Crimes Committed by Public Officers

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Crimes Committed by Public Officers


(Title Seven)
In crimes or offenses committed by public officers, one of their
indispensable elements is that the offender be a public officer or employee
or the offense cannot exist without the office or be intimately connected
with the office and perpetuated while the officer is in the performance of
his office. To be in public office, compensation is usual but not necessary
criterion. Honorary office is public office nonetheless. Delegation of
sovereign function is the most important characteristic of a public office.
Clearly, the National Centennial Commission (NCC) performed sovereign
For the purpose of applying the provisions of the Revised Penal Code, the
term public officer is any person who, by direct provisions of law, popular
election or appointment by competent authority, shall take part in the
performance of public functions in the Government or shall perform in said
Government or in any of its branches, public duties as an employee, agent
or subordinate official, of any rank or class.[2]

Malfeasance and Misfeasance in Office

Malfeasance is the performance of some act which ought not to be
done. Misfeasance is the improper performance of some act which might
lawfully be done, and Nonfeasance is the omission of some act which
ought to be performed.

Article 204 has no application to members of a collegiate court such as the

Supreme Court or its Divisions who reach their conclusion in consultation
and accordingly render their collective judgment after due deliberation.[4]

Any judge who, by reason of inexcusable negligence or ignorance,

shall render a manifestly unjust judgment in any case submitted
to him for decision. (Art. 205)
Negligence and ignorance are inexcusable if they imply a manifest injustice
which cannot be explained by a reasonable interpretation.[5]


Any judge who shall knowingly render an unjust interlocutory

order or decree; or he shall have acted by reason of inexcusable
negligence or ignorance and the interlocutory order or decree be
manifestly unjust. (Art. 206)
A court order is interlocutory in character if it is provisional and leaves
substantial proceeding to be had in connection with its subject. The word
interlocutory refers to something intervening between the
commencement and the end of a suit which decides some point or matter
but is not a final decision of the whole controversy.[6]



Any judge who shall knowingly render an unjust judgment in any

case submitted to him for decision. (Art. 204)
The requisites are:

Any judge guilty of malicious delay in the administration of

justice. (Art. 207)
The elements are (1) there is unreasonable delay in the disposition of the
case far beyond the period mandated by law, and (2) the judge was
actuated with malice, or with deliberate intent to prejudice a party in the

1. Appears that the judgment is unjust or one which is contrary to law or is

not supported


by the evidence.

Any public officer or officer of the law, who, in dereliction of the

duties of his office, shall maliciously refrain from instituting
prosecution for the punishment of violators or the law, or shall
tolerate the commission of offenses. (Art. 208)

2. The judge rendered it with conscious and deliberate intent to do an


Malice is an integral element. Lack of zeal or any delay in the performance

of duties does not constitute the crime.[8]An agent of a person in authority
charged with the apprehension and investigation of a crime is an integral
part of the prosecution of offenses.[9]

Any attorney-at-law or solicitor who, by any malicious breach of

professional duty or inexcusable negligence or ignorance, shall
prejudice his client, or reveal any of the secrets of the latter
learned by him in his professional capacity; or having undertaken
the defense of a client or having received confidential information
from said client in a case, shall undertake the defense of the
opposing party in the same case, without the consent of his first
client. (Art. 209)

direct bribery, in (a) above. As regards the second kind (b), mere
agreement to execute the act does not suffice. It is enough that bribe
money be accepted in consideration of the performance of an act in
connection with the execution of official duties. (People v. Suarez, [CA]
03618, July 1, 1968)
The act agreed upon to be performed or committed must pertain to the
discharge of official duties; otherwise estafa and not bribery will be
committed. (US v. Jader, 1 Phil. 297)
In bribery, the person arrested has committed a crime and he is threatened
to give money so as not to be prosecuted; it is robbery if the person
arrested has not committed crime. (US v. Flores, 19 Phil. 178) In bribery,
the transaction generally is mutual and voluntary; in robbery, the
transaction is neither voluntary nor mutual but consummated by the use of
force or intimidation. (People v. Francisco, 45 Phil. 819)

