Structural Methods in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry: Worked Examples
Structural Methods in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry: Worked Examples
Structural Methods in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry: Worked Examples
Worked examples
Example 1 Coupling patterns
The Figure below shows the 195Pt NMR spectrum of a compound prepared by bubbling H2 through a
mixture of [Pt(PPh3)3] and [AuPPh3][NO3]. The molecular composition of the product was shown by mass
spectrometry to be PtAu7H(PPh3)8(NO3)2. What can you deduce from the NMR spectrum?
Figure 1
a) 195Pt NMR spectrum of [Pt(H)(PPh3)(AuPPh3)7]2+, showing the coupling with H and the two different P sites. b)
Structure of the complex core. The spectrum and structure are taken, with permission, from [1]. Copyright 1989 The
American Chemical Society.
The spectrum has one large doublet coupling (ca. 2300 Hz), and the rest of the pattern can be explained as a
doublet (ca. 550 Hz) of multiplets (ca. 400 Hz). The multiplets clearly have even numbers of peaks, so the
coupling must be to an odd number of nuclei. With five nuclei, the intensity ratio for the six lines would be
1:5:10:10:5:1, with seven it would be 1:7:21:35:35:21:7:1, and with nine it would be
1:9:36:84:126:126:84:36:9:1. The observed intensities fit best for the eight-line pattern, so we deduce that
the platinum atom is probably bound directly to one PPh3 ligand and to the unique hydrogen atom, and is
surrounded by seven AuPPh3 groups. This is confirmed by the crystal structure depicted below. All the
metal and phosphorus atoms are shown, but the position of the hydrogen atom has to be inferred from the
relatively long separations between Au(5), Au(6) and Au(9).
Figure 2
H-decoup1ed 13C NMR spectra of the cis and trans isomers of [RuCl(NO)(bpy)2](PF6). Taken, with permission, from
[2]. Copyright 1989 The American Chemical Society.
In trans-[RuCl(NO)(bpy)2]+ there are two planes of symmetry, so each bpy ligand is bisected by one mirror
plane, and the two ligands are related by the second plane [structure (a) below]. There are just five
chemically distinct carbon atoms, and so five resonances are seen in the 13C NMR spectrum. The resonance
at highest frequency is less intense than all the others. This is because all the other resonances arise from
carbon bound to hydrogen, and their intensities are increased by the Nuclear Overhauser Effect (see Section
Figure 3
(a) cis and (b) trans isomers of [RuCl(NO)(bpy)2] .
In cis-[RuCl(NO)(bpy)2]+ [Figure 3, structure (a)] there are no planes of symmetry, and so the carbon
nuclei are all chemically distinct. There are thus 20 resonances in all, of which four are due to quaternary
carbons, and are less intense than the others. Each line in the spectrum of the trans isomer has become four
lines, and the chemical shift changes are small, with one exception. One ring is now trans to chlorine ligand
instead of to nitrogen, and so one of resonances associated with this ring has been shifted much more than
the others.
Figure 4
H NMR spectra of the products of the reaction between [Ir(CO)H(PPh3)3] and SiBrH3.
The pattern observed for Ht is a wide doublet of narrower doublets of triplets. The wide doublet can be put
down to coupling to the trans-31P nucleus and the narrower to coupling to the cis-31P nucleus; this may be
confirmed by single-frequency 31P-{1H} double resonance. The triplet coupling is more puzzling. We would
expect to observe coupling between Ht and Hc, but this should lead to a doublet and not a triplet. There are
three other proton resonances in the spectrum shown: one of these is at low frequency, and must be due to
Hc, and the other two must be due to the SiH protons, which are made non-equivalent by the chirality.
Irradiation at Hc reduces the triplet splitting in Ht to a doublet splitting; irradiation at 4.89 has no effect,
but irradiation at 5.68 also reduces the triplets to doublets. This shows that the triplet splitting in H t is due
to two doublet couplings that happen by chance to be equal; one is to Hc and the other to one of the SiH2
protons. The two SiH resonances look very complicated, but can be analyzed easily in terms of a series of
doublet splittings; there are five nuclei with spin one-half that are involved in the spin system, and at high
resolution all 32 lines expected in the group of resonances centered at 5.68 can be resolved.[3]
Figure 5
1D (proton decoupled) and 2D COSY 11B NMR spectra of B9H11NH
Three of the resonances in the 1D NMR spectrum are twice as intense as the others, so they represent two
boron nuclei each. The pairs of nuclei B, C and D couple with one another, so they must be arranged as in
structure (a) in Figure 6.. Nucleus F couples to the pairs Band C, and must therefore cap that face of the
prism, while E couples to the C and D pairs, and thus lies over that face [Figure 6, structure (b)]. The
remaining nucleus, A, shows coupling to the unique E and the pair of D nuclei, and so should be placed
over the triangular face DDE. The NH group is in fact linked to the boron atoms CCF, and if we add a bond
between the two B atoms we complete the cage ([Figure 6, structure (c)]. Each boron atom carries a
terminal hydrogen atom, and there are also hydrogen atoms bridging the two AD bonds.
