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Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

We are delighted to welcome you to the 2014-15 academic session of
the four-year BS programme of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The
Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction presents all
relevant information about the structure of the BS programme and the
courses offered in the programme. It also provides detailed information
about the facilities available to you and the rules and regulations related
to the life of an undergraduate student in the IISc campus. Please read the
Handbook carefully and feel free to contact me or your Faculty Advisor if
you have any question that is not answered in it.

With my best wishes for a productive, exciting and pleasant academic year,


Chandan Dasgupta,
Dean, Undergraduate Programme

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Academic Events
1. Bachelor of Science Programme


2. Discipline, Attendance and Leave Rules


3. Code of Ethics and Conduct


4. Academic Integrity


5. Tuition and Other Fees


6. Students Assistance


7. J R D Tata Memorial Library


8. Health Centre


9. Hostels and Dining Halls


10. Students Council


11. Recreational Facilities










Environmental Science










Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

for Students
2014 - 15

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Academic Events
I Term
II Term
Summer Term

: 1 August - 12 December 2014

: 1 January - 30 April 2015
: 1 May - 30 June 2015

I Term
II Term
Summer Term

: 1 - 4 August 2014
: 1 - 2 January 2015
: 1 - 4 May 2015


13 December - 31 December. 2014
1 May - 31 July 2015

I Term
II Term
Summer Term

: 03 December - 12 December 2014

: 20 April - 29 April 2015
: 30 June 2015



: Term Grade Point Average

: Cumulative Grade Point Average
: Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
: Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Bachelor of Science Programme


Basic Structure
The four-year Bachelor of Science (BS) Programme is organized into eight semesters. The following
major disciplines are available in the BS Programme:

Environmental Sciences

Each student is required to take a specified number of core courses in the first three semesters.
The course work during these three semesters consists of a common programme for all students,
independent of the future discipline. This will include courses in engineering, humanities and
interdisciplinary areas for a well-rounded learning experience. At the end of the third semester, each
student will be assigned a major discipline (from the list given above) based on her/his preferences
and CGPA. While a student specializes in a major discipline, she/he can also broaden her/his
knowledge and skills by taking courses in other disciplines. Students who take a sufficient number
of courses in a discipline other than the major one will qualify for a minor in that discipline. The
major/minor disciplines taken by the student will be mentioned in her/his degree certificate.


Faculty Advisor
Each student will be assigned a Faculty Advisor at the beginning of the first semester. The Faculty
Advisor may be consulted about all matters (academic as well as non-academic) that may be of
concern to the student. The Faculty Advisors will do their best to promote the development and
growth of the students in their scientific career. A new Faculty Advisor in the area chosen by a
student as major will be identified at the beginning of the fourth semester.


Registration for Courses and Course Load

1.3.1 Registration for courses will be done in consultation with the Faculty Advisor.
1.3.2 All students must complete a total of 131 credits (basic courses on biology, chemistry, mathematics
and physics in the first three semesters: 36 credits; engineering courses: 19 credits; humanities
courses: 9 credits; major courses and project: 52 credits; minor or assortment of courses:
15 credits). The course load during the first three common semesters is fixed. From the fourth
semester, a student must register for a minimum of 16 credits. The final semester is devoted to a
research project.

Dropping of Courses

1.4.1 A student may drop a course, after consultation with her/his Faculty Advisor and the course
Instructor, provided that the total number of credits carried in the term is not less than the minimum
number of credits stipulated in Section 1.3. If the dropping occurs on or before 15th October in
Term I, 2nd March in Term II and 1st June in the Summer Term, the course will not be listed in
the final transcript, Dropping is also permitted on or before 14th November in Term I, 1st April in
Term II and 16th June in the Summer Term; however, the dropped course will be recorded in the
final transcript with a W (Withdrawn) grade marked against it.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

1.4.2 A student may register again for a course (in consultation with Faculty Advisor) which she/he has
dropped in a previous term.
1.4.3 After a student has passed a course, she/he cannot register again for it, or take an equivalent course
in order to improve the grade. Such re-taking for grade improvement arises only when she/he gets
a failing F grade; the details of this are discussed in Section 1.8.

Continuous Assessment

1.5.1 Evaluation is based on continuous assessment, in which sessional work and the terminal examination
contribute equally to the final grade
1.5.2 Sessional work consists of class tests, mid-term examination(s), home-work assignments etc., as
determined by the Instructor. Absence from these or late submission of home-work will result in
loss of marks.
1.5.3 The distribution of the 50 % sessional marks among home work, class tests, mid-term examinations
etc., will be announced by the Instructor at the beginning of the course. After the terminal
examination has been graded, the 50% contribution from it is added to the sessional marks, to get
the total marks. The marks are then converted to grades, based on cut-offs that are decided by the
Instructor. Only the grade is reported; the marks are retained internally by the Instructor. There are
6 grades, designated S, A, B, C, D, F, with the corresponding grade points as given below. All grades
except F are passing grades. To get a passing grade in a course that has both theory and laboratory
components, a student must secure at least 20% marks in both theory and laboratory parts.

Grade Points

1.5.4 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed from the grades as a measure of the students
performance. The Term GPA (TGPA) is based on the grades of the current term, while the
Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is based on the grades in all courses taken after joining the programme.
The contribution of each course to the GPA is the product of the number of credits and the grade
point corresponding to the grade obtained. For instance, if it is a 3 credit course, and the student
gets a B grade (which corresponds to 6 grade points, from the table above), then the contribution
of the course to the total grade points is equal to 3 x 6, or 18. To get the TGPA, one adds the grade
point contributions of all the courses taken in the term, and divides this total by the number of
credits. The CGPA is similarly calculated, the only difference being that one considers the grade
point contributions of all the courses taken in all the terms. The TGPA and CGPA are rounded off
to the first decimal place.

Terminal Examinations

1.6.1 Terminal examinations are held during the last fortnight of each semester and during the last week
of the Summer Term. The Time Table will be notified in advance. The graded answer scripts of the
terminal examination will be made available to the students on a specified date within one week
from the date of the terminal examination. Requests for changes in the grading of the terminal
examination papers can be made only when the graded papers are shown to the students.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

1.6.2 Attendance of the terminal examination is compulsory. If a student does not attend the examination,
she/he shall be considered as having obtained zero marks in it, and will get an F grade. Absence on
medical grounds, certified by the Chief Medical Officer of the Institute, may be condoned, and the
student may be permitted to take substitute examination(s) within a prescribed period.

Academic Criteria for Continuation

1.7.1 The student should not have obtained more than four F grades at any given time during the period
of studentship. If a fifth F grade is obtained without clearing the four existing F grades, she/he shall
leave the Institute.
1.7.2 In the first term, the TGPA should not be below 3.5, and in subsequent terms the CGPA should not
go below 4.0. If this condition is not satisfied, the student shall leave the Institute.
1.8 Handling of F Grades
1.8.1 Since the F grade is a failing grade, a student cannot graduate until she/he clears each F grade by
taking a make-up examination, by repeating the same course or by taking a substitute course, as
decided by the UGCC and SUGCC. Make-up examinations of all courses will be held in the last
week of the summer vacation.
1.8.2 If the F grade is obtained in a core course, it must be cleared by taking a make-up examination in
the same course or by repeating the same course, as decided by the UGCC and SUGCC. For an
elective, the UGCC can specify an appropriate alternative course as the substitute course.
1.8.3 If a student clears an F grade by taking a make-up examination, the highest grade she/he can get
in that course is C. A student who fails the make-up examination must repeat the course. If the
student gets an F grade in the repeated course or in the specified substitute course, the student shall
leave the Institute.
1.8.4 Such repetition of courses is permitted only to clear F grades. Students are not permitted to retake
courses in which they have obtained any higher grade.
1.8.5 Both the F grade that was initially obtained and the higher grade that was obtained in the subsequent
taking of the course will be reflected in the transcript.
1.8.6 Even if F grades are subsequently cleared, the student will not be eligible for the award of
1.8.7 When an F grade is obtained, it is used for the computation of the TGPA and the CGPA. When the
F grade is subsequently cleared, it will no longer be included in computing the TGPA of the term
in question, and the grade from the repeated or substitute course will replace it in the subsequent
CGPA computations.


1.9.1 Each student registers for a project at the end of the sixth semester. Each student will carry out the
project under a Project Advisor who is chosen based on the students interests. The project need
not be in the major discipline, but it must have a strong overlap with the major discipline. The
Project Advisor also becomes the Faculty Advisor from this stage.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

1.9.3 Minimum Project Pass Grade The minimum pass grade is C. If a student secures an F grade in
the project, she/he fails the programme and must leave the Institute. A student who secures a D
grade will be given an opportunity to re-do the project and improve the grade. The period of this
extension of project work has to be approved by the SUGCC on the recommendation of the UGCC
and the project supervisor.
1.10 Degree Requirements
1.10.1 Normally, students have to complete the BS programme in 8 terms. However, in special
circumstances, a student may be permitted an extension, so as to complete all requirements for
the degree within a maximum of 12 terms. Further, the core courses need to be cleared within a
maximum of 6 terms. Summer terms are not counted for this purpose.
1.10.2 The computation of the final CGPA is done only if the student clears all courses successfully within
the period specified.
1.10.3 A student must complete the specified course requirements of 131 credits of the relevant degree
programme with a minimum CGPA of 4.0 in the course work and at least a C grade in the project work.
1.11 Classification of Awards
1.11.1 Successful completion of the course can carry any one of the following awards: First Class with
Distinction, First Class and Second Class. The CGPA requirements for each award are given below:
7 and above
5.0 and above
4.0 to 4.9

First Class with Distinction
First Class
Second Class

See also Section 1.8.6

1.12 Attendance
1.12.1 Attendance in all classes (lectures, tutorials, laboratories, etc) must be at least 80 percent of the
total number of classes. The attendance records of all students in each course will be reviewed
after every four weeks. Students who are not attending the minimum fraction of classes in a course
will be warned by the instructor of the course. Guardians of these students will be informed and
a list of their names will be posted on the UG notice board. Students with less than 80 percent
attendance in a course at the time of the mid-term examination will not be allowed to take the
examination. A student will be debarred from appearing in the terminal examination of a course if
her/his attendance in the course for the semester falls below 80 percent. A shortage of attendance
may be condoned by the Dean in exceptional circumstances.
1.13 Break in Studies
1.13.1 Students may be permitted a break in studies on medical grounds with the prior written permission
of the UGCC. The break may be for a maximum period of one year.


1.13.2 Request for a break in studies should be submitted at least a month in advance, and must be
accompanied by a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Institute. It should be
forwarded through the Faculty Advisor.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

1.13.3 Resumption of studies requires a fitness certificate from the CMO of the Institute.
1.13.4 To maintain the studentship status, the student should pay tuition and all other fees even during
the break period.
1.14 Privileges and Responsibilities
1.14.1 All students are bound by the rules and regulations framed by the Institute.
1.14.2 Full Time Students:

During the tenure of their studentship, full-time students are eligible for the following:

Residence in the Hostel as per hostel rules, subject to availability

Membership of the Gymkhana
Participation in the activities of the Students Council
Assistance from the Students Aid Fund (SAF)
Leave privileges as may be applicable from time to time
Limited assistance through the Special Medical Care Scheme

1.15 General

On all matters connected with their course work and the prescribed requirements for the degree,
students are advised to seek the guidance of the Faculty Advisor or the Dean of Undergraduate

Discipline, Attendance & Leave Rules



2.1.1 Students are expected to dress and to conduct themselves in a proper manner.
2.1.2 All forms of ragging are prohibited. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authorities,
the student concerned shall be given the opportunity to explain. If the explanation is not found to
be satisfactory, the authorities can expel her/him from the Institute.
2.1.3 The students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that provides a safe working
environment for women. Sexual harassment of any kind is unacceptable and will attract appropriate
disciplinary action. Further details can be obtained from the web site http://biochem.iisc.ernet.


2.3.1 A student is governed by the following leave rules. To obtain leave, prior application shall have to be submitted to the Dean of Undergraduate
Studies through the Faculty Advisor stating fully the reasons for the leave requested for along with
supporting document(s). Such leave will be granted by the Dean. Absence for a period not exceeding two weeks in a semester due to unavoidable reasons for which
prior application could not be made may be condoned by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies
provided she/he is satisfied with the explanation.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction The Dean of Undergraduate Studies may, on receipt of an application, also decide whether
the student be asked to withdraw from the courses for that particular semester because of long
absence. The leave of absence as per and will not be condoned for attendance. All students are entitled to take leave for the full summer term at the end of the second semester.
2.3.2 Leave of absence on medical grounds: Up to 30 days a year for extended sickness normally requiring
hospitalization. Women research scholars can avail of maternity leave for 135 days once during the tenure of
studentship. Medical leave for periods of less than 7 days is not permitted. For leave under and above, a Medical Certificate and a subsequent Fitness Certificate
(for resumption of studies) are required. These are to be issued by the CMO of the Institute. A combination of different types of leave is not normally permitted.
2.3.3 No carry-over of leave is permitted. Any unused leave will automatically lapse at the end of the year.
2.3.4 With regard to leave, the year is reckoned as follows: From the date of commencement of the
session, irrespective of the date of joining.
2.3.5 Students permitted to attend approved conferences may be considered to be on duty.

Code of Ethics and Conduct



At the time of admission, each student is required to sign a statement accepting the code of ethics
and conduct, and giving an undertaking that:
(a) she/he will complete her/his studies in the Institute; and
(b) if for any legitimate reasons, she/he is forced to discontinue studies, she/he will do so only on
prior intimation to and permission from the Deans.
If a student commits a breach of the code of conduct, she/he will be asked to leave the Institute and
will not be eligible for:

3.2.1 Re-admission as a student for a period of three years; and

3.2.2 Issue of grade card or certificate for the course studied or work carried out by him/her as a part of
the programme for which she/he was admitted.



On account of misconduct or unsatisfactory work, the Deans may withdraw the scholarship at any
time and/or decide that the scholarship has to be refunded from the date of the last award.


In various phases of research, project work, course work and other academic activities, one is
faced with issues of integrity and conflict of interest. Behaviour of all Institute faculty, students and
research workers must be in conformance with the Academic Integrity policy that is given in the
next Section.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Academic Integrity

Cases of ethical lapses emanating from institutions of scientific research are increasingly being
reported in the news. In this context, we need to create awareness and come up with a set of clear
guidelines to maintain academic integrity. A flourishing academic environment entails individual
and community responsibility for doing so. The three broad categories of improper academic
behaviour that will be considered are: I) plagiarism, II) cheating and III) conflict of interest.


Cases of ethical plagiarism are the use of material, ideas, figures, code or data without appropriate
acknowledgement or permission (in some cases) of the original source. This may involve submission
of material, verbatim or paraphrased, that is authored by another person or published earlier by
oneself. Examples of plagiarism include:
(a) Reproducing, in whole or part, text/sentences from a report, book, thesis, publication or
(b) Reproducing ones own previously published data, illustrations, figures, images, or someone
elses data, etc.
(c) Taking material from class-notes or downloading material from internet sites, and
incorporating it in ones class reports, presentations, manuscripts or thesis without citing the
original source.
(d) Self plagiarism which constitutes copying verbatim from ones own earlier published work in
a journal or conference proceedings without appropriate citations.

The resources given in Subsection 4.7 explain how to carry out proper referencing, as well as
examples of plagiarism and how to avoid it.


