User-Centered Design: 1. Introduction and History
User-Centered Design: 1. Introduction and History
User-Centered Design: 1. Introduction and History
User-Centered Design1
Chadia Abras2, Diane Maloney-Krichmar3, Jenny Preece4
The design of everyday objects is not always intuitive and at times, it leaves the user frustrated and unable to
complete a simple task. How many of us have bought a VCR that we have struggled to used and missed recording
our favorite programs because we misunderstood the instructions or had to put up with the clock blinking 12:00
because we didnt know how to stop it? Do we have to put up with designs like these? Isnt it possible to design
systems that are more usable?
User-centered design (UCD) is a broad term to describe design processes in
which end-users influence how a design takes shape. It is both a broad philosophy and variety of methods. There is a
spectrum of ways in which users are involved in UCD but the important concept is that users are involved one way
or another. For example, some types of UCD consult users about their needs and involve them at specific times
during the design process; typically during requirements gathering and usability testing. At the opposite end of the
spectrum, there are UCD methods in which users have a deep impact on the design by being involved as partners
with designers throughout the design process.
The term user-centered design originated in Donald Normans research laboratory at the University of
California San Diego (UCSD) in the 1980s and became widely used after the publication of a co-authored book
entitled: User-Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction (Norman & Draper,
1986). Norman (1988) built further on the UCD concept in his seminal book The Psychology of Everyday Things
(POET). In POET, he recognizes the needs and the interests of the user and focuses on the usability of the design.
He offers four basic suggestions on how a design should be:
Make it easy to determine what actions are possible at any moment.
Make things visible, including the conceptual model of the system, the alternative actions, and
the results of actions.
Make it easy to evaluate the current state of the system.
Follow natural mappings between intentions and the required actions; between actions and the
resulting effect; and between the information that is visible and the interpretation of the
system state (Norman, 1988, p.188).
These recommendations place the user at the center of the design. The role of the designer is to facilitate
the task for the user and to make sure that the user is able to make use of the product as intended and with a
minimum effort to learn how to use it. Norman noted that the long cumbersome, unintelligible manuals that
accompany products are not user-centered. He suggests that the products should be accompanied by a small
pamphlet that can be read very quickly and draws on the users knowledge of the world.
Telling designers that products should be intuitive is not enough; some design principles are needed to
guide the design. Norman (1988) suggested that the following seven principles of design are essential for facilitating
the designers task:
1. Use both knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head. By building conceptual models,
write manuals that are easily understood and that are written before the design is implemented.
2. Simplify the structure of tasks. Make sure not to overload the short-term memory, or the long-term
memory of the user. On average, the user is able to remember five things at a time. Make sure the
task in consistent and provide mental aids for easy retrieval of information from long-term
memory. Make sure the user has control over the task.
3. Make things visible: bridge the gulfs of Execution and Evaluation. The user should be able to
figure out the use of an object by seeing the right buttons or devices for executing an operation.
4. Get the mappings right. One way to make things understandable is to use graphics.
In the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction: When Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact.
(2005). Vol.2. pp. 763-768.
Chadia Abras, Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Diane Maloney-Krichmar, Bowie State University, Maryland, USA.
Jenny Preece, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Maryland, USA.
Exploit the power of constraints, both natural and artificial, in order to give the user the feel that
there is one thing to do.
6. Design for error. Plan for any possible error that can be made, this way the user will be allowed
the option of recovery from any possible error made.
7. When all else fails, standardize. Create an international standard if something cannot be designed
without arbitrary mappings (Norman, 1988, p.189-201).
Ben Shneiderman (1987) articulated a similar set of principles in the form of eight golden rules. Later Jakob Nielsen
(1993; 2001) adapted and popularized these same basic concepts to produce heuristics for usability engineering.
Normans work stressed the need to fully explore the needs and desires of the users and the intended uses of
the product. The need to involve actual users, often in the environment in which they would use the product being
designed, was a natural evolution in the field of user-centered design. Users became a central part of the
development process. Their involvement lead to more effective, efficient, and safer products and contributed to the
acceptance and success of products (Preece, Rogers, & Sharp, 2002).
