David: Platt
David: Platt
David: Platt
sm a ll- g roup
Viewer G uides with Answers
Vi ewe r G u i d es w i t h A n swe rs. Rad ical Small-G rou p Stu d y CD-ROM .
Pu b l i sh ed by L i fe Way Press . 2 0 12 Dav i d Platt.
Ite m 005 47 1 37 7. Made i n th e USA .
Pe r m i ssi o n i s g ra n ted to re pro duce th i s i te m .
W at c h
We need to ask the question, Have we ever really come to Jesus on His terms?
Requirements for a Christians Sacrifice
Jesus requires superior love.
There is a dangerous temptation for us to try to soften Jesus words to justify
the way we live.
All your affections belong to God.
In comparison to Christ, we hate the people we love.
This changes our perspective.
It starts with a reservoir of love for the supremacy of Christ and God.
Christianity does not consist of begrudging obedience to Christ.
Biblical Christianity sees the supremacy of Christ and is so drawn toward Him that our
love for Him drives everything we do.
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ means you forsake all relationships in favor of an intimate
relationship with Him.
Requirements for a Christians Sacrifice
Jesus requires exclusive loyalty.
Through the cross of Christ, we die to the life we live.
This changes our priorities.
We are workers constructing a building.
Count the cost of following Jesus.
We are warriors fighting a battle.
Rad ical
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A Radical Approach
Jesus call to salvation demands total surrender.
Salvation is never a matter of external reformation.
Salvation is a matter of internal transformation.
If our lives do not reflect the character of Christ, there is a heart issue at work.
Jesus is not merely a respectable teacher.
Jesus is the sovereign Lord.
A Radical Affection
Jesus calls us to give sacrificially because He loves us.
Jesus loves rich people enough to tell them the truth.
God is a Shepherd who protects us.
God is a Father who delights in us.
God is a King who provides for us.
A Radical Command
Jesus gives commands, not considerations.
Five Different Commands
1. Go.2. Sell.3. Give.4. Come.5. Follow Me.
As followers of Christ, we do not consider options. We obey.
Rad ical
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Rad ical
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Rad ical
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A Divine Contrast
God responds to the needs of the poor with compassion.
God responds to those who neglect the poor with condemnation.
Those who indulge themselves and ignore the poor will stand condemned
before God.
We are the rich man.
An Eternal Consequence
If we indulge ourselves and neglect the poor, earth will be our heaven.
Eternity will be our hell.
A Clear Choice
Continue in hollow religion that neglects the poor.
Caring for the poor is not an optional extra in salvation.
Caring for the poor is necessary evidence of salvation.
Youre absolutely justified by grace alone through faith alone, but its a faith that radically
transforms a heart. It transforms desires.
A Clear Choice
Turn in honest repentance to care for the poor.
Hear the Word humbly.
Obey the Word quickly.
We are not motivated to care for the poor by guilt.
We are motivated to care for the poor by the gospel.
We obey Christ not because we are guilty but because we are saved.
Rad ical
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Rad ical