The Underhook Bible
The Underhook Bible
The Underhook Bible
Warning-Disclaimer: Lloyd Irvin wrote this report to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered.
It is offered with the understanding that the publisher and the author are not liable for the misconception or misuse
of the information provided.
Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. The purpose of this report is to
educate. The author and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with
respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information
contained in this report. Page 2
Doesn't it bug you…
Grappling should get easier over the years. As mature ground fighters,
we've learned the ropes. We've spent hours drilling, just to nail down simple
guard passes, armbars and chokes. We've learned flashly submissions that
not only look really cool and impress our friends, but are totally unexpected.
But just when you think you've got this game down, you meet a
tougher/stronger/more experienced grappler who stops you cold.
Every move you've ever learned just doesn't work. You get frustrated. You
get tired. And you just want to give up.
And what saves your butt when you meet a guy like this?
The basics.
And one of the most fundamental tools you'll ever learn in this game is how
to secure underhooks. It's such a hugely important skill because it gives you
complete control of your opponent in any situation whether you're standing,
mount, guard, side mount or dog.
Consider this scenario. You've learning a new a pass and your instructor tells
you to secure the underhook first and then complete the pass. You practice
the new move a few times (your training buddy casually gives you the
underhook) and you think you've got the move down.
Well, what usually happens when you start rolling? Right, you spend two,
three or four minutes struggling just to get the damn underhook before you
can even begin to try the new pass!
The fact is, you can NEVER be too good at securing underhooks. It's one of
the first thing I teach new students..I make sure my pro fighters continually
get underhook drilling time in…and even I still spend a few hours each week
drilling them (and that's probably still not enough).
And that's why I've written The Underhook Bible. In these next few pages
you'll learn Page 3
• How underhooks control your opponent from the top, bottom, side and
• How to use underhooks to attack or defend
• How underhooks set up sweeps, reversals and takedowns
• How underhooks are absolutely critical in every part of your grappling
When you really know how to take control with underhooks, a beautiful thing
happens…all those simple (and fancy) techniques become effortless and you
begin to submit those tougher, stronger and more experienced guys who
used to stop you cold.
Lloyd Irvin Page 4
Table of Contents
Under Hook From Top Half Guard .................................................................................. 6
Double Underhooks On Opponents Legs........................................................................ 8
Underhook From The Back ........................................................................................... 10
Double Underhooks From The Back When Opponents Stands Up And Bends Over ... 11
Underhook From Butterfly Guard .................................................................................. 12
Double Underhook From Butterfly Guard ...................................................................... 13
Underhook From Bottom Half Guard ............................................................................. 14
Outside Underhook/Wizard Grip From Top Half Guard ................................................. 15
Underhook From The Feet ............................................................................................ 17
Double Under Hook From The Feet .............................................................................. 18
Double Underhooks From When Your Opponents Stands Up In Your Closed Guard ... 19
Single Underhook From When Opponent Stands Up In Closed Guard ......................... 20
Outside Underhook/Wizard Grip ................................................................................... 21
Underhook On The Leg When Opponents Stands Up In The Triangle ......................... 22
Underhook On Opponents Leg When They Stand Up In Closed Guard ....................... 23
Double Underhooks From Top Butterfly Guard ............................................................. 24
Underhook From Top Hip Smash Pass ......................................................................... 25
The Underhook Bible Action Plan ................................................................................. 26 Page 5
Under Hook From Top Half Guard
The battle for half guard is won or lost with underhooks. It allows you to control your opponent
(instead of them controlling you)…it allows you to keep your opponent on their side (which
makes it a lot easier for you to cut the knee through the middle for the pass)…and it prevents
them from slipping under you and taking your back. Page 6
Take a close look and see that JT's under hook is shoulder deep. This will create the pressure
you need to control your opponents upper body so you can pass. Page 7
Double Underhooks On Opponents Legs
A super simple way to control opponents who love to play open guard. These under hooks keep
your opponents hips off the ground and allow you to choose a side to start passing through by
using the "stack pass" method as in the pictures. Page 8
Notice how JT's under hooks are positioned to control the lower body. It is very difficult for the
bottom guy to shrimp-out, reverse you…or in any way prevent you from passing his guard if
you've secured these underhooks. Page 9
Underhook From The Back
This under hook is the best way to control your opponent when you've got his back. Notice how
deep JT goes with his under hooking arm. It's almost touching the opponents far shoulder. This
is an easy way to set up the "Arm Triangle" choke when your opponents start escape your back
control. Also notice how JT's hands are clamped. This makes it difficult for his opponent to
break his grip and escape. Page 10
Double Underhooks From The Back When Opponents
Stands Up And Bends Over
Strong guys love to stand up and try to wiggle you off with this position. These under hooks
simply prevent you from sliding over their head. Notice that my hands are clasped tightly around
my opponents' chest allowing me to stay on the back much tighter. Page 11
Underhook From Butterfly Guard
You're just asking to get smashed if you don't grab at least one under hook from butterfly. Make
this under hook even more effective by constantly circling towards the under-hooking arm. This
will keep you tighter to your opponent's chest and you will have a greater chance of getting and
finishing the sweep. Notice the under hook is wrapping around the higher part of my opponents
back making it much easier for me to sweep. Page 12
Double Underhook From Butterfly Guard
What's better than one under hook from butterly? Two, of course! You'll stay extra tight to your
opponent…it'll be damn near impossible for your opponent to back out away from your butterfly
guard…and there are enough sweeps and takedowns from this position to fill another 300
pages.. Notice the hand placement. High on the upper back to control my opponents body
movement a lot more. Page 13
Underhook From Bottom Half Guard
Like I said earlier, the battle for half guard is won or lost with underhooks. This under hook also
gives you the option of going out to your opponents back or sweeping. Also, remember to stay
tucked tightly in a ball in this position. That means tuck your head close to his belly button and
don't let him flatten you out. Page 14
Outside Underhook/Wizard Grip From Top Half Guard
Use this when your opponent has a tight bottom half guard. Not only does it put both of his arms
in front of you (for easy control), but it also sets up the brabo choke for you. Page 15
Take a close look here. You'll notice JT's shoulder is super deep. This makes it difficult for the
bottom guy to shrimp and go to his knees…and it's also absolutely essential if you want to to
make the brabo choke super tight. Page 16
Underhook From The Feet
This is clinch wrestling 101 here. When standing with your opponent in a neutral position, make
sure you gain at least one under hook. If you don't, you're asking to get thrown on your ass. But,
if you learn how to secure underhooks, you've just opened yourself up to a wide world of
takedowns. Make sure your under hook hand is not on the lower back but hugging the lats or
upper back of your opponent. Page 17
Double Under Hook From The Feet
Get ready to send him flying! This is a very powerful position because this gives your opponent
pretty much no chance of taking you down…while you can basically do what you want with him.