The elements are:

1. Offender is a public officer.

Public officeris any person who, by direct provision of law, popular election
or appointment by competent authority, shall take part in the performance
of public functions in the Government of the Philippines, or shall perform in
said Government, or in any of its branches public duties as an employee,
agent, or subordinate official, of any rank or class.[10]
2. He receives personally or thru another, gifts or presents or accepted
offers or promises.
3. For the purpose of committing any of the following:
a. Agreeing to perform or performing an act pertaining to the duties of the
office which constitute a crime.
b. Accepting a gift in consideration of the execution of an act which does
not constitute a crime.
c. Abstaining from the performance of official duties.
4. Such act relates to the exercise of official duties. (Art. 210)
As a rule, bribery cannot be committed by a private person. However, a
private person to whom the custody of a prisoner has been entrusted who
allows him to escape because of a bribe is guilty not only of infidelity in the
custody of prisoners (Art. 225) but also of bribery because he is
discharging a public function.
The act need not be actually committed. Mere agreement to execute the
act is sufficient. (US v. Alban, 4 Phil. 363) This refers to the first kind of

Any public officer who shall accept gifts offered to him by reason
of his office. (Art. 211)
It is not necessary that the public officer should do any particular act or
even promise to do an act as it is enough that he accepts gifts offered to
him by reason of his office. (Victoriano v. Alvior, Adm. Matter No. 1597,
March 1, 1978) The gift is made to anticipate a favor from the public
officer in connection with his official duties or to reward past favors in
connection with official duties. (Q3, 1993 Bar)

If any public officer is entrusted with law enforcement and he

refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender who has
committed a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua and/or death
in consideration of any offer, promise, gift or present, he shall
suffer the penalty for the offense which was not prosecuted. If it
is the public officer who asks or demands such gift or present, he
shall suffer the penalty of death. (Art. 211-A, as added by RA 7659)


Any person who shall have made the offers or promises or given
gifts or presents in direct or indirect bribery.(Art. 212) (Q3, 1993 Bar)
July 18, 1975

Any person who voluntarily gives information about any violation of

Articles 210, 211, and 212 of the RPC; RA 3019, as amended; provisions of
NIRC and Section 3604 of Tariff and Customs Code; and other laws, rules
and regulations punishing acts of graft, corruption and other forms of
official abuse; and who willingly testifies against any public official or
employee for such violation shall be exempt from prosecution or
punishment xxx. This immunity may be enjoyed by such informant or
witness notwithstanding that he offered or gave the bribe or gift to the
public official or is an accomplice for such gift or bribe-giving.

general election or within 3 months before any special election. The

resignation, dismissal or separation of the public officer from his office shall
not be a bar to the filing of the petition.
Property which may be considered as unlawfully acquired, though
not in the name of respondent, at the time of the filing of the
forfeiture, shall include:

1. Property unlawfully acquired, but its ownership is concealed by its being

recorded in the name of, or held by, the respondents spouse, ascendants,
descendants, relatives or any other person.
2. Property unlawfully acquired, but transferred by him to another

The following conditions must concur:

1. The information must refer to consummated violations of any of the

above-mentioned provisions of law, rules and regulations.
2. The information and testimony are necessary for the conviction of the
accused public officer.
3. Such information and testimony are not yet in the possession of the

Property donated to the respondent during his incumbency, unless he can

prove to the satisfaction of the court that the donation is lawful, shall be
deemed to include property unlawfully acquired. (Sec. 1[b])
The forfeiture provided in the Acts is in the nature of a penalty. (Cabal v.
Kapunan, Jr., 6 SCRA 1059) The proceeding, however, is not a criminal
proceeding because the procedure leading to forfeiture is that provided in
a civil action. The proceeding may be either civil or criminal in nature, and
may be in rem or in personam. (Almeda, Sr. v. Perez, 5 SCRA 970)

4. Such information and testimony can be corroborated on its material

points, and

Acts Punished:

5. The informant or witness has not been previously convicted of a crime

involving moral turpitude.

