Termination of Response Spectrum Method

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The author recommends terminating the use of the response spectrum method for seismic analysis due to various issues. He recommends using time history analysis instead and provides details on an alternative fast nonlinear analysis method.

The author believes the response spectrum method produces meaningless positive numbers that do not accurately represent member forces over time. It also does not account for the low probability that peak forces will occur simultaneously.

The author recommends using time history analysis instead of the response spectrum method. He states all modern programs now have the capability to easily conduct linear time history analysis.

Termination of the Response Spectrum Method - RSM

Ed Wilson July 13, 2015

History of the RSM for Seismic Analysis
Ray Clough and I regret we created the approximate response spectrum method for seismic
analysis of structures in 1962. At that time many members of the profession were using the sum
of the absolute values of the modal values to estimate the maximum member forces. Ray
suggested we use the SRSS method to combine the modal values. However, I am the one who
put the approximate method in many dynamic analysis programs which allowed engineers to
produce meaningless positive numbers of little or no value. In early 1980 Arman Der
Kiureghian and I replaced the SRSS method with the CQC method. This new approach had
been used in Random Vibration of mechanical engineering equipment to produce a maximum
peak value for one force or one displacement at an unspecified point in time. Therefore, the use
of the method in earthquake engineering, where the duration of vibrations are a few minutes and
not several hours, required the introduction of additional approximations. After working with
the RSM for over 50 years, I recommend it not be used for seismic analysis.
The equation which that should have terminated the RSM of analysis
By 1990 researchers and many members of the profession had created the Demand/Capacity
Ratio for beams. In order to satisfy various building codes specify that all one-dimensional
compression members within a structure satisfy the following Demand/Capacity Ratio at all
points in time:

R( t ) =

P( t )

c Pcr

M 2 ( t )C2
M 3 ( t )C3

1 .0
P( t )
P( t )
b M c 2 ( 1
) b M c3 ( 1
Pe 2
Pe 3

Where the forces acting on the frame element cross-section at time t are P(t ), M 2 (t ) and M 3 (t )
(including the static forces prior to the application of the dynamic loads). The empirical
constants are code and material dependent and are normally defined as
c and b =
Resistance factors
C2 and C3 =
Moment reduction factors
M c 2 and M c 3 =
Moment capacity
Axial load Capacity
Pe 2 and Pe3 =
Euler bucking load capacity about the 2 and 3 axis with effective
length approximated.
For each time-history seismic analysis, P(t ), M 2 (t) and M3 (t) at every cross-section of all
members can be easily calculated as a function of time. Therefore, the maximum
Demand/Capacity Ratio, R( t ) for all load conditions, can be accurately calculated and

identified by any modern computer analysis design program in a fraction of a second. All of the
CSI series of programs have this capability built into their interactive post-processing programs.
For each response spectrum analysis, however, the value of P(t ), M 2 (t ) and M3 (t ) cannot be
calculated accurately since only positive values of P , M 2 and M3 are produced. These are peak
maximum values have a very low probability of occurring at the same time. Therefore, the
Demand/Capacity Ratios are always significantly greater than those produced by a time-history
The author, acting as a consultant on the retrofit of the San Mateo Bridge after the Loma Prieta
Earthquake, has had significant experience with the problem of calculating Demand/Capacity
Ratios using the response spectra method. The seismologists and geotechnical engineers created
two different sets of three-dimensional ground motions. They generated both near and far field
motions from both the Hayward and San Adreas faults. Then, they averaged the various ground
motions and produced three-dimensional design spectra to be used to design the retrofit of the
The structural engineering group that tried to use the design spectra for the analysis and retrofit
of the bridge found that a large number of members in the structure required retrofit. After a
careful study of the maximum peak values of the member forces (especially the large peak axial
forces), it was decided to run new time-history analyses using the basic time-history records
that were used to create the design spectra. After running all the time-history records, the
maximum Demand/Capacity Ratios as a function of time were reduced by approximately a
factor of three compared to the design spectra results.
The only excuse I can offer, for my part in the development of the RSM of analysis, is in 1962
we only had three different real earthquake motions; now, we have several thousand real
earthquake recordings. Therefore, it is now the responsibility of your generation to advance the
profession to the next level and eliminate the uses of the RSM of analysis. Also, the cost of
computations has been reduced by over 100 million times during the last 50 years.
My Recommendation
After conducting dynamic analyses of several hundred different types of structures, subjected to
earthquake displacements, I have always spent the majority of my time identifying the structural
elements and preparing the computer model. After a realistic computer model is created I would
play with the model. By play I mean to physically understand the dynamic behavior of the
First; look at the animated plots of the mode shapes and examine the direction of the base
shears and see if the lower modes produce significant torsion at the base. If this exists, I would
suggest the structure be redesigned to minimize torsion in the lower modes. This is why design
and analysis should not be conducted by different people. The direction of the base shear of the
first mode, with the longest period of the structure, defines the principle direction. In general,
the base shear of the second mode should be approximate 90 degrees to the first mode. This

defines the two directions in which the three-dimensional earthquake displacements should be
applied, not in the X-Y or North-South directions.
Second; I would take several different earthquake motions, of different magnitude and
durations, to check what members would be first to yield. Also, I would check which members
are over designed. Then I would redesign the structure and play with different designs.
Third, CSI has recently added the ability to generate time histories from user specified
spectra. Therefore, it now possible for every structural engineer to conduct linear time-history
response analysis complex structures which satisfies all building code requirements.
Seriously, it is now possible to play with any complex structure in a few days of fun work. SAP
2000 or ETABS are great programs for the designer to conduct their own research on the
behavior of many different types of buildings systems.
Why would anyone want to design a 3D frame element for forces that are not in equilibrium?
Do not be called a Neanderthal man.
The RSM must be terminated before Engineers will use Performance Based Design, PBD.
After they perform time history analysis Engineers will realize non-linear analysis is easy
Using the Fast Nonlinear Analysis, FNA, method.
This will allow many structures to be Reparable after a Large Earthquake.
The FNA method was developed and verified by CSI and myself during the last 25 years. It
allows all existing SAP2000, ETABS and CSI Bridge users to conduct PBD by replacing a few
linear elements with nonlinear elements. Therefore, the user is not required to create a new
model or learn to use a new computer program. Based on the conservation of energy principal
the program automatically selects the size of the time step as a function of time. Therefore, the
method is very robust and rarely fails to obtain a solution.
During the past 20 years, the FNA method has demonstrated excellent agreement with the
results from dynamic laboratory tests of nonlinear models. It has been very satisfying to me to
have structural engineers, all over the world, are using the FNA method to design real PBD
structures which satisfy the fundamental equations of mechanics at all points in time.
The use of the Response Spectrum Method in Earthquake Engineering must be terminated.
It is not a dynamic analysis method The results are not a function of time.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at ed-wilson1@juno.com

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