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Version 3.0 March 2011

BuilDing Envelope
E Source Technology Atlas
Window Systems for High-Performance Buildings
90.1 Users Manual
LBNL - Tips for Daylighting with Windows
Alliance to Save Energy


International Resources Group
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Email: eco3@irgssa.com
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A well-designed building envelope not only helps in complying with the Energy Conservation
Building Code (ECBC) but can also result in first cost savings by taking advantage of
daylighting and correct HVAC system sizing. This document acts as a primer on better
envelope design practices and steps needed to comply with ECBC.

he building envelope

refers to the exterior facade, and

is comprised of walls, windows,
roof, skylights, doors, and other openings.
The envelope protects the buildings
interior and occupants from the weather
conditions and other external elements.
The design features of the envelope strongly
affect the visual and thermal comfort of the
occupants, as well as energy consumption
in the building.
Envelope Design Basics

From an energy efficiency point of

view, the envelope design must take
into consideration both the external and
internal heat loads, as well as daylighting
benefits. External loads include mainly
solar heat gains through windows, heat
losses across the envelope surfaces,
and unwanted air infiltration in the
building; internal loads include heat
released by the electric lighting systems,
equipment, and people working in the
building space. (Fig. 1)
One of the goals of the envelope design
should be to introduce daylighting into
the interior space of the building through
windows and skylights, thereby reducing
the need for electric lighting. Thus, giving
proper orientation to the building and due
consideration to the size and placement of
windows at the design stage can provide
the advantage of daylighting.

Secondly, to maintain thermal comfort

and minimize internal cooling/heating
loads, the building envelope needs to
regulate and optimize heat transfer through
roof, walls, windows, doors, and other
openings. Effective insulation of roof and
walls, appropriate selection of glazing and
framing for windows, and suitable shading
strategy are important in designing energyefficient buildings.
An integrated building design considers
the Envelope, the Heating, Ventilation and
Cooling (HVAC) system, and the Lighting
system as a whole, rather than dealing
with these independently. Changing
the specifications of one system can
affect the performance of the other two
significantly. For instance, investments
in good insulation of the roof, energyefficient windows, or increased envelope
airtightness can result in a smaller HVAC

Passive Solar Design Strategy

Architects should pay attention to the

following basic design elements in an effort
to reduce the energy consumption in small
commercial buildings that can be operated
without Central HVAC System.
Siting and Orientation: Longer axis of the
building should be in east-west direction
with maximum opening on north side; also
position the building on site to facilitate
breeze access.
Shade: Use different shading strategies to
minimize solar heat gain and reduce glare
inside buildings. Provide vertical louvers on
east and west side and horizontal shading
devices on south side.
Cross-Ventilation: Building envelope should
allow the movement of breeze through out
the building.
Heat Loss through roof

Heat Gain through roof



Heat Gain
through wall

Heat Gain
Heat Gain

Solar Heat



Heat Loss
through wall

Heat Gain
Heat Gain

Day Lighting
Heat Gain

Heat Gain

Heat Gain
through glass

Building in Cooling Mode


Solar Heat
Day Lighting
Heat Loss
through glass

Building in Heating Mode

Fig. 1: External and Internal Heat loads

Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

Key Technical Terms

Building Envelope: Exterior and the
semi-exterior portions of a building. For
the purposes of determining envelope
requirements for the ECBC, these are:
a. Elements that separate the conditioned
spaces from the weather conditions, or
b. Elements of a building that separate the
conditioned spaces of the building from
the unconditioned spaces, i.e. office space
from unconditioned storage.
Cool Roof: Property of roof that describes its
ability to reflect and reject heat. Cool roof
surfaces have both high solar reflectance and
a high emittance (rejecting heat back to the
Transmittance Window-Wall


Envelope Performance Factor: Trade-off

value for the building envelope performance
compliance option, calculated using the
procedures specified in Appendix D of the
Fenestration: All openings (including the
frames) in the building envelope that let in
light (e.g. windows, plastic panels, skylights,
glass doors) that are more than one-half
glass, and glass block walls.
Skylight: A fenestration surface having
a slope of less than 60 degrees from the
horizontal plane.
Fenestration Area: Total area of the

fenestration measured using the rough

opening (including glazing, sash, and
frame). For glass doors where glazed
vision area is less than 50% of the door
area, the fenestration area is the glazed
vision area otherwise it is the door area.