Cheating is another form of unacceptable academic behaviour and may be classified into different
(a) Copying during exams, and copying of homework assignments, term papers or manuscripts.
(b) Allowing or facilitating copying, or writing a report or exam for someone else.
(c) Using unauthorized material, copying, collaborating when not authorized, and purchasing or
borrowing papers or material from various sources
(d) Fabricating (making up) or falsifying (manipulating) data and reporting them in thesis and


Some guidelines for academic conduct are provided below to guard against negligence as well as
deliberate dishonesty:
(a) Use proper methodology for experiments and computational work. Accurately describe and
compile data.
(b) Carefully record and save primary and secondary data such as original pictures, instrument
data readouts, laboratory notebooks, and computer folders. There should be minimal digital
manipulation of images/photos; the original version should be saved for later scrutiny, if
required, and the changes made should be clearly described.
(c) Ensure robust reproducibility and statistical analysis of experiments and simulations.
It is important to be truthful about the data and not to omit some data points to make an
impressive figure (commonly known as cherry picking).
(d) Lab notebooks must be well maintained in bound notebooks with printed page numbers to
enable checking later during publications or patent. Date should be indicated on each page.
(e) Write clearly in your own words. It is necessary to resist the temptation to copy and paste
from the Internet or other sources for class assignments, manuscripts and thesis.
(f) Give due credit to previous reports, methods, computer programs etc with appropriate
citations. Material taken from your own published work should also be cited; as mentioned
above, it will be considered self-plagiarism otherwise.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction


Conflict of Interest: A clash of personal or private interests with professional activities can lead to
a potential conflict of interest, in diverse activities such as teaching, research, publication, work
on committees, research funding and consultancy. It is necessary to protect actual professional
independence, objectivity and commitment, and also to avoid an appearance of any impropriety
arising from conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest is not restricted to personal financial gain;
it extends to a large gamut of professional academic activities including peer reviewing, serving
on various committees, which may, for example, oversee funding or give recognition, as well as
influencing public policy. To promote transparency and enhance credibility, potential conflicts of
interests must be disclosed in writing to appropriate authorities, so that a considered decision can
be made on a case-by-case basis. Some additional information is available also in the section below
dealing with resources.


Individual and Collective Responsibility: The responsibility varies with the role one plays.

4.6.1 Student roles: Before submitting a project report to the subject coordinator, the student is
responsible for checking the report for plagiarism using software that is available on the web
(see resources below). In addition, the student should certify that they are aware of the academic
guidelines of the Institute, have checked their document for plagiarism, and that the project report
is original work. A web-check does not necessarily rule out plagiarism.
4.6.2 Faculty roles: Faculty should ensure that proper methods are followed for experiments,
computations and theoretical developments, and that data are properly recorded and saved for
future reference. In addition, they should review manuscripts and theses carefully. Apart from
the student certification regarding a web-check for plagiarism for project reports, the Institute
will provide some commercial software at SERC for plagiarism checking. Faculty members are
encouraged to use this facility for checking reports and manuscripts. Faculty members are also
responsible for ensuring personal compliance with the above broad issues relating to academic
4.6.3 Institutional roles: A breach of academic integrity is a serious offence with long lasting consequences
for both the individual and the institute, and this can lead to various sanctions. In the case of a
student the first violation of academic breach will lead to a warning and/or an F course grade.
A repeat offence, if deemed sufficiently serious, could lead to expulsion. It is recommended that
faculty bring any academic violations to the notice of the subject coordinator. Upon receipt of
reports of scientific misconduct, the Director may appoint a committee to investigate the matter
and suggest appropriate measures on a case to case basis.


[1] National Academy of Sciences article On being a scientist,
[2] http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/plagiarism/
[3] http://www.aresearchguide.com/6plagiar.html
[4] https://www.indiana.edu/~tedfrick/plagiarism
[5] http://www.files.chem.vt.edu/chem-ed/ethics/index.html
[6] http://www.ncusd203.org/central/html/where/plagiarism_stoppers.html
[7] http://sja.ucdavis.edu/files/plagiarism.pdf
[8] http://web.mit.edu/academicintegrity/
[9] http://www.northwestern.edu/provost/students/integrity/
[10] http://www.ais.up.ac.za/plagiarism/websources.htm#info
[11] http://ori.dhhs.gov/
[12] http://www.scientificvalues.org/cases.html

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Tuition and Other Fees

Students are required to pay the fees prescribed by the Institute during the period of studentship. These are
liable to changes from time to time. The details of the fees in force are given below:

Fees per annum:

5.1.1 BS Students (general/OBC)

Fee Details
Tuition Fee


Gymkhana Fee


Emergency Fund
Other Academic


5.2. Fee Payment Scheme for the Session 2014-15

For BS students (general/OBC)



Tuition Fees (in Rs.)


Other Fees (in Rs.)


Total (in Rs.)





Due Dates
I Installment (1 August 31 October)
II Installment (1 November-31 December)
III Installment (1 January-31 July)

BS students (SC/ST)
Fee Details
Tuition Fee

Due Date

Fully waived

Gymkhana Fee


Emergency Fund
Other Academic


Due Date: August 15, 2014



Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

5.2.1 Penalties Fees are payable on or before the dates noted above. If the due date falls on a holiday, it can be paid
on the next working day without a fine. A fine of Rs.20/- per week shall be levied for all students
who default and do not pay the fees before the prescribed date. If a student fails to pay tuition and other fees by the due date, any one or more of the following
penalties will be levied:
(a) Overdue charges of Rs.20/- per week or part thereof;
(b) Stoppage of scholarship and/or loss of attendance for the period of non-payment or delay in
(c) Withdrawal of permission to take the examinations or to continue research; and
(d) Cancellation of registration to continue as a student at the Institute.
5.3. Deposits (Refundable)

Statutory Deposit : Rs. 2,000/Library Deposit : Rs. 2,000/-

5.3.1 The deposits are to cover liabilities such as

(a) Damage of apparatus or other property
(b) Wastage of materials
(c) Fines
(d) Hostel and dining hall dues
(f) Loss of Books and
(g) Other dues.
5.3.2. A request for refund of Statutory and Library deposits is to be submitted in the prescribed forms at
the time of leaving the Institute. The form may be obtained either from the Undergraduate Office
or from the Finance Section (Unit V-C). A student should submit the request through the Dean of
the Undergraduate Programme before leaving the Institute, to obtain a refund of the deposits.
5.4. Concessions
5.4.1 Students belonging to SC and ST communities are exempted only from tuition fees.

Students Assistance
6.1 Students Aid Fund
6.1.1. Each student shall contribute to the Fund a sum of at least Rs.50 per annum. Donations are also
received from other sources.
6.1.2. The Fund is administered by a Committee constituted by the Director. This Committee may also
prescribe operational rules for sanction of assistance from the Fund from time to time. A guarantee
from one or both the parents or guardian is required before the assistance can be sanctioned.


6.1.3. Assistance in the form of loans from the Fund is available to poor students to:
a) meet tuition fees;
b) purchase books, instruments and stationery necessary for the pursuit of their courses or

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

research project;
c) meet other expenses connected with their work and for their maintenance at the Institute as
may be approved by the Committee; and
d) meet hostel, dining hall, medical expenses, etc.
6.1.4. No payment shall be made by way of scholarships or prizes to students.
6.1.5. This assistance in the form of loans will be as reimbursement of expenditure incurred on different
items. The amount will be recovered in equal installments. The number of installments will be
decided at the time of sanctioning the loan.
6.1.6 Requests for assistance should be made to the Academic Section in the prescribed form.

Financial Assistance for Medical Care

6.2.1 Students can get limited assistance to meet the cost of expenditure incurred in case of hospitalization,
from the Students Medical Care Fund, formed out of contributions made by the students and a
matching grant made by the Institute.

J R D Tata Memorial Library

The Library was established in 1911, and was renamed J R D Tata Memorial Library in May
1994. It is one of the best scientific and technical libraries in India. The library aims to develop
a comprehensive collection of documents that are useful to the faculty, students and research
scholars in their educational and research activities.

The library has a total collection of about 5 lakh documents, which includes books and monographs,
bound volumes and periodicals, theses, standards, technical reports, Indian patents and non - book
materials like CD ROMs, floppy disks etc. It receives over 1700 current periodicals.

Books and journals are available at the main library building. Technical reports, standards and
theses are available at the library annexe building located opposite to the NCSI building.

The Digital Information Service Centre (DISC) is located on the left wing of the first floor of the
annexe building. CD-ROM database access facilities are provided here. Digital library services
have been started. As part of the digital library, the digitization of institute theses and the rare books
collection initiative have been started.

Computer systems are provided at various locations to help access the Online Public Access
Catalogue (OPAC) of the library. Users can also access the Online Catalogue from their respective
departments, through the library homepage (URL http://www.library.iisc.ernet.in).

The following information can be accessed.

1. Information about the library
2. Weekly list of books and journals received in the library.
3. List of current journals received.
4. Complete journal holdings
5. List of journals received by the five IITs
6. Web access to the Online Catalogue (OPAC)

The creation of barcode labels for new books is in progress.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Access to Electronic Resources

The library provides access to the following e-resources through the INDEST consortium and also
on its own subscription. Some of the full-text resources include Elsevier Science (Science Direct),
Springer Verlag (LINK), and ACM, ASCE, ASME, IEEE (IEL). It also gives access to back-files
of Elsevier Science, Wiley Inter-science, IOP, APS. Bibliographic and citation databases like
Compendex, INSPEC, Web of Science can also be accessed.
Working hours:

Monday-Saturday 0800 to 2300 hrs

0900 to 1700 hrs

General Holidays 1000 to 1600 hrs
Circulation rules and procedures:
7.1. What may be loaned:

a) Books
b) Series Publications

c) Reference Books (except Handbooks, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, etc.)
7.2. What may not be loaned:

a) Annual Reports

c) Dictionaries

(b) Handbooks
(d) Encyclopedias

7.3. Loan Period

a) Books (General)

b) Periodicals (bound/series/references)

Health Centre

Medical services to students are provided at the Health Centre. It has out-patient and in-patient
facilities served by Medical Officers and nursing staff. Specialists in the areas of eye, dental and
psychiatric care including an Ayurvedic consultant visit the Health Centre regularly. In addition,
there is a doctor on duty to look after emergency cases at night.

Diagnostic facilities like a clinical laboratory, an X-ray facility, ECG and ultrasonography are
available. Cases requiring other specialist services are referred to appropriate centres/ hospitals.

All the regular students of the Institute are covered by the Students Health Care Scheme which
permits reimbursement of medical expenses incurred as per norms. Students are to undergo a
medical examination at the time of joining.

Hostels and Dining Hall


14 days
48 hours

Adequate accommodation is available for all the registered students of the Institute in the hostels.
There are four dining halls: Vegetarian A, Composite B, C and D (both vegetarian and nonvegetarian).

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Charges towards Hostel facilities (for each month) are given below:
Gen / OBC
Room Rent
Elec. & Water

Refundable Deposits for all categories of students : Rs. 6,500.00


Students Council
Office Bearers
Chairman: Kallol Roy, PH
General Secretary: Anindita Brahma, CES
Secretary - Womens Affairs:

Marsha Mary Parmar, PH

The Students Council (SC) is the representative body of the entire student community of the
Institute. It is the interface between the students and the administration and works with both
entities to identify and address concerns that affect the students directly and indirectly. The SC
represents the interests of the students and participates in discussions and decisions that affect the
student community.

The SC aims at the all round development of students and organizes several extra- curricular events
throughout the year in association with the Gymkhana and the various activity clubs on campus.
SC also coordinates the student volunteer effort for Institute events that are organized periodically.
It also provide students an opportunity to be a part of the activity, motivated by a sense of social
responsibility and aiming to give something back to society.

Three Office bearers are elected for a period of one year. Nominated members constitute the
steering and executive committees of the SC. Two representatives from each of the departments
are members of the Council. Additionally, the following committees are also constituted by the
Students Council

Academic - All issues relating to courses, academic resources

Amenities - Deciding on new on-campus amenities and monitoring the quality of existing ones.
Communications - Media interface and dissemination of information to students
Cultural - Organizing and promoting intra and inter-institute cultural events
Social Initiatives - Organizing volunteer activities and drives and coordinating the efforts of the
students and student groups in execution.
Support Network, Health - Counselling Center, Womens Cell and the Health Center

url: http://www.iisc.ernet.in/scouncil
email: scouncil@tejas.serc.iisc.ernet.in

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Recreational Facilities
11.1 Gymkhana
11.1.1 The Gymkhana is the centre of cultural activity at the Institute. It has a cricket ground, tennis,
volleyball, basket ball courts and a cinder track. An indoor badminton court, table tennis, billiards,
karate, shaolin-chu-kung-fu, taek-kondo, chess and carom, are a few among the many facilities in
the gymkhana. Athletic and recreational facilities at the gymkhana come as a break to regular work
schedules at the Institute. It also provides a conducive atmosphere for interaction between students
and staff.

The gymkhana also has a good gymnasium with facilities like Home Gym, a Hercules multi trainer
and wall bar equipment.

Attached to the gymkhana is a small well-kept swimming pool where coaching classes are also
conducted during the summer.

The gymkhana subscribes to about 14 magazines in English at its Ranade Library, apart from
making available about 10,000 books to readers. The music room in the gymkhana houses a stereo
system and record player, with a good collection of records. There is a separate TV lounge. An
indoor Students Auditorium where cultural activities can be organized is available as a facility.
There is also an open-air auditorium.

The Film Club regularly screens popular and classic films in its main hall for the benefit of the

The gymkhana organizes inter-departmental, inter-collegiate and inter-university tournaments

in sports, games and cultural events. VIBRATIONS, a week long annual cultural festival, which
attracts students from institutions all over the country and helps to bring out their inherent cultural
talent is celebrated at the gymkhana.

A dark room facility for the photographic club situated at the gymkhana caters to the needs of
camera-loving members.

A snack parlour, which serves coffee, snacks and soft drinks to the members, is also situated in the
gymkhana premises.

11.2 General Facilities

11.2.1 Other general facilities at the Institute include banks, xerox centres, travel agencies, bookstores and
a caf and tea kiosk.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Scheme of
2014 - 15


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester I (AUG)
UB 101 and UB 101L (2:1)
UB 101: Introductory Biology- I (Organismal Biology and the Molecular Basis of Life)
Introduction to the world of living organisms; levels of biological organisation; diversity of life on earth; history
and evolution of life on earth; mechanisms of evolution; genetic basis of natural selection; measuring the rate
of natural selection; organisms and their environment; adaptation; behaviour and ecology; biological species
diversity; environmental degradation, conservation and management; the future of life on earth.
Concepts of pH/pKa, structures of water, amino acids, peptides and proteins; chemistry of DNA, RNA,
proteins, lipids and carbohydrates; elementary enzymology and molecular biology; Introduction to various
model organisms. Cell as a unit of living organisms, cellular organelles: Structure and function, organization
of cytoskeleton and nuclei, ER-Golgi modifications, Vesicle-mediated protein transport, endocytosis and
exocytosis, mitochondria and respiration.

UB 101L
Methods of describing, observing, counting and estimating the abundance, diversity and behaviour of
living organisms. Light Microscopy, sample preparation and examination, identification of microorganisms,
staining techniques, fluorescence microscopy to examine intracellular compartments, Cell fractionation and
centrifugation methods, isolation of intracellular compartments by differential centrifugation techniques, nuclei,
mitochondria, RER etc. Basics of cell culture methods: cell counting, culture media preparation. Titration of
amino acids, estimations of reducing non-reducing sugars, proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids, paper chromatography/
TLC, SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing, DNA melting curves.

Raghavendra Gadagkar, Dipankar Chatterji

Carson, R. Silent Spring, Fawcett World Library, New York, 1967.
Dawkins, R. The Blind Watchmaker, Longman Scientific & Technical, England, 1986.
R. Gadagkar, Survival Strategies Cooperation and Conflict in Animal Societies, Harvard University Press and Universities Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA and Hyderabad, India, 1997, 1998.
D. Sadava, D. M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller, M. Berenbaum, Life, the science of biology, W. H. Freeman, 9th edition, 2009.
Wilson, E. O. The Future of Life, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002.
Wilson, E.O. Life on Earth. Freely available at: http://eowilsonfoundation.org/e-o-wilson-s-life-on-earth
H. Lodish, A. Berk, C. A. Kreiger, M. P. Scott, A. Bretscher, H. Ploegh, P. Matsudaira, Molecular cell biology, W.H. Freeman, 6th edition, 2008.
J. E. Krebs, E. S. Goldstein & S. T. Kilpatrick, Lewins Genes X , Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 10th edition, 2011.
D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W.H.Freeman, 5th edition, 2009.
J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, L. Styrer, Biochemistry, W.H.Freeman & Co., 6th edition, 2006.
D. Voet, J. G. Voet, Biochemistry, Wiley, 4rd edition, 2010.

