Chapter Four Brief Lecture Note For AAU Stu Ext
Chapter Four Brief Lecture Note For AAU Stu Ext
Chapter Four Brief Lecture Note For AAU Stu Ext
Taxation is the major source of revenue for both regional and federal governments in Ethiopia. The
taxation includes both direct and indirect taxes. The tax reforms of 2002 provides for these direct and
indirect taxes in the following proclamations
Proclamation 286/2002 income tax proclamation and regulation 78/2002 income tax
Proclamation 285/2002- VAT proclamation and regulation 79/2002 VAT regulation
Proclamation 307/2002- Excise tax proclamation
Proclamation 308/2002- Turn-over-tax proclamation
Proclamation 622/2009 Customs proclamation
The taxes on earning of tax payers during a given period of time are in general called income taxes.
In Ethiopia incomes are taxed based on scheduler approaches of taxation where incomes are
categorized in to different schedules based on their nature and sources for tax purpose. Accordingly
there are four schedules of income for tax purpose as it is provided in income tax proclamation.
Schedule A: Employment Income tax
Schedule B: Rental income tax
Schedule C: Business profit tax
Schedule D: Other income taxes
earnings. That is, money that individuals receive in different ways from their employer(s).The major
components of earnings (employment income) of an employee include the following:A. Basic Salary or Wage
Basic salary or wage means a regular payment to which an employee is entitled in return for the
performance of the work that he performs under a contract of employment this is payment received by
the employee for regular or normal working hours. That is, the time during which a worker actually
performs work or avails himself for work in accordance with law, collective agreement or work rules.
Overtime Work
Overtime work is a payment made to an employee for over time work done during a specific payroll
period. That is a payment made for the work done in addition to ones regular working hours.
Allowances are special payments or benefits made to employees for various reasons. These may
include, but not limited to, transportation allowance, house allowance, position allowance, hardship
allowance, desert allowance, representation allowance, etc.
Per-Diem is payment of daily expenses of an employee incurred for duty such as expenditures for
food, bed, transportation (traveling expenses) and others.
4.3.1. Who Pays Employment Income Tax?
Every employee is required to pay a portion of his/her monthly employment income in the form of tax
to the government. Employers have an obligation to calculate and withhold the tax from each
payment to an employee (employment income tax) and to pay to the tax authority the amount
withheld during each calendar month.
Taxation on income and property occupies a prominent position in the fiscal policy of almost all
countries of the world. The modern economy is characterized by the existence of a large number of
taxpayers. These taxpayers include public enterprises, government, all corporations and other legal
entities, branches of foreign companies, non-incorporated businesses, individual proprietorship,
individuals, professionals and small traders. Revenue from individual income tax may not be a major
portion of total government revenue in any country. Even if it is not a major revenue producer, its
characteristics make it important for purposes of improving equity and income distribution.
4.3.2. Taxable Employment Income and tax rates
At this point, you should give attention that employment income differs from taxable employment
income in income tax provision. Employment income tax will be charged, levied and collected
monthly on the basis of taxable employment income of every preceding month at the specified tax
rate. If the payment received is for a period larger than a month, the tax payable shall be computed by
prorating the income received over the number of months covered by such payment. Employment
income attributable to the months of Nehassie and Pagumen is aggregated and treated as the
income of one month.
Taxable employment income is the amount of income from employment which is subject to
employment income tax. Taxable employment income from employment includes all payments in
cash and in kind received by the employees in the country other than non-taxable incomes. In
determining the taxable income, any income received from former employment and prospective
employment, if any, shall also be included. However, it does not include exemptions.
Exemptions are employment incomes which are exempted from employment income tax. The
following payments in cash and benefits in kind are exempted from inclusion in monthly income for
the determination of employment tax.
One hundred fifty (150) birr of the monthly employment income of an employee.
Medical expenses actually incurred by the employer for the treatment of employees.
Transportation allowance paid by the employer to the employees under the contract of
Any hardship allowance provided to employees.
Reimbursement made by the employer of traveling expenses incurred on duty by the
Traveling expenses paid to transport employees from elsewhere to the place of employment
and to return them upon the completion of employment (if provided in the contract)
Allowances paid to members and secretaries of Boards of Public Enterprises, public bodies,
and study groups set up by Federal or Regional Government.
Income of persons employed for domestic duties.
Income from employment received by casual employees. Casual employees are those who do
not regularly work under the same employer for a period of 12 months.
Contribution for pension, provident fund or any other form of retirement benefit made by the
employer that does not exceed 15% of the monthly salary of the employee.
Income from employment received for services of:
diplomatic and consular representatives
persons employed in any embassy, legation, consulate, or mission of a foreign state who are
nationals of that state and bearers of diplomatic passport
Income specifically exempted from payment of tax by any law, international treaty; or
agreement approved by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development or Council of
Ministers Regulation for economic, administrative or social reasons.
Income received as compensation or gratitude in relation to personal injuries or death of
another person.
Remember that the above stated income types, whoever receives them, are not to be included in the
taxable income to determine tax. For example, government employees in the country get a pension
contribution given by the employer (i.e. the government) at a percentage less than 15%. It is known
that the contribution towards pension by government is 6% in the country for civil servants. If you
relate the rule to this, the employees need not pay tax to this contribution. Likewise, according to the
above rule, daily workers who do not permanently work under the same employer need not pay the
If any employer pays tax for employees, without being deducted from income, the said amount shall
be added to the taxable income for the determination of tax. Earlier you have studied that income
types that are subject to tax in the country are divided in to different schedules. Note that tax on
employment income is listed as Schedule A income tax as per the income tax proclamation No.
Tax rate
While applying this rate, it should be made clear that from the taxable income, Birr 150 is not to be
taxed. On the remaining, the first Birr 500 is subject to tax at 10%, the next Birr 750 is taxed at 15%,
the next Birr 950 is taxed at 20%, the next Birr 1200 is taxed at 25%, the next Birr 1450 is taxed at
30%, and any remaining amount of salary is taxed at 35%.
Determination of Employment Income Tax
You are now aware of the fact that some of the employment income types received by an employee
are subject to employment income tax and some are exempted. At this juncture, we focus on the
determination of employment income tax of those who pay, that is, by applying the tax rules. The
process starts with identifying the income items an employee receives in a month.
It may include the basic salary, overtime earning, allowances in the form of transportation, medical,
position, conveyance and the like. The sum total of the payment an employee gets is his/her gross
employment income. As stated earlier, some of the above items are exempted from inclusion in
taxable income. Deduction of these items from gross income will result in a figure called taxable
employment income, which refers to taxable employment income is the income subject to tax or the
income on which tax is determined. The employer applies the prescribed tax rates so as to determine
the amount of employment income tax for a given month.
This may be understood from the following example. Assume that the monthly salary of Ato Amha is
Birr 1,220. He is not entitled to have any other allowance and hence the gross income is equal to his
taxable income. His tax will be calculated as follows.
Total taxable income
Less: the minimum amount not taxed
Remaining taxable income
Less: First Birr 500 taxed at 10%
500 X 10% = 50.00
Remaining taxable income, taxed at 15%
570 X 15% = 85.50
Total tax of the month
Thus Ato Amha is required to pay tax of Birr 135.5 for the month.
The above example takes only the basic salary in to account. In addition to this, if an employee gets
allowances that are taxable, these should also be taken in to consideration to determine the tax.
Because the step-by-step computation of tax (progression method) illustrated above consumes time,
the tax authority has developed a short cut method to determine tax. This can be seen from the
following table.
Taxable monthly income
(In Birr)
0 ------- Birr 150
151 ------650
651 ------1400
1401 ------- 2350
2351 ------- 3550
3551 -----5000
5001 and above
Amount of tax
(In Birr)
p x 10% - 15
p x 15% - 47.5
p x 20% - 117.5
p x 25% - 235
p x 30% - 412.5
p x 35% - 662.5
Additional information:
The allowances paid to Nadia and Desta are for housing and traveling (on duty) respectively
The total number of working hours is 156 in the month
Overtime of Alem is paid at 150%, and Kiros and Mohammed are paid at 125% of normal pay
Required: Compute the pay roll tax of the individual employees.
(Hint: Overtime pay = Hourly rate X OT Hrs X OT rate)
Hourly rate = Basic salary /No of working hrs in a month)
A) Overtime payments
500/156 (12X1.5) = 57.6
380/156 (5X1.25) = 15.18
Mohammed 1280/156 (8X1.25) = 82
B) Taxable Income
= 500+100+57.6= Birr 657.6
= Birr 425
= 380+15.18= Birr 395.18
= 2040+100= Birr 2140
Mohammed = 1280+50+82= Birr 1412
= Birr 640
C) Payroll tax
The employer declares taxable employment income of his employees at the end of each month
because the tax period for the tax is a month. Declaration is to be made within 30 days from the end
of the month for which the tax is due. An employee, whose taxable income is exclusively from
Schedule A, need not declare his taxable income himself. Employers shall withhold the tax on income
from employment on payments they make to employees except from those who are not required to
pay tax as per the provisions of law. Withholding tax from the employees should be the primary
obligation of the employer before any other amount is withheld from the payment.
Declaration should be made in a statement showing the required information regarding his employees
within the stated period. The statement should contain details such as the name, address and TIN
(Taxpayer Identification Number) of each employee, taxable income of the employee, the income tax,
and any tax- exempt income received by the employee during the month. If a withholding agent (the
employer) fails to withhold the tax, he will be liable to make the payment. Declaration of the tax
should be accompanied by the payment.
Sometimes it happens that an employee may work with more than one employer. Those employees
under more than one employer and the employees of an Embassy or legation, who are not exempted
from payment of income tax, shall themselves declare their taxable income within 30 days from the
end of each calendar month. Periodically, auditors from the tax office verify the personal income tax
withholdings. The auditor conducts a number of tests in verifying that the taxpayer has deducted and
remitted the correct amount of personal income tax withholding from his/ her employees. The
procedure for verification is as follows.
Confirm the wages paid for the year from the financial statements, general ledger account, payroll
journal, disbursement journal, annual individual wages summaries, and general journal entries
Confirm the accurate treatment of year-end accruals.
Review the taxpayers provisions for taxable employee benefits and confirm the treatment for tax
Test the reductions for tax deductions from employees to the tax tables.
Confirm that the taxpayer has complied with any regulations regarding the payment in cash for day
labor or casual labor.
Confirm that the taxpayer has made the correct remittances to the revenue authority in the prescribed
time frame
The auditor has to provide details of underpayments or other issues for further verification to the
regional administrations responsible for the administration of the personal income tax withholdings.
