HTM 00

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Health Technical Memorandum 00

Policies and principles of

healthcare engineering
2014 edition

March 2014

Health Technical Memorandum 00

Policies and principles of
healthcare engineering
2014 edition

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Crown copyright 2014

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Front cover photograph courtesy of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


About Health Technical Memoranda

Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs) give
comprehensive advice and guidance on the
design, installation and operation of specialised
building and engineering technology used in the
delivery of healthcare.
The focus of Health Technical Memorandum
guidance remains on healthcare-specific
elements of standards, policies and up-to-date
established best practice. They are applicable
to new and existing sites, and are for use at
various stages during the whole building
lifecycle (see diagram below).
Healthcare providers have a duty of care to
ensure that appropriate governance
arrangements are in place and are managed
effectively. The Health Technical Memorandum
series provides best practice engineering
standards and policy to enable management of
this duty of care.

It is not the intention within this suite of

documents to unnecessarily repeat international
or European standards, industry standards or
UK Government legislation. Where appropriate,
these will be referenced.
Healthcare-specific technical engineering
guidance is a vital tool in the safe and efficient
operation of healthcare facilities. Health
Technical Memorandum guidance is the main
source of specific healthcare-related guidance
for estates and facilities professionals.
The core suite of nine subject areas provides
access to guidance which:
is more streamlined and accessible;
encapsulates the latest standards and
best practice in healthcare engineering,
technology and sustainability;
provides a structured reference for
healthcare engineering.













Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Structure of the Health Technical

Memorandum suite

Health Technical Memorandum 05

Fire safety

The series contains a suite of nine core


Health Technical Memorandum 06

Electrical services

Health Technical Memorandum 00

Policies and principles (applicable to all
Health Technical Memoranda in this series)

Health Technical Memorandum 07

Environment and sustainability

Choice Framework for local Policy and

Procedures 01

All Health Technical Memoranda are supported

by the initial document Health Technical
Memorandum 00 which embraces the
management and operational policies from
previous documents and explores risk
management issues.

Health Technical Memorandum 02

Medical gases
Health Technical Memorandum 03

Heating and ventilation systems

Some variation in style and structure is reflected

by the topic and approach of the different
review working groups.

Health Technical Memorandum 04

Water systems


HTM 08

HTM 01




HTM 05








HTM 00







Policies and



HTM 02

HTM 03

Heating &






HTM 06





Environment &



HTM 07





HTM 04





Health Technical Memorandum 08

Specialist services




DH Estates and Facilities Division wishes to

acknowledge the contribution made by
professional bodies, engineering consultants,
healthcare specialists and NHS staff who have
contributed to the production of this guidance.

Other resources in the DH Estates

and Facilities knowledge series

design of the healthcare environment. Data is

based on guidance given in the Health Building
Notes and Health Technical Memoranda.
For ADB technical queries only, contact the
ADB Helpdesk. Telephone number: 01939
291684; email:
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only, email:

Health Building Notes

Health Building Notes give best practice

guidance on the design and planning of new
healthcare buildings and on the adaptation/
extension of existing facilities.
They provide information to support the briefing
and design processes for individual projects in
the NHS building programme..
All Health Technical Memoranda should be read
in conjunction with the relevant parts of the
Health Buidling Note series.

How to obtain publications

Health Technical Memoranda are available
from the UK Goverments website at:
Health Building Notes are available from the
same site at:

Activity DataBase (ADB)

The Activity DataBase (ADB) data and software

assists project teams with the briefing and

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Executive summary

This is the 2014 edition of Health Technical
Memorandum (HTM) 00 Policies and
principles of healthcare engineering. The
document has been revised to reflect changes
in legislation, guidance, the structure of the
NHS, and government policy and direction on
health and social care. The order of chapters
has also been revised to address a wider
audience. A summary of major changes since
previous editions is provided at the end of this
Executive Summary.
This 2014 edition supersedes all previous
versions of HTM 00.

HTM 00 gives best practice advice and
provides a generic overview for DHs HTM
It is provided as a guide to issues relating to the
management of engineering and technical
service provision that can be applied to NHS
and other healthcare facilities, that is, wherever
NHS patients are treated.

HTM 00, and the series it supports, provides
specific advice and guidance on the design,
installation and effective operation of a
healthcare facility from an engineering
technology perspective. While it is not intended
to cover every possible scenario, for example
the concept of hospital at home (in a domestic
dwelling), the standards and principles it

advocates may be appropriate to follow in all

locations where healthcare is provided.
Dependent on the requirements, this document
should be read in conjunction with the relevant
HTMs and Health Building Notes (HBNs).

Aim of the guidance

The aim of HTM 00 is to ensure that everyone
concerned with the management, design,
procurement and use of the healthcare facility
understands the requirements of the businesscritical building and engineering technology in
order to ensure optimum safety for all who are
present in the building.
Only by having knowledge of these
requirements can the organisations board and
senior managers understand their duty of care
to provide safe, efficient, effective and reliable
systems which are critical in supporting direct
patient care. When this understanding is
achieved, it is expected that appropriate
governance arrangements would be put in
place, supported by access to suitably qualified
staff to provide this informed client role, which
reflect these responsibilities.
By following this guidance and applying it to the
particular needs of their local healthcare
organisation, boards and individual senior
managers should be able to demonstrate
compliance with their responsibilities and
thereby support a culture of professionalism.

Users of the guidance

Providers of NHS healthcare and operating
facilities in England will be the main users of this
document. However, other stakeholders,
including regulators and inspectors, may also
be interested and will expect that this best
practice guidance is being followed or that,
where this is not the case, healthcare providers
can demonstrate how any best practice
expectations are being met by equal and
alternative means.
Commissioners of NHS-funded health and care
should expect that the facilities to which they
refer patients should provide a safe, caring
environment that aids a patients recovery and
does not expose them to undue risk. Therefore
the resilience and maintenance of critical
engineering services and business continuity
linked to policies for emergency preparedness
and the ability to respond to major incidents
should be high on a provider organisations
Documented evidence that shows compliance
with this guidance should provide supporting
material to underpin evaluation within the NHS
Premises Assurance Model (NHS PAM) and
provide confidence of standards to the board of
directors and the Care Quality Commission

Within this document, each section deals with a
different aspect of engineering and technical
management including design and installation,
general engineering services, maintenance and
training. Examples of procedures and
commonly applicable statutes and legislation
are included in the Appendices.
Chapter 1 outlines the policy context.
Chapter 2 explains the scope and
application of HTM 00.
Chapter 3 considers appropriate
professional and technical support and
looks at development of operational

policies and advocates service-user

Chapter 4 provides general guidance on
the engineering, technical and
environmental aspects of healthcare
building design.
Chapter 5 considers maintaining
engineering systems to provide optimum
performance and maximise the potential
for critical service availability.
Chapter 6 provides guidance on staff
training, systems and operation and
maintenance procedures.
Chapter 7 provides an overview of the
HTM suite.

HTM 00 recommends that boards and chief
executives, as accountable officers, use the
guidance and the references provided:
when planning and designing new
healthcare facilities or undertaking
when developing governance and
assurance systems which take account of
risk and the safety of patients, staff and
to establish principles and procedures
recognise and address both
corporate and individuals
recognise the link between businesscritical engineering systems and
emergency preparedness capability;
reflect the important role that
engineering policies and principles,
as implemented by suitably qualified
professional and technical staff, have
in support of direct patient care.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Once boards and chief executives have

embraced the principles set out within this
document and taken the necessary actions,
their duty of care responsibilities are more likely
to be fulfilled, as will their ability to maintain
public confidence in the NHS at local level.

List of major changes since the

2006 edition
Chapter 1 on policy and the legislative
framework has been amended in line with
the changes to the NHS landscape since
the previous edition.
The engineering services chapter has
been expanded to include all aspects of
building services healthcare engineering
and renamed as design and installation.
The professional support and
operational policy chapters have been


combined into one chapter to aid

understanding and improve the flow.
The overview of engineering services
guidance has been updated to reflect
changes to the HTM portfolio. It has also
been appropriately renamed as
Supporting Health Technical
The chapter on emergency
preparedness and contingency planning
has been eliminated and its content on
emergency planning and resilience has
been redistributed to Health Building Note
00-07 Planning for a resilient healthcare
estate. Measures appropriate to the
reliability of engineering services have
been retained and included within the
chapter on design and installation.
All chapters have been reordered within
the document to improve the flow.

Glossary of acronyms

AE: Authorising Engineer

AP: Authorised Person
BIM: building information modelling
BMS: building management system
CDM: Construction (Design and Management) [regulations]
CFPP: Choice Framework for local Policy and Procedures
CHP: combined heat and power
CP: Competent Person
CQC: Care Quality Commission
DH: Department of Health
DP: Designated Person
HBN: Health Building Note
HSE: Health & Safety Executive
HTM: Health Technical Memoranda(um)
MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
NHS PAM: NHS Premises Assurance Model
PM: planned maintenance


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)


Preface iii
Executive summary vi
Aim of the guidance
Users of the guidance
List of major changes since the 2006 edition
Glossary of acronyms ix
1. Policy and regulatory overview1
Assurance of estates and facilities
Impact from, and adapting to, climate change
Health and safety legislation
2. Scope and application of Health Technical Memorandum 004
Principles of healthcare engineering
Engineering governance
3. Professional support and operational policy7
Management and responsibility
Roles and responsibilities
Operational policy
4. Design and installation 13
Infection prevention and control
Mechanical services
Electrical services
Patient/staff and staff emergency call systems
Fire safety
Other considerations

Development planning
Management of access to engineering services
Commissioning, validation and handover of engineering installations
Sustainability and energy efficiency


5. Maintenance26
Maintenance planning
6. Training, information and communications32
The required workforce
Improving the workforce profile
Criteria for operation
7. Supporting Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)34
Choice Framework for local Policy and Procedures 01: Decontamination 
Health Technical Memorandum 02: Medical gases
Health Technical Memorandum 03: Heating and ventilation systems 
Health Technical Memorandum 04: Water systems 
Health Technical Memorandum 05: Firecode fire safety in the NHS
Health Technical Memorandum 06: Electrical services
Health Technical Memorandum 07: Environment and sustainability
Health Technical Memorandum 08: Specialist services
Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists44
Alternative form of a procedure in case of system failure 
Appendix B: Legal requirements56
Health and safety
Other commonly cited legislation
Acts and Regulations
DH guidance
British Standards
HSE publications
BSRIA publications
CIBSE publications
Other publications


1. Policy and regulatory overview

1. P
 olicy and regulatory

Assurance of estates and facilities

1.1 One of the governments key priorities is
delivering better health outcomes for patients.
1.2 The quality and fitness-for-purpose of the
healthcare estate is vital for the delivery of high
quality, safe and efficient healthcare, and this
document sets out the general engineering
principles used in the construction and
operation of the healthcare estate.
1.3 Quality and fitness-for-purpose of the estate
are assessed against a set of legal
requirements, standards and best practice
guidance. Adhering to the guidance outlined in
this Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) will
be taken into account as evidence towards
compliance with these legal requirements and
1.4 Where the principles of the guidance are not
to be followed, organisations should document
how the expectations are being met by equal
and alternative means.
Regulator requirements: standards of
quality and safety
1.5 The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
regulates all providers of regulated health and
adult social care activities in England. The
CQCs role is to make sure health and social
care services provide people with safe,
effective, compassionate, high-quality care and
to encourage care services to improve.

1.6 At the time of preparing this document for

publication, registration requirements are set
out in the Care Quality Commission
(Registration) Regulations 2009 (CQC
Regulations) and include requirements relating
safety and suitability of premises;
safety, availability and suitability of
equipment; and
cleanliness and infection control.
Note on amendment to the
CQC Regulations
New regulations are due to come into effect
during 2014 and will apply to all providers of
health and social care that are required to
register with the CQC.
1.7 The CQC is responsible for assessing
whether providers are meeting the registration
requirements. Failure to comply with the CQC
Regulations is an offence and, under the
Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated
Activities) Regulations 2010, CQC has a wide
range of enforcement powers that it can
use if the provider is not compliant. These
include the issue of a warning notice that
requires improvement within a specified
time, prosecution, and the power to cancel a
providers registration, removing its ability to
provide regulated activities. The regulations
stipulate that all premises and equipment used

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

must be safe, clean, secure, suitable for the

purpose for which they are being used, and
properly used and maintained.
NHS Constitution
1.8 The NHS Constitution sets out the rights to
which patients, public and staff are entitled. It
also outlines the pledges that the NHS is
committed to achieve, together with
responsibilities that the public, patients and staff
owe to one another to ensure that the NHS
operates fairly and effectively. All healthcare
organisations are required by law to take
account of this Constitution in their decisions
and actions.
1.9 Healthcare organisations need to ensure
that services are provided in a clean and safe
environment that is fit for purpose, based on
national best practice [pledge].
In order to deliver on this pledge, it specifically
advises NHS organisations to take account of:
national best-practice guidance for the
design and operation of healthcare
the NHS Premises Assurance Model
NHS Premises Assurance Model
1.10 The NHS has developed, with the support
of DH, the NHS Premises Assurance Model
(NHS PAM), whose remit is to provide
assurance for the healthcare environment and
to ensure patients, staff and visitors are
protected against risks associated with hazards
such as unsafe premises.
1.11 Primarily aimed at providing governance
and assurance to boards of organisations, it
allows organisations that provide NHS-funded
care and services to better understand the
effectiveness, quality and safety with which they
manage their estate and facilities services and
how that links to patient experience and patient

1.12 Key questions are underpinned by prompt

questions which require the production of
evidence. Healthcare organisations should
prepare and access this evidence to support
their assessment of the NHS PAM.
1.13 The model also includes reference to
evidence and guidance as a helpful aidememoir to assist in deciding the level of NHS
PAM assurance applicable to a particular
healthcare site or organisation.
1.14 NHS PAM is designed to be available as a
universal model to apply across a range of
estates and facilities management services.
1.15 For more information on how to use the
tool, visit the NHS PAM website.

Impact from, and adapting to,

climate change
1.16 Healthcare organisations need to be
mindful of the Climate Change Act and the
resultant measures that need to be taken,
particularly with regard to flooding, drought, hot
weather and freezing temperatures (for further
guidance, see Health Building Note (HBN) 0007 Planning for a resilient healthcare estate).
1.17 There are two main areas of focus for
action with respect to climate change:
a. Mitigation which reduces the impact
of business functions on the climate
through the lowering of carbon
emissions from energy use, the
reduction of water consumption,
improved efficiency of transport etc.
Under the Climate Change Act, the
government has set up the CRC Energy
Efficiency Scheme, which requires large
public and private sector organisations
to achieve energy-saving targets.
b. Adaptation which requires measures
be put in place to minimise the adverse
effects of climate change (for example,
flooding, storms, heatwaves and impact
on air quality). With respect to buildings

1. Policy and regulatory overview

and infrastructure, flooding is identified

as the main threat by the current UK
Climate Change Risk Assessment. The
next update to this assessment is
expected in 2017.
1.18 All public sector bodies are required by
government under the National Adaptation
Programme (NAP) to put plans in place to
address both the causes and consequences of
climate change.
1.19 The Sustainable Development Unit (SDU)
has promoted the development of a sustainable
development management plan (SDMP) by all
healthcare provider organisations. Further
details can be found on the SDUs website.