1. Fraud committed by a public officer, who in his official capacity, enters

into an agreement with a person to defraud the government regarding:
a. Furnishing of supplies.



b. Making of contracts.
c. Settlement of accounts relating to public property or funds.

If the public officer has acquired during his incumbency an amount of

property manifestly out of proportion to his salary and to his other lawful
income, said property is presumed prima facie to have been unlawfully
A taxpayer may file the complaint before the city or provincial fiscal who
shall conduct a previous inquiry similar to preliminary investigations in
criminal cases. The petition shall not be filed within one year before any

2. Illegal exactions committed by a public officer in charge of collection of

taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts by:
a. Demanding an amount different or larger than that due.

b. Failing to issue receipt for money collected.

c. Collecting as payment objects of a nature different from that provided by
law. (Art. 213)
The crime is committed by mere agreement as long as the purpose is to
defraud the government. The first kind of illegal exaction is committed by
a mere demand for the payment of larger sums than that authorized by
law. Even if the public officer does not receive the excessive amount or
sums demanded, the crime is already committed. Thus, if the said sums
are received without demanding the same, the felony is not committed;
but if the same were given as a sort of a gift or gratification because of his
office, indirect bribery may be committed. (Cuello Calon, II, pp. 418-419)
If the municipal treasurer collected greater fees, by means of deceit and he
misappropriates the difference between the fees collected and the legal
fees, estafa, not illegal exaction, is committed. (US v. Lopez, 479)

same, or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, or through

abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take
such public funds or property, wholly or partially, or shall
otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation of
such funds or property.
The failure of a public officer to have duly forthcoming any public
funds or property with which he is chargeable, upon demand by
any duly authorized officer, shall be prima facie evidence that he
has put such missing funds or property to personal uses. (Art. 217,
as amended.) (Q16, 1994 Bar)
The elements are:

1. Offender is a public officer.

2. By reason of his duties he is accountable for public funds or property,
3. Such public officer shall:
a. Appropriate public funds or property.
b. Take or misappropriate the same.
c. Consent, or through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other
person to take such public funds or property, wholly or partially.
d. Otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation. (Q11, 1999
Malversation may be committed either through positive act of
misappropriation of public funds or property or passively through
negligence by allowing another to commit such misappropriation.
Nonetheless, all that is necessary to prove both acts are the following:

That the defendant received in his possession public funds or

2. That he could not account for them and did not have them in his
possession when audited, and
3. That he could not give satisfactory or reasonable excuse for the
disappearance of said funds or property. (Meneses v.
Sandiganbayan, 100625, May 20, 1994)
An accountable officer may be convicted of Malversation even if there was
no direct evidence of misappropriation, when:


Any public officer who, by reason of the duties of his office, is
accountable for public funds or property, shall appropriate the

The shortage in his account is indubitably established, and

He could not give a satisfactory or reasonable explanation or
excuse for the disappearance of said funds or property.
This is because of the prima facie presumption that he has put the missing
funds or property to his personal use. Thus, granting a vale is not a

defense and the same constitutes malversation. (Cabello v.

Sandiganbayan, 197 SCRA 94)

Article 222 because it was not placed in his custody by reason of his office.
(Q2, 1990 Bar)

But the presumption, being merely prima facie, may be rebutted and
destroyed by competent proof that the accountable officer has not in truth
put the funds or property in question to personal use. (Alvarez v.
Sandiganbayan, 201 SCRA 557; Agullo v. Sandiganbayan, 132926, July 20,

Where a municipal treasurer cashed a private check with public money and
the check was dishonored, malversation is committed. (People v. Carpio,
01092, Jan. 31, 1963) (Q11, 1999 Bar)

