Format For Submission of Proposal For Minor Research Project Part - A

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1. Broad Subject
2. Area of Specialization
3. Duration
4. Principal Investigator



Sex: M/F

iii. Date of Birth:

iv. Qualification:

vi. Address:


5. Co Investigator(s):
(i) Name:
(ii) Sex: M/F
(iii) Date of Birth:
vii. Qualification:
viii. Designation:
ix. Address:


5. Name of the Institution where the project will be undertaken:

(a) Department :


(b) College/University :
(Please mention the name of affiliating University )
6. Whether the College/University is approved under Section 2 (f) and 12 B of the UGC Act?
7. Teaching and Research Experience of Principal Investigator :

(a) Teaching experience: UG ______Years

PG ______Years
(b) Research experience:
(c) Whether the project has been approved by the University for the doctoral degree ? If so, please
indicate :

Date of Registration :


Name and designation of the supervisor approved by the University:

iii. Name of the University where registered :

(d) In case the teacher holds a doctoral degree :

Title of the thesis :

ii Year of the award of degree:

iii. Name of the University :
(e) Publication:

Papers Published :

Accepted :

Communicated :

Books Published :

Accepted :

Communicated :

( Please enclose the list of papers and books published and/or accepted during last five years )


Proposed Research Work

(i) Project Title: Traction Motor Design ( Induction Motor) for Electric Vehicle Propulsion to Meet
IEC4 Standards

ii. Introduction:
Efficiency is a vital parameter for drive systems in electric and hybrid electric vehicle drive
motors. Perhaps more essential part is size of the motor and total weight. For these reasons, the first
choice of motor one would consider for vehicle propulsion is likely to be a permanent magnet motor
made up of high efficiency magnets. With power free excitation, low fundamental reactance and the
ability to rise the pole number, permanent magnet machines can be exceptionally light in weight and
highly efficient. The expected requirement for performance such as wide speed range can force some
concessions in permanent magnet motor design, but in voltage control aspects the permanent
magnet flux be restricted, and then to produce high torque at low speeds, in those condition
permanent magnet motor are up against other motor. But in other hand with low production and
manufacturing cost, very rare earth magnet free, easy maintenance, and wildly proven most trusted
induction motor can be the best alternative to replace permanent magnet motor.
In Electric and Hybrid vehicle drives, properly designed Induction motor can produce high
efficiency significantly higher than in the case of permanent magnet motors, even if the specific time
efficiency of the induction machine is lower when compared permanent magnet machine. More
specifically IEC4 guidance to design general purpose motor with very high efficiency (premium
efficiency) which is 90 to 94 %. The objective of the proposed research is to find out how to design
induction motors for drive applications by meeting IEC4 standards with the help of various drive cycle
of the vehicle.

Origin of the research problem:

With visible time of EV Era induction motors have been gone through many changes
throughout the years. Almost all the areas of induction motor have been explored. But still best of
induction motor yet to come. Optimization methods plays a crucial role in making of Excellent IM
Drive. From the basic point of view characters of the motor depend on the type of load and its
requirement. In EV also it is important to understand the need of vehicle and where it is employed. It
may be used in On Road, off road, racing, Sport Car, or Complicated terrain vehicle. Before getting
into design we must understand the exact need of Vehicle and its power train. The drive motor and its
driving systems used in the electrical vehicle have a lot of differences in design and performance
characteristics compared with general industrial purpose motor. It must meet the vehicle requirement

of wide transfer speed range, high efficiency, and high torque in the low speed and wide range high
power density.
In the search of electrical machine technologies for traction applications, induction machines are
possibly the lowest cost, and it can be operate over a wide speed range. However, they have a lower
torque density, week power factor usage and efficiency compared to other special motors like SRM,
IPM, Sync RM, permanent magnet (PM) brushless machines. So finding the best of Induction motor
for the use of EV/HEV application is the motive of this project.

Interdisciplinary relevance
Research on Electrical machines started from the beginning of Electric Era. From Edisons
General Motors to most recent Tesla Model S electric motors are passed through various stages and
many challenges. Now Electric vehicle Traction motors generates great attention all over the world.
Because of omission of fossil fuels and oils. So finding the best motor that suit for electric vehicle
traction is much intended to this topic.