Opaque Wall: All areas in the building

envelope, except fenestration and building
service openings such as vents and grills.
Solar Reflectance: Ratio of the light
reflected by a surface to the light incident
upon it.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC):
Regardless of outside temperature, heat
can be gained through windows by direct
or indirect solar radiation. The ability to

control this heat gain through windows is

characterized in terms of the SHGC of the
window. SHGC is the ratio of solar heat
gain that passes through fenestration to the
total incident solar radiation that falls on
the fenestration. Solar heat gains includes
directly transmitted solar heat and absorbed
solar heat, which is re- radiated, conducted,
on converted into the interior space. (Fig.2)
Heat gain due
to direct solar

Direct and re-emitted

energy in an enclosed

(a) incident solar
(c) reected heat


SHGC = b+f

(b) directly
transmitted heat
(d) absorbed heat

(e) re-emitted heat

(f) re-emitted heat

Fig. 2: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

Sound Transmission: An important

requirement in some projects. Many energy
efficient glazing deliver improved acoustic
performance as a side benefit.
Spectral Selectivity: Refers to the ability
of a glazing material to respond differently
to different wavelengths of solar energy
in other words, to admit visible light while
rejecting unwanted invisible infrared heat.
Newer glazing products have achieved this
characteristic, permitting much clearer glass
than previously available for solar control
glazing. A glazing with a relatively high VLT
and a low SHGC indicates that a glazing
is selective. Spectrally selective glazing use
special absorbing tints or coatings, and are
typically either clear or have a blue or blue/
green appearance.
Thermal Emittance: Relative ability of a
material to radiate the absorbed heat.
U-Factor (W/m 2K): When there is a
temperature difference between inside and
outside, heat is lost or gained through the
window frame and glazing by the combined

Heat transfer
= 0.57 W

Figure 3 illustrates the concept of Ufactor.

R-value is the resistance to heat flow
(R=1/U), with higher values indicating
better insulation.
Vertical Fenestration: All fenestration
other than skylights.
Visible Light Transmittance (VLT): The
ratio of light passing through the glazing to
light passing through perfectly transmissive
glazing. VLT is concerned only with the
visible portion of the solar spectrum, as
opposed to SHGC, which is the ratio of
all solar radiation. VLT is an important
parameter for daylighting of buildings.
Window-Wall Ratio (WWR): Ratio of
vertical fenestration area to gross exterior
wall area. Gross exterior wall area is measured
horizontally from the exterior surface; it is
measured vertically from the top of the floor
to the bottom of the roof.
Weather stripping: Materials, such a s a
strip of fabric, plastic, rubber or metal,
or a device used to seal the openings,
gaps or cracks of venting window and
door units to prevent water and air

Affects amount of heat transfer due to temperature difference

Surface area=1m2

effects of conduction, convection, and long

wave radiation. Fenestration U-factor is the
rate of heat flow through one square meter of
fenestration when there is 1C temperature
difference. U-factor dose not consider
solar gains through the fenestration; this is
addressed by SHGC. The lower the U-factor,
the better it is. Center-of-glass U-factors
are generally lower than whole-window
U-factors, which account for the effect of
the frame and mullions. This property is
important for reducing heating load in cold
climates and for reducing cooling load in hot

U= 0.57 W/m 2 K


Surface area=1m2

Heat transfer
= 0.42 W

U= 0.42 W/m 2 K


Fig. 3: Illustration of concept of U-factor

Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

system, thereby reducing its first cost as

well as recurring energy cost. Similarly,
an inefficient lighting system not only
increases lighting energy consumption
but could also increases the cooling load
on HVAC System, thereby increasing the
energy consumption further.
When a building is in cooling mode, solar
heat gains need to be minimized within
the building space. The envelope needs
to be designed with appropriate glazing
selection coupled with shading strategy,
while optimizing daylight and minimizing
the infilltration of outside air. Outside air
could be introduced particularly during
night hours, when the ambient temperature
drops. This strategy cools the thermal mass
in the building during night hours and
reduces overall cooling load during the next
day. On the other hand, if the building is in
a heating mode, the envelope design should
enhance solar heat gains during daytime.
Therefore in practice, the architects and
building designers need to integrate and
balance these varying requirements and
considerations while designing an energyefficient building in different climate zones.
Building envelope design should also
consider the moisture management principles
and the climate in which the building is to be
located and the vapor permeability controls
necessary to prevent condensation within the
dry side of the exterior wall assembly. (Fig. 4)

Providing good technical specifications

for an energy-efficient building envelope
but not ensuring its proper construction
which can lead to poor energy
Adding a large window area to the facade for daylighting but ignoring the
problems of solar heat gain and the need
for shading to reduce glare.
Designing a daylighting strategy but not
enabling the lighting system to dim or
turn off when there is sufficient daylight
in the interior space.
Designing/sizing the buildings HVAC
system on rules of thumb and not
accounting for the reduction in heating
and cooling loads created through
efficient envelope and lighting design.