Health and safety legislation

1.20 The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) is the
national regulator for workplace health and
safety. The following legislation places legal
duties on various dutyholders (see also
Appendix B):
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974,
section 3
Management of Health and Safety at
Work Regulations, regulation 3
Construction (Design and Management)
Manual Handling Operations Regulations.
Pressure Equipment Regulations
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations
Confined Space Regulations
Fire safety regulations
For more information, visit the HSEs website.

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

2. S
 cope and application
of Health Technical
Memorandum 00

This HTM was prepared for publication in
March 2014. Readers should ensure that
they use the latest or new edition of all
legislation, British/European Standards and
guidance that post-date the publication of
this document
2.1 HTMs are the main source of specific
healthcare-related guidance for estates and
facilities professionals. They give comprehensive
advice and guidance on the design, installation
and operation of specialised building and
engineering technology used in the delivery of
2.2 HTM 00 is supported by the HTM suite of
guidance. The aim of HTM 00 is to ensure that
everyone concerned with the managing, design,
procurement and use of the healthcare facility
understands the requirements (including
regulatory) of the specialist, critical building and
engineering technology involved. The core
guidance (including professional support) is
applicable to all building engineering services
including those not covered by HTMs (for
example, steam, pressurised hot water and gas
2.3 HTM 00 addresses the general principles,
key policies and factors common to all

engineering services within a healthcare

organisation. Key issues include:
compliance with policy and relevant
professional support and operational
design and installation;
training requirements.

Principles of healthcare engineering

2.4 Patients and staff have a right to expect that
engineering systems and equipment will be
designed, installed, operated and maintained to
standards that will enable them to function
efficiently, reliably and safely. Compliance with
the guidance in the HTMs will help to meet
these goals. See Chapter 7 for an overview on
the full list of current HTMs.
2.5 Healthcare providers have a duty under the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act to ensure
that appropriate engineering governance
arrangements are in place and are managed
effectively. HTMs provide best practice
engineering standards and policy to enable
management of this duty of care.

2. Scope and application of Health Technical Memorandum 00


Secretary of State for Health


Health and Social
Care Act 2012



Health and Social

Care Act 2008
(Regulated Activities) 2010





Guidance about compliance

NHS Standard Contract

Essential standards
of quality and safety

Service Conditions

The Health and

Social Care Act 2008
Code of Practice on the
prevention and control of infections
and related guidance
Service Conditions

What providers should do to comply with the section 20

regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008

for England
26 March 2013

March 2010

NHS Standard


HCAI Code of


Best practice guidance

Health Building Note 00-10
Part D: Windows and
associated hardware

Health Building Note 00-10

Part D: Windows and
associated hardware

The NHS Premises

Assurance Model (NHS PAM)
August 2013 Update

December 2013

August 2013


Activity DataBase (ADB)

December 2013





Patient experience

HTMs and the legislative framework

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

2.6 The special nature of healthcare premises

and dependency of patients on the provision of
effective and efficient engineering services (in
most cases 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
requires that engineering staff and systems
must be resilient in order to maintain the
continuity of health services and ensure the
ongoing safety of patients, visitors and staff.
2.7 Evidence suggests that a comfortable
healthcare environment can have a strong
influence on the healing cycle and patient
experience (see HBN 00-01 General design
guidance for healthcare buildings). This needs
to be achieved in a sensitive way, with design
having regard to the function and purpose of
the specific and adjoining areas.

Engineering governance
2.8 Engineering governance is concerned with
how an organisation directs, manages and
monitors its engineering activities to ensure
compliance with statutory and legislative
requirements while ensuring the safety of
patients, vistors and staff is not compromised
(see also paragraph 4.98 on the Construction
(Design and Management) (CDM) regulations).

2.9 To help achieve this, healthcare

organisations need to ensure that sound
policies are approved by the board of directors.
These should:
ensure safe processes, working practices
and risk management strategies are in
place to safeguard all their stakeholders
and assets in order to prevent and reduce
harm or loss; and
be backed up with adequate resources
and suitably qualified, competent and
trained staff.
2.10 Responsibility and, more specifically, the
duty of care within a healthcare organisation are
vested in the board of directors and its
supporting structure.

2.11 Management should conduct regular
reviews of the effectiveness of the healthcare
organisations engineering structure and
systems. The review should cover all controls,
including strategic, operational, safety and
engineering risk management.

3. Professional support and operational policy

3. P
 rofessional support
and operational policy

3.1 Managers of healthcare property and

services need technical and professional
support across a range of specialist services.
This support should be embedded in the
structure and responsibility framework of the
organisation to ensure an adequate approach
for each of the areas covered by the healthcarespecific technical engineering guidance.
3.2 Within this HTM, a range of measures are
discussed to meet the needs of each service.
This section considers the principles, standards
and common features that will be applicable as
a core approach.

Management and responsibility

3.3 Healthcare organisations have a duty of
care to patients, visitors and staff to ensure a
safe and appropriate environment for
healthcare. This requirement is identified in a
wide range of legislation and common law.
3.4 At the most senior level within an
organisation, this responsibility does not need
to include technical, professional or operational
duties, but the accountable officer (see
diagram below) should have access to a
structure that delivers governance, assurance
and compliance through a formal reporting

Healthcare organisations should ensure that
where facilities are provided under a PFI
(Private Finance Initiative) arrangement, a
clear understanding exists on the role and
duties carried out by each party.
Management structure
3.5 To engage and deliver the duties required, a
healthcare organisation may consider the
structure shown in Figure 1. If a framework
based on this structure is used for engineering
governance, compliance is likely to follow,
providing that operational policies are
established and sufficient resources are
Professional structure
3.6 The chief executive and board carry
ultimate responsibility for a safe and secure
healthcare environment. Aspects of that
responsibility can be assigned or delegated to
other senior executives but an independent
audit system should be in place to assure them
that the responsibilities are being discharged
3.7 Senior executives may not always have the
required specialist knowledge to support all
services; therefore it may be necessary to
engage external support.

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Healthcare organisation board of directors:

Accountable officer (for designated service)
Executive and non-executive members

External independent
professional support

Senior estates &

facilities officer
Appointed qualified
technical staff

technical staff

Assessed support
staff (safety)

Figure 1 Management structure

3.8 An independent adviser for audit purposes,

assessment and operational advice may also
be required.
3.9 Figure 2 illustrates the structure that
underlies the approach to compliance in HTMs.
However, it does not show the reporting routes;
it is for organisations to define these in their
own operational policies.
3.10 Within a specific service, other support
staff for safety, quality and process purposes
may be required.
3.11 Certain healthcare organisations may have
a very limited specialist installation. This will
particularly apply to community trusts, hospices
and small independent treatment centres. In
these cases, a lower level of support might be
appropriate. If this is to be considered, the
arrangements should be carefully assessed,
agreed with the Authorising Engineer (AE) and
approved by the Designated Person (DP). They
should be included in the operational policy for
the service.
3.12 It is possible for several organisations to
share the same professional staff either
individually or collectively; however, it is usual for
the AEs role to remain independent of the
organisation, with particular regard to the audit

Roles and responsibilities

See Figure 2 for a typical representation of
responsibility structure.
Designated Person (DP)
3.13 This person provides the essential senior
management link between the organisation and
professional support, which also provides
independence of the audit-reporting process.
The DP will also provide an informed position at
board level.
3.14 The DP will work closely with the Senior
Operational Manager (SOM) to ensure that
provision is made to adequately support the
specialist service.
Senior Operational Manager (SOM)
3.15 The SOM may have operational and
professional responsibility for a wide range of
specialist services. It is important that the SOM
has access to robust, service-specific
professional support which can promote and
maintain the role of the informed client within
the healthcare organisation. This will embrace
both the maintenance and development of
service-specific improvements, support the
provision of the intelligent customer role and
give assurance of service quality.

3. Professional support and operational policy

Authorising Engineer (AE)

3.16 The AE will act as an independent
professional adviser to the healthcare
organisation. The AE should be appointed by
the organisation with a brief to provide services
in accordance with the relevant HTM. The
professional status and role required may vary
in accordance with the specialist service being
3.17 The AE will act as assessor and make
recommendations for the appointment of
Authorised Persons (APs), monitor the
performance of the service, and provide an
annual audit to the DP. To effectively carry out
this role, particularly with regard to audit, the AE
should remain independent of the operational
structure of the healthcare organisation.

specialist service. They will be nominated by the

AE, appointed by the healthcare organisation
and be able to demonstrate:
their understanding through familiarisation
with the system and attendance at an
appropriate professional course;
a level of experience; and
evidence of knowledge and skills.
3.19 An important element of this role is the
maintenance of records, quality of service and
maintenance of system safety (integrity).

Authorised Person (AP)

3.20 The AP will also be responsible for

establishing and maintaining the validation of
Competent Persons (CPs), who may be
employees of the organisation or appointed

3.18 The AP has the key operational

responsibility for the specialist service. This
person will be qualified and sufficiently
experienced and skilled to fully operate the

3.21 Larger sites may need more than one AP

for a particular service. Administrative duties
such as record-keeping should be assigned to

D esig nated Person

Appointed senior executive

(board level) with assigned
responsibility for service

Authorising Eng ineer

Appointed independent
professional engineer
(specific to service)

Trust Senior O perational

Manag er
Informed client/intelligent

Authorised Person
Appointed qualified
technical engineer (specific to

C ompetent Person

Assessed and qualified

(specific to service)
Figure 2 Professional structure

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

specific APs and recorded in the operational

Competent Person (CP)
3.22 This person provides skilled installation
and/or maintenance of the specialist service.
The CP will be appointed, or authorised to work
(if a contractor), by the AP. They will
demonstrate a sound trade background and
specific skill in the specialist service. They will
work under the direction of the AP and in
accordance with operating procedures, policies
and standards of the service.
Variation by service
3.23 The particular detailed roles and
responsibilities will vary between specialist
services, and the guidance given in the
appropriate HTM should be followed to ensure
that the necessary safe systems of working are
established and maintained.

Operational policy
3.24 The healthcare organisations board of
directors is responsible for setting overall
operational policy, and it is the DP as the senior
executive who has responsibility for
3.25 The HTM series should enable an
organisation to be aware of the issues relative to
a particular service and support any operational
policy that has to be prepared. This will be
guided by factors such as the consequences of
failure and the risks involved in their
maintenance and management. Where services
are covered by HTMs, the guidance therein
should be followed to prepare operational
policies. For other services, relevant guidance
published by the HSE, regulating bodies,
professional institutions or trade bodies should
be followed.
3.26 Where the operation of engineering
services is vital to the continued functioning of
the healthcare premises, operation and
maintenance may require special consideration;

therefore, improving resilience within the critical

engineering systems should be considered.
3.27 Operational requirements should ensure
that users are aware of the capacity of the
specific system and any particular limitations.
Operational considerations
3.28 All safety aspects of operation associated
with particular plant or equipment should be
clearly understood by operational staff.
3.29 Nursing, medical and other staff should be
aware of the purpose of any alarm systems and
of the course of action to be taken in the event
of an emergency occurring.
3.30 Staff responsible for engineering plant
operation should be aware of the activities
necessary to ensure the continued safe
operation of the system and what action should
be taken in an emergency.
3.31 The AP responsible for engineering
services should take a lead in explaining to
users the function of the system, and organise
adequate information and training about the
3.32 Maintenance and safety are two closely
related subjects. General safety is largely
dependent on good standards of maintenance
being attained and staff safety disciplines being
3.33 Where necessary, training should be made
available to ensure the knowledge and
competency of operational staff. This should be
appropriate to the role to be undertaken.
3.34 The organisation should have accurate
and up-to-date records and/or drawings. Where
possible, these should be backed up
electronically. They should be readily available
on site, in an appropriate format, for use by any
AP responsible for engineering services and
CPs inspecting or maintaining them.
Organisations should also be aware of the

3. Professional support and operational policy

increasing use of building information modelling

(BIM) (see paragraphs 4.1014.103 on BIM).
3.35 A unique reference number should identify
the equipment. This should correspond to that
shown on the records/drawings and other
systems (for example, a building management
system (BMS)). The records/drawings should
indicate the type and make of the equipment.
3.36 Database systems could be used to link
plant reference numbers to locations on
drawings and detailed records of the plant and
its maintenance.
3.37 A schematic diagram of the installation
should also be available and displayed in each
plantroom or service area, scheduling key
3.38 When additions or alterations are to be
made to existing installations, the AP
responsible for engineering services should
ensure that the current as-fitted information is
available in an acceptable format. On
completion of the work, the records/drawings
should be updated and the service alterations
noted and dated.
3.39 To prevent unwanted interference with
plant and controls, all means of service
isolation, regulation and control should be
located and secured in such a way that they
can be fixed in the normal position and be
free from unauthorised adjustments.
3.40 In the case of those components that may
have to be operated in an emergency, the fixing
method should be capable of being overridden.
Where such components are in public places,
they should be within enclosures with quickbreak seals.
3.41 All plantrooms should be kept locked,
signed and under access control. Signage
should be displayed to alert individuals that they
are entering a restricted area.

3.42 A procedure in the operational policy for

controlling access, including in the event of an
emergency, should be established.
3.43 Adequate means of engineering plant
isolation and safe working areas should be
provided for all operational and maintenance
contingencies to allow temporary plant where
required and safe working around equipment.
Monitoring of the operational policy
3.44 The DP is responsible for monitoring the
operational policy to ensure that it is being
properly implemented. This should be carried
out on a regular basis, and the procedure for
such monitoring should be set out in the
operational policy.
3.45 The responsibility for monitoring specific
aspects may be delegated to appropriate key
personnel. For example, the responsibility for
monitoring the implementation of the permit-towork procedure would normally be delegated to
the AP. The details of such delegation should
be set out in the operational policy.
3.46 All contractors should comply with the
organisations safety procedures. This should
be clearly stated in the operational policy and in
3.47 Any design, installation, commissioning or
maintenance work should only be carried out
by suitably qualified and authorised contractors.
Evidence of current authorisation should be by
sight of the correct certificate of approval.
3.48 The operational policy should set out the
responsibilities for monitoring the work of
contractors. The AP responsible for the specific
engineering services would normally coordinate
this. The call-out procedures for a contractor,
particularly in the event of a fault or an
emergency, should be set out in the operational
policy and in contracts.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Medical equipment purchase

3.49 The AP should be consulted during initial
discussions on the purchase of any medical
equipment that will be connected to the
engineering services. This is to ensure that the
system has sufficient capacity and can continue
to deliver the required service. (See also
guidance provided by the Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency


3.50 The healthcare organisations policy

should state the procedures to be followed and
the personnel who need to be consulted before
a new item of medical equipment is connected
to an engineering service.

