Coaulation Dossing

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ENVE 301

Environmental Engineering Unit Operations


Assist. Prof. Bilge Alpaslan Kocamemi

Marmara University
Department of Environmental Engineering
Istanbul, Turkey


The most widely used coagulants in water treatment :

Aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3.14H2O or Al2(SO4)3.18H2O)

Iron salts
(e.g. ferrous sulfate, ferric sulfate, ferric chloride)

Aluminum (III) and Fe (III) accomplish destabilisation of colloidal particals

by 2 mechanisims :
1. Adsorption and charge neutralization
2. Enmesment in precipitate

If an Aluminum (III) and Fe (III) salt is added to water in

concentrations less than the solubility limit of the metal hydroxide:
The hydrolysis products will form and adsorb onto the colloidal
particles, causing destabilization by charge neutralization.
If the amount of Aluminum (III) and Fe (III) salts added to water is sufficient
to exceed the solubility of metal hydroxide;
The hydrolysis products will form as intermediate in the formation of metal
hydroxide precipitate

Adsorption and charge neutralization by intermediate hydrolysis


Enmeshment of colloids in precipitate ( Al(OH)3 or Fe(OH)3 ) formed


Aluminium Sulfate (Alum)


Commercial grade

(MW=594.4 Density=600-1100 kg/m3)


Reagent grade

Tan to gray green in color

Available in dry or liquid form

(liquid form requires special shipping containers because of its corrosiveness)

dry form is most common

- granular (most widely used)
- powdered
- lump form

The dry chemical may be shipped in;

- bags
- barrels

Feeding of Alum in Water Treatment Plants:

Alum is dissolved in water at concentration of 3-7%

(5% most common)
Then fed to the raw water by chemical feeders (e.g, dosage pumps)
Reason of diluting coagulant before injection into raw water :
large volumes are easier and quicker to disperse into a large body of
raw water than smaller volumes

The optimum pH range = 6-8

(aluminum hydroxide is relatively insoluble within this range)
Al (OH ) 3 + OH Al (OH ) 4

If pH is high; Al (OH ) 3 + OH Al (OH ) 4


If pH is low; Al(OH) 3 + H + Al(OH)2 + H2 O


In practice, most water treatment plants utilizing alum operate;

Between a pH of 6-7.5 and
with alum dosages of 5-50 mg/L

in the range of insolubility of Al(OH)

8 3

When Al2(SO4)3.14H2O (18H2O) is added to water

It is hydrated to form Al(H2O)6+3

This complex is then pass through a series of hydrolytic reactions in which
H2O molecules in the hydration shell are placed by OH- ions.
Formation of a variety of soluble species





[Al (OH ) ]
[Al (OH ) ]
[Al O (OH) ]


Intermediates in the
formation of Al(OH)3




These species may adsorb very strongly onto the surface of most negative
Coagulation with adsorption and charge neutralization mechanism occurs.
(charge reversal due to overdosing is possible)

If solubility limit of Al(OH)3 is exceeded (typical in water treatment)

Adsorption and charge neutralization by intermediate soluble species


Enmeshment in Al(OH)3

Both contribute to coagulation


Al 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 .14 H 2 O + 6 H 2 O 2 Al (OH ) 3 ( s ) + 6 H + + 3 SO 4 + 14 H 2
Liberated H+ ions
Depression of pH below the range
in which the alum is effective
Optimum pH for Al(OH)3
precipitate formation 6-8

Natural alkalinity of water (which is in the form of bicarbonate ion for

the ph range involved ) will react with liberated H+ ions and reduces
the variation in pH.

Al (SO ) 14H O + 3Ca(HCO ) 2Al(OH) +3CaSO + 14H O + 6CO



If the natural alkalinity of water is insufficient, alkalinity in the form of

Ca(OH)2 hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide)

Na2CO3 sodium carbonate (soda ash)

CaO quick lime (calcium oxide)

must be added to increase buffer capacity

Al ( SO ) 14 H O + 3 Ca (OH ) 2 Al (OH ) + 3 CaSO + 14 H O


Al (SO ) 14H O + 3Na CO + 3H O 2Al(OH) + 3Na SO + 3CO + 14H O



Example: (Benefield, p.221)

A raw water supply is treated with an alum dosage of 25 mg/L. Calculate the
1. The amount of alum required to treat a flow of 1 MGD (million gallon /day)
2. The amount of natural alkalinity required to react with the alum added in
terms of CaCO3
3. The volume of sludge produced per MGD if it is collected at 2% solids.
Assume that the sludge has a specific gravity of 1.011 ( at 4C )



Iron Salts
Ferric sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3)
Ferric chloride (FeCl3)

Less expensive than alum but can cause color

problem if the precipitate is not removed

Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4)

Ferric sulfate

Ferric chloride

Ferrous sulfate (copperas)


Ferric Sulfate
Fe2 (SO 4 )3.yH2O

y= 3, 7, 9

MW=399,9 g/mol

Available in dry form, as granules (most common) or as powder

Optimum pH range = 3.5 7 and above 9 (up to 12)
(ferric hydroxide is relatively insoluble within this range)
Typical dosage for Fe2(SO4)3.9H2O 10-250 mg/L

Reaction of ferric sulfate with natural bicarbonate alkalinity:

Fe 2 (SO 4 )3.yH 2O + 3Ca ( HCO 3 ) 2 2Fe(OH )3 +3CaSO 4 + 6CO 2 + yH 2O

The reaction produces a dense, rapid settling floc.


