paper and photographic material. It is
generaly recognised that foxing may be attributable to mould reacting with trace
elements in paper. Cloth, leather, vellum, and certain adhesives are also affected
by mould.
Attending to an infestation
Number One
If only a few items are affected, place them in a dry paper-based box until
treatment. If possible, include a desiccant, such as conditioned silica gel packets.
This enclosure will prevent spores from circulating, but will not encourage the
growth potentially created by the tightly sealed microclimate of a plastic bag.
Alternatively, move the affected material to a clean area with relative humidity
below %, separate from the rest of the collection, and allow them to dry.
If immediate drying is not possible, or if many objects are wet, freeze them;
later they can be thawed, dried, and cleaned in small batches.
Material may also be freeze-dried and then cleaned.
When dry, the items should be cleaned and stored under suitable environmental
conditions. The storage environment is critical since even after
cleaning, fungal residue will be present.
If the outbreak is small, and equipment limited, take the items outside well
away from the building on a calm, mild day and brush them off with a soft
white brush, away from you and downwind.
Remove mould only with a vacuum cleaner that contains an HEPA (high
efficiency particulate air) filter capable of retaining .% of all particles down
to . microns. Conventional vacuum cleaners have drawbacks: often the
suction is too strong; as the bag fills up the efficiency decreases; the exhaust
can be contaminated with fine particles not trapped by the bag, therefore
redistributing them around the room. An HEPA vacuum cleaner is an effective
way to remove mould because it does not spread the spores around. Vacuum
cleaners designed to filter air through water are unsuitable for capturing moulds
small particles. Even if a fungicide is present in the water, this will not prevent
particles of mould from being discharged back into the air.
While certain treatments can kill mould that is active, they are far less effective
with dormant spores, which are protected by relatively impervious cell walls. Proper
conditions will insure that dormant fungi remain inactive and will prevent
germination of accidentally introduced active spores. If the environment is
favorable to fungal activity, mould will grow. Even if complete eradication were
possible, it would not be a permanent solution in storage spaces without climate
controls. More spores are always being introduced and would sooner or later
become a problem.
If it is not possible to remove mould outdoors, work in front of a fan, with the
fan blowing contaminated air out a window, or work in a ventilation hood.
Make sure the ventilation hood uses a filter that traps mould. Be sure to remove
the mould in an area well away from collection storage and other people. Close
off the room. If the building has central/mechanical air circulation, block the
uptake vents so that spores are not spread through the building via the airhandling system. Take care when disposing of solid cleaning materials such as
vacuum cleaner bags or filters. These should be sealed in plastic bags and
Number One
removed from the building.
To remove inactive mould from paper or books, use a multiple-filter vacuum
cleaner (see above). Small brushes and nozzles used for cleaning computers
are useful for this purpose. Papers can be vacuum cleaned through a plastic
screen held down with weights. A brush attachment should be used for books.
Covering the nozzle or brush with cheesecloth or screening will guard against
loss of detached pieces. Remember active mould is soft and subject to smearing,
and is easily rubbed into porous materials such as paper or cloth.
w Active mould is best removed from valuable artifacts with a small low-pressure
vacuum cleaner. This delicate work is best done by a conservator.
w When fungal growth is visible on art objects or valuable items, it should be
removed by a conservator. Staining caused by mould can often be removed or
at least lightened. This is an expensive procedure and therefore most suitable
for objects of significant value.
It is important to find out what caused the mould outbreak in the first place.
The room where a mould outbreak occurrs must be dried and thoroughly
cleaned before the affected material can be returned to it. For moderate to
large mould outbreaks contact a professional service that provides dehumidification or cleaning of the premises.
If the RH is above %, it must be lowered before the collection is returned to
the area. Adjusting the HVAC system or adding a portable dehumidifier may
be all that is necessary. Also check for leaks or water condensation on outside
walls. Inspect the heat-exchange coils in the heating/air-conditioning system,
a notorious breeding ground for fungi, and clean them with a household
Vacuum clean the shelves and floor with an HEPA vacuum cleaner, then clean
them with a household disinfectant. Before returning the cleaned material to
the area, monitor the RH for several weeks to make certain it does not exceed
After the items are returned, check daily for new mould outbreaks.
Number One
Place lawn sprinkler systems so that they do not soak outside walls.
w Regularly inspect collections for mould so that any infestation is detected before
it becomes serious.
Insects which most commonly cause damage in libraries and archives throughout
the world are cockroaches, silverfish, book-lice, beetles and termites.
w They feed on organic substances such as paper, pastes, glues, gelatine sizing,
leather, and bookcloth; birds nests are also a major source of food for insects,
and bird droppings are corrosive.
w They prefer warm, dark, damp, dirty, and poorly ventilated conditions.
w Their damage is usually irreversible text and images lost by insects eating
and boring through paper and photographs cannot be replaced.
w Termites can devastate buildings and collections.
Always look for the least toxic alternative. For example, when faced with a
box of books with silverfish, avoid chemical treatments and simply hand-clean
the volumes using a vacuum cleaner and a soft brush. When uncertain if pests
are active, clean the item, bag it, and examine it later for signs of fresh activity.
Be sure to segregate collections from new accessions or items with possible
pest problems.
w The least toxic approach is not only the environmentally friendly approach,
but for many collections it is the only responsible approach:
Most fumigants will likely affect the long-term preservation of at least some
There is no one fumigant which is known to be safe for all collections.