Notice how JT's hands are joined together on the lower back of his opponent so he can "suck"
his hips in for a takedown. Page 18
Double Underhooks From When Your Opponents Stands
Up In Your Closed Guard
In competitions you'll frequently see guys standing up while they're in your guard…and
then…push your legs down to open and pass. This is infinitely harder if you have double
underhooks on them. Plus once they stand up with you in this position, you can easily take them
down. Notice how JT places his hands close to the lower back of his opponent. Page 19
Single Underhook From When Opponent Stands Up In
Closed Guard
Not as good as the double underhooks like you just saw, but good for taking the back, setting up
a kimura or an arm triangle choke. Listen, it's very important you hang your weight on your
opponent as much as possible. That's why JT's hands are closed together around the upper
back of his opponent and the arm that is not under hooking is tightly hugging the shoulder over
the top. Page 20
Outside Underhook/Wizard Grip
This is for when your opponent shoots a single leg takedown on you. Start defending it by
getting this underhook/wizard grip as seen in the photo. Then you can start putting pressure on
your opponents shoulder, which should give you a great chance of escaping. Go deep with the
under hook (shoulder deep). This detail is very important because that is what is going to create
the downward pressure on the opponents shoulder. Page 21
Underhook On The Leg When Opponents Stands Up In
The Triangle
A few years ago in Japan – at Pride tbd – Murillo Ninja shot a triangle on Quinton Jackson.
Quinton picked up Ninja over his head…and smashed him into the ground. Ninja was knocked
out cold and lost the fight. This underhook will prevent the same fate from happening to you.
Notice how JT hooks under his opponents leg to stop him from standing up. Page 22
Underhook On Opponents Leg When They Stand Up In
Closed Guard
When your opponent takes the grappling game back to his feet, this is what you do. Hook a leg
right by the ankle to break their balance. This will make it almost impossible to open up your
closed guard and possibly give you a sweep straight to mount. Just remember when hooking
also thrust your hips into the knee to create pressure on your opponents leg. Page 23
Double Underhooks From Top Butterfly Guard
Butterly guard was made for sweeping. And the quickest way to stonewall this game is to put
your opponent flat on his back. How do you do this? By grabbing double underhooks (down on
his lower back) and driving your shoulder into his stomach. This will take away all of his
sweeping leverage and set you up to pass. (Hint: when you flatten him out, keep your hips low) Page 24
Underhook From Top Hip Smash Pass
This is JT's primary tool for passing half guard. From top half guard gain the underhook and
then completely drop your hips and pin your opponents lower body to the mat. Then just push
his knee and pass. Notice my under hook is shoulder deep and my hand is almost cupping the
opponents shoulder. This gives you a greater sense of upper body control making it a lot easier
for you to pass. Page 25
The Underhook Bible Action Plan
Listen, this entire report doesn't amount to a hill of beans if you can't apply it. That means you're
going to have to go into the gym and drill what you've just learned.
I know. It's that nasty four letter word again…work. But the simple truth is, you can't progress
unless you work at what you're not good at.
There are 17 underhook styles in this report. And if I was a betting man, I'd bet that there is at
least one of them that you could improve on.
So, I want you to grab a partner…get in the position…and drill until you can secure the
Well, take a look at your game and try to figure out where the grand canyon sized gaps are…
• Are you 67 pounds and every time you go for a triangle, you get picked up? Then turn to
page 22 and start working.
• Do you get thrown to the ground faster than a dress on prom night? Reread page 17 and
start pummeling for underhooks.
• Is your bottom half-guard weaker than a non-alcoholic beer? Go to page 14 and fix it.
I've put the major underhook positions in this report…and I know there is something for
everyone here. Now you have a simple decision to make
Lloyd Irvin Page 26