Semester 2 (JAN)
UB 102 and UB 102L (2:1)
UB 102: Introductory Biology- II (Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics)


Introduction to the microbial world and its diversity; importance of microbes in exploration of basic principles
of biology; bacterial growth and its modulation by nutrient availability in the medium; structure and function of
a bacterial cell; structure of cell wall; isolation of auxotrophs; life cycles of temperate and lytic bacteriophages,
structure and function of extra-chromosomal elements and their applications in molecular microbiology.
Molecular biology (central dogma, replication, transcription, genetic code and translation); examples of post-

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

transcriptional and post-translational modifications; genetic methods of gene transfer in bacteria; Mendelian
genetics (segregation and independent assortment); introduction to polytene and lampbrush chromosomes;
sex determination and sex linkage in diploids; cytoplasmic inheritance; pedigrees, markers, mapping and genetic
disorders; gene frequencies and Hardy-Weinberg principle, and introduction to various model organisms.

UB 102L
Light microscopy, identification of microorganisms, staining techniques (Grams, acid fast), bacterial
plating, tests for antibiotic resistance, M13 infection, plaque assay, preparation of bacterial competent cells,
transformation, transduction, conjugation, -galactosidase assay, Drosophila crosses using red eye and white
eye mutants, observation of Barr body in buccal mucosa cells, preparation of mitotic/polytene chromosomes
from Drosophila larvae, and karyotyping using human metaphase plate photos.

Umesh Varshney, Arun Kumar

J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, L. Styrer, Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman & Co., 6th edition, 2006.
R. Y. Stanier, E. A. Adelberg, J. L. Ingraham, General Microbiology, MacMillan Press, 5th edition, 2007.
M.W. Strickberger, Genetics, Prentice-Hall, India, 3rd edition, 2008.
Daniel Hartl, Essential Genetics: A genomics perspective, Jones & Bartlett 3rd edition, 2002
T. Strachan, A.P. Read, Human Molecular Genetics, Garland Science, 3rd edition, 2004.

Semester 3 (AUG)
UB 201 and UB 201L (2:1)
UB 201: Introductory Biology-III (Cell Biology, Immunology and Neurobiology)
Eukaryotic cells and organelles, cell membranes and cell function. Introduction to animal viruses with examples,
life cycle and host-virus interactions. Introduction to the immune system the players and mechanisms, innate
immunity, adaptive responses, B cell receptor and immunoglobulins, T cell activation and differentiation
and Major Histocompatibility Complex encoded molecules. Overview of the nervous system (from neuron
to brain), ionic basis of resting membrane potential and action potentials, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and
second messengers, motor systems, neural basis of cognition: attention, and language and disorders of the brain.

UB 201L
Animal cell culture and microscopy, Immune organs and isolation of cells from lymph node, spleen and thymus.
Lymphocyte and macrophage activation studies, nitrite detection, ELISA and cell cycle analysis. Gross anatomy
of the human brain; staining of mouse brain sections; generation of action-potential; psychophysical and
cognitive neurobiology experiments.

Dipankar Nandi, Saumitra Das, Shyamala Mani

Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh, Paul Matsudaira,
Molecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman; 6th edition, 2007.
Bruce Alberts, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, 5th edition, 2008
T. Kindt, R. Goldsby, B. A. Osborne, Kuby Immunology, W. H. Freeman, 6th edition, 2006.
David M. Knipe, Peter Howley, Fields Virology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 6th edition, 2013.
M. Bear, B. Connors, M. Paradiso, Neuroscience: exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3rd edition, 2006.

Semester 4 (JAN)
UB 207: General Biochemistry (2:0) (Core course for BIO major and minor)
Basic concepts of enzymes and enzyme kinetics, allosteric proteins, catalytic strategies, regulatory strategies of
enzymes, basic concepts of metabolism and its design, catabolism and anabolism, energy generation and storage,
glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway, gluconeogenesis, glycogen


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, amino acid degradation and urea cycle, biosynthesis of membrane lipids
and steroids, biosynthesis of amino acids and heme, biosynthesis of nucleotides, integration of metabolism,

D. N. Rao and Siddhartha Sarma

D. Voet, J. G. Voet, Biochemistry, Wiley, 4rd edition, 2010.
J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, L. Styrer, Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman & Co., 6th edition, 2006.

UB 203: Introductory structural biology (3:0) (Core course for BIO major)
Structure and function in biology, small and large molecules of living cells, molecular conformation,
Stereochemistry of peptides, basics of globular protein structure and folding, Hierarchical organization of
protein structures, solvent accessibility and hydrophobicity. Comprehension and analysis of protein structures,
evolution of protein structures, protein folding and stability, membrane proteins, nucleic acid structure and

M. R. N. Murthy and N. Srinivasan

A. Liljas, L. Liljas, J. Piskur, G. Lindblom, P. Nissen, M. Kjeldgaard, Textbook Of Structural Biology, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2009.

UB 205: Introductory Physiology (2:0) (Core course for BIO major)

Mammalian physiology: Introduction to physiology, internal environment, control of internal environment by
feedback systems, renal physiology, body fluids and kidneys, urine formation by the kidneys, cell signalling and
endocrine regulation, hormonal regulation of energy metabolism, hormonal regulation of calcium metabolism,
hormonal control of reproduction in males and females, pregnancy and lactation. Plant physiology: plant cell
structure and cell wall, water uptake, photosynthesis and photorespiration, secondary metabolites, phytochrome
and light signaling, hormone signaling in plants, control of flowering, stress physiology.

Rajan Dighe, C. Jayabhaskaran, R. Medhamurthy

J. E. Hall, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, Elsevier, 12th edition, 2011.
J. L. Jameson, L. J. De Groot, Endocrinology, Elsevier, 6th Edition, 2010.
L. Taiz, E. Zeiger, Plant Physiology, Sinauer Associates, 5th edition, 2010.

UB 206L: Experiments in Biochemistry and Physiology (0:2) (Core course for BIO major)
Expression of recombinant proteins, purification and characterization. Isolation and characterization of
proteins, quantitation of proteins using biochemical assays and physico-chemical characterization of proteins.
Purification of Immunoglobulin G from rabbit antiserum. Characterization of antibodies by immunoasays:
solid phase, liquid phase and Western blotting. Enzyme assays and determining specific activity of enzymes.

Anjali Karande and Rajan Dighe

UB 208: Basic Molecular Biology (2:0)

Genes as carriers of heredity, gene-enzyme relation, spontaneous versus adaptive mutations: origins of bacterial
genetics, the transforming principle and the chemical identity of the gene, DNA and heredity, biochemistry of
DNA, Chargaff s rule, early models of DNA structure, the double helix and the origins of molecular biology,
alternative structures of DNA, unidirectional flow of genetic information - The Central Dogma, the coding
problem - elucidation of the genetic code, confirmation of DNA as the genetic material, models for replication of
DNA. Gene organization in bacteria: operons and regulons, structure of bacterial promoters, RNA polymerase
and initiation of transcription, repressors and activators, restriction-modification systems in bacteria, DNA
topology and its homeostasis, DNA repair mechanisms, developmental systems in prokaryotes - lysogeny and
sporulation. Chromosome organization in eukaryotes: histones and nucleosomes, gene regulation in eukaryotes:

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

transcription factors and enhancers, histone modification and epigenetics, gene expression during development,
regulation mediated by RNA, molecular evolution, genomics.

S. Mahadevan
James D. Watson, Tania A. Baker, Stephen P. Bell, Alexander Gann, Michael Levine, Molecular Biology of the Gene, 7th edition, BenjaminCummings Publishing Company, 2013
G. Stent and R. Calendar, Molecular Genetics: An Introductory Narrative, 2nd edition, W H Freeman & Co, 1978

Semester 5 (AUG)
UB 301L: Experiments in Microbiology and Ecology (0:2) (Core course for BIO major)
There are two sets of hand on experiments for Biology majors: In the first part, students will get a hands-on
experience in understanding the basic concepts in microbiology. The topics include the microbial growth curve,
microbial nutritional requirements, genetic engineering techniques, plasmid isolation, creation of genetic knock
out in bacteria, bacterial infection in cell culture system, estimation of infection by colony forming unit (CFU)
analysis and fluorescence technique.
In the second part, students will explore key concepts in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior through field
observations, manipulative experiments and computer simulations. Topics will include diversity and
distributions of organisms, competition and predation, species interactions, mate choice, optimal foraging
theory, plant and animal communication, learning and memory, evolutionary evidence and the fossil record,
variation and heritability, natural and sexual selection, genetic drift.

Dipshikha Chakravortty and Maria Thaker

UB305 and UB305L (2:1)
Evolution of genetics: genes to genomics; an overview of model systems; Mendelism; extensions of Mendelism;
evolution of the concept of gene; an overview of genetic chemistry; transcriptional, post-transcriptional and
translational regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; genetic recombination and repair; mobile genetic elements
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; epigenetics; molecular basis of sex determination and dosage compensation in
Caenorhabditis, Drosophila and human; population genetics; DNA recombination technology; genome genetics.

Practicals with genetic stocks of Drosophila. (1) Genetics of mutants: a) Drosophila (b) Zebra fish (c) Arabidopsis.
(2) Chromatographic analysis of eye pigments in the mutants of Drosophila (3) Mitotic (human), meiotic (mouse/
grasshopper) and polytene chromosomes (Drosophila) (4) Collection of Drosophila species from wild/nature
to study sympatric diversity of species and pattern of genetic variability. (5) Experiments to demonstrate different
patterns of inheritance: genetic crosses and analysis of P1, P2, F1, F2 & test cross progeny: (6) Generation of New
mutations in Drosophila this will go till the end of Course students need to characterize a mutation based on what
they learn in theory and practical classes. (7) Experiments on natural selection and genetic drift (8) Quantitative
characters: acrostichals and sternopleurals bristles in Drosophila: mean, standard deviation, t-test (9) Experiments
with genome - nucleic acids: isolation of genomic DNA, restriction digestion profiles, PCR

H. A. Ranganath
Griffiths A.J.F., Wessler S.R., Carroll S.B. and Doebley J. 2012. Introduction to Genetic Analysis, W.H. Freeman and Company.
Pierce BA 2012 Genetics: A Conceptual Approach. W.H. Freeman Palgrave MacMillan.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 6 (JAN)
UB 302 (formerly UB 204): Developmental Biology (2:0) (Core course for BIO major)
Introduction, history and concepts of developmental biology; the current understanding on the mechanisms of
development using model organisms including invertebrates, vertebrates and plants; general principles for the
making of a complex, multicellular organism from a single cell; the creation of multicellularity (cellularization,
cleavage), reorganization into germ layers (gastrulation), cell type determination; creation of specific organs,
(organogenesis); molecular mechanisms underlying morphogenetic movements, differentiation, and interactions
during development; fundamental differences between animal and plant development; embryogenesis in plant
classical and modern views; axis specification and pattern formation in angiosperm embryos; organization
and homeostasis in the shoot and root meristems; patterning in vegetative and flower meristems; growth and
tissue differentiation in plants; stem cells and regeneration; evolution of developmental mechanisms.

Usha Vijayraghavan, Upendra Nongthomba, Utpal Nath

L. Wolpert, C. Tickle, Principles of development, Oxford University Press, 4th edition, 2010.
S. F. Gilbert, Developmental Biology, Sinauer Associates, 9th edition, 2010.
J. M. W. Slack, Essential Developmental Biology, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, 2012.
Leyser, S. Day, Mechanisms in Plant Development, Willey-Blackwell, 2003.
L. Taiz, E. Zeiger, Plant Physiology, Sinauer Associates, 5th edition, 2010.
Bruce Alberts, Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, 5th edition, 2008.

UB 303L: Experiments in Molecular Biophysics (0:1) (Core course for BIO major)
UV spectroscopy of proteins (quantitation and determination of extinction coefficient). Fluorescence
spectroscopy of proteins. UV spectroscopy of DNA (determination of melting temperature and influence of
buffer composition). CD spectroscopy of proteins and calculation of helical contents. CD spectroscopy of DNA
and monitoring conversion of B-form DNA [poly(dG-dC)] to Z-form DNA in high salt. Mass spectroscopy
of proteins (determination of mass and MS-MS analysis). Study of protein oligomerization by dynamic light
scattering. Estimation of free sulfhydryl groups in proteins by DTNB titration and its validation by mass
spectroscopy and iodoacetamide labeling.

Dipankar Chatterji and Siddhartha Sarma

UB 304L: Experiments in Neurobiology (0:1)

The vertebrate nervous system and its organization. Theory and demonstration of stereotactic surgery in rodents.
Demonstration of tissue sectioning techniques. Preparation of primary neuronal cultures and imaging neurons.
Theory and demonstration of neuronal activity. Introduction to behavioral measurements and statistical analysis.

Prerequisite: NS201 (AUG) 3:0

Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath and Shymala Mani

Semester 8 (JAN)
UB 401: Research Project (0:16)
An independent research project will be performed by all UG-Biology major students under the supervision
of faculty. It is recommended that students initiate laboratory work during the summer break post completion
of the sixth semester. The progress of the project will be monitored at the end of the seventh semester. The
submitted project report will be graded before the end of the eight semester as follows: faculty assessment (30%
marks), independent referee (30% marks) and presentation (40%). Based on the students performance, the
final grade will be determined.

Faculty members in the Division of Biological Sciences, IISc


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Please see courses listed in the Scheme of
Semester 1 (AUG)

UC 101: Physical Principles of Chemistry (2:1)

Bohr theory, Wave Particle Duality, Uncertainty principle, Schrdinger equation, H-atom and atomic orbitals,
electron spin, Pauli principle and many electron atoms. Chemical bonding: covalent and ionic bonding, valance
bond theory, hybridization and resonance; molecular orbital theory. Homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomics,
potential energy curves and intermolecular interactions; elements of spectroscopy, van der Waals equation of
state; theory of chemical reactions.

K L Sebastian, A Srinivasan and Ambili Menon

D.A. McQuarrie and J.D. Simon, Physical Chemistry, Viva Books.
H.B. Gray, Electrons and Chemical Bonding, W.A. Benjamin Inc. (1965).
Elements of Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins & Julio De Paula, 5/E, Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
Physical Chemistry by Ira N. Levine, 2008 (Tata McGraw Hill).
Physical Chemistry by Gordon M Barrow, 2007 (McGraw Hill).

Semester 2 (JAN)

UC 103: Basic Inorganic Chemistry (2:1)

Multi-electron atomsperiodic trends; chemical bonding: ionic solids, CFT: d-orbital splitting, tetrahedral,
square planar, cubic and octahedral crystal fields, covalent bonding; Lewis model (2 Dim); VSEPR (3 Dim)
hybridization; molecular orbital theory: heteronuclear diatomics, triatomics; shapes of main group compounds;
acid-base chemistry: concepts, measures of acid-base strength, HSAB.

P S Mukherjee, Ambili Menon and A Srinivasan

Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee, 5/E, Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
Pearson Inorganic Chemistry Third Edition by Gary L. Miessler, Donald A. Tarr.
Inorganic Chemistry by Duward F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins, C.H. Langford, Oxford University Press.
Inorganic Chemistry by J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, 4/E, Pearson Education Asia.

Semester 3 (AUG)

UC 206: Basic Organic Chemistry (2:1)

Nomenclature of organic compounds: alkanes, alkenes and alkynes; structure and reactivity. Concept
of aromaticity; organic reactions Addition reactions; Elimination reactions; substitution reactions and
rearrangements. Organic reaction mechanisms; reaction intermediates and their characterization. Introduction
to stereochemistry.