Administrative Penalties
Employers who fail to declare taxable employment income within the stipulated period will be
punishable both for non-declaration and for non-payment because these are simultaneous procedures.
For administrative purposes, various fines are imposed for non-compliance according to the tax
provisions. Those employers who fail to declare tax will be penalized with fines as given below:
For the first 30 days of non declaration, Birr 1000
For the next 30 days of non declaration, Birr 2000
For every 30 days of non-declaration thereafter, Birr 1500
Because the declaration and payment of tax are simultaneous, those who are punished for nondeclaration will also be punished for non-payment. The income tax proclamation provides for
penalties in the case of non- payment as follows.
5% of amount unpaid on the first day after the due date
2%, additional, of tax unpaid on the first day of each month thereafter.
Failure to declare and pay employment income tax will also result in payment of interest for the
unpaid amount at 25% above the highest rate used for commercial purposes in the previous quarter.
Tax Rate
These rates are used for taxpayers who do not come under the definition body. While determining
the tax of an entity other than a body, the following short cut method may be applied.
Taxable income (annual) (In Birr)
0 1800
1801 7800
7801 16800
16801 28200
28201 42600
42601 _ 60000
60001 and above
(Where TI stands for Taxable Income)
Category of Taxpayers
For the purposes assessment and collection of business tax, business income taxpayers are categorized
in to three, namely, category A, category B, and category C, as per the provisions of the tax law.
(A) Category A Taxpayers
Category A includes any company incorporated under the laws of Ethiopia or a foreign country, and
other entities having annual turnover Birr 500000 and above. Those who are grouped under this
category are required to maintain all records and accounts, which will enable them to submit a
Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account disclosing the gross profit, general and administrative
expenses, depreciation and provision and reserves together with the supporting documents.
(B) Category B Taxpayers
Category B includes those enterprises having annual income of more than Birr 100000 and less than
Birr 500000. These taxpayers have to submit the profit and loss account together with the supporting
(C) Category C Taxpayers
Category C includes all taxpayers who are not listed in the other two categories and whose gross
annual turnover is estimated at Birr 100000 and below.
Record Keeping Requirements of Taxpayers
All persons who are engaged in business or trade (except category C) are required to keep a record of
the following information: a record of business assets and liabilities including a registered fixed assets specifying the date
and cost of acquisition, and the book value of assets
a record of daily income and expenditures related to the business activity
a record of purchases and sales of goods and services related to the business activity,
specifying the items sold, the name of buyers and sellers and using pre-numbered invoices
containing vendors TIN.
a record of trading stock on hand at the end of each accounting period including the type,
quantity and cost of that stock as well as the method of valuation of that stock
any other document necessary for the assessment of tax
Though it is not obligatory for category C to prepare and keep books of accounts, they are not
prohibited from doing so. The tax authority encourages category C taxpayers who keep books and
records and, in such cases, tax is determined as per the books.
All taxpayers are obliged to keep the above-mentioned documents for a period of five (5) years after
the end of the tax period. Any document prepared in a foreign language should be translated in to the
official language and submitted thereon. Companies, partnerships and other business entities are
required to submit a copy of the memorandum of association and the statutes. Any change made
therein should be notified accordingly. The public auditors are also required to submit the audit report
of their clients writing to the tax authority.
The tax law prescribes both cash basis and accrual basis of accounting for business income taxpayers
for tax purposes. However, companies are required to keep books on accrual basis. The tax authority
should approve any change in the method of accounting of taxpayer if applied. The tax office has also
to be convinced that such a change will clearly reflect the taxpayers income. The following are the
tax accounting methods acceptable by the Ethiopian government and incorporated in its income tax
(A) Cash Basis of Accounting
Taxpayers who use cash basis should recognize revenue when received or made available to them and
expense when paid by them. When the cash basis of accounting is in operation, and the legal
representative (or the one that claims to be the representative) of the taxpayer receives or pays cash, it
shall be deemed that the payment is received or paid by the taxpayer. Later on, if the said person
refunds it, an appropriate adjustment will be made to the income of the taxpayer for that period.
(B) Accrual Basis of Accounting
Taxpayers who use accrual basis should recognize revenue when it becomes receivable and expense
when it becomes payable. An amount is treated as payable when the liability is incurred and can be
measured with reasonable accuracy, but not before the economic performance. An economic
performance (for tax purpose) occurs at the time when the service or property is provided (for
acquisition of service property) or at the time the property is used (for use of property). This also
occurs at the time when the payment is made in full. When an expense is incurred for a period beyond
12 months, it shall be proportionately distributed over the period of benefit.
(C) Percentage of-Completion
The basis of accounting for long-term construction contracts should be the percentage of completion
method. The percentage of work completed and the revenue realized should be determined on a costto- cost basis.
Unlike employment income tax, the period used for assessment of business income tax is one fiscal
year. The fiscal period starts on July 8 and ends on July 7. A business unit may prepare accounts for
any period for accounting and reporting purposes. It is usually 12 months in length, but may be a bit
shorter or longer. Whatever be the period taken for reporting purposes by the business unit, tax period
is fixed for a period of 12 months ending July 7. But if the tax authority allows, a business unit may
use another 12-month period for tax purposes. It is also possible that an enterprise may change the tax
period with the permission of tax authority. In such cases, the period between the previous tax period
and the new period is treated as a transitional period.
As mentioned earlier, taxable business income shall mean the amount of income or profit from
business activity which is subject to business income tax. Taxable business income involves the
determination of taxable revenue and allowable deductions. Taxable revenue is the difference between
gross revenues and exemptions.
You have already studied in your preliminary courses that financial income for reporting purposes is
determined according to the International Financial Reporting standards (IFRS). It is to be noted that
the taxable income, on the other hand, is determined based on the tax law of every country. The
taxable income is rarely the same figure as the profit shown in a business entitys income statement
because the provisions of the tax law are different from the rules in the IAS/IFRS. These differences
may be viewed due to the following reasons.
Expenditures that have been charged in the income statement but which the tax law prevents
from being an allowable deduction
Profits (or income) taken in to the income statement but are not subject to tax.
The points mentioned above can be understood from the following discussion.
IFRS allows the recognition of certain items for financial reporting purposes. But many tax
laws do not allow including these items for tax purposes. Examples are: Interest received on investments in government bonds is a financial income. But it is not
taxable in many countries.
Fines and expenses resulting from a violation of law are recognized for financial reporting
purposes. But they are not permitted as expenses for tax purposes.
Expenses incurred in getting a tax-exempt income are not deducted to determine taxable
income though they are expensed for reporting purposes.
Generally, when such items are included in the income statement, adjustments regarding the items are
made to the reporting income in order to arrive at the taxable income. In our country also, business
units include all items (especially expenses) in the income statements. Some of these expenses may be
allowed as deductibles as per the law and some may not be. In order to arrive at the taxable income
under Schedule C, adjustments of the above items becomes essential. According to the current
practice, the starting point for this purpose is the net income revealed by the income statement.
The following categories of income/revenue shall be exempted from payment of business income tax:
awards for adopted or suggested innovations and cost saving measures; and
public awards for outstanding performance in any field;
income specifically exempted from income tax by the law in force in Ethiopia, by
international treaty or any agreement made or approved by the Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development;
The revenue obtained by the Federal, Regional and Local Governments of Ethiopia; and the
National Bank of Ethiopia from activities that are incidental to their operations.
For the purpose of determining taxable business income business expenses are classified into
deductible and non-deductible expenses discussed as follows:Deductible Expenses
The following items of expenditures are allowed to subtract from gross revenue as per the provisions
of tax the law and the Council of Ministers Regulation to determine taxable income of a given tax
1. Direct Cost of producing income
The direct cost of producing the income such as the direct cost of manufacturing, purchasing, import,
selling and other similar costs is allowed for deduction in determining taxable business income. To be
more specific, the cost of trading stock sold or disposed off during a tax period shall be deducted from
taxable income. Trading stock, for tax purposes, means any business asset used in the production
process and becomes part of the product or that is held for sale. In accounting terms it can be
described as the cost of purchases and inventory.
The cost of trading stock disposed off during a tax period is determined on the basis of the average
cost method or weighted average method.
2. General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses incurred for earning, securing and maintaining the income shall
also be deducted from gross income in calculating taxable income.
3. Insurance Expense
Premium payable (paid or incurred) on insurance directly connected with the business activity is also
one type of business expenses allowed for deduction in determining taxable business income.
4. Promotional Expense
Expense incurred for the promotion of the business inside and outside the country is deductible
expense. However, directives issued for this purpose set the maximum limit for this expense.
Commission paid for services rendered is allowed as deductibles. But the amount of deduction shall
not exceed the normal rates provided by other similar businesses or persons.
5. Payment to foreign head office
Any payment made by a branch, subsidiary or associated company in Ethiopia to the foreign head
office for services rendered (actually) is allowed as deductibles, provided that such a service cannot
be rendered by any other person at a lower cost in the country.
6. Salaries to Children of Proprietors or Partners
Salaries, wages or other emoluments paid to the children of proprietors or members of partnership are
eligible for deduction. This is permitted only if it is proved that the people possess the required
7. Salaries to Partners
Salaries and other personal emoluments paid to the manager or managers of a private limited
company are eligible for deduction. However, if it is observed that this amount is comparatively high
in view of the companys operations, the tax authority may disallow the excess payment for tax
8. Representation Expense
A representation expense over and above 10% of the salary of the employee is allowed for deduction
in determining taxable business income.
9. Retirement benefits
Pension contribution, provident fund and all forms of retirement benefits contributed by employers in
an amount that does not exceed 15% of the monthly salary of the employee is eligible to report as
business expense.
10. Interest Expense
Interest expense actually incurred for the operations of business is allowed for deduction. Such a
deduction is permitted only if the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) recognizes the lending institution,
or a foreign bank is to lend to enterprises in the country. It is to be noted that if the lender is a foreign
bank, it should file a declaration to the tax authority stating the provision of loan. Likewise, the
borrower shall withhold 10% of the gross interest and transfer the same to the tax authority within 2
months from the end of the fiscal year. Interest paid to a recognized financing institution shall be
deducted up to in excess of 2% from the rate used between the National Bank of Ethiopia and the
commercial banks.
11. Donations and Gifts
Donations and gifts given by the enterprise for charitable purposes are also allowed for deduction. A
charitable donation and gifts must meet three tests to be allowable.
They must be given to welfare organizations with a record of outstanding achievement and a good
accounting system showing the utilization of resources.