ECBC Compliant Design

Strategy for a Building

Prescriptive Approach prescribes the

minimum performance requirements for
each building component. It is quick and
easy to use, but this approach is somewhat
restrictive because requirements have to
be met exactly as specified.

Many things can go wrong with the

building envelope and well-intentioned
attempts to make it energy-efficient.
Critical missteps to watch out for, include:

Climate Zones

ECBC defines five climate zones (Hot and

Dry, Warm-Humid, Composite, Temperate,
and Cold), which in turn dictates what
ECBC requirements for the envelope, as
well as other building components are going
to be applicable to the building.
Compliance Approaches

After establishing the specific climate

zone in which the building is located,
determine which compliance approach
is the best fit for envelope design. The
ECBC allows the following approaches:

Envelope Trade-off Approachallows the

designer to trade enhanced energy efficiency
in one building component against decreased
energy efficiency in another component,
thereby offering flexibility. These trade-offs
are applicable only within major envelope
components i.e., roof, walls and fenestration.
Approach compares the proposed design
with a standard design (same building
meeting all the prescriptive requirements
of ECBC) and demonstrates that the
estimated annual energy use of proposed
design is less then that of the standard
design. This approach allows great
flexibility but requires considerably more
effort. Computer-based Energy Simulation
Program can be helpful in this exercise.
Mandatory Requirements

Irrespective of the approach taken to

show ECBC compliance, the mandatory
requirements of ECBC must be met by all
For the building envelope, ECBC
requires U-factor and SHGC to be
determined for the overall fenestration
product (including sash and frame)
and certified by the manufacturer or
other responsible party [ECBC
and]. For unrated fenestration
products, there are default values available
in Appendix C of the code.
A U-factor is also required to be
determined for opaque constructions
[ECBC 4.2.2].
Maximum values for air leakage around
all doors and windows must be met
[ECBC]. Other openings in

Moisture and Vapor Management

Moisture management in envelope assemblies is a very
critical design consideration and requires a fundamental
understanding of the physics of moisture transport.
There are three key moisture transport mechanisms:
bulk water ingress, air transported water vapor and
water vapor diffusion. The three mechanisms do not
equally contribute to wetting. Bulk water has the largest
contribution to wetting, followed by air-transported
moisture, with vapor diffusion being the least important.
Incidental moisture intrusion is nearly impossible to
avoid: walls will sometimes get wet. However, moisture
problems only occur when wetting exceeds drying; that
is, when walls get wet and stay wet for extended periods
of time. It is therefore critical to design walls, which will
allow drying of incidental moisture ingress. The key to
avoiding moisture problems is to manage the balance
between wetting and drying: protect against wetting and
promote drying. As the diagram shows, diffusion is minor
wetting source; however, it is a very critical drying source.
Vapor diffusion is the secondary line of defense that allows
drying of incidental moisture intrusion.
Fig. 4: Moisture and Vapor Management

Source: DuPont
Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

the building envelope (e.g. fenestration,

doors, roofs, walls, ducts or plenums,
etc.) are required to be sealed to minimize air leakage [ECBC 4.2.3].
Prescriptive Approach

The prescriptive requirements for walls,

roof and fenestrations are climate-based
and different for buildings used during the
daytime, and those with 24-hours of use.
Roofs and Opaque Wallsshould meet
maximum U-factors for assemblies or
minimum R-values for the insulation only
[ECBC 4.3.1 and 4.3.2].
Cool Roofshould meet minimum solar
reflectance of 0.7 and initial emittance
levels of not less then 0.75, and determined
in accordance with specified standards.
Skylights should meet maximum U-factor
and SHGC with skylight area limited to a
maximum of five percent of the gross roof
area [ECBC 4.3.4].