Collections may be damaged through contact with the water- or oil-based
Fumigation offers collections no resistance to future pest attack.
w It is essential that after treatment, steps are taken to prevent any new infestation
from being introduced. This will probably mean segregating new (and possibly
infested) collections, strictly isolating collections with any signs of pest activity,
cleaning, and improving storage conditions.
Some institutions have selected freezing as an alternative to chemical fumigation.
By rapidly lowering the temperature to at least C and holding it at this level
International Preservation Issues
Number One
for up to several days, most life stages of most insects can be killed. While some
commercial freezers are adequate for pest control, others are not able to lower the
temperature quickly enough. A slow reduction in the temperature allows some
insects to go into a state resembling suspended animation and survive the
treatment. Naturally, it is also important to ensure that the objects are not damaged
by the low temperatures and that condensation is controlled.
Preventing insect and pest infestations
monitoring the building regularly for the presence of insects and pests
ensuring all staff, from cleaners to librarians, are vigilant and report any signs
of fresh damage and activity
using sticky traps. Traps have the advantage of catching insects before they
can be found visually; they catch a wide range of species; they can be placed in
areas which are difficult to inspect; trapped insects can be identified and counted;
traps are good indicators of an increase in insect numbers in one area; they
also highlight any failure of control treatment
understanding the biology and life cycles of insects and pests, which helps to
know when and where they are likely to breed, what they are likely to eat,
where they are likely to live
preventing pests and insects from entering the building making sure doors
close properly, installing mesh screens for windows and doors, etc.
using appropriate exterior lighting, such as sodium vapor, which is less attractive
to insects
Number One
In many places heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) may be
too costly to install and maintain or may have to be restricted to specific collections.
Nevertheless, there are many rudimentary measures and precautions that can
improve a librarys environment and protect collections.
A first step in all efforts to improve the environment should be sealing the
structure. This step alone will improve the physical condition of the building by
reducing air infiltration, pest access, heating loss or heat gain, and air and particulate
pollution. Making the building watertight will also reduce the sources of moisture
within the structure and may significantly reduce relative humidity levels.
Be aware that while trees and vegetation near buildings can reduce heat gain,
they can also encourage insect and pest activity.
Number One
HVAC sytems
If the institution has a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) plant,
then the following questions should be answered as part of any environmental
Does the air conditioning provide constant climate control throughout the
Are monitoring devices for temperature and RH regularly used in the facility?
w If there is no air conditioning system or, areas not covered by the system, how
are rooms heated and/or cooled?
If there is no air conditioning system or, areas not covered by the system, how
is humidity controlled?
Number One
Notice to readers
Number One
Single-sheet material
International Preservation Issues
Shelfmarks should not be painted on books, nor should they be typed onto labels
which are attached to books with pressure-sensitive tape or adhesive. Paint is
unattractive and disfiguring; tape and adhesive may discolour, stain or otherwise
damage the binding. For antiquarian material, shelfmarks should be written on
the first fly-leaf with soft pencil.
When using self-adhesive labels, care should be taken to ensure that the adhesive
will remain effective over time. It is especially important that the adhesive does
not desiccate, causing labels to come loose or fall off, and does not ooze, causing
stickiness on the book, which will attract dirt and may damage other materials
that come into contact with it. Ideally, labels should be on permanent paper.
All acidic inserts, such as loose bookmarks, scraps of paper, and pressed flowers,
should be removed from books, assessed, documented, photocopied, and, if to
be saved, then encapsulated in polyester. This is to prevent staining and acidity in
the inserts from migrating into book pages and damaging them.
Adhesive tapes, staples, pins,
paper clips, and rubber bands
should never be used on any
type of library material. Items
should be boxed, wrapped in
acid-free paper, or tied with a
flat undyed cotton, linen, or
polyester tape. Tape should be
tied with knots at the top or
fore-edge of the text- block.
No attempt should be made to separate documents that are attached with lines or
dots of paste or glue. If such items must be separated to allow for the safe handling,
use, or filming of the records, a conservator should be contacted.
Great care must be exercised when removing old fasteners such as staples,
paperclips, etc. Fasteners that have rusted or become strongly adhered to paper
surfaces must be gently lifted; before removal, the line of contact between the
paper and any encrusted rust must be broken. When removing fasteners, the
document should be fully supported on a table, and one hand should be placed
on the document to hold it in position and support the paper while the fastener is
being removed. If the procedure is conducted in mid-air, documents are likely to
be torn and damaged.
Staple removers should not be used on fragile or brittle documents, as they can
easily remove an entire weak or brittle corner along with the intended staple.
International Preservation Issues
Number One
Books are complex composite objects which open in a variety of ways and require
different methods of support when opened. Very few books can be opened at
without being damaged. It is strongly recommended that no book is opened
more than , and tightly bound volumes no more than . Bindings are far
more vulnerable and fragile than is presumed and need to be handled with great
care. Board attachments are often precarious, with extremely thin leather over the
joints. Such books should always be supported when in use and boards should
never be flipped back from the text-block.
The traditional wooden lectern or reading stand has caused many volumes to
be damaged by presenting the book at a steep angle which strains the sewing and
does not support the joints, which will soon weaken and eventually split. Moreover,
such steep lecterns are not comfortable for readers to use.
