60 Science Exhibition Themes
60 Science Exhibition Themes
60 Science Exhibition Themes
2. Resource Management
This area is expected to make children think of various ways and means for making efficient use of
available resources and also new techniques/methods of conservation and management of resources.
The exhibits/models in this subtheme may pertain to:
3. Industry
The objective of this sub-theme is to help children understand the importance of science and mathematics
in various types of industries and try to think of ways and means to increase its efficiency leading to
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production of different kinds of goods to meet the future needs of the growing population at affordable
The exhibits and models in this area may pertain to:
models showcasing improved versions of various types of machines and manufacturing plants;
schemes/designs to help reduce production cost and conservation of raw materials;
use of eco-friendly innovations that may help in increasing the industrial production;
innovative methods of exploration and processing of minerals, crude oil etc.;
roles and possibilities of the service industries like tourism, banking, IT etc. for inclusive
devices or methods that measure and control pollution;
devices/methods to minimise the effects of chemical spills, solid waste, nuclear waste and
radiations etc from industries/nuclear plants etc;
awareness about various aspects of environment and disposal of harmful effluents, solid waste,
nuclear waste etc;
design and development of automatic devices for various applications in industries;
ozone destruction experiments etc.;
use of innovations/improvements that may help in increasing production in various industries,
such as textiles, engineering goods, machine tools, chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals
including lifesaving drugs, vaccines and devices and eco-friendly plastics etc. to improve the
quality of life;
improved/ indigenous design/working models of devices which may be used on small scale for
production/manufacturing of utility items of daily life;
indigenous/ innovative techniques for exploration/ conservation/ recycling/ processing of
minerals and other natural resources;
improved/improvised/innovative technologies associated with weaving, pottery, metal work,
dyeing, printing and other crafts practiced in cottage industry and suggestions for new designs;
working models to demonstrate equipment/processes/devices/ technologies/ designs, which may
help facilitate the domestic work
effect of climatic change on agriculture and its mitigation and adaptive techniques/methods;
preservative and conservative methods for soil degradation and judicious use of water;
conventional biotechnology practices e.g., application of biotechnology, microbiology and
genetic engineering to agriculture for improved yield.
organic farming/organic fertilisers versus chemical fertilisers;
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planning and managing energy crops (Salix, poplar, Jatropha, Jojoba etc.);
use of biotechnology for economically and ecologically sustainable biofuels;
various pest control and management measures;
application of biotechnology and genetic engineering in improving animal breeds and production
of animal products that are used as food;
storage/preservation/conservation/ transport of agricultural products and food materials;
innovative/improved practices for reducing cost of cultivation;
identification of medicinal plants and their applications;
effect of electric and magnetic fields on the growth of plants and protective measures;
indigenous designs of farm machinery, agriculture implements and practices;
impact of pollution on food and food safety;
improved/improvised method of processing, preservation, storage and transport of food products;
Identification of medicinal plants and their applications;
Issues related with the animal health and food security;
Measures/methods for ensuring food safety;
Food production and demand of quality food and food security;
Advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified (GM) food;
Nutrition education/healthy eating habits and food utilisation by body;
Devices to control noise, air, soil, water pollution;
Study and record varying water levels, over the year, in the water body, surrounding
Design and development of an automatic weather recording device;
5. Disaster Management
The main objective of this sub-theme is to make general public and children aware about the issues and
concerns of disaster management and to promote a shift in disaster management system from relief
centric to preparedness centric.
The exhibits/models in this subtheme may pertain to:
better information dissemination and public address system in the event of disaster to prevent
chaos and confusion;
mechanism for creating awareness among general publics on large scale to handle situations
during disasters;
extending logistic supports during various calamities, undertaking rescue and rehabilitation
measures during calamities;
improvised/improved devices for effective communication between various emergency servicesmedical, police, military and other administrative bodies/committees;
various measure/ models for planning, preparedness and coordination of different agencies in the
event of disaster/community level preparedness for the various man-made disasters such as gas
leakage, nuclear accidents, battery/bomb explosions, stamped situation etc.;
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policies, programmes and schemes in mathematics that have a significant impact on human life;
mathematical applications that have a wide ranging impact on issues such as agriculture, energy,
health, space, energy, health, environment, space, industry, communication, education, etc.;
effective and efficient ways of communicating an experiment that revolutionize mathematical
cost effective demonstration of known facts and research in mathematics;
impact of mathematical ideas on other subject areas such as science, medicine, psychology, social
science etc;
contribution of mathematics for economic growth, mass literacy, eradication of poverty and
malnutrition, etc.
mathematical ideas to solve various problems of our everyday life/ environment related problems;
mathematical models to predict orbital path of comets, meteors and other minor planets;
mathematical models to show how disease might spread in human in the event of
mathematical models to predict the devastating effects of wars/nuclear explosions;
mathematical models to show spread of forest fi re depending on the types of tree, weather and
nature of the ground surface;
mathematical models to demonstrate the action of medicines in human system;
mathematical tools of the working of heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, bones and endocrine system;
using mathematical tools and computer simulation to improve cancer therapy/wound
healing/tissues formation/corneal wound healing;
mathematical tools to describe traffic flow/stock market option;
mathematical tools to show the effect of climate change/global warming;
mathematical tools for predicting future population and knowing the impact of population;
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