Summative Assessment - Ii - 2014-2015 Class - X: CH Coch

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Class X
Time allowed: 3:00 hours

Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions:
a. This question paper contains two parts A and B.
b. Both the parts are compulsory for all.
c. All parts of questions should be attempted separately
d. Question numbers 1 to 3 in Section A are one marks questions. These are to be answered in
one word or in one sentence.
e. Question numbers 4 to 6 in Section A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in
about 30 words each.
f. Question numbers 7 to 18 in Section A are three marks questions. These are to be
answered in about 50 words each.
g. Question numbers 19 to 24 in Section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered
in about 70 words each.
h. Question numbers 25 to 33 in Section B are multiple choice questions based on practical
skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response
out of the four provided to you.
i. Question numbers 34 to 36 in Section B are questions based on practical skills. Each
question is a two marks question.

Section A
1. Identify the functional group in the following compounds
(i) CH3COCH3
(ii) HCOOH
2. Define a zygote.
3. Crop fields are called artificial ecosystems. Justify.
4. Name the type of mirror which is known as showing mirror. Give relevant ray diagram to
justify your answer.
5. Why was the coliform bacteria chosen to indicate the level of pollution in Ganga? Mention
two major factors due to which the Ganga has become polluted.
6. To protect the food plants from insects, an insecticide is sprayed in small amounts but it is
detected in high concentration in human beings. How does is happen?
7. Some esters are added to food items for special smells. An ester can be made from ethanol
and ethanoic acid.
Name the ester which is obtained due to the chemical reaction between ethanol and
ethanoic acid in presence of concentrated sulphuric acid and write the chemical
Name the process.
8. (a)
What are alkanes? Write the structure with two and four carbon atoms.
List the three uses of simplest compound of alkane.

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9. The position of some elements A, B, C, D, E, F and G in the Modern Periodic Table is given as
under 3




a. In which group are inert elements placed?
b. What type of ions would B, C, E and F form?
c. Which element would have chemical properties similar to C
d. How many shells would A have?
e. What is the similarity between A & D?
f. Identify the most abundant element in the earths crust.
10. Name three elements which have seven electrons in their outermost shell. How do their nonmetallic character and atomic size change down the group.
11. (a) What function is performed by human arms, forelimbs of dog and forelimbs of whales?
(b) Which type of organs are these?
(c)Why do we call them so?
12. Sex of the child is determined at the time of conception in human beings. Explain this
13. What do you understand by fertilization? After fertilization, name the part of the flower
which develops into :
a) Fruit
b) Seeds
14. Which process is depicted in the diagram below?

(a) Identify the organism.

(b) How is the above process different from reproduction?
15. Give reasons in the following cases:
a) A bacterial cell is able to survive better in hot weather conditions.
b) Sexually reproducing organisms have more variations.
16. (a) With the help of a suitable diagram explain why the sun is visible to us two minutes
before the actual sunrise the two minutes after the actual sunset
(b) Name the phenomenon responsible for apparent flattening of the suns disc at sunrise
and sunset.
17. Compare any two similarities and one dissimilarity between image formed by a plane mirror
and convex mirror in tubular form.

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18. Shikha lives in remote village. Where cooking is done on coal stove and burning wood. She
saw her mother soughing. She told her about the ill effects of smoke in a closed room and
asked her father to put a window in kitchen.
a) List any two values shown by Shikha by her action.
b) Mention the consequences of burning coal in a closed room?
19. (a) Name the elements present in group 2 of the modern periodic table.
(b) Write the electronic configuration of first three members of group 2.
(c) Mention the similarity in their electronic configurations.
(d) Write the number of valence electrons present in these three elements.
20. (a) Why do we say that homozygous plants produce pure progeny?
(b) Define heterozygous.
(c) Explain how the process of speciation takes place.
21. Different organisms reproduce by different methods suitable to their body designs.
a) Justify the above statement using examples of three different organisms which reproduce
by different methods of a sexual reproduction.
b) Differentiate between sexual and asexual modes of reproduction.
22. Explain the term Power of Accommodation. Name the part of eye that plays major role in it.
Generally old persons have to use two types of lenses separately for reading the viewing
distant objects. Identify the defect from which they suffer. With the help of diagram explain
how these lenses help them in reading and viewing distant objects.
23. (a) Differentiate between reflection and refraction.
(b) A ray of light is incident on the interface separating diamond and water. Give that the
refractive index of diamond and water with respect to air are 2.42 and 1.33 respectively.
Complete the diagram by showing refracted ray and mark angles of incidence and

(c) Calculate speed of light in water. (given the velocity of light in air is
24. (a) When you enter a dark room from sunlight, you cannot see things for a while and after
sometime you start seeing things. Explain this observation.
(b) Explain the d changes taking place in the eye lens by ciliary muscles when we focus on a
nearby object as well as a far off object.
25. Soaps are prepared by the alkaline hydrolysis of:



Carboxylic acids





26. In a saponification reaction, fats and oils are treated with:


A strong acid


A week base

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A weak acid


A strong base

27. Name of the salt from the following which makes the water hard is:

Calcium hydrogen carbonate

(b) potassium chloride


sodium carbonate

(d) sodium bicarbonate

28. A student has to determine the focal length of a convex lens by obtaining the image of a
distant object on a screen. Which of the following measures should he take to obtain better

Select a lens of small diameter (say 3 cm)


Select a lens of larger diameter (say 5 cm)


Select an object very far from the lens.


Select on object far, but not very far from the lens.


Keep all the light of the room on.


Keep minimum lights of the room on.

The correct sequence of measure are:

(a) A, C and F

(b) B, D and F

(c) A, D and E

(d) B, D and E

29. A convex lens is:


thin at the centre and thick at the edges


thick at the centre and think at the edges


uniform in thickness


any of the above

30. In glass slab experiment, a student takes three observations, in every observation the angle
of 1 incidence in increased. What will be the inference regarding the angle of refraction?

Angle of refraction first increases then decrease.


Angle of refraction is equal to angle of incidence.

Angle of refraction is greater than the angle of incidence and increases successively
with the increase in the angle in incidence.
Angle of refraction increase with the increase in the angle of incidence but is always
smaller than angle of incidence.
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31. The angle between two lateral faces of a triangular glass prism is called:

angle of incidence

(b) angle of prism


angle of emergence

(d) angle of reflection

32. The organs which perform different functions but have similar basic structure are known as:

homologous organs

(b) analogous organs


vestigial organs

(d) rudimentary organs

33. Study the figure and identify the part marked as A.

(a) Plumule



(c) Redicle



34. Match the contents given in column I with the column II appropriately in respect of
properties of Acetic acid:


Reactions with


Like vigegar
Gas evolves

Misability in H 2O


Fruity smell
gas evolves
35. Mention the first and the last step which takes place during binary fission in amoeba.
36. A student performed the experiment to find the position of images for the different positions
of an object. If centre of curvature of convex lens is 20 cm, then match the following on the
basis of above information:


Position of Image
At infinity
Beyond C
Image is 20 cm away from lens
Image is 10 cm away from lens


Position of an Object
Object is 20 cm away from lens
At infinity
At 10 cm from lens
Between F and C

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