For fragile and rare material, the foam book supports designed by Christopher
Clarkson provide the most suitable way of supporting both tight- and hollowback volumes. A book can be set up at a comfortable reading angle of , with
an opening not greater than , the joints fully supported, and the leaves
restrained with strips of weighted fabric. As the reader progresses through the
volume, the blocks can be adjusted to retain optimum support for the books
vulnerable joints. With a thicker book, the reader should add or remove one or
more of the flat pads to fit the volumes changing profile as it is opened in different
places. A larger wedge may be placed beneath the two side-supports, to form the
base of the book-rest and provide a more comfortable reading angle.
Notices to readers
annotate texts, or write on paper placed on top of the pages of an open book
shuffle loose items to fit them in an enclosure, but to handle them individually
(in order to prevent hidden edge tears from interlocking and causing further
Number One
Number One
Book cases should be at least cm away from walls and the books another
cm away from the back of the book case. This is especially important when
book cases are positioned against the outside walls of a building.
When books are stored in steel cabinets, ensure the cabinets are adequately
ventilated. Holes should be in the sides and not on the top of the cabinets to
avoid dust and debris falling on the books.
Books kept on mobile shelving must be shelved carefully to avoid any possibility
of them falling off or being crushed when the shelves are moved.
For the maximum protection of books, the following rules should be enforced:
Shelve books so that they are not difficult to remove or replace. Books which
are tightly shelved will soon be damaged when they are removed or replaced.
Use bookends to support books when shelves are not full. Allowing books to
lean will distort and strain the structures and eventually cause their breakdown.
Bookends should have smooth surfaces and broad edges to prevent covers
from being abraded and leaves torn or creased.
Do not let books extend beyond the edges of shelves into aisles because they
can be damaged by passers-by and trollies.
Shelve books by size whenever possible. Avoid keeping large books next to
small ones because the large book will be inadequately supported.
Box, or at least separate with a piece of card or board, bindings with metal
furniture (clasps, bosses, studs, etc.), which are shelved next to unprotected
Number One
Separate paper and cloth bindings from leather bindings. Acidity and oils in
the leather migrate into paper and cloth and hasten their deterioration.
Furthermore, degraded powdery leather will soil paper and cloth.
Move the books or rearrange the shelves if books are too tall to stand upright.
Do not store books on their fore-edges as this will damage the structure of a
book and loosen the binding.
When oversize books that are stored flat are removed, the upper volumes
should be transferred to an empty shelf or book trolley. The desired volume
should be removed by lifting it with both hands, and the removed volumes
should then be transferred back to the shelf. Replacing the book on the shelf
is done in the same way.
Avoid stacking books in piles on shelves or tables as the books can easily
topple over. Ensure the stacks contain no more than two to three books.
Take special care to ensure that shelfmark flags or titles of books that are
stored flat are visible so the books can be identified without moving them.
When the binding must remain on view, such as in a period room in a historic
house, the use of book-shoes (supports that cover the sides but leave the
spines of books visible) or placement of a piece of polyester film between the
They should not be pulled off the shelves by the headcap, a practice that causes
the headcap to fail, tearing the spine of the binding.
If there is room above the book, reach over the top of the book to the foreedge and then pull it out.
If there is no room, push back the books on either side of the one to be
retrieved, to expose enough of the spine to allow for a firm grip on either side
of the spine with the thumb and fingers.
The book should be removed, and the remaining books on the shelf and the
bookends readjusted.
Do not carry more books than can be comfortably held firmly in both hands.
Pack books flat in tough boxes when moving them out of a room.
If necessary, pad the box with polystyrene or foam so that the books do not
slide around.
Transport individual books in card boxes. Carry the box in a polythene bag
when going outside.
International Preservation Issues
Number One
have large rubber wheels, for this helps stability, and manoeuvrability, and
reduces vibration
they are shelved upright on the trolley and are properly supported as in the
Tailor-made boxes of bookboard and cloth are ideal but are expensive and
require time and skill to make. They can be justified only for extremely rare,
unique, and valuable material. They have the advantage of being able to provide
all round support and are more robust than other types of enclosures.
Number One
Book-shoes are appropriate for books that require structural support while
being displayed on shelves.
Slipcases should be avoided because they often abrade the surface of the binding
and damage the text-block when the book is slid in and out.
Envelopes are sometimes used for the storage of books. These generally do
not provide the support books need and should be replaced with boxes.
Vulnerable and damaged books books with loose or torn leaves, and books
with loose covers.
Number One
Many historical collections include scrapbooks and ephemera (e.g., trade cards,
valentines, patterns, paper dolls, etc.). These items pose challenging preservation
problems because they often contain a variety of components and media. They
may have raised surfaces, three-dimensional decoration, or moving parts. They
are frequently unique, fragile, damaged, and of significant associational value. They
should never be interfiled with other categories of library and archival material
because damage may result from the different sizes, shapes, weights, and materials
Scrapbooks that are of special historic value in their original form should be
individually boxed. Unbound ephemera should be grouped by size and type (e.g.,
photographs, printed material, manuscripts, etc.), individually enclosed to protect
items from acid migration and mechanical damage, if needed, and stored in a way
that will support them structurally.
Single-sheet material
For paper collections, only objects of the same size and category should be
stored together.
As acid migrates from paper of inferior quality to any other paper with which
it comes into direct contact, it is important to separate poor-quality papers
from those that are better. Newsclippings and other obviously inferior-quality
papers must be removed from direct contact with historical documents and
manuscripts on better-quality paper.
