Dcom204 Auditing Theory
Dcom204 Auditing Theory
Dcom204 Auditing Theory
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Auditing Theory
Objectives: The course is designed with an objective to enable students to understand the way auditing is conducted and put
them in a position to identify the areas of fraud and errors in the accounts and take corrective actions while presenting the audit
S. No.
Origin of audit, definition, accountancy vs. auditing, objects of an audit, different classes of audit, location of
errors, generally accepted auditing practice, audit evidence, auditing in depth, accounting/auditing statements.
Audit function of an auditor, Integrity, Objectivity and independence of an auditor, section 226, section 314 and
code of ethics.
Audit planning, factors affecting audit planning, audit programming and quality control for audit
Considerations of laws and regulations in an audit of financial statements and audit procedures.
Internal control: Meaning, importance, internal check, internal audit, evaluation of internal control.
Vouching: Meaning, substantial procedures and vouching of cash transactions and trading transactions. Audit
of Financial statement: Audit of income statement and position statement in respect of the depreciation,
valuation of inventory, share capital, reserve and surplus, current assets and liabilities, investment, fixed assets.
Cost Audit: Meaning, procedures, CARO, MAOCARO, Management Audit-meaning, procedures and benefits.
Audit of banking companies, audit of cooperative banks and institutions, audit of general insurance business
companies, audit of partnership accounts and audit of government companies.
Auditing in an EDP Environment: Problems in an EDP Environment, control in an EDP Environment and
computer assisted auditing techniques.
Unit 1:
Introduction to Auditing
Unit 2:
Auditing Practices
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Audit Planning
Unit 6:
Unit 7:
Internal Control
Unit 8:
Unit 9:
Unit 10:
Unit 11:
Unit 12:
Cost Audit
Unit 13:
Unit 14:
Origin of Audit
Defining Audit
Objects of an Audit
Advantages of Auditing
Objectives of Audit
Primary Objectives
Secondary Objectives
1.10 Keywords
1.11 Review Questions
1.12 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Define audit;
Locate errors.
It is clear from the above definitions that auditing is the systematic and scientific examination of
the books of a accounts and records of a business so as to enable the auditor to satisfy himself
that the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account are properly drawn up so as to exhibit a
true and fair view of the financial state of affairs of the business and profit or loss for the
financial period. Unit explains the origin of audit and standards as defined by Companys Act
and by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Unit tries to define audit, and explain
various aspects of auditing and duties and responsibilities of an auditor. Two objectives of
auditing are primary and secondary. The main object of auditing is to help the auditor to form
an opinion as to whether the books of account and the financial statements show true and fair
view of the business and the subsidiary object of auditing is to detect and prevent errors and
Auditing Theory
frauds in the books of accounts. Different classes of audit and locating different errors are
Caution Ensure there is a clear understanding what auditing is about and what purpose it
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Auditing is the systematic and scientific examination of the .................... and ....................
There are three types of audits: (a)....................; (b) ....................; and (c) ....................
The role of accountancy is to record the transaction in the book of accounts, extraction of
trial balance, preparation of trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet etc. On
the other hand auditing is the examination of books of account and checking the financial
statement for the purpose of finding out the true and fair position and results of operation
Auditing Theory
If the auditor is asked to write the books of accounts, extract an agreed trial balance and
profit and loss account and Balance sheet, he would be doing the work of an accountant
and not the work of an auditor. Preparation of account is not the part of auditing. An
auditor, using his appointing authority, needs to check thoroughly, whether the Profit
and Loss account and the Balance Sheet have been properly drawn up and revel the true
and fair view of the state of affairs and results of operation of the concern and report it to
the parties interested.
Auditing without the prior existence of accounts is not possible. When the accountant
finishes his work, the auditor starts his work.
Main Object
The main object of auditing is to help the auditor to form an opinion as to whether the books of
account and the financial statements show true and fair view of the business. Auditor has to
check the books of account and financial statements keeping the main object in mind. According
to de Paula: The main object of audit is to ascertain that the balance sheet and profit and loss
account of an undertaking do show true and fair view of its financial position and earnings. A
similar view was observed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India when it state that,
the objective of an undertaking do show true and fair view of its financial position and earnings.
Audited accounts are readily accepted in Government authorities like Income tax Dept.,
Sales Tax dept., Land Revenue departments, banks etc.
By auditing the accounts errors and frauds can be detected and rectified in time.
Audited accounts carry greater authority than the accounts which have not been audited.
For obtaining loan from financial institutions like Banks, LIC, HUDCO, HDFC, IFCI etc.,
previous years audited accounts evaluated for determining the capability of returning the
Regular audit of account create fear among the employees in the accounts department and
exercise a great moral influence on clients staff thereby restraining them from commit
frauds and errors.
In the event of loss of property by fire or on happening of the event insured against,
Audited accounts help in the early settlement of claims from the insurance company.
In case of Joint Stock Company where ownership is separated from management, audit of
accounts ensure the shareholders that accounts have been properly maintained, funds are
utilized for the right purpose and the management have not taken any undue advantage
of their position.
To determine the value of the business in the event of purchase or sales of the business,
audited account will be the treated as the base for the evaluation.
The audit of accounts by a qualified auditor also help the management to understand the
financial position of the business and also it will help the management to take decision on
various matters like report in internal control system of the organization or setting up of
an internal audit department etc.
If the accounts have been audited by an independent person, disputes between the
management and labor unions on payment of bonus and higher wages can be
settled amicably.
In the event of admission of a new partner, audited accounts will facilitate the formation
of terms and conditions for joining the new partner. Last 3 years audited accounts and
balance sheet will give a general idea about the growth and financial position of the
business to the new partner.
Notes It is compulsory for all the organizations registered under the Companies Act must
be audited.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Audit is concerned with detailed examination of the complete accounting records but it
does not involve the ........................
Auditing without the ........................ is not possible. When the accountant finishes his work,
the auditor starts his work.
To determine and judge the reliability of the ........................ and the supporting accounting
records of a particular financial period is the main purpose of the audit.
First Party Audit: An audit performed within an organization by that organizations own
auditing resource. It is also referred to as an Internal Audit.
Auditing Theory
Objects: The main object of the statutory audit is to form an opinion on the financial
statement of the organization auditor has to state that whether the financial statements are
showing the true and fair view of the affairs of the organization or not. The main object of
the internal audit is to detect and prevent the errors and frauds.
Scope: The scope of the statutory audit is fixed by the Companies Act, 1956. It cannot be
changed by mutual consent between the auditor and the management of the audited
business unit. The scope of the internal audit is fixed by the mutual consent of the auditor
Report: The statutory auditor submits his report to the shareholder of the company in its
general meeting. The internal auditor submits his report to the management of the
company who is also his appointing authority.
Removal: The procedure of removal of the statutory auditor is very complex. Only the
company in the general meeting can remove the auditor. It also has to take the permission
of the Central Government. The management of the entity can remove internal auditor.
Notes Always keep business expenses and personal expenses entirely separate to make
for easier tax returns and financial reporting. Keep copies of all your business records and
have receipts and statements for any expenses or tax deductions that you claim.
Create copies of any files or paperwork that can prove the audit information is incorrect.
Always keep the originals, but the copies will be needed to prove your claim.
Hire an accountant who can look over your evidence and verify that your figures are
correct. He can then compare it to the audit results and help your draft up a report reporting
the discrepancies.
Notify the auditing firm in writing of the audit mistakes and include the copies of your
records that verify your report. Your accounts report should also be included. If this is a
tax audit, your accountant can assist you in refilling your tax returns that point out the
discrepancies of the audit.
Primary Objectives
To determine and judge the reliability of the financial statement and the supporting accounting
records of a particular financial period is the main purpose of the audit. As per the Indian
Companies Act, 1956 it is mandatory for the organizations to appoint a auditor who, after the
examination and verification of the books of account, disclose his opinion that whether the
Auditing Theory
audited books of accounts, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are showing the true and
fair view of the state of affairs of the companys business. To get a true and fair view of the
companies affairs and express his opinion, he has to thoroughly check all the transactions and
relevant documents of the company made during the audited period. Which will help the
auditor to report the financial condition and working result of the organization? While carrying
out the process of audit, the auditor may come across certain errors and frauds. But detection of
fraud or errors is not the primary objective of the audit. They are come under the secondary
objectives of audit.
Did u know? Audit also disclose whether the Accounting system adopted in the organization
is adequate and appropriate in recording the various transactions as well as the setbacks of
the system.
Secondary Objectives
In order to report the financial condition of the business, auditor has to examine the books of
accounts and the relevant documents. In that process he may come across some errors and
frauds. We may classify these errors and frauds as below:
Detection and Prevention of Errors: Following types of errors can be detected in the
process of auditing.
Clerical Errors: Due to wrong posting such errors may occur. Money received from
Microsoft credited to the Semens account is an example of clerical error. Even
though the account was posted wrongly, the trial balance will agree. We can classify
clerical errors as below:
Errors of Commission: These errors are errors caused due to wrong posting
either wholly or partially of in the books of original entry or ledger accounts
or wrong totaling, wrong calculations, wrong balancing and wrong casting of
subsidiary books. For example ` 5000 is paid to Microsoft for the supply of
windows program and the same is recorded in the cash book. While posting
the ledger the Microsofts account is debited by ` 500. It may be due to the
carelessness of the accountant. Most of these errors of commission are reflected
in the trial balance and can be identified by routine checking of the books.
Compensating Errors are errors committed in such a way that the net result of
these errors on the debit side and credit side would be nullify the net effect of
the error. For example, Rams account which was to be debited for ` 5000 was
credited for ` 5000 and similarly, Sitas Account which was to be credited for
` 5000 was debited for ` 5000. These two mistakes will nullify the effect of each
other. Unless detailed investigation is undertaken such errors are difficult to
locate as both the sides of the trial balance are equally affected.
These types of errors are said to occur when they offset the effect of each other either
wholly of partially.
Example: If a person was to be credited by ` 1,000 and he is wrongly debited by ` 1,000
and he is wrongly debited by `1,000 was trial balance. It may also occur when the name of two
persons are interchanged for each other. For examples, we buy goods from Mr.B.
Detection and Prevention of Frauds: To get money illegally from the organization or
from the proprietor frauds are committed intentionally and deliberately. If it remains
undetected, it could affect the opinion of the auditor on the financial condition and the
working results of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary for the auditor to exercise
utmost care to detect such frauds. It can be committed by the top management or by the
employees of the organization. Frauds could be of the following types:
Misappropriation of Cash: Since the owner has very limited control over the receipt
and payments of cash, misappropriation or defalcation of cash is very common
specially in big business organizations. Cash can be misappropriated by various
ways as mentioned below:
Suppressing receipts
There should be strict control over receipts and payments of cash known as Internal
check system to prevent such frauds. The auditor should check the Cash Book with
original records, bills register, invoices, vouchers, counterfoils or receipt books, wage
sheets, salesmans diary, bank statements etc. in order to discover such frauds.
Misappropriation of Goods: Companies handling with high value goods are prey to
this kind of misappropriation. Without proper records of stock inward and stock
outward, it is difficult for the auditor to find out such fraud. Periodical and surprise
checking of stock and maintaining the proper record of inward and outward
movement of stock can reduce the possibility of such fraud.
Auditing Theory
disclosed only a fake picture not the true picture. Some of the ways used in
manipulating the accounts are as follows:
(vii) Suppressing sales and purchase or showing fictitious sales and purchases, etc.
Window Dressing is the way of presenting the financial data in a much better position
than the original position. It is known as window dressing. Some of the reasons for
doing window dressing are as follows:
To raise the price of shares in the market by paying higher dividend so that
shares held may be sold.
Secret Reserves: In secret reserves, accounts are prepared in such a way that they
disclose worse picture than actually what they are? The objectives of preparing
accounts in this way are:
(iii) To reduce the price of shares in the market by not paying dividend or paying
lower dividend so that the shares may be bought at a much lower price.
It is very difficult to detect such frauds since these frauds are committed by those persons
in the organizations who are at the top positions like directors, managers, financial
controllers etc. To detect these kinds of frauds, the auditor must be vigilant and should
make searching inquiries to arrive at the true position.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The ........................... object of auditing is to detect and prevent errors and frauds in the
books of accounts
Case Study
uditors have their own codes of ethics. Where there is no code of ethics, or where
the code of ethics permits a degree of conflict of interest, the auditors tread at
their own risk. The following case study underscores the traditional common
law obligations of auditors as fiduciaries, even before the adoption of the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002. This section covers some basic issues in auditing standards.
Responding to SEC criticism of ostensible conflicts of interest, some major accounting
firms, such as KPMG and Arthur Andersen, have spun off their consulting arms as
independently owned and managed entities. Ernst & Young LLP chose another route.
The story of E&Y and its alliance with Cap Gemini leads from a regulatory no-action
letter to a court case alleging breach of the accountants fiduciary duty. The tale leads
to lessons learned.
Independence of Auditors
SEC No-Action Letter to Ernst & Young LLP on Alliance with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
LLC. By no-action letter dated May 25, 2000, the SECs Chief Accountant advised Ernst &
Young LLP that it would consider E&Y to maintain its independence even though Cap
Gemini Ernst & Young were to provide IT services to E&Y audit clients. The no-action
letter imposed a number of conditions that (1) limit at the outset and within five years end
E&Ys equity interest in Cap Gemini; (2) impose limitations on Cap Geminis use of the
E&Y name; (3) require a strict separation of E&Y and Cap Geminis corporate governance;
(4) forbid any revenue sharing between E&Y and Cap Gemini; (5) forbid any joint marketing
agreements between E&Y and Cap Gemini; and (6) restrict any shared services between
E&Y and Cap Gemini. Letter of Lynn E. Turner, Chief Accountant of SEC, to Kathryn A.
Oberly, Esq., Ernst & Young, May 25, 2000. Litigation Alleging Breach of Accountants
Fiduciary Duty; Liability for Systems Integrators Nonperformance. Unfortunately, an
SEC no-action letter is not a vaccine against client lawsuits. Accountants engaged in
management consulting should pay careful attention to a ruling against Ernst & Young,
LLP (E&Y) and its successor in interest (by sale of consulting business), Cap Gemini
Ernst & Young, U.S. LLC (CGEY). This case is instructive to anyone in a licensed
professional capacity engaged in ancilli-ry or multidisciplinary consulting practice.
Pre-trial Ruling
In a pre-trial ruling in early January 2002 on a motion to dismiss, without deciding the
final outcome, the court found that E&Y was potentially legally subject to claims of breach
of fiduciary duty and punitive damages arising out of a failed software implementation
by CGEY, a company in which apparently E&Y is a substantial owner. (The was no allegation
or showing of a failure to exercise the skill and care of a reasonably diligent accountant, so
the court noted that there were no claims of professional malpractice (whether relating to
accounting or computer consulting).
Auditing Theory
What you have observed about code of auditing standard followed in Cap Gemini
and Ernst & Young deal?
Analyze the case in your own words necessitating the need of auditing?
Source: Outsourcing-law.com
1.9 Summary
The word Audit is originated from the Latin word audire which means to hear. In the
earlier days, whenever there is suspected fraud in a business organization, the owner of
the business would appoint a person to check the accounts and hear the explanations given
by the person responsible for keeping the account and funds.
The role of accountancy is to record the transaction in the book of accounts, extraction of
trial balance, preparation of trading and Profit and Loss Account and balance sheet etc.
On the other hand, auditing is the examination of books of account and checking the
financial statement for the purpose of finding out the true and fair position and results of
operation of a concern.
For a better understanding we could classify the objective of audit as: 1. Primary Objectives;
2. Secondary Objectives.
When accountings principles are violated in writing the books of account the error of
principal occurs. For example, when wrong account head is chosen to record a transaction,
error of principal occurs. When expenses of capital nature are debited to revenue or vice
versa it is said that error of principal has occurred.
There are following types of audit: Statutory Audit; Non-statutory Audit; External Audit;
Internal audit; Final Audit; Social audit; Performance Audit, etc.
1.10 Keywords
Internal Audit: This is a review of operation carried out sometimes continuously specially
assigned staff with in the client business.
Non Statutory audit: This are the audit not specially required by law this scope of the audit will
be outline by the contract between the auditor and the clients.
Social Audit: Social audit is performed to know the corporate social responsibility.
Statutory audit: This is the audit governed by statute such as the Companys Act.
Subsidiary objects: The subsidiary object of auditing is to detect and prevent errors and frauds in
the books of accounts.
Errors of commission
Errors of omission
Compensating Errors.
Misappropriation of cash
Misappropriation of goods
Window dressing
Secret reserves
What are the different types of audit? What is the difference between internal audit and
statutory audit?
Auditing Theory
an independent body
preparation of accounts
financial statement
Errors of principle
Subsidiary or Secondary
Compliance audit
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Importance of Audit
Investor Considerations
Statutory Requirements
Appointment of Auditors
Tax Audit
Cost Audit
Accounting Profession
Auditing Standards
Audit Evidence
Auditing in Depth
Depth Test
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Auditing Theory
Audit plays a pivotal role in keeping proper legal check on those who carry on the business in a
fiduciary capacity. Shareholders not being legal experts, the auditor acts as a link between the
shareholders and the management. Statutory auditing, mandatory for all companies, is one of the
regulatory mechanisms designed to check abuses and irregularities in the financial aspects of the
companies. There are numerous provisions incorporated in the Companies Act, 1956 stipulating
the norms and rules to be followed in maintaining the accounts of the company. All companies are
statutorily required to prepare and maintain accounts which are then scrutinized by the auditor
who certify their correctness. For company accounts to be credible they must be true and fair and
this is more likely to happen if someone competent and independent of the company has vetted
the accounts. An auditor has a fiduciary relationship with the company. The statutory auditors are
often described as the watchdogs of the company. They have access to the book of accounts,
vouchers and documents, which no member of the company has. At the same time a number of
duties and responsibilities are cast upon them. While describing the position of the auditor
Ramaswamy J. has opined, An audit is intended for the protection of the shareholders and the auditor is
expected to examine the accounts maintained by the directors with a view to inform the shareholders of the true
financial position of the company. The directors occupy a fiduciary position in relation to the shareholders and
in auditing the accounts maintained by the directors the auditor acts in the interest of the shareholders who are
in the position of beneficiaries. Thus, the auditor is like a trustee for the shareholders. The auditor may be
an individual or a firm of many individuals wherein each one is qualified to be an auditor
individually also. The Companies Act, 1956 envisages independence in the office of the auditor
and therefore, elaborate provisions have been incorporated in the Companies Act to ensure the
same. Sections 224 to 226 of the Companies Act, 1956 provides for the appointment, qualifications,
disqualifications and payment of remuneration to the statutory auditor. Thus, the role of audit is
to provide a moral check on those who are entrusted with the task of running the business and
keeping and maintaining books of account of the company. Auditors are also regarded as the
agents of the members appointed to carry on certain duties as laid down in the statute and the
articles for the purposes of the audit. Of late, the role of the auditor has gained tremendous
means of the annual report and financial statements sent to the shareholders. The audit provides
an external and objective check on the way in which the financial statements have been prepared
and presented, and it is an essential part of the checks and balances required. The question is not
whether there should be an audit, but how to ensure its objectivity and effectiveness. Audits are
a reassurance to everybody who has a financial interest in companies, quite apart from their
value to Boards of Directors.
Caution The most direct method of ensuring that companies are accountable for their
actions is through open disclosure by boards and through audits carried out against strict
accounting standards.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The present structure of a modern company has the ....................... as the focal point of the
legal system governing them.
The audit provides an ....................... on the way in which the financial statements have
been prepared and presented.