The payments must be made under emergency call issued by the Government to defend the countrys
sovereignty and integrity, to prevent manmade or natural catastrophe, epidemic, or any other similar
cause; or
The payment must be made for non- commercial education or health facilities.
This shows that non-charitable gifts and donations are not allowed to deduct as expense for tax
purposes. The tax law also gives some limit for such expenses to be deductible. Only an amount not
exceeding 10% of the taxable income of the period will be allowed as deduction from gross revenue.
12. Bad Debt
Bad debt of the enterprise incurred during the period. This is allowed only if the tax authority has
been satisfied that the amount is not recoverable. To be a deductible item,
The amount must have been included previously in income,
The debt must be written off in the books, and
Legal actions must have been taken for the collection of the debt
13. Special Reserves
Financial institutions are permitted to deduct special reserves from taxable income in accordance with
the directives issued by NBE. However, the amount drawn from such reserves will be added to the
taxable income of the institutions.
14. Participation Deduction
The tax law and the Council of Ministers Regulation allow a deduction of reinvestment of profit of a
resident company or registered partnership to raise the capital of another company or partnership
subject to the following limits:
the amount deducted should not exceed 5% of the taxable income.
the investor must have at least 25% ownership in the new business unit by value or by number
in the voting right.
On meeting the above requirements, the amount may be deducted from taxable income of that year.
But if the taxpayer transfers the share or capital contribution in respect of which a deduction is
allowed, such an amount shall be a part of taxable income in the year in which the transfer is made.
15. Depreciation Allowance
Depreciation allowance shall be granted only to taxpayers who keep satisfactory records showing the
date and cost of acquisition of the asset and the total amount deducted for depreciation since the date
of acquisition.
(A) Rates of Depreciation
Capital allowances or allowances for depreciation are given at statutory rates as qualifying expenses
on certain fixed assets. In accounting, depreciation is the systematic write off of the cost of fixed
assets over a period of time. The rationale for this is that the assets are being used up in the earning
process and would wear out over the period of time and the charging of the cost would match the
related revenue. The tax law also approves the necessity of allowing depreciation on fixed assets. The
allowances are given not only on original cost but also on the book value of fixed assets. There are
other categories of capital expenditure that attract capital allowances. These are the intangible assets.
The following are the rates of depreciation allowed for fixed assets and intangible assets.
Building: - 5% of the original cost. The cost includes the cost of acquisition, construction,
improvement, reconstruction and renewal.
Intangible assets: - 10% of the original cost. The cost includes cost of acquisition, construction,
improvement, renewal and reconstruction.
Computers, information systems, software products and data storage equipment: -25% on a pooling
system on the book value of the assets.
All other business assets: 20% on a pooling system on the book value of the assets.
Capital allowances are treated as trading expenses in determining business profit. These allowances
are given for each period of the business unit.
As can be seen from the explanation, building and intangible assets are permitted to depreciate on
original cost. This may be compared to the straight-line method used for financial accounting
For assets for which the pooling method is used, the rate is applied to the depreciation base for the
determination of depreciation. The cost of all software products and the cost of other assets other than
building and intangible assets purchased by a business unit become a part of a pool of expenditure on
which capital allowance may be claimed. When an addition is made, the pool increases; and on
disposal, the pool is reduced by the sale proceeds.
The depreciation base is the book value of the assets in the pool on the opening day of the tax period,
increased by the cost of acquisition, creation, renewal, etc. during the period, and reduced by the sales
price of the asset disposed during the period. Any compensation received for loss incurred due to
natural calamity and other involuntary conversion is deducted from the book value.
For example, if an asset in a particular pool having book value of Birr 20000 is sold for Birr 30000,
the depreciation base for that particular pool will be reduced by Birr 30000 in that period. While
determining the depreciation base, if it becomes negative, it will be added to the taxable income. On
the other hand, if the depreciation base is Birr 1000 or less in any tax period, the entire amount is
treated as depreciation for that period. Likewise, gain obtained as a result of revaluation of assets shall
not be a basis for determining the depreciation base.
A careful examination of the whole process calls for comparing it to the declining balance method
that we use for financial accounting purposes. The annual writing down allowance is given on a
reducing balance basis in the pool brought forward at the beginning of the year.
(B) Allowance for Repairs and Maintenance
In determining taxable business income, a deduction is permitted in respect of each category of
business asset for maintenance and repairing expenses of business fixed assets belonging to that
category for the actual amount of the expense. For each category of fixed assets, the actual expense
incurred for the maintenance and repair is allowable up to 20% of the depreciation base at the end of
the year. If the actual repairs and maintenance cost exceeds 20% of the depreciation base, the entire
amount will be added to the depreciation base of the category.
(C) Revaluation of Fixed Assets
According to the Regulation issued by the Council of Ministers, depreciation will be allowed as
deduction only if the taxpayers keep satisfactory record and submit the same to the tax authority
regarding the date and cost of acquisition and a record of the total amount of depreciation deducted
on the asset so far. However, depreciation on assets which are not subject to wear and tear, such as
fine art, antiques, jewelry, trading stock etc are not allowed. Besides, the revalued amount of fixed
assets is not allowed for depreciation.
(D) Transfers of Business Assets
When an asset is sold, exchanged, or otherwise transferred, the gain or loss on such an activity is
recognized as revenue for tax purposes. However, if the companies transferring the asset are parties to
reorganization, it will not be treated as a disposal.
Reorganization refers to a merger, an acquisition of 50% or more voting right of a resident company,
or a division of a resident company, and a spin off.
Entertainment expenses: - Entertainment expenses include expenses for the provision of food,
beverages, tobacco, accommodation, amusement, recreation or hospitality of any kind given
to a person directly or indirectly
Any reserve, provision or special purpose fund, if not permitted by any proclamation
Personal consumption expenses
Salary, wages, and other personal emoluments paid to the partner, or proprietor of an
Expenses for maintenance or for other private purposes of proprietor or partner of the
Representation expenses in excess of 10% of the salary of employees, which include expenses
for hospitality uncured in receiving guests from outside for the promotion and enhancement of
It could be possible that the income statement prepared by business units contain any one or more of
the items listed above. None of the items specified as non-deductible items can have a place in the
income statement prepared for tax purposes. The accountant who prepares the income statement for
tax purpose should exclude all the above items from the statement.
Withholding income tax refers to the current payment of income tax at the time goods are imported
and payments are made on account of supply of goods and certain services. The income tax
proclamation provides for withholding tax on imports and on certain specific payments made by
some organizations. The taxpayers are required to pay tax at the end of the fiscal year after
subtracting tax withholdings, if any, made on their receipts. The following are the provisions for
withholding income tax
(A) Withholding income tax on Imports: - Those taxpayers who import goods for commercial use are
required to pay 3% of CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value of goods as tax withholding to the
Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority. If the tax withheld is less than the tax due on
declaration, the taxpayer is required to pay the difference on declaration. Likewise, if the withheld
tax is more than the tax due at the end of the tax period, the tax authority shall make a refund
within 3 months of declaration. The amount collected as withhold tax is accounted for using the
name, address, and TIN of the taxpayer.
(B) Withholding income tax on other payments:- According to the Council of Ministers Regulation,
the following persons, who are called withholding agents, are required to withhold tax of 2% of
the gross payment that they make to the taxpayers:
Organizations having legal personality.
Private non-profit organizations,
Non-governmental organizations, and
Government agencies
The entities (called the withholding agents) shall transfer the amount withheld to the government
within 10 days from the last day of each month, in aggregate, indicating the TIN of the taxpayers
from whom the tax is withheld. If, at the time of declaration, the tax withheld is less than the declared
tax, the taxpayer has to make the remaining payment. On the other hand, if the declared tax is more
than the tax due, the tax authority will refund the excess within 2 months. Failure to pay the refund
will result in payment of interest by the tax authority at the market rate. Withholding income tax will
be applicable to the payment for:
a) supply of goods for more than Birr 10000in any one transaction or contract
b) rendering of certain services involving more than Birr 500 in any one transaction or service.
The following are the services, the payment on which withholding income tax is required to be made.
Consultancy services
Designs, written materials, lectures and dissemination of information
Lawyers, accountants, auditors, and other services of similar nature
Sales persons, arts and sports professional, and brokers including insurance brokers and
other commission agents
Advertisement and entertainment programs for television and radio broadcasts
Construction services
Advertisements services
Patents for scientific and intellectual works
Rent for lease of machines, building, and other goods including computers
Maintenance services
Printing, and
The withholding agent has the obligation to issue serially numbered receipts to persons from whom
the tax is withheld. The agent shall supply the name and TIN of the taxpayer, the amount withheld
and the total amount of payment made. For this purpose, the withholding agent should keep the
records showing the payment made and tax withheld in his office. It is also required that such records
should be kept for a period of 5 years and should be submitted to the tax authority as and when
instructed by them.
4.4.4 OTHER ADMINISTARTIONS ISSUES: Assessment, declaration, record keeping
requirements and tax incentives
Assessment of Business Income Tax
After having a deep knowledge about the determination of taxable income from business operations,
it would be meaningful to know how tax can be computed. The income tax proclamation 286/2002
provides the tax rates that should be used for this purpose. The tax rate is applied on the assessed
taxable income of the business unit. Once the declaration is made by the business unit, its accuracy is
checked by the tax office through a process called tax assessment.
Tax assessment is a tax review by a tax official of the tax declaration and information provided by a
taxpayer and a verification of the arithmetical and financial accuracy of the declared tax liability.
Pursuant to the proclamation, each taxpayer is required to furnish the tax authority with all the
information required for the assessment of income tax. This information should contain details about
his operations, and relationship with other bodies that may be necessary for the declaration of income,
or for supporting the books of accounts. The procedure for the assessment of business income tax
takes two forms: assessment by books of accounts, and assessment by estimation
Assessment by books is done for those who maintain books of accounts (Category A&B). The
revenue authority makes assessment by estimation when the taxpayers do not maintain the books or
when the submitted books are not acceptable. This is also done if the taxpayer fails to declare his/her
taxable income within the time required. Tax of those taxpayers who have different sources of income
under schedule C will be assessed on the aggregate of all income.
(A) Assessment by Books of Accounts
If the taxpayer doesnt comply with the requirements of law in furnishing full information, the tax
office gets the information from different sources such as government offices, private firms, and
individuals for the purpose of assessment. In assessment, the tax authority shall initially assess the
amount of taxable income and then impose the tax at the rate corresponding to this amount. When
sending the assessment to the taxpayer, the tax office notifies him/her the amount of gross income,
deductions thereon, taxable income, rate applied, taxes paid and due, any penalties chargeable as per
the proclamation and interest, if any, and the name, address and TIN of the taxpayer. The tax authority
shall also provide him/her with such explanation concerning the matters regarding taxable income,
tax payable, and penalty.