Documents should be stored in file folders. Ideally, no more than ten to fifteen
sheets should be placed in each folder.
All folders inside a box should be the same size and should conform to the
size of the box.
Boxes should not be overfilled because this can cause damage when items are
removed, replaced, or reviewed.
w Boxes can be stored flat or upright. Flat storage will give the documents overall
support and will prevent crumbling edges, slumping, and other mechanical
International Preservation Issues
Number One
Rare and unique single-sheet items, such as letters, have been traditionally bound
into guard books. These are satisfactory if they are kept fairly thin and allow a
support sheet for each manuscript page to ensure that the support and not the
manuscript is handled. A simpler method is to make up fascicules.
A fascicule is a single-section, pamphlet-sewn binding comprising support sheets
of bifolia and hooked leaves (acting as compensation guards) with an acid-free
stiff paper cover. Sizes are made to fit commercial boxes. All items are foliated
and placed loosely in the fascicules by librarians. The leaves on which the items
are to be attached are also foliated. A Japanese paper hinge is pasted onto the edge
of the item. The hinges are then pasted and the items attached to the recto of the
support sheets. The fascicules are then boxed. Fascicules have several advantages:
Each item is kept flat and supported.
w Items can be easily removed and replaced if necessary (e.g., for exhibition).
Handling is reduced.
w A variety of materials within a standard format can be accommodated.
Number One
Take care that large pendant seals are supported and turned with the document.
Consider the route and destination before setting out, even if simply moving
items from one room to another.
Place maps, plans, and large single-sheet material in a portfolio or purposemade folder.
When exhibiting library material, special attention should be paid to the following:
The security of the exhibit cases should have locks, shatter-proof glass, be
alarmed, and the room should be invigilated at all times.
Materials used for case construction should be chemically stable and checked
for offgassing.
Materials used for mounting exhibits should be chemically stable and pose no
detrimental threat to the artefact.
Acid-free card with an alkaline reserve should be used for window mats and
Exhibits like paintings, not in cases, should be secured to walls or floors and
cordoned off for security reasons so that visitors cannot touch them.
w A record of all items exhibited should be kept.
Number One
Number One
Film-based media
Number One
Polyester-based film
Segregated storage
General storage
Photographic media
Since the birth of photography in , photographs have been made employing
many different methods. Some of the materials used were extremely self-destructive,
others were very sensitive to physical contact, and almost all photographic material
is sensitive to the environment not only temperature, relative humidity, and air
pollution but also oxidising substances found from emissions in building materials,
wall paints, wooden furnishing, cardboard, wall paints, and even the enclosures
used to protect them. While the conservation of photographic material should
be left to specialists, library staff can take certain precautions to safeguard the
welfare of photographs within their collections.
Composition of photographs
wear clean, lint-free cotton gloves when handling photographic media and
never touch the emulsion side of any photographic image (e.g., print, negative,
transparency, lantern slide, etc.)
use two hands to hold a photograph, or support it with a piece of stiff card
not use adhesive tapes, staples, pins, paper clips, or rubber bands on
photographic material
PVC sleeves must not be
All enclosures should pass the Photo Activity Test (PAT) as described in ANSI
standard IT. . This stringent test evaluates the effect of housing materials
on photographic media. Many manufacturers and suppliers of housing materials
now conduct this test on their products. If at all possible, purchase products that
have passed the PAT, or specify that any housing purchased must pass the PAT.
Enclosure materials for photographs fall essentially into two groups: paper/
International Preservation Issues
Number One
board and plastic. Paper and board should conform to the following criteria:
w high cellulose content (above %)
Black and white prints and negatives should be kept below C ( F) and
% RH.
Photographs it is best for each item to have its own enclosure. This reduces
damage to the photograph by giving it protection and physical support. Because
paper enclosures are opaque, the photograph must be removed from the enclosure
when it is viewed; clear plastic L sleeves (two sheets of polyester placed on top
of one another and joined along two adjacent edges), with a piece of board behind
the print for added support, have the advantage of allowing researchers to view
the image without handling it, thus reducing the possibility of scratching or
Special care must be given to the storage of oversize photographic prints
mounted on cardboard. This board is often acidic and extremely brittle.
Embrittlement of the support can endanger the image itself because the cardboard
may break in storage or during handling, damaging the photograph. Such prints
must be carefully stored, sometimes in specially made enclosures. They should be
handled with great care.
Once photographs have been properly housed in folders, sleeves, or envelopes,
they may be stored upright or flat in drop-front boxes of archival quality. Horizontal
International Preservation Issues
Number One
Film-based media
There are three main types of film-based photographic materials: cellulose nitrate,
cellulose acetate, and polyester. These materials have been used as a support for
negatives, positive transparencies, motion pictures, microfilms, and other
photographic products.
Cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate are unstable. The by-products of their
degradation can severely harm and even destroy photographic collections. In
particular, institutions should isolate and properly store cellulose nitrate material
because of its extreme flammability, especially when in a deteriorated condition.
Cellulose nitrate-based film
Number One
If these gases cannot escape from the container in which the film is kept, then
decomposition accelerates the base turns yellow, then brown, becomes sticky
and then brittle, until it disintegrates into ashy-brown powder, resulting in the
complete destruction of the picture/sound records.
The reaction can lead to spontaneous combustion of the film with disastrous
consequences for other adjacent material, people, and buildings.