Trade-off Approach

Appendix D of ECBC provides guidance

on the calculation of the Envelope
Performance Factor (EPF). This is
calculated for the proposed design and for
the baseline design, for compliance. The
proposed buildings EPF must be equal to
or better than that of the baseline design.
Whole Building
Performance Approach

This approach (Appendix B of ECBC)

requires computer-based energy simulation
program to determine and compare the
estimated annual energy use of the proposed
design with that of a standard design.
Technical Tips for
Building Orientation

In a predominantly hot climate, cooling

load affects the total energy consumption
in commercial buildings in a significant
manner. Thus, controlling heat transfer
through the roof, walls, and windows
becomes of utmost importance and
needs to be considered from the initial
stages of design. Therefore, site planners
and designers should properly orient

buildings to minimize solar gains in the

Plot lines and roads should be situated
to minimize building exposure to the
east and west. These orientations provide
the highest solar heat gains. Subdivisions
should be planned so that the longer sides
of the buildings face north and south.
With proper planning, there may be no
added costs for good orientation.
Technical Tips for Roofs
and Walls

The following factors need to be considered

to optimize energy-efficient envelope design:
ECBC requires various levels of roof
insulation based on climate. Additional
cost of insulation pays back in energy
savings that result from correctly sizing
the HVAC equipment to reduce cooling
loads. Generally good insulation also
extends the life of the roof system.
Insulation of walls is also important for
reducing conduction losses especially
where significant difference exist
between inside and outside temperature.
Many insulation materials require an Air
Barrier and Weather Resistive Barrier

Role of Energy Simulation

Energy Simulation using a variety of computer software tools
is not only the way a design professional or team can determine
compliance with the ECBC, but it may be the best method for
designing a building using an integrated approach. The Whole
Building Performance Method yields the greatest flexibility of
design for the design team, and may allow for a very cost-effective
way to assure a successful design. However, this approach does
require considerable knowledge of building simulation tools and
very close communication between members of the design team.
In basic terms, this method makes a computer model, or
Standard Design, of a building that is similar to the proposed
design and which just meets the ECBC requirements (as described
in detail in Appendix B of ECBC). The model compares the total
predicted energy use of the Standard Design with that for the
Proposed Design. A building complies with the whole building
performance method when the estimated annual energy use of
the Proposed Design is less than or equal to that of the Standard
Design, even though it may not comply with all the prescriptive
requirements specified in Section 4 through 8 of ECBC.
Fig. 5 shows the impact of different types of glazing for a 0.30
WWR within a five meter perimeter zone in a building located in
a warm and humid climate (e.g. Mumbai or Chennai). Fig. 6 shows
total energy use for different orientation (North and South- with
and without shading) for the same glazing. Hourly simulation tools
(e.g. Energy Plus and DOE2) are indispensable for conducting this
type of energy simulation analysis that looks at the interactive
effects of different building systems and are able to predict a more
reliable energy performance of the building.

Annual Electricity and cooling Energy use Comparison by Orientation with no shading
Window A: single glazing, clear, U=1.25, SHGC = 0.72, VT = 0.7
Window B: double glazing, reective coating, U=0.54, SHGC = 0.17, VT = 0.1
Window C: double glazing, spec. Selective low- E tint, U=0.46, SHGC = 0.27, VT = 0
Fig. 5: Annual Electricity Consumption by Orientation of
Different Glazing

Source: Adapted from Windows Systems For High-Performance

Total Energy Use for Different Orientation
Window B: double glazing, reflective coating, U=0.54, SHGC = 0.17, VT = 0.10

Fig. 6: Impact of Orientation and Shading on Annual

Electricity Consumption

Source: Adapted from Windows Systems For High-Performance

Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope




Air and Water

Barrier (Vapor




Vapor retarders/barriers

Exterior Cladding

Exterior Cladding
Air and Water
Barrier (Vapor

Air and Water

Barrier (Vapor

Vapor Barrier/

Interior Cladding

Assembly for Cold and Temperate climate zones

Assembly for Hot, Composite and Humid

climate zones

Fig. 7: Schematic Showing the Correct Placement of Barriers.

Source: DuPont

to prevent air and moisture movement

into and out of the conditioned space,
as well as for maintaining their installed
R-value. (Fig. 7)
Infiltration & exfiltration, the unwanted
air movement through windows and
envelope surfaces, is caused by a pressure
difference (air moves from high pressure
to a lower pressure-Fig. 8). Limiting air
infiltration and exfiltration is key to
improving energy efficiency; look for
opportunities to include a continuous
membrane or roll-applied continuous
air barrier, which can also serve as
the buildings primary bulk moisture
control layer.