As indicated in the previous discussion, the starting point in the assessment of taxable income is the
net income disclosed by the income statement. Adjustments are made to it if it is not determined as
per the provisions of the law. Those expenses which are included in the income statement but are not
allowed are added back to the declared income. Likewise, any expense, which is allowed for tax
deduction, but not included in income statement, will be included in the determination of taxable
income. The taxable income so arrived is multiplied by the tax rate to compute tax from business
activities. This may be summarized as follows:Declared net income
Audit adjustments:
Add: Expenses deducted but not allowed
Income not indicated
Less: Expenses not deducted but allowed
Income not taxable
Taxable Income
Business tax = Assessed Taxable income X Rate
Example I
The following income statement is submitted by ABC metal works enterprise (in brief) on Sene 30,
ABC metal works Enterprise
Income statement
Year ended Sene 30, 1995
Cost of goods sold
Direct cost of production
Gross profit
Operating expenses
Operating expenses:
Salary& admin. Expenses
Rent expenses
Stationary expenses
Depreciation Expenses
Communication expenses
Maintenance expenses
Gross profit
Tax and fees
Interest expense
Miscellaneous expenses
Assessment Notification
On completion of assessment, a notification regarding the assessment of income tax, in writing, is
provided to taxpayers in the following ways.
To resident individuals: By registered post or in person. (Incase the taxpayer is absent, to any
adult member of the family). In the absence of any person to receive the notice, it will be
affixed to the door of residence or place of business.
To bodies: by a registered letter to the body, or to any director or employee.
To non-residents: by a registered letter to the agent or by affixing the notice on the residence
or place of business.
Sales for the year = 275X300=Birr 82500
Income tax = Birr 1960
If the taxpayers keep no records, or if the income tax authority does not accept the submitted books,
or if the taxpayer fails to declare tax within the time specified, the income tax authority estimates tax
using certain indicators such as sales and purchases.
Declaration of Income
Taxpayers under schedule C income have to follow the procedures stated in the tax law for declaring
their taxable income. The period of declaration depends on the category to which they belong. The
procedure may be summarized as follows.
Taxpayers who are categorized as A are required to declare their taxable income within four
months from the end of the tax period.
Those taxpayers who are categorized as B are required to declare their taxable income within
two months from the end of the tax period.
Category C taxpayers should declare taxable income together with the annual turnover, and
the amount derived from the sources other than the main operation within 30 days from the
end of the fiscal period
Declarations are to be made in prescribed forms provided by the Income Tax Authority accompanied
by the required supporting evidences. The agents shall declare the taxable income of non-residents,
who operate business through them. Declaration shall be made at the following places.
To the Federal or Regional tax office
To the tax office at the place the head office of the business is located when the taxpayer
engages in more than one business activity.
A non-resident shall declare the taxable income at the place where he derives most of his
If a taxpayer engages in business in more than one region, taxable income shall be declared in
the respective regions.
Payment of Tax
Taxpayers are required to pay tax simultaneously with the declaration of taxable income, net of tax
withheld and foreign tax credit. Subsequently, after the assessment of tax, the tax authority should
refund the excess of tax paid over tax per assessment within 60 days of receiving tax declaration. If
the payment of tax is not made within the time limit permitted, the taxpayers will be obliged to pay
interest for the period from the due date to the date of payment. The interest for non-payment is set at
25% more than the highest commercial lending rate prevailed during the preceding quarter.
If the taxpayer has paid tax over and above the amount due (either through withholding and /or
through declaration) and the tax authority has not made the refund within the time limit provided, the
taxpayer is entitled to have an interest at 25% above the highest commercial lending rate prevailed
during the preceding quarter. If permitted, taxpayers can also make payment in installment.
When a taxpayer fails to declare his taxable income within the period specified in the regulation, he
will be liable to pay Birr 1000 for the first 30 days of non-declaration. The penalty is Birr 2000for the
next 30 days of non- declaration. Thereafter, Birr 1500 will be charged for each 30 days for failure to
declare the taxable income. When a taxpayer fails to pay tax within the due date, he/ she will be
required to pay a penalty of 5% of the amount unpaid. An additional 2% penalty on the amount
unpaid is imposed on the first day of each month for non- payment.
As stated earlier, the penalties for non- declaration and non- payment fall on the taxpayer at the same
time because declaration and payment are to be made by a taxpayer on the same day. Non-payment
will also result in payment of interest for the period of non-payment. The interest rate is fixed at 25%
above the highest commercial rate of the preceding quarter.
Loss Carry Forward
If, in any tax year, the taxable income of a business unit becomes negative (business loss), it can be
carried forward three (3) years to set off the taxable income of those future years. In the process of
carry forward, earlier losses should be set off before later losses. Also, a continuous set off will be
permitted only for a maximum period of six (6) years.
If the direct or indirect share capital of a body increases more than 25% (in value or number) when
the loss carry back goes on, the right of set off ceases to apply. Loss carry forward will be permitted
only if the tax authority accepts the books of accounts submitted by the taxpayer and confirms the
existence of a business loss.
The declared taxable income of ABC Share Company for the year ended Sene 30 yr3 was Birr 13768
(loss). In year 4 and Yr 5, the company declared taxable income of Birr 11376 and Birr 27354,
respectively. The declared income was in accordance with the tax rules as per the tax office. How
much did the company pay in Yr3, Yr4, and Yr5?
Yr3, declared loss
= Birr 13768. The company didnt pay tax due to the loss
Yr4, declared income
= Birr 11376
Loss of Yr 3 carried forward = Birr 13768
Taxable income
= Birr (1392). The company didnt pay tax in Yr 4
Yr5, Taxable income
= Birr 27354
Loss of Yr 3 carried forward = Birr 1392
Taxable income
= Birr 25962
Income tax of Yr 5 (25962X 30%) = Birr 7788.6
In the above example the tax rate used is 30%, because the taxpayer is a body. This provision is also
applicable for business units engage in long-term construction contract. They are entitled to have an
additional relief in connection with loss carry forward. That is, if the loss cannot be fully set off with
carry forward, it may be carried back to preceding years and applied against the income of those
Tax Holiday
The principal reason for introducing special tax incentives has been to encourage expansion of the
modern sector of the economy. The most important incentives have taken the form of total or partial
exemption from tax, and have been granted mainly in connection with income or profit and customs
duties. Accordingly, the Government of Ethiopia has given the following tax incentives in connection
with the business income tax. Organizations that are given investment licenses for the following
investment activities are exempted from payment of income tax as summarized below.
Tax holiday
(in yrs)
- Pioneer
- Promoted
3 yrs
1 yr
- Pioneer
- Promoted
5 yrs
3 yrs
- Pioneer
- Promoted
4 yrs
2 yrs
This is not, in any way, connected with schedule B income. These will be discussed in detail in
another part of our course.
4.5.2. Rental Income Tax Rate
Two classes of rates, one for body and the other for persons other than body are used for rental
income tax determination. A body is taxed at a proportional tax rate and the other rental income
taxpayers at a progressive tax rate. The tax rates are the following:a) Tax rate for a body is 30% of taxable rental income
b) Tax rate for rental income taxpayers other than bodies is according to the schedule B indicated
Annual taxable income
Rate on every additional
Income (%)
---------------------------------------------------Up to 1800
1801 7800
7801 16800
16801 28200
28201 42600
42601 60000
60001 and above
You can use the short cut method of computation as you studied in the determination of schedule C
income tax, since the rates and the brackets are similar.
4.5.3 Determination of Gross Rental Income
As per the proclamation, the following incomes are included in determining the gross income from
rental businesses.
Rents, in cash or in kind, under any lease or tenancy agreement
Any additional amount received for furniture or equipment, if the rented building is
Any cost incurred on land and building by the lessee with the permission of lessor.
Any payment made by the lessee on behalf of the lessor
The above provision implies that in addition to the rent of building (and furniture, if any), the
expenses incurred by the tenant for renovation or improvement of the property in accordance with the
contract will be a part of the gross income of the lessor. Likewise, any other expense incurred by the
lessee with the permission of lessor (and stated in the lease contract) will also be a part of gross
income from leasing the property. For example, if the lessee spends Birr 50,000 to make addition to
the building rented and if it is stated in the contract, the amount will be added to the gross income of
the lessor.
Sometimes, the lessor may allow the lessee to sublease the building to another party. In such cases,
the lessor must get in writing, from the sub-lessor, which the lessee will pay tax for the additional
income received. Failure on the part of sub-lessor for making tax payment will cause additional
burden for the lessor to make that payment.
It is possible that the lessee may give advance rent payments for a time of more than one fiscal period
to the lessor. Gross rental income for one fiscal period only is taken in to account, in that period, for
determining tax. The remaining will be taxable in the next period. This is the case if the lessor keeps
records for tax reporting purpose.
When a building is constructed for the purpose of leasing, the owner and the contractor should inform
the Kebele administration about its completion and the intention of giving it on lease. This is also
needed when a contract of leasing is entered into before the completion of construction. The Kebele
administration is responsible to pass the information to the tax office for tax purposes. It is the duty of
Kebele administration to gather any such information and pass them to the tax office in case the
parties concerned fail to do so.
4.5..4 Determination of Taxable Rental Income and Tax
It is not the gross income received from leasing that is subject to tax. Certain items of expenses
(deductible expenses) can be subtracted from gross rental income in order to arrive at the taxable
rental income subject to tax. The deductions allowed depend on the fact that whether the lessor keeps
necessary accounts or not. For this purpose we refer back to business income tax and recall those who
are required to keep books and records compulsorily and who are not. Remember that out of the three
categories of taxpayers, persons having annual turnover of more than Birr 100000 and bodies are
compulsory to keep documents for tax purposes. The same rule applies for taxpayers of rental income
(A) Allowable Deductions (Expenses) for Lessors that do not maintain Books
The expenses allowable against the rental income are those incurred wholly or exclusively in
connection with the leasing activity. Taxpayers who are not required to keep records can have the
following deductions from gross income.
Taxes paid with respect to the land and building leased except income taxes
A total of an allowance of 20% (1/5) of the gross rent received: for repairs, maintenance,
and depreciation of such building, furniture, and equipment.
Even if other expenses are incurred by the lessor or lessee on behalf of the lessor, they will not be
allowable as deduction.