Review of Research and Development in the Subject:

International status:
There are many most advanced research are going in and around the world. US department
of Energy has given great initiative to research to find best motor technology. They are working in
highly advanced than any other nations in the world. Many of Auto making giants like Ford, Toyota,
GM, and Tesla are involved in their own research. Huge amount of journals research titles are
available to access the development in this field.

National Status:
In India, attention on Electric Vehicles are slowly growing. Very few auto makers are doing
research in EV propulsion. But it is the right time to shift our focus on Pollution and Emission free
transportation. There are limited numbers of research are progressing in this area. Especially in
Electric Traction Motor Design.

Significance of the study:

EV and HEV are the major alterative for polluting IC Engine vehicles. Researching Traction
motor is most significant aspect in the case of EV/HEV. While looking for efficiency improvement,
losses reduction is a major challenge for every researcher in this filed, meanwhile accomplished
research shows how important it is. Various machines have been tested for Traction propulsion.
Avoiding Rare earth magnets is another way of reducing the cost of the machine. In this way
Induction Motor design is most significance to research .

(iii) Objectives:

Designing an Induction motor for traction motor application.

Traction motor efficiency must meet IEC4 standards.
Various drive cycles have to be analysed to get accurate power demand of EV/HEV
Other possible ways to be explored to improve the Induction motor Efficiency.

(iv) Methodology:

Performance requirement of IEC4 must be evaluated. Which includes required efficiency range
and Permitted losses level.

Traction motor power demand must be the outcome of Drive Cycle.

Various drive cycles must be analysed to prepare unique Drive to meet many of expected and
unexpected drive conditions.

Premium efficiency Induction motor designed in Advanced FEA softwares.

Prototype of the design must be prepared.

(v) Year-wise Plan of work and targets to be achieve.

As per the Methodology, the following is the proposed time schedule:

Phase I

06 months

Phase II

06 months

Phase III

12 months


24 months

Phase I:
Literature Review on cost effective and energy efficient technologies
Purchase of Software and associated materials
Recruiting project personal
Phase II:
Analysis of IEC4 standards and figure out the achievable efficiency range.
Analysis the various Drive cycle to get Common Drive Cycle.
Formulating Vehicle Dynamics to get the required power Demand
Phase III:
Designing the Induction Motor
FEA analysis of Induction Motor
Prototyping and validation.

Report preparation and submission

(vi) Details of collaboration, if any intended

9. Financial Assistance required


Estimated Expenditure
Books and Journals

ii. Equipment, if needed

( please specify name &approx. cost) iii.

Field Work and Travel

iv. Chemicals and glassware

v. Contingency ( including special needs)
10. Whether the teacher has received support for the research project from the UGC under Major,
Minor, scheme of support for research or from any agency? If so, please indicate:
(i) Name of the agency from which the assistance was approved

(ii) Sanction letter No. and date under which the assistance was approved

(iii) Amount approved and utilized

(iv) Title of the project for which assistance was approved

(v) In case the project was completed, whether the work on the project has been published

(vi) If the candidate was working for the doctoral degree, whether the thesis was submitted and accepted
by the University for the award of degree.
(A summary of the report/thesis in about 1,000 words may please be attached with the application)

(vii) If the project has not been completed, please state the reasons
11. (a) Details of the project/scheme completed or ongoing with the P.I

Name Year
of the

Total Equipment/Infrastructural facilities obtained


(b) Institutional and Departmental facilities available for the proposed work: Equipment:

Other Infrastructural facilities :

Any other information which the investigator may like to give in support of this proposal which
may be helpful in evaluating.
To certify that:


The University/ College is approved under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act and is fit to
receive grants from the UGC.

General physical facilities, such as furniture/space etc., are available in the Department/College.

I/we shall abide by the rules governing the scheme in case assistance is provided to me/us from the
UGC for the above project.

d. I/we shall complete the project within the stipulated period. If I/We fail to do so and if the UGC is not
satisfied with the progress of the research project, the Commission may terminate the project
immediately and ask for the refund of the amount received by me/us.

e. The above research Project is not funded by any other agency.

Name & Signature

(b) Co- Investigator

(c) Registrar/Principal
( Signature with Seal)

(a) Principal Investigator

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