Investor Considerations
Companies incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 must keep proper books and records,
sufficient to give a true and fair view of the companys affairs and to explain its transactions.
Shareholders of such companies must appoint auditors at the annual general meeting. In practice,
a firm of accountant whose partners would each qualify for appointment is usually appointed.
Auditors must report to a companys shareholders on the accounts examined by them; their
report must cover various matters and include whether in their opinion the accounts give a true
and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of its results.
Notes For all companies whose annual turnover exceeds a specified amount, a statutory
audit under the Companies Act is required, along with a tax audit for certain matters
prescribed under the Income tax Act. The Government may direct that a cost audit be
carried out for a company required to maintain detailed cost accounting records.
Statutory Requirements
All sums of money received and expanded by the company as well as the matters with
respect to which the receipts and expenditures took place.
Auditing Theory
Caution A company that belongs to a class of companies engaged in production, processing,
manufacturing, or mining activities also must maintain such details of utilization of
material, labor and other items of cost as may be prescribed by the Central Government
for that class.
There is no provision in the Companies Act as to the form in which the books of account are to
be maintained, but it is incumbent on a company to maintain such books on an accrual basis.
Such books and vouchers as are relevant to any entry in the books of account must be maintained
for a period of at least eight years after the end of any financial year.
The books of account must be kept at the companys registered office. In the case of a company
with a branch office, the books of account relating to the branch transactions may be kept at the
branch office. If the Board of Directors decides to keep the books at a place other than the
registered office, it must inform the Registrar of Companies within seven days of its decision
and given the address of the place where the books are located.
The books of account and other books and papers are open to inspection by any director the
Registrar of Companies or authorized government officials during business hours. Except in the
case of a winding-up of a company, the shareholders have no right to inspect the books of
In addition to the books of account mentioned above, a company is required to keep various
registers, e.g., an investment (securities) register, a register of shareholders, a separate register
of directors and their share holdings, and minute books of shareholders and directors meetings.
Notes The shareholders have the right of access to most of these registers, which must be
kept at the registered office of the company.
Task On the basis of accounting standards make a checklist of various books of accounts
that company need to maintain for compliance and auditing purpose.
At every annual general meeting of a company, the Board of Directors must lay before the
shareholders financial statements consisting of a balance sheet and a profit and loss account
(income statement). These financial statements must be accompanies by the auditors report and
the report of the companys Board of Directors. The auditor is required to report on a long list of
matters prescribed either in the Companies Act or in the orders issued under the Act and on any
deviation from the mandatory accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (ICAI).
The period covered by the income statement should not end on a date that is more than six
months before the date of the annual general meeting unless the date of the general meeting is
extended by the Registrar of Companies. However, in the case of the first annual general meeting,
the gap between the two dates may be none months. The financial year may be less or more than
a year, but it should not exceed 15 months. With special permission of the Registrar, however,
this period may be extended to 18 months.
The audited financial statements, together with a report by the Board of Directors, must be sent
to shareholders and trustees for debenture holders at least 21 days before the date of the annual
general meeting. Quoted companies can no longer send an abridged set of accounts to the
shareholders and trustees for debentures holders, according to a circular dated September 23,
1994 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of Indian. This circular was issued to the stock
exchanges to modify all listing agreements. Quoted companies are also required by their listing
agreement to furnish the stock exchange with unaudited financial results and required details
on a half-yearly basis within two months of the expiration of the period and also to advertise
such details in at least one national-language and one English daily newspaper. Publication of
the unaudited results for the second half-year is not obligatory if the company informs the stock
exchange that it will publish audited results within three months of the closure of the accounting
year. If the total of the two half years unaudited results with respect to any items in the prescribed
form varies by 20 percent or more when compared with the audited accounts for the full year, a
listed company must explain the reasons to the stock exchange.
In addition to accounts showing its position as a separate entity, a company that has subsidiaries
must submit for each subsidiary the financial statements, the boards report and the auditors
report, all of which must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Act. A statement
must be attached that shows the extent of the holding companys interest in each subsidiary at the
end of the subsidiarys financial year and the profits and losses not dealt with in the holding
companys accounts. The time lag between the balance sheet dates of the holding company and of
the subsidiaries should not exceed six months. When the financial years of the subsidiary and its
holding company do not coincide, the following information must be shown for each subsidiary.
Whether during the interval there has been any change in the holding companys interest
in the subsidiary and, if so, the extent thereof.
Details of any material change occurring during the same period in fixed assets,
investments, and loans given or taken by the subsidiary. All listed companies whose
financial year ends in March 1996 or thereafter will be required to, as per the amended
listing agreements, give a cash flow statement along with the balance sheet and profit and
loss account. Such a statement is to be prepared in accordance with the requirements
prescribed by the Securities Exchange Board of India and duly certified by the statuette
Caution There is no need to prepare group accounts.
After the accounts have been laid before the company at the annual general meeting, three
copies of these accounts, together with all the documents that are required to be attached thereto
e.g. auditors report, Boards report-must be filed with the Registrar of Companies within 30
days from the date of the annual general meeting. Under the tax laws a uniform accounting year,
April 1 to March 31, is to be followed. However, the Companies Act does not stipulate any such
uniform accounting year. As a result, companies having financial statements closing on a date
other than March 31 are required to get their accounts audited for the year ended March 31 for tax
purposes as well.
Appointment of Auditors
The Companies Act requires that only Chartered Accountants within the meaning of the Chartered
Accountants Act, 1949 can qualify for appointment as auditors. The first auditor of a company is
Auditing Theory
usually appointed by the directors. Subsequently, except for appointments to fill casual vacancies,
auditors are normally appointed by the shareholders at each annual general meeting by an
ordinary resolution to hold office until the next general meeting by an ordinary resolution to
hold office until the next annual general meeting. In the case of companies in which not less than
51 percent of the paid-up share capital is held by the Central or State Government or by
government-owned companies/corporations or a combination thereof, the auditor is appointed
or reappointed by the Central Government on the advice of the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India. However, in the case of a company in which not less than 25 percent of the
subscribed share capital is held singly or jointly by the Government a prescribed financial
institution, a Government company, a nationalized bank, or an insurance company, the
appointment or reappointment of an auditor at each annual general meeting must be made by
a special resolution that must be passed by not less than 75 percent of the total votes.
Casual vacancies arising other than by the resignation of an auditor are filled by the board. A
vacancy in the office of auditor arising from resignation may be filled only be filled only by the
shareholders in a general meeting. The shareholders at an annual general meeting may pass a
resolution appointing as auditor a person other than the retiring auditor. The intention of
proposing such a resolution must be notified by a shareholder to the company at least 14 clear
days before the date of the meeting. The company, in turn, must give notice of the resolution to
its shareholders within seven days before the date of meeting. This procedures is designated to
avoid the removal of an auditor without providing a reasonable opportunity for all the
shareholders to attend the meeting and vote on the matter.
Caution Except for the first auditor, no auditor may be removed before the expiration of
the period of appointment without the previous approval of the Government.
In practice, a firm of accountant whose partners all qualify for appointment is usually appointed
as auditors. No officer or employee of the company and no corporate body can be appointed
auditor of the company, no person who is a partner or in the employment of an officer or
employee of the company can be appointed auditor of any company. The term officer is
defined by the Companies Act to include the directors, the secretary and management personnel
of the company. The Companies Act sets a limit on the number of company audits that may be
undertaken by an auditor; the ceiling is 20 companies per partner of an audit firm, of which
companies with paid-up shares capital above ` 2.5 million should not number more than ten.
The auditor has the right of access at all times to the accounting and other records of the company,
as well as the right to require from the officers of the company such information and explanation
as the auditor deems necessary for the audit.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The ....................... have the right of access to most of the registers, kept at the registered
office of the company.
At every annual general meeting of a company, the Board of Directors must lay before the
shareholders financial statements consisting of a ....................... and .......................
The period covered by the income statement should not end on a date that is .......................
before the date of the annual general meeting unless the date of the general meeting is
extended by the Registrar of Companies.
The audited financial statements, together with a report by the Board of Directors, must be
sent to shareholders and trustees for debenture holders at least ....................... before the
date of the annual general meeting.
Amounts of expenditure incurred under various headings that are not allowable in full or
that result indirect benefits to directors or their relatives or officers.
Prior-period adjustments.
These particulars must be certified as true and correct based on the auditors opinion land
information and explanation received.
The tax audit requirements also apply to other types of business entities whose total sales
turnover or gross receipts in business exceed ` 4 million and to entities carrying on a profession
whose gross receipts in the profession exceed ` 1 million in any year.
Notes Every company with a total sales turnover or gross receipts over ` 4 million must
have its accounts audited in accordance with the Income tax Act.
Auditing Theory
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has recognized the training and examinations of
the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Scotland, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland as being equivalent
to the training and examination prescribed for its members. As a result, members of these three
institutes are also eligible to become members of the Indian Institute, subject to their fulfilling
certain conditions, and may consequently engage in practice in India.
The need for independence in mental attitude in an auditor is recognized. However, it is not
considered improper for auditors to have a financial interest in a company on which they report.
If, however, the auditor has a substantial interest in the companys finances, the Chartered
Accountants Act 1949 requires that this be disclosed. The phrase substantial interest has been
defined by the Act, as a holding of shares carrying not less than 20 percent of the voting power
beneficially either by the member or jointly with relatives. Members of the Institute are also
required to adhere to a code of professional ethics, failing which they are deemed guilty of
professional misconduct and are subject to disciplinary action.
Did u know? Accounting and Auditing practice in India is derived largely from practice in
the United Kingdom. However, with the introduction of the Manufacturing and Other
Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 1988 [see the sample Auditors Report (Caselet)]
various other enactments in the Companies Act and other legislation connected with such
things as employee remuneration, auditing practice in India is gradually becoming more
independent. And the demands made by the Government, the public and other agencies
on the auditors are far greater than before. For the guidance of its members, the Indian
Institute from time-to-time published briefs on various matters relating to auditing and
accounting practices.
The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board identifies the areas where auditing standards
need to be formulated and the priority in regard to their selection.
In the preparation of the auditing standards, the Board is normally, assisted by study
groups comprising of a cross section of members of the Institute.
On the basis of the work of the study groups, an exposure draft of the proposed auditing
standard is prepared by the Board and issued for comments of the members.
After taking into the comments received, the draft of the proposed auditing standard is
finalised by the Board and submitted to the Council of the Institute.
The Council considers the final draft of the proposed auditing standard and, if necessary,
modifies the same in consultation with the Board. The auditing standard is then issued
under the authority of the Council.
While formulating the auditing standards, the Board also takes into consideration the applicable
laws, customs, usages and business environment in the country.
Auditing Theory
Audit Documentation
The Board has already undertaken
the revision of AAS 3).
Communications of Audit
Matters with those Charged
with Governance
Audit Planning
Audit Materiality
to Assessed Risks
Audit Materiality
Auditing in a Computer
Information Systems
Audit Evidence
Audit Evidence
External Confirmations
External Confirmations
Analytical Procedures
Analytical Procedures
Audit Sampling
Related Parties
Related Parties
Subsequent Events
Subsequent Events
The Board has already undertaken
the revision of AAS 19.
Going Concern
Going Concern
Management Representations
Representations by
Auditing Theory
Engagements to Perform
Agreed-upon Procedures
Regarding Financial
Engagements to Compile
Financial Information
Auditing and Assurance Standards (AASs) and other authoritative documents issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
These standards are all mandatory and are in addition to the following statements on auditing
already issued by the Institute, which are also mandatory.
Besides the above, the following guidance notes have also been issued by ICAI. These are
recommendations rather than rules.
Auditors Ditties.
Independence of Auditors.
Surprise Checks.
Audit of Inventories, Investments, Debtors, Loans and Advances, Liabilities, Cash and
Bank Balances, Fixed Assets.
Audit of Banks.
Auditing Theory
Auditors' Report to the Members of XYZ Limited
e report that we have audited the balance sheet of XYZ Limited as at 31st March
1996 signed by us under reference to this report, and the relative profit and loss
account for the year ended on that date, which are in agreement with the books
of account.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given
to us, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account together with the notes thereon
given, in the prescribed manner, the information required by the Companies Act, 1956
and also give, respectively, a true and fair view of the state of the Companys affairs as at
31st March 1996 and its profit for the year ended on that date.
We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge
and belief were necessary for our audit. In our opinion, proper books of account have been
kept as required by law so far as appears from our examination of those books.
As required by the Manufacturing and other Companies (Auditors Report) Order dated
7th September 1988 and issued by the Central Government and on the basis of such checks
as we considered appropriate and according to the information and explanations given to
us, we further report that
The company has maintained proper records to show full particulars including
quantitative details and situation of its fixed assets;
The fixed assets of the company have been physically verified during the
year by the management and no material discrepancies between the book
records and the physical inventory have been noticed.
The fixed assets of the company have not been revalued during the year.
The stocks of finished goods, stores, spares parts, and raw materials of the company
at all its locations have been physically verified by the management during/at the
end of the year.
The discrepancies between the physical stocks and the book stocks, which were not
material, have been properly dealt with in the books of account.
In our opinion, the valuation of stocks of finished goods, stores, spare parts, and raw
materials has been fair and proper in accordance with the normally accepted
accounting principles and is on the same basis as in the earlier years.
The company has not taken any loans secured or unsecured from companies, firms
or other parties listed in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies
Act, 1956 and/or companies under the same management as defined under
sub-section (1B) of Section 370 of the Companies Act, 1956.
The company has not granted any loans secured or unsecured to companies, firms or
other parties listed in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies
Act, 1956 and/or companies under the same management as defined under
sub-section(1B) of Section 370 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Interest free loans or advances in the nature of loans have been given to the employees
only, who are repaying the principal amounts as stipulated.
In our opinion, purchase of goods and materials and sale of goods, materials and
services, made in pursuance of contract or arrangements entered in the register
maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 and aggregating during
the year to ` 50,000 or more in value in respect of each party, have been made at
prices which are reasonable having regard to the prevailing market prices for such
goods, materials or services or the prices at which the transactions for similar goods
or services have been made with other parties.
In the cases of public deposits received by the company, the directives issued by the
Reserve Bank of India and the provision of Section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956
and the rules framed thereunder, where applicable, have been complied with.
In our opinion, reasonable records have been maintained by the company for the
sale and disposal of production scrap. The company has no by-product.
In our opinion, the companys present internal audit system is commensurate with
its size and nature of business.
The Central Government has not prescribed the maintenance of cost records by the
company under Section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 for any of its products.
The company has generally been regular during the year in depositing provident
fund dues with the appropriate authorities. As informed to us, the company is at
present not covered under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.
At the last day of the year there were no amounts outstanding in respect of all
undisputed income tax, wealth tax sales tax, customs duty, and duty which were due
for more than six months from the date e they became payable.
During the course of our examination of the books of account carried out in accordance
with the generally accepted auditing practices, we have not come across any personal
expenses which have been charged to Profit and Loss Account, nor have we been
informed of such case by the management.
The company is not a sick industrial company within the meaning of Clause (o) of
Section 3(1) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985.
In our opinion, the company has a reasonable system of allocating man hours
utilized to the relative jobs, commensurate with its size and nature of its
Auditing Theory
In respect of trading activities there are no damaged goods in the possession of the
company as on 31st March 1996.
The information collected for review of a companys financial transactions, internal control
practices, and other factors necessary for the certification of financial statements by a certified
public accountant. The amount and type of auditing evidence considered varies considerably
based on the type of firm being audited as well as the required scope of the audit.
The goal of any audit is to determine whether a companys financial statements comply with the
generally accepted accounting principles applicable to the entitys jurisdiction. Publicly traded
companies are generally required to present fully audited financial statements to shareholders
Rules/standards of audit evidence dictate that the evidence gathered during the audit be:
Persuasive: This requires the exercise of good professional judgement. Audit evidence
from the most to least persuasive include: physical examination; externally prepared;
observations; inquiries/testimonial.
Relevant: Evidence needs to be logical and sensible relative to the audit finding.
Audit programs should also consider the source of information/evidence (has it been tainted?):
Physical Examination
Reviewing a function point count to insure counting guidelines were followed would be
considered a compliance audit. The purpose of a compliance audit is to determine whether the
function point counts follow specific procedures and guidelines set down for Counting Practices
Committee. The results of a compliance audit are generally reported to someone within the
organizational unit being audited rather than to a broad spectrum of users.
Evidence is defined as any information used by the auditor to determine whether the function point
count being audited is in compliance. Evidence can take many different forms, the function point
count, system documentation, conversations with developers and users, and interviews with
individuals that conducted the original count. The auditor gathers evidence to draw conclusions.
Of course the function point count itself can be used as evidence, but using the function point
count alone would be severely inadequate. It is impossible to determine the accuracy of a
function point count without evaluating additional evidence.
Notes If an auditor was given the task of auditing a company with 500,000 function points
it would be impossible to review every count. The auditor may select only 20 or 30
applications to actually audit. The actual sample size will vary from auditor to auditor and
audit to audit. The decision of how many items to test must be made by the auditor for
each audit procedure. There are several factors that determine the appropriate sample size
in audits. The two most important ones are the auditors expectations of the number of
errors and the effectiveness of the clients internal function point counting procedures.
Additionally, the evidence must be pertain or be relevant to the audit. The auditor must be
skilled at finding areas to test or review further. For example, the auditor may determine during
conversations that there was some confusion about external inputs and external interface files.
In this case, the auditor would review the actual system documentation and the function point
count to insure that the all the external input and external interface file were treated correctly.
Another example would be that the function point counter had never counted a GUI application.
The auditor would review a series of screens and determine if the original counter had correctly
counted such items as radio buttons, check boxes, and so on.
The evidence must be considered believable or worthy of trust. If evidence is considered highly
trusty worthy, it is a great help in assisting the auditor with a function point audit. On the other
hand, if the evidence is in question such as incomplete documentation (or old documentation)
then the auditor would have to scrutinize these areas of the count more closely. Additionally,
the auditor should make note in the final report of any evidence they requested and the client
was not able to provide.
All evidence should be evaluated based upon valuation, completeness, classification, rating,
mechanical accuracy, and analytical analysis.
Valuation: The objective deals with whether items included in the function point count
should have been included. Perhaps the original function point count included additional
transactions or files that should not have been included.
Auditing Theory
Completeness: The objective deals with including all transactions and files in the final
function point count. It is important that the application team review the final function
point count to insure all transactions and files have been included. The valuation and
completeness objectives emphasize opposite audit concerns. Valuation deals with potential
overstatement and completeness with unrecorded transactions and files.
Classification: Classification involves determining whether all transactions and files have
been correctly classified. It is important to make sure the external input and external
interface file have been classified correctly for example.
Rating: This objective deals with determining if the transactions and files were appropriately
ranked as low, average or high. To complete this objective a detail examination of the data
elements and files referenced.
Analytical Analysis: This procedure is another way that a function point count can be
validated. For example, the ratio of external inputs, external output, external inquiry,
internal logical file, and external interface file can be compared with other applications
meeting similar business needs. Also, the general system characteristics can be reviewed
and compared to similar applications. Analytical procedures should be performed early
in the audit so to help the auditor determine areas that need to be more thoroughly
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Testing the .................... involves rechecking a sample of the computations and transfers of
information from one document to the next.
Auditors shall conduct the audit of the financial statements of an entity with ....................;
.................... and ....................
The technique of audit in depth is based on test checking. It is very difficult for an auditor to
make detailed examination of all the record of a big business house. Thus, the auditor has to
verify about the reliability of internal check. Along this, he selects some items on the basis of
random sampling. After that the auditor makes a detailed examination of all the records.