The accountable officer contemplated under Art. 217 punishing

Malversation is not limited to bonded public officers. (Quinon v. People,
136462, September 19, 2002) The nature of duties of the public officer
and not the importance of his position is the controlling factor. He may be
a mere clerk but if he receives money or property belonging to the
government for which he is bound to account, then he is an accountable
public officer. (US v. Velasques, 32 Phil. 159)
Public property includes checks, letters of credit, negotiable notes, deeds,
objects of art, and any personal property whether fungible or non-fungible.
Thus, a librarian who misappropriates public books or paintings which are
public property is guilty of malversation. (Cuello Calon, II, p. 405)
Malversation can be committed through negligence, as when a police
evidence custodian transports a P 5 Million worth of shabu without escort
and allegedly loses the same to hold-uppers. (Diego v. Sandiganbayan,
139282, September 4, 2000)
A private person cannot commit malversation except in two


If such private person in any capacity whatever has charge of any

national, provincial, or municipal funds, revenues or property. (Art.
2. If such private person takes a direct participation in the
commission of the malversation of public funds or property by a
public officer or cooperates in the commission of the same, he is
guilty as a co-principal. (US v. Ponte, 20 Phil. 379)
Private funds or property may also be the subject of malversation. Article
222 provides that malversation may be committed upon property placed in
the custody of public officers by reason of their office even if such property
belongs to a private individual. (People v. De la Serna, [CA] 40 O.G. Supp.
12, p. 159) So, funds of the Red Cross or Boy Scouts, although not strictly
public funds were held to become impressed with the character of public
funds when they were received by the officer with the obligation to account
for them. However, where a Municipal Treasurer is also the treasurer of a
charity ball of the church and holds funds is not one contemplated in

While malversation may be committed thru negligence, not all

abandonment or negligence constitutes malversation but only such that
approximates intent and malice. Thus, a defendant who, as municipal
treasurer, had a large stock of rice under his charge, and who, in goof faith,
sold them on credit as he needed swift disposal, cannot be liable for
malversation thru negligence. (Viada, IV, pp. 498-499) Good faith or
honest mistake is a defense in malversation. (US v. Elvina, 24 Phil. 230)
But a postmaster who did not return the warrants, cash and checks in the
combination safe as a consequence of which they were stolen, was held
guilty of malversation through negligence. (People v. Luntao, 50 OG 1182)
Further, in Diego v. Sandiganbayan, 139282, September 4, 2000,the
Supreme Court convicted a police officer for Malversation through
negligence for the loss of shabu to armed men, when he took upon himself
to transport the subject shabu without police escort knowing fully well of
the risks involved.
Demand is not necessary to constitute malversation. It is merely a rule of
evidence and no more, since, without demand, affirmative proofs must be
presented to show actual malversation but the moment it is shown that the
accountable officer does not have the funds where he says he has them,
malversation is committed. (People v. Tolentino, 69 Phil. 715) Damage to
the government is not essential, not being an element of the offense. It is
immaterial that the accused is solvent or is bonded by an amount bigger
than that malversed. (Cuello Calon, II, p. 404) In malversation, good faith
or honest mistake is a defense. (US v. Borlongan, 21 Phil. 232)