Edge Seal


Glass Pane


Air Inltration





T 1> T 2
P 1> P 2
T: Temperature
P: Pressure

In hot, composite and humid climate zones, Vapor permeable

materials which allow drying in both directions are preferable.
In cold and temperate climates or where the internal
humidity and temperature is likely to be relatively higher than
the outside, it must be ensured that materials that make up the
envelope are progressively more Vapor permeable from the inside
to the outside or are vented towards the outside, so that if the
envelope components (such as insulation) get wet, they can dry
themselves through Vapor diffusion.
Metal roofs with under deck fibrous insulation present
unique challenges in moisture management. Since the metal
sheet prevents active drying of insulation to the outside, it is
recommended that on the inner side, the insulation be faced
with a Vapor- open air and water barrier, to allow incidental
ingress of moisture to diffuse as Vapor. The exception to this
would be in installations where the interior temperature and
humidity are expected to be significantly higher that those on
the outside.

Technical Tips for Glazing

Most large commercial buildings are

dominated by cooling loads, so window
selection for commercial buildings
is usually an exercise in maximizing
daylighting and keeping summer heat
out. Todays best windows block heat
transfer more than five times better
than single-pane glass, the standard
windows of just two decades ago. Highperformance windows are not only a
wise investment for new construction,
but sometimes can be cost-effectively
retrofitted, especially when timed with
planned replacement and downsizing
of HVAC equipment. Glazing products

(windows, skylights, etc.) can be

specified to reduce solar heat gain and
control light levels and glare. As a rule
of thumb, double glazing should always
be preferred over single glazing since
facades with double glazing not only
offers superior thermal performance but
can also help in significantly reducing
unwanted external noise of traffic.
Windows are affected by many factors,
which in turn affect the comfort and energy
performance of buildings. Understanding
these factors is critical to designing
buildings that meet the needs of building
owners and users. Once these factors are
identified, a designer can then apply the

Air leaks around the frame, around the sash, and through gaps in movable window
parts. Infiltration is foiled by careful design and installation, weather stripping and
caulking (type of sealing).
Convection takes place in gas. Pockets of high temperature, low-density gas rise setting up a circular movement pattern. Convection occurs within multiple-layer windows and on either side of window. Optimally spacing gas-filled gaps minimizes combined conduction and convention.
Radiation is the energy that passes directly through air from a warmer surface to a
cooler one. Radiation is controlled through low-emissivity films or coatings. SHGC
determines the amount of radiation that can pass through glazing.
Conduction occurs as adjacent molecules of gas or solids pass thermal energy between
them. Conduction is minimized by adding layers to trap air spaces, and putting low
conductivity (Argon or Krypton) gases in those spaces. Frame conductivity is reduced
by using low-conductivity material such as vinyl or fiberglass instead of aluminium.
U-factor determines the amount of conduction heat transfer that can take place across

Fig. 8: Heat and Air Movement through Double Glazing Window System

Source: Adapted from E Source Technology Atlas

Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

Glazing Selection Tips

Choose between dual-pane and singlepane
glazing. This is the critical first decision
in glazing selection. Although higher in
first cost, dual-pane insulating glass units
(IGUs) typically improves comfort in
perimeter zones, offers greater flexibility
in product selection, improves acoustic
performance, and reduces cooling or
heating mechanical loads. Most new
energy-efficient buildings should use
insulating glazing.
Choose a spectrally selective glazing. Select
a moderate visible light transmittance for
glare control (50-70% is a good starting
point, depending on visual tasks, window
size and glare sensitivity; the larger the
windows or the more critical the glare
control, the lower the desirable visible
transmittance). Examine manufacturer
literature for good glazing candidates.
Find the product tables for IGUs and look
for products with your desired visible light
transmittance and the lowest possible
solar heat gain coefficient.

problem, and if an architectural solution

to glare is not possible (moving windows
out of the field of view, using deep reveals,
shading systems, and other physical
modifiers), then select a glazing visible
light transmittance that is a compromise
between glare and light.
Window size and glazing selection can
trade off with each other. Use the effective
aperture approach when making these
decisions: Larger window area requires
lower visible light transmittance; smaller
windows require high visible light
Big windows require better glazing. The
bigger the window, the lower the required
solar heat gain coefficient and visible
transmittance. The bigger the window,
the greater the need for IGUs. Large areas
of inefficient glazing bring major comfort
and energy cost penalties, and may not be
permitted by building codes.