Example: If the auditor has selected the purchase of any costly machinery, then be has to
follow the following procedure for its audit in depth:
To see the minutes of directors meetings to examine that the purchase of machine is
authorized or not.
To inspect the copy of purchase order sent for the purchase of the machinery.
According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants, England, there are three stages of audit in
depth; they are:
Saving in Time and Energy: The technique of audit in depth saves time and energy of the
auditor and enables him to devote more time and energy in important matters.
To Detect the Well-designed Frauds: The technique of audit in depth is helpful in detecting
the well-designed frauds.
To Present the Success of Test Checking: This technique presents the success of test checking.
Append below is some salient points on Depth Test and its objective(s):
Its involves taking a transaction or a number of transactions and following them through
the accounting system from start to finish or vice versa
Generally, depth test is to provide audit evidence to assist the auditor in arriving at his opinion.
There are also some specific purposes of using depth test:
To confirm the accuracy of his clients accounting system. It is also refer to as walkthrough checks. Such a depth test is likely to involve only a small number of
Auditing Theory
To perform compliance test. The auditor may use a number of transactions, testing the
control in depth at each stage. Such tests will provide him with evidence as to whether or
not he may rely upon that control in planning later audit work.
To provide evidence of a substantive nature. He may use such principles to check that
transactions have been properly recorded in the accounting records or in the financial
Balance Sheet
Remuneration Report
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Except for.................. , no auditor may be removed before the expiration of the period of
appointment without the previous approval of the Government.
Every company with a total sales turnover or gross receipts over ` 4 million must have its
accounts audited in accordance with the .....................
.................... audit is carried out only upon specific order of the government.
The amount and type of auditing evidence considered varies considerably based on the
.................... and ........................
2.11 Summary
There are numerous provisions incorporated in the Companies Act, 1956 stipulating the
norms and rules to be followed in maintaining the accounts of the company.
All companies are statutorily required to prepare and maintain accounts which are then
scrutinized by the auditor who certify their correctness.
For company accounts to be credible they must be true and fair and this is more likely to
happen if someone competent and independent of the company has vetted the accounts.
An auditor has a fiduciary relationship with the company. The statutory auditors are often
described as the watchdogs of the company.
Companies incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 must keep proper books and
records, sufficient to give a true and fair view of the companys affairs and to explain its
transactions. Shareholders of such companies must appoint auditors at the annual general
There is no provision in the Companies Act as to the form in which the books of account
are to be maintained, but it is incumbent on a company to maintain such books on an
accrual basis.
Such books and vouchers as are relevant to any entry in the books of account must be
maintained for a period of at least eight years after the end of any financial year.
At every annual general meeting of a company, the Board of Directors must lay before the
shareholders financial statements consisting of a balance sheet and a profit and loss account
(income statement).
The Companies Act requires that only Chartered Accountants within the meaning of the
Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 can qualify for appointment as auditors. The first auditor
of a company is usually appointed by the directors.
Subsequently, except for appointments to fill casual vacancies, auditors are normally
appointed by the shareholders at each annual general meeting by an ordinary resolution
to hold office until the next general meeting by an ordinary resolution to hold office until
the next annual general meeting.
Every company with a total sales turnover or gross receipts over ` 4 million must have its
accounts audited in accordance with the Income tax Act.
The cost auditor submits a report to the Company Law Boards of the Central Government
and sends a copy to the company.
Audit programs should take into consideration the audit evidence required/desired as
well as the various data gathering techniques.
The technique of audit in depth is based on test checking. It is very difficult for an auditor
to make detailed examination of all the record of a big business house. Thus, the auditor
has to verify about the reliability of internal check.
2.12 Keywords
Depth auditing: This system of checking is undertaken with a view to check the incidence of
errors or frauds in the books of accounts.
Depth Test: It involves taking a transaction or a number of transactions and following them
through the accounting system from start to finish or vice versa.
Tax Audit: This audit in addition to the statutory audit under the Companies Act and mainly
involves verification and confirmation of certain facts, figures and information that are generally
required by the Tax authorities in the course of assessment proceedings.
Auditing Theory
Elaborate the importance of auditing in current situations and prevalent company practices.
What are the various statutory requirements in carrying out various auditing practices?
What do you understand by audit evidence? What factors constitute auditing evidences?
What do you understand by word Auditing in depth? What are the key methods of
performing in depth audit?
Cost audit
Tax audit
Accounting profession
Corporate governance
21 days
Mechanical accuracy
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Independence Needs
Audit Reports
Review Questions
Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
The very term auditor and audit makes many of us feel uncomfortable. Many industries have
independent inspectors and auditors. As function points become more widely used and become
a more important part of decision making, those using the function point counts will want them
independently reviewed and audited. Auditing is the process by which a competent, independent
person accumulates and evaluates evidence about quantifiable information related to a specific
entity for the purpose of determining and reporting on the degree of correspondence between
the quantifiable information and established criteria.
To do an audit of any kind, there must be information in a verifiable form and some standard by
which the auditor can evaluate the information. The auditor may go to the business premises to
examine records and obtain information about the reliability of the function point counts. On
the other hand, there may be adequate information that can be sent to the function point auditor
that can be reviewed off site.
3.1 Auditor
The auditor must be a qualified to understand the criteria used and competent to know the types
and amount of evidence to accumulate to reach the proper conclusion after the evidence has
been examined. The auditor also must have an independent mental attitude. It does little good
to have a competent person who is biased performing the audit. Independence cannot be absolute
by any means, but it must be a goal.
Example: Even though an auditor may be paid a fee by a company they may still be
sufficiently independent to conduct audits that can be relied upon by users. Auditors may not be
sufficiently independent if they are also company employees.
Auditors shall conduct the audit of the financial statements of an entity with integrity, objectivity
and independence.
Integrity is a prerequisite for all those who act in the public interest. It is essential that auditors
act, and are seen to act, with integrity, which requires not only honesty but a broad range of
related qualities such as fairness, candor, courage, intellectual honesty and confidentiality. It is
important that the directors and management of an audited entity can rely on the auditor to treat
the information obtained during an audit as confidential, unless they have authorised its
disclosure, unless it is already known to third parties or unless the auditor has a legal right or
duty to disclose it. Without this, there is a danger that the directors and management will fail to
disclose such information to the auditor and that the effectiveness of the audit will thereby be
Objectivity is a state of mind that excludes bias, prejudice and compromise and that gives fair
and impartial consideration to all matters that are relevant to the task in hand, disregarding
those that are not. Objectivity requires that the auditors judgment is not affected by conflicts of
interest. Like integrity, objectivity is a fundamental ethical principle.
The need for auditors to be objective arises from the fact that many of the important issues
involved in the preparation of financial statements do not relate to questions of fact but rather
to questions of judgment.
For example, there are choices to be made by the board of directors in deciding on the accounting
policies to be adopted by the entity: the directors have to select the ones that they consider most
appropriate and this decision can have a material impact on the financial statements.
Furthermore, many items included in the financial statements cannot be measured with absolute
precision and certainty. In many cases, estimates have to be made and the directors may have to
choose one value from a range of possible outcomes. When exercising discretion in these areas,
the directors have regard to the applicable financial reporting framework. If the directors,
whether deliberately or inadvertently, make a biased judgment or an otherwise inappropriate
decision, the financial statements may be misstated or misleading.
It is against this background that the auditor is required to express an opinion on the financial
statements. The audit involves considering the process followed and the choices made by the
Auditing Theory
directors in preparing the financial statements and concluding whether the result gives a true
and fair view. The auditors objectivity requires that an impartial opinion is expressed in the
light of all the available audit evidence and the auditors professional judgment. Objectivity
also requires that the auditor adopts a rigorous and robust approach and is prepared to disagree,
where necessary, with the directors judgments.
Independence is freedom from situations and relationships which make it probable that a
reasonable and informed third party would conclude that objectivity either is impaired or could
be impaired. Independence is related to and underpins objectivity. However, whereas objectivity
is a personal behavioral characteristic concerning the auditors state of mind, independence
relates to the circumstances surrounding the audit, including the financial, employment, business
and personal relationships between the auditor and the audited entity. The need for independence
arises because, in most cases, users of the financial statements and other third parties do not have
all the information necessary for judging whether the auditor is, in fact, objective. Although the
auditor may be satisfied that its objectivity is not impaired by a particular situation, a third
party may reach a different conclusion. For example, if a third party were aware that the auditor
had certain financial, employment, business or personal relationships with the audited entity, that
individual might reasonably conclude that the auditor could be subject to undue influence from
the directors or would not be impartial or unbiased. Public confidence in the auditors objectivity
could therefore suffer as a result of this perception, irrespective of whether there is any actual
impairment. Accordingly, in evaluating the likely consequences of such situations and relationships,
the test to be applied is not whether the auditor considers that the auditors objectivity is impaired
but whether it is probable that a reasonable and informed third party would conclude that the
auditors objectivity either is impaired or is likely to be impaired. There are inherent threats to the
level of independence (both actual and perceived) that the auditor can achieve as a result of the
influence that the board of directors and management have over the appointment and remuneration
of the auditor. The audit engagement partner considers the application of safeguards where there
are threats to auditor independence (both actual and perceived).
In Brief
Keeping What Works
Several articles on the subject of audit independence have appeared in the CPA Journal. In the
December 1998 issue, Robert K. Elliott and Peter D. Jacobson presented their versions of the
objective, definition, and principles of audit independence. The author presents contrary views
on the following points raised by Elliott and Jacobson:
At the close of Audit Independence Concepts, Robert K. Elliott and Peter D. Jacobson throw
out a challenge to those unwilling to engage in wholesale abandonment of existing concepts of
audit independence. They state: It is unlikely that a conceptual framework worthy of the
professions heritage will emerge without a frank admission that past independence concepts
to the extent they existed at allleft much to be desired. Those who revere the professions
history may find the admission difficult, but it would be in the best traditions of independence.
While reexamination of historically held views on any topic is usually necessary for progress, it
is important to make sure those views are understood before considering discarding them. To
that end, I accept Elliott and Jacobsons challenge on behalf of all those who do revere the
professions history.
Elliott and Jacobson assert that there has never been an official definition of the term
independence and that there has never been a conceptual framework for audit independence.
There has been an official definition of audit independence since Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards were first proposed in 1947 (Tentative Statement of Auditing StandardsTheir
Generally Accepted Significance and Scope). Essentially the same definition exists today in AU
section 220 of the AICPAs codification of auditing standards. The second general standard on
independence requires that the auditor
must be without bias with respect to the client since otherwise he [or she] would lack that impartiality
necessary for the dependability of his [or her] findings, however excellent his [or her] technical proficiency
may be. AU section 220 also states that independence requires intellectual honesty and a
judicial impartiality that recognizes an obligation for fairness not only to management and owners of a
business but also to creditors and those who may otherwise rely (in part, at least) upon the independent
auditors report, as in the case of prospective owners or creditors.
The official definition of audit independence equates the term with an attitude and approach of
objectivity (being unbiased, fair, and impartial) and integrity (being intellectually honest).
There has also been an excellent foundation, at least for a conceptual framework, for several
Caution Independence is an essential auditing standard because the opinion of the
independent accountant is furnished for the purpose of adding justified credibility to
financial statements, which are primarily the representations of management.
The auditor can add justified credibility to financial statements even when no material
misstatements or omissions are detected by validating their absence. Reliability is a characteristic
of the financial information. The audit of the financial information adds significant assurance
that the information is reliable and thereby enhances its credibility.
No matter which view is taken, the audit objective is to improve the quality of the information.
The answer is found in the implication concerning the importance attached to the appearance of
independence. If the objective of an audit is merely to improve reliability, then the perceptions
of users about the independence of auditors can be regarded as irrelevant, or at least insignificant,
within a conceptual framework and principles of independence. Viewing the auditors role as
adding credibility increases the legitimacy of treating the appearance of independence as a
separate, self-sufficient cause for regulation.
Auditing Theory
Independence of mind: The state of mind that permits the provision of an opinion without
being affected by influences that compromise professional judgment, allowing an individual
to act with integrity, and exercise objectivity and professional skepticism.
Independence in appearance: The avoidance of facts and circumstances that are so significant
that a reasonable and informed third party, having knowledge of all relevant information,
including safeguards applied, would reasonably conclude a firms, or a member of the
assurance teams, integrity, objectivity or professional skepticism had been compromised.
The use of the word independence on its own may create misunderstandings. Standing alone,
the word may lead observers to suppose that a person exercising professional judgment ought
to be free from all economic, financial and other relationships. This is impossible, as every
member of society has relationships with others. Therefore, the significance of economic, financial
and other relationships should also be evaluated in the light of what a reasonable and informed
third party having knowledge of all relevant information would reasonably conclude to be
Elliott and Jacobson assert that appearance of independence does not, at least in any way that
has been identified, affect ... information risk. This assertion is very important to the concepts
of independence that they propose because they acknowledge that the information risk perceived
by investors and creditors is reflected in the cost of capital to the corporation, and they propose
that the purpose of audit independence is to improve the cost-effectiveness of the capital
markets. The link between audit independence and the effectiveness of the capital markets is at
the heart of their analysis.
The relationship between the appearance of independence and the effectiveness of capital markets
is not at all difficult to identify. In very simple terms, if investors and creditors believe that
auditors are advocates for their clients and lacking in objectivity and integrity, then the
information risk perceived by investors and creditors will increase and negatively impact the
cost of capital. The cost of capital will increase for corporations generally and for new and
relatively unknown companies especially. This would undermine the effectiveness of capital
markets and, at the least, seriously diminish the value of the audit function.
Elliott and Jacobson suggest that the appearance of independence, apart from the fact of
independence, is not a separate, self-sufficient cause for regulation. They argued in an earlier
article (The CPA Journal, April 1998) that investors do not suffer damages from a specific
engagement when there is an appearance of lacking independence. Investors in this circumstance
simply do not rely upon the auditor. If the auditor is not independent in both appearance and
fact, then lack of reliance is the proper response. If the auditor is actually independent in fact, but
not appearance, then the auditor suffers, but the investor does not. Thus, regulation of the
appearance of independence is not justifiable, they argue, because only the person pursuing the
activity is harmed.
This position runs head-on into the official description of the importance of the appearance of
independence stated as follows in AU section 220.03:
It is of utmost importance to the profession that the general public maintains confidence in the independence
of independent auditors. Public confidence would be impaired by evidence that independence was actually
lacking, and it might also be impaired by the existence of circumstances which reasonable people might
believe likely to influence independence. To be independent, the auditor must be intellectually honest; to be
recognized as independent, he [or she] must be free from any obligation to or interest in the client, its
management, or its owners.
This rationale for the importance of the appearance of independence has been part of the official
description of audit independence since at least 1963, when Statements on Auditing Procedure
were codified with auditing standards. However, in the spirit of Elliott and Jacobsons challenge
to look afresh at even historically revered notions, lets examine this description more closely.
Does the concept of appearance of independence belong in a conceptual framework of auditing
and audit independence?
A highly regarded previous attempt to develop a conceptual framework for auditing is found in
R. K. Mautz and H. A. Sharafs The Philosophy of Auditing. Mautz and Sharaf develop a concept
of independence with two components: practitioner-independence and profession-independence.
Practitioner-independence is a state of mind and equates to the notion of the integrity and
objectivity of the individual auditor. Profession-independence is the apparent independence of
auditors, as a professional group, to the public.
The appearance of independence can be evaluated at two levelsthe users perception of the
individual auditors ability to be independent in particular unique circumstances and the general
publics view toward public accountants as a professional group. Both levels exist in the
authoritative auditing literature, but auditing standards attach the greatest significance to
profession-independence. It is of utmost importance to the profession that the general public
maintains confidence in the independence of independent auditors. This reference is clearly to
auditors as a professional group.
The logic of Elliott and Jacobson works only at the individual auditor level. If users are aware of
all of an auditors relationships and interests with respect to an audit client and believe there is
something that creates an appearance of lack of independence, the situation can be avoided.
They can walk away, as financial analysts generally say they do, at any sign of an independence
The same logic does not work at the profession level. If investors and creditors begin to view
auditors as a professional group as lacking in independence, if they are viewed as client advocates,
then as the U.S. Supreme Court concluded (in United States v. Arthur Young), The value of the
audit function itself might well be lost.
For this reason, the appearance of independence is an appropriate subject for regulation.
Appearance of independence can, as described earlier, affect perceived information risk and
thereby reduce the cost-effectiveness of the capital markets.
Elliott and Jacobson put forward a view of integrity, objectivity, and independence that makes
them distinct, mutually exclusive concepts rather than interdependent qualities. In their
formulation, the only requirements for a quality audit are for the auditor to be competent and
objective. As they state the relationships, Objectivity can result from perfect integrity (despite
Auditing Theory
Did u know? The historical reason for the prohibitions against a direct financial interest in
the client and against serving the client in the capacity of management or employee has
been a quest for external signs by which a lack of independence might be recognized.
Because members not in public practice could not meet these stringent requirements, a
separate rule on integrity and objectivity was adopted and made applicable to all AICPA
members. This occurred in the 1973 code. However, the existence of two rules in the code
does not mean that the qualities of integrity and objectivity should be viewed separately
from the quality of independence at the individual public auditor level.
The interests, relationships, and transactions that create a presumption of lack of independence
were adopted into existing requirements because of value judgments made about their potential
effect at both the practitioner and profession level. The longevity of those requirements should
not deter a searching reexamination of the underlying value judgments. However, any conceptual
framework worthy of the professions heritage cannot ignore the importance of the publics
perception of auditors as a professional group. To do so would risk far more than reverence for
that heritage.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Audit independence equates the term with an attitude and approach of objectivity by
........................ and integrity by.....................
Financial statements are often audited by .............................. for the purpose of enhancing
confidence in their reliability.
Audit Functions: The duties of Comptroller and Auditor-General includes audit of:
All expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India of Union, of each State and of
each Union Territory having a Legislative Assembly with the objective to ascertain
whether the moneys shown in the accounts as having been disbursed were legally
available for and applicable to the service or purpose to which they have been
applied or charged and whether the expenditure conforms to the authority which
governs it;
All transactions of the Union and of the States/Union Territory having a Legislature
relating to Contingency Funds and Public Accounts;
All trading, manufacturing, profit and loss accounts and balance-sheets and other
subsidiary accounts kept in any department of the Union or of a State and in each
case, to report on the expenditure, transactions or accounts so audited by him;
Government Companies and Corporations under the Companys Act, 1956 read
with CAGs (DPC) Act, 1971 ; and
Accounts of other authorities or bodies as per their statute or upon request by the
Governor of a State or the Administrator of a Union Territory having a Legislative
Preparation of the annual accounts of the States Governments and Union Territories
having a Legislative Assembly; and
Autonomous Bodies;
Auditing Theory
Scientific Departments;
Defence Services;
Direct Taxes;
CAG presents the following reports to State Legislature and Union Territories with Legislative
Assemblies in one or more volumes:
Revenue; and
Figure 3.1 : Organisation Structure
Task Read audit report carefully and identify main points included in such reports by
carefully examining the role played by auditor in preparing such reports.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Duties and powers of the comptroller and Auditor-General of India can be divided into
...................... and ........................
CAG also submits separate audit reports on all ..................... and.............., for which he is the
sole auditor.
3.5 Summary
In almost every sophisticated industry there are auditors and inspectors function point
analysis should not be any different.
There is no need to fear audits or auditors. If they are done appropriately they should
provide valuable feedback on the function point counting process.
Evidence can take many different forms, the function point count, system documentation,
conversations with developers and users, and interviews with individuals that conducted
the original count.
Additionally, the evidence must be pertain or be relevant to the audit. The auditor must be
skilled at finding areas to test or review further.