It slowly decomposes at room temperature, giving off gases that resemble the
smell of vinegar hence the process is known as vinegar syndrome.
Until recently, cellulose triacetate films had been considered suitable for archival
records; however, stability problems have become evident with this film as well.
Polyester-based film
Commonly known as safety film. For the most permanent photographic records,
films incorporating a polyester (polyethylene terephthalate) base are currently
Film-based media can be damaged easily, even when in good condition. All three
film types, and the gelatine binder on them, can be scratched, abraded, and creased.
Oils and dirt from hands can also damage the support and binder, as well as the
final image material.
Once deterioration has begun, film-based media are even more prone to
handling damage. Deteriorated media can become quite brittle; in this state,
repeated removal from a housing can cause considerable harm. Furthermore,
deteriorated materials may become sticky and adhere to other items.
Ideally, film should not be handled at all by non-specialists and should be
projected or copied only by a film conservator. Handlers should wear lint-free
cotton gloves, handle the edges only, and work in a clean, well-lit, and well-ventilated
area with enough room for processing. Eating, drinking, or smoking should not
be allowed in the processing/examination area. Prolonged exposure to deteriorated
negatives can be a dangerous health hazard, especially when in large collections.
Number One
Estimated life expectancy (in years) for new and for deteriorating
acetate film in selected storage environments
Office, Air Conditioned
Cool Storage
Cool Storage
Cool Storage
Cold Storage
Cold Storage
F at % RH
F at % RH
F at % RH
F at % RH
F at % RH
F at % RH
The Guide is a very practical tool for a collections manager, since the cost of an
improved storage environment can be directly compared to quantitative benefits
measured in years of additional preservation. As indicated by the Guide, cold
storage is the only viable option to increase stability of material that already shows
signs of deterioration and for keeping new material in good condition.
If cold storage is not an option over the short term, the storage facility should
be well ventilated to prevent the build up of acidic gases that drive the autocatalytic
degradation reactions of cellulosic films. As much as possible, the environment
should be stable, cool, and dry. Significant fluctuations of temperature and relative
humidity should be avoided.
Segregated storage
Ideally, each type of film-based material should be stored separately, isolated from
other types of film supports. Organising storage in this way protects other
photographic media from the harmful degradation products of cellulose nitrate
and the cellulose acetates. In particular, the nitric acid formed by the degradation
of cellulose nitrate can fade silver images, cause gelatine binders to become soft
or even tacky, and corrode metal containers and cabinets. This type of materialbased organisation also makes monitoring the condition of the collection more
efficient and effective.
While it is important to separate different types of material if possible, it is also
important to segregate deteriorating media from those in good condition. As
mentioned earlier, deteriorating materials produce degradation products that can
induce deterioration in other photographic media.
Sheet film, like negatives and transparencies should be placed in sleeves, the sleeves
in a box or drawer, and these boxes or drawers on metal shelves or in a cabinet.
Roll film, such as motion picture film and microfilm, should be kept wound on
cores, emulsion-side-in and placed in canisters which are free from plasticizers,
chlorine, and peroxides. Acceptable materials include polyethylene or
polypropylene. Any paper or card inside the can should be removed, as should
any outside paper wrappings, and stored separately with appropriate
Both flat and roll material should be stored horizontally on metal racking in
cool, dry, dark conditions, with good air circulation.
Number One
Audio disk recordings
Shellac disks
Vinyl disks
Magnetic media
Number One
Optical media
Laser disks
The first shellac disks date from the s, and this format was used until the
s, when it was gradually replaced by vinyl disks.
Determining the causes of shellac degradation is difficult because a very wide
range of qualities of shellac and fillers have been used by manufacturers.
In a proper storage environment, these disks suffer a slow, progressive
embrittlement of the shellac. High humidity levels accelerate the embrittlement
of shellac disks. This embrittlement causes a fine powder to be shed from the
disk after each playback, effectively scraping away groove information. Organic
materials in the aggregates are susceptible to fungus attack, while shellac itself is
said to be fungus-resistant.
Vinyl disks
Although vinyl is stable, its life is not indefinite. Vinyl discs are made of polyvinyl
chloride (PVC), which degrades chemically when exposed to ultraviolet or to heat.
Stabilization is therefore achieved by adding a chemical to the resin during manufacture. This does not prevent the degradation but controls it.
Vinyl disks are resistant to fungal growth and are unaffected by high humidity
Remove grooved disks from the jacket (with the inner sleeve) by holding it
against the body and applying a slight pressure with a hand and bowing the
jacket open. Pull the disk out by holding a corner of the inner sleeve. Avoid
pressing down onto the disk with the fingers, as any dust caught between the
sleeve and the disk will be pressed into the grooves.
Remove grooved disks from the inner sleeve by bowing the inner sleeve and
letting it slip gradually into an open hand so that the edge falls on the inside of
the thumb knuckle. The middle finger should reach for the centre label. Never
reach into the sleeve.
To hold a disk, place the thumb on the edge of the disk, and the rest of the
fingers of the same hand on the centre label for balance. Use both hands on
the edge to place disk on turntable.
Store records in soft polyethylene inner sleeves. Avoid using inner sleeves made
of paper, cardboard, or PVC.
w Do not leave recordings near sources of heat or light (especially ultraviolet), as
plastics are adversely affected by both.
Number One
Do not use shelving units where supports put more pressure on one area of
the recording or where supports are more than cm ( inches) apart.