atmosphere and may affect productivity

and absenteeism. Consult product
brochures or manufacturer representatives
to be sure you are aware of the range of
product choices today. Dark glass not only
reduces daylight, it also increases occupant
discomfort on a sunny day. Today, solar
heat control is available in much clearer
Do not count on glazing alone to reduce
heat gain and discomfort. If direct solar
beam comes into the building, it still
creates a mechanical cooling load and
discomfort for occupants in their path.
Exterior shading combined with a good
glazing selection is the best window
strategy. Interior shading options can also
help control solar heat gain.
Vary glazing selection by facade, if possible.
A lower solar heat gain coefficient on the
south, east, and especially west windows
reduces the cooling load.

Do not assume that dark glass provides

good solar heat control. Dark glazing can
block more light than heat, and therefore
only minimally reduce cooling load.
Dark glass can produce a gloomy interior

ECBC restricts the WWR to a maximum

of 60%. Often trade-offs are possible:
more area is permitted if better glazing is

Fenestration should be designed to

facilitate daylighting and reduce the need
for electric lighting. But bringing daylight
to the interior of the building is complex.
Effective daylighting strategy should
include a combination of the following:

Minimize apertures and large glazing

surfaces on the east and the west. Low sun
angles for these orientations make shading
extremely difficult without blocking the
entire window. Higher WWR requires
careful handling.

calculations at this point to help in window

design and to determine the importance of
glazing and shading decisions yet to come.
If a light shelf or exterior shading are under
consideration, include these elements in
the calculations.

Exterior shading: Overhangs and

Study the potential for (a) an articulated

form that yields a high percentage of
perimeter space, (b) an envelope structure
and cladding that can integrate shading,
and (c) opportunities for the building to
shade itself.

Identify which occupant tasks best benefit

from daylight before laying out task
locations on floors. Put tasks requiring
low, uniform light levels or with periodic
occupancy in the building core. Keep
interior finishes lightcolored.

Develop initial thoughts about shading

strategy and glazing type.

Discuss daylighting concepts with

lighting designer or consultant to ensure
that electric lighting layout and controls
address daylight needs at the start of
lighting design process.

Balance the conflict between glare and

useful light. A physical model studied
outdoors is a good tool to qualitatively
assess glare. If glare is an anticipated

Daylighting Tips

vertical fins block direct sun.

Interior light distribution: Light

shelves, diffusers, or reflective surfaces

move the light further back into space.
Daylighting controls: Automatic
or manual controls dim or turn off
electric lighting when there is sufficient
Tips that can be followed to maximize
daylighting without compromising thermal
performance are as follows:
Know the true north orientation of the site
and include it on all plan drawings. Plot
property lines are typically given relative to
true north.
If the site allows, the first attempt at
building placement should be with the
long axis running east-west.

Determine whether the project budget

allows consideration of a light shelf or
exterior projecting shading elements.
Begin window design with both interior
considerations and exterior appearance
concerns simultaneously. Place windows
primarily to provide view and light. Size
and place windows for best glarefree
daylighting with minimal energy penalty.
The designer should perform preliminary

Version 3.0 March 2011

Build a simple model and view it outdoors

for lighting quality and glare.
Check coordination issues with lighting,
structural, and mechanical design. Keep
ceiling as smooth and high as possible.

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

appropriate technology to address them.

The three components of the solar radiation
are: Ultra-Violet (UV), Visible, and NearInfrared (NIR)- Fig. 9. While half of this
energy is invisible, either in the UV or NIR,
it must still be considered in the selection
of glazing. Standard, untreated glass is
naturally transparent to 85 percent of the

UV, Visible, and NIR rays, but selective

glazing has the ability to distinguish visible
from invisible energy in ways that decrease
solar heat gain while maintaining daylight
transmittance and vice-versa.
Clear glass, which is the most common
type of glass used today, has no significant
thermal resistance (R-value) from the pane
itself. However, it has a value of R-0.9 to
R-1.0 due to the thin films of air on the
interior and exterior surfaces of the glass.
Without any coatings, clear glass easily
transmits UV, Visible, and NIR energy.
Technical Tips for Cool