All evidence should be evaluated based upon valuation, completeness, classification, rating,
mechanical accuracy, and analytical analysis.
The auditor must be a qualified to understand the criteria used and competent to know the
types and amount of evidence to accumulate to reach the proper conclusion after the
evidence has been examined.
Auditors shall conduct the audit of the financial statements of an entity with integrity,
objectivity and independence.
The official definition of audit independence equates the term with an attitude and approach
of objectivity (being unbiased, fair, and impartial) and integrity (being intellectually
The audit report may allow you to correct any incorrect function point counts, and reevaluate the decisions you have made to date.
3.6 Keywords
Audit plays a pivotal role in keeping proper legal check on those who carry on the business in
a fiduciary capacity. Shareholders not being legal experts.
Auditor Independence can be defined as a reference to the independence of internal or external
auditors from parties that might have a financial interest in the business being audited.
Auditing Theory
Auditor: The auditor acts as a link between the shareholders and the management.
Independence in Appearance: The avoidance of facts and circumstances that are so significant
that a reasonable and informed third party, having knowledge of all relevant information,
including safeguards applied, would reasonably conclude a firms, or a member of the assurance
teams, integrity, objectivity or professional skepticism had been compromised.
Independence of Mind: The state of mind that permits the provision of an opinion without being
affected by influences that compromise professional judgment, allowing an individual to act
with integrity, and exercise objectivity and professional skepticism.
Statutory auditing, mandatory for all companies, is one of the regulatory mechanisms designed
to check abuses and irregularities in the financial aspects of the companies.
Why does the distinction between improving reliability and adding credibility (enhancing
confidence in reliability) matters?
Objectivity can result from perfect integrity (despite impaired independence), perfect
independence (despite impaired integrity), or some adequate combination of reasonable
independence and integrity. Elaborate the statement.
What are the duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India?
Why integrity, objectivity and independence are not mutually exclusive? Elaborate.
independent accountants
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Vacation of Office
Fundamental Principles
Rules of Conduct
Review Questions
Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
The qualifications and disqualifications of auditors are provided in Section 226 of the Companies
Act. The main purpose of this section is to ensure that only qualified person possessing the
requisite knowledge and technical skill acts as the auditor of the company so that he may discharge
his duties effectively. This is to ensure that the auditor is independent in carrying out his work so
that he is able to give an unbiased opinion based on the objective assessment of the facts.
Auditors Qualifications: Sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 226 enumerate the qualifications
required to be an auditor. A person who is a Chartered Accountant within the meaning of the
Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and holds a certificate of practice, or a partnership firm whereof
all the partners are Chartered Accountants holding certificates of practice may be appointed as
auditor, of a company. In the latter case, the appointment of an auditor may be made in the firm
name and any of its partners may act in the name of the firm. Sub-section (2) provides for
recognition of certain persons though not Chartered Accountants or possessed of similar
qualifications, for appointment as auditors, if they have been functioning as such in the erstwhile
Part B States, or in Jammu and Kashmir, subject to the Rules framed in this behalf.
Auditors Disqualifications: Sub-section (3) of Section 226 enumerates the categories of persons
who are disqualified for appointment as auditors. The object of these disqualifications is to
make the position of auditors as independent as possible from the affairs if the companies
whose affairs they handle. Also, if under the Chartered Accountants Act any other disqualifications
are added, they shall also apply. None of the following persons are qualified for appointment as
auditor of a company:
a body corporate;
a person indebted to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand rupees, or who
has given any guarantee or provided any security in connection with indebtedness of any
third person to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand rupees;
a person holding any security of that company after a period of one year from the date of
commencement of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000.
Further, a person disqualified for appointment as auditor under the above disqualifications of
any other body corporate which is that companys subsidiary or holding company or a subsidiary
of that companys holding company, or would be disqualified if that body corporate were a
company Section 226(5) further provides that if an auditor becomes subject, after his appointment, to
any of the disqualifications, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office.
Auditing Theory
Notes Apart from the disqualifications laid down in Section 226, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India has prepared its own code of ethics which is mandatory for its
In order to ensure independence of the auditors and also to prevent conflict of interest and duty,
the Council has decided not to permit a Chartered Accountant in employment to certify the
financial statements of the concern in which he is employed, or of a concern under the same
management as the concern in which he is employed, even though he is holding a certificate of
practice and even though such certification can be done by any chartered accountant in practice.
This restriction does not apply where the certification is permitted by any law. Further, it has
also been decided that a chartered accountant should not by himself or in his firm name:
Accept the auditorship of a trust where his partner is either an employee or a trustee of the
Any person who is indebted to a company for a sum exceeding ` 1,000/- or who have
guaranteed to the company on behalf of another person for a sum exceeding ` 1,000/-.
A person who is holding any security of that company, after a period of one year from the
date of commencement of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000.
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- section (1) but subject to the provisions
of any rules made under clause (b), the holder of a certificate granted under a law in
force in the whole or any portion of a Part B State immediately before the
commencement of the Part B States (Laws) Act, 1951 (3 of 1951 .) [ or of the Jammu and
Kashmir (Extension of Laws) Act, 1956, (62 of 1956 .) as the case may be,] entitling him
to act as an auditor of companies [ in the territories which, immediately before the 1st
November, 1956 , were comprised in that State] or any portion thereof, shall be entitled
to be appointed to act as an auditor of companies registered anywhere in [India].
The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules
providing for the grant, renewal, suspension or cancellation of auditors certificates
to persons in 4[ the territories which, immediately before the 1st November, 1956 ,
were comprised in Part- B States] for the purposes of clause (a), and prescribing
conditions and restrictions for such grant, renewal, suspension or cancellation.
None of the following persons shall be qualified for appointment as auditor of a company(a)
a body corporate;
a person who is indebted to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand
rupees, or who, has given any guarantee or provided any security in connection
with the indebtedness of any third person to the company for an amount exceeding
one thousand rupees;
a person who is a director or the holder of shares exceeding five per cent.
Capital, of anybody corporate which is the managing agent or the secretaries and treasurers,
of the company: Provided that any shares held by such person as nominee or trustee for
any third person and in which the holder has no beneficial interest shall be excluded in
computing the percentage of shares held by him for the purpose of this clause. Explanation.References in this sub-section to an officer or employee shall be construed as not including
references to an auditor.
A person shall also not be qualified for appointment as auditor of a company if he is, by
virtue of sub-section (3), disqualified for appointment as auditor of any other body
corporate which is that companys subsidiary or holding company or a subsidiary of that
companys holding company, or would be so disqualified if the body corporate were a
If an auditor becomes subject, after his appointment, to any of the disqualifications specified
in sub-sections (3) and (4), he shall be deemed to have vacated his office as such.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Auditor is .................... in carrying out his work so that he is able to give an unbiased
opinion based on the objective assessment of the facts.
Apart from the disqualifications laid down in Section 226, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India has prepared its ........................ which is mandatory for its members.
Auditing Theory
.................... means an office, which brings to the person holding it some pecuniary gain or
advantage or benefit.
A person is said to hold an office or Place of Profit if there is between him and the company
................ in due discharge of his duties.
4.2 Central Government Act Section 314 in the Companies Act, 1956
In ordinary parlance, an office or place of profit means an office or profit or position, which
brings to the person holding it some pecuniary gain or advantage or benefit. It will be an office
or place of profit if it carries some remuneration, pecuniary advantage, benefit etc. The amount
of such profit is immaterial. Section 314 of the Companies Act, 1956 regulates the provisions
relating to appointment of a director or any relative, firm, body corporate to an office or place
of profit. The underlying object of this section is to ensure that those who occupy a fiduciary
position in the company do not misuse, directly or indirectly, except with the permission of the
shareholders or Central Government in certain cases. The provisions of this section are applicable
to both public and private companies.
Where the office is held by a director, If the director holding it obtains from the company
anything by way of remuneration over and above the remuneration to which he is entitled
as such director, whether as salary, fees, commission, perquisites, the right to occupy free
of rent any premises as a place of residence, or otherwise;
If the office or place is held by an individual other than a director or by any firm, private
company or other body corporate, If the individual, firm, private company or body
corporate holding it obtains from the company anything by way of remuneration whether
as salary, fees, commission, perquisites, the right to occupy free of rent any premises as a
place of residence, or otherwise.
A mere contractual arrangement entered into between a company and the persons listed in the
section under which some monetary benefit flows to such person does not per se amount to
holding an office or place of Profit, by such other person.
A person is said to hold an office or Place of Profit if there is between him and the company a
relationship of employer and employee or such other person performs for and on behalf of the
company certain acts under the control, direction or supervision of the company and also he is
in receipt of consideration in due discharge of his duties. It is pertinent to note that this section
prohibits a director of a company from holding an office or Place of Profit under the company or
subsidiary. It, however, does not prohibit a director of a subsidiary company from holding an
office or Place of Profit under the holding company.
Any director: This section will be attracted even if the director receives an additional one
rupee towards discharge of service in a capacity other than a director.
The Madras High Court in A R Sundarasanam v Madras PHJS Nidhi Limited, (1985) Comp Cas
776 (Mad) held that the office or place of profit held by a relative of a director is attracted
by this section only if the director himself holds an office or place of profit. The words
such director in sub-section (1)(b) referred to the director already holding the office of
profit and not to any other director. This lacuna in law is proposed to be plugged by the
Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2003 as the article a has substituted the words such
before the word director.
The object of this section is to prohibit a director and any person connected with him from
holding any office or Place of Profit of such sum as may be prescribed unless the company
approves it by means of a special resolution. The consent of the Board of Directors and the
subsequent approval by the general meeting is no substitute for a special resolution. [Gobind
Pritamdas Malkani v Amarendranath Sircar, (1980) 50 Com Cases 219, 233 (Cal)]
The provisions of this section will be attracted if any of the entities referred to in (b) to (f) receive
monthly remuneration of ` 10,000 or more but less than ` 50,000 per month. The Delhi High
Court in Ravinder Kumar Sangal v Auto Lamps Ltd. (1984) 55 Comp Cas 742 (Del). Held that the
word monthly necessarily connotes anything taking place once a month, relating to a month,
payable every month, based on a month, having a duration of one month, occurring, appearing
or being done or acted upon every month or once a month. No other implication has been
Considered in this context, the payment of bonus, reimbursement in lieu of privilege leave not
availed, employers contribution to provident fund, reimbursement of medical expenses, etc.,
cannot be treated as events of monthly regularity of occurrence. They are dependent upon
certain events happening during the course of the entire year, and as and when they take place.
Any office or place of profit held by the following persons shall be excluded from the rigors of
this section:
Managing Director,
Banker, or
Trustee for the debenture holder. This office may be held by them under the company or
under any subsidiary of the company. This sub-section has been retained in the Companies
(Amendment) Bill, 2003 also.
The section does not envisage prior approval of shareholders in general meeting. The person(s)
referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 314 of the Act may hold office and that the special
resolution may be passed by shareholders at the general meeting held for the first time after the
holding of an office or place of profit. However, consent of the company shall be obtained in the
general meeting or within a period of three months of the appointment whichever is later if
either the relative of a director or a firm in which such relative is a partner is appointed to an
office or place of profit without the knowledge of the director. Approval of shareholders in
general meeting will not be required if the relative of a director or a firm in which the relative
is a partner holds any office or place of profit under the company before the appointment of such
Auditing Theory
director as a director of the company. It is pertinent to note that this relaxation is available only
in cases where either a relative of a director or a firm in which such relative of a director is a
Sub-section (1B) of Section 314 lists persons who shall not hold office or place of profit carrying
such remuneration as has been prescribed except with the prior approval of shareholders in
general meeting and approval of Central Government. These persons include :
Relative of a director
Sub-section (1B) does not cover a director holding an office or place of profit and also a director
or manager of a private company in which the director is a director or member. It also does not
exclude the offices exempted under sub-section (1) i.e. Managing Director, manager, banker or
trustee for the debenture holder. However, the Dept. of Company Affairs has clarified that the
provisions of sub-section (1A) shall apply to cases falling under sub-section (1B) of the Act. A
director receiving only sitting fee for attending meetings is not holding an office or Place of
profit [(A. R. Sudarasanan v Madras Pursawalkam Hindu Janokara Saswatha Nidhi Ltd., (1985) 57
Comp. Cas. 776 (Mad)].
The Directors Relatives (Office or Place of Profit) Rules, 2003 provides that approval of Central
Government shall now be required for cases where the remuneration exceeds ` 50,000 p.m. The
application shall be made in form 24B to the secretary, Government of India, Department of
Company Affairs accompanied by treasury challan for the payment of the requisite fee. Form 23
together with a certified true copy of the special resolution will be filed with the Registrar of
Companies with in thirty days of the general meeting.
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2003 has omitted the provisions of sub-section (1B). It has,
however, inserted a clause providing that the appointment of a relative of a director holding
more than two percent of the equity of the company shall require the approval of Central
Government if the remuneration exceeds such sums or percentage of profits or turn over as may
be prescribed.
Vacation of Office
The office or Place of Profit held in contravention of the provisions of this section will become
vacant and the director, partner, relative, firm, private company or the manager concerned,
shall be deemed to have vacated his office as such on and from the date next following the
general meeting and shall be liable to refund to the company any remuneration received or the
monetary equivalent or advantage taken in respect of the office or place of profit.
Did u know? A question has been raised whether a special resolution under section 314(1B)
is necessary for the appointment of managerial persons who may be relatives of directors
and whose appointments are already regulated by section 269, etc. of the Act.
This query arises with reference to public companies to which the said section 269 applies
and, strictly, will have to be answered in the affirmative. But in the interests of administrative
convenience, it has been decided that the approval of the Central Government once again,
under section 314(1B) will not be necessary in the cases where the Central Governments
approval has already been taken under sections 198, 269, 309, 310 and 311, as the case may
be. Irrespective of the question of Central Governments approval, the special resolution
required under section 314(1B) will have to be passed whether by a public company or a
private company.
Another question raised is whether approval of the general meeting and of the Central
Government is necessary for an employee drawing salary exceeding ` 3,000 per month
who is a relative of an existing director but the appointment of such employee was made
before his relative became a director i.e. whether the exemption under section 314(1A)
ensures under section 314(1B) as well. It is considered that sub-section (1) and sub-section
(1A) should be read together before applying sub-section (1B) and inasmuch as there is
nothing in sub-section (1B) to affect the operation of the principle underlying sub-section
(1A), the exemption under sub-section (1A), continues to apply even with reference to a
case concurrently falling under sub-section (1B).
In the case of a private company (not governed by section 269, etc. of the Companies Act,
1956) a question has arisen whether the appointment of a person as a Managing Director
who is related to a director of the company will attract the provisions of section 314(1B)
where the remuneration payable to such managing director is in excess of the limit
envisaged in sub-section (1B). This question is answered in the affirmative. The
circumstances that for the purpose of sub-section (1), which deals with appointments to an
office of profit carrying less than a total monthly remuneration of ` 500 or more (i.e. up to
` 3,000), an exception is made in respect of an appointment of managing director or
manager is not considered relevant because sub-section (1B) expressly overrides subsection (1) and call for the exercise of a greater vigilance against the likelihood of the
abuse of patronage in a case where the remuneration proposed is of the order of ` 3,000 per
month and more.
A question has also been raised whether provisions of section 314(1B) are applicable
where a company proposes to appoint a firm of solicitors and advocates, etc. to help the
company in its work. It is considered that an advocate or solicitor appears in a court of law
as an officer of the court in pleading the cause of justice and hence, such appearance and
receiving fees of that account cannot lead to an inference of an offence or place of profit in
or under the company under section 314 of the Act. However, if such a solicitor/advocate,
etc. is appointed on a regular retainer basis from rendering legal advice other than
appearance in courts, the provisions of section 314 will be applicable.
A question has also been raised whether provisions of section 314(1B) will be applicable to
selling arrangements entered into by the company with a partner or relative of directors
or with private companies of which such a partner or relative is a director or member. It
is considered that these arrangements represent contracts, which fall under section 297
and so far as selling arrangements are concerned they may also attract section 294AA if the
conditions for its operation are attracted; but section 314(1B) is not attracted.
Few cases of appointment of relatives of directors as statutory auditors of the company managed
by such directors have come to the notice of the Department. It is conceded that there is no legal
bar to such appointments so long as the provisions of section 314 and those relating to appointment
of auditor are complied with the appointments are to be regarded as legally valid. It is, however,
felt that it would be in the large interests of the profession, if the auditors were to avoid any
conflict between their duties as statutory auditors of companies and their personal interest in
Auditing Theory
As per section 314(1) certain persons as given below cannot hold office or place of profit carrying
the remuneration of ` 10,000 p.m. or more in the company, unless a special resolution to that
effect has been passed in the general meeting of the company:
Any partner of the firm in which director of the company is also a partner;
Any private company in which director of the company is holding office of director or
For computing the limit of ` 10,000 per month, bonus, leave encashment, reimbursement of
medical expenses, etc., which are not events of monthly regularity or occurrence cannot be taken
into account.
Where relative of any director or any of the person mentioned above is or appointed to an office
or place of profit without the knowledge of director of the company, such appointment shall
require the approval of the members in the general meeting by way of special resolution within
3 months of the date of appointment.
The appointment of such person under section 314 may be made by the Board at its meeting and
may take consent of the company by passing special resolution in a general meeting held for the
first time after the said appointment.
However, if the remuneration is more than ` 50,000 p.m. (Limit raised from ` 20,000 by the
Directors Relatives (Office or Place of Profit) Rules, 2003 notified on 5-2-2003) prior approval of
members by way of special resolution and the Central Government is required.
If the remuneration of a person appointed in the office or place of profit needs to be increased
than the approval of the members of the company by passing special resolution in the general
meeting is to be taken, for each time the remuneration is so increased. However, if the
appointment is made under time scale in the first instance, there will be no need for further
approval of members.
Relative of director or firm in which such relative is a partner, appointed to office or place of
profit before a person hold the office of director in a company.
As per section 314(1A) if a relative of a director or firm in which such relative is partner is
appointed to office or place of profit in a company before the appointment of such person as a
director in the company, it will not affect the continuance of the holding of an office or place of
profit by a relative of such director or by a firm in which such a relative is a partner.
Under the following circumstances, the special resolution shall not be required for appointment
of a person on the office or place of profit:
If the office or place of profit held by such person(s) in the capacity of managing director/
whole-time director/manager/banker/debenture holder trustee;
If relative of director has been appointed before becoming director in the company;
If such person is rendering professional advice to the company including director who is
consulted or who gives his professional advice to the company occasionally and receive
remuneration for such service;
If a company purchases or sell materials from or to a director of the company or any of the
persons mentioned above to which section 297 will apply. Any person appointed to an
office of agent for the sale of the output of the company will be deemed to be holding an
office or place of profit under section 314(1).
As per section 314(1B) certain persons as given below cannot hold office or place of profit
carrying the remuneration of ` 50,000 p.m. or more in the company, unless special resolution to
that effect has been passed in the general meeting of the company and prior approval of the
Central Government has been obtained:
any partner of the firm in which director of the company is also a partner;
any private company in which director of the company is holding office of director or
Caution Provision of section 314(1B) shall not apply to any appointment of firm of
solicitors/advocates, if they are appointed to give advice and are consulted by the company
in its work on case to case basis. Therefore, any remuneration or fee received by a
professional director as advocates/solicitors for appearing in a Court of Law or Company
Law Board/Tribunal in pleading on behalf of the company will not come under the
provisions of the section as mentioned above.
