BBA 1st Semester Syllabus
BBA 1st Semester Syllabus
BBA 1st Semester Syllabus
Course Objectives
This module aims to develop students' understanding of the microeconomic concepts and theories in
order to enhance their skill in analyzing business opportunities, market and risks.
Microeconomics: concepts and uses. Theory of demand and supply: demand function, change in quantity
demanded and change in demand, supply function: change in quantity supplied and change in supply,
elasticity of demand and supply concepts, degrees and measurements. Utility Analysis: cardinal vs
ordinal utility and indifference curve analysis. Theory of production: Production function, laws of
production. Cost and revenue curves. Pricing: Price and output determination under perfect competition,
monopoly and monopolistic competition, concept of oligopoly. Factor pricing: rent (modern theory of rent)
wages (marginal productivity theory), interest (loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory) and
profit (dynamic theory and innovation theory).
Detailed Course
Unit 1: Introduction to Microeconomics
LH 3
LH 8
Price effect derivation of PCC and demand curves for normal goods (substitutes and
Income effect derivation of ICC and Engel curves for normal goods and inferior goods
Substitution effect Hicksian approach
Decomposition of price effect into income and substitution effects Hicksian approach
Applications tax and subsidy, income leisure choice of workers
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 4: Theory of Production
LH 7
LH 8
Various concepts of costs: opportunity cost, explicit and implicit costs, accounting and economic costs
Short run costs
Behaviour of short run total costs
Behaviour of average and marginal cost curves
Relation between AC and MC, TVC and MC and AC and AFC and AVC
Long run costs
Derivation of U-shaped and L-shaped LAC with reasons
Revenue under perfect competition
Revenue under imperfect competition
Relationship of Revenues (TR, AR and MR) with price elasticity of demand
Computations and Numerical assignments
Unit 6: Theory of Product Pricing
Profit maximisation and equilibrium of a firm
TR-TC approach (table and diagram)
MR-MC approach (table and diagram)
Equilibrium price and output determination under perfect competition
Meaning and characteristics
LH 10
LH 6
Concept of economic rent and its determination: modern theory of rent.
Marginal productivity theory of wages
Loanable funds theory of interest
Liquidity preference theory of interest
Dynamic theory of profits
Innovation theory of profits
Computations and Numerical assignments
Ahuja, H.C. Advanced Economic Theory Micro Economic Analysis, New Delhi S. Chand (Latest
Browning and Browning (1994), Microeconomic Theory and Applications, New Delhi, Kalyani
Case, Karl E. and Ray C. Fair, (2002), Principles of Economics, Singapore, Pearson Education
Dwibedi DN (2003), Microeconomics Theory and Applications, Delhi, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
Dwibedi DN (2010), Microeconomics Theory and Practice, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill.
Koutsoyianis, A (1979), Modern Microeconomics, London, Macmillan
McConnell CR and S. Brue, (2002), Economics : Principles, Problems and Policies, New York,
McGraw Hill.
Great Scott! Gadzooks!
On the Eve of His Execution
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Unit 3: Essays
o Why Go to University?
o Curbing the One-eyed Monster
o How Sane Are We?
o The Burden of Skepticism
o Keeping Errors at Bay
LH 7
LH 14
LH 10
LH 6
LH 8
= 12
5 x 5 = 25
= 15
Input Devices: Definition of Input Devices and its type (Mouse, Keyboard, Microphone,
Scanner, TouchPanel, MICR, OBR and OMR), Uses of input devices.
LH 2
Unit III:
Output Devices: Definition of Output devices and its type (Softcopy and Hardcopy), Monitor
(CRT, LCD, LED, and Plasma), Printer (Impact and Non-Impact), Uses of Output devices. LH 2
Unit IV:
Storage Devices: Primary Storage Device (RAM and its type, ROM and its type and Cache
Memory), Secondary Storage Devices (Hard Disk, Optical Disk, Flash Drive, Memory/SD
card), and Uses of storage devices and Memory Hierarchy.
