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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (9), September-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IX)


State of The Art - Modern Sequential Rule Mining


Ms. Anjali Paliwal, 2Mr. Sourabh Dave


M.E. Student, 2Asst. Professor

Medicaps Institute of Technology & Management Indore (M.P.)

Abstract: This paper is state of the art of existing sequential rule mining algorithms. Extracting sequential
rule is a very popular and computationally expensive task. We also explain the fundamentals of sequential
rule mining. We describe todays approaches for sequential rule mining. From the broad variety of efficient
algorithms that have been developed we will compare the most important ones. We will systematize the
algorithms and analyze their performance based on both their run time performance and theoretical
considerations. Their strengths and weaknesses are also investigated.
1. Introduction
Data mining is the process of extracting interesting
(non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and
potentially useful) information or patterns from
large information repositories such as: relational
database, data warehouses, XML repository, etc.
Also data mining is known as one of the core
processes of Knowledge Discovery in Database
Of all the mining functions in the knowledge
discovering process, frequent pattern mining is to
find out the frequently occurred patterns. The
measure of frequent patterns is a user-specified
threshold that indicates the minimum occurring
frequency of the pattern. We may categorize recent
studies in frequent pattern mining into the discovery
of association rules and the discovery of sequential
patterns. Association discovery finds closely
correlated sets so that the presence of some
elements in a frequent set will imply the presence of

the remaining elements (in the same set). Sequential

pattern discovery finds temporal associations so that
not only closely correlated sets but also their
relationships in time are uncovered.
In a Sequence Database, each sequence is a timeordered list of itemsets. An itemset is an unordered
set of items (symbols), considered to occur

Sequential Pattern Mining is probably the most

popular set of techniques for discovering temporal
patterns in sequence databases. SPM finds


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (9), September-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IX)

subsequences that are common to more than minSup

sequences. SPM is limited for making predictions.
For example, consider the pattern {x},{y}. It is
possible that y appears frequently after an x but that
there are also many cases where x is not followed
by y. For prediction, we need a measurement of the
confidence that if x occurs, y will occur afterward.
A sequential rule typically has the form X->Y .A
sequential rule XY has two properties:

Support: the number of sequences where X

occurs before Y divided by the number of

Confidence the number of sequences where

X occurs before Y, divided by the number of
sequences where X occurs.

Sequential Rule Mining finds all valid rules, rules

with a support and confidence not less than userdefined thresholds minSup and minConf
For Example: An example of Sequential Rule
Mining is as follows:
Consider minSup= 0.5 and minConf= 0.5:

Fig: A sequence database

Fig: some rules found

2. A Survey of SRM Methods
In general, we may categorize the mining
approaches into the generate-and-test framework
and the pattern-growth one, for sequence databases
of horizontal layout. Typifying the former
approaches [1,2 , 3], the GSP (Generalized
Sequential Pattern) algorithm [3] generates
potential patterns (called candidates), scans each
data sequence in the database to compute the
frequencies of candidates (called supports), and
then identifies candidates having enough supports
as sequential patterns. The sequential patterns in
current database pass become seeds for generating
candidates in the next pass. This generate-and-test
process is repeated until no more new candidates
are generated. When candidates cannot fit in
memory in a batch, GSP re-scans the database to
test the remaining candidates that have not been
loaded into memory. Consequently, GSP scans at
least k times of the on-disk database if the
maximum size of the discovered patterns is k, which
incurs high cost of disk reading. Despite that GSP
was good at candidate pruning, the number of
candidates is still very huge that might impair the
mining efficiency.
The PrefixSpan (Prefix-projected Sequential
pattern mining) algorithm [4], representing the
pattern-growth methodology [5, 4, 6], finds the
frequent items after scanning the sequence database
once. The database is then projected, according to
the frequent items, into several smaller databases.
Finally, the complete set of sequential patterns is
found by recursively growing subsequence
fragments in each projected database. Two
optimizations for minimizing disk projections were
described in [4]. The bi-level projection technique,
dealing with huge databases, scans each data
sequence twice in the (projected) database so that
fewer and smaller projected databases are


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (9), September-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IX)

generated. The pseudo-projection technique,

avoiding physical projections, maintains the
sequence-postfix of each data sequence in a
projection by a pointer-offset pair. However,
according to [4], maximum mining performance can
be achieved only when the database size is reduced
to the size accommodable by the main memory by
employing pseudo-projection after using bi-level
optimization. Although PrefixSpan successfully
discovered patterns employing the divide-andconquer strategy, the cost of disk I/O might be high
due to the creation and processing of the projected
Besides the horizontal layout, the sequence database
can be transformed into a vertical format consisting
of items id-lists [7, 8, 9]. The id-list of an item is a
list of (sequence-id, timestamp) pairs indicating the
occurring timestamps of the item in that sequence.
Searching in the lattice formed by id-list
intersections, the SPADE (Sequential PAttern
Discovery using Equivalence classes) algorithm [9]
completed the mining in three passes of database
scanning. Nevertheless, additional computation time
is required to transform a database of horizontal
layout to vertical format, which also requires
additional storage space several times larger than
that of the original sequence database.

excessive disk I/O is reduced by enhancing memory

utilization in the discovering process.
3. Conclusion
In this paper, we surveyed the list of existing
sequential rule mining techniques. We restricted
ourselves to the classic sequential rule mining
problem. It is the generation of all sequential rules
that exists in market basket like data with respect to
minimal thresholds for support & confidence.
In a forthcoming paper, we pursue the development
of a novel algorithm that efficiently mines
sequential association rules from a market basket
data set.

With rapid cost down and the evidence of the

increase in installed memory size, many small or
medium sized databases will fit into the main
memory. For example, a platform with 256MB
memory may hold a database with one million
sequences of total size 189MB. Pattern mining
performed directly in memory now becomes
possible. However, current approaches discover the
patterns either through multiple scans of the
database or by iterative database projections,
thereby requiring abundant disk operations. The
mining efficiency could be improved if the



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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 3 (9), September-2014 (Volume-III, Issue-IX)


J. Ayres, J. E. Gehrke, T. Yiu, and J. Flannick,

Sequential PAttern Mining Using Bitmaps,
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGKDD
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
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S. Parthasarathy, M. J. Zaki, M. Ogihara, and S.

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M. J. Zaki, SPADE: An Efficient Algorithm for

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