Process Design

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Many chemical engineers feel that process design is the most interesting kind of work in their
profession. Certainly the training chemical engineers receive in college is more concerned with design
than with any other aspect of chemical engineering. Most of the information needed by the process
design engineer is generated during the R&D phase, particularly from pilot plant data. But that
information is based on small-sized equipment, whereas the production plant will contain full-sized
equipment. Adapting that data is known scaleup. This is always a mathematical technique but the exact
procedures for doing the job are available in the textbooks and handbooks and may frequently be found
in manufacturers catalogues and other such literature.
Almost any chemical process plant includes a vast array of pipes and vessels, with another oddshaped piece of equipment here and there. Open vessels are usually called tanks though, when heated,
they are sometimes called kettles. Plants that process large quantities of liquid raw materials( such as
petroleum refining plants) often have a number of enormous tanks arranged in an area known as a tank
farm. When the contents of these tank are flammable , there are usually embankments of earth called
dikes around them; if the tanks leak and the material catches fire , the flaming liquid cannot spread over
the entire plant.
Piping is an important part of any chemical process plant because there is so much of it . Most
home piping is small size and is put together by screw threads cut into the pipe. Screwing section of
pipe together is easy to do with small-sized pipe because it can easily handled. But the pipe used in
process plants generally ranges in size from two to twelves inches in diameter and a section of such pipe
may weigh many hundreds of pounds or kilograms.
Large-diameter pipe is put together by means of welding pipe flanges. When flanges are used
they are usually welded to the end of the pipe. The flanges have a ring of holes around them so that two
flanges can be bolted together with a gasket in between.
Flange have two advantages : first , welding can be done on the ground or in the shop; second ,
the pipe can be easily disassembled for inspection or replacement. The disadvantages are that the joints
sometimes leak and the flanges are expensive. Welded pipe harder to assemble because the welds must
often made while the pipe is high in the air or in awkard positions. A good welded joint will not leak and

welding is a cheaper way of assembling pipe than flanges. However, the pipe must be cut and rewelded
if it has to be opened for inspection or if it is necessary to replace faulty sections.
Pipe is made with walls of various thickness-thicker walls are required to carry material under
higher pressure . Part of design engineers job is to calculate the pressure a pipe will have to withstand
and to specify walls of the proper thickness.
There are a number of pipe fitting used with all piping systems. When a pipe must change 90
degrees in direction , a pipe elbow , or 90 degree ell, is employed; 45 degree ells change the direction by
45 degrees. When one pipe joined another at right angles, the juncture is made with a pipe tee. A pipe
cross joins four pieces of pipe. Pipe of two different sizes can be connected by reducers , or pipe
reducing fittings. When pipes must be joined at a sharp angle, a pipe lateral fitting used.
As with pipes, vessels that withstand high pressure must have extra heavy walls. These are
known as pressure vessels and must be carefully designed and constructed. Failure in pressure vessels
may result in explosion with large pieces of the vessel flying around the plant- a circumstance
exceedingly dangerous to personnel and destructive to equipment.

Therefore the design and

construction of pressure vessels is usually regulated by laws known as pressure vessel codes. Any
governmental body may write its own code. In the United States most areas adopt the pressure vessel
code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) which is then enforced by Govermental
pressure vessel inspectors. This code defines the way in which a design engineer must calculate vessel
wall thickness and shapes, and also sets up fabrication procedures to be followed during construction.
Welding for example, must be done with extreme care and skill . Generally welder who work on
pressure vessels must pass a special test and are then known as certified welders. After a vessel has
been designed and built , it must pass a pressure test conducted under conditions spelled out in the
pressure vessel code. Because of the complications surrounding pressure vessels, the process design
engineer usually designs only large or specialized vessels. Smaller ones can be purchased in standard
sizes from manufacturers who specialize in such equipment. These vessels carry a special nameplate
certifying that they were built according to the code and that they have passed the required tests.

Designing process plant equipment requires more than scaleup or following design codes;
it also means specifying the materials to be used for equipment. Actually, the material must be
selected before the equipment is designed because the design is related to the strength of the

various materials of contstruction. Most chemical process equipment is built from ordinary steel,
called mild steel or carbon steel. But many chemical attack mild steel, causing corrosion. When
this is a problem , the design engineer usually turns to stainless steel, an alloy of iron, nickel, and
chromium. Some stainless steel contain other metals, such as molybdenum , that give the alloy
greater strength, resistance to corrosion, or another desirable properties. When corrosion
problems are too severe for stainless steel, the engineer may choose alloys that contain large
quantities of nickel known as high-nickel alloys. This special alloys are sold under trade names
( some are Hatelloy, Incoloy and Inconel) and may cost as much as several dollars a pound.
Some process conditions require more specialized metals like titanium , tantalum or zirconium.
These are called exotic metals and are also very expensive.
In addition to metals, the design engineer has a large number of non metal to choose from. These
include glass, plastics, graphite and ceramics-alone or in combinations like glass-lined steel or
rubber -line plastic. The graphite used in process plants is usually impregnated with plastic and is
known as impervious graphite. There are limitations to the use of nonmetals; most are not as
strong as metals so they cannot be used for high pressure equipment, nor can they high
A process plant is usually designed in several stages . After the research and development
has been done , and before the decision is made to built a full-sized plant, a final economic
evaluation must be made. Of course , economic evaluations were made before and during the
R&D work but they could be little more than educated guesses. The first time there is anough
information to make a first estimate of the cost of the plant and the cost of producing the product
is when R&D is complete.

The cost of the final product is based on two things : capital investment and operating
cost. The first is the cost of the land , the plant , and its auxiliaries such as roads , railroad spurs ,
electrical power lines and sewage treatment facilities. Included here is the cost of equipment,
materials , supervision , labor and design. The total of this costs a large sum of money that
must be available at one time- is the capital investment. The second , operating cost , include the
expense of running the plant after it is built-raw materials , labor and supervision, maintenance ,
shipping and so on.
To determine whether or not an operation will be profitable , the design engineer must
calculate the rate of return or the return on investment (ROI ) as follows;

% ROI =



Annual depreciation is the annual loss in value of the plant and its equipment owing to
wear and obsolescence. In the chemical process industries , it is common to require that a project
have an estimated ROI of at least 20% after income tax before it will

be approved for

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