The Sweet Potato: Department of Horticulture
The Sweet Potato: Department of Horticulture
The Sweet Potato: Department of Horticulture
Department of Horticulture
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service West Lafayette, IN
The edible part of the sweet potato is a swollen storage
root. It contrasts with the Irish potato, which produces a
fleshy underground stem known as a tuber. The color of
both the skin and flesh of sweet potato roots range from
white to orange to red, depending on the cultivar.
There are two types of sweet potatoes, often described
as dry-fleshed or moist-fleshed. This refers to the
mouth feel, not the actual moisture present in the root.
Actually, soft versus firm fleshed types would be a more
accurate description. Moist-fleshed types tend to
convert more of their starch to sugars and dextrines
during cooking, becoming softer and sweeter than the
dry-fleshed types. The moist-fleshed types are often
called yams. However, the true yam is an entirely
different plant species, grown only in tropical climates.
The common sweet potato is a trailing vine normally of
considerable length. These vigorous vines make the
sweet potato an impractical crop in gardens with limited
space. Some cultivars are of a different plant form, called
a bush or bunch type, and are more practical for small
gardens because they produce shorter vines. With extra
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Since the sweet potato is a tropical plant, both warm days
and warm nights are essential for a quality and quantity
crop. A 4-5 month outside growing season is desired for
optimum yield, but acceptable home garden quantities
can be harvested in a shorter growing season. To
prevent buildup of disease organisms and insect pests,
do no grow more than once every 3-4 years on a site.
Acquiring Plants
Sweet potatoes are grown from slips (transplants).
Because there is a possibility of transmitting disease from
saved roots to new plants and of a delay in having plants
available early in the year, home gardeners often find it
more practical to purchase disease-free plants from
reputable growers and garden supply stores. If buying
through mail-order firms, be sure to order early to get the
cultivars you desire. Recommended cultivars for Indiana
gardens and sources for purchasing plants are listed at
the end of this publication.
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clean sand or good quality potting soil and water to settle
the media around the roots. Ventilate the beds on warm,
sunny days. Water regularly to prevent roots from drying
out, but do not overwater. Mulch can be used to conserve moistureremove it when sprouts appear. Plants
should be ready for transplanting in about 6 weeks or
when 6-10 well-developed leaves are present. Gently pull
each sprout along with its newly developed root system
away from the starter root.
There are a couple of old, but not necessarily wise,
methods of propagating sweet potato starts. A small
number of slips can be produced by partially covering
starter roots with water in a jar or other container. Waterrooted slips are pulled and treated as described above,
but often have an inferior root system due to lack of
proper aeration. The other questionable practice is that of
growing slips from store-bought sweet potatoes. These
sweet potatoes are not likely to be locally grown. The
cultivar will probably be unknown and may not be culturally adapted to Indiana conditions.
A fertile, well-drained, sandy soil is preferred. Heavy, clay
soils can result in the formation of long, stringy, or
misshapen roots. Poorly-drained soils hold excessive
moisture which may promote root rot.
Sweet potato plants are sensitive to cool soils as well as
frost. Transplant to the garden 3-4 weeks after the frostfree date (see Figure 1 for range of planting dates in your
area). Try to purchase or harvest plants the same day
you plan to set them. Be sure to keep roots moist. In
sunny, hot weather, set plants in evening hours to reduce
excessive wilting. Set plants 12-18 inches apart in the
row and gently firm the soil around each plant. Water
immediately to establish good soil-to-root contact. A
starter-solution (1-2 tablespoons of low-analysis fertilizer,
such as 12-12-12, per gallon of water) can be used to
water the plants.
A soil test is the best guide for rates of fertilizer to use.
However, in the absence of a soil test, a fertilizer containing moderate amounts of nitrogen and relatively high
proportions of phosphorus and potassium, such as 5-10Page 2 of 4
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Do not cut back the vines during the growing season.
Any kind of damage to the vines before roots are mature
can cause the roots to sprout in the soil. However,
sprouted roots can be salvaged by rubbing off the
sprouts and curing the roots immediately.
Weed Control
Cultivation controls weeds and maintains ridge height
and shape. Control weeds with shallow cultivation or a
mulch. In large plantings, herbicides can be used (see
ID-56: Midwest Vegetable Production Guide 2001 for the
latest recommendations).
Disease Control
Always use disease-free starter plants. Inspect transplants and/or roots for disease symptoms (soft rot, dry
rot, discolored lesions) and discard all diseased planting
material. Grow disease-tolerant cultivars whenever
Insect Control
Sweet potatoes should be harvested by the time frost
kills the vines or soon thereafter. Usually 130-170 days
from planting are needed to give highest yields, although
baby bakers or smaller roots can be harvested up to a
month earlier. Roots continue to grow until frost kills the
vines. However, an extremely hard frost can cause
damage to roots near the surface. Chilling injury also
results to roots when soil temperatures drop to 50F or
lower, and this can result in internal decay in storage.
Direct sunlight for over an hour can sunburn the roots, so
dig only those that can be picked up immediately.
The greatest danger from delayed digging is in the effect
wet soil has on the roots. Excessive moisture can prevent
digging injuries from healing properly allowing decay of
the roots. Keep in mind that disease control continues
through harvesting and storing.
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Recommended Cultivars
Beauregard: Large, elongated, red-skinned tubers with
orange flesh. Matures in just 90 days.
Bush or Bunch Porto Rico: Short vines (18 inches),
suitable for limited space gardens. Good sized, tapered
roots. Copper-colored skin with light red flesh.
Centennial: A moist-fleshed sweet potato of good
quality. The potato is tapered to cylindrical, medium to
large, and has orange skin with deep-orange flesh. Vines
are vigorous, thick, long, trailing, reddish-purple except at
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terminal ends. Leaves large and light green. Very prolific,
heavy yielder. Stores well. Moderately susceptible to
stem rot and internal cork; susceptible to black rot, scurf,
soil rot, and root-knot nematodes.
Georgia Jet: Early, high yielding purplish red skin and
deep orange, moist flesh.
Jewel: Narrow, cylindrical shape with red skin and
orange flesh. High yielding, good for storing.
Vardaman: Also a bush-plant, high yielding with golden
yellow skin and deep orange flesh.
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