It is necessary to think carefully about who is a user and how to involve users in the design process. Obviously, users
are the people who will use the final product or artifact to accomplish a task or goal. However, there are other users
as well. The people who manage the users have needs and expectations too. What about those persons who are
affected in some way by the use of the artifact or use the products and/or services of the artifact? Shouldnt their
needs and expectations be taken into consideration in the design process? Eason (1987) identified three types of
users: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary users are those persons who actually use the artifact; secondary users
are those who will occasionally use the artifact or those who use it through an intermediary; and tertiary users are
persons who will be affected by the use of the artifact or make decisions about its purchase. The successful design of
a product must take into account the wide range of stakeholders of the artifact. Not everyone who is a stakeholder
needs to be represented on a design team, but the effect of the artifact on them must be considered (Preece, et. al,
Once the stakeholders have been identified and a thorough investigation of their needs has been conducted
by performing tasks and needs analyses, designers can develop alternative design solutions to be evaluated by the
users. These design solutions can be simple paper and pencil drawings in the beginning phase of the process.
Listening to users discuss the alternative designs can amplify designers understanding of the intended purpose(s) of
the artifact and may provide information that does not come out of initial interviews, observations, and needs
analysis. As the design cycle progresses, prototypes (limited versions of the product/artifact) can be produced and
user tested. At this point, designers should pay close attention to the evaluations by the users as they will help
identify measurable usability criteria These criteria address issues related to the effectiveness, efficiency, safety,
utility, learnability, and memorability (how long it takes to remember to perform the most common tasks) of the
product/artifact and users subjective satisfaction with it. You can see how difficult it would be for designers to know
or imagine all the usability criteria that are important to the users. It is only through feedback collected in an
interactive iterative process involving users that products can be refined. Table 1 suggests ways to involve users in
the design and development of a product/artifact (Preece, et. al, 2002).
Background Interviews and
Sequence of work interviews and
Focus groups
On-site observation
Collecting data related to the needs
and expectations of users; evaluation
of design alternatives, prototypes and
the final artifact
Collecting data related to the sequence
of work to be performed with the
Include a wide range of stakeholders
to discuss issues and requirements
Collecting information concerning the
environment in which the artifact will
be used
Usability Testing
Usability testing, according to Dumas & Redish (1993), aims to achieve the following five goals, to:
improve the products usability
involve real users in the testing
give the users real tasks to accomplish
enable testers to observe and record the actions of the participants
enable testers analyze the data obtained and make changes accordingly
Usability testing focuses on user needs, uses empirical measurement, and iterative design (Nielsen, 1994).
Dumas & Reddish (1993) stress that interactive-systems designers are now aware that many pilot tests should be
conducted before releasing any product to the public. An interactive system is like a play, where extensive
rehearsals are expected especially close to opening night (Shneiderman, 1998). Historically, usability tests are
conducted in usability laboratories that are staffed by people who are experts in user-interface design and testing and
this is still the practice in large companies such as Microsoft and IBM. These laboratories are equipped with an area
that allows the designers to observe the testers unnoticed. However, due to the cost of running such laboratories and
the distributed nature of many systems it is increasingly common to use mobile usability testing kits that are a
fraction of the cost.
Before product implementation, paper mock-ups of screen displays can be tested in order to assess the
wording and layout. Many techniques are employed in usability testing, including:
Think aloud techniques in which the user is asked to articulate all the steps of his / her actions.
Videotaping is valuable to review what the participants did, and to show designers where the problems are
in their designs.
Interviews and user satisfaction questionnaires enable designers to evaluate the users likes and dislikes
about the design and to gain a deeper understanding of any problems (Shneiderman, 1998, p. 131).
Generally, the tests require typical users to perform typical standardized tasks in a typical task environment so that
the following data can be collected:
Time for users to learn a specific function
Speed of task performance
Type and rate of errors by users
User retention of commands over time
Subjective user satisfaction (Shneiderman, 1998, p. 135).