Auditing Theory
Hold a Board meeting & consider appointment u/s. 314 and approve notice for convening
general meeting for passing special resolution by the members. Explanatory statement
with full particulars has to be sent to the members with the notice of the meeting;
Obtain approval of selection committee (as per rules) for appointment of relative to office
or place of profit before getting approval of members in general meeting;
Hold a general meeting and pass a special resolution for getting approval to the
appointment under section 314(1) or (1B);
Particulars of such appointment shall be filed with the Registrar of Companies within
thirty days of the passing of special resolution in the e-Form 23 u/s. 192 along with the
copy of such resolution and prescribed fees;
Prepare and file an application to the Central Government for its approval in the e-Form
24B along with prescribed fee;
The Central Government may vary the terms and conditions of appointment while
according its approval. On obtaining approval from the Central Government, the company
should enter into a contract with the concerned person.
Task Does the appointment of director to the office of secretary also require CG approval?
An undertaking from the appointee that he/she will be in the exclusive employment of
the company and will not hold a place of profit in any other company.
The monetary value of all allowances and perquisites and of total remuneration package
(monthly/annually) proposed to be paid to the appointee and details of the services that
will be rendered by him to the company.
Shareholding pattern particularly the shareholding of the directors along with his/her/
their relatives, the public holding, institutional holding (each institution separately).
The total number of relatives of all the directors either appointed as Managing/Wholetime director, Manager or in any other position in the company; the total remuneration
paid to each relative and the total remuneration paid to them altogether as a percentage of
profits as calculated for the purpose of section 198 of the Companies Act, 1956.
The selection and appointment of a relative of a director for holding office or place of
profit in the company shall be approved by adopting the same procedure applicable to
non-relatives. However, in the case of public companies, the selection of a relative of
director for holding place of office or profit in the company shall have to be also approved
by a Selection Committee.
These rules may be called Directors Relatives (Office or Place of Profit) Rules, 2003.
They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
Applicability: These rules shall apply to all companies registered under the Companies
Act, 1956 except as provided in these rules.
Auditing Theory
An undertaking from the appointee that he/she will be in the exclusive employment
of the company and will not hold a place of profit in any other company.
The monetary value of all allowances and perquisites and of total remuneration
package (monthly/ annually) proposed to be paid to the appointee and details of
the services that will be rendered by him to the company.
Shareholding pattern particularly the shareholding of the directors along with his/
her/their relatives, the public holding, institutional holding (each institution
The total number of relatives of all the directors either appointed as Managing/
Whole time director, Manager or in any other position in the company; the total
remuneration paid to each relative and the total remuneration paid to them altogether
as a percentage of profits as calculated for the purpose of section 198 of the Companies
Act, 1956.
The selection and appointment of a relative of a director for holding office or place
of profit in the company shall be approved by adopting the same procedure applicable
to non-relatives. However, in the case of public companies, the selection of a relative
of director for holding place of office or profit in the company shall have also to be
approved by a Selection Committee.
Notes For the purposes of sub-rule (7) of rule 4, the expression Selection Committee
means a committee, the majority of which shall consist of independent directors and an
expert in the respective field from outside the company.
4.2.14 Conclusion
The Amendment Bill has simplified this otherwise complicated provision and proposes to do
away with central Government approval except in case where a relative of a director has been
appointed and he holds more than two percent stake. In the company and draws remuneration
more than such sums as may be prescribed.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Any office or place of Profit held by the following persons shall be excluded from the
rigors of section 314 ......................; ........................; ................. and ....................
Caution It is utmost important that the audits produced followed a prescribed standard
based on high work code of ethics to acquire the confidence from the public.
Financial statements of an enterprise depict the wholesome financial situation of the enterprise
for a particular period/at a particular date. The information in these statements are of vital
importance for a large section of the society, which deal with that enterprise. It may be suppliers
of material, customers, investors, Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurers, Government, Tax
Authorities, employees, collaborators and even their competitors.
Keeping in view the importance of these statements and the large section of the society who use
these statements for taking many vital decisions, it is necessary that these statements are attested
by some person who is expert in this field so that the objectivity, integrity, reliability and
credibility of the information is assured to a large extent. This function of attestation is done by
professional accountants, who are Chartered Accountants in our country.
It has been however, observed that there have been a number of cases in banks and financial
institutions wherein due to the erroneous/ambiguous advice tendered by the respective Chartered
Accountants, borrowal accounts have had to face quick mortality resulting in loss for the bank.
Many a time this has also resulted in vigilance cases being initiated with the allegations of
connivance/malafide/gross negligence being attributed to the concerned Bank officials.
For the success of the profession of accountancy a self-imposed Code of Ethics is essential to
command the respect and confidence of the general public. Chartered Accountants in the service
of the affairs of others have responsibilities and obligations to those who rely on their work.
Auditing Theory
A client, before engaging the services of a professional requires to be assured, (i) that he has the
required competence and (ii) that he is a person of character and integrity. As regards the first,
evidence is available to the client in the form of a certificate that the Chartered Accountant has
undergone the training and passed the appropriate examination in accountancy and as regards
the second, he would have an assurance only if the professional body to which he belongs has
adopted a code of professional ethics for its members.
The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), in its guidelines on Professional Ethics for
the Accountancy Profession, has stated :Persons who pursue a vocation in which they offer their knowledge and skills in the service of the affairs of
others have responsibilities and obligations to those who rely on their work. An essential pre-requisite for
any group of such persons is the acceptance and observance of professional ethical standards regulating
their relationship with clients, employers, employees, fellow members of the group and the public generally.
IFAC in its Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants has also stated as under:The Public Interest: A distinguishing mark of a profession is acceptance of its responsibility to
the public. The accountancy professions public consists of clients, credit grantors, governments,
employers, employees, investors, the business and financial community and others who rely on
the objectivity and integrity of professional accountants to maintain the orderly functioning of
commerce. This reliance imposes a public interest responsibility on the accountancy profession.
The public interest is defined as the collective well-being of the community of people and
institutions the professional accountant serves.
A professional accountants responsibility is not exclusively to satisfy the needs of an individual
client or employer. The standards of the accountancy profession are heavily determined by the
public interest, for example :1.
Independent auditors help to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the financial
statements presented to financial institutions in partial support for loans and to stockholders
for obtaining capital;
Internal auditors provide assurance about a sound internal control system which enhances
the reliability of the external financial information of the employer;
Tax experts help to establish confidence and efficiency in, and the fair application of, the
tax system; and
Professional accountants have an important role in society. Investors, creditors, employers and
other sections of the business community, as well as the government and the public at large rely
on professional accountants for sound financial accounting and reporting, effective financial
management and competent advice on a variety of business and taxation matters. The attitude
and behaviour of professional accountants in providing such services have an impact on the
economic well-being of their community and country.
Professional accountants can remain in this advantageous position only by continuing to provide
the public with these unique services at a level which demonstrates that the public confidence is
firmly founded. It is in the best interest of the worldwide accountancy profession to make
known to users of the services provided by professional accountants that they are executed at the
highest level of performance and in accordance with ethical requirements that strive to ensure
such performance. In formulating their national code of ethics, member bodies should therefore
consider the public service and user expectations of the ethical standards of professional
accountants and take their views into account. By doing so, any existing expectation gap
between the standards expected and those prescribed can be addressed or explained.
4.3.1 Objectives
The Code recognizes that the objectives of the accountancy profession are to work to the highest
standards of professionalism, to attain the highest levels of performance and generally to meet
the public interest requirement set out above. These objectives require four basic needs to be
Credibility: In the whole of society there is a need for credibility in information and
information systems.
Professionalism: There is a need for individuals who can be clearly identified by clients,
employers and other interested parties as professional persons in the accountancy field.
Quality of Services: There is a need for assurance that all services obtained from a
professional accountant are carried out to the highest standards of performance.
Confidence: Users of the services of professional accountants should be able to feel confident
that there exists a framework of professional ethics which governs the provision of those
Auditing Theory
have a duty to carry out with care and skill, the instructions of the client or employer in-so-far
as they are compatible with the requirements of integrity, objectivity and in the case of
professional accountants in public practice, independence. In addition they should confirm with
the technical and professional standards promulgated by:1.
Relevant legislation.
When in public practice, an accountant should both be, and appear to be, free of any interest
which might be regarded, whatever its actual effect, as being incompatible with integrity and
The overriding motto has been pride of service in preference to personal gain. A code of
professional conduct may have the force of law, as is the case in this country in some matters, as
well as the result of discipline and conventions voluntarily established by the members, any
breach whereof would result in the person being disentitled to continue as a member of the
professional body. In any event, it has a great deal of practical value in so far as it proclaims to
the public that the members of the profession will discharge their duties and responsibilities,
having regard to the public interest. This, in turn, will give an assurance to the public that in the
event of a member straying away from the path of duty, he would be suitably dealt with by the
professional body.
Other Misconduct
In this background, the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (as amended up to date), was formulated
to regulate the profession of Chartered Accountancy. This Act is being administered through the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; which functions and discharges its duty through a
Council. To ensure discipline in the profession, The Chartered Accountants Act along with its
schedules sets out different forms of behaviour, which constitute misconduct under the law. The
definition of misconduct in the Act is only an inclusive one and is not exhaustive. Over and
above this, the council of the institution (ICAI) has also been given powers under the law to
enquire into the conduct of any member of the Institute other than those specified in the Act,
which may in the view of the COUNCIL be not desirable and/or expected of a Chartered
Accountant. This kind of misconduct is known as other misconduct. The other misconduct
may not necessarily arise out of professional work. With a view to bring harmony in presentation
of the financial statements and an identical treatment in a particular situation, the ICAI has
brought out various Statements, Auditing and Assurance Standards, Accounting Standards and
Guidance Notes, which are mandatory for a practicing Chartered Accountant to be adhered to
while discharging his professional duty of attestation of financial statements. These sets of
documents necessitate that financial statements are depicted in a definite manner, and give the
required information in the desired manner, which are professionally verified by applying
scientific audit techniques to ensure material correctness to a large extent. The objectivity and
integrity of the financial statements attested by a Chartered Accountant following these sets of
documents, are of a very high degree, and which enhance the credibility and reliability of these
statements to the user. A Chartered Accountant who does not follow these sets of documents in
discharging his professional duty of attestation, is guilty of professional misconduct, and thereby
liable for disciplinary action and punishment under the Act, which may be;
Removing his name from the Register of members for such period not exceeding five
years, or
Forwarding the case to the High Court with its recommendations where the council
opines for removal of name for a period exceeding five years, or
If the misconduct is of a nature, which as per the Chartered Accountants Act requires
action by the High Court, reference to the High Court with recommendations of the
council. The procedure of enquiry in respect of disciplinary action against a Chartered
Accountant is not only lengthy but rigorous also. Barring a few exceptions, the Chartered
Accountant, who has to face action would feel so humiliated that his enthusiasm and
working capacity comes to the lowest level. Removal of name as a punishment further
nails him with a severe economic blow.
Still there are instances when it is noticed that the report of Chartered Accountants either misses
vital information which must be there, or gives incomplete information or gives information in
a misleading manner or at times gives completely wrong information. It is pertinently noticed
by bank officials in dispensation of credit and monitoring of some financed cases, that information
in the financial statements does not help in taking a right and judicious decision. Though it is
difficult to substantiate by tangible evidences, but circumstantial evidences in certain cases, do
point out that the intention of all concerned has not been bona fide, rather it is mala fide and is done
with some ulterior motive.
Some of the common points where reports of Chartered Accountants have not been of desirable
level are:1.
Valuation of investments
Status of Creditors
Status of loans
All these issues have a considerable impact on profit and the real financial health of an enterprise,
failure of which would prevent taking of a well informed, correct decision by banks and financial
institutions. Here it may not be out of place to mention that banks and financial institutions are
heavily relying on Chartered Accountants in discharging their work in judicious manner. For
this the banks get various type of reports and certificates which the banks have devised after
much deliberations. If these certificates give the required information in the right perspective,
the loan assets of the banks to a large extent may be saved from becoming bad.
These certificates and reports in general are:1.
Annual Audit Report on the Accounts of Borrower CAs have to be transparent and
absolutely honest while certifying the following items:
Auditing Theory
stock statement for the year ending position in March and the value of stocks declared
in the annual accounts subsequently are on account of this.)
Dealing with group accounts: Normally this is where diversion of funds take place.
CAs also should comment whether transactions are at par with commercial
transactions done with other parties. CAs also should comment whether investments
in group companies are safe and sound.
It should also be commented whether any bad debt is included under Sundry Debtors,
whether loans and advances to group companies are camouflaged under sundry
debtors to avail book debt finance, whether any fictitious debt is created to avail
finance from banks (like fertilizer subsidy financed against by banks).
Stock Audit of Borrowal accounts: CAs should bear in mind that based on their certificate,
the banks value the security. Any false certificate will affect the security of the bank and
jeopardize their funds. The valuation of stocks should be judged correctly. The valuation
of especially work-in-progress should be studied in depth. The sundry creditors position
should be analyzed to see whether paid for stocks is adequate. The sundry debtors position
should be analyzed to ensure that:
In case of debts relating to group company, they are reflecting genuine commercial
However the plight is that these certificates and reports do not give the required information in
the required manner and therefore fail to serve the desired purpose. Besides the large number of
disclaimers made lessen the authenticity of the Report made by the Chartered Accountant. At
times CAs also function as directors of companies on their Boards.
What is to be Code of Conduct for them is well defined in Naresh Chandra Committee Report
and should be implemented? If these certificates and reports are objectively prepared keeping in
view the statements, standards and guidance notes issued by ICAI, it is believed that the required
information in the required manner will be available to a large extent. In short, the essence of
the whole issue is that the rigorous disciplinary action of ICAI also seems to be ineffective to
some extent in deterring some of the Chartered Accountants from resorting to undesirable
practices. The reason for this, seems to be that many a time undesirable practices are not caught
and only sparingly CA(s) get punished for their intentional misdeeds; which again is a time
taking process.
It is suggested that the following be mandated as a Policy:(a)
Banks and financial institutions have independent assessment of the work of Chartered
Accountants and a list of Chartered Accountants, who work objectively, may be evolved
and simultaneously the list of Chartered Accountants, whose work is undesirable, can
also be evolved. Such lists may be shared by nationalized banks amongst themselves.
Further, if it is found that the Chartered Accountant has not adequately reported
nonadherence of the laid down Statements Standards and/or Guidance Notes in preparing
his reports, the concerned banks should report the matter to the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, who should take the required action against the concerned Chartered
Accountant within a specific time schedule.
It could be made mandatory that companies should change their statutory auditors every
3 years. Periodic changes will be healthy.
The purpose of Code of Ethics is to promote an ethical culture in the profession of auditing and
provides guidance to Auditors serving others. Auditing is an independent, objective assurance
and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operations. It
helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach
to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
n June 2005, the Securities and Exchange Commission entered into a settlement, in an
enforcement action, with KPMG LLP (KPMG Canada), a Canadian audit firm, and two
of its partners, Gary Bentham, the audit engagement partner, and John Gordon, the
concurring and SEC reviewing partner. The SEC asserted that KPMG Canada, Bentham
and Gordon lacked independence when they audited the 1999 through 2002 financial
statements of Southwestern Water Exploration Co. (Southwestern), a now-bankrupt
Colorado corporation.
The SEC claimed that KPMG Canada provided bookkeeping services to Southwestern and
then audited its own work. Specifically, after KPMG Canada prepared certain of
Southwesterns basic accounting records and financial statements, it issued purportedly
independent audit reports on those financial statements. KPMG Canadas audit reports
were included in Southwesterns annual reports that were filed with the Commission.
The SEC found that KPMG Canada, Bentham and Gordon engaged in improper
professional conduct within the meaning of Rule 102(e) of the SECs Rules of Practice by
virtue of their violations of the auditor independence requirements imposed by the
Commissions rules and guidance and by generally accepted auditing standards in the
United States.
A code of ethics is necessary and appropriate for the auditing profession. Founded as it is on the
trust placed in its objective assurance about risk management, control, and governance.
The Code of Ethics extends beyond the definition of auditing to include two essential components:
The Rules of Conduct describe behavior norms expected of auditors. These rules are an aid
to interpreting the Principles into practical applications and are intended to guide the
ethical conduct of auditors. Below they are set out together with the principle they interpret.
Auditing Theory
This Code of Ethics is directed to internal, external auditors, as well as all other individuals
working on a company audit. For association members, breaches of the Code of Ethics will be
evaluated and administered according to Disciplinary Procedures. The fact that a particular
conduct is not mentioned in the Rules of Conduct does not prevent it from being unacceptable
or discreditable, and therefore, the member liable to disciplinary action.
Rules of Conduct
observe the law and make disclosures expected by the law and the profession;
not knowingly be a party to any illegal activity, or engage in acts that are
discreditable to the profession of auditing or to the organization;
respect the integrity of other auditors, recognizing their different experiences and
areas of expertise, and contribute to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the
organization; and
conduct the audit as instructed by the Audit Protocol without bias, prejudice, variance
or compromise;
auditors must not market their services at anytime during the audit process;
reveal any potential personal or perceived conflict of interest during initial contact
or communication with a client;
protect their independence and not accept any gifts of gratuities which could influence,
compromise or threaten the ability of the auditor to act and be seen to be acting
independently; and
uphold both the actual and perceived political neutrality in order to discharge their
duties and responsibilities in an impartial way.
be prudent in the use and protection of information acquired in the course of their
not use audit information for any personal gain or in any manner that would be
contrary to the law or detrimental to the legitimate and ethical objectives of the
organization; and
take all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality of the audit results, data
collected and the anonymity of interviewees.
engage only in those services for which they have the necessary knowledge, skills,
and experience, and not assign or subcontract any obligation of the audit program;
continually improve their proficiency and the effectiveness and quality of their
separate fact from opinion clearly and concisely in their evaluations. Support for
auditor opinions must be derived from quantitative, measurable data;
assist clients with any post audit questions, such as recommendations or explanations
of results;
willingly and openly share their collective knowledge and always be in the pursuit
of the truth and enhancement of health and safety in the construction sector.
During the audit process, the Code of Ethics is the accepted practices that surround the auditor.
Violations of these are considered to be serious in nature, and will result in swift intervention
by the Company. In particular, the following sanctions may be administered to the auditor for
violations of the Code depending on the situation:
Formal letter advising the auditor of the violation, a restatement of the required standard,
and a stipulation to not have this reoccur,
All sanctions against an auditor will involve a full investigation before any actions are taken.
The Company is not required to apply progressive discipline in situations which are serious in
nature and warrant severe penalties up to and including permanent removal of certification. As
part of the Code of Ethics, auditors will cooperate fully with an inquiry in the event of a breach
of this Code of Ethics.
Self Assessment
Choose the appropriate answers:
Auditing Theory
All risk factors as mentioned in AAS4, should be considered and documented along
with response to them.
Document the identification of fraud risk factors along with response to them.
No documentation in required.
Which of the following is the most appropriate potential reaction of the auditor to his
assessment that the risk of material misstatement due to fraud is high in relation to
existence of inventory?
Which of the following is not likely to be a fraud risk factor relating to management's
Tax evasion
reasonably honest
An auditor who accepts an audit but does not possess the industry expertise of the business
entity should
engage experts
An auditor obtains knowledge about a new client's business and its industry to
Under stand the events and transactions that may have an effect on client's financial
The sequence of steps in the auditor's consideration of internal control is as follows (a)
Management override
Abuse of authority
XYZ Ltd. conducts quarterly review of operations. It discovers that unrest in a south east
Asian country may affect the supply of raw materials to it the next quarter. This is an
example of :
risk assessment
control procedure
control environment
Did u know? Some Rules of Ethics for Auditors: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act sets new standards
of independence for auditors.