If the natural alkalinity is insufficient for the reaction:

Fe 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 . yH 2 O + 3Ca ( OH ) 2 2 Fe ( OH ) 3 + 3CaSO 4 + yH 2 O

Hydrated lime

Fe 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 . yH 2 O + 3 Na 2 CO 3 + 3 H 2 O 2 Fe (OH ) 3 + 3 Na 2 SO 4 + 3CO 2 + yH 2 O

The chemical is usually dry fed


Ferric Chloride
FeCl3 MW=162.2 g/mol
Available in dry (powder or lump,lump is most common) or liquid form


anhydrous form

(FeCl3.6H2O) heptahydrate form

Liquid form

green-black powder
yellow-brown lump
dark brown solution

Typical dosage = 5-150 mg/L as FeCl3.6H2O

Working pH range = 3.5-6.5 (or above 8.5)


Simplified reaction with natural alkalinity:

2 FeCl 3 + 3Ca ( HCO 3 ) 2 2 Fe ( OH ) 3 + 3CaSO 4 + 6 CO 2

If the natural alkalinity is insufficient;

2 FeCl 3 + 3Ca (OH ) 2 2 Fe ( OH ) 3 + 3CaCl 2

2 FeCl 3 + 3 Na 2 CO 3 + 3 H 2 O 2 Fe ( OH ) 3 + 6 NaCl + 3CO 2


Ferrous Sulfate (Copperas)

FeSO4.7H2O = 287 g/mol
FeSO4.5H2O = 242 g/mol
Effective pH range = 8.5 or above
Slaked (or hydrated) lime is usually added to raise the pH to a level where the
ferrous ions are precipitated as ferric hydroxide.

FeSO 4 .7 H 2 O + 2 Ca ( OH ) 2 Fe ( OH ) 2 + CaSO 4 + 7 H 2 O
4 Fe ( OH ) 2 + O 2 + 2 H 2 O 4 Fe ( OH ) 3

is available in dry (granule or lump) or liquid form. Dry form is most



Chlorinated Copperas
3 FeSO 4 .7 H 2 O + 1 .5Cl 2 Fe 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 + FeCl 3 + 21 H 2 O
Effective coagulants
This reaction occurs at a pH as low as about 4
effective pH range = 3.5-6.5 or above 8.5


Polyelectrolytes (Polymeric Coagulants)


Long chain, high molecular weight molecules

Comprises of many subunits (MONOMERS)

may be classified according to their ionic characteristics as:

Anionic (negatively charged)
Cationic (positively charged)
Ampholytic (contains both positive and negative groups)

may be of natural origin (e.g. starch, polysaccharide gums) OR synthetic in



May be used as coagulant  not cost effective

Commonly used as coagulant aid in conjuction with coagulants

When they are added to water,

Chemical bridging between reactive groups on the polyelectrolyte and floc occurs
Polyelectrolyte binds small flocs together by bridging to make larger masses for

Usual dosage as coagulant aid = 0.5-1.5 mg/L

Overdosing will result in restabilization of colloids
are not acidic and do not lower the pH of water as alum does


Determination of Coagulant Dosage


is used to determine the most effective and economical dose of

coagulant for a particular mixing intensity and duration

Samples of the
water are poured
into a series of
glass beakers

Various dosages of the

coagulant and
coagulant aid are
added to beakers

Then the coagulants are

gently stirred to simulate

Contents are rapidly

stirred to simulate

After a given time, the

stirring is ceased and the
floc formed is allowed to

Determination of Optimum Coagulant Dose

Raw sample pH and turbidity measurement
Flash mix (at 80 rpm) 1-3 min
Slow mix (at 10-20 rpm) 30 min
Settle for 20 min
Turbidity of supernatant
10 mg/L alum

20 mg/L alum

50 mg/L alum

No coagulant


Determination of Optimum pH for Optimum Coagulant Dose

Rapid mix 1-3 min (at 80 rpm)
Slow mix 30 min (at 10-20 rpm)
Settle for 20 min
Turbidity of supernatant
Optimum coagulant dosage determined in part A

as-is pH

pH 6

pH 5

pH 8


H2 SO 4



The most important aspects to note during the JAR TEST:

Time for floc formation

The floc size
Flocs settling characteristics
Turbidity removed








Classification of Surface Water with Regard to Coagulation

Low turbidity < 10 JTU

Low alkalinity < 50 mg/L as CaCO3

High turbidity > 100 JTU

High alkalinity >250 mg/L as CaCO3

Group 1 (High turbidity Low alkalinity)

With relatively small dosages of coagulant water of this type should be

easily coagulated by adsorption and charge neutralization

May need to add alkalinity if ph drops during treatment

Group 2 (High turbidity High alkalinity)

Because of the high alkalinity, adsorption and charge neutralization will be

less effective mechanism than in waters of low alkalinity

Higher coagulant dosage should be used to ensure sweep coagulation

The pH will be relatively unaffected by coagulant addition

Group 3 (Low turbidity High alkalinity)

The small number of colloids make coagulation difficult. Addition of some

turbidity may decrease the amount of coagulant needed.

The principal coagulation mechanism is sweep flocculation with moderate

coagulant dosage
Group 4 (Low turbidity Low alkalinity)

The small number of colloids make coagulation difficult and low alkalinity prevents
effective Al(OH)3 formation

Additional turbidity can be added to convert this water to that of group 1 or

additional alkalinity can be added to convert it to group 3

It may be adventegous to add both turbidity and alkalinity


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