(B) Allowable Deductions (Expenses) for Lessors that Maintain Books
A taxpayer who maintains records can have deductions at any amount spent on earning and
maintaining the rental income. The only point is that it should satisfy the tax office that the money is
really spent for that purpose. Such expenses (deductions) include:
Taxes paid on land and building, except income tax,
Repairs and maintenance of building
Depreciation of building, furniture, and equipment in accordance with their books of
accounts and the regulation income tax proclamation.
The cost of lease (rent) of land
Interest on bank loan, taken for the building, at the rate permitted as per the income tax
proclamation and National Bank of Ethiopia regulation
Insurance premium paid on building.
In the computation of rental income tax, the individual rental income taxpayers can use the
progressive method using schedule B or deduction method.
Example I
W/o Abeba has given a building for rent on Hamle 1, 1995. The following data relate to the monthly
rent, and taxes paid on land and building during the year.
Monthly rent
Rent paid on land
Tax paid on building
Birr 6000
Required: Compute income tax on rental income tax of the Abeba for the year ending Sene 30, 1996
A) Annual gross income (6000x 12)
Less: Allowable deductions:
Depreciation (.2x 72000) =14400
Land tax
Building tax
Here the taxpayer is not a body and therefore the progressive rate of tax is used. The
taxable income comes under the tax bracket where the 30% tax rate is applied. The
short cut method of tax computation is applied for computing tax.
Example II
Entoto Plc rented one of its new office buildings for a monthly rent of Birr 45000 on Hamle 1, 1995.
The company gives the following data in relation to the building
Tax paid on land and building
Birr 4200
Cost of the building
Birr 2000000
Insurance premium paid on the building
Birr 3018
Loan taken for construction at 6% a year
Birr 1000000
Required:- Compute the rental tax payable by the company for the year ended Sene 30, 1996
Birr 540000
Within 2 months after the end of fiscal period if he belongs to category B and
Within 1 month after the end of the fiscal period for category C.
Payment of rental income tax should be made simultaneously with the declaration of taxable rental
income. Provision of penalties for non-declaration and non-payment, and interest for non- payment
applied for the payroll tax and business income tax are equally applicable for schedule B tax.
Refunds of excess tax paid by the taxpayer, and payment of interest thereon are also applicable for
rental income tax in the same manner as that of all direct taxes that are explained earlier. In
circumstances where the tax office observes that the declaration made by the taxpayer is not
acceptable, it may estimate tax by the best of their judgment. Thus, the estimated tax is the final tax
that the taxpayer is obliged to pay.
4.6.1. Components of Other Income
People may get income from other sources in addition to (or other than) the income obtained from
their employment, their business activities, or their renting activities. Examples of such income
include money received from their investment on financial institutions and corporations, from
providing expert services, through games of chance, by renting properties other than building, and
profits from selling their properties. These income items cannot be included in any of the schedules
such as A, B or C, since these schedules are the items of revenue from specific sources. The
income tax proclamation No. 286/2002 contains separate provisions for determining taxes from other
sources and are listed as tax on schedule D income. This schedule includes income received from: Royalty
Technical services
Games of chance
Casual rental of property
Gain on transfer of investment property.
The following discussion includes the nature of such items of revenue, and legal provisions for
determination of tax from them.
(A) Tax on Royalty Income
Royalty income is the amount received for the use of a right. As per income tax proclamation No
286/2002, the term royalty means a payment of any kind received as a consideration for the use of or
the right to use the following.
a) Any copyright or literary, artistic or scientific work, including cinematography films, and films
and tape for radio or television broadcasting
b) Any patent, trademark, design or model or plan, secret formula or process
c) Any industrial, commercial, or scientific equipment, or for information, concerning industrial,
commercial or scientific experience.
Income from royalty is taxed at a flat rate of 5%. This tax is final tax in lieu of an income tax. It is the
payers responsibility to withhold tax on royalty income. The tax withheld by the payer, on making
payment, should be remitted to the tax office within 15 days of the end of each calendar month. In
cases where the payer resides abroad and the recipient is a resident in the country, the recipient is
obliged to pay tax within the time specified. It is to be noted that on royalty income no special
deductions are allowed for tax determination. That means, it is the gross income received from
royalty that is subject to tax.
The authors of the book Book Keeping: A Practical View gave the copy right of the book to XYZ
Publishers, Ethiopia, for a royalty of Birr 75000. How much tax will XYZ Publishers withhold in this
Tax withheld= 75000X 5%= Birr 3750
(B) Tax on Income Received for Technical Services
The term technical service means any kind of expert advice or technological service rendered.
Residents of Ethiopia, who render technical services (expert services or advice) abroad and obtain
income, are categorized here as taxpayers. The income received from rendering services abroad is
taxed at a flat rate of 10%. The payer is obliged to withhold tax and remit to the tax office within 15
days of each calendar month. For example, an Ethiopian expert rendering his services in Djibouti and
getting income for such service will be taxed at the stated tax rate. In circumstances where the payer
resides abroad, the recipient has the obligation to make payment of tax on his income within the
stated period. Here also no deductions are allowed. It is the gross income that is taxable under this
head of income.
(C)Tax on Income from Dividend
Persons who invest in shares of companies and getting return for their investment are obliged to pay
this tax. The investments represent investment in share companies or private limited companies. Any
person obtaining such income is taxed at a rate of 10%. This tax is a final tax in lieu of income tax.
Tax on dividend is also a withholding tax. This means that, the payer of the revenue, that is, the
company is required to withhold tax on behalf of the taxpayer and transfer the same to the tax office
within the time specified. Like all other withholding taxes under schedule D income tax on dividend
is also to be paid within 15 days from the end of the calendar month.
It is to be noted that dividend is subject to double taxation in the country. You know that dividend is
the amount of profit distributed by a company to its stockholders. This is part of the net income of the
company. As per the business income tax, dividend is a non-deductible item for business tax
purposes. Since it cannot be subtracted for determining taxable income under business income tax, it
is taxed there together with the taxable business income. Again, when the net income is distributed to
owners in the form of dividend, it is taxable as per the provisions of schedule D income tax. The
only difference is that the tax rates under the two situations are not the same.
Ato Emmanuel, the stockholder of a share company holds 1000 shares of Birr 100 each. At the end of
a fiscal year the company declared and paid dividend of Birr 50 per share. The tax payable by the
stockholder on the dividend income is calculated as follows
Gross income from dividend = 1000 X 50 = Birr 50000
Income tax on dividend
= 50000 X 10% = Birr 5000
as part of the income tax code, that is, as part of ordinary income. In others, capital gains are taxed
separately and, thus, special rates are used.
(i) What is Capital?
When asked what a capital is, most people would think of money, that is, the amount invested in a
new business or the money used in buying shares or bonds. However, as some writers assert, for
the purpose of understanding capital gains tax, it is wrong to think of capital as just financial assets.
Capital is also physical investment the plant, the factory the fax machines, and the other nonlabor factors of production that make a business operate efficiently. A fruit shop (like ET Fruit, for
example) would not be able to exist without capital the truck and the crates of fruits are the essential
capitals that make the business operate. Other than money and physical investments, the concept of
capital can also include technological innovations and even the glimmer of an idea that leads to the
creation of a new business or product.
(ii) What are Capital Assets?
It has been asserted that almost everything one owns and uses for personal purposes or investment
can be considered as a capital asset. This is somewhat a broad definition that could include ones
home, household furniture, jewelry, or even car. Note however that capital assets do not include
supplies (i.e., paper and pens) or inventory (anything one regularly sells to customers during the
ordinary course of business). For capital gains tax purposes, the scope of capital assets becomes
narrower. However, there exists no common list as to what should be included under capital assets.
What will be considered as capital asset for tax purposes varies across the world. For example, in the
USA, a home, a farm or ranch and a work of art are considered capital assets. Other countries,
including Ethiopia, do not have such wide tax base. But in most, if not all countries, (including
Colombia, Mexico, and Nigeria) shares and bonds are commonly treated as capital assets. A few
countries, however, only make a half-hearted attempt to tax the capital gains arising from real estate
transactions. Within Ethiopian context, the term capital assets refers only to (a) shares of companies
and (b) urban houses or buildings held for business, factory and office.
(1) Shares
The shares referred to in the proclamation would include those shares issued by share companies. For
bonds, Ethiopia at present issues only short-term bonds in the form of treasury bills. The use of these
instruments is still in its infancy, owing principally to an economy that is still in the midst of
transforming itself from a centrally-planned to a market-oriented economy and by extension, to a
relatively undeveloped market.
(2) Urban Houses/Buildings
Proclamation No. 47/1975 defines an urban house as any house, whether fully constructed or under
construction intended for dwelling or business or other purposes. According to the current
proclamation, the buildings situated within the urban range, if used for business purposes and are
sold, the gain earned by the seller is subject to tax. It is to be noted that if the sale is of a residential
house, the gain earned thereon is not taxable. The law also states that to be a residential house, the
house must have been used at least for two years for residential purposes before its sale.
(iii) What are Capital Gains?
A capital gain is the rise or increase of the price of an asset over the period in which the asset is held.
Such increase in value however is taxable only if it is realized; that is, the capital asset is sold. To
illustrate the concepts of realized and unrealized gains: A realized capital gain is money in your
pocket. If you bought shares at Birr 10 and sold at Birr 20, you realized a capital gain of Birr 10 per
share. An unrealized gain is a gain that you have on paper, in other words, you bought a stock at Birr
10, still hold the shares, and at some date its trading at Birr 20. You have an unrealized capital gain as
of that date of Birr10 per share, and because its unrealized, there are no tax implications. Generally
speaking therefore, for tax purposes, a capital gain is the income derived from the sale of a capital
The capital gain from a sale is measured by the difference between the amount realized on the sale
and the basis of the asset sold. Roughly, the amount realized is the amount received on the sale (i.e.,
the sales price) and the basis is the cost (i.e., the purchase price) of the asset, though it can be adjusted
for various reasons. More specifically, in our context, the cost price of the building is the cost
registered with the appropriate government body at the time of its construction. Thus, there is a
capital gain if the sales price is greater than the basis or cost. A capital loss occurs if the sales price is
less than the basis or cost.
A capital gain arises from the increase in value upon the sale of shares
and bonds and urban houses by persons or organizations.
Due to various factors such as a limited bonds market, lack of appropriate regulating agencies, and a
still undeveloped share market, capital gains tax are computed solely for urban houses. The
discussion that follows will therefore focus only on gains arising from the sale of urban houses.