Do not interfile recordings of different sizes, as smaller items may get lost or
damaged, while larger items may be subjected to uneven pressure.
Magnetic media
Magnetic tapes (audio and video recordings on cassettes, audio and computer
reel-to-reel tape, computer diskettes, etc.) are most commonly made of a magnetic
layer of chromium or iron oxide bound with an adhesive onto a polyester film
base. It is the adhesive binder which is susceptible to deterioration, through
hydrolysis and oxidation. As the information is stored on magnetic tape in patterns
formed by the magnetized particles, any loss or disarrangement of the magnetic
oxide causes loss of information.
Since the early s, there have been more than forty video formats that have
varied in size, speed, and the manner in which the tape is held.
Cassette tapes are much thinner and weaker than reel-to-reel tapes, and their
useable life expectancy is very short. Use reel-to-reel tape for long-term retention.
Magnetic tape has a much shorter lifespan than is presumed. Magnetic tape
that is over years old almost certainly needs careful attention, and most tapes
over years old need professional help.
Minimize handling.
Avoid touching the surface of any tape or computer diskette. Oil from skin
leaves a residue that can coat the equipments playing head and attract dust.
Do not touch the tape surface or the edge of the tape pack unless absolutely
necessary, and then wear lint-free gloves.
Do not use commercial products advertised to clean tapes and diskettes. Contact an experienced professional to clean or repair dirty or damaged tapes.
Return tapes and diskettes to their individual boxes immediately after use to
Number One
avoid possible damage and dust.
w Never use paper clips or adhesive tape to attach notes directly to cassettes,
reels, or diskettes.
The loss of a single computer diskette can mean the loss of a large quantity of
information. For this reason, backup copies are critical to ensuring the preservation of computer-based records. If maintaining an active computer database of
records is part of an institutional operation, copy the information recorded on
the systems hard drive onto backup diskettes or tapes on a daily basis. As a part
of disaster prevention, store backup copies in another secure location.
Audio, video, and computer tapes which are to be retained for long periods of
time will require periodic copying/refreshing to ensure access to information.
Every three to five years, re-copy all master tapes onto high quality, polyesterbased tape in the currently established format for the media. Use this copy master
only when making another use copy. Make the copies of masters at different
times so they do not age together.
Use reel-to-reel audio tape for master audio copies. A written transcript of an
audio or video tape can also be used as a use copy or backup copy. A transcript
may contain every word on the original tape, or only a general rendering of the
Information formats disappear as new technology emerges. Within the last twenty
years, -track tapes, beta format video, -inch videotape, -inch, -inch and 56
Number One
inch computer diskettes and countless other formats have become obsolete.
Access to information is limited when machines necessary to read these records
fail and cannot be replaced. To ensure access to information, copy older formats
onto a stable technology while playback machines remain available.
Keep tapes and diskettes away from magnetic fields do not stack tapes on
top of electrical equipment.
w Keep storage areas clean and free from dust. Dust attracts and traps moisture
and will precipitate hydrolysis, a common and serious cause of long-term
magnetic tape degradation. Also, dust may cause permanent damage to the
tape: the abrasiveness of the dust, along with the pressure exerted
between the tape surface and the tape recorder heads, will scratch the oxide
layer and the tape recorder heads.
Optical media
Laser disks
Laser disks were launched in and are usually -inch ( cm) disks of glass
or plastic. Millions of pits are etched into the surface which are read by a laser
beam directed at the surface. A light beam is reflected, which is then converted
into a conventional analogue signal.
CD-ROM (compact disk read only memory) originated from the audio compact disk which was available in the mid-s, and thus its physical dimensions
and characteristics are the same. The main difference between CD-ROM and CDAudio is that CD-Audio contains only audio data, while CD-ROM may contain
audio, computer, and video/picture data.
The moulded plastic compact disk incorporates a continuous spiral of pits,
International Preservation Issues
Number One
which contain the data. An aluminium reflective layer allows a laser in the compact disk drive to read the encoded information. Data integrity is protected by a
lacquer coating on one side and a plastic substrate on the other side.
The worst handling stresses for an optical disk are caused by severe flexing or
application of a sharp point to the top surface. These actions deform the substrate,
wiping out pits and causing areas of the disk to become unreadable. A sharp
stylus a ballpoint pen, for example can cause compression of the polycarbonate
substrate and the metallic reflecting layer in the area under the pen point. Do not
leave disks in disk drives. Wear lint-free gloves when handling optical media.
Applying labels of any kind may unbalance an optical disk and make it difficult
for the player to read. Also, labels may peel in humid conditions. Once a label is
on the disk, however, it is especially important not to try and remove it. The act
of peeling off a label creates a lever action that concentrates stress in a small area.
Such stress can cause delamination, especially in a writable CD. If it is necessary
to write on the top side of a disk, a soft felt-tip marker is preferable to other
writing instruments, but with some solvent-based markers there may be a danger
of the solvents migrating into the protective lacquer.
Avoid using cleaning solvents. Light dust or dirt may be safely brushed off with a
non-abrasive lens tissue, but the use of an air gun is preferable. Always be gentle
and wipe from the centre hub toward the outside edge of the disk. The motion
should be in a radial direction (like the spokes of a wheel), not circumferential.