Mrinmoy De, T K Chakraborty and Anuradha Mukherjee

Organic Chemistry by Solomons, T. W. G. and Fryhle, C., John Wiley & Sons, (2009).
Organic Chemistry by McMurry, J. E., 7th Ed., Thomson, (2007).
Organic Chemistry by Paula Y. Bruice, 6th Edition, Pearson.

Semester 4 (JAN)

UC 202: Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry (2:0) (Core for majors)

Intermolecular forces, van der Waals interactions, Leonard-Jones potentials, hydrogen bonding. Laws of
thermodynamics, state functions, thermodynamic properties of liquids and solids, state equations, phase
change, thermodynamic description of mixtures, reversible and irreversible processes, colligative properties and
chemical equilibrium, thermodynamic cycles. Activity and activity coefficients, Debye-Hckel law, Arrhenius


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

theory, cells, Nernst equation, EMF and free energy, concentration cells, conductivity, electrode processes,
Ficks laws, Electrochemical techniques.

Anshu Pandey
McQuarrie and Simon, Physical Chemistry A Molecular approach.
R. Holze, Experimental Electrochemistry.
Electroanalytical techniques, Southampton electrochemistry group, Li, Peat, Peter and Pletcher.
J M Seddon and Gale J D, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Royal Society of Chemistry.
S. Glasstone, Thermodynamics for Chemists, Affiliated East West Press.
E. Fermi, Thermodynamics, Dover Publications.
Berry, Rice and Ross: Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press.

UC 207: Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis (2:1) (Core for majors and minors)
Propagation of errors in measurement, statistical analysis of data, etc. Separation Techniques: Extraction and
separation, principles of chromatography. Electroanalytical Techniques: Voltammetry and its variants, ion
selective electrodes and electrochemical techniques for analysis Spectroscopic Techniques: Atomic absorption/
emission, Electronic, Fluoresecence, and Vibrational (IR and Raman) Spectroscopy: basic principles, operation
and application to chemical problems. NMR Spectroscopy: Basic principles and operation, application of one
dimensional NMR for identification of chemicals. Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications.

P K Das, S Ramakrishnan and Anuradha Mukherjee

Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry by Skoog, West, Holler and Crouch; Eighth edition.

UC 204: Inorganic Chemistry: Chemistry of Elements (2:0) (Core for majors)

Chemistry of d-block elements: structure coordination numbers, isomerism, chelate effect; bonding: VBT,
CFT, MOT; descriptive chemistry of metals: periodic trends, chemistry of various oxidation states of transition
metals, oxidation states and EMFs of groups; organometallic chemistry: 18 electron rule, metal carbonyls,
metal cyclopentadienyl and arene compounds, industrial catalysts; bioinorganic chemistry: metals in biological
systems, heme and non-heme proteins, metalloenzymes; main group chemistry: carbon group elements
(electron precise compounds); Noble gas compounds; Chemistry of f-block elements.

A R Chakravarty
Inorganic Chemistry by Shriver, D.F. Atkins, P.W. ELBS; 4th Edition.
Inorganic Chemistry by James E. Huheey , Ellen Lieter, Keith Leiter; Harper International Edition.
Chemistry of Elements Greenwood and Earnshaw; Maxwell Macmillan.
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cottton and Wilkinson; Wiley International.

UC 205: Basic Organic Reactions (2:0) (Core for majors)

Acids and bases: definitions, pKa, pKaH, effect of structure on acid/base strength, kinetic & thermodynamic
acidity, general & specific acid/base catalysis; Reactions of alkenes and alkynes: addition of halogens, hydrogen
halides & interhalogen compounds, halolactonization Baldwins rule & Thorpe-Ingold effect, hydration,
epoxidation, dihydroxylation, ozonolysis, diol cleavage, carbenes and their reactions with olefins, hydrogenation;
Reactions of carbonyl compounds: addition to carbonyls, reductions, rearrangements & their applications,
oxidations, CC bond forming reactions involving carbonyls, Crams rule, Felkin-Anh model; Introduction to
pericyclic reactions: cycloadditions, elctrocyclic reactions, FMO theory and Woodward-Hoffmann rules.

Santanu Mukherjee
Norman, R. O. C. and Coxon, J. M.; Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd Ed., (1993).
Carruthers, W. and Coldham, I.; Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, 4th Ed., Cambridge University Press, (2004).

Clayden, J.; Greeves, N.; Warren, S. And Wothers, P.; Organic Chemistry, Oxford University Press, (2000).
Carey, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J.; Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A & Part B, 5th Ed., Springer, (2007).

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 5 (AUG)

CD 211: Physical Chemistry I - Quantum Chemistry and Group Theory (3:0) (Core for majors)
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics and introduction to operators; Exactly solvable problems Perturbational
and Variational Methods, Hckel model, Many electron Atoms, Slater determinants, Hartree-Fock Variational
Method for atoms; Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Symmetry and Group theory, Point Groups, Reducible
and Irreducible Representations (IR), Great Orthogonality theorem, Projection operators, Applications to
molecular orbitals and normal modes of vibration and selection rules in spectroscopy

S Ramasesha
I. Levine, Quantum Chemistry.
D. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
R.H. Dicke and J.P. Wittke, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory.
M. Tinkham, Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics.

CD 212: Inorganic Chemistry -Main group and Coordination Chemistry (3:0) (Core for majors)
Main group: hydrogen and its compounds -ionic, covalent, and metallic hydrides, hydrogen bonding; chemistry
of lithium, beryllium, boron, nitrogen, oxygen and halogen groups; chains, rings, and cage compounds;
Coordination chemistry: bonding theories (revision and extension), spectral and magnetic properties;
inorganic reactions and mechanisms: hydrolysis reactions, substitution reactions trans-effect; isomerization
reactions, redox reactions; metal-metal bonding and clusters; mixed valence systems; chemistry of lanthanides
and actinide elements.

E D Jemmis and P Thilagar

Shriver and Atkins Inorganic Chemistry by: Atkins, Overton, Rourke, Weller and Armstrong, Fifth Edition. South Asia Edition (paper
back), Oxford University Press, 2010.
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th edition, by: Manfred Bochmann, F. Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Carlos A. Murilla Wiley
Student Edition, NY, 2007.
Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 4th Edition, by: James E. Huheey, Ellen A. Keiter, Richard L. Keiter, Okhil K.
Medhi, Pearson, 2006.

CD 213: Organic Chemistry - Structure and Reactivity (3:0) (Core for majors)
Kinetics and reaction mechanism, primary and secondary isotope effects, Nucleophilic substitution,
stereochemistry and conformation.

U Maitra and Mrinmoy De

Carey, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J.; Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part 8, s Ed., Springer, (2007).
Lowry, T. M. and Richardson, K. S.; Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry, 3rd Ed., Addison-Wesley, (1987).
Smith, M. B. and March, J.; Marchs Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, John Wiley & Sons, (2007).
Anslyn, E. V. And Dougherty, D. A.; Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, University Science Books, (2005).

UC 301: Organic & Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (0:1) (Core for majors)
Common organic transformations such as esterification, Diels-Alder reaction, oxidation-reduction, Grignard
reaction, etc. Isolation and purification of products by chromatographic techniques, characterization of purified
products by IR and NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of coordination complexes, preparation of compounds of
main group elements, synthesis of organometallic complexes. Physico-chemical characterization of these
compounds by analytical and spectroscopic techniques.

N Jayaraman, K R Prabhu, P Thilagar, S Natarajan, A Srinivasan


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 6 (JAN)

CD 221: Physical Chemistry II: Statistical Mechanics (3:0) (Core for majors)
Review of thermodynamics, foundations of statistical mechanics, ensembles, partition functions, averages,
distributions, and non-interacting systems. Applications to rotational and vibrational problems, specific heats of
solids, classical fluids, and phase transitions.

Govardhan Reddy
H.B.Callen, Thermodynamics and Introduction to Thermostatistics.
D. A. MacQuarrie Statistical Mechanics.
D. Chandler Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics.

CD 222: Material Chemistry (3:0) (Core for majors)

Structure of solids, symmetry concepts, crystal structure. Preparative methods and characterization of inorganic
solids. Crystal defects and non-stoichiometry. Interpretation of phase diagrams, phase transitions. Kinetics of
phase transformations, structure property correlations in ceramics, glasses, polymers. Composites and nanomaterials. Basics of magnetic, electrical, optical, thermal and mechanical properties of solids.

Bikramjit Basu, K K Nanda and Prabeer Barpanda

A.R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications John Wiley and Sons, 1984.
J.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, MacMillan, 1988.
W. D. Callister and D. G. Rethwisch; Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach; John Wiley & Sons; 2012.
B. Basu and Kantesh Balani; Advanced Structural Ceramics; John Wiley & Sons; 2011.

CD 223: Organic Synthesis (3:0) (Core for majors)

Principles of selectivity and reactivity in the use of reagents for oxidation, reduction and bond forming reaction.
Planning a synthesis, antithetic analysis, synthons, linear and convergent synthesis.

N Jayaraman and T K Chakraborty

Warren S., Designing Organic Synthesis, 1978
Carruthers W. S., Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Carery, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J., Advanced organic chemistry, Part B, 2nd ed., Plenum, 1984
House, Modern Synthetic Reactions, 1972.
Fuhrhop J. and Penzilin G., Organic Synthesis -Concepts, Methods, Starting Materials, Verlog Chemie 1983.

UC 302: Physical and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (0:1) (Core for majors)
Chemical kinetics. Langmuir adsorption, chemical analysis by potentiometric and conductometric methods,
cyclic voltametry, flame photometry, electronic states by UV-Visible spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, solid
state chemistry -synthesis of solids and chemical analysis. Thermogravimetry. X-ray diffraction, electrical and
magnetic properties of solids. Vacuum techniques in preparative chemistry.

S Sampath, Aninda Bhattacharya, C Shivakumar

Vogel, A.I, Vogels text book of quantitative chemical analysis Longman 1989.

Semester 7 (AUG)

UC 401: Basic Organometallic Chemistry (3:0) (Core for majors)

Structure and bonding in organo-metallic compounds isolobal analogies, metal carbonyls, carbenes and NHC
complexes, olefin and acetylene complexes, alkyls and allyl complexes, metallocenes. Major reaction types


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

oxidative addition, reductive elimination, insertion, isomerization and rearrangement reactions. Catalytic
reactions: metathesis, hydrogenation, allylic activation, C-C coupling reactions, C-X coupling.

A G Samuelson and B R Jagirdar

Elschenbroich, Ch. Organometallics, 3rd edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005.
Gupta, B. D.; Elias, A. J. Basic Organometallic Chemistry: Concepts, Syntheses and Applications (second edition), 2013.

UC 402: Molecular Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Photochemistry (3:0) (Core for majors)
Energy levels of molecules and their symmetry. Polyatomic rotations and normal mode vibrations. Electronic
energy states and conical intersections; time-dependent perturbation theory and selection rules; microwave,
infrared and Raman, electronic spectroscopy; energy transfer by collisions, both inter and intra-molecular.
Unimolecular and bimolecular reactions and relations between molecularity and order of reactions, rate laws;
temperature and energy dependence of rate constants, collision theory and transition state theory, RRKM
and other statistical theories; photochemistry, quantum yield, photochemical reactions, chemiluminescence,
bioluminescence, kinetics and photophysics.

E Arunan
Molecular Spectroscopy by I. N. Levine.
Molecular Spectroscopy by J. L. McHale.
Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics by J. I. Steinfeld, J. S. Fransisco and W. L. Hase.
Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidler.

Electives to be offered to UG Students in the 7th and 8th Semesters

Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
IP 203 (AUG) 3:0
Group Theory and Molecular Spectroscopy
Sai G Ramesh
IP 211 (AUG) 3:0
Physical Chemistry I Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Electrochemistry
N Munichandraiah and Atanu Bhattacharya
IP 214 (AUG) 2:1
Crystallography for Chemists
M Nethaji
IP 311 (AUG) 3:0
Bio & Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry
G Mugesh
IP 313 ( JAN) 3:0
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
N Munichandraiah, S Sampath and P. Barpanda
IP 312 ( JAN) 3:0
Advanced Organometallic Chemistry
B R Jagirdar
IP 322 ( JAN) 3:0
Polymer Chemistry
S Ramakrishnan


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

IP 323 ( JAN) 3:0

Topics in Basic and Applied Electrochemistry
S Sampath
IP 324 ( JAN) 3:0
Photophysics and Photochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications
S Umapathy

Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit

SS 201 (AUG) 3:0
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
B Bagchi and S Yashonath
SS 202 (AUG) 3:0
Quantum Chemistry
S Ramasesha
CD 204 (AUG) 3:0
Chemistry of Materials
S. Natarajan (SSCU) and S Vasudevan (IPC/SSCU)
SS 205 (AUG) 3:0
Symmetry and Structure in the Solid State
T N Guru Row
SS 207 (AUG) 3:0
Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Applications to Biological Systems
B Bagchi
SS 304 (AUG) 3:0
Solar Energy: Advanced Materials and Devices
S Patil and A Pandey
SS 206 ( JAN) 3:0
Statistical Mechanics of Liquids & Simple Systems
B Bagchi
SS 301 ( JAN) 2:1
Topics in Solid State Chemistry
SS 303 ( JAN) 3:0
Functional Molecular Materials: Theory and Applications
A J Bhattacharya and S A Patil


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Organic Chemistry
OC 301 (AUG) 3:0
Advanced Organic Synthesis
Kavirayani R Prasad
OC 302 (AUG) 3:0
Asymmetric Catalysis: From Fundamentals to Frontiers
Santanu Mukherjee
OC 232 ( JAN) 2:0
Graduate Colloquium
Santanu Mukherjee and K R Prabhu

Materials Research Centre

BE 201 (AUG) 3:0
Fundamental of Biomaterials and Living Matter
Bikramjit Basu

Semester 1 (AUG)
UE 101: Algorithms and Programming (2:1)
Notions of algorithms and data structures. Introduction to C programming. Importance of algorithms and
data structures in programming. Notion of complexity of algorithms and the big Oh notation. Iteration and
Recursion. Algorithm analysis techniques. Arrays and common algorithms with arrays. Linked lists and common
algorithms with linked lists. Searching with hash tables and binary search trees. Pattern search algorithms.
Sorting algorithms including quick-sort, heap-sort, and merge-sort. Graphs: shortest path algorithms, minimal
spanning tree algorithms, depth first and breadth first search. Algorithm design techniques including greedy,
divide and conquer, and dynamic programming.

Y. N. Srikant
Brian W. Kerninghan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2009.
R.G. Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer. Pearson Education India. 2006.
Robert L. Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design in C. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
Steven S. Skiena, The Algorithm Design Manual. Springer, Second Edition, 2008.

Semester 2 (JAN)
UE 102: Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2:1)
Ohms law, KVL, KCL, Resistors and their characteristics, Categories of resistors, series parallel resistor networks.
Capacitors and their characteristics, Simple capacitor networks, Simple RC Circuit and differential equation
analysis, Frequency domain analysis and concepts of transfer function, magnitude and phase response, poles.
Inductors and their characteristics, a simple LR circuit and differential equation analysis, frequency domain
transfer function and time constant, LRC circuit and second order differential equation, frequency domain
analysis, resonance and Quality factor. Introduction to Faradays and Lenzs laws, magnetic coupling and
transformer action for step up and step down. Steady State AC analysis and introduction to phasor concept, lead


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

and lag of phases in inductors and capacitors, Concept of single phase and three phase circuits. Semiconductor
concepts, electrons & holes, PN junction concept, built-in potential, forward and reverse current equations,
diode operation and rectification, Zener diodes, Simple Diode circuits like half wave rectifier and full-wave
rectifier. NPN and PNP bipolar transistor action, current equations, common emitter amplifier design, biasing
and theory of operation. MOSFET as a switch, introduction to PMOS and NMOS. Introduction to Opamp
concept, Characterisitics of an ideal opamp a simple realisation of opamp using transistors, Various OPAMP
based circuits for basic operations like summing, a mplification, integration and differentiation, Introduction
to feedback concept LAB: Design of 3 transistor opamp and its characterisation. Simple OPAMP applications
using 741. MOSFET circuits for some simple gates, simple combinational functions. Basic flip-flop operation
and clocks in digital design, Introduction to A/D conversion, Introduction to 8051 microcontroller and assembly
language programming.