After the product is released, it is also recommended that evaluation be continued. The most frequent
method for post product release evaluation is interviews and focus groups. Both provide valuable information about
user satisfaction and any problems with the functionality that might need rethinking. Data logging may also be
Usability testing has limitations; it does not cover all the interface features; it lasts for a few hours in the laboratory
and therefore it is hard to ascertain how the product is going to perform over a few weeks or months in the real
Participatory Design
In participatory design the users are involved in development of the products, in essence they are co-designers. The
participatory design approach emerged in Scandinavia. It was born out of the labor unions push for workers to have
more democratic control in their work environment (Ehn, 1989). Because cultural differences can often arise
between users and designers, sometimes the users are unable to understand the language of the designers, it is
recommended that the team uses prototypes, such as mockups (three dimensional paper-based representation), or a
paper-based outline of the screen of a webpage, or a product (Ehn & Kyng, 1991). Other types of prototyping
techniques are PICTIVE (Plastic Interface for Collaborative Technology Initiatives through Video Exploration)
(Muller, 1991) and CARD (Collaborative Analysis of Requirements and Design) (Tudor, 1993). The PICTIVE
prototyping method uses low-fidelity office products, such as pens, papers, and sticky notes. The actions of the users
are videotaped. CARD uses playing cards with pictures of specific items on them. PICTIVE concentrates on the
detailed aspects of the system while CARD looks at the flow of the task, just as storyboarding (Preece et al., 2002).
In recent years, the participatory design approach has gained momentum for designing novel systems. For
example, Druin (2002)and her team have developed their own version of participatory design in which children are
design partners for developing software for children. Preece (2000) has also developed a form of participatory
design, known as participatory, community-centered design for developing online communities. A more recent
example of an application of a participatory design is the study done by Abras (2003) and Abras, Maloney-Krichmar
& Preece (2003) in which the researchers created an online community for a doctoral program. The diagram in
figure 1 represents the circular nature of participatory design, and the importance of evaluation at each step of
select technology
plan for
assessing the
test prototype
needs of the
nurture the
test sociability
and usability
The major advantage of the user-centered design approach is that a deeper understanding of the psychological,
organizational, social, and ergonomic factors that affect the use of computer technology emerges from the
involvement of the users at every stage of the design and evaluation of the product. The involvement of users
assures that the product will be suitable for its intended purpose in the environment in which it will be used. This
approach leads to the development of products that are more effective, efficient, and safe.
It also helps designers manage users expectations about a new product. When users have been involved in
the design of a product, they know from an early stage what to expect from a product and they feel that their ideas
and suggestions have been taken into account during the process. This leads to a sense of ownership for the final
product that often results in higher customer satisfaction and smoother integration of the product into the
environment (Preece, et. al, 1994; Preece, et. al, 2002). If the design is not user-centered, it could lead to ill-thought
out designs. When users expectations are not met, they may get frustrated or even angry. The major disadvantage to
user-centered design is that is can be quite costly. It takes time to gather data from and about users especially if you
seek to understand the environment in which they will be using the products. The process requires resources, both
financial and human. User-centered design teams generally benefit from including persons from different
disciplines, particularly psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists whose job it is to understand users needs
and communicate them to the technical developers in the team. The downside of this approach is that members of
the team have to learn to communicate effectively and to respect each others contributions and expertise. This can
be time consuming and hence adds costs to the process. Management may question whether this added value is
worth the cost, particularly if delivery dates are threatened (Dix, et. al, 1997; Preece, et. al, 1994; Preece, et. al,
2002). Table 2 summarizes these and other advantages and disadvantages of user-centered design.
Products are more efficient, effective, and safe
Assists in managing users expectations and levels of
satisfaction with the product.
Users develop a sense of ownership for the product
It is more costly
It takes more time
May require the involvement of additional design team
members (i.e. ethnographers, usability experts) and wide
range of stakeholders
May be difficult to translate some types of data into design
User-centered design (UCD) is a general term for a philosophy and methods which focus on designing for and
involving users in the design of computerized systems. The ways in which users participate can vary. At one end of
the spectrum involvement may be relatively light; they may be consulted about their needs, observed and participate
in usability testing. At the other end of the spectrum involvement can be intensive with users participating
throughout the design process as partners in the design. A variety of methods have been developed to support UCD
including usability testing, usability engineering, heuristic evaluation, discount evaluation and participatory design.
Quick and dirty evaluations, in which ideas are taken to a few representative users for their feedback early in design,
are also important. Involving users in design one way or another has been shown to lead to developing more usable
satisfying designs.
Abras, C. (2003). Determining success in online education and health communities: Developing usability and
sociability heuristics. Unpublished Dissertation, University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Abras, C., Maloney-Krichmar, D., & Preece, J. (2003, June 22-27). Evaluating an online academic community:
'Purpose' is the key. Paper presented at the HCI International 2003, Crete, Greece.
Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G. & Beale, R. (1997). Human-Computer Interaction (Second Edition). New York:
Prentice Hall.