Kuala Lumpur - Timetable: Intermediate Level

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CAT Revision June’10

Provider of Quality Education


Intensive Revision
Course (IRC)
Paper Subjects Lecturers Time Date
Student Student
21, 22, 23 May
T3 Maintaining Financial Records Alvin Tan 10am – 5pm 40 80
(Fri, Sat, Sun)
28, 29, 30 May
T4 Accounting For Costs Max Yong 10am – 5pm 40 80
(Fri, Sat, Sun)

8, 9 May 10am – 5pm
10, 11, 12 May 2pm – 5 pm
(Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) (Group A)
T5 Managing People and Systems Chang Shew Leng 90 150
8, 9 May 10am – 5pm
10, 11, 12 May 6:30pm – 9:30 pm
(Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) (Group B)

21, 22, 23 May

T6 Drafting Financial Statements Max Yong 10am – 5pm 90 150
(Fri, Sat, Sun)

1, 2 May 10am – 5pm

3, 4, 5 May 2pm – 5 pm
(Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) (Group A)
Planning, Control &
T7 Chang Shew Leng 90 150
Performance Management
1, 2 May 10am – 5pm
3, 4, 5 May 6:30pm – 9:30 pm
(Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed) (Group B)

Preparing Taxation 28, 29, 30 May

T9 Karnal Singh 10am – 5pm 90 150
Computations (Fri, Sat, Sun)

14, 15, 16, 17 May

T10 Managing Finances Andrew Pang 10am – 5pm 90 150
(Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon)

 The Best Professional Lecturer Team 


1. All course fees are payable on or before commencement of classes.

2. Course fees paid are strictly NON refundable and NON transferable.

3. Fees paid are inclusive of revision course material.

4. Kasturi School of Accountancy reserves the right to vary, amend or discontinue any or all the discounts as it deems

5. Kasturi School of Accountancy reserves the right to vary or cancel any of the courses and fee structure described or
alters the composition of the relevant lecturing team or timetable as well as the venue for lectures should the
circumstances so require.

6. Payment can be made by: Cash, Credit card, Cheque (Payable to KASTURI SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY)

7. TAR and MARA Students entitled KSA Student price for Revision course (TAR/MARA student card to be presented
for registration).

8. New student signing up for any 2 papers or more will receive 20% discounts for each paper.

Student Fees for 2010

Examination/Exemption Fees for June 2010
ACCA Qualification
Introductory & Intermediate (T1 – T4) £ 38.00
Initial Registration £ 60.00
Advanced (T5 – T10) £ 49.00
Annual Subscription £ 60.00


7/6/09 (Mon) T1 Recording Fin. Transactions 11/6/09 (Fri) T5 Managing People and Systems
T6 Drafting Financial Statements

8/6/09 (Tue) T2 Info and Mgt Control 14/6/09 (Mon) T8 Implementing Audit Procedures
T7 Planning, Control & Performance Mgt

9/6/09 (Wed) T3 Maintaining Fin. Records 15/6/09 (Tue)

T9 Preparing Taxation Computations

10/6/09 (Thu) T4 Accounting for Costs 16/6/09 (Wed) T10 Managing Finances


Dateline for documents submission: KSA ACCA Malaysia

1. Registration Form (July’10 Intake) 15/07/2010 30/06/2010
2. Exemption Applications 15/07/2010 30/06/2010
3. Examination Entries Form 31/03/2010 31/03/2010

Kasturi School of Accountancy

(a division of Kolej Kasturi W4P0022)
11 Floor Plaza First Nationwide
161 Jalan Tun HS Lee
50000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603 – 2032 3322/2008 Fax: 603 – 2032 3323
Website: www.ksacitycampus.com
Email: info@ksacitycampus.com

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