LH 2
Unit V:
Central Processing Unit: Control Unit, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Register set, Functions of
Central Processing Unit. Introduction to Bus (Address, Data, Control)
LH 2
Unit VI:
Operating System, Features of Operating System, Types of Operating Systems, Support for
LH 2
Unit VII:
Unit VIII:
Application Software: Introduction, types and uses of Application software. Office package
(Word Processor, Spread Sheet and Presentation)tool: Introduction and Features.
Word Processor (Microsoft Office Word 2007): Paragraph formatting, font formatting,
managing layout of document, editing document, reviewing document (Track changes,
Adding comments, Proofing). Inserting pictures, tables, shapes, hyperlink, header, footer,
page number, Watermark, Footnote, caption, text box, word art, equations, symbol and
chart. Table of Content, Mail Merge, Text wrapping and Templates.
Spread Sheet (Microsoft Office Excel 2007): Font formatting, cell formatting, alignment,
inserting picture, charts, shapes, header, footer, page number, symbol, page setup, using
formula, sorting table, using filters, reviewing spreadsheet, Freezing panes.
Presentation Tools (Microsoft Office PowerPoint2007): formatting font, paragraph; inserting
new slides, pictures, charts shapes, header footer, word art, date and time, slide number;
page setup, slide orientation; using different themes for slide; animations: slide transition,
custom animation; Slide show; reviewing slides.
Image processing software (Photoshop): Working with image: size, mode, adjustment, crop,
transform, Extract, Distort; Working with layers, working with filter, working with guide, grid
and ruler, working with channel.
LH 13
Unit IX:
Utility Software: Definition and uses of Utility software, Device Manager, Disk cleaner, Disk
scanner, Disk Defragmenter, virus scanner, spyware scanner, Introduction and uses of
Device Driver, Language Translator
LH 2
Unit X:
Information Technology, Importance of IT, Different hardware and software used in IT,
Application of IT in Science and Engineering, Business and Commerce, Education,
Government, Medicine, Entertainment.
LH 4
Unit XI:
Financial Information System (FIS), Features of FIS, Personal FIS, Organizational Financial
Management. FIS and organizational decision making process, personal financial
management system, Application of FIS, Financial Calculator: Ratio Analysis (current ratio,
inventory turnover ratio, days sales outstanding, fixed assets turnover, total assets turnover
ratio, profit margin on sales, basic earning power ratio, return on total assets, return on
common equity, Price/Earnings Ratio, Price/Cash Flow ratio), Future value, Annuity,
Retirement Planning, Amortized loan, Measuring Riskiness of Firm and Risk comparison. LH 6
Unit XII:
Text book
ITL Education Solutions Limited, Introduction to Information Technology, Pearson Education India
- Keyes, J. Financial Services Information Systems (Best Practices), Auerbach Publications; 2 Sub edition
- James B. Bower, Robert Edward Schlosser, Charles T. Zlatkovich, Financial information systems: theory and
- Kimball P Marshall, Marketing information systems: creating competitive advantage in the information age,
Boyd & Fraser Pub Co
Office of the Dean
Full Marks: 40
Time: 2 Hrs.
BBA / First Semester / ITC 201: Computer Systems and Information Technology Applications
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group A
[10 1 = 10]
Group B
[6 3 = 18]
How information system can help hospitals to perform its function effectively?
What do you mean by sorting? Explain the steps required to sort table in ascending order.
Write the steps to animate five different elements of a slide. (Each element can have same animation or
What is jpeg/jpg file format? How will you reduce size of an image?
Define Network. Classify the network on the basis of size and architecture.
Group C
Long Answer Questions:
Define financial information system (FIS)? How FIS can be of value for individuals?
[3 4 = 12]
What is marketing information system (MkIS)? How can MkIS be used to evalute effectiveness of
Course Objectives
This module aims to impart the basic management knowledge, and skills to the students so as to
enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field.
Concepts and functions of management. Management perspective. Planning: meaning, classification,
steps and tools. Planning premises. Decision making: meaning, types, conditions and process.
Organizing: meaning, process, principles, and architecture. Authority and responsibility. Centralization,
delegation and decentralization. Staffing. Emerging issues in organizing. Leading: meaning, qualities and
styles. Individual differences and psychological contract. Introduction to groups. Concept of managerial
ethics. Motivation: concept and techniques. Communication: meaning, process, types and barriers.