M K Gunasekaran
Art of Electronics, Second Edition, by Horowitz and Hill.

Semester 3 (AUG)
UE200: Introduction to Earth and its Environment (2:0)
Evolution of earth as habitable planet; evolution of continents, oceans and landforms; evolution of life through
geological times. Exploring the earths interior; thermal and chemical structure; origin of gravitational and
magnetic fields. Plate tectonics; how it works and shapes the earth. Internal Geosystems; earthquakes; volcanoes;
climatic excursions through time. Basic Geological processes; igneous, sedimentation and metamorphic
processes. Geology of groundwater occurrence.
Groundwater occurrence and recharge process, Groundwater movement, Groundwater discharge and
catchment hydrology, Groundwater as a resource, Natural groundwater quality and contamination, Modeling
and managing groundwater systems.
Engineering and sustainable development; population and urbanization, toxic chemicals and finite resources,
water scarcity and conflict. Environmental risk; risk assessment and characterization, hazard assessment,
exposure assessment. Water chemistry; chemistry in aqueous media, environmental chemistry of some important
elements. Air resources engineering; introduction to atmospheric composition and behavior, atmospheric
photochemistry. Solid waste management; Solids waste characterization, management concepts.

Kusala Rajendran, Ashok Raichur, M. Sekhar

John Grotzinger and Thomas H. Jordan (2010) Understanding Earth, Sixth Edition, W. H. Freeman, 672 pp
Younger, P L (2007) Groundwater in the environment: An introduction, Blackwell Publishing, 317pp
Mihelcic, J. R., Zimmerman, J. B. (2010) Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability & Design, Wiley, NJ, 695 pp

UE202: Introduction to Materials Science (2:0)

Bonding, types of materials, basics of crystal structures and crystallography. Thermodynamics, thermochemistry,
unary systems, methods of structural characterization. Thermodynamics of solid solutions, phase diagrams,
defects, diffusion. Solidification. Solid-solid phase transformations. Mechanical behaviour: elasticity, plasticity,
fracture. Electrochemistry and corrosion. Band structure, electrical, magnetic and optical materials. Classes of
practical materials systems: metallic alloys, ceramics, semiconductors,composites.

Kaushik Chatterjee
W.D. Callister: Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley India (2007)


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semesters 4, 5 and 6
The students can take courses within the following pool.
Pool of Elective Courses
UE 201: Introduction to Scientific Computing (2:1) (Semester 4/6) (JAN)
Number representation, stability and convergence and error analysis; Interpolation: Lagrange, Newtons Divided
Difference, Neville; Root finding: Bisection, Newton-Raphson, Secant, Regula falsi, Ridders, Steffensen; Data
analysis and fitting: Goodness of fit, Chi-Square test; Numerical integration and differentiation: NewtonCotes, Gaussian quadrature, Romberg integration, Importance sampling; Numerical solution of ODEs: Euler
and Runge-Kutta methods; Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms, Basics of Sampling Theory, DFT and FFT;
Simple computer implementation exercises.

S Raha
Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edn., John Wiley & Sons, 2011
W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B.P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, 3rd Edn.,
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007
F. B. Hildebrand, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edn., Dover Publications, 1987 (First South-Asian Edition 2008)
R. L. Burden and J. D.Faires, Numerical Analysis: Theory and Applications, India Edition, Cengage Brooks-Cole Publishers, 2010.

UE204: Elements of solid mechanics (3:0) (Semester 4/6) (JAN)

Elastic bodies. Axial and shear stresses. Hookes law. Stress resultants. Axially loaded members. Torsion of
circular bars. Shear force, bending moment, and axial thrust. Theory of simple bending. Bending and shear
stress distribution in beams. Two dimensional state of stress. Principal stresses and strains. Mohrs diagram.
Pressure vessels. Combined states of stress and failure theories. De.ection of beams. Statically indeterminate
beams. Unsymmetrical bending. Shear centre. Buckling of columns. Energy methods. Principle of virtual work.
Castiglianos theorems and applications.

C S Jog, Ananth Ramaswamy, C S Manohar.

J M Gere, and S P Timoshenko, 1984, Mechanics of materials, 2nd Edition, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
E P Popov, 1990, Engineering mechanics of solids, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
S Utku, C H Norris, and J B Wilbur, 1991, Elementary structural analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York
S H Crandall, and N C Dahl, 1959, An Introduction to mechanics of solids, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Division of Mechanical Sciences

Department of Materials Engineering

Course Number
UMT 203

Course Title
MT 271
Introduction to
MT 253
Science and Engineering
Mechanical Behaviour of
MT 260/CH237
Polymer Science




No limit




No limit



MT 250/PD 205/

No limit




No limit


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Number

Course Title


ME 201

Fluid Mechanics


ME 228
ME 240
ME 271
ME 256

Materials & Structure Property

Dynamics & Control of
Mechanical Systems
Variational Methods &
Structural Optimization


Prerequisites Comments
UP 101
Aug(5th Sem)
UP 202


Aug(5th Sem)








Aug(7th Sem)

UC 202


Jan(6th Sem)


ME 251



UE 204

Elements of Solid Mechanics



Max 15 UG
Check with
No limit

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Course Number

Course Title




AE 221

Flight vehicle structures













Max 10 UG




Max 10 UG







AE 224
AE 227
AE 259
AE 266
AE 262
AE 281

Analysis & design of

Composite structures
Multi-body dynamics
Symbolic manipulators
Navigation, Guidance &
Introduction to Neural
Network and Engineering
Guidance Theory &
Introduction to

Max 10 UG
Max 10 UG
Max 10 UG

Max 10 UG
Max 10 UG

Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Course Number
Course Title
AS 230
Atmos Thermodynamics
AS 211
Mathematical methods in
AS 209
Cli Sci
Introduction to solid
UES 307
Fundamentals of Climate
UES 204
AS 202
GeoPhys Flu. Dyn.








No limit







No limit




No limit




No limit



Diff. equations

No limit

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Department of Chemical Engineering

Course Number







CH 202

Course Title
Chemical Engg
Numerical Methods




CH 203

Transport Processes




CH 204








No limit




Check with

CH 201

CH 237/MT260
CH 205

Polymer Science and

Chemical Reaction

Check with
No limit
Check with
Check with

Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing

Course Number

Course Title

PD 201

Elements of Design

PD 202
PD 203
PD 212

PD 217
PD 214
PD 215

Elements of Solid and

Fluid Mechanics
Creative Engineering
Computer Aided Design
Design of automotive

Credits Semester







CAE in Product Design



Advanced Materials
& Manufacturing





Strength of

Check with
Check with
Check with
Max No. of UGs 15
Check with
Max No. of UGs 15
Max No. of UGs 15
Max No. of UGs 15

Centre for Sustainable Technologies

Course Number
ST 202
ST 201

Course Title
Energy Systems and
Thermochemical &
biological energy
recovery from biomass







Max 20 UG
Max 20 UG

Scientific computing

Only one of CH 202/SE 288/ SE 289/UE 203 can be taken, as they are equivalent courses

Materials Science and Engineering

Only one of UMT200/MT 250, PD 205, or ME 228 can be taken, as they are equivalent


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Division of Electrical Sciences

Department of Computer Science and Automation

Course Number

Course Title



E0 251

Data Structures
& Algorithms



E0 222

Theory &



E0 220

Theory &



E0 231




EI 254

Game Theory



A or S in UG 101 Algorithms
& Programming A or S in all
Mathematics Course in the UG
A or S in UG 101 Algorithms
& Programming A or S in all
Mathematics Courses in the
UG Programme
A or S in UG 101 Algorithms
& Programming A or S in all
Mathematics Courses in the
UG Programme
A or S in UG 101 Algorithms
& Programming A or S in all
Mathematics Courses in the
UG Programme
A or S in UG 101 Algorithms
& Programming A or S in all
Mathematics Courses in the
UG Programme

Only fifth
term or
later; Max
Only fifth
term or
later; Max
Only fifth
term or
later; Max
Only sixth
term or
later; Max
Only sixth
term or
later; Max

Department of Electrical Engineering

Course Number
E1 251
E9 201

Course Title
Linear and
Digital Signal



Multivariate calculus,
5th or 7th Sem
matrices & linear
A basic orientation in
5th or 7th Sem
Signals and Systems

max 15 UGs
max 25 UGs

Department of Electrical Communication Engineering

Course Number
E3 238
E7 213

Course Title
Analog VLSI
Introduction to






UE 102



3rd yr or 4th yr UG


Max 10 UG
No cap



Course Number

Course Title



SE 301




Check with

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Additional courses from this division that are allowed but require explicit consent of
the instructor
E0 224

Computational Complexity Theory


E0 229

Foundations of Data Science

E0 235



E1 213

Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks


E1 216

Computer Vision


E1 254

Game Theory


E2 201

Information Theory


E3 214

Microsensor Technologies


E3 222

Micromachining for MEMS Technology


E3 253

Industrial Instrumentation

E3 267/IN 222

Microcontroller Applications

E9 213

Time-Frequency Analysis


E9 282

Neural signal processing


Interdisciplinary Programme

Course Number
BE 201

Course Title
Fundamentals of
Biomaterials and
Living Matter




No Cap

Course Title
Device Technology






NE 231




NE 201

Micro and Nano


Check with
Check with



Center for Nanoscience

Course Number
NE 327

Check with

Environmental Science

Semester 4 (JAN)
UES 202: Introduction to Earth Systems (2:1, Core course for Env. Sci. major)
Earth Surface features, concept of Geomorphology, Weathering phenomena, Physics and chemistry of Earths
interior, Internal processes, tectonics through time, Geological time scale, Bio-stratigraphy, Early Earth, Rock
formation, Rock classification, mineralogy, Basics of crystal symmetry, Composition of Atmosphere and
origin of atmosphere, Earth like planetary bodies, Evidence of life in other planet, basics of hydrosphere and its


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

component, physical property of water, Elementary Oceanography, chemical composition of ocean, Evolution
of life and its diversification.

Prosenjit Ghosh
Patwardhan PHI, The Dynamic Earth System, Learning Private Limited , New Delhi . ISBN -978-81-203-1496-2
Kump, Kasting and Crane, The Earth System, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-142059-3
G.R. Thompson and J. Turk, Modern Physical Geology, Saunder College Publishing

UES 206: Experimental Methods in Environmental Chemistry (1:2, Core course for Env. Sci. major)
Characterization of Water Quality - Electrical conductivity, pH, Chlorides, Sulphates, Alkalinity, Hardness.
Characterization of pollutants in water - Estimation using spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.
Determination of dissolved and suspended solids in water samples, Determination of turbidity of water samples.
Determination of chlorine in bleaching powder, Determine the optimum dosage of coagulant for coagulation
of suspended solids in water sample. Estimation of total coliforms by MPN and Membrane Filtration Method.
Soil surface sorption properties - Cation exchange capacity, Organic content, Grain size distribution, Pore water
Sampling and measurement techniques in air quality - gaseous pollutants and particulates, air quality standards,
Instrumental techniques for gas analysis.

Sudhakar Rao, P. Raghuveer Rao

APHA, Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, 20th edition, Washington
DC, (1999).
SP 36 : Part 1 : 1987 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 1- Laboratory testing of soils for civil engineering purposes

UES 204: Fundamentals of Climate Science (3: 0, Core course for Env. Sci. major)
Atmospheric structure and composition, Observations and theory of the general circulation of the atmosphere,
Global energy balance, Radiative processes in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, natural and anthropogenic
climate change, waves in the atmosphere, clouds, weather systems, tropical dynamics and monsoons, ocean

G. Bala, Arindam Chakraborty

Dennis L. Hartmann, Global Physical Climatology, Academic Press, 1994.
Wallace J.M. and Hobbs, P.V., Aytmospheric Sciences: An Introductory survey, Academic Press
Peixoto J.P and Oort, A.H., Physcs of Climate. American Institute of Physics, New York.

Semester 5 (AUG)
UES 301: Environmental Hydrology (3:0, Core course for Env. Sci. major)
Basic concepts, definition and scope of environmental hydrology, Hydrological cycle and energy budget,
Hydro-meteorological processes, Watershed hydrology; Hydrology of forests, wetlands and urban areas,
Climate change, Hydrological impacts of environmental change; Hydrogeology, Water quality issues in surface
and groundwater.

V. V. Srinivas
Andy D. Ward and Stanley W. Trimble, Environmental Hydrology, Lewis Publishers, 2004.
Singh, V.P. (Ed.), Environmental Hydrology, Water Science and Technology Library, Vol. 15, 1995.
Chow,V. T., David R. Maidment, Larry W. Mays, Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2010.

UES 302: Design Principles in Environmental Engineering (2:0, Core course for Env. Sci. major)

Laws of conservation: mass, energy and momentum balances.

Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering: thermodynamics, stoichiometry and kinetics of chemical
reactions, chemical reactors stirred tank and plug flow reactors,

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Design for waste water treatment processes: physical unit operations such as sedimentation and filtration,
chemical and biological treatment processes.
Design for air pollution control: gas-liquid interactions, absorption and adsorption processes, particulate
emission control

Jayant M. Modak
Mackenzie Davis and Susan Masten, Principles of Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2004.
Mackenzie Davis and David Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2006.
James Mihelcic and Julie Beth Zimmerman, Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, sustainability and Design, John Wiley, 2010
Frank R. Spellman and Nancy E. Whiting, Environmental Engineers Mathematics Handbook, CRC Press, 2005

UES 303: Introduction to Geochemistry: (2:1, Elective)

Geochemical Fundamentals/Chemistry Review , The Elements; basic principles of inorganic chemistry,
periodic properties, Thermodynamics and chemical reactions, solubility , Aquatic Chemistry, pH-pE, Biology
and redox , Organic Chemistry.
High temperature geochemistry - Planetary geochemistry , Age and Origin of the Solar System., Planet formation,
differentiation of the Earth, igneous processes, Radiogenic isotope geology/Geochronology.
Low temperature geochemistry - The hydrologic cycle and Sedimentary geochemistry, Chemical Processes,
Photosynthesis/respiration, Aquatic Microbial Biochemistry in rain, rivers, lakes, estuaries, Chemical
weathering, soil formation, geochemistry of clays, The oceans, marine chemistry, primary productivity, Gaia,
Marine Sediments: a record of environmental global history, light isotope geochemistry, Global Climate:
Present and Future, atmospheric CO.
Lab component: will involve exposure to instrumental methods which include a) titration b) chromatography
using liquid and gas columns c) analyses of cation and anion using Ion Chromatography, towards chemical
analysis of rock samples, measurement of soil moisture contents, geo-chemical characterization of rock samples
and determination of CO2 concentrations in air.

Prosenjit Ghosh
John Victor Walther, Essentials of Geochemistry, Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2nd Edition, 2009.
R. Gill, Chemical Fundamentals of Geology, Springer; 2nd edition, 1995.

UES 304: Introduction to Basic Geology (2:1, Elective)

Classification of rocks; Geology of southern India: tectonic concepts; The earth structures and its significance;
Shear/suture zones-identification, interpretation and implications, Fluid influence in shear zones; Petrological,
geochemical and geochronological: methods, approaches and inferences, origin-exhumation-weathering: the
rock cycle, landforms, element mobility and interactions; Linking rocks/mineral chemistry to tectonics with
Indian examples.
Laboratory component: Sample preparation of rock specimens, Petrological observation of rock and mineral
thin sections

Sajeev K
Ron H. Vernon & Geoffrey Clarke, Principles of Metamorphic Petrology
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Ron H. Vernon, A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Using Geochemical Data: Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation , by Hugh R. Rollinson, Longman Publishing Group, 1993.
Kent C. Condie, Earth as an Evolving Planetary System, Academic Press; 1st edition, 2004.
Earth Structure: An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics by Ben A. Van Der Pluijm & Stephen Marshak, W W Norton & Co
Inc.; 2 edition, 2003.
Anthony R. Philpotts, Petrography of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, Waveland Pr Inc, 2003.