Computation of the capital gains tax shall be based on the value of the capital asset, and such value
defined as the price for which the capital asset is sold, adjusted for:
Inflation in respect of building, and
Taxes paid for the land and building.
These two adjustments or allowable deductions are permitted to determine the taxable income. As
mentioned in the preceding section, current practice in Ethiopia only covers computation of capital
gains for urban houses. Such computation is also more straightforward than what is stated in the
previous capital gains proclamation. For instance, indexing for inflation is a seldom occurrence and
adjustment for tax paid is practically non-existent. Thus, any gain arising from the sale of urban house
is computed by this basic formula:
Gain = Sales value of urban house - Cost of urban house
(iv) Capital Gain Tax Rates
The law provides for taxing gain from the transfer of investment properties such as building and
factory office at 15% and share of companies at 30%. Gains from sale of residential houses are
exempted from payment of tax. Building used for residential purposes shall be exempt from capital
gains only if each building is fully used for dwelling for two years prior to the date of sale. That
means only if the gain is arrived at from buildings used for business and that are located within the
urban limit, it is taxable under the provisions of the current tax proclamation. Likewise, the transfer of
shares between two companies, which are parties to reorganization, shall not be considered a disposal
as per the provisions of law.
If a loss is incurred on transfer of shares, it can be used to set off any gain on transfer of shares, it
should be noted that losses from shares couldnt be set off any other gains earned from other
activities. The law also provides that the concerned authorities can affect the registration and approval
of the transfer of capital assets only after having confirmation about the payment of tax from the tax
authority. Non- compliance of any of the provisions of schedule D tax will result in penalty.
Penalties under this case are similar to those of schedule A, schedule B, and schedule C taxes.
Example I
Ato Ahmed acquired 10 shares of Trans Ethio Share Company for Birr 25000 each and sold them at
Birr 32000 each. How much does he pay as capital gains tax?
Selling price = 32000 X 10 = Birr 320000
Purchase price = 25000 X10= Birr 250000
Gain = 320000 250000 = 70000
Capital Gains tax = 70000X 30% = Birr 21000
Example II
Alpha Traders sold one of its office buildings for Birr 456000, which they acquired for Birr 316000.
Compute the capital gains tax that the taxpayer pays on this transaction.
Capital Gain = 456000 316000 = Birr140000
Capital Gains Tax = 140000 X 15% = Birr21000
You have noted that some of the schedule D taxes are withheld at source such as interest, dividend
etc. For those taxes that are withheld the withholding agent, who withholds tax under the
proclamation, is required to furnish details regarding the name, address, and TIN of each taxpayer, the
taxable income and the amount of tax in each case. The payer of Schedule D income shall provide a
withholding certificate to each taxpayer and this certificate is the proof of the amount of tax withheld.
distribution. Due to its efficiency in collection, compared to the ordinary sales tax, many governments
started imposing VAT in recent years replacing sales tax.
4.7.2. Comparison of Value Added Tax and Sales Tax
The most significant event in the evolution of tax structure in the last half of 20 th century is the
widespread introduction of the VAT in many developing countries and transition economies. In many
countries VAT has been the center of tax policy and tax administration efforts. Originally introduced
in France (1954), it is now a major part of the tax structure of most Western European Countries. In
the early 1990s, the US government considered instituting a VAT to fund national health care
The tax paid by the immediate distributor of goods and services charge tax on the prices of those
items. Because the consumer ultimately pays a higher price for the taxed commodity, a VAT is
essentially a hidden sales tax. If we examine how sales tax works, it can be seen that sales tax is
collected by the person stands prior to the consumer in the chain of distribution (i.e. the retailer). On
the other hand, as stated earlier, VAT is collected from all the parties in the channel of distribution. It
doesnt mean that the tax collected from all these distributors in the form of VAT is greater than the
sales tax collected at one particular stage. In fact, they are the same in amount.
Though different reasons are advocated for adopting VAT, the main argument for introducing it is the
ability of VAT to raise increased revenue with less administrative cost than other types of taxes. The
revenue rising potential of VAT has proven to be substantial even in countries having their early
stages of economic development. VAT also ensures neutrality and treats imports and domestic trade
in the same manner. It minimizes the disincentives to save and invest because the tax burden of VAT
falls mainly on consumption. So the broad base of VAT doesnt alter the relative prices of alternative
consumption goods and services. Moreover, evasion of VAT will be less, compared to other types of
The collection of tax begins with importers and producers and ends with the retailers. As a result,
VAT collects the equal amount of tax on goods and services as a single stage sales tax. Though it is
collected at different stages, it will finally rest with the consumers. Tax neutrality is achieved by
giving credit for the tax paid on all purchases from registered suppliers against tax payable on sales.
Imposition of tax on all goods and services avoids the consumption of tax-favored goods over the
taxable goods. In addition, most of the cost of collecting tax is borne by the business rather than by
the government
Previously, many African countries relied on single stage sales tax on goods and services. Later, they
shifted from single stage sales tax to VAT and experiences of those countries proved significant
increase in their revenue. One of the key concerns in the introduction of VAT in those countries was
the need for increasing revenue for government. The other reasons for the shifting may be
summarized as follows.
VAT has two principal components: Input VAT and Output VAT. Input VAT is the value added tax
paid on purchases of taxable goods and services. It is the VAT paid on purchases. On the other hand,
output VAT is the value added tax collected on the sale of taxable supplies. It is the VAT collected on
During the specific period of time, the output tax may exceed the input tax or vice-versa. If the output
VAT is greater than the input VAT, the difference is the VAT Payable or Liability to the tax authority.
But if the input VAT is greater than the output VAT, it will result in VAT Refundable or Credit.
4.7.4. Rates of VAT
The VAT rates applicable to taxable goods and services differ from country to country. Some
countries have adopted VAT with a single rate and others with a multiple rate. Some countries also
use VAT inclusive price and some others countries adopt VAT exclusive rate. In general, there are two
types of VAT rates to charge taxable supplies: Standard vat rate and zero-vat rate. Standard Rate is a
positive VAT rate set by a countrys tax laws to charge VAT on taxable goods and services. For
instance, the standard VAT rate in Egypt is 10%, in Cote-Devoir is 20%, in UK is 17.5% and in
Algeria is 21%. Zero-Rate is a VAT rate of zero (nil). This means, a taxable person charges VAT at
0% on its sales. Hence, the taxable supplier does not have a tax liability on its sales but is allowed the
credit (refund) for tax paid on its purchase to provide the supply.
A number of countries around the world are implementing Value Added Tax in order to increase their
tax revenue. This is due to the fact that it is a broad based tax and could solve the problems such as
distortion brought by other indirect taxes and loss of revenue. In the UK, VAT is charged on the value
of supplies of taxable goods and services made and on imported goods. The main rate is 17.5% but a
few supplies are charged at 5%. All traders must register for VAT if the value of taxable supplies in
the previous 12 months was more than 58000 pounds or is likely to exceed this annual limit in the
next 30 days. A registered taxpayer must charge VAT on customers on the sales. The tax period is 3
months and some big companies are required to submit VAT return monthly.
In Trinidad and Tobago, VAT was introduced in 1990 and the tax rate is 15%. Any sole proprietor,
company partnership joint venture, and other incorporated bodies which conduct business and make
commercial supply with a gross value in excess of $200000 in any 12 months are required to register
for VAT. In Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, this tax is called goods and services tax.
A common VAT system is compulsory for the members of the European Union. The minimum rate is
15% although different rates are applied in member states of the European Union. The rates of VAT
vary in different countries. For example, Luxemburg has 15% rate, Germany 16%, Spain 16%,
Portugal 17%, Greece18%, France 19.6%, Italy 20%, and Austria 20%.
4.7.6. VAT in Ethiopia
The policy of privatization introduced by the country and the emergence of free market economy
again called for a change in the set up. Thus, in order to minimize the complexity of tax
administration, to increase government revenue, to enhance taxpayer compliance, to encourage
investment, and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax administration, the Government
of Ethiopia has launched a tax reform program. One of the most important steps in the tax reform,
among other things, was the shifting of sales tax to VAT. The VAT implementation program is almost
complete and is introduced in the country from the beginning of 2003 G C. Currently, the Ethiopian
Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA) administers Value Added Tax in the country. VAT
Proclamation No. 285/2002 contains provisions for the determination of VAT in the country. The
Council of Ministers Regulation No. 79/2002 also contains additional regulations for the
implementation and operation of VAT. The newly amended VAT Proclamation No. 609/2008 also
supports the earlier proclamation.
Tax Authoritys role of collecting VAT and the concept of VAT are not cumbersome. Registered
organizations (those who register for VAT) collect VAT from those traders to whom they supply goods
or services. The amount collected is not revenue for them rather it belongs to the government. These
registered organizations also pay VAT on the purchases they make, but it is not an expense for them.
Before making payment (VAT) to the government, they set off the VAT they have paid for their
purchases against VAT they have collected from the sales revenue using documentary evidences or
4.7.7. VAT Registration
All the traders who distribute goods and services in the country are not required to register for VAT.
Any person conducting a commercial enterprise or intending to conduct a commercial enterprise may
apply to be registered for VAT. However, as per the countrys VAT legislation, VAT registration is of
two types: Mandatory and Voluntary Registration.
(i) Mandatory Registration
If a trader expects an annual taxable turnover Birr 500000 and above, the trader is required to register
for VAT. Similarly, if the total taxable turnover exceeded Birr 500000 in the past twelve months, VAT
registration is compulsory.
(ii) Voluntary Registration
A person who carried on taxable activity and who is not required to be registered for VAT may
voluntarily apply to the tax authority for such registration if he regularly is supplying or rendering at
least 75% of his goods and services to registered persons.
Consumers who buy goods and pay VAT should make sure that they have paid tax to a person who
has registered for VAT. Lack of knowledge about VAT on the part of consumers may lead to
unnecessary payment in the sense that they may sometimes pay tax to a trader who has not registered
for VAT.
As a precaution, it would be advisable to see the registration certificate or the registration number
before making payment. Those who import goods (other than tax exempt) and services, and those
who supply taxable items with turnover Birr 500000 and above are the VAT collectors in the country
as per law.
4.7.8. Who pays VAT?
As a consumption tax, the final obligation for the payment of VAT rests on the buyer. The seller
collects it together with the prices charged on the supplies. But the question here, are all the sellers
responsible for collecting VAT and transfer to the tax office? Definitely the answer is no. Only
specific category of distributors who supply goods and services are legally responsible to collect and
transfer it. The category includes the following.