Fig. 9: Solar Spectrum

Source: Technology Atlas Series (Vol. II)Cooling

Use of solar-reflective (cool) surfaces and

the planting of urban trees are inexpensive
measures that can reduce summer time
temperatures. At the building scale, a dark
roof is heated by the sun and thus directly

raises the summer time cooling demand of

the building beneath it. A reflective roof is
typically light in color and absorbs less solar
radiation than does a conventional darkcolored roof. Thus, reflective roofs reduce
air-conditioning energy use and increase
occupant comfort level. The magnitude
of energy savings depends upon building
type, level of roof insulation, ventilation
rate between roof and ceiling, HVAC
system size and efficiency, and of course,
solar reflectance of roof. Flat roofs can be
covered with a highly reflective coating
that has a high emissivity property (the
characteristic of emitting infrared energy).
Cool roof technologies include coatings,
membranes, tiles, and shingles.
Installation of high-albedo roof
coatings or paint is most cost-effective if
done during new construction or when
buildings are scheduled for re-roofing.

HVAC System Coordination Tips

Guide for Early Architectural Decisions
Try to reduce cooling loads. Look for
opportunities where architectural decisions
can save operating costs, reduce mechanical
first costs, and reduce mechanical space
Calculate building energy use starting
during schematic design phase, even if this
requires many assumptions about unknown
details, and refine the calculation as the
building becomes more defined.
Mechanical engineer should be an integral
team player from the beginning. This is
a departure from the traditional model
of building design procedure, where the
mechanical engineer enters the design
process after major architectural decisions
are already established.
Assist in an optimal glazing selection. Stay
up to date on glazing technologies dark or
reflective glazing are no longer the only
choices for solar heat reduction. Consider
carefully the radiant effect of windows on

comfort when weighing the benefit of an

improved U-factor or the disadvantages of
a darkly tinted glazing.
Reduce First and Operating Costs
Calculate peak cooling load and energy
use with reduced perimeter electric
lighting load and size mechanical system
accordingly. Be sure to specify proven and
reliable daylight controls that will dim or
switch electric lighting during peak cooling
Examine cooling system downsizing
opportunities with various glazing and
shading options. Work with architect in
fine-tuning window sizing and location,
shading strategy and glazing selection for a
smaller and more efficient system.
Calculate the annual energy saved with
improved fenestration elements. Calculations
will show some of the benefit of exterior
over interior shading, lower solar heat gain
coefficient glazing, and daylighting controls.

Select an effective energy management

system to optimize building operation
and tie together all HVAC, lighting and
automated shading controls.
Maintain Thermal Comfort
Window and shading design are strongly
linked to perimeter zone comfort,
regardless of air temperature.
Hot or cold glass behaves like a radiant
panel and affects occupant comfort
independent of air temperature.
An airtight building envelope contributes
to increased thermal comfort of building
Consider the effect of the windows mean
radiant temperature on thermal comfort.
Poorly insulated windows (high U-factor)
decrease the surface temperature in winter.
Since the mechanical system controls the
rooms air temperature, occupants near the
windows can be very uncomfortable.

Table 1: Basic Measures for Energy-Efficient Envelope Design





Minimize Conduction

Use insulation with low U-factor

Use insulation with low


Use insulation with low


Minimize Convection

Reduce air leakage using a continuous air barrier system

Reduce air leakage using a

continuous air barrier system

Use prefabricated windows

and seal the joints between
windows and wall

Minimize Moisture

Reduce water infiltration use continuous drainage plane

Reduce air transported moisture- use continuous air barrier
Reduce moisture diffusion into the wall use vapor barrier/

Watertight Airtight:
continuous air barrier Use
vapor barrier/ retarder*

Use prefabricated windows

and seal the joints between
windows and walls

Minimize Radiation

Use light colored coating with high reflectance

Use light colored coating with

high reflectance

Use glazing with low Solar

Heat Gain Coefficient
(SHGC); Use shading devices

* See the discussion about where to place a vapor barrier/retarder. (Fig. 7)

Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

Table 2: Different Types of Insulation for Roofs and Walls


Method of Installation

Blankets: Batts or
Rolls, Fiberglass, Rock

Fitted between studs, joists and beams. Insulation

must be protected by an air barrier membrane in
order to maintain the installed R-value (conductive
loops & wind washing)
The air barrier can be installed over exterior and/
or interior sheathing and must be continuous