UES 310: Experimental Methods in Solid Waste Management (1:2, Elective)

Solid waste characterization - Water leach test, Toxicity Characteristic Leach Procedure.
Pollutant sorption capacity characterization Kinetics & adsorption isotherms, Distribution coefficients.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Pollutant transport Column experiments to evaluate transport and partitioning in vadose and saturated zones,
Diffusion coefficients.
Laboratory determination of soil permeability for contaminant flow.
Chemical solidification of contaminated wastes-Lime and cement stabilization, Leaching and compressive
strength measurements.

Sudhakar Rao, P. Raghuveer Rao

US EPA publication SW-846: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, 1996.
BIS Compendium on Engineering Properties of Soils

Semester 6 (JAN)
UES 306: Surface and Groundwater Quality (3:0, Core course for Env. Sci. major)
Hydrologic Cycle, Water and chemical budgets; Sources and types of water pollution, Water quality standards,
Fate and transport in aquatic systems, Rivers and streams, Lakes & Reservoirs, Wetlands, Estuaries. Groundwater
flow and geologic controls on flow, Vadose zone hydrology, Contaminant transport in groundwater, Modeling

M. Sekhar
Chin, D. A., Water quality engineering in natural systems. Willey InterScience, 2006.
Bedient, P.B., Rifai, H.S.,Newell, C.J., Ground Water Contamination: Transport and Remediation. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
USA. 1994.

UES 307: Introduction to Solid Earth (3:0, Elective)

History of the Earth: Introduction to Earth history, origin of the Earth and solar system; origin and evolution of
life, mass extinctions, interpretation of the geological record of Earth history; measurement of geological time,
historical development of concepts.
The dynamic Earth: Introduction to the dynamic Earth, Gravity and Magnetic fields, thermal structure and
heat flow, Radioactivity, internal structure of the earth. Continental drift and plate tectonics, earthquakes,
volcanoes, mountain-building processes; igneous and metamorphic processes; surface processes, erosion, soil,
and sediment formation, important morphological features on the earth, interactions among the lithospheric,
hydrospheric, atmospheric, and biospheric systems.

Kusala Rajendran
1.C.M.R. Fowler, The solid earth: An introduction to Global Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Philip Keary and Frederick Vine, Global Tectonics, Blackwell Science, 1996.
Raymond Siever, John Grotzinger, and Tom Jordan, W. H. Freeman; Understanding Earth, Frank Press, Fourth Edition, 2003.

UES 308: Landfill Engineering (3:0, Elective)

Physico-chemical and engineering properties of soil, Ground water flow and contaminant transport, Criteria for
landfill site location, Design of landfill components such as liners, covers, leachate collection and removal, Gas
generation and management, Principles and methods of monitoring ground water quality and quantity, End uses
of landfill sites, Risk assessment approaches, Contaminated site characterization and remediation technologies,
Environmental laws and regulations.

G. L. Siva kumar Babu

Rowe, R. Kerry, Quigley, Robert M., Brachman, Richard W. I., and Booker, John R. Barrier Systems for Waste Disposal Facilities , 2nd ed.,
Spon Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2004.
Sharma, H.D., and Reddy, K.R., Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment and Emerging Waste Management

Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004.
Tchobanoglous, Theisen and Vigil, Integrated Solid Waste Management - Engineering Principles and Management Issues, McGraw Hill 1993.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

UES 309: Wastewater Treatment (3:0, Elective)

Wastewater generation patterns /sources - quantification and quality issues, Pathogens and microbiological
risks from wastewater.
Pollution Indicators - physical, chemical, biological and microbiological.
Water Testing - Physico-chemical properties, Biological and microbiological characteristics.
Microbial Metabolism with respect to waste water remediation and water treatment,
Organic Matter Removal-Anaerobic and Aerobic methods, Modeling activated sludge processes.
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Pathogen removal from wastewater, Aquatic and water Toxicity and toxicology,
Physico-chemical basis and processes for aeration, mixing, settling, microbial killing processes.
Sludge physical properties, settling properties, characterization, remediation, treatment and disposal.
Membrane Bio-reactors, Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment reactor designs, Hybrid reactors, Biofilm Reactors,
Anaerobic biofilm reactors.
Micro-biological and Phyto-remediation techniques.
Grey and black water recycling, needs, Ground water pollution, sources and mechanisms, sustainability issues,
in-situ and ex-situ bioremediation.

Hoysall Chanakya
APHA, Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, 20th edition, Washington DC, 1999.
Metcalf & Eddy Incorporation, Wastewater engineering, treatment and re-use. Revised by George Tchobanoglous, Franklin, L. Burton and
H. David Stensel, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi., 2003.
Relevant papers from current literature.

Semester 7 (AUG)
UES 401 Natural Hazards and Their Mitigation (3:0, Core)
Definitions and basic concepts, different kinds of hazards and their causes, Geologic Hazards: Earthquakes,
causes of earthquakes and their effects, plate tectonics, seismic waves, measures of size of earthquakes,
earthquake resistant design concepts; Slope instability and landslides, causes of landslides, principles of stability
analysis, remedial and corrective measures for slope stabilisation, Climatic Hazards: Floods, causes of flooding,
regional flood frequency analysis, flood control measures, flood routing, flood forecasting and warning systems;
Droughts, causes and types of droughts, effects of drought, hazard assessment and decision making; Use of GIS
in natural hazard assessment, mitigation and management.
Donald Hyndman and David Hyndman, Natural Hazards and Disasters, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2008
Edward Bryant, Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, 2005
J Michael Duncan and Stephan G Wright, Soil Strength and Slope Stability, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2005.
Amr S Elnashai and Luigi Di Sarno, Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2008

K. S. Nanjunda Rao, V. V. Srinivas

UES 402 Green Chemistry (2:0, Elective)
Introduction and principles of green chemistry, Tools of green chemistry-alternative starting material, alternative
target/product, Process analytical chemistry, Evaluation of methods to design safer chemicals, Reaction types, yield
and atom economy, Examples of green chemistry, Solid acids and bases as catalysts, Organocatalysis, Catalysis and
Green chemistry, Catalysis in novel reaction media, Enatoselective catalysis, Future trends in green chemistry.
Paul T. Anastas and John C. Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and
Practice. Oxford University Press, 2000.
William McDonough and Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the
Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press, 2002.
Paul T. Anastas and John C. Warner, Green Chemistry: Theory and


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Practice. Oxford University Press, 2000.

William McDonough and Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the
Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press, 2002.
Roger A. Sheldon, Isabel Arends, and Ulf Hansfeld, Green Chemistry and
Catalysis.Wiley-VCJ Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinreim, Germany, 2007

K. R. Prabhu

Semester 8 (JAN)

UES 403 Solid Waste Management (3:0, Elective)

Classification and characterization of solid wastes, The RCR (recover, recycle and reuse) principle, Handling and
treatment of MSW (municipal solid waste), Biological treatment, Thermal treatment, Landfill, Integrated waste
management, Sludge generation from treatment of industrial waste waters, Physico-chemical characterization of
sludge, Sludge handling, treatment and disposal options, Siting, operation and maintenance of Toxic Substances
Disposal Facilities (TSDFs), Surface and ground water control, Closure and post closure care of land-fills,
Treatment of hazardous wastes: Air stripping, Soil vapour extraction, Carbon absorption, Steam stripping,
Stabilization and solidification, Thermal methods combustion, liquid injection incinerators, Biological
methods conventional treatment, In-situ bio-remediation
Toxicology and risk assessment: Toxic effects, dose-response relationships, carcinogens, ecotoxicology, risk,
exposure and toxicity assessment, risk characterization, ecological risk assessment.
Environmental, legal and public health aspects of solid waste management
F.McDougall, P.White, M.Franke and P.Hindle, Integrated Solid Waste Management- Life Cycle inventory, Blackwell Publishing, 2001.
Charles A.Wentz, Hazardous Waste Management, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapur, 1989
G.Kiely, Environmental Engineering, Mc-Graw Hill International Edition, 1998.
Dawson and Mercer,Hazardous Waste Management John Wiley, 1981
Lagrega M.D., Buckingham P.L., and Evans J.C., Hazardous Waste Management ,
McGraw Hill International Edition. (1994)


Semester 1 (AUG)

UH-101: Ways of Knowing (2:0)

Prof. S.V. Srinivas
Module 1: Ethnographic methods: What is culture? How are cultural practices and patterns reproduced and
carried forward in time? Questions such as these can be explored with the help of qualitative ethnographic
methods. Originating in cultural anthropology, these are now widely used across the human sciences.
Typically, ethnography collects empirical data about human societies, using fieldwork, participant observation,
questionnaires, interviews, chain sampling, etc. to understand how social meanings are created. Of special
interest to science students would be the reflexive and interpretive emphasis of ethnography, since it has a
bearing on how to read and write up scientific findings. The module will expose students to some key debates in
this area through short readings and documentary films.


Module 2: Historical analysis: How do we assemble and examine data from the past? What are the problems
we might encounter in verifying the accuracy of this data? Although the discipline of History pioneered archival
work in relation to societies with written documents, almost every branch of social sciences and humanities uses
methods that in different ways take up and discuss historical examples. This is true of the natural sciences as

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

well. This module will briefly introduce students to historical research and then examine the issues confronting
researchers in this field of knowledge production. The focus of the module is on the relationship between the
past and present. It encourages students to engage with the problem of how a researcher located in the present
might access or reconstruct the past. The module, while discussing these issues, will also touch upon some of the
challenges to conventional history-writing.
Module 3: Textual analysis: This module introduces student to key concepts and issues in textual analysis, a
method adopted by students of literature but also History and other disciplines. It begins with the discussion of
what a text is and the relationship of the writer to the text written by him or her. It then goes on to discuss how
meaning is produced from a text and who produces it. It then returns to the problem of interpretation, discussed
in the earlier modules, to focus on the readers role in interpreting texts and generating meaning, examine how
texts are. What is the role of the reader in interpreting textual meaning? Students will be introduced in this
module to methods of close reading drawn from literary criticism and cultural studies.

Humanities Lab: Writing workshop: Conducted by the course instructor, with inputs from visiting
lecturers. This workshop will expose students to modes of analytical writing, report writing, etc.
Raymond Williams, The Analysis of Culture. In John Storey ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader.
Clifford Geertz, Thick Description and Notes on the Balinese Cockfight, in The Interpretation of Cultures.
Lata Mani, Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India, in Kumkum Sangari and Sudesh Vaid, eds., Recasting Women:
Essays in Colonial History.
Michel Foucault, What is an Author? in Paul Rabinow ed., The Foucault Reader.

Semester 2 (JAN)

UH-102: Ways of Seeing (2:0)

Prof. S.V. Srinivas
This course introduces students to a) the ways in which cultural forms and genres represent the world around
us and b) how we see and understand the world as refracted by these forms. There will be three modules. In
short, this is a course about seeing and interpreting the forms that show us the world. Each module discusses a
particular cultural form and also focuses on one theme.
General Introduction: Reinforcement of concepts and theories introduced in Semester I: archive, text, author,
reader, and interpretation.
Module1: Literature: What do we need to know in order to appreciate creative writing? How do we read and
interpret literary works? Where does meaning lie? How do we learn from literature? Special focus on science
fiction: good science and bad science; space/distance and time/history; human and non-human; science &
technology and nature.
Module 2: Visual Arts: How do paintings represent reality? Is realism more scientific than other ways of
presenting the world? How does technology determine the evolution of art forms? What problems did artists
face in the Indian context as they adopted western styles and forms? Special focus on mythology and its
representation in modern Indian art.
Module 3: Film: History of cinema as a technological form, technophobic reactions to film. Audiences and
spectatorship. Film as an urban, democratic form. How fiction and non-fiction films document reality and
what they can they tell us about society; how to read films. Special focus on the city, as subject of cinema and
site of film production and viewing.
Issac Asimov, Selections from I, Robot: Introduction, Robbie, Runaround and Reason
Satyajit Ray, Diary of a Space Traveller and Bonku Babus Friend


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Gulammohammed Sheik, Mobile Vision: Some Synoptic Comments

Walter Benjamin, Work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction.
Ashish Rajadhyaksha, Phalke Era: The Conflict of Traditional Form and Modern Technology.

Semester 3 (AUG)
UH-203: Ways of Doing (2:0)
Anshuman Manur, Sabah Siddiqui, Prof. Rajan Gurukkal, Prof. H.N. Chanakya
Module 1: The Digital Subject: What does a digital subject look like? How do digital technologies produce new
interfaces for interaction and mobilisation? How do the new interfaces affect older forms of social and political
movements? As globalisation consolidates itself, we see changes in the patterns of governance, of state operation, of
citizen engagement and civic action. We are in the midst of major revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa,
powered by digital social change, some headed by cyber-utopians specializing in Web 2.0 and social media. Phrases
like Twitter Revolutions and Facebook Protests have become common. How do we develop integrated sciencetechnology-society approaches to understand our technology-mediated contemporary and futures?
Module 2: Brain-Mind Divide:This module looks at contemporary debates in Cognitive Studies to show how
we might require an interdisciplinary perspective, integrating insights from neurobiology, evolutionary history,
biophysics, computation, cultural studies, psychology and civilizational histories, to make sense of what makes
us think. Natural sciences talk about the brain and humanities disciplines talk about the mind. Is the object of
inquiry actually one and the same, and would it be better analysed through an inter-disciplinary approach?
Module 3: People and Nature: This module will approach the theme of people and nature from several
natural science, social science, humanities and arts perspectives. The course will discuss the evolution of our
conception of nature, our understanding of our place in nature, our understanding of how nature works and our
attempts to describe, appreciate, control and manipulate nature. This module will be more multidisciplinary
than interdisciplinary and will attempt to showcase the significant variation across, disciplines, historical time
and geographical space, in our approach to nature, and the inevitable conflicts such variation generates.
Module 4: Sustainable Development
This module will approach the gradually evolving concepts of sustainable development from the Indian to a
Global perspective and in the process bring about the various societal forces (local and global) that evolve(d) the
meanings of sustainability and sustainable development, emerging debates and likely conflicts into the future. Is
sustainability Science? Examining how people of natural, engineering and social sciences perceive sustainability
in different perspectives /domains and the potential to integrate these perspectives for completeness, S&T in
championing sustainable development. Measuring sustainability and evolving indices for sustainability.
Balibar, Etienne. Citizen-Subject. Who Comes After the Subject. Eds Eduardo Cadava, Peter Connor and Jean-Luc Nancy.
New York: Routledge, 1991.
Freud, S. A Note upon the Mystic Writing Pad. 1925.
Gilbert F. LaFreniere, The Decline of Nature: Environmental History and the Western Worldview, Paper Back ed. Oak Savanna Publishing,
Oregon, 2012.
Emilio F. Moran, People and Nature: An Introduction to Human Ecological Relations, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.