4. Design and installation

4. Design and

This chapter provides an overview of
engineering services and is not a
comprehensive guide. Because of its
general nature, its content will be familiar to
experienced healthcare engineers. It is
intended particularly for those who are new
to this work. It may also be helpful for
commissioning organisations and regulators,
giving an overall picture of the type of
engineering services installed in healthcare
buildings and the issues that need to be
4.1 The engineering services of a healthcare
facility support the delivery of patient care and
help to maintain a healing and safe
4.2 At all stages of planning, design, operation
and maintenance of healthcare engineering
services, attention should be given to the level
of care that the service supports. This will
define the resilience and reliability that needs to
be provided to ensure patient safety.
4.3 Procedures and alternative equipment
should be in place to allow for maintenance and
unscheduled failure. This may be achieved
through duplication, standby or portable
alternatives to ensure a robust continuity of

4.4 Detailed design and operational

considerations are contained in the appropriate
HTM (see Chapter 7), and failure procedures
are offered in Appendix A. See also HBN 00-07
Planning for a resilient healthcare estate.
4.5 All systems should work collectively and be
resilient in the event of adverse conditions. They
should be installed and maintained to a high
standard and in accordance with statutory
legislation, the HTM suite of guidance and
industry standards related to the services.
4.6 In any new development or alteration, the
maintenance manager should be consulted at
stages through the design development. There
should be an opportunity to comment on the
types of systems, plant and equipment which
are proposed. It is important that the
operational team have the competencies and
resources to manage the systems. If new
competencies or resources are unavoidable, a
plan should be put in place to provide them.
4.7 There needs to be adequate space for
engineering plant and maintenance (see
paragraphs 4.1134.116).

Engineering systems and equipment
4.8 All engineering systems and equipment
should be fit for purpose and designed to have
an initial capacity to safely accommodate peak
maximum loads plus an additional suitable

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

allowance for future expansion, having particular

regard in the case of water storage to infection
risks. A regular review of systems capacity
should be maintained to ensure that they are
capable of meeting the demands required by
the services being provided.
4.9 Future expansion can take a number of
forms, for example:
actual spare capacity in a main
distribution board; or
physical space allowance to increase the
main distribution board if required.
4.10 Electrical maximum demand, fuel supplies,
water, medical gases, drainage capacity etc
should be monitored over time to provide an
overall demand profile and avoid unexpected
failures. It is also valuable to monitor the volume
of use of all services to identify wastage,
leakage or other activity that may require
Utility supplies
4.11 Where new or changes to existing
incoming utility services are required,
discussions should take place with each utility
company concerned to establish incoming
service routes, capacity requirements, tariffs,
meter locations, access provisions and
wayleave requirements as soon as practical
during the design process.
Life expectancy of engineering plant and
4.12 All principal items of plant and equipment
should have a indicative life expectancy as
described in CIBSE Guide M Maintenance
engineering and management.
4.13 Materials and components that will require
maintenance and replacement during the life of
the facility should be selected, located and fixed
in such a way as to minimise future
inconvenience and disruption and to avoid
temporary closure of all or part of the facility.


4.14 Healthcare premises should be fitted with
adequate provisions to monitor all primary
incoming and subdistribution engineering
services sufficient to comply with statutory
legislation and to support energy efficiency. This
should also support the review suggested in
paragraph 4.8 (see also Approved Document L
and CIBSE TM39 Building energy metering).

Infection prevention and control

4.15 Informed by a risk assessment as
advocated by DHs (2010) Health and Social
Care Act 2008: Code of Practice on the
prevention and control of infections and related
guidance (the HCAI Code of Practice), the
design and installation of engineering services
should incorporate adequate measures to
minimise infection risks so far as is practicable
(see also HBN 00-09 Infection control in the
built environment). In particular, precautions
should be incorporated to ensure that within
areas occupied by patients, staff and visitors:
Ventilation provisions are adequately
filtered with air changes and pressure
differentials maintained in accordance
with HTM 03-01 Specialised ventilation
for healthcare premises and other
guidance to reduce the risk of healthcareassociated infections.
The extent and nature of water services
should be balanced to provide optimum
infection control by liaison between estate
and infection control staff (see also HTM
04-01 The control of Legionella,
hygiene, safe hot water, cold water and
drinking water systems and its
Addendum Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
advice for augmented care units).
All exposed surface finishes of
engineering services and equipment are
generally smooth, accessible and easy to
wipe clean in line with manufacturers
Engineering services pipework, heat
emitters, electrical trunking, luminaires,

4. Design and installation

accessories and specialist fixed control

equipment are appropriately encased to
present a smooth, exposed surface with
gaps sealed with a suitable substance to
control the potential harbouring and
propagation of bacterial growth.
Sloped surfaces are provided instead of
horizontal surfaces to reduce the build-up
of dust.
All engineering components and
equipment that are regularly handled by
patients (such as light switches, nurse call
units, door-entry controls, TV sets etc) are
capable of being wiped clean and
disinfected or sterilized between patient

Mechanical services
4.16 General space-heating requirements may
be met by a variety of systems including underfloor pipework, radiators, ceiling-mounted
radiant panels or by air conditioning/ventilation
systems. Designers should ensure that the
most appropriate method is employed with
regard to the healthcare environment being
4.17 The surface temperature of radiators
should not exceed 43C. Ceiling-mounted
radiant panels can operate at higher surface
temperatures as long as the surface is not
easily accessible.
4.18 Heating pipework that may be accessible
to touch should be encased and/or insulated.
Special care should be taken when facilities are
being provided for older, confused or mental
health patients, and where children may be
present. See HSEs Health Services Information
Sheet 6 Managing the risks from hot water
and surfaces in health and social care.
4.19 Care should be taken to ensure that
heating design is coordinated with clinical
needs, has regard to the impact of solar gain, is
flexible to meet changing patient needs and

does not adversely affect the local temperature

conditions of adjacent storage and preparation
Piped medical gases
4.20 Piped medical gases, including oxygen,
nitrous oxide, medical air, surgical air and
medical vacuum installations should comply
with the requirements of HTM 02-01 Medical
gas pipeline systems.
4.21 Provision of medical gases may require
supplies from cylinders, bulk storage or on-site
equipment and may be supplemented by
specialist equipment for vacuum and
scavenging systems.
4.22 It is important to maintain continuity of
supply and where appropriate have standby
and contingency supplies available.
4.23 Verification of quality is a fundamental
requirement for the delivery of systems and
should be maintained at all stages of installation
and maintenance.
Ventilation and cooling
4.24 Ventilation systems should be designed in
accordance with the requirements of HTM 0301 Specialised ventilation for healthcare
4.25 Computer modelling of summer
temperatures should be undertaken to ensure
that the ventilation system and the control of
solar gain are able to manage air temperatures
within an acceptable range.
4.26 It is important to achieve a balance
between economy in capital and energy costs
while creating appropriate levels of comfort
through mechanical ventilation/comfort cooling
(see CIBSE Guide A Environmental design).
4.27 Natural ventilation is always the preferred
solution for a space, provided that the quantity
and quality of air required and consistency of
control to suit the requirements of the space,


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

are achievable. If this is not the case, a

mechanical ventilation system will be required.
4.28 Air movement induced by mechanical
ventilation should follow the hierarchy of
cleanliness, where such areas can be defined.
The design should allow for an adequate flow of
air into any spaces having only mechanical
extract ventilation via transfer grilles in doors or
walls. However, such arrangements should
avoid the introduction of untempered air and
should not prejudice fire safety (through the
introduction of uncontrolled air) or privacy
(through the positioning of transfer grilles).
4.29 Local exhaust ventilation will be required
where exposure (by inhalation) to substances
hazardous to health cannot be controlled by
other means. HSE publishes guidance notes,
updated annually, on occupational exposure
limits (EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits)
for the control of exposure by inhalation of
substances hazardous to health. The limits
specified form part of the requirements of the
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
(COSHH) Regulations.
Hot and cold water systems
4.30 Water storage and distribution systems
should be designed and operated in
accordance with:
HSEs Legionnaires disease: the control
of legionella bacteria in water systems
Approved Code of Practice and guidance
on regulations (also known as ACOP
HTM 04-01 The control of Legionella,
hygiene, safe hot water, cold water and
drinking water systems; and
the Addendum to HTM 04-01
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: advice for
augmented care units.
See also HTM 07-04 Water management and
water efficiency.
4.31 Hot water pipework that may be
accessible to touch should be encased and/or

insulated. Special care should be taken when

facilities are being provided for older, confused
or mental health patients, and where children
may be present.
Internal drainage
4.32 A system of soil and waste drainage
including anti-siphon and ventilation pipework
should be provided in accordance with BS EN
4.33 Provision for inspection, rodding and
maintenance should ensure full bore access
and be located outside user accommodation.
The location of manholes within the building
should be avoided.
4.34 At an early stage in the design process,
proposals for the collection and discharge of
chemical and radioactive-contaminated effluent
should be discussed and verified with the
sewerage undertaker. Some water authorities
may impose restrictions on the quantity and
rate of discharge of such effluent into public
sewers (see Water UKs (2011) National
guidance for healthcare waste water
4.35 Care should be taken in the routeing
(avoiding diagnostic, IT equipment etc) and the
materials used for drainage. This should ensure
that the risk from any possible leakage (jointing
and pipework materials) is minimised and that
drainage is suitable for the type of effluent that
may be discharged.
4.36 All drainage that may be used for the
passage of contaminated effluent should be
clearly labelled and be suitably rated for the
particular contaminants being discharged.

Electrical services
Electrical installations
4.37 Electrical installations should comply with
the current edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations
BS7671 together with the Institution of
Engineering and Technologys (IET) Guidance

4. Design and installation

Note 7 Special locations and HTM 06-01

Electrical services supply and distribution.
4.38 Prior to final design, a full assessment
should be made of the clinical and business
continuity risks, the range of room types
(including equipment requirements), occupation
levels and resilience requirements. This will
influence the extent and location of electrical
services, the availability of alternative sources of
electrical supply and the need for secondary
power sources if appropriate.
Electromagnetic compatibility
4.39 Steps should be taken to prevent:
mains-borne and electrical radio
frequencies from affecting diagnostic and
monitoring equipment, computers or
other sensitive electronic equipment; and
these types of equipment affecting
systems in their vicinity.
Guidance on the avoidance and abatement of
electrical interference is given in HTM 06-01
Electrical services supply and distribution.
Primary electrical infrastructure
4.40 The primary electrical infrastructure,
comprising the public electrical supply and
electrical distribution system equipment for the
facilities, should be an integral part of the whole
site/building network. It should provide
adequate capacity for both normal and all
assessed business-critical needs taking the
clinical risk category (as defined in HTM 06-01
Electrical services supply and distribution)
fully into account.
4.41 Lighting services, including lighting
controls, should comply with CIBSEs:
SLL code for lighting;
Lighting Guide 2 Hospitals and health
care buildings; and

4.42 To achieve energy efficiency, lighting

systems should be designed to:
maximise use of natural daylight;
avoid unnecessarily high levels of
incorporate efficient luminaires, control
gear and lamps;
incorporate effective controls.
4.43 Low energy or ultra-low energy lighting
(including LED) should be considered as the
main lighting source.
4.44 Lighting and the appearance of luminaires
should be coordinated with architectural design.
In particular, decorative finishes should be
compatible with the colour-rendering properties
of lamps and spectral distribution of the light
source. See Dalke et al (2004) Lighting and
colour for hospital design.
4.45 Where artificial lighting is provided in
spaces where patients are examined or treated,
it should enable changes in skin tone and
colour to be clearly defined and easily identified.
The quality of lighting will need to be considered
if video consultation is likely to take place. Care
should also be taken to ensure that patients
subject to light sensitivity are not adversely
4.46 Where low energy lamps are used to
replace conventional linear fluorescent fittings
(T12 and T8) or incandescent lamps, care
should be taken to ensure that the necessary
lighting level and, if appropriate, colour is
maintained to service the area.
4.47 Lighting in areas where clinical procedures
are carried out and/or medicines are handled,
including stores, must be derived from lamps
having suitable colour-rendering characteristics.
4.48 When positioning light fittings,
consideration should be given to ease of lamp
replacement and to ensuring that any single
lamp failure will not create hazards.

Guide F Energy efficiency in buildings.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Emergency lighting
4.49 Emergency lighting, incorporating escape
lighting and standby lighting, should be
provided to meet the requirements of BS 52661 and building control (see also HTM 05-02
(Firecode) Guidance in support of functional
provisions for healthcare premises).
4.50 Escape lighting should also be provided in
accordance with:
HTM 06-01 Electrical services supply
and distribution;
HTM 05-02 (Firecode) Guidance in
support of functional provisions for
healthcare premises; and
CIBSEs Lighting Guide 2 Hospitals
and health care buildings.
4.51 Consideration should be given to the use
of self-testing technology in accordance with
BS 5266-1.
External lighting
4.52 The issue of light pollution should be taken
into consideration when planning external
lighting (see CIBSEs Lighting Guide 2
Hospitals and health care buildings). Where
possible, external lighting should not shine
excessively into adjacent properties.
4.53 The following steps should be taken:
Provide adequate lighting levels for safety
and security of patients, staff and visitors
and to support CCTV.
Avoid excessive lighting.
Use sensor-activated luminaires.
Ensure luminaires are correctly orientated.
Avoid lighting columns being used as a
climbing aid/security risk.


Patient/staff and staff emergency

call systems
4.54 Patient/staff and staff emergency call
systems should comply with HTM 08-03
Bedhead services.
4.55 Patient/staff call points should be provided
in all spaces where a patient/attendee may be
left alone temporarily, for example clinical rooms
and WCs.
4.56 Staff emergency call points are for a
member of staff to call for assistance from
another member of staff. They should be
provided in all spaces where staff consult,
examine and treat attendees/patients.
4.57 Consideration should be given to the
location of staff emergency call points to ensure
that the risk of accidental operation is minimal
and that, where necessary, they can act as a
deterrent to potential aggressors in addition to
enabling a response to an incident.
4.58 Dedicated call points for summoning the
emergency care team may be provided. These
are not standard installation and need to be
specified for individual rooms where patients
are at a high risk of suffering a cardiac arrest.