Public Companies
Such standards created such friction between public companies and their auditors that
decisional gridlock set in. On May 16, 2005, the Public Company Accounting Oversight
Board (established under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, to oversee the auditors of public
Auditing Theory
companies in order to protect the interests of investors and further the public interest in
the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit reports) issued a policy statement
on its Auditing Standard No. 2. The PCAOBs Policy Statement sought to give ensure some
level of reasonableness and flexibility in the conduct of audits.
As it noted, In particular, the staff questions and answers seek to correct the misimpression
that certain provisions of Auditing Standard No. 2 need to be applied in a rigid manner
that discourages auditors from exercising the judgment necessary to conduct an internal
control audit in a manner that is both effective and cost-efficient. The Policy Statement
expresses the Boards view that, to properly plan and perform an effective audit under
Auditing Standard No. 2, auditors should-integrate their audits of internal control with
their audits of the clients financial statements, so that evidence gathered and tests conducted
in the context of either audit contribute to completion of both audits; exercise judgment to
tailor their audit plans to the risks facing individual audit clients, instead of using
standardized checklists that may not reflect an allocation of audit work weighted toward
high-risk areas (and weighted against unnecessary audit focus in low-risk areas); use a
top-down approach that begins with company-level controls, to identify for further testing
only those accounts and processes that are, in fact, relevant to internal control over financial
reporting, and use the risk assessment required by the standard to eliminate from further
consideration those accounts that have only a remote likelihood of containing a material
misstatement; take advantage of the significant flexibility that the standard allows to use
the work of others; and engage in direct and timely communication with audit clients
when those clients seek auditors views on accounting or internal control issues before
those clients make their own decisions on such issues, implement internal control processes
under consideration, or finalize financial reports.
Private Companies
Where the audit client is a privately owned business (such as a private enterprise customer
or a private service provider), auditor independence rules still apply. The auditors could
probably have avoided the claims of breached fiduciary duty if they had made suitable
disclosures and had remedied, or caused their consulting affiliate, to remedy a failed
software installation. In that case, the auditors should:
disclose their conflict of interest to the client and obtain waivers (similar to the
waivers obtained from medical patients undergoing surgery);
remedy the flaws in the selection of off-the-shelf software, the systems integrator,
and the systems integrators lack of skills to cure the defects impeding software
performance; and
learn from similar client-relationship mistakes that had been subject to prior,
unrelated litigation.
The courts ruling is based under existing rules governing independence of auditors.
4.4 Summary
Sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 226 enumerate the qualifications required to be an
A person who is a Chartered Accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants
Act, 1949 and holds a certificate of practice, or a partnership firm whereof all the partners
are Chartered Accountants holding certificates of practice may be appointed as auditor, of
a company.
Sub-section (3) of Section 226 enumerates the categories of persons who are disqualified for
appointment as auditors. The object of these disqualifications is to make the position of auditors
as independent as possible from the affairs if the companies whose affairs they handle.
Also, if under the Chartered Accountants Act any other disqualifications are added, they
shall also apply. None of the following persons are qualified for appointment as auditor
of a company: a body corporate; an officer or employee of the company; a person who is
a partner, or who is in employment of an officer or employee of the company; a person
indebted to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand rupees, or who has given
any guarantee or provided any security in connection with indebtedness of any third
person to the company for an amount exceeding one thousand rupees; a person who is
director or member of a private company, or a partner of a firm, which is the managing
agent or the secretaries and treasurers of the company; a person holding any security of
that company after a period of one year from the date of commencement of the Companies
(Amendment) Act, 2000.
A person disqualified for appointment as auditor under the above disqualifications of any
other body corporate which is that companys subsidiary or holding company or a
subsidiary of that companys holding company, or would be disqualified if that body
corporate were a company Section 226(5) further provides that, if an auditor becomes
subject, after his appointment, to any of the disqualifications, he shall be deemed to have
vacated his office.
Apart from the disqualifications laid down in Section 226, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India has prepared its own code of ethics which is mandatory for its
In order to ensure independence of the auditors and also to prevent conflict of interest and
duty, the Council has decided not to permit a Chartered Accountant in employment to
certify the financial statements of the concern in which he is employed, or of a concern
under the same management as the concern in which he is employed, even though he is
holding a certificate of practice and even though such certification can be done by any
chartered accountant in practice. This restriction does not apply where the certification is
permitted by any law.
It has also been decided that a chartered accountant should not by himself or in his firm
name: accept the auditorship of a collage, if he is working as a part-time lecturer in the
college; accept the auditorship of a trust where his partner is either an employee or a
trustee of the trust.
Auditors are expected to apply and uphold the following principles: integrity; objectivity;
and confidentiality competency.
4.5 Keywords
Auditors Code of Ethics is a system or code of behavior based on moral responsibility and
obligation to explain how an auditor must behave.
Competency: Auditors must apply the knowledge, skills, and experience needed in the
performance of auditing services.
Confidentiality: Auditors must do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless
there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.
Auditing Theory
Integrity: Integrity of auditors establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on their
Objectivity: It includes making a balanced assessment of all the relevant circumstances and not
to be unduly influenced by their own interests or by others in forming judgments.
Under what circumstances as per section 314 a special resolution is required to be passed?
What is the importance of the code of ethics for proper execution of duties by auditors?
What are the applicability and enforcement criteria for auditors code of ethics?
A relationship of employer and employee; or such other person performs for and on
behalf of the company certain acts under the control, direction or supervision of the
company; also he is in receipt of consideration
Any director; Partner in a firm in which a director is a partner; Relative of such director
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
New Client
Continuing Clients
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
This unit gives an introduction to audit planning, including: purpose and methodology of audit
planning; client acceptance and continuance; obtain knowledge of clients industry and business;
assess client business risk and analytical procedures.
Notes ISA 300 Planning an Audit of Financial Statements requires that the planning stage
of the audit should be used to establish an overall strategy for the audit, develop an audit
plan, and reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level.
Perform procedures regarding the continuance of the client relationship and the specific
audit engagement;
Evaluate compliance with ethical requirements, including independence (also refer to ISA
220 Quality Control); and
Auditing Theory
Establish an understanding of the terms of the engagement (also refer to ISA 210 Terms of
Audit Engagement).
Determine whether the auditor is able to meet the ethical requirements regarding the
Caution The auditor should evaluate the clients standing in the business community,
financial stability, and relations with its previous auditor.
Notes Enquiries done by collecting information from bankers, legal representatives, and
background searches of relevant databases.
decide to discontinue the relationship if the client is deemed to lack integrity. Under the Ethical
Standards the auditor may have to discontinue association if there are ethical issues (if the client
is involved in litigation against the auditor, there are unpaid fees, independence issues etc.). The
auditor may also decide the particular engagement is too high risk. Client acceptance and
continuance is an important part of determining audit risk.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Main benefits from planning audits are .................; ................ and .............
..................... states that audit firms should establish policies and procedures for the acceptance
and continuance of client relationships
Did u know? It should also state any assistance to be provided by the client personnel in
obtaining books and records, and schedules to be prepared for the auditor. It will outline
the auditors responsibilities in relation indictable offences and money laundering. It also
serves the purpose of informing the client that the auditor cannot guarantee that all fraud
will be detected.
Auditing Theory
audit strategy that will appropriately respond to assessed risks. The overall audit strategy
includes consideration of planned audit responses to specific risks through the development of
the audit plan. The overall audit strategy also helps the auditor determine the resources required
for the engagement, including engagement staffing. Therefore, at a minimum the following
matters should be included in the overall audit strategy:
Relevant characteristics of the audit engagement, such as the reporting framework used in
order to set the scope of the engagement;
Setting of materiality;
Preliminary risk assessment and whether internal controls are to be tested; and
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The purpose of the overall audit strategy is to develop an effective response to the....................
An understanding of, and practical experience with, audit engagements of similar nature
and complexity through appropriate training and participation.
For existing clients there may also be a need for continuity from year to year. In addition, ISA
300 states that the auditor should plan the nature, timing, and extent of direction and supervision of
engagement team members and review of their work. In reviewing the work of engagement team
members, it should be ensured that:
the work has been performed in accordance with professional standards and regulatory
and legal requirements;
the evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to support the auditors report;
any need to revise the nature, timing and extent of audit work performed has been
appropriate consultations have taken place and the resulting conclusion have been
documented and implemented.
The engagement team will usually consist of a partner, manager, audit senior and junior.
Auditing Theory
working papers; inspect legal documents (such as share options and pension plans), minutes of
meetings and significant contracts. The auditor needs also to consider to clients performance
measurement system. Inherent risk may be increased if the client has set unreasonable objectives
or if the performance measurement systems encourage manipulation of amounts in the financial
statements. The auditor should read financial statements, perform ratio analysis, and inquire of
management about key performance indicators that management uses to measure progress
toward its objectives.
Notes The auditor should understand the clients objectives related to reliability of financial
reporting; effectiveness and efficiency of operations; and compliance with laws and
Anticipated results of the entity, such as budgets or forecasts, or expectations of the auditor,
such as an estimate for depreciation, and
Similar industry information, such as comparison of the entitys ratio of sales to receivables
with industry averages or with other entities of comparable size in the same industry.
Application of analytical procedures may indicate aspects of the business of which the auditor
was unaware. In order to gain a better understanding of the clients business and industry,
the auditor will calculate typical ratios and compare the company ratios to those of the
industry. Analytical procedures identify significant deviation from predicted amounts, which
show the auditor where to increase procedures to obtain corroborative evidence. ISA 315
paragraph 10 contains additional guidance on applying analytical procedures as risk
assessment procedures.
Most of the time audit is conducted by a team instead of just an individual. If business is
small or if there is not much to be done then it might be possible to conduct the whole
engagement easily by an individual. But usually amount of work, time constraints and
other factors require the audit engagement to be conducted by more than one person.
Depending on the audit, audit team can have different number of members. Usually the
team is structured in a Partner, Manager and Assistants which may further be divided into
senior assistants and juniors.
In order to properly assign work to each individual and what is required to be done by
whom there must be some kind of an instructions set otherwise, more than one members
might be auditing the same area or in other case some areas are left completely unaudited.
To ensure efficient and effective conduct of audit assignment, audit programmes or audit
programs are used.
Audit programme contains step by step instructions to be carried out by team members
i.e. it is simply a list of audit procedures to be executed by team members.
Even though audit programme sets out the whole agenda for every member of the team
but the main users are juniors for whom it acts as a dictation to be followed. The main
purpose of audit programme is that every material area has been audited appropriately
and sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained in respect of every important
areas of audit.
Audit programmes are prepared on the basis of audit plan usually by the auditor who in
the audit team is either partner or manager. But sometimes, audit firms have a basic audit
programme and the same is used by the auditor after making some modifications to it to
make it according the audit engagement in hand.
Mostly it is in the form of a checklist which can be used by the juniors to make sure every
required procedure has been implemented. This can also help in monitoring the work of
juniors in specific or assistants in general.
Audit programmes may be laid down in advance for the whole year for some aspects of
the audit which auditor expects to be auditing after regular intervals of time or when
needed. For understandability and convenience, audit programmes are written for each
audit area separately and then assigned to specific team members.
What procedures shall be part of audit programme is to be decided by the auditor and
depends on the auditors judgement.
Auditing Theory
Check List
Notes Audit program or audit program is not a name of any computer program. Also it
has nothing to do with computer programming in any way. However, audit programs can
be made using computer software in computer assisted auditing environment.
Objectiveness and fairness in the basis of assessments made and opinions given;
Scope and completeness in the planning and performance of audits carried out;
Timeliness of the issue of audit reports and other products in relation to statutory deadlines
and the needs of anticipated users;
In pursuit of this goal, an audit institution should establish policies, systems and procedures that
will encourage actions leading to high quality and discourage or prevent actions that might
impair quality. These quality controls should be developed and implemented with respect to all
phases of the audit process, including:
Audit institution with a strong reputation for the consistently high quality of their work exhibits
certain characteristics in common, regardless of their organizational structure. Among these,
there is the commitment to quality throughout the organization, coupled with a clear
understanding, based on education, training and experience, of what is required to achieve that
goal. Developing this institutional environment of quality is a long-term process that is addressed
in a later sub-section of these guidelines.
This sub-section of the guidelines, together with the forthcoming sub-sections, are addressed to
the more immediate need to establish procedures to control the quality of individual audits
undertaken by an audit team. However, because of the diversity in form and structure of an
audit institution as well as the different types of audits they perform, there is no single set of
detailed procedures that will accomplish the goal of quality in all circumstances. For example,
audit procedures that are appropriate for attesting the reliability of a set of financial statements
are unlikely to be entirely appropriate for a performance audit. Review procedures that work
well in some audit offices simply do not fit the structure of some courts of audit. Nevertheless,
there are attributes that are applicable to all audit institutions and to all audits. Among these are
the characteristics of quality and the phases of the audit process. Decisions and actions taken by
the audit institutions or its components and by the audit staff during each of the phases of the
audit largely determine the ultimate quality of the audit.
Ensuing sub-sections of these guidelines set out the basic principles that should guide decisions
and actions in each phase of the audit process. It is up to each SAI to determine how best to
implement these principles in the context of its own organization structure and the particular
types of audits that it performs.
In audit institutions with a highly decentralized organization, while setting up the guidelines is
a central management responsibility, implementing these guidelines rests almost entirely on
the component units or chambers.
Special attention is needed to the problems and potential advantages of computerization. Auditing
requires special skills when the auditee operates in a computerized environment. The auditors
in these circumstances must have not only a basic understanding of computers, but must have or
quickly acquire knowledge of the systems used by the auditee.
At the same time, computerized audit tools and programmes when properly employed can
greatly increase the efficiency of the audit process. Audit institutions may need to introduce
appropriate training to develop these skills.
Modern audit systems that make extensive use of computers to render audits largely paperless,
including the related working papers and documentation, should contain in-built controls and
safeguards. In such systems all or most stages of the audit could be processed and stored in
electronic format. An automated quality control system should incorporate a strictly defined set
of authorization and approved criteria, as well as features that ensure that standard documents
and checklists (which may be electronically readily available to all team members) are used and
compiled in all cases. With such systems some parts of the work of supervisors and reviewers
are electronically supported on a real time basis. The principles of quality control remain
intrinsically the same as those in a non-automated audit process.
Although an audit requires different layers of quality control measures and criteria, the auditors
carrying out the audit fieldwork should be left with a degree of professional judgement. This
Auditing Theory
depends upon the audit task in hand, problems encountered that need to be addressed
immediately, as well as, most importantly, to the degree of direction, supervision and/or
review, that is required on the auditors. The degree of professional judgement also depends
upon the auditors competence, expertise, professional qualifications, aptitude and level in the
General quality control policies and procedures should be communicated to its personnel in a
manner that provides reasonable assurance that the policies are understood and implemented.
Quality control requires a clear understanding of where responsibility lies for particular decisions.
It should be the responsibility of everyone involved in the audit to fully identify and understand
his or her responsibility.
Quality control processes should be carried out in a prescribed way and be documented. These
processes may be supported by questionnaires and checklists in prescribed forms.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
...................... defines an expert as a person or firm possessing special skill, knowledge, and
experience in a particular field other than accounting and auditing.
.................................... affects client business risk and the risk of material misstatement in
the financial statements.
.................... stresses the importance of all members of the audit team understanding the
potential risk of misstatements in each clients financial statements.
To ensure efficient and effective conduct of audit assignment ..................... are used.
Case Study
An external audit firm is conducting internal audit in an engineering company since the
last two years. The audit committee chairman had a one to one meeting with the partner
in-charge for a review of the present internal audit reports and the internal audit process.
During the discussions, the chairman asked the internal auditor to present an annual
internal audit plan that takes into account the bigger picture rather than smaller issues and
really adds value to the business. Based on recent corporate events and the Boards
responsibilities in the matter of Transparency and Control, the Audit Committee
Chairperson enquired with the Chief Audit Executive CAE, the status of implementation
of Standards of Internal Audit of ICAI.
The CAE highlighted that a Risk Based Audit Planning process is being currently followed.
However, the process has not been benchmarked against the Standards. The CAE affirmed
that the entire activity will be aligned with Indian Standards and a report presented in the
next Audit Committee.
The internal audit function has a five member team. The internal auditor therefore has to
select projects (areas) with high risk to the organization and direct the limited resources
towards such projects. Frequency of high risk areas needs to be high maybe twice a year
whereas in cases of low risk or almost zero risk areas, the frequency may be once in three
years and so on.
A benchmark against the standard was carried out by the team to identify further areas for
Opportunities for Improvement
Overall, the standard sought to address audit planning from two dimensions
For the Overall Annual Audit Plan, the areas identified were 1.
The existing Audit Charter adequately explained the purpose, authority and
responsibility of the Internal Audit function. The Audit Charter designed earlier
had not been reviewed and revised for the last two years. During the last two years,
the auditee had implemented an ERP and adopted a Balanced Scorecard strategy for
evaluating performance. Efforts of Cost Reduction have rationalised middle level
The CAE and the team felt that the focus of audit needed to be revised through
use of Audit Tools and the possibility of taking on a leading role in
implementing Continuous Auditing.
One of the overall objectives that the standard expects the Internal Audit to
achieve is to strengthen overall governance, particularly strategic risk
management. The Audit Charter had not mentioned any specific
responsibility for this objective. The audit team appreciated the following
fact however with this objective that:
The operating management does not perceive any specific role of the
internal auditors in strategic risk management.
One of the internal audit team members pointed out however that if he gets additional
information at a later date, should he not then advise review of the decision rather
than wait for issuance of the report?
This change was therefore sought to be introduced and highlighted specifically for
discussion. The CAE took a stand that while the Internal Auditor could be a part of
the Strategic Risk Management process, it should be seen as a facilitator role and
not as member of the decision making team.
While the Audit Plan was provided to the Audit Committee for approval, there was
hardly any debate on the same and it was approved. The CAE thought that in the
current practice, they were not really benefiting from the experience and knowledge
of the Audit Committee Members. He therefore thought it fit to arrange for meetings
Auditing Theory
with each of the Audit Committee Members to gain individual input prior to the
next Audit Committee Meeting, where his first report would be presented. These
meetings helped the CAE improve the audit plan.
The Risk Based Audit Planning process as currently implemented ( Refer article of
BCAJ IAS article in March/April, 2003) was generally found to be robust. The process
included the following:
Established weights and ranks for criteria which will form the basis of ranking
the audit areas and cut off score,
Applying the Cut off criteria and shortlisting the areas of audit for the year.
This forms a part of the Annual Audit Plan.
The revised Annual Audit Plan was also reviewed along with the first report. In
order to ensure continuing relevance of the audit plan, a process of a half yearly
review of the audit plan with the Audit Committee was suggested and approved.
the general appreciation of raising the right business issues in the audit reports.
the adequacy of time for performance of the audit at times, key areas of audit were
left out given the demands of completing the report.
the team members voiced their concern that the response that the CAE gets from
officials was not the same as that received by them. They felt that the auditors
employees did not give the required efforts and seriousness, which resulted in
avoidable delays.
The team thought of the options that the Standard provided towards overcoming these
difficulties. The following were the guidelines that they felt could overcome the difficulties:
Preliminary Review: A visit by the CAE along with the audit team members of the
audit area was planned to be conducted 15 days prior to the actual start date. This
audit visit was to understand the business process area and operational realities
within which the team performs, the expectations of the auditee and the auditor are
discussed and firmed up, the data and time requirements from the auditees are
discussed and the JOINT objectives of the audit process are laid down. The auditees
person-in-charge is made aware of the audit objectives, methodology and the ways
that risk and control needs to be looked at within the Risk Management Framework
implemented. Apprehensions of the Auditee team are laid to rest in these interactions.
This meeting is also sought to be used as a means to improve auditees person-incharge responses.