1. Committed by accountable public officer.

1. By private person or pub


2. Deals with public property.

2. Private property.

3. Maybe committed without personal


3. Committed by personal a

If a private person in conspiracy with an accountable public officer is

accused of malversation and the public officer is acquitted, the private
person maybe convicted for the crime of estafa as such offense is
necessarily included in malversation. (People v. Salazar, 61 OG 5913) A
person charged under an information for malversation of public funds can
be convicted of estafa, if the funds are in fact private funds, the reason
being that estafa is included as a lesser, cognate offense in relation to
malversation. (Delfin v. CA, 21022, Feb. 27, 1965)
Repeated misappropriation of public funds although made on different
occasions constitutes one crime only if the public funds were placed in the
custody of the offender for one purpose, the reason being that said acts of
malversation are the consequence of a single criminal intent. (Decs., Sup.
Ct. of Spain, June 26, 1930)
Return or reimbursement of the funds missing or misappropriated is a
mitigating circumstance if promptly made. (People v. Velasquez, 79 Phil.
98) Refund of the money misappropriated made on the same day it was
converted does not exempt the offender from criminal liability. (US v.
Reyes, 14 Phil. 413) However, if the restitution was made immediately,
under vehement protest against an imputation of malversation and without
leaving the office, he may not be criminally liable. (Q11, 1999 Bar) In
malversation, the restitution of the amount malversed or swindled, after
the commission of the crime, affects only the civil liability of the offender,
but does not extinguish his criminal liability or relieve him from the penalty
prescribed by law for the offense committed, because the crime is a public
office against the people of the Philippines that must be prosecuted and
penalized by the Government on its own motion, though complete
reparation should have been made of the damage suffered by the offended
government. (OCA v. Soriano, 136 SCRA 461
A public officer charged with malversation may not be validly convicted of
illegal use of public funds because the latter crime is not necessarily
included nor does it necessary include the crime of malversation. It is
evident that the elements of the two crimes are entirely distinct and
different from the other, such that in an information charging an officer of
malversation of public funds, he cannot be convicted of technical
malversation, one not being included in the other and vice versa.
(Parungao v. Sandiganbayan, 197 SCRA 173) (Q5, 1996 Bar)

The elements are:

1. Offender is an accountable public officer.

2. He applies public funds or property under his administration to some

public use.
3. The public use for which the public funds or property were applied is
different from the purpose for which they were originally appropriated. (Art.
This felony is known as technical malversation and is a penal sanction to
the constitutional provision that no money shall be paid out of the treasury
except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law. Damage is not an
essential element and the offender derives no benefit. To constitute this
crime, there must be a law or ordinance appropriating public funds or
property for a specific purpose which the accused has violated. (People v.
Montemayor, 17449, August 30, 1962)

The elements are:

1. The offender is a public officer.

2. He has under his custody or charge a prisoner serving sentence by final
judgment or a detention prisoner.
3. He connives with or consent to the escape of such prisoner. (Art. 223)
Without connivance in the escape of the prisoners on the part on the part
of the person in charge, this crime is not committed. Leniency or laxity in
the performance of duties is not necessary infidelity. (People v. Evangelista,
38 OG 158) However, relaxation of a prisoner is considered infidelity, thus
making the penalty ineffectual; although the convict may no have fled (US
v. Bandino, 9 Phil. 459) it is still violative of the provision. It also includes a
case when the guard allowed the prisoner, who is serving a six-day
sentence in the municipal jail, to sleep in the Chief of Police house and eat
there. (People v. Revilla) (Q14, 1996 Bar; Q11, 1997 Bar)

The elements are:

1. Offender is a public officer.

2. He is charged with the conveyance or custody of the escaping prisoner.
3. The escape occurs thru his negligence. (Art. 224) (People v. Reyes, 3 CA
Reports 198)
Not every mistake is negligence under this Article. There must have been
definite laxity amounting to deliberate non-performance. This is the
distinction between neglect that is properly dealt with administratively,
and neglect that gives rise to the crime of infidelity in the custody of
prisoners through negligence. (People v. Flosa, 47 OG 2452)

[1] Laurel v. Desierto, 145368, April 12, 2002

[2] Sec. 203, RPC
[3] Pabalan v. Guevara, 74 SCRA 53; Heirs of the late Justice JBL Reyes v.
Demetria, CA-01-31, Jan. 23, 2002
[4] In re: Atty. Laureta, 63635, March 12, 1987
[5] In re: Climaco, 55 SCRA 107
[6] De la Cruz v. Paras, 69 SCRA 556
[7] Magdamo v. Pahimulin, 73 SCRA 110
[8] Dec. of Sup. Ct. of Spain, June 19, 1892
[9] Q6,1992 Bar; Q20, 1991 Bar
[10] Art. 203, RPC
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