Figure 6
Development of the structure of B9H11NH. Taken, with permission, from [4]. Copyright 1988 The American Chemical
The 13C NMR spectrum of the monoclinic form will have six resonances, each with 117Sn and 119Sn
satellites, as the methyl groups are all inequivalent. In fact, only five resonances are observed, as two of
them overlap. The three tin nuclei are also inequivalent, so there will be three resonances. Each of these will
have eight satellite lines, due to coupling with 117Sn and 119Sn at each of the other tin sites.
In the tetragonal form none of the methyl groups lies on the two-fold axis, so there are three pairs of
equivalent carbon atoms, and three 13C resonances, with the usual satellites due to coupling with the
adjacent tin atoms. Two of the tin atoms are symmetry-related, while the third one is unique, so the 119Sn
NMR spectrum has two resonances, one twice as intense as the other (Figure 7). The satellite pattern,
shown in the spectrum below, is quite complex. The resonance due to the unique tin, which is at the highfrequency end of the spectrum, has satellites due to 119Sn and 117Sn in the other position. However, the 119Sn
satellites are part of a second-order [AB] pattern, and are therefore not of equal intensity, nor centered on
the main resonance. The same applies to their counterpart satellites in the low-frequency half of spectrum.
In this part can also be seen two pairs of 117Sn satellites, one arising from coupling to 117Sn at the unique
position, and the other from coupling between 117Sn and 119Sn in the two symmetry-related sites.
Figure 7
The 119Sn NMR spectrum of [(CH3)2SnS]3. Taken, with permission, from [5]. Copyright 1989 Elsevier Inc.
Figure 8
F NMR spectrum of the product of the reaction between trans-[Ir(CO)Cl(PMe3)2] and SF4.
There is a resonance of intensity 1 to very low frequency, where peaks due to fluorine bound to a transition
metal appear. The peaks in the high frequency region, where we would expect to see SF resonances, are of
total relative intensity 3. Moreover, the low frequency resonance is split into a triplet of quartets. All this
suggests that SF4 has reacted with trans-[Ir(CO)Cl(PMe3)2] by oxidative addition of SF to Ir, giving the
complex [Ir(Co)ClF(PMe3)2(SF3)] with F trans to CO and trans to SF3.
Sulfur has a lone pair of electrons, and so coordination is likely to be based on a trigonal bipyramid,
with the lone pair and the metal atom in the equatorial plane. With easy rotation about the IrS bond the
axial fluorine atoms bound to sulfur become magnetically equivalent. The spin system then becomes
[AM2QX2], with the high frequency resonance assigned to the two axial fluorine atoms, the middlefrequency resonance assigned to the equatorial SF nucleus, and the low frequency resonance to the IrF
nucleus. All three SF nuclei couple more or less equally to the IrF nucleus.
As the system is warmed, pseudorotation becomes faster on the NMR timescale. This leads to blurring
of the distinction between axial and equatorial fluorine sites, and at 300 K the spectrum shows that
exchange of position is beginning to lead to effective equivalence. The interchange of SF sites is intra- and
not inter-molecular. The P{H} NMR spectrum at low temperature appears as a doublet of triplets of
narrow doublets, but on warming this changes to a doublet of quartets as the SF nuclei become equivalent.
Figure 9
H NMR spectra of [Ru3W(C5H5)(CO)11H3], see complexes VIII and IX, at temperatures between 185 K and 294 K.
The peak marked with an asterisk is due to an impurity. Taken, with permission, from [6]. Copyright 1989 Elsevier
Figure 10
Homonuclear 2D 13C scalar coupling (COSY) and chemical exchange (NOESY) spectra for [Os 3H2(CO)10], complex
IV, obtained in two separate experiments. The one-dimensional 13C NMR spectrum is shown at the bottom.
