Cut and Cover Tunnels
Cut and Cover Tunnels
Cut and Cover Tunnels
techniques. This St. Louis subway tunnel was built using the
bottom-up method, using cast-in-place concrete walls and
precast roof segments.
Construction Methods
Depending on the situation, a variety
of different construction methods can
be used. Stacy Byrd, National Products
Manager at CETCO, says, There are so
many different methods of constructing
a tunnel and the waterproofing solution
should be designed to fit that particular
Winter 2012
We provided a bentonite-geotextile
membrane that was installed to the
soil retention wall prior to the concrete
placement. The bentonite geotextile
membrane was also used as an underslab
barrier over the gravel substrate.
The precast arched concrete
segments for the roof were waterproofed
using a peel-and-stick butyl rubber
membrane that tied into the system used
on the walls.
Modular Tunnels:
For small
tunnels, such as utility or sewer access
tunnels and pedestrian underpasses, a
variation on bottom-up construction can
be used. Called modular tunnels, this
construction method uses corrugated
steel or pre-cast concrete segments to
create the structure. These segments are
usually waterproofed offsite and craned
into place.
One of the primary challenges with
waterproofing precast tunnels, then,
is ensuring that the membrane is not
damaged between when it is applied and
when the tunnel segments are set into
place. To ensure the waterproofing and
drainage components stay in constant
contact with the bottom of the precast
section, designers often call for a concrete
mud slab instead of loose gravel at the
bottom of the excavation.
Waterproofers must also pay careful
attention to the many joints between the
pre-cast sections to ensure the tunnel
remains dry.
A utility corridor built on the
campus of the University of Connecticut
in 2006 used this method. Each segment
measured ten feet square and eight
feet long, and was craned into place
onto a four-inch thick mudslab, then
waterproofed. First, the joints between
each segment were sealed using Ultraseal
BT, a product that combines bentonite
clay with a hydrophilic polymer. Then,
workers covered the roof and walls of
the tunnel with Volclay, a similar sheet
product that also contains a bentonitepolymer alloy.
Top-down Construction: The top-
The type of waterproofing used
on cut-and-cover tunnel installations
usually hinges on the type of soil
retention system used on the sides of
the excavation. As noted above, open
cut excavations are the easiest. Soldier
piles and sheet piles are more difficult.
Soil nails retention systems, which
can involve detailing around literally
hundreds of different points, are the
most involved.
Regardless of the system used,
waterproofing is essential. Not only does
it reduce corrosion and maintenance and
extend the life of the structure, but it can
also improve safety. In colder climates,
leaking tunnels can create hazardous
ceiling icicles or ice patches on roadways.
Additionally, once a tunnel is
placed in service, theyre extremely
inconvenient to close, which imposes
waterproofing options. Particularly with
rail tunnels, options for getting toand
repairingleaking sections become
extremely limited.
A few years ago, the U.S. Department
of Transportation published a white
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Winter 2012
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