Physics 2325 Exam 3-3 Review

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EXAM 4 Review

1. Gases may be distinguished from other forms of matter by their:

A) lack of color
B) small atomic weights
C) inability to form free surfaces
D) ability to flow
E) ability to exert a buoyant force
Ans: C
2. The vessels shown below all contain water to the same height. Rank them according to the
pressure exerted by the water on the vessel bottoms, least to greatest.


1, 2, 3, 4
3, 4, 2, 1
4, 3, 2, 1
2, 3, 4, 1
All pressures are the same

Ans: E

3. A bucket of water is pushed from left to right with increasing speed across a horizontal
surface. Consider the pressure at two points at the same level in the water.
A) It is the same
B) It is higher at the point on the left
C) It is higher at the point on the right
D) At first it is higher at the point on the left but as the bucket speeds up it is lower there
E) At first it is higher at the point on the right but as the bucket speeds up it is lower there
Ans: B
4. Mercury is a convenient liquid to use in a barometer because:
A) it is a metal
B) it has a high boiling point
C) it expands little with temperature

D) it has a high density

E) it looks silvery
Ans: D
5. The principle of fluid pressure which is used in hydraulic brakes or lifts is that:
A) pressure is the same at all levels in a fluid
B) increases of pressure are transmitted equally to all parts of a fluid
C) the pressure at a point in a fluid is due to the weight of the fluid above it
D) increases of pressure can only be transmitted through fluids
E) the pressure at a given depth is proportional to the depth in the fluid
Ans: B
6. A hydraulic press has one piston of diameter 2.0 cm and the other piston of diameter 8.0 cm.
What force must be applied to the smaller piston to obtain a force of 1600 N at the larger piston:
A) 6.25 N
B) 25 N
C) 100 N
D) 400 N
E) 1600 N
Ans: C
7. A U-tube has dissimilar arms, one having twice the diameter of the other. It contains an
incompressible fluid and is fitted with a sliding piston in each arm, with each piston in contact
with the fluid. When an applied force does work W in pushing the piston in the narrow arm
down, the fluid does work __________ on the piston in the wide arm.
A) W
B) 2W
C) W/2
D) 4W
E) W/4
Ans: A
8. A certain object floats in fluids of density
1. 0.90
2. 0
3. 1.10
Rank these fluids according to the volume displaced by the object, least to greatest.
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 3, 2, 1
C) 2, 3, 1
D) 3, 1, 2
E) All are the same
Ans: B

9. An object hangs from a spring balance. The balance indicates 30 N in air, 20 N when the
object is submerged in water.What does the balance indicate when the object is submerged in
liquid with a density that is half of water?:
A) 20 N
B) 25 N
C) 30 N
D) 35 N
E) 40 N
Ans: B
10. A fir wood board floats in fresh water with 60% of its volume under water. The density of
the wood in g/cm3 is:
A) 0.4
B) 0.5
C) 0.6
D) less than 0.4
E) more than 0.6
Ans: C

11. A solid has a volume of 8 cm3. When weighed on a spring scale calibrated in grams, the scale
indicates 20 g. What does the scale indicate if the object is weighed while immersed in a liquid
of density 2 g/cm3?
A) 4 g
B) 10 g
C) 12 g
D) 16 g
E) zero, since the object will float
Ans: A
12. The apparent weight of a steel sphere immersed in various liquids is measured using a spring
scale. The greatest reading is obtained for that liquid:
A) having the smallest density
B) having the largest density
C) subject to the greatest atmospheric pressure
D) having the greatest volume
E) in which the sphere was submerged deepest
Ans: A
13. A fluid is undergoing steady flow. Therefore:


the velocity of any given molecule of fluid does not change

the pressure does not vary from point to point
the velocity at any given point does not vary with time
the density does not vary from point to point
the flow is not uphill or downhill

Ans: C
14. One end of a cylindrical pipe has a radius of 1.5 cm. Water (density = 1.0 103 kg/m3)
streams steadily out at 7.0 m/s. The volume flow rate is:
A) 4.9 103 m3/s
B) 2.5 m3/s
C) 4.9 m3/s
D) 7.0 m3/s
E) 48 m3/s
Ans: A
15. The diagram shows a pipe of uniform cross section in which water is flowing. The directions
of flow and the volume flow rates (in cm3/s) are shown for various portions of the pipe. The
direction of flow and the volume flow rate in the portion marked A are:


and 3 cm3/s
and 7 cm3/s
and 9 cm3/s
and 11 cm3/s
and 15 cm3/s

Ans: E
16. Water flows through a cylindrical pipe of varying cross-section. The velocity is 3.0 m/s at a
point where the pipe diameter is 1.0 cm. At a point where the pipe diameter is 3.0 cm, the
velocity is:
A) 9 m/s
B) 3 m/s
C) 1 m/s
D) 0.33 m/s
E) 0.11 m/s
Ans: D
17. Bernoulli's equation can be derived from the conservation of:
A) energy
B) mass
C) angular momentum