Fire safety
General fire safety standards
4.59 Fire safety standards in healthcare
premises need to be high owing to the
vulnerability of occupants, loss of services,
business continuity and reputation risk.
4.60 To conform to the appropriate fire safety
standards, the design and operation of
healthcare buildings should meet the principles
of Firecode (the HTM 05 suite of documents). If
a healthcare organisation or its construction
partner(s) wishes to install a fire-engineered
solution in place of a Firecode solution, the
organisations fire safety manager/fire safety
adviser should be consulted on the scope and
extent of such a solution and be satisfied that it

4. Design and installation

meets the principles of Firecode (see HTM 0501 Managing healthcare fire safety).
4.61 It is important to establish during the
design stage those aspects of fire safety
strategy that affect the design, configuration
and structure of healthcare buildings. The
design team should develop and verify their
proposals with the healthcare organisations
user group, fire safety adviser and building
control authority or approved inspector.
4.62 All staff should be familiar with the
operational aspects of fire safety.
Fire detection and alarm systems
4.63 The design of the fire detection and alarm
systems should take into account the number
of compartments and subcompartments within
the building and the fire evacuation strategy. It is
important that the architect, design engineer
and healthcare organisations fire safety adviser
work together to ensure all fire risks are properly
understood, addressed and incorporated into
the overall design strategy.
4.64 For specific guidance see HTM 05-03 Part
B Fire detection and alarm systems and BS

Other considerations
4.65 Consideration should be given at the
earliest opportunity to the requirements for
privacy and noise control. Guidance on sound
attenuation requirements is given in HTM 08-01
4.66 HTM 08-01 gives guidance on noise levels
in rooms both from mechanical services and
other sources within the building, and from
noise coming from outside. It is important to
create an acoustic environment that allows
rooms to be used for resting, sleeping,
treatment, consultation and concentration.

interfere with the requirements of adjacent

rooms. Private conversations should not be
overheard outside the room. Good acoustic
conditions improve patient privacy and dignity
and promote essential sleep/rest patterns. Such
conditions are key to healing.
Building management systems
4.68 All engineering plant and equipment
associated with the internal environment should,
where possible, be monitored and controlled by
a BMS (see CIBSEs Guide H Building control
systems). Effective systems should be in place
for both off-site and on-site response to alarms.
4.69 Measures should be incorporated into the
design of all healthcare buildings to help protect
the safety of patients, staff and visitors and the
security of the premises. These measures
include the use of access control, CCTV and
alarms. (See also the HSEs guidance on
violence in health and social care.)
4.70 CCTV systems should be installed to
monitor internal and external areas where there
is a risk of attack or vandalism. Areas such as
receptions, external entrances, medical gas
cylinder storage areas, car-parking and
pedestrian walkways may be at particular risk at
night. CCTV can be intrusive and its operation
must comply with the provisions of the Data
Protection Act 1998 and the CCTV code of
practice (Information Commissioners Office,
2008). Priority should be given to ensuring
patients privacy and dignity.
4.71 Door-access control systems should be
implemented in conjunction with other
measures (such as linking them to CCTV
systems and/or alarm monitoring systems).
4.72 Internal and external lighting schemes
should not allow any areas of shadowing/
pooling and must support CCTV coverage to
enable identification.

4.67 It is also important to consider sound

between rooms. Noisy activities should not

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

4.73 Natural ventilation and night-time cooling of

spaces should not compromise security
4.74 Where premises do not operate over a 24hour period, external engineering plant and
equipment, particularly security cameras and
engineering service supplies, should be
positioned and suitably protected to minimise
the risk of damage or interference when the
premises are closed.
See also NHS Protects strategy document
Tackling crime against the NHS: a strategic
approach and HBN 00-07 Planning for a
resilient healthcare estate.
Car-park barriers
4.75 To improve site security, and control
unauthorised parking, it may be necessary to
install car-park barriers. Where barriers are
required, all electrical services to them should
be installed using external cable runs routed
below ground level as far as is practical.
Door-access control systems
4.76 Healthcare buildings will generally require
controlled access to the building at the staff
entrance and, internally, to staff areas. It may
also be appropriate for the control of access
and egress in special patient areas (for
example, maternity, baby care and critical care
areas) and for infection control.
4.77 Where possible, the access control system
should be part of an integrated security solution
that interlinks other physical security measures
such as alarms, motion detectors, lift controls
and CCTV systems.
4.78 Any access control arrangements must
take into account the fire safety strategy and
must not compromise the means of escape at
any time while the building or relevant parts of
the building are in use.
4.79 Where access control is deployed as a
security measure to restrict access, due

consideration should be given to monitoring of

the access point to prevent and avoid misuse.
4.80 Hospital sites also need to have lockdown
capability. The ability of healthcare organisations
to lock down their site or buildings fits in with
their statutory responsibilities as category 1
responders as defined by the Civil
Contingencies Act 2004 (see NHS Protects
(2009) Lockdown Guidance).
Entertainment systems
4.81 Entertainment facilities, such as television
and radio/music systems, may be provided in
waiting areas to mask sound transfer for
confidentiality purposes or in staff rest areas to
create a relaxing atmosphere. Entertainment
services should comply with HTM 08-03
Bedhead services.
4.82 Whenever background music or public
address systems are installed, the sound quality
should be such that it is intelligible and not
subject to unwanted reverberations.
IT and wiring systems
4.83 The IT system should include the
installation, termination, testing and
commissioning of all switches, routers, hubs,
distribution cabling (complete with cable
containment system) and required terminal
outlets. Special care needs to be taken to
ensure the installation of IT cabling does not
compromise fire compartmentation (see also
paragraph 4.63).
4.84 All recent hospitals will likely use
structured wiring systems. Where upgrades to
wiring systems are planned, therefore, a
structured wiring system should be provided.
This will permit a unified approach to the
provision of cabling for:
voice systems;
data systems;
imaging systems;
alarm systems.

4. Design and installation

4.85 While such a universal cabling system is

initially more expensive than separate voice and
data systems, it may be more cost-effective in
the long run. Another advantage of a structured
system is that resilience can be provided at a
much lower cost than for individual systems.

fewer than three floors and/or where there is

limited space available.

4.86 Where appropriate, specialists should be

employed to assist in the design and installation
of IT and telephone systems, including
interfacing with service wiring and equipment
suppliers to ensure a fully operational and
reliable system.

Lightning protection systems

4.87 Telecommunications systems should

comply with the requirements of the public
telephone operator and British Standard
specifications, in particular BS 6701.

4.94 Audio induction loop systems should be

provided in main receptions, seminar rooms
and waiting areas in accordance with the
Equality Act 2010. They may be fixed or

Medical equipment
4.88 The MHRA is responsible for all medicines
and medical devices in the UK by ensuring they
work and are acceptably safe. It is important
that their connection to a facilitys engineering
services provides the correct level of support
and safety.
4.89 Healthcare organisations should ensure
that when procuring medical equipment, either
as new or replacement, that the service
connections are available and fit for purpose.
Likewise, the equipment supplier should be
made aware of the service available to provide
assurance that the performance of the
equipment will not be compromised.
Lifts and escalators
4.90 Lifts may be required for general
passenger transportation, bed/stretcher
transportation or service use. They may also be
required in order to comply with the
requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and/or
Approved Document M of the Building
4.91 Consideration may be given to the
installation of lifts that do not require a separate
machine room, particularly in buildings with

4.92 For further guidance on the design of lift

installations, see HTM 08-02 Lifts and BS
EN 81-1.

4.93 Lightning protection systems should be

evaluated and, if necessary, installed in
accordance with BS EN 62305.
Audio induction loop systems

4.95 They should comply with the requirements

of BS EN 60118-4 where applicable.
4.96 Audio loop systems should be able to
provide an interface with any public address or
music system. In areas with televisions, they
should be interfaced to provide TV sound into
the local area loop system.

Development planning
4.97 It is essential to ensure that clinical,
engineering and architectural aspects are
developed simultaneously from project
inception (see also HBN 00-01 General
design guidance for healthcare buildings). This
should ensure that systems are safely integrated
in terms of location, distribution and future
developments, and that security measures are
designed in and service resilience is planned
from the start.
Construction (Design and Management)
(CDM) regulations
4.98 Everybody involved in construction work
needs to take account of the CDM regulations.
A summary of duties under the regulations can
be found on HSEs website.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Whole life costs

4.99 An important evaluation when considering
a new installation or replacement of equipment
is the overall cost impact or whole life cost of
the choices being made. This will include:
the benefit that different choices of
equipment will bring to the healthcare
service being provided and compatibility
with other equipment (if appropriate);
initial procurement and installation cost of
each option;
the annual cost in use including energy,
maintenance, product-related supplies
the expected life of use before renewal or
the cost of disposal.
4.100 Evaluating these elements against a
common rating can provide a useful
assessment to support choice. The whole
project team including users should have an
input into the choice evaluation.
Building information modelling (BIM)
4.101The use of BIM is an important factor in
the design, procurement, construction and
ongoing maintenance of buildings in line with
current government policy and expectations.
4.102 BIM is a process that results in the digital
representation of a facility in 3D format. The
resulting models support decision-making
about a facility from the earliest conceptual
stages, through design and construction and
through its operational life.
4.103 The outputs of BIM will link to the
commissioning data, as-fitted drawings and
manuals that are made available by the design
team/contractor on completion of the scheme.


Construction Operations Building information

exchange (COBie)

4.104 COBie is a means of sharing mainly nongraphical information about a building or asset.
It combines relational datasets to provide linked
spreadsheets of information and is used as the
standard means of reporting BIM data.

Management of access to
engineering services
4.105 Healthcare organisations have the
responsibility to ensure that all service
installations are specified, designed, installed,
commissioned and maintained (including future
upgrade) with consideration for services
modifications and dismantling during the life of
the building.
4.106 To satisfy these requirements, it is
recommended that organisations:
ensure that a project file is available for all
new projects, alterations or extensions,
regardless of the size of the project. The
file should contain access to
specifications, drawings, and
maintenance information including access
and safe disposal at the end of its useful
life (in accordance with CDM
ensure that adequate space is provided
for installation and maintenance staff and
appropriate access to services;
adequately brief the designers, if
alterations or new build is to take place,
on the current and future maintenance
ensure that any new work, alterations or
modifications do not restrict existing
access to plant and equipment.
4.107 The Control of Asbestos Regulations
2012 includes a duty to manage the risk from
asbestos and to protect those who come into
contact with asbestos unknowingly or
accidentally. A risk register should include
details of any asbestos-containing materials,

4. Design and installation

their condition and location, and when they

were last inspected together with a
management plan. The register should be
made available to any design team, contractors,
maintenance staff or personnel who needs to
be aware.

to practice any procedures to ensure staff

members understand what is required of them.

Commissioning, validation
and handover of engineering

Space requirements for engineering

plant and services

4.108 It is important that, on completion of an

installation and prior to handover, the
performance of the installation is fully
commissioned and validated.
4.109 Benefit may be obtained by adopting a
soft landing approach, which reflects the need
for a smooth transition from the design and
construction phase to the operational phase of
a built asset (see the Cabinet Offices (2013)
Government Soft Landings).
4.110 The final acceptable performance details
should be recorded and together with
manufacturers operating and servicing details,
test results, certificates, as-fitted drawings,
manuals etc made available to users and the
maintenance organisation before the installation
is handed over in accordance with CDM
4.111 Once the installation is fully operational, its
performance should again be tested, checked
and/or witnessed by suitably qualified staff of
AP status or higher, on behalf of the client and
signed off by both client and contractor. This
will validate that it is operating to the correct
designed criteria at time of handover.
4.112 Any risk management plans, operational
procedures and contingency plans should be
fully evaluated and tested with staff.
Opportunities should also be taken as soon as
practical during construction (before services
are covered) and after physical completion of
the facilities to familiarise and train staff in the
use of all relevant equipment and services and

See also the Royal Institute of British

Architects (RIBA) (2013) Plan of Work 2013.

4.113 Building design should incorporate

adequate space to enable the full range of
engineering plant and services to be installed,
maintained safely and kept operational.
4.114 Space for plant and services should
an easy and safe means of access;
secure accommodation protected from
unauthorised access;
adequate space around the plant and
services to permit inspection,
maintenance and replacement; and
for the installation of further plant and
services at a later date where this is
anticipated to be required.
4.115 Further information on the provision of
space for plant is contained in BSRIA TN9/92
Space and weight allowances for building
services plant, and for building services
distribution systems in BSRIA TN10/92 Space
allowances for building services distribution
4.116 In general terms:
With the exception of drainage and some
heating pipework, engineering services
should not be brought from the ceiling
void of the floor below. Service
distribution to a particular area should be
contained within the service spaces on
that floor to avoid excessive disturbance
to other areas.
Plantrooms, particularly for airconditioning and ventilation, should be

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

located as close as possible to the areas

they serve, thus minimising the amount of
space necessary to accommodate largesized ductwork installations. Air handling
units should not be installed within a
plantroom containing plant that can
produce any combustion gases.
Care should be taken to ensure that noise
and structure-borne vibration cannot be
transmitted beyond the plantroom.
Further guidance on acoustics and
vibration can be found in HTM 08-01

Sustainability and energy efficiency

4.117 Engineering services should use
renewable energy sources, wherever feasible.
The energy consumption of engineering
services should be further minimised through
the use of low/zero carbon solutions and/or
energy-saving devices. HTM 07-02 EnCode
provides additional guidance.
4.118 The following factors are an example of
some of the issues that could be considered:
Active use of local metering of services to
provide ongoing feedback and minimise
Use of natural lighting and ventilation,
wherever feasible.
Use of passive solar design, including the
use of solar heating panels, the use of
reflective glass and/or blinds to minimise
solar gain, where appropriate, and
locating heat-sensitive accommodation
away from south-facing fascias.
Use of energy-efficient equipment,
including high-efficiency chillers and
boilers (condensing where appropriate)
and motors.
Use of low-energy high-efficiency lighting
(for example, LED lighting technology).
Use of low-energy and variable-speed

Power factor and harmonic correction of

major electrical plant.
Use of presence detection, appropriate
local switching, photocell and multi-circuit
systems to control lighting.
Use of a BMS system to provide
automatic time-control switching (to shut
down plant when not required) and
performance monitoring (to ensure plant
is operating at optimum levels).
Implementation of heat recovery,
particularly for ventilation systems.
Use of ground/air/water source heatpump technologies.
Use of water-efficent taps, urinal controls,
low-volume toilet cisterns and grey water
(that is, rainwater harvesting or recycled
water) to reduce water usage, having
regard to the precautions necessary to
mitigate infection control risks (see also
HTM 07-04 Water management and
water efficiency).
Use of combined heat and power (CHP)
plant (including micro CHP plant) to
reduce consumption of incoming
electrical supplies as well as carbon
Use of thermostatic controls to limit
temperature increases and heat wastage.
Increased pipe insulation to limit
temperature losses.
Use of improved building insulation.
4.119 Account should be taken of the advisory
report produced as part of the display energy
certification (DEC) process. Further information
is also provided in the following BSRIA guides:
BG12/2011 Energy efficient pumping
systems: a design guide.
TN6/2002 Water reclamation guidance:
design and construction of systems using
grey water.

4. Design and installation

BG2/2007 CHP for existing buildings:

guidance on design and installation.

movement of air in these areas can benefit the

heating or cooling cycles at lower energy costs.

BG7/2009 Heat pumps: a guidance

document for designers.

4.121 Engineering plant and equipment should

be suitable for being recycled, wherever
practical. Ideally any disposal of plant and
equipment should not require a special licence.
Where a licence for disposal is necessary, these
should be acquired as prescribed by law.
Specific guidance can be found in HTM 07-01
Safe management of healthcare waste and
HTM 07-05 The treatment, recovery, recycling
and safe disposal of waste electrical and
electronic equipment.

