Governance Minder GUI Customization
Governance Minder GUI Customization
Governance Minder GUI Customization
ortal standards.
Note: All the files are located in the following path
\Program Files\CA\RCM\Server\eurekify-jboss\server\eurekify\deploy\eurekify.war
Colors are defined within the style sheets as hexadecimal representations of red
, green, and blue; prefixed with a #. The first two digits are the red, second two
digits are green, and the third two digits are blue. Each of these factors are
a range between 0 and 255 (in decimal).
By converting these numbers into hexadecimal, you can build the color required.
The two ends of the spectrum are black (#000000) and white (#FFFFFF).
The simplest way to find the hexadecimal value for a color is to use Microsoft P
aint. To determine an exact color, open a picture file within Paint.
Follow these steps:
Open logo file in paint.
Use the Color Picker tool to extract the correct color. Click the icon and the
n select a region on the picture and click. This will populate Color 1.
Click Edit colors.
Covert these values to hexadecimal by entering the decimal value into a calc
ulator and press Hex. If you use the native Windows calculator, you must use the
Programmer Calculator to expose the Hex function.
The Portal Login Page
The portal login page is visible if not using single-sign-on. When you upgrade a
ll modifications are overwritten.
Modify the Title Bar
Do the following:
Navigate to: \eurekify.war\WEB-INF\classes\com\eurekify\web\application
Open the file
Navigate to line 1778.
Change the following attribute; your text message goes in after the =.
loginPage.welcome=Welcome to the Forward Inc. Governance Portal
Repeat the action for:; where en is
the appropriate localization file.
Restart JBoss.
Modify theTitle Bar Logo
Source from
Do the following:
Prepare your logo file by converting it to a .ico file.
Navigate to the following directory: \eurekify.war\