Confidence Begins With Experience Designed Stairs is Chicagoland’s #1 choice for stairs,
and there are many reasons why! Since the very beginning of our forty-year history, Designed
Stairs has placed a strong emphasis on Comprehensive Stair Design and Fabrication Efficiency.
Our strong commitment to product and process improvement has driven our development of the
finest stair products available and brought us to the forefront of the stair building industry.
Basic Premium
Well Built And Dependable... More For your Money...
The Builder’s Choice “Basic” Series includes The Builder’s Choice “Premium” Series is
our rail system built over “wall cap” and our best overall value! Furniture-quality
either carpet grade or hardwood milled craftsmanship features open stringers and
staircases. These designs offer a remarkable balusters that terminate into open-ended
combination of strength and beauty stair treads. These designs have become the
that works well in conservative plans or “Standard In Stair Design” for custom homes!
production applications.
The Foundations Of Creativity... If You Can Imagine It, We Can Build It...
The Architect’s Choice Series extends your style Designed Stairs specializes in unique and
options to create accent and nuance beyond the artistic designs that produce awe-inspiring first
ordinary. Choose from a wide variety of elements impressions! The Artisans at Designed Stairs
and personal styling touches to design a stair that have the skill and experience to create one
is truly unique. of a kind components, period reproductions,
antique restorations, and specialties limited
only by your imagination!
Designed Stairs The Very Definition of Quality
w w w.d e s i g n e d s t a i r s .c o m
Exacting Standards...
by Design
Each component of your staircase
Designed Stairs uses the finest process from the purchase of the best
are after.
Job-Site Safety... Less Time On Site... Highest Skilled Installation...
by Design by Design by Design
A critical aspect of running your We understand that getting your sub- Our Installation Team has an average
project is safety at the site. Designed contractors on and off the site quickly experience level of over 10 years
Stairs has developed safer installation and efficiently is one of the keys to with the company; they participate
practices to protect our installers and your success. Due to our advanced in ongoing training throughout each
help create a safer work environment shop fabrication techniques, year, and they are routinely reviewed
for others at your site as well. Designed Stairs is able to consistently for accuracy, ability, efficiency, and
maintain shorter installation times safety. Before we leave your job site,
than our competition. This means each installer reviews the entire job
that an install that takes others five and completes our 22-Point Quality
1 Rebecca Baluster • G Rail 2 Michelle Baluster • R Rail 3 V Baluster • G Rail • R Newel 4 U Baluster • E Rail
7 W Baluster • G Rail • G Newel 8 32/33 Baluster • T Rail • T Newel 9 11 Baluster • M Rail • M Newel 10 V9O Baluster • V Rail
13 H5 Baluster • R Rail • E Newel 14 H5 Custom Baluster • G Rail • P Newel 15 T Baluster • T Rail • T Newel 16 P3 Baluster • G Rail • O
more photos!
Budgeting Your
Stair Project
One of the most important
percentage increases to 2 to
Accurate Quotations
We understand that a price
• V5 Newel 11 V Baluster • G Rail • F Newel 12 21/22 Baluster • T Rail • F Newel quotation has to be accurate
23 Tuscany Baluster • G Rail 24 11/12 Baluster • E Rail • F Newel 25 12/13 Baluster • T Rail • T Newel
to ensuring that every aspect of your curved stair project is completely successful, from the initial
planning stages right through to the finish sanding. Every component of your curved stair has
been meticulously designed to be of the highest quality in the industry. You can trust Designed
Stairs to provide a product that will provide generations of strength and beauty.
Meticulous Fabrication...
by Design
When it comes to constructing
from this expansive grouping of detailed components will personalize your staircase.
Wood Balusters
Pin-top Balusters and Metal Balusters fit under most Rails in this guide. Reference MBS (Maximum Baluster Size) to determine if Square-top Balusters will fit under
Rail. • Bases of Balusters are square, unless noted by [*] which indicates round or octagon. • Fluting and unique turning designs, including Octagon,
Twist, and Rope, may be added to many of our Newels and Balusters to create a custom look. Contact your Customer Service Representative for details.
Panel Balustrade
Metal Balusters Metal Balusters are 1/2”, except [*] denotes 9/16” and [**] denotes 5/8”.
All Rails will accommodate Metal Balusters; we recommend the smaller profiles.
Twist Rope Rope
Endless Possibilities: Style Selections
During the style selection phase of your project, our web site,
Hundreds of photos are available at your finger tips, along with explanations
Starting Applications of terminology, material samples, and much more. If you still don’t see
Square Tread with exactly what you are looking for, just ask your Account Coordinator.
Standard Newel
• American Cherry, all Rails
The Builder’s Choice • Balusters for paint, all
“Premium” Series is our else American Cherry T M
best overall value! It • Balusters, Risers, and W 2-1/4" X H 2-7/16" W 2-3/4" x H 1-13/16"
provides furniture-quality Stringers for paint, all
MBS 1-1/4" MBS 1-3/4"
staircases that feature open else American Cherry
stringers and balusters that GG
terminate into open-ended
TT • Maple, all MM RR
stair treads.
2-1/4"X X • Balusters for paint,
H H2-7/16"
2-7/16" W W2-3/4"
xH all
x H1-13/16"
1-13/16" WW
x xH H
2-3/16" WW
x xH H
2-5/8" W
1-1/4" MBS
1-3/4" MBS
1-1/4" MBS
MBS 1-3/4"
else Maple
All of the components • Balusters, Risers, and
offered in the Builder’s Stringers for paint, all P P RAIL RAIL
Choice Series are stocked R else
R Maple GG
W 2-1/4"
W 2-1/4"
X H X2-7/16" by Designed
H 2-7/16" W 2-3/4"
W 2-3/4" Stairs
x H x1-13/16" for
H 1-13/16" W 2-5/8"
W 2-5/8" H 2-3/16" W 2-5/8"
x H x2-3/16" W 2-5/8"
x H x2-5/8"
H 2-5/8" W 1-3/4"
W 1-3/4"
x H x4"H 4" W 2-1/4"
W 2-1/4"
x H 1-7/16"
x H 1-7/16"
1-1/4"1-1/4" constantMBSavailability.
1-3/4"1-3/4" MBS MBS
1-1/4"1-1/4" MBS MBS
1-3/4"1-3/4" MBS MBS
Designed Stairs offers
most discerning
home buyer.
Fax: 815.786.6500