Semester 4 (JAN)
UH-204 Seminar Course: Mapping India through the Folk Arts (1:0)

Dr. Bitasta Das

The objective of this course is to understand the seven regions of IndiaNorth, West, East South, Central,

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

North-East and the Islands a little betterthrough their folk arts. The course considers the art forms, as viewed
in the discipline of Folkloristics, as means of knowing the regional cultures from inside-out rather than outsidein. The aim of this seminar course is to provide the students a broad idea of India as a nation, its diverse regional
specificities and the relevance of the folk arts in understanding the national and the regional. The students
will get an oppourtunity to interact with folk artists and gain first-hand knowledge about various aspects of the
folk arts to understand the synergy between artistic worldview and the contemporary social milieu. The course
will be useful in recognizing how meaning is produced and expressed in folk domain and at the same time, aid
the students to gain cognizance of Indian multiculturalism.
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Community Reflection On The Origin And The Spread Of Nationalism. New York. Verso. 1991.
Bhabha, Homi. K (ed.). Nation and Narration. New York. Routledge. 1990.
Dorson, M Richard. Folklore and Folklife. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1972.
Dundes, Alan. Interpreting Folklore. Indiana University. 1980.

Semester 5 (AUG)
UH-301Seminar Course: Journalism for Scientists (1:0)
Amrita Shah
The Course will be useful in acquainting students with journalistic skills which they may apply in their own
work to observe and communicate better for instance or to their field as future science reporters, perhaps or as
individuals who might have to explain science to the lay person.
It also seeks to provoke thought on the practice of journalism, its tenets, its limitations and its influence with a
view to encouraging a more critical engagement with media but also to position science within the media.
Sainath, P. The Trickle Up Down Theory; Or, health for the millions. In Everybody Loves a Good Drought New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2000,
Shah, Amrita. Hype, Hypocrisy & Television in Urban India, Vikas, New Delhi 1997.
Wolfe, Tom. Selections. In E W Johnson; Picador (ed.) The New Journalism, 1990, pp.40-42.
Shah, Amrita. Vikram Sarabhai-A Life. Viking-Penguin, 2007.

Semester 6 (JAN)
UH-302 Seminar Course: Introduction to Governance (1:0)
Dr. Uday Balakrishnan
The Semester long programme on Introduction to Governance is to enable the participants to develop an
appreciation of key issues and challenges to governance in India while gaining an insight into how the Government
of India works and relates to the people. The Semester- long programme will be largely interactive and to facilitate
this (i) Select reading material will be given ahead of each session (a) additionally a selection of books will
be available for consultation in the library of the Centre for Contemporary Studies IISc. Some if not all of the
sessions are expected to be supplemented by experts drawn from the top echelons of public administration, the
judiciary and politics. Evaluation is based on group projects and individual assignments emerging from each
covering a range of contemporary issues that engage us as concerned citizens of our country.
Ivan IllichsDe-schooling Society,Small is beautifulby E.F.Schumacher
An Eye to India by David Selbourne
The Economic andPoliticalWeekly
The Economist


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 4 (JAN)
UMT 202 Structure of Materials (2:1)
(Core for Materials majors and minors)

Elements of bonding, structures of simple metallic, ionic and covalent solids; Coordination polyhedra,
projections of structures, stacking; Lattices, symmetry operations, stereographic projection; Structure and
thermodynamics of point defects and solid solutions, non-stoichiometry, ordered structures; Dislocations and
slip, twinning and interfaces.

N. Ravishankar, S. Karthikeyan
A. Kelly and G.W.Groves: Crystallography & Crystal Defects, Addison Wesley
C.S.Barrett and T.B.Massalski, Structure of Metals, Pergamon
A.R. West,: Introduction to solid state chemistry, John Wiley

UMT 203 Materials Thermodynamics (3:0)

(Core for Materials majors + Soft core for Materials minors)
First Law, Enthalpy, Thermochemistry; Second Law, Entropy, Statistical Interpretation; Helmholtz and Gibbs
Free Energies, Chemical Potential; Solution Thermodynamics; Conditions for Equilibrium, Phase Rule, Phase
Diagrams; Chemical Reactions and Equilibria; Surfaces and Interfaces.

T.A. Abinandanan
R.T. DeHoff: Thermodynamics in Materials Science, Taylor & Francis (2006)
D.R. Gaskell: Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials (4th Ed), Taylor & Francis (2003).

UMT 204 Electronic Properties of Materials (3:0)

(Core for Materials majors + Soft core for Materials minors)
Brief review of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, electrostatics and
electrodynamics. Energy bands in crystals, density of states, Electric conduction in metals and alloys,
Thermoelectric phenomenon and applications, Semiconductors and devices, Electrical properties of polymers,
ceramics, dielectric and amorphous materials, classical and quantum mechanical description of optical
properties, Lasers, LEDs, photonics,Magnetic phenomenon and applications, Thermal properties of materials.

R. Ranjan
C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics, McGraw-Hill.
L. Solymar and D. Walsh, Lectures on Electrical Properties of Materials
M. Ali Omar: Elementary Solid State Physics
R.E. Hummel: Electronic Properties of Materials

Semester 5 (AUG)
UMT 301 Materials Kinetics (3:0)
(Core for Materials majors + Soft core for Materials minors)
Point defects, Ficks laws of diffusion, concept of jump frequency, activation energy, Kirkendall effect,
solidification, nucleation, constitutional supercooling, sintering, interfaces, grain growth, solid state
transformations, JMA theory, GP zone, Spinodal decomposition, ordering and martensitic transformations,
effect of stress and electric current.

A. Paul
R.E. Reed-Hill and R. Abbaschian, Physical Metallurgy Principles, Cengage (2009)
D.A. Porter and K. E. Easterling, Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Taylor and Francis (2009)

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

UMT 302 Introduction to Materials Processing (2:1)

(Core for Materials majors + Soft core for Materials minors)

Metals: Principles of extraction of metals, hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy. Solidification

Processing. Ceramics: Synthesis of ceramic powders, consolidation, sintering. Polymer synthesis. Growth and
processing of thin films.

S. Subramanian, P.C. Ramamurthy, S. Bose

C.B. Alcock: Principles of pyrometallurgy, Academic Press, London (1976)
S. Venkatachalam: Hydrometallurgy, Narosa, New Delhi (1998).
W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen, D.R. Uhlmann, Introduction to Ceramics, Wiley (1976)
D. Braun, H. Cherdron, M. Rehahn, H. Ritter and B. Voit, Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice: Fundamentals, Methods, Experiments
, Springer (2010)

UMT 303 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3:0)

(Core for Materials majors + Soft core for Materials minors)
Introduction to basic concepts of Stress and Strain; Engineering stress-strain response vs. True stressstrain response, Elastic and viscoelastic behavior, dislocations, plastic flow in single crystals, strengthening
mechanisms, composites, noncrystalline materials, fracture and toughening mechanisms of ceramics and
polymers, creep and fatigue, environmental effects.

B. Basu
T.H. Courtney, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill (2001).

UMT 306 Mechanical Processing Lab (0:1)

(Core for Materials majors)
Solidification, Mechanical working of materials: Rolling, Extrusion; Powder processing: Sintering; Materials
Joining: Welding, Soldering.

G.S. Avadhani, S.V. Kailas, S. Suwas

Semester 6 (JAN)
UMT 304 Microstructures in Materials (3:0)
Structure and properties of grain boundaries, interface boundaries, and surfaces; Solidification
microstructures; Phase transformations: precipitation, eutectoid, martensitic transformations; Sintering.

T.A. Abinandanan
D.A. Porter and K. E. Easterling, Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Taylor and Francis (2009)
J.W. Martin, R.D. Doherty and B. Cantor, Stability of Microstructures in Metallic Systems, Cambridge University Press (1997)

UMT 305 Mechanical Properties Lab (0:1)

(Core for Materials majors)
Tensile and compression testing. Hardness tests. Fatigue. Impact testing. Creep, Dynamic properties of materials.

P. Kumar, R. Ravi, S. Suwas


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction


An indicative list of graduate-level elective courses is given below; specific recommendations will be made at
the beginning of each semester:

For the third year:

Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Living Matter (Bio-Engineering)

Introduction to Biomechanics of Solids (Bio-Engineering)
Corrosion Technology (MT)
Polymer Science and Engineering-I (MT)
Topics in Basic and Applied Electrochemistry (IPC)
Phase Transformations (MT)
Interfacial Phenomena in Materials Processing (MT)
Fracture (MT)
Solidification Processing (MT)
Defects and Materials Properties (MRC)
Functional Materials Lab (MRC)
Introduction to Biomaterials (MRC)
Thin Films, Nanomaterials and Devices: Science and Engineering (MRC)

For the fourth year:

Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit Technology (CeNSE)

Crystal Growth and Thin Films (CeNSE)
Elements of Solid and Fluid Mechanics (CPDM)
Design and Selection of Materials (MT)
Defects in Materials (MT)
Modeling and Simulations in Materials Engineering (MT)
Science of Materials Processing (MT)
Introduction to Biomaterials Science and Engineering (MT)
Electron Microscopy (MRC)
Computational Modeling of Materials (MRC)
Nanostructured Materials (MRC)

Semester 1 (AUG)
UM 101: Analysis and Linear Algebra I (3:0)
One-variable calculus: Real and Complex numbers; Convergence of sequences and series; Continuity,
intermediate value theorem, existence of maxima and minima; Differentiation, mean value theorem, Taylor
series; Integration, fundamental theorem of Calculus, improper integrals. Linear Algebra: Vector spaces (over
real and complex numbers), basis and dimension; Linear transformations and matrices.

A. Ayyer
T M Apostol, Calculus, Volume I, 2nd. Edition, Wiley, India, 2007.
G. Strang, Linear Algebra And Its Applications, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006.

Semester 2 (JAN)

UM 102: Analysis and Linear Algebra II (3:0)

Linear Algebra continued: Inner products and Orthogonality; Determinants; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors;

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Diagonalisation of Symmetric matrices. Multivariable calculus: Functions on Rn Partial and Total derivatives;
Chain rule; Maxima, minima and saddles; Lagrange multipliers; Integration in Rn, change of variables, Fubinis
theorem; Gradient, Divergence and Curl; Line and Surface integrals in R2 and R3; Stokes, Greens and Divergence
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations; Linear ODEs and Canonical forms for linear transformations.

T. Bhattacharyya
T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volume II, 2nd. Edition, Wiley Wiley India, 2007.
G. Strang, Linear Algebra And Its Applications, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006
M. Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
M. Hirsch, S. Smale, R. L. Devaney, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2004.

Semester 3 (AUG)
UM 201: Probability and Statistics (3:0)
Basic notions of probability, conditional probability and independence, Bayes theorem, random variables and
distributions, expectation and variance, conditional expectation, moment generating functions, limit theorems.
Samples and sampling distributions, estimations of parameters, testing of hypotheses, regression, correlation
and analysis of variance.

S. Iyer
Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability, 2005, Pearson Education Inc., Delhi, Sixth Edition.
Sheldon Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Elsevier, 2010, Fourth edition.
William Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Wiley India, 2009, Third edition.
R. V. Hogg and J. Ledolter, Engineering Statistics, 1987, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.

Semester 4 (JAN)
UM 202: Multivariable Calculus and Complex Variables (3:0) (core course for Mathematics
major and minor)
Topolgy of Rn: Notions of compact sets and connected sets, the Heine-Borel theorem, uniform continuity, Cauchy
sequences and completeness. Review of total derivatives, inverse and implicit function theorems. Review of
Greens theorem and Stokes theorem. Complex linearity, the Cauchy-Riemann equations and complex-analytic
functions. Mbius transformations, the Riemann sphere and the mapping properties of Mbius transformations.
Some properties of complex-analytic functions, and examples.

G. Bharali
T.M. Apostol, Calculus, Volume II, 2nd. Edition, Wiley India, 2007.
T.W. Gamelin, Complex Analysis, Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer International Edition, 2006

UM 203: Elementary Algebra and Number Theory (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major
and minor)
Divisibility and Euclids algorithm, Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic, Congruences, Fermats little theorem
and Eulers theorem, the ring of integers modulo n, factorisation of polynomials, Elementary symmetric
functions, Eisensteins irreducibility criteria, Formal power series, arithmetic functions, Prime residue class
groups, quadratic reciprocity. Basic concepts of rings, Fields and groups. Applications to number theory.

S. Das
D. M. Burton, Elementary number theory, McGraw Hill.
Niven, H. S. Zuckerman and H. L. Montgomery, An Introduction To The Theory Of Numbers, 5th Edition, Wiley Student Editions
G. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Edition, Pearson.


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 5 (AUG)
MA 212: Algebra (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major and minor)
Groups: Review of Groups, Subgroups, Homomorphisms, Normal subgroups, Quotient groups, Isomorphism
theorems. Group actions and its applications, Sylow theorems. Structure of finitely generated abelian groups,
Free groups. Rings: Review of rings, Homomorphisms, Ideals and isomorphism theorems. Prime ideals and
maximal ideals. Chinese remainder theorem. Euclidean domains, Principal ideal domains, Unique factorization
domains. Factorization in polynomial rings. Modules: Modules, Homomorphisms and exact sequences. Free
modules. Hom and tensor products. Structure theorem for modules over PIDs.

A. Banerjee
Lang, S., Algebra, revised third editiom. Springer-Verlag, 2002 (Indian Edition Available).
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India, 1994.
Dummit, D. S. and Foote, R. M., Abstract Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Hungerford, T. W., Algebra, Springer (India), 2004
Herstein, I. N., Topics in Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

MA 219: Linear Algebra (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major and minor)
Vector spaces: Basis and dimension, Direct sums. Determinants: Theory of determinants, Cramers rule. Linear
transformations: Rank-nullity theorem, Algebra of linear transformations, Dual spaces. Linear operators,
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Characteristic polynomial, Cayley- Hamilton theorem, Minimal polynomial,
Algebraic and geometric multiplicities, Diagonalization, Jordan canonical Form.
Symmetry: Group of motions of the plane, Discrete groups of motion, Finite groups of S0(3).
Bilinear forms: Symmetric, skew symmetric and Hermitian forms, Sylvesters law of inertia, Spectral theorem for
the Hermitian and normal operators on finite dimensional vector spaces.
Linear groups: Classical linear groups, SU2 and SL 2(R).

P. Singla
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India, 1994.
Herstein, I. N., Topics in Algebra, Vikas Publications, 1972.
Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications, Third Edition, Saunders, 1988.
Halmos, P., Finite dimensional vector spaces, Springer-Verlag (UTM), 1987.

MA 221: Real Analysis (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major and minor)
Review of Real and Complex numbers systems, Topology of R, Continuity and differentiability, Mean value
theorem, Intermediate value theorem. The Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Introduction to functions of several
variables, differentiablility, directional and total derivatives. Sequences and series of functions, uniform
convergence, the Weierstrass approximation theorem.

T. Gudi
Rudin, W., Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1986.
Royden, H. L., Real Analysis, Macmillan, 1988.

MA 231: Topology (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major)

Open and closed sets, continuous functions, the metric topology, the product topology, the ordered topology,
the quotient topology. Connectedness and path connectedness, local path connectedness. Compactness.
Countability axioms. Separation axioms. Complete metric spaces, the Baire category theorem. Urysohns
embedding theorem. Function. Topological groups, orbit spaces.

B. Datta
Armstrong, M. A., Basic Topology, Springer (India), 2004.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Janich, K., Topology, Springer-Verlag (UTM), 1984.

Munkres, K. R., Topology, Pearson Education, 2005.
Simmons, G. F., Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1963.

Semester 6 (JAN)
MA 222: Measure Theory (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major)
Construction of the Lebesgue measure, measurable functions, limit theorems. Lebesgue integration. Different
notions of convergence and convergence theorems. Product measures and the Radon-Nikodym theorem,
change of variables, complex measures.

H. Seshadri
Hewitt, E. and Stromberg, K., Real and Abstract Analysis, Springer, 1969
Royden, H.L., Real Analysis, Macmillan, 1988.
Folland, G.B., Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and their Applications, 2nd edition, Wiley.

MA 224: Complex Analysis (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major)

Complex numbers,complex-analytic functions, Cauchys integral formula, power series, Liouvilles theorem.
The maximum-modulus theorem. Isolated singularities, residue theorem, the Argument Principle, real integrals
via contour integration. Mobius transformations, conformal mappings. The Schwarz lemma, automorphisms of
the dis. Normal families and Montels theorem. The Riemann mapping theorem.