4.120 Consideration should be given to using

the thermal properties of the building to
enhance its energy efficiency. The main
construction of a healthcare building (concrete,
bricks etc) has the ability to absorb and release
slowly the heat and cold temperatures to which
it has been exposed. Where appropriate, the


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

5. Maintenance

5.1 An agreed approach to maintenance should
be considered as early as possible in the
development of a facility. This should take into
account the critical nature of the healthcare
services to be supported, the staff and
resources to be available for maintenance, and
the range of engineering services to be
5.2 On completion of a new development or
alteration, the design team/contractor should
make available to maintenance personnel
originals of commissioning data, as-fitted
drawings, manuals and records of any changes
implemented since commissioning. This is a
requirement of the CDM regulations.
5.3 A maintenance policy/asset management
strategy should be in place which ensures that
equipment is regularly inspected and
maintained. This policy/strategy should outline
the importance of the role and the benefits of
maintaining buildings and equipment at
optimum performance levels in order to support
healthcare activities.
5.4 Schedules of routine maintenance activities,
suggested spares lists and operational
information should be readily available. This
should be achieved by the use of a computer
maintenance management system to maintain
plant databases, maintenance requirements
and records.
5.5 Care should be taken to ensure that access
and management of electronic records is
carried out in a secure and restricted manner

and that entries and adjustments are monitored

by designated personnel.
5.6 Monitoring of data from the critical
engineering services enables faults to be
rectified at an early date.
5.7 It is also important to monitor completion of
maintenance and to take action from missed
activities or any observations made. Early
response to loss of efficiency or performance
can prevent unscheduled failure, further
deterioration or the need for early replacement.
5.8 Healthcare organisations should not allow a
backlog of maintenance tasks or requirements
to develop. For further details on the
management of backlog, see DHs A riskbased methodology for establishing and
managing backlog.
5.9 The actual frequency of any particular
maintenance activity and the need for planned
preventive maintenance of the engineering
services should be determined and continually
assessed throughout its operation. This is to
avoid unnecessary routine maintenance while
ensuring the services remain safe and available.
5.10 Initial maintenance of equipment is
particularly important to ensure warranties
remain valid. Responsibility for this can be
focused effectively by including the first 12
months maintenance in the supply contract. If
maintenance is to be provided by the supplier/
installer, it will be advantageous to detail the
costs in the initial tender invitations.

5. Maintenance

5.11 The frequency of maintenance will depend

on the relevant British/European standards,
manufacturers recommendations and the
circumstances of application.
5.12 Records, either by hard copy or data
storage, should be completed for all
maintenance actions.
Maintenance personnel
5.13 If staff are not suitably qualified, competent
or available, organisations may need to arrange
for the appointment of an approved/authorised
contractor to provide a maintenance service
and/or emergency breakdown support.
5.14 A maintenance contractor may not be the
equipment provider, services manufacturer or
the installation contractor. Clear understanding
needs to be established as to who is
responsible for what, and what maintenance
service will be provided.
5.15 Management should be satisfied that the
personnel responsible for the regular
maintenance of the engineering services:
understand the extent and nature of the
healthcare to which the service relates;
have a clear understanding and where
necessary have undertaken the
necessary training to ensure that their
safety, and the safety of those around
them, is a primary consideration. This
should also apply to the outcome of their
actions during maintenance operations;
are aware of the organisations policy with
respect to entry to, or work in, confined
spaces (see paragraphs 5.405.42);
are competent to do the work and have
had the necessary training;
have a knowledge of the installed system;
maintain a current awareness of the
manufacturers equipment, including
computer hardware and software;

have access to modern diagnostic

have good technical support;
are supported by an adequate supply of
critical spares.
It is more important that critical spares are
identified and held in stock rather than large
supplies of general consumable spares,
which may be available by just-in-time
delivery. Procurement and spares
management policies should be in place to
ensure the correct spares are available at
the relevant time.
5.16 Records of service reports and attendance
dates (both scheduled and achieved) should
always be available.
5.17 Special tools to carry out the necessary
basic level of breakdown, maintenance or
overhaul should be made available and used.
Spares and tools that may be required out of
hours in an emergency must be available to
staff, including contractors, carrying out the
5.18 Instrumentation and tools that are
classified as safety tools should always be
available on site, and their position known to
those who may need to use them.
5.19 It is essential that practical training be
given to all operational and maintenance staff to
ensure that work routines, operational
procedures (including permit-to-work systems),
and correct application of the safety procedures
and rules are implemented.
5.20 Initially, and where appropriate, ongoing
training should be given by the manufacturer to
all technical staff as part of the contract

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

requirement, and should be based on the

operating and maintenance manuals, which
themselves should be supplied as part of the

all operational controls, protection settings,

alarms and indications should be carried out
and the data entered in the asset record. This
would normally be the responsibility of the
person undertaking the work, the CP or the AP.

Original and amended drawings

5.21 As with test records, these drawings have
contractual significance, being the original asbuilt form.
5.22 They are legal documents showing the
assembly and construction of a system, and
healthcare organisations should ensure that
complete and accurate drawings are handed
over to them on completion of the work.
5.23 These drawings, with dated amendments
made during the construction phase up to final
acceptance, should not be amended. Where
subsequent changes are made, these should
be entered on separate copy drawings and
noted to indicate the date and reference as
5.24 Many drawings are now managed in a
digital format. Care should be taken to ensure
that any changes to information are managed/
authorised in a way which is secure and
maintains the history of change.
Functional tests
5.25 Functional tests are a practical
demonstration of the operation of an item of
equipment or plant. The commissioning
functional test record sheet should be
preserved for future reference. It will be the
comparative reference for all future maintenance
tests throughout the life of the item of
equipment or plant.
5.26 The frequency of such routine tests can
depend on the use of the equipment as
represented by the running hours or operations.
Inspections prior to re-commissioning
5.27 Before any engineering service equipment
or plant is put back into service following a
period of maintenance, a thorough inspection of

Maintenance planning
5.28 Irrespective of the scale of operation,
maintenance programmes are essential to
ensure that all the critical engineering service
equipment is checked, inspected, tested,
repaired or replaced at the appropriate time.
This makes sound economic sense, as it
enhances the operational lifespan of the
equipment and maximises the potential for its
availability for use.
5.29 To ensure that an organised maintenance
programme is carried out effectively, it should
be supported by a reporting system of defect
and failure. Classifications of urgency would
allow for those defects requiring extensive plant
isolation and shutdown to be slotted into the
overall planned maintenance (PM) programme
to minimise disruption.
DH Estates and Facilities alerts can be
accessed via the central alerting system.
Design of a planned maintenance (PM)
5.30 The maintenance function will be made up
of two key components:
planned/routine maintenance, which is
carried out to maintain the optimum
performance of a service or equipment;
reactive maintenance/repair, being the
response to unscheduled faults/failure
and by its nature more expensive (one-off
visits not planned).
5.31 In most cases reactive tasks will be given
priority over planned/routine tasks, but the

5. Maintenance

opportunity should be taken to review the

feedback from such tasks to provide
information that may adjust the routine
maintenance plan. A balance which favours PM
should be aimed for.

included in the schedules of maintenance tasks.

This applies, for example, to door interlocks that
may only be required to perform their safety
function when presented with an abnormal

5.32 However, any maintenance regime should

not adopt a single approach to maintenance,
that is, reactive, preventive or predictive. It
should be a combination of all such methods
and their correct mix is essential for the
optimisation of the maintenance regime.

5.37 Apart from those tasks, the maintenance

programme should concentrate on verifying the
condition of the critical engineering service and
its components by means of testing and
examination without dismantling. Parts that are
working correctly should not be disturbed

5.33 The PM programme supplied by the

manufacturer of specific equipment should be
considered where it is available. If the
manufacturers programme cannot be obtained,
a programme should be drawn up in
consultation with the AP and the maintenance
personnel with reference to industry standard
guidance such as the Building & Engineering
Services Associations (2014) SFG20
standard maintenance specifications for
building engineering services.
5.34 Although the manufacturer may carry out
certain inspection and maintenance procedures
under the terms of its warranty (see paragraph
5.10), these may not constitute a full PM
programme. The user or their representative
should therefore ensure that the complete PM
programme is carried out during the warranty
5.35 It is important that maintenance is planned
so that any plant or equipment is out of service
for as little time as possible. There may be
some reluctance on the part of users to accept
the intrusion of PM. By forward planning and
some minor adjustment to timing, these
difficulties may be minimised; however, failure to
carry out the maintenance should not be
considered an option as it will compromise
safety and reliability.
5.36 Where the correct functioning of important
components is not necessarily verified by the
periodic tests prescribed for the engineering
service, those components should be regularly
tested, and reference to testing them should be

For further information, see CIBSEs Guide

M Maintenance engineering and
Access for maintenance
5.38 Most, if not all, services may require
modification or renewal during the useful life of
a building. Accommodation should be planned
for this to occur, taking into account weight, size
and configuration of the item.
5.39 It is important to plan ahead when such
actions are being considered not only with
regard to the equipment but also with regard to
adjacent healthcare services, patients, visitors,
staff etc who may be affected. Prior information
and clear safety signs are essential in this
Working in confined spaces
5.40 A confined-space permit-to-work
procedure should be established and personnel
trained in its use.
5.41 The system should address the following
assessment of the task to be undertaken;
identification of the potential risks/
fire precautions;

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

air quality testing, prior to entry and

continuously during access requirements;

5.44 The review should aim to identify:

any emerging defects;

provision for special tools and lighting

(which may include the need for portable
gas detection and explosion-rated
electrical equipment/tools);

any changes required to the maintenance

any changes to maintenance procedure;

working methods;

any additional training required by

personnel concerned with maintenance;

implementation of the working methods;

whether records have been completed

satisfactorily, signed and dated.

monitoring of compliance of the system;

actions in case of emergency including
rescue plans;

Risk and/or priority maintenance

any safety alerts or notices that have

been issued;

5.45 In carrying out design, installation,

operational and maintenance evaluation, a
consistent method of assessment should be
engaged to ensure that adequate information,
consultation and appraisal is undertaken across
the whole range of influences.

5.42 Further information is available from the
following guidance notes from the HSE:

5.46 Although some elements of a particular

assessment may be complex (for example,
patient criticality and resilience), it is important
to keep the collective assessment as simple as

INDG258 Confined spaces: a brief

guide to working safely; and
INDG401 Working at height: a brief
Review of the PM programme
5.43 The PM programme, procedures and
records should be reviewed at least once a year
by the maintenance personnel in association
with the nominated AP. To do this, it is
necessary to keep systematic records of all
work done so that judgement can be made in
consultation with the manufacturer on what
changes, if any, to the PM programme would
be best.

5.47 One method is to establish an evaluation

matrix that allows information across two scales
to be represented in an easily understood way
that helps users come to a particular decision
(see Figure 3). Both scales are graded from
lowest to highest such that a combination of the
assessments can be represented, mapping the
likelihood of an event happening and the
consequences of the effect.






















Figure 3 Evaluation matrix







5. Maintenance

5.48 In a similar way, a cost/benefit matrix may

be constructed or a risk/design measure
assessment made.
5.49 A more detailed example of applied risk
assessment may be found in DHS (2005) A
risk-based methodology for establishing and
managing backlog.

5.50 Completion of the risk assessment will aid

a decision process and provide supporting
evidence to evaluate and demonstrate the
priorities within a complex engineering service
network. This will also support response within
the NHS PAM.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

6. T
 raining, information
and communications

6.1 All personnel employed in the design,
operation and maintenance of engineering
services, including maintenance personnel and
operators, should receive adequate,
documented training. Personnel should not
commence their duties until this training has
been completed, competency has been
validated and detailed operating instructions
have been provided.
6.2 As a minimum, training should include:
the prime function for the operation and
maintenance of the engineering service;
the engineering principles behind the
service design and the clinical function it
operational policies;
safety provisions;
first-aid (as appropriate);
emergency procedures;
use of respiratory equipment (as
use of personal protective equipment (as

the procedure to be followed if it is

suspected that the system is no longer
operating correctly.
Building occupiers
6.3 The engineering services and their functions
and operation should be explained to the
building occupiers and equipment users (for
example, theatre ventilation, medical gases and
theatre lifts). This will assist in understanding the
safe operation and capability of the particular
system when changes are being considered.

The required workforce

6.4 A process needs to be developed which
regularly checks that the workforce is
competent and suitably trained to cover all
aspects of the work required. The following
issues may require consideration:
analysis of maintenance profile (review
of existing practice);
assessment of emergency repair
experience (to inform staff profile);

actions in the event of a fire;

planned and first-line maintenance of

equipment (to determine essential skills);

problems and hazards that can arise from

failing to follow the agreed operating,
monitoring and maintenance procedures;

recruitment and retention experience

(to understand the likely labour pool

the permit-to-work system and safety

procedures in use (when appropriate);

skills gap (determined by an analysis);

the danger of making unauthorised

modifications, alterations or additions to

the critical engineering service, as well as

the possible legal consequences;

potential/ideal staff profile (as if setting

up a new structure);

6. Training, information and communications

possible training (to meet the above if

not available from in-house
review of professional qualifications and
maintenance of continuing professional
6.5 From this type of assessment, it should be
possible to determine the service shortfalls
relative to loss of staff for whom a natural
replacement is not readily available, the skill
shortages of existing staff and the skill shortage
for equipment or systems installed.
6.6 The resulting analysis may give rise to either
a training need for existing staff or a need for a
staff/structure review with possible training
implications. It may also identify a service that
may be more cost-effectively provided by an
outsourced contract.
6.7 While it is important to address the staff
profile by trade or service, it may be useful for
an organisation to link the outcome with other
service profiles. This may indicate some
common issues, economies of scale for training
needs, useful feeder groups and a better
general overview of the service, which can be
used to inform a priority assessment.

Improving the workforce profile

6.8 Many of the traditional training routes no
longer provide the level of opportunity relevant
to the healthcare sector; at the same time, skills
and competencies needed are becoming more
and more specific to the healthcare sector.
6.9 One challenge is to encourage more young
people to enter the services sector of
healthcare organisations under specific
programmes such as the modern
apprenticeship scheme where skills can be
delivered to meet a specific need. Another is to
develop a multi-skilled approach to service
delivery. In each case, training and development
will be an important factor in the solution.
6.10 With an understanding of the existing
workforce profile, a training plan may be
established to meet the short-, medium- and

long-term requirements that are needed to

satisfy the organisations requirements.
6.11 The cost of training and the cost of
apprenticeships can be difficult to secure.
When presented as part of an overall
assessment with, at least, a medium-term plan,
it can deliver cost-efficient provision of services
meeting the future need of the organisation.
6.12 Training and the quality of service are interlinked. Taking full advantage of multi-skilling and
flexible working practices will begin to deliver
the cost and performance efficiencies required
from the services.
6.13 Opportunities should be taken of current
government training schemes and courses
provided by specialist training providers.

Criteria for operation

6.14 Maintenance staff should be trained in all
maintenance procedures. The depth of training
will depend on the level of required
maintenance, but it should at least draw
attention to any risks and safety hazards arising
due to maintenance activities.
6.15 Other personnel who monitor plant or who
carry out routine plant maintenance should be
trained in:
understanding the visual displays;
acknowledging and cancelling alarms;
taking required actions following alarm
obtaining the best use of the system.
6.16 Training (including refresher training) will
need to be repeated periodically in order to
cater for changes in staff or the systems.
6.17 Records of the training provided should be
kept up-to-date.
6.18 On completion of training, employees
should be assessed by an AP to ensure that the
training programme has been understood and
that they are competent to undertake the work

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

7. S
 upporting Health
Technical Memoranda

7.1 Within the overall HTM guidance structure,

there are eight specialist subjects supported by
this core document. The specialist subject
areas are detailed below. The documents are
available from the UK governments website.