The above category of distributors (in the case of import, the importers) collects VAT from consumers
and gives it to the tax office within the time required by law. A person required to register shall apply
for registration in the prescribed form. Upon registration, the authority will issue a certificate of
registration showing full details of registration within 30 days of the registration. Thereafter, the
registered supplier is required to show the registration number (tax payer identification number) on
all invoices issued.
4.7.9. Imposition of VAT
The section examines the goods and services distributed in the country for which VAT is to be paid.
This helps you get the idea of what are the items on which VAT is not imposed. It also examines taxexempt supplies or the supplies on which tax is not imposed.
Supplies (goods and services), which are liable to VAT, are called taxable supplies. From the date on
which traders become registered suppliers, they must collect VAT on all supplies they make. A
registered supplier is a supplier registered for VAT collection.
Taxable supplies and imports are taxed at a flat rate of 15% in the country. It means that a taxpayer
who is registered for VAT should pay the difference between 15% of his/her taxable supplies and 15%
of his/her taxable purchases.
(A) Standard Rated Supplies
Standard rated supplies are those taxable supplies (goods and services) on which VAT is charged at a
standard vat rate of the value of supply. All supplies subject to VAT (taxable supplies) other than
zero-rated and exempted supplies are standard rated supplies.
(B) Zero Rated Supplies
In addition to taxable supplies and tax-exempt supplies, the proclamation also provides for imposing
VAT on the following supplies and imports at Zero percent.
Export of goods and services
Rendering of transportation and other services directly connected with international service
Supply of gold to NBE
Supply of all assets of a taxable as going concern to another registered supplier
(C) VAT Exempt Supplies
Often people raise doubts as to the items on which VAT need not be paid. Yes, there are goods and
services consumed by the common people on which VAT is not levied. These supplies are known as
VAT exempt supplies. In other words, supplies, which are not liable to VAT are called exempt
supplies. On such supplies VAT is not chargeable. These supplies are not taxable and hence are not
part of the taxable turnover of the supplier. Unless the customers are aware of the fact certain goods
are tax exempt, they will be misled and be required to pay VAT that actually they are not required to.
As per VAT proclamation, the following supplies and imports are exempted from payment of VAT.
Sale, or transfer of used dwelling or lease of dwelling
Any of the items mentioned above, if supplied by a supplier of goods and services or an importer,
need not be added to turnover for the purpose of determining VAT.
4.7.10. Assessment of VAT
Value Added Tax is assessed on the value of taxable supplies in the country and payable by those who
are required to collect it legally. As stated earlier, it is assessed on the taxable turnover of the supplier.
While determining taxable turnover, zero-rated supplies and exempt supplies are excluded. Value
Added Tax is assessed using the tax rate indicated in the proclamation with the help of invoice. The
section tries to give you an idea of the nature of VAT invoice, the rate used for VAT determination,
and how VAT is determined.
Value of Supply (Basis of VAT)
Value of supply or basis of VAT refers to the amount of taxable supplies and imports to on which the
VAT charge is based. It is the amount on which VAT is to be determined. A supply occurs when a VAT
invoice is issued for a taxable transaction. According to Article 12 of VAT proclamation 285/2002, the
value of supplies refers to the amount that the supplier receives or expected to receive in return for
goods supplied or services rendered. In cases where the supply is made in exchange for other
supplies, or if the supply is made without anything in return, the market value is treated as the value
of supplies. The term value includes any tax, duty or any fee payable excluding VAT.
The value of taxable import is the customs value of goods determined in accordance with the customs
regulation of Ethiopia plus the sum of duties and taxes payable upon import of goods, excluding VAT
and income tax withholding.
4.7.11. VAT Record Keeping
For VAT purposes, records refer to accounting records, accounts, books, computer-stored information
or any other documents. Record keeping for VAT purposes may refer to maintaining records and
documents related to VAT. These may include the following:(A) VAT Invoice
The document designed to capture VAT information is the VAT invoice. It is a document of proof for
tax liability and is designed strictly in accordance with the requirements of law. This is a document
issued by a registered supplier to the customers on making taxable supplies. The customers, if
registered for VAT, can reclaim VAT charged on them using VAT invoice. Registered suppliers are
required to keep copies of invoices they receive from their suppliers -showing input tax- and copies
of invoice they issue -showing output tax- to avail reclaim of input tax. A VAT invoice contains the
following information.
Name and trade name of registered person
TIN of registered person and purchaser
Number and date of VAT registration certificate
Name of goods shipped or services rendered
Amount of taxable transaction
Amount of excise tax for those goods that are subject to excise tax.
Sum of VAT due
Issue date of invoice
Serial number of invoice
It is obligatory for a taxpayer to keep all documents that are used for VAT determination for a period
of 10 years. The documents include:
records, accounts, and books,
computed stored information,
original VAT invoice received,
copies of all invoices issued, and
customs declaration.
(B) VAT Account
VAT registered person are required to keep records of all supplies and purchases made and received
for each vat period covered by the vat returns called VAT Account. On this account input vats are
debited and output vats are credited.
(C) Debit and Credit Notes
Copies of debit and credit notes issued should be separately filed from Debit and Credit Notes
received. They should be filed in order of date.
(D) Purchase and Sales Records
A vat registered person must retain and file the following items separately and in order of date.
Local purchases and the vat thereon;
Imports and the vat thereon;
All other purchases including exempt, zero-rated purchases and purchases from suppliers
who are not registered for vat;
Taxable sales at the standard rate and the vat thereon;
Taxable sales at zero rate; and
Exempt sales.
Computation of VAT
As stated earlier, the country uses invoice/credit method for collection of VAT. Under this method, for
an accounting period, VAT payable is the difference between the tax charged on taxable transactions
and tax paid on import of goods (made in the current accounting period) or on the purchase of
supplies (in the current or preceding accounting period) where such supplies are used or to be used
for the taxable transactions.
Example I
B Company purchases a computer for Birr 6000 net and will be invoiced and will pay the supplier
Birr 6900 (Birr 6000+Birr 900VAT). They then sell this computer for Birr 9200 (Birr 8000+ Birr
1200 VAT). The VAT liability of B Company is Birr 300(1200 900). Their position is summarized
in the following illustration.
Purchase and sale of computer
VAT (15%)
output tax
input tax
Value added
VAT liability
Example II
The following data relate to an importer who acquired goods from a foreign supplier in the month of
Hamle 1995 E C
Cost of goods
Birr 520000
Freight paid on purchase
Birr 80000
Birr 70000
Customs and other charges paid on clearing the goods
Birr 380000
Excise tax paid
Birr 134000
Required:- Compute VAT payable by the importer on the above items
Basis of tax = 520000+80000+70000+380000+134000
= 1184000
Value Added Tax = 1184000X15%
= 177600
Filing of VAT Return and Payment of VAT
It is obligatory for every taxpayer to file VAT Return for every accounting period whether or not tax
is payable for that period. Such a return should be filed before the last day of the calendar month
following the accounting period. Simultaneously VAT should be paid to the Tax Authority.
In situations where an understatement of tax is suspected of the taxpayer, the Authority itself assesses
tax. This is done at any time within 5 years after the end of the accounting period. However, if a fraud
or willful negligence is evidenced, the authority can assess tax at any time, as it considers convenient.
Within 30 days of receiving the notice of assessment, the taxpayer shall pay tax or appeal on
assessment. Otherwise, the taxpayer will be considered in default.
A number of penalties are imposed on taxpayers for non- compliance. This includes penalties for nonpayment, non-filing, for failure to register, failure to issue invoices, for issuance of incorrect invoice,
and for collection of VAT without registration. These penalties are imposed as part of the
administrative measures and some of them will be described as follows.
Administrative Penalties
The following penalties are imposed for violation in respect of value added tax:
a) Where any person engages in taxable transactions without vat registration where vat registration
is required, the vat registered person is penalized 100% of the amount of tax payable for the entire
period of operation without vat registration.
b) Where any person issued incorrect tax invoice resulting in a decrease in the amount of tax or
increase in credit or in the event of the failure to issue a tax invoice, the person is penalized 100%
of the amount of tax for the invoice or on the transaction.
c) Where a person who is not registered for vat issues a tax invoice, the person is penalized 100% of
the tax which is indicated in the tax invoice and is due for transfer to the budget but has not been
d) Where a person fails to maintain records required, the person is penalized Birr 2000 for each
month or portion thereof that the failure continues.
e) A person who fails to file a timely return is liable for a penalty equal to 5% of the amount of tax
underpayment for each month or portion thereof during which the failure continues, up to 25% of
such amount but limited to birr 50000 for the first month or portion thereof in which no return is
filed. Underpayment of tax is the difference between the tax required to be shown on the return
and the amount of tax paid by the due date. In any event the penalty may not be less than smaller
of the two amounts: 10,000 birr
100% of the amount of tax required to be shown on the return.
Late Payment Interest
The tax authority charges interest in addition to the penalty if any amount of tax is not paid by the due
date, the person liable is obliged to pay interest on such amount for the period from the due date to
the date the tax is paid. The interest rate is set at 25% over and above the highest commercial lending
interest rate that prevailed during the preceding quarter.
Turnover represents the total sales income from supply of goods and services. In order to be taxable,
turnover from taxable supplies will only be considered. As stated earlier, taxable supplies are those
supplies of goods and services for which turnover tax is levied as per the turnover tax proclamation. It
is the base for the imposition of turnover tax. Currently, taxpayers categorized as B and C as per
income tax proclamation No. 286/2002 and who are not required to register for vat come under the
purview of turnover tax. Turnover tax, in the country, is computed as per the Turnover tax
Proclamation No. 308/2002
It would rather be difficult to know the actual turnover of all the suppliers especially when traders do
not have the habit of keeping books of accounts. Not only that, as we studied, the income tax
proclamation allows category C taxpayers pay tax even in the absence of books of accounts. This
may create difficulty in determining the exact amount of turnover of those traders. Turnover tax of
category B taxpayers is computed based on the books of accounts, as it is compulsory to maintain
books by them.
As a solution to this problem, the sales turnover of category C is estimated in accordance with the
estimation technique used for income tax computation. As you know, for income tax purposes, the
daily estimated sales of taxpayers is converted to annual sales by the use of total days that the
taxpayers do their normal operations. The same amount of turnover is used both for income tax and
turnover tax purposes.