S. Thangavelu
Ahlfors, L. V., Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
Conway, J. B., Functions of One Complex Variable, Springer-veriag, 1978.
Gamelin, T.W., Complex Analysis, UTM, Springer, 2001.

MA 241: ODE (3:0) (core course for Mathematics major)

Basics concepts: Phase space, existence and uniquness theorems, dependence on initial conditions, flows.
Linear systems: The fundamental matrix, stability of equilibrium points. Sturm-Liouvile theory.
Nonlinear systems and their stability: The Poincare-Bendixson theorem, perturbed linear systems, Lyapunov

G. Rangarajan
Coddington, E. A. and Levinson, N., Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill 1972.
Birkhoff, G. and Rota, G.-C., Ordinary Differential Equations, wiley, 1989.
Hartman, P., Ordinary Differential Equations, Birkhaeuser, 1982.

Semester 7 (AUG)
The coursework for this semester comprises five electives.
See below for the list of electives offered by the Department of Mathematics.

Semester 8 (JAN)
The work for this semester consists of one elective course and the undergraduate project.
The undergraduate project carries 13 credits.
See below for the list of electives offered by the Department of Mathematics.

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

List of electives offered by the Department of Mathematics

MA 223: Functional Analysis (3:0)
Instructor: S. Thangavelu
MA 226: Complex Analysis II (3:0)
Instructor: Jaikrishnan J. / Gautam Bharali
MA 232: Introduction to Algebraic Topology (3:0)
Instructor: S. Gadgil
MA 242: Partial Differential Equations (3:0)
Instructor: M. K. Ghosh
MA 317: Introduction to Number Theory (3:0)
Instructor: S. Das
MA 325: Operator Theory (3:0)
Instructor: G. Misra
MA 327: Topics in Analysis (3:0)
Instructor: M. Krishnapur
MA 338: Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
Instructor: H. Seshadri


MA 210: Logic, Types and Spaces (3:0)
Instructor: S. Gadgil
MA 213: Representation Theory of Finite Groups (3:0)
Instructor: P. Singla
MA 229: Calculus on Manifolds (3:0)
Instructor: A.K. Nandakumaran
MA 312: Commutative Algebra (3:0)
Instructor: D. P. Patil
MA 315: Galois Theory (3:0)
Instructor: A. Banerjee
MA 318: Combinatorics (3:0)
Instructor: A. Ayyer
MA 347: Advanced PDE and Finite Element Method (3:0)
Instructor: T. Gudi

MA 361: Probability Theory

Instructor: M. Krishnapur

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 1 (AUG)
UP 101: Introductory Physics I - Mechanics, oscillations and waves (2:1)
Kinematics, laws of motion. Circular motion, Work. Kinetic and potential energy. Line integrals. Conservative
forces. Friction, terminal velocity in air. Systems of particles. Conservation of linear momentum. Scattering
in one and two dimensions. Angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Rotation about one axis. Precession
of gyroscope. Central force. Reduction of two-body problem to one-body problem and effective one-body
potential. Planetary motion and Keplers laws. Simple pendulum, damped and forced, resonance. Coupled
oscillators, normal modes. Small oscillations. Transverse waves on a string. Linear superposition, interference,
beats. Fourier series. Sound waves in air. Doppler effect.

V Venkataraman, Prasad V Bhotla, K Ramesh

Kittel C, Knight W D, Ruderman M A, Helmholz A C and Moyer B J, Mechanics, Berkeley Physics Course: Volume 1, 2nd Edition (2011)
Kleppner D and Kolenkow R J, An Introduction To Mechanics (Special Indian Edition) (2007)

Semester 2 (JAN)
UP 102: Introductory Physics II Electricity, Magnetism and Optics (2:1)
Introduction, Review of vector algebra, Vector calculus: gradient, divergence, curl, Gausss theorem and Stokes
theorem, Laplacian etc. Coulombs law, electric field, Electrostatic potential, Uniqueness theorem, Conductors,
capacitance, Method of images, Bound charges and dipole moment density, Energy stored in electric fields.
Magnetostatics: Electric currents, Biot-savart law, Amperes law, magnetic fields of straight wires, circular loops
and infinite solenoids, Vector potential, Magnetic dipole moment and bound currents. Lorentz force and
Faradays law, Inductance, Energy stored in a magnetic field. Linear dielectric and magnetic materials, Charge
conservation, displacement current, Maxwells equations and gauge invariance, Classical wave equation and
plane monochromatic waves, Energy of EM waves and Poyntings theorem.

Tarun Deep Saini, Sai Gorthi, D V S Muthu

Purcell E.M., Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics Course - Volume 2, 2nd edn (Tata McGraw Hill, 2011)
Griffiths D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edn (Prentice-Hall of India, 2003)

Semester 3 (AUG)
UP 201: Introductory Physics Ill - Thermal and Modern Physics (2:1)
Temperature, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Maxwell -Boltzmann Statistics,
Heat Engines, Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Relativity, Introduction to Quantum Physics,
Basics of Quantum Mechanics, Atomic , Molecular and Solid state Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics
and Cosmology

H R Krishnamurthy, P S Anil Kumar, K P Ramesh

Serway and Jewitt, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (7th Edition)
Young and Friedman, University Physics (12th Edition)
Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Extended (8th Edition)
Harris Benson , University Physics, Revised Edition
Kenneth Krane, Modern Physics, Second Edition


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 4 (JAN)
UP 202: Intermediate Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves (2:1) (Core course for Physics major)
Special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformations. Energy-momentum relation. Lorentz four-vectors. Motion
in non-inertial frames. Fictitious forces. Coriolis force. Focault pendulum. Basic scattering theory. Vibrations of
particles on a circle and a line. Orthonormal basis. Wave equation. Fourier transform. Phase space. Hamiltonian
equations, fixed points and stability. Nonlinear equations. Chaos. Logistics map and period doubling. Fluid
mechanics. Euler equation. Bernoullis equation. Waves in fluids. Gravity waves. Viscosity. Navier-Stokes
equation. Basic ideas about turbulence. Elasticity. Strain and stress tensors. Elastic modulii. Bending of rods.
Waves in solids.

Biplob Bhattacharjee, K P Ramesh, R Ganesan

Kleppner D and Kolenkow R J, An Introduction To Mechanics (Special Indian Edition) (2007)
Rana, N.C., and Jog, P.S., Classical Mechanics Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1991.
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics and Theory of Elasticity (Vols. 6 and 7 of Course of Theoretical Physics)

UP 203: Intermediate Electromagnetism and the Quantum Physics of Radiation (2:1) (core
Course for Physics major)
Electromagnetic waves: Wave equation from Maxwells equations, polarization, energy and momentum in EM
waves, propagation in linear media, reflection and refraction, Snells law and Fresnels equations, Brewster angle
and total internal reflection. EM waves in conductors, skin depth, simple theories for disperion of EM waves.
Wave guides and coaxial cables, optical fibres Geometrical optics: Fermats principle, Snells law, reflection and
refraction at spherical surfaces, convex and concave mirrors and lenses, real and virtual images Physical optics:
Coherence, Youngs two slit experiment, multiple slits, diffraction grating, wavelength resolution and fringe
visibility, Newtons rings, Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometer, difraction from rectangular and circular
apertures, Airy disc and resolving power of microscopes. Quantum optics: Photons, spontaneous and stimulated
emission, Einstein A and B coefficients and relation to the Planck distribution, rate equations for absorption and
emission, two level and three level systems, population inversion and light amplification, optical resonators and
the basic working principle of a laser, examples of lasers: Ruby, He-Ne, semiconductor etc.

Prerna Sharma, K S R Koteswara Rao and K Ramesh

Griffiths D.J., Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edn (Prentice-Hall of India, 2003)
Hecht E. & Ganesan A.R., Optics, 4th edn (Pearson, 2008)
Ghatak A. and Thyagarajan K., Optical Electronics (Cambridge University Press, 1991)

UP 204: Intermediate Thermal Physics and the Physics of Materials (2:1) (core course for
Physics major and minor)
Review of kinetic theory and thermodynamics, Free energies, Phases and phase transitions, Van der Walls
gas and the liquid gas transition, Thermodynamics of magnetic systems, Ensembles and rules of Statistical
Mechanics, The Ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann Gas, The Ideal Fermi Gas, The Ideal Bose Gas, Crystal Structure,
Lattice Vibrations, Band theory of electrons in crystalline solids, Thermal properties of crystalline solids.

Chandan Dasgupta, V Venkataraman, Prasad V Bhotla

Callen, H.B., Thermodynamics and Introduction to Thermostatistics (2nd edition), Wiley Student Edition
Reif, F., Statistical Physics. Berkeley Physics Course Volume 5, Tata McGraw Hill.
Kittel,C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, 5th/6th/7th edition, Wiley International

Semester 5 (AUG)

PH 201: Classical Mechanics (3:0) (core course for Physics major)

Newtons laws, generalized co-ordinates. Lagranges principle of least action and equations. Conservation laws

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

and symmetry. Integrable problems, elastic collisions and scattering. Small oscillations including systems with
many degrees of freedom, rigid body motion. Hamiltons equations. Poisson brackets. Hamilton Jacobi theory.
Canonical perturbation theory, chaos, elements of special relativity. Lorentz transformations, relativistic

Banibrata Mukhopadhyay
Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics, Second Edn, Narosa, New Delhi, 1989.
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, E.M., Mechanics, Pergamon, UK, 1976.
Rana, N.C., and Jog, P.S., Classical Mechanics Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1991.

PH 203: Quantum Mechanics I (3:0) (core course for Physics major)

Historical foundations. Wave function for a single particle. Hamiltonian. Schrodinger equation. Probability
current. Wave packets. One-dimensional problems: step, barrier and delta-function potentials. Tunnelling,
scattering and bound states. Harmonic oscillator, operator approach. Matrix formulation of quantum mechanics.
Hermitian and unitary operators. Orthonormal basis. Momentum representation. Uncertainty relations.
Postulates of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg representation. Ehrenfests theorem. Three-dimensional
problems. Rotations, angular momentum operators, commutation relations. Spherical harmonics. Hydrogen
atom, its spectrum and wave functions. Symmetries and degeneracies. Spin angular momentum. Spin-1/2 and
two-level systems. Addition of angular momentum. Spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions. Time-independent
perturbation theory. Stark and Zeeman effects. Variational methods, ground state of helium atom.

Diptiman Sen
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., and Laloe, F., Quantum Mechanics Vol.1, John Wiley, 1977.
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz E.M., Quantum Mechanics, Pergamon, NY, 1974.
R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer, 2010
F. Schwabl, Quantum Mechanics, Springer, 1995

PH 205: Mathematical Methods of Physics (3:0) (core course for Physics major)
Linear vector spaces, linear operators and matrices, systems of linear equations. Eigen values and eigen vectors,
classical orthogonal polynomials. Linear ordinary differential equations, exact and series methods of solution,
special functions. Linear partial differential equations of physics, separation of variables method of solution.
Complex variable theory; analytic functions. Taylor and Laurent expansions, classification of singularities,
analytic continuation, contour integration, dispersion relations. Fourier and Laplace transforms.

Subroto Mukerjee
Mathews, J., and Walker, R.L., Mathematical Methods of Physics, Benjamin, Menlo Park, California, 1973.
Dennery, P., and Krzywicki, A., Mathematics for Physicists, Harper and Row, NY, 1967.
Wyld, H.W., Mathematical Methods for Physics, Benjamin, Reading, Massachusetts, 1976.

PH 211: General Physics Laboratory (0:3)

Diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves, Michelson interferometer, Hall effect, band gap of
semiconductors, diode as a temperature sensor, thermal conductivity of a gas using Pirani gauge, normal
modes of vibration in a box, Newtons laws of cooling, dielectric constant measurements of tri-glycerine
selenate, random walk in porous medium.

Vasant Natarajan, Aveek Bid, D V S Muthu, G R Jayanth, Anindya Das


Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

Semester 6 (JAN)
PH 202: Statistical Mechanics (3:0) (core course for Physics major)
Basic principles of statistical mechanics and its application to simple systems. Probability theory, fundamental
postulate, phase space, Liouvilles theorem, ergodicity, micro-canonical ensemble, connection with thermodynamics,
canonical ensemble, classical ideal gas, harmonic oscillators, paramagnetism, Ising model, physical applications
to polymers, biophysics. Grand canonical ensemble, thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell relations, Legendre
transformation. Introduction to quantum statistical mechanics, Fermi, Bose and Boltzmann distribution, Bose
condensation, photons and phonons, Fermi gas, classical gases with internal degrees of freedom, fluctuation,
dissipation and linear response, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods.

Arnab Rai Choudhuri

Pathria, R.K., Statistical Mechanics, Butterworth Heinemann, Second Edn, 1996.
Reif, F., Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill, 1965.
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz E.M., Statistical Physics, Pergamon, 1980.

PH 204: Quantum Mechanics II (3:0) (core course for Physics major)

Time dependent perturbation theory. Fermi golden rule. Transitions caused by a periodic external field. Dipole
transitions and selection rules. Decay of an unstable state. Born cross section for weak potential scattering.
Adiabatic and sudden approximations. WKB method for bound states and tunneling. Scattering theory: partial
wave analysis, low energy scattering, scattering length, Born approximation, optical theorem, Levinsons
theorem, resonances, elements of formal scattering theory. Minimal coupling between radiation and matter,
diamagnetism and paramagnetism of atoms, Landau levels and Aharonov- Bohm effect. Addition of angular
momenta, Clebsch Gordon series, Wigner Eckart theorem, Landes g factor. Many particle systems: identity
of particles, Pauli principle, exchange interaction, bosons and fermions. Second quantization, multielectron
atoms, Hunds rules. Binding of diatomic molecules. Introduction to Klein Gordon and Dirac equations, and
their non-relativistic reduction, g factor of the electron.

B Ananthanarayan
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz E.M., Quantum Mechanics, Pergamon, NY, 1974.
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., and Laloe, F., Quantum Mechanics (2 Vols.), John Wiley, 1977.

Optional Courses for Physics Major


Course no.
PH 206


Electromagnetic Theory
Analog Digital and Microprocessor

PH 207


PH 208


Condensed Matter Physics-I

PH 209


PH 212


PH 213


PH 217
PH 231


Analog and Digital Electronics Lab

Experiments in Condensed Matter
Advanced Experiments in Condensed
Matter Physics
Fundamentals of Astrophysics
Workshop practice

PH 320


Condensed Matter Physics II

Anindya Das
K Rajan and M N Ramanuja
Manish Jain
K Rajan and M N Ramanuja
Raghu Menon, Suja Elizabeth, D V S
Muthu and Ramesh Mallik
Arindam Ghosh, R Ganesan, K R
Gunasekhar and Ambarish Ghosh
Biman Nath and Tarun Saini
Vasant Natarajan
Rahul pandit

Student Information Handbook & Scheme of Instruction

PH 322


Molecular Simulation

Prabal K Maiti

PH 325
PH 330
PH 340


Advanced Statistical Physics

Advanced Independent Project

Vijay B Shenoy


Quantum Statistical Field Theory

PH 347
PH 350
PH 351


PH 352
PH 359
PH 362
HE 215






Physics of Soft Condensed Matter
Crystal Growth, Thin Films and
Semiconductor Physics and Technology
Physics at the Nanoscale
Matter at Low Temperatures
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Quantum Mechanics III
Quantum Field Theory I
The standard model of Particle Physics
Advanced Mathematical Methods of
Quantum Field Theory II
General Relativity
Fluid mechanics and plasma physics


S Ramakumar and K Sekar

Jadeep K Basu
Suja Elizabeth and P. S. Anil Kumar
K S R Koteswara Rao
A K Sood and Arindam Ghosh
Ambarish Ghosh
Sudhir Vempati
Sachindeo Vaidya
Chetan Krishnan
Rohini Godbole
Apoorva Patel
Aninda Sinha
Justin R David
Prateek Sharma


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