7.4 The CFPPs allow this to be achievable by

having two levels of compliance:
a. Essential Quality Requirements (EQR);
b. Best Practice (BP).

This HTM was prepared for publication in
March 2014. Readers should ensure that
they check the UK governments website
(see link above) for the latest or new editions
of all HTMs that post-date the publication of
this document.

Choice Framework for local

Policy and Procedures 01:
7.2 Choice Framework for local Policy and
Procedures (CFPP) is a suite of best practice
guidance that is being piloted by DH within the
subject area of decontamination.
7.3 The CFPPs:
allow choices to be made about how to
control risk, which will inform the
development of a local policy;
take into account the constraints within
which different organisations operate (for
example, space and financial constraints).


7.5 EQRs are statements of attainment that are

essential to the safe operation of a
decontamination service.
7.6 BP is a risk-assessment-and-control-based
approach that allows people to make informed
choices on how to achieve a more locally
relevant outcome that at least mirrors the
standards set by EQR.
7.7 As a result, organisations will write their own
local policies, which are based on appropriate
risk-control measures developed for their own
unique local facilities and services. In turn,
quality regulators such as the CQC will treat this
local policy as a reasonable interpretation of the
CFPP guidance.
7.8 The CFPP 01 series offers best practice
guidance on the management and
decontamination of surgical instruments, flexible
endoscopes and linen.
7.9 CFPP 01-01 Part A supersedes HTM 01-01
Part A (2006).
7.10 CFPP 01-01 Parts BE supersede HTMs
2010, 2031 and HBN 13 Supplement 1, and
partially supersede HTM 2030. Only washer-

7. Supporting Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

disinfectors used for processing surgical

instruments (and not those used in laboratories
or for endoscopes) are covered in CFPP 01-01.
Choice Framework for local Policy and
Procedures 01-01: Management and
decontamination of surgical instruments
(medical devices) used in acute care
(replaces HTM 01-01 2006)
Part A the formulation of local policy and choices

7.11 Part A covers the policy, management

approach and choices available in the
formulation of a locally developed, riskcontrolled operational environment. The
technical concepts are based on European
(EN), International (ISO) and British Standards
(BS) used alongside policy and broad guidance.
In addition to the prevention of transmission of
conventional pathogens, precautionary policies
in respect of human prion diseases including
variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) are
clearly stated. Advice is also given on surgical
instrument management related to surgical care
efficiencies and contingency against
perioperative non-availability of instruments.
Part B Common elements

7.12 Part B covers common elements that

apply to all methods of surgical instrument
reprocessing such as:

7.14 Appendix A to the document is a technical

specification for use when purchasing porous
load sterilizers. This appendix supersedes
Model Engineering Specification (MES) C30
Part D Washer-disinfectors

7.15 Part D covers standards and guidance on

design and pre-purchase considerations;
validation and verification;
water supply;
operational management.
7.16 Appendix A to the document is a technical
specification for use when purchasing washerdisinfectors that process surgical instruments.
This appendix supersedes Model Engineering
Specification (MES) C14 Washer-disinfectors
for surgical instruments.
Part E Alternatives to steam for the sterilization of
reusable medical devices

7.17 Part E covers low temperature (non-steam)

sterilization processes (such as the use of
vaporised hydrogen peroxide gas plasmas and
ethylene oxide exposure).

design and pre-purchase considerations;

Choice Framework for local Policy and

Procedures 01-04: Decontamination of
linen for health and social care

validation and verification.

Management and provision

test equipment and materials;

Part C Steam sterilization

7.13 Part C covers standards and guidance on

steam sterilization:
design and pre-purchase considerations;
validation and verification;
steam plant;
operational management.

7.18 This document includes:

a description of the overall structure of
CFPP 01-04 guidance and the rationale
behind the structure;
DH policy on safe linen decontamination
and processing.
Most importantly, it describes DHs approach to
laundry processes and their effectiveness
against Clostridium difficile.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Social care

7.19 Social care settings range from large

residential and nursing homes to small
domiciliary care settings. Guidance and the
ways of complying with that guidance therefore
need to be in proportion to the infection risks
associated with such settings (that is, the type
of equipment and methods of linen processing
will vary from setting to setting). This document
gives an overview of these processes, outlines
the EQR, explains how to move upwards
towards BP, and gives guidance on how to
categorise and segregate linen effectively
depending on the type of social care setting.
Guidance for linen processors implementing BS EN

7.20 Many NHS organisations outsource their

linen processing to third-party organisations.
Some of these third-party organisations adhere
to the quality standards in BS EN 14065, which
describes a management system for assuring
the microbiological quality of processed linen
through the control of biocontamination.
7.21 This document gives guidance on ways of
complying with CFPP 01-04, specifically for
those organisations that have implemented or
will be implementing BS EN 14065.
Engineering, equipment and validation

7.22 This document covers:

the standards and regulatory framework
relating to linen decontamination with
which engineering staff should be familiar;
roles of key personnel;
design and pre-purchase considerations;
validation and verification of disinfection
performance of washers, washerextractors and continuous tunnel washers


Choice Framework for local Policy and

Procedures 01-06: Decontamination of
flexible endoscopes
Policy and management

7.23 This document sets out DHs policy

context and discusses the EQR and BP
recommendations for an endoscope
decontamination service. Transmissible
spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) infectious
agents are discussed and guidance given on
management and handling of an endoscope
after it has been used on a patient at increased
risk of vCJD.
Design and installation

7.24 This document gives guidance on the

design and fitting of endoscope reprocessing
units. Example layouts are given for:
a single-room decontamination facility for
low throughput units;
a large room with single-ended
endoscope washer-disinfectors (EWDs);
a two-room decontamination unit using
double-ended EWDs;
a high throughput reprocessing unit;
a reprocessing unit supplying adjacent
treatment rooms.
7.25 Comprehensive guidance is given on the
standards of water quality and water treatment
needed for an endoscope reprocessing unit.
Operational management

7.26 This document gives guidance on

operational responsibility together with advice
on the procurement and operation of an EWD.
Validation and verification

7.27 The Validation and verification document

highlights the types of tests and maintenance
procedures that are needed to ensure that
decontamination has been achieved.

7. Supporting Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

Testing methods

7.28 This document discusses the principles

and methods that are used in the tests
described in this CFPP and the tests detailed in
BS EN ISO 15883-4.
Health Technical Memorandum 01-05:
Decontamination in primary care dental
practices (2013 edition, supersedes the
2009 edition)
7.29 The policy and guidance provided in this
HTM are aimed at establishing a programme of
continuous improvement in decontamination
performance at a local level. The guidance
suggests options to dental practices within
which choices may be made and a simple
progressive improvement programme
7.30 This guidance is intended to support and
advance good practice throughout primary care
dentistry including that delivered by general
dental practices, salaried dental services and
where primary care is delivered in acute
7.31 This document is divided into three
Section 1: Decontamination policy and
foreword outlines the policy and
principles of decontamination in dental
practices, and explains the EQR and BP
Section 2: Advice to dentists and
practice staff gives plain advice to
dentists and practice staff on how to
meet EQR and achieve BP; how to clean
and sterilize instruments; and how to set
up a decontamination area within the
Section 3: Engineering, technology and
standards gives technical advice to
engineering and technical staff, including
Authorised Persons (Decontamination)
and Competent Persons

7.32 The 2013 edition revised the criteria on

storage times of reprocessed dental
instruments. The rationale for this change is that
dental instruments are used in contaminated
body areas. Any environmental contamination
that takes place would have a minimal impact
on patient safety compared with contamination
with another patients blood or body fluid, which
would be a significant hazard to patients. Thus,
the emphasis is on ensuring effective
decontamination and preventing contamination
with another patients blood and body fluid
rather than on preventing environmental
contamination of sterilized instruments.
7.33 The 2013 edition was also updated to
reflect the changes to the NHS infrastructure
following the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
See also the Infection Prevention Societys
dental audit tool, which has been developed
to support implementation of the guidance.

Health Technical Memorandum 02:

Medical gases
Health Technical Memorandum 02-01:
Medical gas pipeline systems
Part A Design, installation, validation and

7.34 The purpose of this guidance is to provide

comprehensive advice, but not all-inclusive, on
design considerations applicable to healthcare
premises. It outlines the best practice
philosophy for systems where patient safety
and well-being are of prime importance.
7.35 Guidance in this part covers piped medical
gases, medical and surgical air, and medical
vacuum installations. It applies to all medical
gas pipeline systems and anaesthetic gas
scavenging disposal systems installed in
healthcare premises. Specifically, it deals with
the issues involved in the design, installation,
and validation and verification (testing and
commissioning) of a medical gas pipeline

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Part B Operational management

7.36 The safe operation of a medical gas

pipeline system relies on skilled staff who
understand the system and who can liaise with
clinical users to ensure continuing patient
7.37 This document lists key personnel involved
in the operation, maintenance and use of the
system. This will include nominated medical and
nursing staff, risk managers/fire safety officers,
pharmacy staff and the quality controller for the
site, and competent personnel (who may be inhouse staff or contractors). The document also
includes relevant drawings and schedules of
plant, terminal units, area valve service units
(AVSUs), alarms etc.

Health Technical Memorandum 03:

Heating and ventilation systems
Health Technical Memorandum 03-01:
Specialised ventilation for healthcare
premises (replaces Health Technical
Memorandum 2025)
Part A: Ventilation, design, installation, testing and

7.38 This document provides best practice

guidance on the design and installation of
ventilation systems and the close-control (airconditioning) of specialist environments.
Part B: Operational management and verification

7.39 This document sets out the necessary

arrangements for managing healthcare
ventilation and air-conditioning systems across
the majority of premises.


Health Technical Memorandum 04:

Water systems
Health Technical Memorandum 04-01:
The control of Legionella, hygiene, safe
hot water, cold water and drinking water
Part A: Design, installation and testing

7.40 This document gives comprehensive

advice and guidance to healthcare
management, design engineers, estate
managers and operations managers on the
legal requirements, design applications,
maintenance and operation of hot and cold
water supply, storage and distribution systems
in all types of healthcare premises. It is equally
applicable to both new and existing sites.
7.41 Interruptions in water supply can disrupt
healthcare activities. The design of systems
must ensure that sufficient reserve water
storage is available to minimise the
consequence of disruption, while at the same
time ensuring an adequate turnover of water to
prevent stagnation in storage vessels and
distribution systems.
Part B: Operational management

7.42 This document sets out the necessary

arrangements for managing healthcare water
systems across the majority of premises.
Current legislation requires all parties involved to
be aware of their individual and collective
responsibilities for the provision of wholesome,
safe hot and cold water supplies, storage and
distribution in healthcare premises.
7.43 The temperature control regimen is the
preferred strategy for reducing the risk from
Legionella and other waterborne organisms in
water systems. This requires monitoring on a
regular basis. Recommended test frequencies
are listed in the document.

7. Supporting Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

Health Technical Memorandum 04-01:

Addendum Pseudomonas aeruginosa
advice for augmented care units
7.44 The document is concerned with
controlling/minimising the risk of morbidity and
mortality due to P. aeruginosa associated with
water outlets and provides guidance on:
assessing the risk to patients when
water systems become contaminated
with P. aeruginosa or other opportunistic
remedial actions to take when a water
system becomes contaminated with
P. aeruginosa;
protocols for sampling, testing and
monitoring water for P. aeruginosa; and
forming a Water Safety Group (WSG) and
developing water safety plans (WSPs).
7.45 The guidance is directed towards
healthcare organisations providing patient care
in augmented care settings. It is specifically
aimed at Estates and Facilities departments and
infection prevention and control (IPC) teams.

Health Technical Memorandum 05:

Firecode fire safety in the NHS
Health Technical Memorandum 05-01:
Managing healthcare fire safety (second
edition published 2013)
7.46 This document provides a framework for
the implementation of DHs fire safety policy. It
may be an appropriate method for meeting
statutory duties under the Regulatory Reform
(Fire Safety) Order 2005, which requires a
managed risk approach to fire safety. The
process of fire risk assessment, mitigation and
review requires a robust system of management
capable of identifying hazards, qualifying their
impact, devising appropriate mitigation and
continual monitoring.

Health Technical Memorandum 05-02:

Guidance to support functional provisions
for healthcare premises (2014 edition
7.47 This document provides recommendations
and guidance on the design of fire safety in
healthcare premises. The functional approach is
seen as enabling innovation in design while still
providing an adequate degree of fire safety for
patients, visitors and staff.
Health Technical Memorandum 05-03:
Operational provisions
7.48 This part of the suite brings together other
fire safety guidance which is specific in
Part A General fire safety
Part B Fire detection and alarm
Part C Textiles and furnishing
Part D Commercial enterprises on
healthcare premises
Part E Escape lifts in healthcare
Part F Arson prevention in the NHS
Part G Laboratories
Part H Reducing false alarms in
healthcare premises
Part J Guidance on fire engineering of
healthcare premises
Part K Guidance on fire risk
assessments in complex healthcare
Part L NHS fire statistics 1994/95
Part M Guidance on the fire safety of
atria in healthcare buildings.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Health Technical Memorandum 06:

Electrical services
The HTM 06 series should be read in
conjunction with the IEE Wiring Regulations
BS7671 together with the Guidance Note 7
on Special Locations (Institute of Engineering
and Technology (IET))
Health Technical Memorandum 06-01:
Electrical services supply and distribution
Part A Design considerations

7.49 This document covers electrical

distribution assessment and design, which
looks at the needs of patients and how the
resilience/safety of the electrical system from
source to patient can be provided. It covers
high voltage and low voltage distribution
networks together with standby systems
including generators, uninterruptible power
supplies, and isolated power supplies (also
known as medical IT).
Part B Operational management

7.50 This document considers the operational

management and maintenance requirements
for hard-wired electrical systems and fixed
power plant.
7.51 The document is suitable for use with all
forms of electrical maintenance work ranging
from testing of plant, such as generators, to the
periodic testing and inspection of the electrical
network(s) and final circuits.
Health Technical Memorandum 06-02:
Electrical safety guidance for low voltage
7.52 This HTM gives operational guidance on
electrical safety requirements for low voltage
systems (up to 1 kV) in healthcare premises
including management, the professional and
operational structure, safety procedures,
testing, equipment and records.

7.53 Guidance is intended to assist in meeting

the requirements of the Electricity at Work
Regulations 1989, which detail the precautions
to be taken against risk of death or personal
injury from electricity in work activities.
Health Technical Memorandum 06-03:
Electrical safety guidance for high voltage
7.54 This HTM gives operational guidance on
electrical safety requirements for high voltage
systems (up to 11 kV) in healthcare premises
including management, the professional and
operational structure, safety procedures,
testing, equipment and records.
7.55 Guidance is intended to assist in meeting
the requirements of the Electricity at Work
Regulations 1989, which detail the precautions
to be taken against risk of death or personal
injury from electricity in work activities.