D) volume
E) pressure
Ans: A
18. The quantity y appearing in Bernoulli's equation MUST be measured:
A) upward from the center of the Earth
B) upward from the surface of the Earth
C) upward from the lowest point in the flow
D) downward from the highest point in the flow
E) upward from any convenient level
Ans: E
19. Water (density = 1.0 103 kg/m3) flows through a horizontal tapered pipe. At the wide end
its speed is 4.0 m/s The difference in pressure between the two ends is 4.5 103 Pa. The speed
of the water at the narrow end is::
A) 2.6 m/s
B) 3.4 m/s
C) 4.0 m/s
D) 4.5 m/s
E) 5.0 m/s
Ans: E
20. In simple harmonic motion, the magnitude of the acceleration is:
A) constant
B) proportional to the displacement
C) inversely proportional to the displacement
D) greatest when the velocity is greatest
E) never greater than g
Ans: B
21. A particle moves back and forth along the x axis from x = xm to x = +xm, in simple harmonic
motion with period T. At time t = 0 it is at x = +xm. When t = 0.75T:
A) it is at x = 0 and is traveling toward x = +xm
B) it is at x = 0 and is traveling toward x = xm
C) it is at x = +xm and is at rest
D) it is between x = 0 and x = +xm and is traveling toward x = xm
E) it is between x = 0 and x = xm and is traveling toward x = xm
Ans: A
22. An object attached to one end of a spring makes 20 vibrations in 10s. Its period is:
A) 2 Hz


10 s
0.5 Hz
0.50 s

Ans: E
23. A block attached to a spring oscillates in simple harmonic motion along the x axis. The limits
of its motion are x = 10 cm and x = 50 cm and it goes from one of these extremes to the other in
0.25 s. Its amplitude and frequency are:
A) 40 cm, 2 Hz
B) 20 cm, 4 Hz
C) 40 cm, 2 Hz
D) 25 cm, 4 Hz
E) 20 cm, 2 Hz
Ans: B
24. A particle moves in simple harmonic motion according to x = 2cos(50t), where x is in meters
and t is in seconds. Its maximum velocity in m/s is:
A) 100 sin(50t)
B) 100 cos(50t)
C) 100
D) 200
E) none of these
Ans: C
25. A 3-kg block, attached to a spring, executes simple harmonic motion according to
x = 2cos(50t) where x is in meters and t is in seconds. The spring constant of the spring is:
A) 1 N/m
B) 100 N/m
C) 150 N/m
D) 7500 N/m
E) none of these
Ans: D
26. An object of mass m, oscillating on the end of a spring with spring constant k has amplitude
A. Its maximum speed is:
A k m
B) A2k/m
A m k
D) Am/k
E) A2m/k

Ans: A
27. A particle is in simple harmonic motion along the x axis. The amplitude of the motion is xm.
At one point in its motion its kinetic energy is K = 5J and its potential energy (measured with U
= 0 at x = 0) is U = 3J. When it is at x = xm, the kinetic and potential energies are:
A) K = 5J and U = 3J
B) K = 5J and U = 3J
C) K = 8J and U = 0
D) K = 0 and U = 8J
E) K = 0 and U = 8J
Ans: D
28. A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a spring constant of 200 N/m. If the
system has an energy of 6.0 J, then the maximum speed of the block is:
A) 0.06 m/s
B) 0.17 m/s
C) 0.24 m/s
D) 4.9 m/s
E) 6.9 m/s
Ans: E
29. A block attached to a spring undergoes simple harmonic motion on a horizontal frictionless
surface. Its total energy is 50 J. When the displacement is half the amplitude, the kinetic energy
A) zero
B) 12.5 J
C) 25 J
D) 37.5 J
E) 50 J
Ans: D
30. The period of a simple pendulum is 1 s on Earth. When brought to a planet where g is onetenth that on Earth, its period becomes:
A) 1 s
1 10 s
C) 1/10 s
10 s
E) 10 s
Ans: D
31. A sinusoidal transverse wave is traveling on a string. Any point on the string:


moves in the same direction as the wave

moves in simple harmonic motion with a different frequency than that of the wave
moves in simple harmonic motion with the same angular frequency as the wave
moves in uniform circular motion with a different angular speed than the wave
moves in uniform circular motion with the same angular speed as the wave