Audit Engagement Planning: The Preliminary Review meeting was also to be used to
study past reports . The larger participation of all team members in identification of
potential risk and control focus in each area was scheduled for at least once a fortnight
in such a way that no area is taken up without the inputs received from all team members.
These measures would also ensure that the issues that are relevant to the organisation
and the auditee team are addressed. This will also ensure that there is an ongoing
value addition out of the audit process.
Resource allocation in line with the scope: The knowledge and skills required for
each audit was sought to be formally identified and matched with the ability
of the team members. In case there was a mismatch, the CAE considered the
option of training a team member in the area in advance and also involving
an outside professional for the specific aspect of audit as part of the on the job
training for the team. The option of including a guest auditor from within the
organisation also was considered.
Detailed Audit Programme with specific priority for audit checks: Normally the
Audit Programmes were packed with all possible tests to be conducted during
an audit for all identified risks and controls. The team decided to identify
which controls significantly mitigate the risk (Key Control). Single control
mitigating multiple risks were also sought to be specifically identified in a
list of controls. The audit priority was focused on key controls. This focus
improved audit effectiveness.
These measures were implemented in the quarter and some significant improvements
were observed. The gaps identified vis a vis the standard and the measures already taken
and thus impact were shared with the Audit Committee. The initiatives taken were highly
appreciated by the Audit Committee members.
All the action of CAE were based on Internal audit standard issued by the Institute of
Chartered Accountant of India.
Exhibit 1: Standards of Internal Audit 1 of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
The internal auditor should, in consultation with those charged with governance, including
the audit committee, develop and document a plan for each internal audit engagement to
help him conduct the engagement in an efficient and timely manner.
The internal audit plan should be comprehensive enough to ensure that it helps in achieving
of the above overall objectives of an internal audit. The internal audit plan should, generally,
also be consistent with the goals and objectives of the internal audit function as listed out
in the internal audit charter as well as the goals and objectives of the organisation. An
internal audit charter is an important document defining the position of the internal audit
vis a vis the organisation. The internal audit charter also outlines the scope of internal
audit as well as the duties, responsibilities and powers of the internal auditor(s). In case
the entire internal audit or the particular internal audit engagement has been outsourced,
the internal auditor should also ensure that the plan is consistent with the terms of
A plan once prepared should be continuously reviewed by the internal auditor to identify
any modifications required to bring the same in line with the changes, if any, in the audit
environment. However, any major modification to the internal audit plan should be done
in consultation with those charged with governance. Further, the internal auditor should
also document the changes to the internal audit plan.
Auditing Theory
Obtaining the knowledge of the legal and regulatory framework within which the
entity operates.
Obtaining the knowledge of the entitys accounting and internal control systems
and policies.
Identifying the activities warranting special focus based on the materiality and
criticality of such activities, and their overall effect on operations of the entity.
The internal audit plan should also identify the benchmarks against which the actual
results of the activities, the actual time spent, the cost incurred would be measured.
The internal auditor should obtain a level of knowledge of the entity sufficient to enable
him to identify events, transactions, policies and practices that may have a significant
effect on the financial information.
The audit universe and the related audit plan should also reflect changes in the
managements course of action, corporate objectives, etc. The internal auditor should
periodically, say half yearly, review the audit universe to identify any changes therein
and make necessary amendments, to make the audit plan responsive to those changes.
The establishment of such objectives should be based on the auditors knowledge of the
clients business, especially a preliminary understanding and review of the risks and
controls associated with the activities forming the subject matter of the internal audit
The internal auditor should also document the results of his preliminary review so
For this purpose, the internal auditor should prepare an audit work schedule, detailing
aspects such as:
Activities/procedures to be performed;
While preparing the work schedule, the internal auditor should have regard to aspects
such as:
Any significant changes to the entitys missions and objectives, business processes,
and managements strategies to counter these changes, for example, changes in the
entitys controls structure or changes in the risk assessment and management
Any changes or proposed changes to the governance structure of the entity. The
engagement work schedule should, however, be flexible enough to accommodate
The internal auditor should also prepare a formal internal audit programme listing the
procedures essential for meeting the objective of the internal audit plan. Though the form
and content of the audit programme and the extent of its details would vary with the
circumstances of each case, yet the internal audit programme should be so designed as to
achieve the objectives of the engagement and also provide assurance that the internal
audit is carried out in accordance with the Standards on Internal Audit.
Analyze the case and find out different methods employed in planning internal
What were the main areas identified for overall annual audit plan?
Source: bcasonline.org
5.16 Summary
There are three main benefits from planning audits: it helps the auditor obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence for the circumstances, helps keep audit costs at a reasonable level,
and helps avoid misunderstandings with the client.
The overall audit strategy describes in general terms how the audit is to be carried out
and the audit plan details the specific procedures to be carried out to implement the
strategy and complete the audit.
It is also important for students to understand the precise meaning of the risk terms:
audit risk and inherent risk as both risks influence how the audit is carried out and the
costs involved.
ISA 210 describes the contents of an engagement letter. Although the standard does not
require use of an engagement letter, the guidance is provided in a manner that presumes
use of an engagement letter.
The overall audit strategy includes consideration of planned audit responses to specific
risks through the development of the audit plan. The overall audit strategy also helps the
auditor determine the resources required for the engagement, including engagement
For existing clients there may also be a need for continuity from year to year. In addition,
ISA 300 states that, the auditor should plan the nature, timing, and extent of direction and
supervision of engagement team members and review of their work.
The auditor must have an understanding of the clients business sufficient to identify
whether an expert is needed e.g. where inventory is highly specialized and is material to
the financial statements independent valuation by an expert may be necessary.
Auditors need knowledge about operations to assess client business risk and inherent risk
in the financial statements.
ISA 520 Analytical Procedures states that analytical procedures include the consideration
of comparisons of the entitys financial information.
Auditing Theory
Other areas in relation to audit planning include: Setting materiality and assessing audit
risk and inherent risk; Understanding internal control and assessing control risk; Gathering
information to assess fraud risks; and Developing an audit plan
To ensure efficient and effective conduct of audit assignment, audit programmes or audit
programs are used. Audit programme contains step by step instructions to be carried out
by team members i.e. it is simply a list of audit procedures to be executed by team
In pursuit of this goal, an audit institution should establish policies, systems and procedures
that will encourage actions leading to high quality and discourage or prevent actions that
might impair quality.
5.17 Keywords
Audit Planning is developing an overall strategy for the audit. The nature, extent, and timing of
planning vary with size and complexity of the entity, experience with the entity, and knowledge
of the entitys business.
Audit program contains step by step instructions to be carried out by team members i.e. it is
simply a list of audit procedures to be executed by team members.
Audit risk is the risk that an auditor may give an inappropriate audit opinion on financial
statements that are materially misstated.
What do you understand by audit planning? What is the purpose and methodology of
audit planning?
What factors are considered by an auditor in understanding clients business and industry?
Why transactions with related parties are important to auditors? Write its implications.
Why assessing audit risk and inherent risk is an essential part of audit planning? Elaborate
with suitable example.
What do you understand by quality control for audit? Why quality is considered on
higher priority basis for any prime audit institution?
Helps the auditor obtain sufficient appropriate evidence for the circumstances; keep audit
costs at a reasonable level; avoid misunderstandings with the client
Engagement letter
The objective, scope, and report of the audit) by who (the staff) and for how much (the fee)
ISA 620
ISA 315
Audit programs
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Communication/Reporting of Non-compliance
To Management
Financial Indicators
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
The Audit operation refers to an examination of auditing records undertaken with a view to
establishing the correctness or otherwise of the transactions reflected therein. It involves an
intelligent scrutiny of the books of account of a company, with reference to documents, vouchers
and other relevant records to ensure that the entries made therein give a true picture of the
business conducted during that period, that every transaction has been properly authorized by
the appropriate authority and that the effect of all the entries in the books of account has been
reflected in the final accounts. The role of regulators and inspectors such as auditors has been
brought into prominence with the sweeping changes that liberalization has brought in, along
with recent instances of embezzlement, which have shaken investor confidence.
When planning and performing audit procedures and in evaluating and reporting the results
thereof, the auditor should recognize that non-compliance by the entity with the laws and
regulations may materially affect the financial statements. However, an audit cannot be expected
to detect non-compliance with all laws and regulations. Detection of non-compliance, regardless
of materiality, requires consideration of the implications for the integrity of management or
employees and the possible effect on other aspects of the audit.
The term non-compliance as used in the SAP refers to acts of omission or commission by the
entity being audited, either intentional or unintentional, which are contrary to the prevailing
laws or regulations. Such acts include transactions entered into by, or in the name of, the entity
or on its behalf by its management or employees. For the purpose of this SAP, non-compliance
does not include personal misconduct (unrelated to the business activities of the entity) by the
entitys management or employees.
Whether an act constitutes non-compliance is a legal determination that is ordinarily beyond
the auditors professional competence. The auditors training, experience and understanding of
the entity and its industry may provide a basis for recognition that some acts coming to the
auditors attention may constitute non-compliance is generally based on the advice of an informed
expert qualified to practice law but ultimately can only be determined by a court of law.
Laws and regulations vary considerably in their relation to the financial statements. Some laws
or regulations determine the form or content of an entitys financial statements or the amounts
to be recorded or disclosures to be made in financial statements. Other laws or regulations are
to be complied with by management or prescribe the provisions under which entity is allowed
to conduct its business. Some entities operate in heavily regulated industries (such as banks,
sugar and pharmaceuticals industries). Others are only subject to the many laws and regulations
that generally relate to the operating aspects of the business (such as those related to occupational
safety and health). Non-compliance with laws and regulations could result in financial
Auditing Theory
consequences for the entity such as fines, litigations, etc. Generally, the further removed
non-compliance is from the events and transactions ordinarily reflected in financial statements,
the less likely the auditor are to become aware of it or recognize its possible non-compliance. This
SAP applies to audits of financial statements and does not apply to other engagements in which
the auditor is specifically engaged to test and report separately on compliance with specific laws
or regulations.
Financial statements are prepared to summarize the end-result of all the business activities by
an enterprise during an accounting period in monetary terms. These business activities vary
from one enterprise to other. To compare the financial statements of various reporting enterprises
poses some difficulties because of the divergence in the methods and principles adopted by
these enterprises in preparing their financial statements. In order to make these methods and
principles uniform and comparable to the extent possible standards are evolved.
Did u know? The auditors responsibility to consider fraud and errors in an audit of financial
statements is provided in SAP 4, Fraud and Error.
Does not apply to other assurance engagements in which the auditor is specifically engaged
to test and report separately on compliance with specific laws or regulations.
The applicable laws and regulations constitute the legal and regulatory framework of the
Some laws or regulations have provisions with a direct effect on the financial statements
because they determine the reported amounts and disclosures required in an entitys
financial statements.
Other laws or regulations are to be complied with by management, or set the provisions
under which the entity is allowed to conduct its business, but do not have a direct effect on
an entitys financial statements.
Some entities operate in heavily regulated industries (such as banks and chemical
companies) while others are subject only to the many laws and regulations that relate
generally to the operating aspects of the business (such as those related to occupational
safety and health and equal employment opportunity).
Non-compliance with laws and regulations may result in fines, litigation, or other
consequences for the entity that may have a material effect on the financial statements.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
Consideration of laws and regulations does not apply to other assurance engagements in
which the auditor is specifically engaged to test and report separately on compliance with
specific laws or regulations.
Managements responsibility, with the oversight of those charged with governance, is to ensure
that the entitys operations are conducted in accordance with the provisions of laws and
regulations, including compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations that determine
the reported amounts and disclosures in an entitys financial statements. It is managements
responsibility to ensure that the entitys operations are conducted in accordance with laws and
regulations. The responsibility for the prevention and detection of non-compliance rests with
The following policies and procedures, among others, may assist management in discharging
its responsibilities for the prevention and detection of non-compliance with laws and regulations:
Monitoring legal requirements and ensuring that operating procedures are designed to
meet these requirements.
Ensuring employees are properly trained and understand the Code of Conduct.
Monitoring compliance with the Code of Conduct and acting appropriately to discipline
employees who fail to comply with it.
Maintaining a register of significant laws with which the entity has to comply within its
particular industry and a record of complaints in respect of non-compliance.
An audit committee.
Caution Compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations determine the reported
amounts and disclosures in an entitys financial statements.
Auditing Theory
The requirements in SAS are designed to assist the auditor in identifying material
misstatement of the financial statements due to non-compliance with laws and regulations.
The auditor is not responsible for preventing non-compliance and cannot be expected to
detect non-compliance with all laws and regulations.
The auditor is responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance that the financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.
The auditor is responsible for taking into account the applicable legal and regulatory
framework during the planning and execution of the audit procedures.
In the context of laws and regulations, the potential effects of inherent limitations on the
auditors ability to detect material misstatements are greater for the following reasons:
Many laws and regulations (relating principally to the operating aspects of an entity)
typically do not affect the financial statements and are not captured by the entitys
information systems relevant to financial reporting.
Non-compliance may involve acts designed to conceal it, such as collusion, forgery,
deliberate failure to record transactions, management override of controls, or
intentional misrepresentations made to the auditor.
Given below are the auditors responsibilities in relation to compliance with the following two
categories of laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements of
the company:
The provisions of those laws and regulations generally recognized to have a direct effect
on the determination of material amounts and disclosures in the financial statements,
such as tax and pension laws and regulations.
The provisions of other laws and regulations that do not have a direct effect on the
determination of the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements but compliance
with which may be:
The auditor is required to remain alert to the possibility that other audit procedures
applied for the purpose of forming an opinion on financial statements may bring instances
The auditor is not, and cannot be held responsible for preventing non-compliance. The fact that
an audit is carried out may, however, act as a deterrent.
An audit is subject to the unavoidable risk that some material misstatements of the financial
statements will not be detected, even though the audit is properly planned and performed in
accordance with SAPs and other generally accepted audit procedures. This risk is higher with
regard to material misstatements resulting from non-compliance with laws and regulations due
to factors such as:
Existence of laws and regulations, relating to the operating aspects of the entity that do not
have a material effect on the financial statements and are not captured by the accounting
and internal control systems.
The inherent limitations of the accounting and internal control systems and the testing
The auditor should plan and perform the audit recognizing that the audit may reveal conditions
or events that would lead to questioning whether an entity is complying with laws and
In accordance with specific statutory requirements, the auditor may be specifically required to
report as part of the audit of the financial statements whether the entity complies with certain
provisions of laws or regulations. In these circumstances, the auditor would plan to test for
compliance with these provisions of the laws and regulations.
In order to plan the audit, the auditor should obtain a general understanding of the legal and
regulatory framework applicable to the entity and how the entity is complying with that
In obtaining this general understanding, the auditor would particularly recognize that noncompliance of some laws and regulations may have a fundamental effect on the operations of
the entity and may even cause the entity to cease operations, or call into question the entitys
continuance as a going concern.
Example: A Non-banking Financial Company might have to cease to carry on the business
of a non-banking financial institution if it fails to obtain a certificate of registration issued under
Chapter IIIB of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and if its Net Owned Funds are less than the
amount specified by the RBI in this regard.
To obtain the general understanding of laws and regulations, the auditor would ordinarily:
Use the existing knowledge of the entitys industry and business.
Inquire of management as to the laws and regulations that may be expected to have a
fundamental effect on the operations of the entity.
Auditing Theory
Discuss with management the policies or procedures adopted for identifying, evaluating
and accounting for litigation claims and assessments.
After obtaining the general understanding, the auditor should perform procedures to identify
instances of non-compliance with these laws and regulations where non-compliance should be
considered when preparing financial statements, specifically:
Inquiring of management as to whether the entity is in compliance with such laws and
Further, the auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about compliance with
those laws and regulations generally recognized by the auditor to have an effect on the
determination of material amounts and disclosures in financial statements. The auditor should
have a sufficient understanding of these laws and regulations in order to consider them when
auditing the assertions related to the determination of the amounts to be recorded and the
disclosures to be made.
Such laws and regulations would be well established and known to the entity and within the
industry; they would be considered on a recurring basis each time financial statements are
issued. These laws and regulations may relate, for example, to the form and content of financial
statements, including industry specific requirements or the accrual or recognition of expenses
for retirement benefits etc.
Other than as described in paragraphs 17, 18, and 19, the auditor need not test or perform other
procedures on the entitys compliance with laws and regulations since this would be outside the
scope of an audit of financial statements.
The auditor should be conscious that procedures applied for the purpose of forming an opinion
on the financial statements may bring instances of possible non-compliance with laws and
regulations to the auditors attention. For example, such procedures include reading minutes;
inquiring of the entitys management and legal counsel concerning litigation, claims and
assessments; and performing substantive tests of details of transactions or balances.
The auditor should obtain written representations that management has disclosed to the auditor
all known actual or possible non-compliance with laws and regulations whose effects should be
considered when preparing financial statements.
In absence of evidence to the contrary, the auditor is entitled to assume the entity is in compliance
with these laws and regulations.
Caution The auditor is not, and cannot be held responsible for preventing non-compliance.
The fact that an audit is carried out may, however, act as a deterrent.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The auditor is responsible for obtaining assurance that the financial statements are free
from.................... caused by fraud or error.
Non-compliance may involve acts designed to conceal it, such as ................; ..............;
................; .................; ....................
Auditors Duty
Following are the Duties as per SA 250
Duty to understand the entities Environment and to obtain general understanding about:
The legal and regulatory framework applicable to the entity and the industry or
sector in which the entity operates; and
Duty to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence: The auditor shall obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence regarding compliance with the provisions of those laws and
regulations generally recognized to have a direct effect on the determination of material
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
Duty to execute procedures: The auditor shall perform the following audit procedures to
help identify instances of non-compliance with other laws and regulations that may have
a material effect on the financial statements:
The auditor shall remain alert to the possibility that other audit procedures applied may
bring instances or suspected of non-compliance with laws and regulations to the auditors
Duty to get Representations by Management: The auditor shall request management and,
where appropriate, those charged with governance to provide written representations
that all known instances of non-compliance or suspected non-compliance with laws and
regulations whose effects should be considered when preparing financial statements have
been disclosed to the auditor.
Auditing Theory
effect of the suspected non-compliance may be material to the financial statements, the auditor
shall consider the need to obtain legal advice. If sufficient information about suspected
non-compliance cannot be obtained, the auditor shall evaluate the effect of the lack of sufficient
appropriate audit evidence on the auditors opinion.
Task Find out and explain with examples factors that cause non-compliance in a financial
The potential financial consequences, such as fines, penalties, damages, litigation, threat
of expropriation of assets and enforced discontinuation of operations, including vitiation
of going concern assumption.
Whether the potential financial consequences are so serious as to call into question the
true and fair view given by the financial statements.
When the auditor believes there may be non-compliance, the auditor should document the
findings and discuss them with management. Documentation of findings would include copies
of records and documents and making minutes of conversations, if appropriate.
If management does not provide satisfactory information that it is in fact in compliance, the
auditor would consult with the entitys lawyer about application of the laws and regulations to
the circumstances and the possible effects on the financial statements. When it is not considered
appropriate to consult with the entitys lawyer or when the auditor is not satisfied with the
opinion, the auditor would consider consulting some other lawyer as to whether a violation of
a laws and regulations is involved, the possible legal consequences and what further action, if
any, the auditor would take.
When adequate information about the suspected non-compliance cannot be obtained, the auditor
should consider the effect of the lack of audit evidence on the auditors report.
The auditor should consider the implications of non-compliance in relation to other aspects of
the audit, particularly the reliability of management representations. In this regard, the auditor
reconsiders the risk assessment and the validity of management representations, in case of
non-compliance not detected by internal controls or not included in management representations.