Health Technical Memorandum 07:

Environment and sustainability
Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe
management of healthcare waste (2013
7.56 This guidance is targeted at all waste
producers involved in the management of
healthcare waste. The purpose is to provide a
framework for best practice in waste
management in order to help NHS trusts and
other waste producers. It aims to be a primary
source of guidance covering those wastes
produced directly from healthcare activities,
taking into account changes in the legislation
governing the management of waste, its
storage, carriage, treatment and disposal, and
health and safety.
7.57 The 2013 edition supersedes all previous
editions. The key areas of change include:
updates to legislation, specifically for
environmental permitting and transport/
carriage regulations;

7. Supporting Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

a focus on the waste hierarchy through

procurement practices, and the
elimination, minimisation, recycling and
recovery of waste;
a drive to address the carbon impact
related to waste through resource
efficiency, transport impacts and disposal
the integration of new sector guides on
GPs and dental practices as well as
incorporating HTM 07-06 (Disposal of
pharmaceutical waste in community
pharmacies) as a sector guide;
a focus on practical advice and examples
for classifying waste, in particular the
infectious and offensive waste streams,
including case studies to highlight best
a review of the terminology used for
healthcare, clinical and non-clinical
Health Technical Memorandum 0702: EnCO2de making energy work in
7.58 The purpose of this document is to provide
a primary source of guidance on managing
energy use and carbon emissions in the
healthcare sector. It aims to ensure that
everyone involved in managing, procuring and
using buildings and equipment gives due
consideration to the implications of energy use
and carbon emissions. It draws together best
practice with the intention of putting energy at
the heart of the health service.

assessment tools, provide a matrix from which

to estimate a base level of car-parking provision,
point to external funding opportunities, and
consider environmentally friendly transport
Health Technical Memorandum 07-04: Water
management and water efficiency best
practice advice for the healthcare sector
7.60 This HTMs principal remit is to encourage
the efficient management of water and to
promote the economic and environmental
benefits of doing so. Additionally, it examines
water-management decisions in the context of:
patient health and well-being;
social and behavioural aspects; and
available and appropriate technology.
7.61 Methods for auditing facilities are outlined,
with common areas of high water use
discussed and technical solutions proposed.
Guidance on establishing necessary social and
behavioural aspects such as staff awareness,
appropriate use of technology and a clear
definition of responsibilities are also outlined.
Health Technical Memorandum 07-05: The
treatment, recovery, recycling and safe
disposal of waste electrical and electronic
7.62 This guidance document explains the
requirements of the WEEE Regulations and in
particular how they will affect NHS trusts as
users of non-household WEEE. It identifies the
relevant stakeholders and their responsibilities.

Health Technical Memorandum 07-03:

Transport management and car-parking:
best practice guidance for NHS trusts in

Health Technical Memorandum 07-07:

Sustainable health and social care buildings
planning, design, construction and

7.59 This document considers what measures

trusts can adopt when developing travel plans
and managing transport and car-parking,
drawing on best practice to assist the NHS in a
practical way. It aims to identify best practice in
developing travel plans, give links to other

7.63 This HTM addresses sustainable

development within health and social care
facilities by looking at the main issues that
should be addressed throughout a buildings life
highlighting key actions, commitments and
responsibilities at every stage. It also explores

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

the reuse of existing buildings and provides

advice on possibilities for sustainable

document is concerned with reducing both the

interior noise environment affecting the exterior
noise environment and vice-versa.

7.64 The guidance in this document is based

on the principle that unsustainable development
has a detrimental impact on the health of our
communities and consideration should be given
to the social, environmental and economic
context with every decision made.

7.67 Noise from a certain activity within the

premises should not appreciably intrude on
activities taking place in adjacent areas. This
may be avoided by either careful consideration
of the positioning of rooms during design
conception, or by provision of sufficient sound

7.65 The key recommendations highlighted by

this guidance document are to:
set out a schemes strategic sustainability
objectives at a very early stage and the
options explored (for example
refurbishment versus new build);
ensure that these objectives are
addressed in the project budget and
project brief;
ensure that sustainability measures are
assessed not only on a whole-life cost/
life-cycle cost basis but also from the
perspective of other currencies (for
example reduced carbon-dioxide
ensure appropriate sustainability
measures are embedded in the buildings
allocate key responsibilities at each stage;
trace and evaluate progress towards
achieving sustainability throughout the
projects and buildings life.

Health Technical Memorandum 08:

Specialist services
Health Technical Memorandum 08-01:
7.66 This document outlines the principles and
considerations associated with the control of
noise generated by not only the various
activities undertaken within healthcare premises
but also the services which are required for
these activities to be undertaken. The

7.68 This document provides not only the

considerations for use at the design stage, but
also outlines the routine maintenance of noise
control hardware or acoustic treatment and the
monitoring and recording of noise levels. The
responsibilities of all parties involved are
defined, either by brief explanation or by use of
reference to specific legislation, standards and/
or codes of practice.
Health Technical Memorandum 08-02: Lifts
7.69 Healthcare buildings are dependent on lifts
to provide an efficient, fast, comfortable, safe
and reliable vertical transportation service for
the movement of patients, staff, visitors, medical
equipment and ancillary services items.
Healthcare buildings may also be dependent on
lifts to provide fire-fighting and evacuation
7.70 This HTM gives comprehensive advice and
guidance on the planning, design, installation,
commissioning, testing, maintenance and
operation of new lifts and escalators (vertical
transportation) in healthcare buildings. It also
provides supporting information that can be
used in specifications for manufacturers,
procurement contracts and the briefing of
design teams.
7.71 Although the guidance is applicable to new
installations, it can be used for the upgrading
and modernisation of existing installations.

7. Supporting Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs)

Health Technical Memorandum 08-03:

Bedhead services
7.72 Bed spaces and their environment have a
significant impact upon patient experience and
delivery of care. With patients able to choose
their provider of healthcare service and the
increased complexity of clinical techniques and
procedures provided at bed spaces, it is now
even more important to ensure that bedhead
facilities are fit-for-purpose in all respects.
7.73 This guidance covers the management
policy for, operational management of, and
design considerations for bedhead services. It
applies to the range of engineering services and

equipment provided at in-patient areas and bed

spaces within healthcare premises.
Health Technical Memorandum 08-06:
Pathology laboratory gas systems
7.74 This document aims to provide best
practice guidance on the design, installation
and testing of pathology laboratory gas
systems. It can be applied to fixed gas pipeline
systems, discrete plant, compressed gas
cylinders and gas generators in a laboratory
environment. It also aims to improve system
management by the introduction of defined PM
tasks and a dedicated permit-to-work scheme.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures

and checklists

A1 The following procedures and checklists

have been prepared by trust estates and
facilities management (EFM) personnel to meet
the needs of their own organisations during
failure of a service.
A2 They are not intended to be appropriate or
definitive for all sites, but they give an idea of

the types of format that may be used, and the

different levels of technical content that may be
appropriate on different sites.
A3 Further procedures will be required within a
healthcare organisation, and a regular review is
important to ensure that directives, staff and
equipment remain current.

Procedure for electricity supply failure

Operational procedure reference no: ..
Hospital location: ..
Healthcare description (A&E, CCU, Ward 6 etc): ..
Key areas of equipment likely to be
Lighting, medical equipment, fixed and/or mobile computers and associated equipment, other non-medical
equipment (catering, waste disposal etc), communication systems (telephones, nurse call etc), heating and
Risk assessment
This procedure is linked to the overall hospital site procedure for failure of electricity supply and departmental
risk assessment register. This document should be reviewed on a regular basis and especially if any alterations to
equipment function, staff and responsibility take place.
This emergency procedure is intended to highlight the key issues that may arise at departmental level in the event
of electrical power failure. It is appreciated that this may be the result of a full site power failure, but it may also
be the result of a local failure for which notification will be necessary. The main aim is to provide a structured
approach to the safety of patients and staff and to minimise the risk associated with an electrical failure.
Identification of failure
This may be indicated by the failure of key observable elements, for example lighting and computer displays.but
may also be indicated by alarm signals from monitored supply panels on medical equipment, services and


Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists

Major supply failure

In the event of an obvious full electrical failure, do not wait for the restoration of supplies by generator, but
immediately take action.
Staff should safely complete or suspend any procedure being undertaken and prioritise their attention on the
most critical equipment and/or patients. Local standby supplies and equipment-based systems should be checked.
Where necessary, manual intervention should be started to ensure the safety of patients.
When supply is restored by generator, staff should ensure that all essential equipment is functioning correctly
and, where necessary, transfer equipment or patients onto essential supplies.
On restoration of the normal supply, staff should check that all systems and equipment have reset to normal.
Continued supply failure
If full supply loss should continue for several minutes, immediately contact the hospital duty manager via the
switchboard. The switchboard will also contact the duty engineer for attention.
Within the department, prioritise duties to ensure safety of patients and take preventative measures, where
possible, to minimise the workload.
In the event that it is identified as a local failure, contact the duty manager to gain further staff support from
other adjacent unaffected areas, or arrange to move the most critical patients to other departments.
Partial supply failure
If only part of the departments electrical systems fail, it is unlikely that standby systems will restore supplies
in the immediate term. First, minimise the risk to patients and identify the extent of the failure. Contact the
switchboard, who will alert the duty engineer and duty manager. Continue to monitor the situation and move
critical equipment and/or patients to fully supported areas where possible.
Awareness and training
Electrical supply failure is one of the most wide-ranging impacts on the normal running of a department. It is
likely that staff will be engaged in the regular testing of the standby systems, but further local awareness should
be engaged to ensure that all staff are aware of the departmental issues and the effects of a longer-term and full
failure. Where possible, this should be carried out at the workplace, but with minimum impact on patients.
Senior managers should liaise with the estates engineer to arrange simulation and practical support.
Emergency procedures should be an essential part of new staff induction to the department to ensure all local
issues are fully understood.
Review procedure
From incident experience and training evaluation, this procedure and any supporting information should be
reviewed and amended as necessary to ensure the document remains up-to-date and definitive for the
This document was first issued on: .. (Date)
Amendments: ... (Brief details and date)
Plan approved and accepted by:
Senior manager
Head of department: .


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Procedure for water contamination

Operational procedure reference no: .........................................................
Other relevant procedures: Engineering scheme to provide piped fresh water supplies
The following procedure is designed to instruct and advise on the operational requirements for dealing with
contamination of the water supply. It is not considered a definitive guide as the particular circumstances of the
incident will ultimately determine the course of action taken. It will attempt to highlight the responsibilities of
estates staff, clinical staff and on-call administrators.
Water may become contaminated in a number of ways, including:
contamination of the incoming water supply to the hospital site;
contamination due to substances inadvertently or maliciously added to the water storage systems;
contamination caused by the corrosion or decay of materials in contact with the water supply, for example
rusting metal and dead animals;
cross-contamination of water supply due to the effect of a process carried out on site by staff or contractors
where the safety devices are inadequate or non-existent, for example cross-contamination due to siphonage
from drains and stagnant water;
misoperation/failure of water treatment plant;
migration between domestic hot and cold water services.
The possible effects of contamination are varied, and will depend on the severity and degree of the
contamination. However, further investigation should be carried out if:
patient/staff complain about the taste of the drinking water;
the water is discoloured;
the water has a distinctive smell (this could be the result of chemicals (for example chlorine), acid, sewage or
decaying matter);
the water appears normal but people using it have become sick/infected.
Investigation and response
The size of the affected area must first be ascertained. This will give some indication of the extent of the problem
and may help to identify the source of the contamination.
The following actions may or may not require to be taken, depending on whether part of or the whole water
system has been contaminated:
inform the senior staff of affected departments to cease using the water;
contact the local water authority. The contamination may have originated from the main water incoming
supplies; there is likely to be an obligation not to contaminate the public water network;
take samples as necessary to determine the nature of the contamination;
once the extent has been determined, an assessment should be undertaken as to the nature of the
contamination. The use of microbiology staff is recommended;


Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists

isolate the affected area from the main supply to prevent further contamination;
take samples at various points within the affected area(s) for future analysis;
contact on-call or emergency administrative staff and advise them to arrange a supply of fresh water for areas
requiring it;
dependent on the nature of contamination, the cause may be obvious or easily located. If this is not possible,
carry out a systematic investigation of water supply systems;
if the cause of the contamination is located, isolate the contamination and carry out necessary works to resolve
the situation;
inform medical staff of the nature of the contamination and await advice on the clinical effect before restoring
the water supply to the area;
thoroughly flush all pipework (run taps, flush toilets, bidets etc) until further analysis shows no trace of
when the water quality is restored and confirmed by medical or microbiology staff, allow normal use to
Further work
Study how the contamination has occurred and carry out preventative work if possible to avoid recurrence.
Review the operational procedure for the incident and modify as necessary.
Note the date and time of the incident, action taken and by whom, for future reference.
Relevant drawing nos: ..........................................................
Additional information
Plan approved and accepted by:
Board member: .......................................................................................
Risk assessment
This document is linked to risk assessment no ..................... It should incorporate existing controls contained in
the risk assessment and should be modified if any changes to the risk assessment are made.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Procedure for piped medical gas failure

Operational procedure reference no: .........................................
Hospital location: ...........................................................
Plant or system description: .................................................
Systems in use:
Oxygen ref ................. Nitrous oxide ref ................. Nitrous oxide/oxygen ref .................
Medical air ref ................. Waste anaesthetic gas scavenging ref ...................

Medical vacuum ref...................

The aim of this emergency procedure is to provide guidance and a structured approach to the management
response in the case of a major failure in supply of piped medical gases, and to safeguard patients at risk from any
such failure.
Identification of the source and nature of failure
This will normally be indicated by an alarm actuation at one of the following locations:
telephone exchange;
porters lodge;
boiler room;
main corridor;
ward 1;
ward 2;
ward 3.
On actuation of the alarm, the hospital switchboard must be contacted with a description of the alarm legend.
The switchboard operator will immediately contact the Duty Engineer or Duty Authorised Person (responsibility
allocated in the medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) operational policy) for the initial response and investigation
of the fault, and will follow switchboard procedures.
The situation will be assessed by the Duty Engineer and categorised accordingly as a minor or major failure of the
Minor failure, not life-threatening
The Duty Engineer will contact the Authorised Person to have repairs carried out in accordance with Health
Technical Memorandum 02-01, and inform the Duty Senior Manager of the cause and outcome of the situation.
Permits-to-work will be issued in accordance with Health Technical Memorandum 02-01.
Major failure of supply
If a major failure of supply has occurred, the following procedure is to be followed by the Duty Engineer, who
will carry out the initial assessment and arrange for the following personnel to be contacted:
Authorised Person Senior Manager Senior Pharmacist Senior Nurse Senior Medical Officer/Surgeon
The situation will be re-assessed by the Senior Manager and a decision taken as to whether the major incident
plan is also implemented and brought into operation, together with the procedures outlined in this document.


Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists

Damage control
The cause and result of the damage to the system should be investigated by the Duty Engineer/Authorised
Drawings and schematics should be readily available.
Steps should be taken to limit the amount of disruption, and a temporary supply should be secured by either
valving or capping of damaged areas to enable emergency supply banks to cope during repairs. Failing this,
sufficient portable cylinders should be provided at the point of use.
Following damage limitation, valve-off the damaged section where possible and ensure back-up supply banks are
Team members attendance should be confirmed. They should assemble at a predetermined location where
control will be handed from the Duty Engineer/Duty Estates Manager to the responsible Senior Manager.
The areas of responsibility for the various team members are outlined, but this list is by no means exhaustive and
should be further developed in the light of knowledge as the incident develops.
Areas of responsibility
First-line communications.
Initial coordination of response.
Assists with all communications and logs calls and responses.
Senior Manager
Coordination of all team members.
Recovery strategy and repair coordination.
Senior Pharmacist
Ordering and procurement of gases.
Purity checks on reinstatement of supply.
Senior Medical Officer, Surgeon/Senior Nurse
Clinical prioritisation of supply requirements.
Liaison with doctors and nursing staff.
Movement of patients where necessary.
Advice to other team members on clinical criteria.
Duty Engineer/Authorised Person
Initial response and coordination.
Damage limitation and securing supply.
Diagnosis and repair of failure.


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Provision of temporary supplies (pipeline).

Testing and verification on reinstatement.
Recommissioning and documentation.
Designated Manager, Hotel Services
Provision of portering staff for moving and changing cylinders.
Liaison with other team members for manpower requirements.
Organisation of patient transport where needed.
Organisation of transport for support services.
Liaison with outside agencies and press.
Following return to normality, a team debriefing should be held to review the emergency procedure and update
or correct any apparent weaknesses.
Review procedure
This procedure will be reviewed following any change in personnel, equipment, materials and environment or
following any change. It will be reviewed at regular intervals not exceeding 12 months.
Training and information
All staff involved will receive adequate training and instruction to enable them to carry out these procedures with
confidence during an emergency. This training will be recorded in the log attached, and updated on a regular
Plan approved and accepted by:
Board member: .....................................................................
Risk assessment
This document is linked to risk assessment no ..................... It should incorporate existing controls contained in
the risk assessment and should be modified if any changes to the risk assessment are made.


Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists

Alternative form of a procedure in

case of system failure
A4 For areas with complex services, for
example a major boiler house or plantroom, an
alternative way in which to express the actions
to be taken by authorised and competent
persons may be expressed in a checklist.
A5 The flowchart on the next page represents a
simple indication of some issues that may arise,
although a more detailed list may be
appropriate for each specific area.
A6 It is important to make healthcare staff
aware of the failure that has occurred and the
measures to be taken to minimise the impact of
heating or hot water failure. Where necessary,
supplementary heaters may need to be


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Simple boilerhouse initial checklist

Work back from point of failure to determine
fault, switch to standby circuit if available.

Is electricity


Test faulty circuit and if safe reset; repair and

reset or provide temporary wiring from an
available circuit.
If major distribution fault, consider the use of
a mobile generator

Check fuel levels or availability.
Is fuel


Check for fuel blockage (solid fuel, biomass)

or fuel restrictions (waxing of diesel in very cold
Check fire safety valves, filters etc.
Engage measure to use alternative fuel if
available, including electric for DHW.


Is water

Check system pressure or view for leaks

Operate lock out or reset
Is boiler
or available?


Engage standby boiler

Check thermostats etc.
Prioritise circuits if single boiler is not
achieving adequate temperature


Are pumps
or available?


Check pressure drop to determine performance.

Select standby pump or fit replacement.
Check regulating valves to optimise distribution.


Are controls
or available?


Select manual override until fault can be

Operate equipment to maximise recovery.
Repeat elements of the above checklist for
domestic hot water (DWH)



(Continued on next page)

Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists

For major boiler houses providing steam and/or whole hospital heating and DHW, a more complex
and site-specific list should be established.
Such sites should also consider:
permanent standby boilers;
alternative fuel capability;
duty/standby pumps on all circuits;
readily available (on-site) spares for essential equipment;
a permanently available generator connection point; and
access to a generator.
The boiler house should have an agreed flood risk assessment.
Ensure alarms are available, through BMS or other means, to indicate any major equipment failure
including steam pressure loss, to engage an urgent prompt for attention.




Air pollution




Clinical waste

Domestic hot


Electricity supply


Extreme weather








Laboratory failures



Operating theatres

Piped medical gases



Record specialist contractor contact details?

Locate approved subcontractors?

Locate supply of specialist equipment?

Record Trust personnel contact details?

Involve commercial services?

Consider Service Level Agreements with purchasers?

Do public relations need to be addressed?

Control of Infection Team involvement?

Clinical department procedures?

Agree responsibility boundaries

Is there an impact on clinical waste?

Will medical gases be affected?

Impact on fire alarms?

Consider impact on site security?

Increased risk of legionella?

Consider impact on other services?

Consider impact on drainage?

Consider impact on water supply?

Consider impact on gas supply?

Consider impact on electricity supply?

Risk of fire outbreak, or reduced fire-fighting ability?

Will evacuation be required?

Will patient/Public/Staff safety/care be affected?

Define ownership of the problem?

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Sample assessment table


Sewage plant



Transport incidents


Water supply

Water treatment


Record specialist contractor contact details?

Locate approved subcontractors?

Locate supply of specialist equipment?

Record Trust personnel contact details?

Involve commercial services?

Consider Service Level Agreements with purchasers?

Do public relations need to be addressed?

Control of Infection Team involvement?

Clinical department procedures?

Agree responsibility boundaries

Is there an impact on clinical waste?

Will medical gases be affected?

Impact on fire alarms?

Consider impact on site security?

Increased risk of legionella?

Consider impact on other services?

Consider impact on drainage?

Consider impact on water supply?

Consider impact on gas supply?

Consider impact on electricity supply?

Risk of fire outbreak, or reduced fire-fighting ability?

Will evacuation be required?

Will patient/Public/Staff safety/care be affected?

Define ownership of the problem?

Appendix A: Exemplar emergency procedures and checklists

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Appendix B: Legal requirements

B1 There are numerous legal duties that

owners and occupiers of premises must adhere
to. These are continually changing in the light of
new evidence and experience. Reference
should be made to these documents at the
time of application.

Health and safety

B2 Current health and safety philosophy was
developed following the Report of the Robens
Committee 1972, which resulted in the Health
and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
B3 The standards of health and safety in the
UK are delivered through a flexible enabling
system introduced in 1974 by the Health and
Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and are typified by
the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999.
B4 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
leaves employers freedom to decide how to
control the risks that they identify that is, to
look at what the risks are and to take sensible
measures to tackle them. The Act is part of
criminal law, and enforcement is by the Health &
Safety Executive (HSE). Successful prosecution
can result in fines or imprisonment. However,
most of the sanctions applied by HSE are in the
form of improvement or prohibition notices.
B5 On 6 April 2008 the Corporate
Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act
2007 came into force throughout the UK. An
organisation (which includes healthcare
organisations) is guilty of an offence if the way in
which its activities are managed or organised
causes a persons death and amounts to a
gross breach of a relevant duty of care owned
by the organisation to the deceased.

Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice,

Standards and guidance
B6 Regulations are law, approved by
Parliament. These are usually made under the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act following
proposals from the HSE. Regulations identify
certain risks and set out specific actions that
must be taken.
B7 Approved Codes of Practice give advice on
how to comply with the law by offering practical
examples of best practice. If employers follow
the advice, they will be doing enough to comply
with the law.
B8 Approved Codes of Practice have a special
legal status. If employers are prosecuted for a
breach of health and safety law, and it is proved
that they did not follow the relevant provisions of
an Approved Code of Practice, they will need to
show that they have complied with the law in
some other way, or a court will find them at
B9 Standards (British or European), institutional
guides and industry best practice play a large
part in how things should be done. They have
no direct legal status (unless specified by
regulations). However, should there be an
accident, the applied safety practices at the
place of work would be examined against
existing British or European Standards. It would
be difficult to argue in favour of an organisation
where safety was not to the described level.
B10 Guidance is issued in some cases to
indicate the best way to comply with
regulations. But the guidance has no legal
enforcement status.

Appendix B: Legal requirements

Other commonly cited legislation

Medicines Act

B11 There are numerous statutory and legal

requirements that healthcare organisations and
their supporting professionals, contractors,
suppliers etc should comply with.

Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity

Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate
Homicide Act

B12 The list below is not intended to be

exhaustive but is intended to demonstrate the
wide range of issues that should be considered.

Health and Safety Regulation

B13 Legislation, regulations and other

supporting documents are being updated over
time and care should be taken to ensure that
the most up-to-date publication is being

Management of Health and Safety at Work and

Fire Precautions (Workplace) (Amendment)

Health and Safety at Work Act
Factories Act
Building Regulations
Equality Act
Construction (Design and Management)
Electricity Act
Environmental Protection Act
Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act
Clean Air Act
Environment Act
Town and Country Planning Act
Control of Pollution Act
Water Industry Act
Water Resources Act
Noise & Statutory Nuisance Act
Climate Change Act
Food Safety Act

Management of Health and Safety at Work


Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)

Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Manual Handling Operations Regulations
Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment)
Confined Spaces Regulations
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
(COSHH) Regulations
Health and Safety (Consultation with
Employees) Regulations
Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance)
Personal Protective Equipment at Work
Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
Control of Asbestos Regulations
Control of Noise at Work Regulations

Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 Edition)

Work at Height Regulations

Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations
Electricity at Work Regulations

Controlled Waste (England and Wales

Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations

Wiring Regulations (BS 7671)

Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England)


Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations

Landfill Tax (Amendment) Regulations

Plugs and Sockets etc (Safety) Regulations

Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging

Waste) (Amendment) Regulations

Radio Equipment and Telecommunications

Terminal Equipment
Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations (LOLER)

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations

Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations

Borehole Sites and Operations Regulations

Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations

Control of Lead at Work Regulations

Lifts Regulations

Control of Pesticides Regulations

Supply of Machinery (Safety) (Amendment)


Ionising Radiations Regulations

Pressure Systems Safety Regulations

Pressure Equipment Regulations
Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations
Other Regulations
Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and
Seizure of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales)
List of Wastes (England) Regulations

Radioactive Substances Act

Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure)
Radioactive Material (Road Transport)
Medicines (Administration of Radioactive
Substances) (Amendment) Regulations
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety)

Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations

Dangerous Substances and Explosive

Atmospheres Regulations

Environmental Permitting (England and Wales)


Food Safety (General Food Hygiene)


Environmental Protection (Prescribed Processes

and Substances) Regulations
Trade Effluents (Prescribed Processes and
Substances) Regulations



Acts and Regulations

See also Appendix B for HSEs and other
commonly cited legislation.
Building Regulations 2010. Approved
Document L. Conservation of fuel and power.
Department for Communities and Local
Government, 2013.
Building Regulations 2010. Approved
Document M. Access to and use of buildings.
Department for Communities and Local
Government, 2013.

DH guidance
For a full list of HTMs and access details, see
Chapter 7.
Health Building Notes
Health Building Note 00-01. General design
guidance for healthcare buildings.
Health Building Note 00-07. Planning for a
resilient healthcare estate.
Health Building Note 00-09. Infection control in
the built environment.

Care Quality Commission (Registration)

Regulations 2009. SI 2009 No. 3112. HMSO,

Other DH guidance documents

Climate Change Act 2008. HMSO, 2008.

Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of

Practice on the prevention and control of
infections and related guidance.

Data Protection Act 1998. HMSO, 1998.

Equality Act 2010. HMSO, 2010.
Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated
Activities) Regulations 2010. SI 2010 No. 781.
HMSO, 2010.

A risk-based methodology for establishing and

managing backlog.

(The) NHS Constitution. The NHS belongs to us

NHS Premises Assurance Model (NHS PAM).

Health and Social Care Act 2012. HMSO, 2012.

British Standards

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Regulations 2013. SI 2013 No. 3113. HMSO,

BS 5266-1 Emergency lighting. Code of

practice for the emergency escape lighting of
premises. British Standards Institution, 2011.
BS 5839-1 Fire detection and fire alarm
systems for buildings. Code of practice for
design, installation, commissioning and


Health Technical Memorandum 00: Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (2014 edition)

maintenance of systems in non-domestic

premises. British Standards Institution, 2013.
BS 6701 Telecommunications equipment and
telecommunications cabling. Specification for
installation, operation and maintenance. British
Standards Institution, 2010.
BS EN 12056 Gravity drainage systems inside
buildings. Roof drainage, layout and calculation.
British Standards Institution, 2000.
BS EN 60118-4 Electroacoustics. Hearing aids.
Induction loop systems for hearing aid
purposes. Magnetic field strength. British
Standards Institution, 2006.
BS EN 62305 Protection against lightning.
General principles. British Standards Institution,

TN10/92 Space allowances for building

services distribution systems. Building
Services Research and Information Association,
Bracknell, 1992.
TN6/2002 Water reclamation guidance
design and construction of systems using
grey water. Building Services Research and
Information Association, Bracknell, 2002.
BG2/2007 CHP for existing buildings.
Guidance on design and installation. Building
Services Research and Information Association,
Bracknell, 2007.
BG7/2009 Heat pumps a guidance
document for designers. Building Services
Research and Information Association,
Bracknell, 2009.

BS EN 81-1 Safety rules for the construction

and installation of lifts. Electric lifts. British
Standards Institution, 2012.

BG12/2011 Energy efficient pumping

systems a design guide. Building Services
Research and Information Association,
Bracknell, 2011.

HSE publications

CIBSE publications

EH40/2005. Workplace exposure limits. HSE

Books, Sudbury.

Guide A: Environmental design. Chartered

Institution of Building Services Engineers,
London, 2006.

Health Services Information Sheet 6. Managing

the risks from hot water and surfaces in health
and social care. HSE Books, Sudbury.
INDG258 Confined spaces: a brief guide to
working safely. HSE Books, Sudbury.
INDG401 Working at height: a brief guide. HSE
Books, Sudbury.
Legionnaires disease: the control of legionella
bacteria in water systems Approved Code of
Practice and guidance. HSE Books, Sudbury.

BSRIA publications
TN9/92 Space and weight allowances for
building services plant inception stage
design. Building Services Research and
Information Association, Bracknell, 1992.


Guide F: Energy efficiency in buildings.

Chartered Institution of Building Services
Engineers, London, 2012.
Guide H: Building control systems. Chartered
Institution of Building Services Engineers,
London, 2009.
Guide M: Maintenance engineering and
management. Chartered Institution of Building
Services Engineers, London, 2008.
Lighting Guide 2: Hospitals and health care
buildings. Chartered Institution of Building
Services Engineers, London, 2008.
SLL code for lighting. Chartered Institution of
Building Services Engineers, London, 2012.


TM39 Building energy metering. Chartered

Institution of Building Services Engineers,
London, 2009.

Institution of Engineering and Technology (2012).

Guidance Note 7: Special locations. IET,

Other publications

NHS Protect (2009). Lockdown guidance.

[Only available via NHS Protects secure

Building & Engineering Services Association

(2014). SFG20: standard maintenance
specifications for building engineering services.
Cabinet Office (2013). Government Soft
Dalke, H., Littlefair, P. and Loe, D. (2004).
Lighting and colour for hospital design. The
Stationery Office.

NHS Protect. Tackling crime against the NHS: a

strategic approach.
Royal Institute of British Architects (2013). Plan
of Work 2013. RIBA, London.
Water UK (2011). National guidance for
healthcare waste water discharges. London.

Information Commissioners Office (2008).

CCTV code of practice. ICO, Wilmslow.


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