Controlling: meaning, process and techniques. Quality. Organizational change and development and
Operation and technology management. .
Detailed Course
Unit 1: Introduction
LH 4
Management: concepts, meaning, essence, levels and functions. Types of managers. Managerial
roles and skills. Becoming a manager: role of education, experience and situation. Business
environment and society-external environment, corporate social responsibility, ethics, corporate
governance and ethical standards.
Unit 2: Perspectives in Management
LH 8
LH 7
Meaning. Levels of Planning: Strategic, Tactical and operational. Steps in Planning. Tools for
planning. Planning premises. Pitfalls of planning. Improving planning. Decision Making: meaning,
types and process. Decision making conditions certainty, risk and uncertainty. Practical
excercises on taking decisions including decision making using indicators.
Unit 4: Organizing
LH 8
Meaning, process and principles of organizing. Organization Architecture: vertical differentiation
tall versus flat hierarchies, horizontal differentiation functional structure, multidivisional structure,
geographic structure, and matrix structure. Responsibility: establishing task and reporting
relationships, creating accountability. Authority: line authority and staff authority. Delegation of
Addendum: At least one case will be administered at the end of each chapter. The students will also
complete a project work and a few other assignments as specified by the faculty member.
Adhikari, Dev Raj. Principles of Management, Sunrise Publication, Kathmandu.
Charles W.L. Hill and Steven L. McShane, Principles of Management, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Company,
New Delhi.
Griffin, Ricky W., Management. AITBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
Hitt, M.A., J.S. Black and Porter, L.W., Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Pant, Prem Raj, Principles of Management, Buddha Academic Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
Paudyal, Santosh Raj, Pradhan, Gopal Man and Bhandari, Kedar P. (2064), Principles of Management,
Asmita Publication, Kathmandu.
In addition, three course includes the basics of spreadsheet operations relating to solving equations,
systems of equations, quadratic equations, matrices, the Mathematics of Finance and some numerical
methods as well.
Straight lines and Functions, their Applications in Market Analysis, Excel for Linear Functions
Simultaneous Equations and Use them in Equilibrium Market Analysis, Quadratic Equations and
Economic Applications, Non-linear Functions, Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations, their
Graphs and Applications, Financial Mathematics, Excel for Financial Mathematics, Differentiation and
Applications in Marginal Analysis, Economic Applications in Optimization.
Detailed Course
Unit 1. Straight lines and Functions
6 hrs
6 hrs
Simultaneous linear equations, Equilibrium and break-even, Consumer and producer surplus, the ISLM model
Lab. Work: Excel for simultaneous linear equations.
Unit 3. Quadratic Equations
Graphs of Quadratic Functions, Quadratic Equations, Applications to Economics;
Lab. Work: Excel for quadratic equations.
Unit 4. Non-linear functions, their graphs and applications 10 hrs
Cubic and other polynomial functions, Exponential functions, Logarithmic functions,
7 hrs
10 hrs
Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series; Simple interest, compound interest and annual
percentage rates, Depreciation, Net present value and internal rate of return, Annuities, debt
repayments, sinking funds; Relationship between interest rates and the price of bonds;
Lab. Work: Excel for financial mathematics.
Unit 6. Differentiation and applications
9 hrs
Slope of a curve and differentiation, Rules of differentiation, Differentiation and marginal analysis,
Optimization for functions of one variable, Economic applications of maximum and minimum points,
Curvature and other applications, Elasticity and the derivative;
Lab. Work: Excel for applications of derivatives.
Teresa Bradley, Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business, John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Frank S. Budnick, Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences,
McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Limited.
Ronald J. Harshbarger, James J. Reynolds , Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life,
and Social Sciences, Houghton Mifflin Company.
Vassilis C. Mavron, Timothy N. Phillips, Mathematics for Economics and Finance, Springer-Verlag.
G. S. Monga, Mathematics for management and economics, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
Mike Rosser, Basic Mathematics for Economists, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Alpha C. Chiang, Fundamental Methods Of Mathematical Economics, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Srinath Baruah, Basic Mathematics and its Application in Economics, Macmillan India.
A. B. Sthapit, P. M. Bajracharya and et al: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics, Buddha Academic
Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Nepal.