Unfinished walls, floors and ceilings

Easy installation, suited

for standard stud and joist
spacing, which is relatively
free from obstructions

Sprayapplied, Rock
wool, Fiberglass,
Cellulose Polyurethane

Blown into place or spray applied by special

equipment Insulation must be protected by an air
barrier membrane in order to maintain the installed
R-value (conductive loops & wind washing)
The air barrier can be installed over exterior and/
or interior sheathing and must be continuous

Enclosed existing wall cavities or open new

wall cavities
Unfinished attic floors and hard to reach

Commonly used insulation

for retrofits (adding insulation
to existing finished areas)
shaped areas and around

Rigid Insulation:
Extruded polystyrene
foam (XPS), Expanded
polystyrene Foam
(EPS or Beadboard),
Polyurethane foam,
Polyisocyanurate foam

Interior applications: Must be covered with

1/2-inch gypsum board or other building-code
approved material for fire safety
Exterior applications: Must be covered with
weather-proof facing or continuous Air and
Weather Resistive Barrier (WRB)

Basement walls, Exterior walls under

finishing (Some foam boards include a foil
facing which will act as a vapor retarder.
Additionally, some insulation materialse.g. XPS and closed cells polyurethane
foams are vapor retarders Please read the
discussion about where to place, or not to
place a vapor retarder)
Unvented low slope roofs

High insulating value for

relatively little thickness
Can block thermal short
continuously over frames or

Reflective Systems:
Foil-faced paper,
Foil-faced polyethylene
bubbles, Foil-faced
plastic film, Foil-faced

Foils, films, or papers: Fitted between wood-frame

studs joists, and beams

Unfinished ceilings, walls, and floors (for

wall applications, must consider that most
foil faced systems act as a vapor retarder)

Easy installation: All suitable

for framing at standard
Bubble-form suitable if
framing is irregular or if
obstructions are present

Reflectance (albedo) is measured on a scale

of 0 to 1, with 0 being a perfect absorber and
1 being a perfect reflector. The complement
of reflectance is absorptance; whatever
radiant energy incident on a surface that is
not reflected gets absorbed. Absorptance is
also rated from 0 to 1, and can be calculated
from the relation: reflectance + absorptance
= 1. An ideal exterior surface coating for
a hot climate would have reflectance near
1.0, absorptance near zero, and infrared
emissivity near 1.0 to radiate absorbed heat
back to the environment. White plaster
very nearly achieves this combination.
Table 1 summarizes Basic Measures for
Energy-Efficient Envelope Design and
Table 2 provides information on Different
Types of Insulation for Roofs and Walls.
Getting Started

In this new and emerging market for

energy-efficient buildings and building
components, it can be difficult at times to

Where Applicable

locate and secure the best products for use

in construction. This may be because they
are not available locally or are too expensive
for the building owners budget. It may
also be a significant task to determine
the energy efficiency properties (default
values) of products that are used for typical
construction and building assemblies used
As the demand for products grows, there
will likely be more competition and choice
available to designers. In the meantime,
it is important to note that construction
technique i.e. proper installation of an air
insulation system and barrier, and correct
use of shading devices for windows has
a significant impact on energy efficiency
along with the energy efficiency of
individual components.

Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning


Engineers Inc. (2000): 90.1 Users

Manual ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-1999, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Carmody, J., Selkowitz, S., Lee, E.,
Arasteh, D. and Willmert, T. (2004):
Windows Systems for High Performance
Buildings, New York: W. W. Norton.
E Source (2005): E Source Technology
Atlas Series- Volume I: Lighting,
Boulder, CO, USA.
E Source (1997): E Source Technology
Atlas Series- Volume II: Commercial
Space Cooling and Air Handling,
Boulder, CO, USA.
Ministry of Power, Government of
India: Energy Conservation Building
Code 2007,(Revised Version, May 2008)
New Delhi, India.
OConnor, J., Lee, E., Rubinstein, F.,
Selkowitz, S.: Tips for Daylighting with
Windows- The Integrated Approach,
National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Developed by USAID ECO-III Project Team:

For more information:

Technical Contents: Satish Kumar, Ravi Kapoor,

Dr. Ajay Mathur, BEE (dg-bee@nic.in)

and Anurag Bajpai

Dr. Archana Walia, USAID (awalia@usaid.gov)

Editing: Laurie Chamberlain

Mr. Aalok Deshmukh, ECO-III Project


Layout Design: Meetu Sharma

Version 3.0 March 2011

ECBC TIP SHEET > Building Envelope

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