The acrylic jewel cases provided by many manufacturers and distributors are
good protection against scratches, dust, light, and rapid humidity changes. Protect the individually cased CDs further by placing them in a closed box, drawer, or
cabinet. This gives additional protection from light, dust, and climate fluctuations.
If the manufacturer provides a spacer card or other material as part of the jewel
case package, it should be retained.
Environmental recommendations for storage
Number One
Why reformat?
Selecting a format
Microfilming process
Types of microfilm
Number One
What is digitizing?
Obsolescence issues
Why reformat?
When refor matting is performed an emphasis must be
placed on the welfar e of
the original material in terms
of training staff to handle
items correctly, the temporary
storage of material which is
awaiting reformatting, and
the environmental conditions
of reprographic studios.
When bound material is to
be microfilmed or digitized
cradles should be used that
support items in such a way
that no damage is inflicted
during reformatting.
Although libraries can take steps to prevent damage to their collections and the
rate at which they deteriorate, few institutions can afford the labour-intensive and
costly process of conserving their collections. Preserving the intellectual content,
by putting it into another, more durable format (reformatting), is all that is feasible
and may be all that is required. Many publications are available which cover in
detail the issues that reformatting raises and the methods and techniques involved.
This section summarises some of the most common points and is concerned
mainly with looking after the reformatting media. It is also a reminder that material
which is to be reformatted needs to be handled with all due care.
Library and archive material is reformatted for numerous reasons:
w To preserve its intellectual content.
To duplicate certain records for security reasons, in case the originals are
damaged, stolen, or destroyed.
When the objective is to reduce wear and tear to originals, great caution has to be
exercised in preventing damage occurring during the reprographic process.
Reformatting increases the risk to an item because of the number of times it has
to be handled in the process.
Number One
Selecting a format
Each has advantages and disadvantages over the others, but they can all serve
different purposes, and all are worth having present in a library to some degree.
Photocopying as a reformatting process is not a complete preservation tool since
usually no master is made from which other copies can be taken. However, it is
particularly useful for replacing missing pages or text:
Photocopies may also be used when an embrittled item can no longer be used
without risking damage, and a paper copy replacement (rather than film) is
desired but is not available from a commercial publisher.
Library patrons prefer paper facsimiles to the use of, say, microfilms, except
where bulky documents, such as newspapers, are involved.
There is some loss of information, especially for graphic objects other than
line art.
Number One
Microfilming process
Ask potential firms about their experience in filming records that are bound,
fragile, or oversized.
Contact the referees to see how the microfilm vendor handled records, met
deadlines, and responded to refilming corrections.
Number One
Types of microfilm
Silver-gelatine the only type for archival master negatives, which are to be
retained indefinitely off-site in tightly controlled conditions. Master negatives are
used solely for generating further copies and never for viewing.
Diazo an interim printing copy can be made from the master on diazo film,
from which other copies are taken.
Vesicular positive copies can be made on vesicular film for use and circulation.
Number One
life of many poor-quality originals. However, improper processing and storage
conditions will reduce film longevity.
w Master negatives should be stored in fire-proof vaults (not safes, as these can
not be kept at the required RH), free of dust and atmospheric pollutants and
maintained at a temperature of C C ( F F), with a constant
level of RH between % and % for silver gelatine on a cellulose ester base,
and % to % for silver gelatine on a polyester base.
w Intermediate printing copies on diazo film and viewing copies on vesicular
film can be stored in less stringent conditions. However, cool and dry conditions
will help to prolong the life of these types of film.
In all cases, rapid fluctuations of RH and temperature should be avoided.
w Diazo film images will fade, and exposure to light accelerates fading, so diazo
film should be stored in darkness and always in its container when not in use.
What is digitizing?
Number One
Obsolescence issues
The technological life span of any optical or electronic medium and its associated
hardware and software is a major issue that does not exist when considering
microfilming as a reformatting process. Computer hardware and software both
change rapidly, with new versions of each coming out on a regular basis. In addition,
technologies come and go. Libraries will probably not be able to use many of the
technologies of today in the future. Certainly, parts for the hardware will no longer
be manufactured, and old software will eventually not work on new machines.
What this means is that libraries may not be able to retrieve information stored
on optical media in years, and this will almost certainly be a problem in
years. To deal with hardware obsolescence, archival copies of magnetic and optical
computer media will have to be migrated when newer technologies become the
The production of both microfilm masters for preservation, and digital masters
for access, seems likely to become the preferred preservation strategy for the next
decade. On the whole, a film-first policy is currently favoured. However, the rapid
advancement of computer technology, the emergence of sophisticated equipment,
which can produce microfilms and high-resolution digital images simultaneously
and at low-cost, and the ever-increasing pressures of providing greater access will
eventually see digital technology in the ascendancy. Nevertheless, until standards
are in place, the use of digitizing for preservation will remain questionable.
Number One
Choosing to Preserve: towards a cooperative strategy for longterm access to the intellectual heritage. Papers of the
international conference organised by the European
Commission on Preservation and Access and Die
Deutsche Bibliothek, Leipzig/Frankfurt am Main,
March, . Amsterdam: European Commission
on Preservation and Access, .
Conway, Paul. Archival Preservation: Definitions for
Improving Education and Training. Restaurator, vol.
no. , .
Darling, Pamela W. and Wesley Boomgaarden, comps.
Preservation Planning Program: An Assisted Self-Study Manual.
Revised by Jan Merrill-Oldham and Jutta Reed-Scott.
Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries,
Sitts, Maxine K. A Practical Guide to Preservation in School
and Public Libraries. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University,
ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, .
Stevenson, Condict Gaye. Working Together: Case Studies
in Cooperative Preservation. Washington, DC: Commission
on Preservation and Access, .
Disaster Planning
Alegbeleye, Bunmi. Disaster Control Planning in Libraries,
Archives and Electronic Data Processing Centres in Africa.
Briggs, James R. Environmental Control of Modern
Records. Conservation of Library and Archive Materials and
the Graphic Arts, ed. Guy Petherbridge. London:
International Preservation Issues
Number One
Butterworths, .
Wellheiser, J. G. Non-chemical Treatment Processes for Disinfestation of Insects and Fungi in Library Collections. The
Hague: K.G. Saur, International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions, .
Florian, Mary-Lou E. Conidial Fungi (Mold, Mildew)
Biology: A Basis for Logical Prevention, Eradication
and Treatment of Museum and Archival Collections.
Leather Conservation News, vol. , .
Handling Books in General Collections, Atlanta, GA: Southeastern Library Network, . <http://palimpsest.
Number One
Film-based media
Varlamoff, Marie Thrse. Recommendations Regarding Loans of Library Documents to Exhibitions. IFLA
Journal , no. , .
Number One
Magnetic media
Elkington, Nancy E., ed. Preservation Microfilming Handbook. Mountain View, CA: Research Libraries Group,
Eilers, Delos A. Audio Magnetic Tape Preservation and Restoration. Arlington, VA: Association of Recorded Sound
Collections, International Federation of Television
Archives, International Association of Sound Archives,
no. , September .
Lindner, J. Confessions of a Videotape Restorer; Or,
How Come These Tapes all Need to be Cleaned
Differently? AMIA Newsletter no. , April . Association of Moving Image Archivists.
Preservation Microfilming: Does it Have a Future? Proceedings of the First National Conference of the National
Preservation Office at the State Library of South
Australia, May . Canberra: National Library
of Austalia, .
Optical media
The National Archives and Records Administration and the
Long-Term Usability of Optical Media for Federal Records: Three
Critical Problem Areas. <http://palimpsest.stanford.edu:
Permanence, Care and Handling of CDs. <http://www.
Schamber, Linda. Optical Disk Formats. <http://
electronic-storage-media/ed. html>
Guidelines for Preservation Photocopying. Library
Resources & Technical Services, vol. no. , July .
Preservation Photocopying in Libraries and Archives.
Papers from the Conference of the U.S. National
Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC,
December, . Restaurator, vol. no. , .
International Preservation Issues
Number One
e-mail: eromm@mail.sub.uni.goettingen.de
Is an inter national database to help libraries coordinate
microfilming and other reformatting activities aimed at the
preservation of the printed information which is threatenend
by brittle paper. It also serves as an instrument for ordering
service copies of reformatted books.
Number One
Getty Conservation Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 700, Los Angeles,
CA 90049-1684, USA
Tel: + 1 (310) 440 7325 Fax: + 1 (310) 440 7702
Publications: Newsletter three times a year in English and
Spanish, free of charge.
Image Permanence Institute (IPI)
Rochester Institute of Technology,
Frank E. Gannett Memorial Building, PO Box 9887,
Rochester, NY 14623-0887, USA
Tel: + 1 (716) 475 2736 Fax: + 1 (716) 475 7230
Institute of Paper Conservation (IPC)
Leigh Lodge, Leigh, Worcester WR6 5LB, UK
Tel: + 44 (1886) 832323 Fax: + 44 (1886) 833688
e-mail: clare@ipc.org.uk
Publications: Paper Conservation News is issued quarterly. The Paper Conser vator is published annually.
International Association of Sound Archives (IASA)
Tel: + 46 (8) 783 3700 Fax: + 46 (8) 663 1811
International Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)
13, via di San Michele, I-00153 Roma, ITALY
Tel: + 39 (6) 585 531 Fax: + 39 (6) 5855 3349
e-mail: iccrom@iccrom.org
International Council on Archives (ICA)
60, rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-75003 Paris, FRANCE
Tel : + 33 (1) 40 27 63 06 Fax: + 33 (1) 42 72 20 65
e-mail: 100640.54@compuserve.com
International Federation of Librar y Associations &
Institutions (IFLA)
PO Box 95312, 2509 CH The Hague,
Tel: + 31 (70) 31 40 884 Fax: + 31 (70) 38 34 827
e-mail: IFLA. HQ@IFLA.NL
IFLA Section on Preservation and Conservation
National Library of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa
Ontario K1A ON4, CANADA
Tel: + 1 (613) 943 85 70 Fax: + 1 (613) 947 29 16
e-mail: ralph.manning@nlc-bnc.ca
Number One
International and national standards are documented agreements containing technical specifications or the precise criteria
to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes
and services are fit for their purpose. Although it is recommended that they are followed, they may have to be adapted for
local requirements.
If we are to be fully confident about our preservation effor ts, then we need to know that our practices, procedures, and
purchases conform to established standards. While adherence to some standards is mandatory, electrical standards for
example, in other cases compliance is voluntary. This puts the responsibility on the practitioner or consumer to be aware of,
and to insist on, conformance with all standards governing an activity or product.
ISO TC 35: Paints and Varnishes
ISO TC 37: Terminology (Principles and Coordination)
terminologies or technologies.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ISO 9706
Number One