Contract of Employment Driver
Contract of Employment Driver
Contract of Employment Driver
Employing Department/Office [Insert Name of Department
The salary scale for this position is [insert actual full scale
The rate of pay offered will be 631.75 per week and will be payable
in arrears by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) into a bank account of your
8. The Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2007 will not apply to the
termination of your employment by reason only of the expiry of this
fixed term contract without it being renewed.
9. You will be required to perform the duties appropriate to you as
Civilian Driver which may be assigned to you from time to time by the
Minister of State. You may not engage in private practice or be
connected with any outside business which would interfere with the
performance of official duties.
10. Your Headquarters will be such as may be designated from time to
time by the Secretary General. Travel and subsistence payments will
be made at the appropriate Civil Service rates in respect of certified
official travel and subject to the usual Civil Service regulations which
apply in relation to travel and subsistence.
In the case of drivers who reside more than 22.5 kilometres from the
GPO, Dublin and where the headquarters of the Department is located
in Dublin, overnight subsistence allowance will be payable in respect of
necessary overnight absences from home on official duty.
Day subsistence allowances are not payable for absences at any place
within five kilometres of the driver's home or headquarters.
Organisation of Working Time Act / Hours of attendance
11. The terms of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 (OWTA)
will apply, as appropriate, to this appointment.
12. Hours of attendance will be as fixed from time to time but will
amount to on average not less than 41 hours gross per week. The
working pattern will be seven days on and seven days off on a week-on
week-off basis. You will be required to complete form OWT1 in
accordance with S.I. No. 473 of 2001 Organisation of Working Time
(Records) (Prescribed Form and Exemptions) Regulations, 2001 and
submit it to __________ on a fortnightly basis.
Sick Leave
Pay during properly certified sick absence, provided there is no
evidence of permanent disability for service, may be allowed on a prorata basis, in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate sick
leave circulars.
You will be required to sign a mandate authorising the Department of
Social Protection to pay any benefits due under the Social Welfare Acts
direct to this Department and payment during illness will be subject to
you making the necessary claims for social insurance benefit to the
Department of Social Protection within the required time limits.
Reimbursement of contributions is subject to all statutory
deductions. In accepting this arrangement and in signing this contract,
you agree to waive all entitlements under any Public Service
superannuation scheme in respect of the period of this appointment.
You have acknowledged that you have been informed of, and had
explained to you, the option to join the Non-contributory Pension
Scheme for Non-established State Employees and of the Contributory
Spouses' and Childrens Pension Scheme for Non-established State
Employees in lieu of a payment in respect of superannuation
contributions and that you have chosen not to join the Schemes.
15.2 Retirement Age: Only one of the options (a) or (b) below
should be used as appropriate. (The unused option should be
(a) For appointees who are new entrants
Based on the information provided by you and with your agreement
you are deemed to be a new entrant (as defined in the Public Service
Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004), there is no
specified maximum retirement age in respect of your appointment to
this position. Tenure is co-terminus with the Minister.
(b) For appointees who are not new entrants
Based on the information provided by you and with your agreement
you are deemed not to be a new entrant (as defined in the Public
Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004),
retirement is compulsory on reaching 65 years of age. Tenure is coterminus with the Minister or on reaching 65 years of age whichever is
Official secrecy and integrity
16. You will, during the term of your appointment, be subject to the
provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1963 as amended by the Freedom
of Information Acts 1997 and 2003. You will agree not to disclose to
third parties any confidential information especially that with
commercial potential either during or subsequent to the period of
employment. You will also be subject to the Civil Service Code of
Standards and Behaviour.
Confidentiality and publication
17. You will not, while holding the position of Civilian Driver to the
[Minister for State for/at the Department of [Insert Name of