Rates of Turnover Tax
The supplies of category B and C taxpayers (turnover taxpayers) are not taxed at the same rate as
that of value added tax. A less rate than the VAT rate is used for this purpose. Taxpayers, who are not
registered for VAT, collect tax at the following rates by charging the amount on the price of taxable
goods and services they supply.
a) On goods sold locally: 2%
b) On services rendered locally:
Base of Computation
The turnover determined for income tax purposes form the basis for turnover tax determination. To
make it clear, turnover tax is determined on the gross receipts that the suppliers receive from the
supply of goods and rendition of services. All persons, who are not registered for VAT but supply
goods or render services, except those who are not required to pay tax, are required to collect tax from
the customers on their gross receipts and transfer it to the tax authority.
Tax Exempt Supplies
Remember that not all the goods and services supplied in the country are not subject to VAT.
Likewise, there are some supplies that are exempt from paying turnover tax. While determining the
turnover for tax purposes, these items are excluded. The following transactions which are exempt
from vat are also exempted from payment of turnover tax.
Transactions such as sale, transfer or lease of dwelling house; rendering of financial services;
Supply of national or foreign currency and securities;
Rendering of church related services by religious organizations;
Supply of drugs (specified by Ministry of Health);
Rendering of educational and child care services;
The Tax Authority in the Country administers turnover tax. The term Tax Authority includes
Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority, Tax Authorities of Regional states and city
The tax period of Category C is the Ethiopian fiscal year. Note that, for category C, the tax period
for business tax and turnover tax remains the same. At the end of Sene 30 every year, taxpayers
must be ready for the payment of both the taxes.
Computation of Turnover Tax
The computation of turnover tax is straight forward. The gross receipt is multiplied by the tax rate
either 2% or 10% so as to determine the turnover tax liability of the turnover taxpayer.
Example I
ABC Traders had taxable turnover of Birr 120,000 for the three-month ended on Hidar 30, 1995.
Assuming that the taxpayer belongs to category B, how much will be the turnover tax payable by
the trader? Tax rate is 2%.
Quarterly turnover
Tax rate
Turnover tax
Birr 120000
120000X2% = Birr 2400
Example II
The estimated daily sales of a printing press business is Birr 180. The shop is open 300 days a year.
How much is the turnover tax payable by the shop?
Annual sales = 180X300 = Birr 54000
Turnover tax = Birr 54000X2% = Birr 1080
Declaration and Payment of Turnover Tax
Each taxpayer shall declare and pay tax within one month after the end of the accounting period.
Accordingly, category B is required to declare taxable turnover and pay tax within 30 days after
every 3 months period and category C within 30 days after the end of each fiscal year. For the
purpose of declaration and payment, taxpayers are required to fill and file a Turnover Tax Return.
Turnover Tax Return is a form prepared and supplied by the Tax Authority and is filled and filed by
the taxpayers to the Tax Authority.
Administrative Penalties
Administrative penalties are imposed on taxpayers for non- declaration and non-payment in a similar
manner with VAT proclamation 285/2002. Provisions of income tax proclamation 286/2002 are
equally used for penalties under criminal offences.
specific projects. For example some national governments impose an excise tax on airline tickets to
help pay for airport improvements. Excise taxes are usually designed to limit consumption of a
commodity such as taxes on cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, which are known as sin taxes.
Excise taxes constitute an important source of revenue to the governments in underdeveloped
countries. In Ethiopia, excise taxes have expanded owing to increase in production, and increase in
new products that are coming within the purview of tax. In the industrial development of a country,
excise taxes function as an important tool in developing the economy. Excise tax in Ethiopia covers
only goods produced in the country and goods imported to the country. This helps reduce the
administration cost of collection to a certain extent. Usually excise taxes are imposed on ad-valorem
basis. It is the determination of duty or tax based on the value of goods. Ethiopian excise tax is not an
exception to this rule.
It has been observed universally that the burden of excise tax is falling heavily on the poor (lower
income groups) than on the rich (higher income groups). Care should be taken by governments to
prevent this situation. At the same time, excise tax should not adversely affect production. It should
enable increased production and equitable distribution of wealth and income among different sections
of the economy.
Tax policies should be designed to encourage new business units in the manufacture of taxed
commodities or expand the existing units to increase production. Excise taxes are also used to
regulate consumption and production of certain commodities. Imposing high tax rates on selected
items does this. High tax rates on liquor aim at reducing the consumption of liquor, which reduces
external costs because alcoholism generates external costs in the form of automobile accidents.
With a view to increase the revenue of the government to provide for public goods and services, and
to reduce the consumption of specific goods, the Government of Ethiopia levies excise tax on selected
items of goods that are supplied in the country. The current excise tax proclamation, which came into
effect at the beginning of 2003, contains reduced tax rates and taxable items compared to the previous
proclamations. This may be seen as a step taken by the government to encourage the local production.
As per the excise tax proclamation No. 307/2002, the items of goods that are subject to excise tax in
the country are:a) goods imported into the country, and
b) goods produced locally.
4.9.2. Base and Rates of Excise Tax
Selected items of goods in the schedule accompanying the proclamation, whether imported or
produced within the country are liable to tax as per the new excise tax law. When the goods are
imported, the importer is obliged to pay tax at the specific rate on the CIF of goods. CIF includes the
Cost, Insurance, and Freight of the goods imported.
On the other hand, tax on locally produced goods is determined by the cost of production. The cost of
production includes direct material cost, direct labor cost, and overhead cost other than depreciation
on machinery.
Excise tax is levied and paid at the rates indicated in the specific schedule provided in the excise tax
proclamation No. 307/2002. The rates indicated in the proclamation are equally applied for goods
imported and goods produced locally. The rates of tax range from 10% for textile items to 100% for
perfumes and motor vehicles. The scope of excise tax proclamation is limited and applies to goods
listed in the schedule.
If you compare the previous tax declarations with that of the current year, you can observe a
reduction in rate for almost all types of goods including a reduction in the highest tax rate from 150%
to 100%. You may refer to the appendix given at the end of this unit for further references related to
the rates of excise tax.
4.9.3. Who will Pay Tax and When?
One who pays excise tax, called the taxpayer, is the importer and producer respectively for import
and production. The importer pays excise tax when the imported goods are cleared from the customs
area. That means, the tax is to be paid together with the payment of customs duty. Sometimes the
importer may not be financially stable to pay tax immediately on the arrival of the goods at the
customs. In such cases, the tax office will permit to keep the goods in a government warehouse, up on
request from the importer, until taxes are paid. Deposit of goods in the warehouse and withdrawal
from the warehouse are permitted only with the consent of tax authority.
As stated earlier, excise tax on goods produced in the country is determined by the cost of production.
The producer pays tax on locally produced goods. A person or body engages in production of goods
that are subject to excise tax is required to pay tax within thirty (30) days from the date of production
of such goods. For this purpose, each taxpayer submits details of production every month to the tax
authority. Submission of information should be done in the form prescribed by the tax office.
When a taxpayer changes the nature of business, its address, place of business, or terminate the same,
details should be communicated to the tax office within 5 days of such happening.
4.9.4. Assessment of Excise Tax
Local producers who are subject to excise tax are required to keep books and records as per the
requirement of the tax law. And assessment of excise tax is done on the basis of the records submitted
by the taxpayers. Such an assessment is made when the taxpayer keeps books properly in accordance
with the requirement of law. Declaration of excise tax should be made monthly. When an
understatement of tax is evidenced, an additional assessment becomes necessary. The tax office
makes notifications regarding the additional assessment to the taxpayer and payment of tax is to be
made within 30 days from the receipt of assessment notification.
For the purposes of assessment, taxpayers are required to keep all documents in accordance with
accounting principles and submit the same in every 30 days to the tax office. In situations where the
assessment cannot be made using books of accounts, it is done by estimation. This occurs when the
taxpayer does not submit the books and documents or if the submitted documents are unsatisfactory
as per the tax requirements. For assessment purposes, officials from tax office can require taxpayer to
provide any information, or can enter into the premises or store of the taxpayer to gather the required
If an importer fails to pay tax on goods that are kept in warehouses after import, within six months
from keeping the goods in a warehouse, the tax authority can dispose the goods and collect money
due to them. Upon sale, any remainder in sales proceeds is transferred to the government treasury
from where the taxpayer shall have a claim up to a period of five years.
4.9.5. Computation of Excise Tax
Excise tax payable is computed differently for goods produced locally and goods imported into the
country. For imported items of goods subject to excise tax, the excise tax payable is the product of
CIF value of import and associated tax rate prescribed in the schedule. However, for locally produced
goods subject to excise tax, the excise tax payable is determined by multiplying cost of production
and associated tax rate prescribed in the schedule.
Example I
Sunshine Traders, an import export firm in Ethiopia, imported textile items to the country in Miazia,
1996 E C. The cost, insurance, and freight of goods imported amount to Birr 320000, 80000, and
80000 respectively. How much does the firm pay as excise tax on this import?
Total CIF = 320000+80000+80000 = Birr 480000
Excise Tax = 480000 X 10% = Birr 48000
Example 2
Tit Sugar Manufacturing Company produced 2000 quintals of sugar in Hidar, 1996 E C. The
company gives the following data regarding the cost of production of 2000 quintals in the month.
Material used
Birr 875000
Direct labor
Birr 102000
Indirect labor
Birr 62000
Heat, light, and power
Birr 72000
Other factory cost
(Other than depreciation of machinery) Birr 68000
Tax rare 33%
Required: Compute the excise tax payable by the company for the months production.
Total cost of production:
Material used
Direct labor
Indirect labor
Heat, light, and power
Other factory cost
Total cost
Birr 875000
Type of Product
Tax Rate
40 %
40 %
30 %
Alcoholic Drinks
50 %
50 %
- whisky
50 %
100 %
75 %
- Tobacco leaf
33 %
20 %
30 %
100 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
20 %
80 %
30 %
Video decks
40 %
40 %
10 %
Motor passenger cars, station Wagons, utility cars, and Land Rovers,
Jeeps pickups, similar vehicles (including motorized caravans), whether
assembled ,together with their appropriate initial equipment:
- Up to 1,300 c.c.
- From 1,301c.c up to 1,800 c.c.
30 %
60 %
100 %
30 %
20 %
20 %
20 %
The base of computation of Excise Tax is the cost of production for goods produced locally; where
as for goods imported the base of computation would be the cost of production, insurance and
freight costs.
Sunshine traders an import and export firm in Ethiopia imported textile items to the country from
Mexico, 1998 E.C. The cost insurance, and freight of goods imported amount to Birr 320,000 80,000
and 100,000 respectively.
How much does the firm pay as excise tax on this import? Assume that the excise tax rate is 10%.