Reproduced from [7]. Copyright 1985 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Ru PPh2Et
Ru PPh2Et
Figure 23
Figure 11
H decoupled 31P NMR spectra of [RuCl5(PPh2Et)4Ag(PPh2Et)] (a) at 180 K, (b) at 220 K, and (c) at 300 K. The lines
marked and in spectrum (a) indicate the two separate [AB] spin systems associated with phosphines bound to
A two-dimensional NMR technique called EXSY (for exchange spectroscopy) also provides rate
information for slow exchange reactions. The method is the same as that used to evaluate Nuclear
Overhauser Effects, and the proximity of spinning nuclei to one another (NOESY, Section 4.13.3). Figure
12 shows an EXSY spectrum for the methyl group protons of the platinum complex XI. Here there are four
resonances due to methyl groups, and the off-diagonal peaks clearly indicate that group B is exchanging
with C, and A with D. Analysis of the cross-peak intensities yields the rate constants for the exchange
processes, and from the constants measured at a series of temperatures it is a simple matter to derive the
activation energy and entropy for the exchange process, which evolves the free alkene group displacing the
coordinated one.[8]
Figure 12
EXSY 2D 1H NMR spectrum of the platinum complex VI. The off-diagonal peaks show that the methyl group giving
the resonance B is exchanging with that giving resonance C, and groups A and D are also exchanging. Reproduced
from [8]. Copyright 1989 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Figure 13
Structures of (a) isotactic, (b) syndiotactic and (c) atactic polypropylene and 13C NMR spectrum of an atactic sample
of polypropylene (solid line, sample obtained by catalytic polymerization with an hydroxylaminato-titanium complex
[9]) with small isotactic, and syndiotactic contributions, as well as a reference sample spectrum (dotted line) of an 98%
isotactic polypropylene. (Note the small peaks at 21.30, 20.80 and 19.75 ppm indicating some small contributions of
mmmr, mmrr and mrrm pentades). Figure courtesy of Dr Alexander Willner (Bielefeld).
Example 11 2D INADEQUATE
A further solution of the problem of the low abundance of neighboring 183W-183W pairs is the use of 2D
INADEQUATE spectra (Incredible Natural Abundance Double Quantum Transfer Experiment). This
experiment is rarely used, and then most often to detect 13C13C couplings in organic molecules, in order to
establish the connectivity pattern of bigger systems. The technique selects only the transitions that have a
coupling between the nuclei under observation (13C or 183W in our case). In this way, the main signals (for
the majority isotopes) are suppressed. As there is no polarization transfer from sensitive and highly
abundant nuclei involved, the method is inherently insensitive and long acquisition times are also necessary.
As an example, consider the 183W-INADEQUATE spectra for [PPbW11O39]5 and [SiZnW11O39]6
[12,13] shown in Figure 14. The compounds comprise eleven WO6 octahedra arranged as shown in Figure
15. In the heteropolytungstates the twelfth octahedral site (dotted in Figure 15), linking at corners to 1, 1', 4
and 4', is occupied by a different metal ion, and there is a silicon or phosphorus atom at the center of the
ion. Assigning the six observed 183W resonances in the 1D-183W NMR spectra for each compound is
difficult, even making use of the observation that 183W183W coupling is only significant for nuclei in
adjacent octahedral (2J). The spectra in Figure 14 show the double quantum frequencies in one dimension
and the 183W chemical shifts in the other. Double quantum transitions are only possible for molecules which
have two nuclei coupling to each other, which in this case means in adjacent octahedra. The spectrum
consists of pairs of signals, equidistant from the diagonal line (any signals lying on the line arise from
imperfections in the experiment), and each pair, which lies on one horizontal line, indicates that the nuclei
with those chemical shifts are coupled. For example, in each of the spectra of Figure 14 there is one
tungsten coupling to four others, and this must be W(3). The unique tungsten atom, W(6), can be
recognized in the 1D 183W NMR spectra as its resonances are half the intensity of the others, and it can be
seen to be coupled to W(2) and W(5), and so on. Thus, the whole of the skeleton of each ion can be
deduced from a single spectrum, with the exception of the connection between W(4) and W(5) in
[PPbW11O39]5. The full analysis shows that the two ions have similar structures, and reveals a large
difference between the W(4) chemical shifts, which probably arises from different placements of the Pb and
Zn atoms in the ions.
Figure 14
W 2D INADQUATE spectra for (a) [PPbW11O39]5 and (b) [SiZnW11O39]6. The pairs of off-diagonal peaks indicate
connections between the associated WO6 octahedra. Normal 183W NMR spectra are shown on top the 2D spectra.
Taken, with permission, from [10]. Copyright 1983 The American Chemical Society.
Figure 15
Relationship between the WO6 octahedra in the structure of Na5PPbW11O39. Taken, with permission, from [10].
Copyright 1983 The American Chemical Society.
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