Ans: C
32. Three traveling sinusoidal waves are on identical strings, with the same tension. The
mathematical forms of the waves are y1(x,t) = ymsin(3x 6t), y2(x,t) = ymsin(4x 8t), and y3(x,t) =
ymsin(6x 12t), where x is in meters and t is in seconds. Match each mathematical form to the
appropriate graph below.


y1: i, y2: ii, y3: iii

y1: iii, y2: ii, y3: i
y1:i, y2: iii, y3: ii
y1: ii, y2: i, y3: iii
y1: iii, y2: i, y3: ii

Ans: A
33. A wave is described by y(x,t) = 0.1 sin(3x 10t), where x is in meters, y is in centimeters and
t is in seconds. The angular frequency is:
A) 0.10 rad/s
B) 3.0 rad/s
C) 10 rad/s
D) 20 rad/s
E) (10/ rad/s
Ans: E
34. Water waves in the sea are observed to have a wavelength of 300 m and a frequency of 0.07
Hz. The speed of these waves is:
A) 0.00021 m/s
B) 2.1 m/s
C) 21 m/s
D) 210 m/s
E) none of these
Ans: C
35. Sinusoidal waves travel on five identical strings. Four of the strings have the same tension,
but the fifth has a different tension. Use the mathematical forms of the waves, gives below, to
identify the string with the different tension. In the expressions given below x and y are in

centimeters and t is in seconds.

A) y(x,t) = (2 cm) sin (2x 4t)
B) y(x,t) = (2 cm) sin (4x 10t)
C) y(x,t) = (2 cm) sin (6x 12t)
D) y(x,t) = (2 cm) sin (8x 16t)
E) y(x,t) = (2 cm) sin (10x 20t)
Ans: B
36. The tension in a string with a linear density of 0.0010 kg/m is 0.40 N. A 100 Hz sinusoidal
wave on this string has a wavelength of:
A) 0.05 cm
B) 2.0 cm
C) 5.0 cm
D) 20 cm
E) 100 cm
Ans: D
37. Here are the equations for the three waves traveling on separate strings. Rank them
according to the maxium transverse speed, least to greatest.
wave 1: y(x,t) = (2.0 mm) sin [(4.0 m1)x (3.0 s1)t]
wave 2: y(x,t) = (1.0 mm) sin [(8.0 m1)x (4.0 s1)t]
wave 3: y(x,t) = (1.0 mm) sin [(4.0 m1)x (8.0 s1)t]

1, 2, 3
1, 3, 2
2, 1, 3
2, 3, 1
3, 1, 2

Ans: C
38. Two identical but separate strings, with the same tension, carry sinusoidal waves with the
same frequency. Wave A has an amplitude that is twice that of wave B and transmits energy at a
rate that is __________ that of wave B.
A) half
B) twice
C) one-fourth
D) four times
E) eight times
Ans: D
39. A transverse traveling sinusoidal wave on a string has a frequency of 100 Hz, a wavelength
of 0.040 m and an amplitude of 2.0 mm. The maximum acceleration in m/s2 of any point on the
string is:
A) 0
B) 130
C) 395

D) 790
E) 1600
Ans: D
40. Fully destructive interference between two sinusoidal waves of the same frequency and
amplitude occurs only if they:
A) travel in opposite directions and are in phase
B) travel in opposite directions and are 180 out of phase
C) travel in the same direction and are in phase
D) travel in the same direction and are 180 out of phase
E) travel in the same direction and are 90 out of phase
Ans: D
41. Two sinusoidal waves have the same angular frequency, the same amplitude ym, and travel in
the same direction in the same medium. If they differ in phase by 50, the amplitude of the
resultant wave is given by
A) 0.64 ym
B) 1.3 ym
C) 0.91 ym
D) 1.8ym
E) 0.35 ym
Ans: D
52. A wave on a string is reflected from a fixed end. The reflected wave:
A) is in phase with the original wave at the end
B) is 180 out of phase with the original wave at the end
C) has a larger amplitude than the original wave
D) has a larger speed than the original wave
E) cannot be transverse
Ans: B
53. When a certain string is clamped at both ends, the lowest four resonant frequencies are 50,
100, 150, and 200 Hz. When the string is also clamped at its midpoint, the lowest four resonant
frequencies are:
A) 50, 100, 150, and 200 Hz
B) 50, 150, 250, and 300 Hz
C) 100, 200, 300, and 400 Hz
D) 25, 50 75, and 100 Hz
E) 75, 150, 225, and 300 Hz
Ans: C
44. A standing wave pattern is established in a string as shown. The wavelength of one of the
component traveling waves is:


0.25 m
0.5 m

Ans: E
45. A string, clamped at its ends, vibrates in three segments. The string is 100 cm long. The
wavelength is:
A) 33.3 cm
B) 66.7 cm
C) 150 cm
D) 300 cm
E) need to know the frequency
Ans: B

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