The implications of particular instances of non-compliance discovered by the auditor will depend
on the relationship of the perpetration and concealment, if any, of the act to specific control
procedures and the level of management or employees involved.
In case where those charged with governance are not directly involved in the management of
the business auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance matters involving
non-compliance with laws and regulations that come to the auditors attention during the
course of the audit. If, Auditor finds that non-compliance is believed to be intentional and
material, the auditor shall communicate the matter to those charged with governance as soon as
practicable. If the auditor suspects that management or those charged with governance are
involved in non-compliance, the auditor shall communicate the matter to the next higher level
of authority at the entity, if it exists, such as an audit committee or supervisory board. Where no
higher authority exists, or if the auditor believes that the communication may not be acted upon
or is unsure as to the person to whom to report, the auditor shall consider the need to obtain
legal advice.
When Auditor has Sufficient and Appropriate Audit evidence that non-compliance exist:
If the auditor concludes that the non-compliance has a material effect on the financial
statements, and has not been adequately reflected in the financial statements, the auditor
shall, in accordance SA-700 express a qualified or adverse opinion on the financial
When auditor has limitations on scope of Audit: If the auditor is prohibited by management
or those charged with governance from obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence
regarding non-compliance the auditor shall express a qualified opinion or disclaim an
opinion on the financial statements on the basis of a limitation on the scope of the audit in
accordance with SA-700.
Further, if the auditor has identified or suspects non-compliance with laws and regulations, the
auditor shall determine whether the auditor has a responsibility to report the identified or
suspected non-compliance to parties outside the entity.
To Management
The auditor should, as soon as possible, either communicate with the audit committee, the
board of directors and senior management, or obtain evidence that they are appropriately
informed, regarding non-compliance that comes to the auditors attention. However, the auditor
need not do so for matters that are clearly inconsequential or trivial and may reach agreement
in advance on the nature of such matters to be communicated.
If the auditor suspects that members of senior management, including members of the
Board of Directors, are involved in non-compliance, the auditor should communicate the
matter to the next higher level of authority at the entity, such as an audit committee or
Board of Directors.
Where no higher authority exists, or if the auditor believes that the communication may
not be acted upon or is unsure as to the person to whom to report, the auditor may
consider seeking legal advice.
Auditing Theory
If the auditor concludes that the non-compliance has a material effect on the financial
statements, the auditor should express a qualified or an adverse opinion.
If the auditor is precluded by the entity from obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence
to evaluate whether non-compliance that may be material to the financial statements, has,
or is likely to have, occurred, the auditor should express a qualified opinion or a disclaimer
of opinion on the financial statements on the basis of a limitation on the scope of the audit.
Notes The auditor is required to report certain matters of non-compliance to the Reserve
Bank of India as per the requirements of Non-banking Financial companies Auditors
Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1988, issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
Did u know? Effective Date: This Statement on Standard Auditing Practices becomes
operative for all audits commencing on or after 1st July, 2001.
Sales commission or agents fees that appear excessive in relation to those ordinarily paid
by the entity or in its industry or to those ordinarily paid by the entity or in its industry or
to the services actually received.
Payments for goods or services made other than to the country from which the goods or
services originated.
Media comment.
Notes The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) recognizing the need to
harmonize the diverse accounting policies and practices at present in use in India
constituted Accounting Standards Board (ASB) on April 21, 1977. The main role of ASB is to
formulate Accounting Standards from time-to-time.
When an auditor conducts the audit of accounts of a business entity such as a company there are
three fundamental accounting assumptions that he must keep in mind. These are laid down by
the Accounting Standard (AS-I) prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
These fundamental accounting assumptions are as follows: (1) Going Concern, (2) Consistency,
and (3) Accrual. The above mentioned accounting assumptions underlie the preparation and
presentation of financial statements. Each one of these accounting assumptions has been dealt
with in detail in this research paper.
The definition of a going concern as given in AS-I states that the continuance of an entity is assumed
for a foreseeable future and that there is neither an intention nor necessity of liquidation or of curtailing
materially the scale of operations. Thus, if an entity is in a position to normally produce and sell its
goods and perform its obligations towards various bodies, whether governmental or otherwise,
then it could be called a going concern. SAP 16 has now specified that the foreseeable period
should be a period not exceeding one year after the balance sheet date. There may be situations
within the fundamental accounting assumptions of going concern, consistency and accrual,
Auditing Theory
when an entity may not satisfy any one of them and as a consequence shows results which may
not affect its liquidity, though theoretically there may be a possibility of technical insolvency.
The standard is not clear as to the manner of consideration of the same. For example, if a
company with a small capital base has been showing marginal profits after depreciation but
without accounting for gratuity. Gratuity is paid as and when liability arises on cash basis. If the
gratuity is provided, the company will come under the purview of potential sickness under
SICA. Such a policy is violative of the accrual concept. The companys activities may not be
affected because gratuity is only a contingent liability and the liability to pay arises only when
all workers decide to retire on the same day. Hence, the auditor need not doubt the condition of
the company, as days to day activities are not affected.
Financial Indicators
There are a number of indicators which can help the Auditor in determining whether the status
of a company as a going concern is affected. These indicators can be categorized into three sets.
These are:
The financial indicators that indicate whether the company is a going concern is as
Adverse key financial ratios; Substantial operating losses; Substantial negative cash
flows from operations;
Inability to obtain finance for essential new product development or other essential
Operating indicators: The operating indicators showing that the company is a going
concern is as follows:
Other Indicator: The other indicators of the same are: Non-compliance with capital or
other statutory requirements; Pending legal proceedings against the entity that may, if
successful result in judgments that could not be met; Changes in Legislation or
Governmental policy Sickness of the company under any statutory definition. Thus, it can
be stated that the role of the Auditor has been made more proactive than ever before as far
as the going concern is concerned. Any of the above factors if present or apprehended
will entail detailed enquiry by the Auditors. While looking at the above mentioned
criteria the AS-3 which is regarding cash flow has to be kept in mind. The moment a cash
flow statement is prepared, normally it would show the true colors of the company.
However, a fund flow statement would also be of great value as then the various sources
of funds would also have been revealed and also indicate how the same have been utilized.
If short-term funds have been used for long-term purposes, then that would amount to
diversion of funds. The impact of such diversion would then have to be studied in terms of
SAP-16 to ascertain whether such diversion would affect the liquidity of the company on
a long-term basis. As far as negative working capital is concerned, there are a few issues
which are rather complicated. The fact that there is negative working capital may not
always be an indication of sickness. Many businesses today work on trust. There are units
which have been technically sick nut have the backing and confidence of creditors, workers,
bankers, etc. They continue to get credit and bankers have reposed their faith on the units
due to either the ingenuity of the promoters, honesty, work ethics, etc. Any adverse report
by the Auditor under SAP-16 would have a negative impact on the units such as these. The
role of the Auditor in such a situation becomes very tricky as the aim is not to threaten the
very existence of the company. As far as non-financial indicators are concerned, they are to
be looked into with great care as any mistaken reading of the same may result in the
devastation of the business of the company. It is thus, critical that the Auditor after having
applied his mind to the indicators has a discussion with the management and seeks
explanations from them and to see what measures are being taken to reverse any adverse
situation which may have arisen.
Going concern status being questionable and managements explanations being inadequate;
This being a basic accounting assumption, if in the opinion of the Auditor, an entity is found to
being a going concern then the Auditor need not qualify so in the Report.
The Auditor has to exercise his judgment as to the factors, which point to the entitys stature as
a non-going concern. If he thinks that the company may have a chance to recover and will not
become insolvent then he may not have it in the report
In case the explanations given by the management are not found to be adequate by the Auditor, he
should consider whether the financial statements: Adequately describe the principal condition
that raises substantial doubt about the companys ability to continue in operation for the foreseeable
future; State that there is significant uncertainty that the entity will be able to continue as a going
concern and therefore, may be unable to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal
course of its business. State that the financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to
recoverability and classification of recorded assets and classification of liabilities that may be
Auditing Theory
necessary if the entity is unable to continue as a going concern. SAP 16 states that if adequate
disclosure of the above facts is made in the financial statements, the auditor need not qualify his
report. However, he is required to highlight the problem by drawing attention to the note in the
financial statement which discloses the matter as set out above. The Auditor can also issue a
disclaimer of opinion for going concern uncertainty. Adverse opinion or qualified opinion should
be expressed where the Auditor feels that the disclosure is not adequate.
If the Auditor feels that the company will not be able to maintain its status as a going concern he
should state that the assumption of the company being a going concern is not applicable in the
particular case. SAP 16 has become operational for all Audits relating to accounting periods
beginning April 1999. There may be a few problems in the areas where the judgment of auditor
is sought regarding non-financial matters. The high responsibility given to the auditor has also
meant that the liabilities for failure to deliver are also enhanced. There are doubts as to whether
the profession is ready to deliver such high levels of expectations.
Enterprises whose equity or debt securities are listed whether in India or outside India.
Enterprises, which are in the process of listing their equity or debt securities as evidenced
by the board of directors resolution in this regard.
Financial Institutions
All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises, whose turnover for the
immediately preceding accounting period on the basis of audited financial statements
exceeds ` 500 million. Turnover does not include other income.
Holding and subsidiary enterprises of any one of the above at any time during the accounting
Level II Company: Enterprises, which are, not Level I enterprises but fall in any one or more of
the following categories are classified as Level II enterprises;
All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises, whose turnover for the
immediately preceding accounting period on the basis of audited financial statements
exceeds ` 4 million, but does not exceed ` 500 million. Turnover does not include other
All commercial, industrial and business reporting enterprises having borrowing, including
public deposits, in excess of ` 10 million but not in excess of ` 100 million at any time
during the accounting period.
Holding and subsidiary enterprises of any one of the above at any time during the accounting
Level III Company: Enterprises, which are not covered under Level I and Level II are considered
as Level III enterprises.
6.11 Applicability
Level II and Level III enterprises are considered as SMEs.
Level I enterprises are required to comply fully with all the accounting standards.
No relaxation is given to Level II and Level III enterprises in respect of recognition and
measurement principles. Relaxations are provided with regard to disclosure requirements.
Accordingly, Level II and Level III enterprises are fully exempted from certain accounting
standards, which mainly lay down disclosure requirements. In respect of certain other accounting
standards, which lay down recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements, relaxations
from certain disclosure requirements are given.
Table 6.1: Levels of Applicability
Sr. No.
Valuation of Inventories
Net Profit or Loss for the period, Prior period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies.
Depreciation Accounting
Construction Contracts
As withdrawn
Auditing Theory
Revenue recognition
Borrowing Costs
Segment Reporting
II. with modification
III. with modification
II. with modification
III. with modification
II. with modification
III. with modification
II. with modification
III. with modification
Discontinuing Operations
Intangible Assets
I. with clarification
II. with clarification
III. with clarification
Impairment of Assets
II. with modification
III. with modification
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Auditors Duty against non compliance .....................; ........................; ................ and .....................
When an auditor conducts the audit of accounts of a business entity three fundamental
accounting assumptions that he must keep in mind are................;.................. and ................
6.12 Summary
When planning and performing audit procedures and in evaluating and reporting the
results thereof, the auditor should recognize that non-compliance by the entity with the
laws and regulations may materially affect the financial statements.
The term non-compliance as used in the SAP refers to acts of omission or commission by
the entity being audited, either intentional or unintentional, which are contrary to the
prevailing laws or regulations.
Laws and regulations vary considerably in their relation to the financial statements. Some
laws or regulations determine the form or content of an entitys financial statements or
the amounts to be recorded or disclosures to be made in financial statements. Other laws
or regulations are to be complied with by management or prescribe the provisions under
which entity is allowed to conduct its business.
The auditor should, as soon as possible, either communicate with the audit committee, the
board of directors and senior management, or obtain evidence that they are appropriately
informed, regarding non-compliance that comes to the auditors attention.
6.13 Keywords
Accounting Standards are the statements of code of practice of the regulatory accounting bodies
that are to be observed in the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
Going concern as given in AS-I states that the continuance of an entity is assumed for a foreseeable
future and that there is neither an intention nor necessity of liquidation or of curtailing materially
the scale of operations.
The term non-compliance as used refers to acts of omission or commission by the entity being
audited, either intentional or unintentional, which are contrary to the prevailing laws or
What are Auditors Duty while considering laws and regulation in an audit of financial
What audit procedures are necessary to be applied by the auditor when non-compliance is
identified or suspected?
What are reporting responsibility of the auditor for non compliance with the laws and
regulations by the entity under audit?
Auditing Theory
When evaluating the possible effect on the financial statements, what factors an auditor
must consider?
What is the duty of statutory auditor for compliance with accounting standards?
Entitys operations
Material misstatement
Duty to understand the entities Environment and to obtain general understanding; Duty
to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence; Duty to execute procedures; Duty to get
Representations by Management
Third party
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Internal Control
Control Environment
Internal Auditing
Internal Check
Evaluation of Internal Controls with Special Reference to the Audit of Public Sector
Enterprises in India
Scope of Review
Control Procedures
Review Questions
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Auditing Theory
The management style and the expectations of upper-level managers, particularly their control
policies, determine the control environment. An effective control environment helps ensure
that established policies and procedures are followed. The control environment includes
independent oversight provided by a board of directors and, in publicly held companies, by an
audit committee; managements integrity, ethical values, and philosophy; a defined
organizational structure with competent and trustworthy employees; and the assignment of
authority and responsibility.
Control activities are the specific policies and procedures management uses to achieve its
objectives. The most important control activities involve segregation of duties, proper
authorization of transactions and activities, adequate documents and records, physical control
over assets and records, and independent checks on performance. A short description of each of
these control activities appears below.
Proper authorization of transactions and activities helps ensure that all company activities
adhere to established guide lines unless responsible managers authorize another course
of action. For example, a fixed price list may serve as an official authorization of price for
a large sales staff. In addition, there may be a control to allow a sales manager to authorize
reason able deviations from the price list.
Adequate documents and records provide evidence that financial statements are accurate.
Controls designed to ensure adequate record keeping include the creation of invoices and
other documents that are easy to use and sufficiently informative; the use of pre-numbered,
consecutive documents; and the timely preparation of documents.
Physical control over assets and records helps protect the companys assets. These control
activities may include electronic or mechanical controls (such as a safe, employee ID cards,
fences, cash registers, fireproof files, and locks) or computer-related controls dealing with
access privileges or established backup and recovery procedures.
Independent checks on performance, which is carried out by employees who did not do
the work being checked, help ensure the reliability of accounting information and the
efficiency of operations. For example, a supervisor verifies the accuracy of a retail clerks
cash drawer at the end of the day. Internal auditors may also verity that the supervisor
performed the check of the cash drawer.
In order to identify and establish effective controls, management must continually assess the
risk, monitor control implementation, and modify controls as needed. Top managers of publicly
held companies must sign a statement of responsibility for internal controls and include this
statement in their annual report to stockholders.
Notes Effective internal control helps an organization achieve its operations, financial
reporting, and compliance objectives.
Effective internal control helps an organization achieve its objectives; it does not ensure success.
There are several reasons why internal control cannot provide absolute assurance that objectives
will be achieved: cost/benefit realities, collusion among employees, and external events beyond
an organizations control.
Caution Internal control can provide only reasonable assurance not absolute assurance
regarding the achievement of an organizations objectives.
Risk assessment
Control activities
Auditing Theory
All five internal control components must be present to conclude that internal control is effective.
Control Environment
Task Identify various factors contribute to internal control for a manufacturing company.
Who is Responsible?
Management is responsible for setting the tone for their organization. Management should
foster a control environment that encourages:
a leadership philosophy and operating style which promote internal control throughout
the organization assignment of authority and responsibility.
In the coming years, internal auditors may be expected to expand their role to assume more
responsibilities in improving risk management, reducing organizational complexity and costs,
and participating in developing strategic and governance processes.
Fraud Detection
Small businesses lose millions of money every year to employee theft. Types of fraud committed
by employees include skimming payments from customers; check tampering, cash theft and
misuse of company credit cards, and improper payroll transactions. Many small-business owners
may believe they lack the staff to create an internal audit policy or carry out audits to combat
these problems. However, even with a small staff, a small business may create an effective
internal control system for monitoring employees and their behavior. A formal internal audit
policy, even if conducted part time by individuals normally assigned other duties, performs
other tasks besides detecting fraud. Examining policies and procedures on a regular basis ensures
that the company minimizes its exposure to fraud and other losses. Extension of credit to
customers provides one such area of loss prevention.
Controls to ensure continuity of operation, for example, storing extra copies of programs
and data files off-site, protection of equipment against fire and other hazards, backup
power sources, disaster recover procedures or maintenance agreements and insurance.
Auditing Theory
Safeguarding of assets.
Based on the results of the risk assessment, the internal auditors evaluate the adequacy and
effectiveness of how risks are identified and managed in the above areas. They also assess other
aspects such as ethics and values within the organization, performance management,
communication of risk and control information within the organization in order to facilitate a
good governance process.
The internal auditors are expected to provide recommendations for improvement in those areas
where opportunities or deficiencies are identified. While management is responsible for internal
controls, the internal audit activity provides assurance to management and the audit committee
that internal controls are effective and working as intended.
The internal audit activity is led by the Chief Audit Executive (CAE). The CAE delineates the
scope of activities, authority, and independence for internal auditing in a written charter that is
approved by the audit committee.
An effective internal audit activity is a valuable resource for management and the board or its
equivalent, and the audit committee due to its understanding of the organization and its
culture, operations, and risk profile. The objectivity, skills, and knowledge of competent
internal auditors can significantly add value to an organizations internal control, risk
management, and governance processes. Similarly an effective internal audit activity can
provide assurance to other stakeholders such as regulators, employees, providers of finance,
and shareholders.
Did u know? As the primary body for the internal audit profession, The IIA maintains the
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and the
professions Code of Ethics. IIA members are required to adhere to the Standards and Code
of Ethics.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
In recent years, the relevance and objectives of Internal Accounting Controls have expanded far
beyond the traditional ambit of protection against theft and fraud, well into the areas of
effectiveness, accountability and operational efficiency of the organization. Hence the need for
evaluation of the system of internal control, while conducting the audit of the accounts of
Government organizations, whether the nature of their operations be commercial or civil.
Auditing Theory
Viewed in the Indian context, the Government in consultation with the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, issued the Manufacturing and other Companies (Auditors Report) Order,
1975, (Order) for rationalization of the requirements for such evaluation. The revised Order
considerably enhances the reporting responsibilities of the Auditor while reporting upon the
adequacy and reasonableness of the procedures as also the financial health of the company. It is
significant to state in this context that the Order is supplemental to the directions given by the
Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG) under the Companies Act, in respect of
Government Companies with regard to which matters specified in the Order would constitute
an integral part of the Auditors Report submitted, and reply to the questionnaire issued by the
CAG would continue to be submitted as hitherto. The Order applies to every company engaged
or proposed to engage in one or more of the following activities:1.
Trading, and
he National Audit Office of the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the Overseas
Development Administration, in its Manual entitled A Guide to Certification
Audit emphasizes the evaluation of internal control procedures during Systems
Based Audit (SBA). In the United States of America, the introduction of the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) requires the corporate management to maintain a system of
internal accounting controls, sufficient to provide reasonable assurances for the proper
execution of transactions and effecting accountability. Thus, the world over, the need for
internal controls has received considerable impetus and there has admittedly been a
conscious and significant increase in the necessity for ensuring the existence of effective
internal controls.
A system of internal control recognizes the basic principle that it should be as difficult as is
practical and feasible, for individuals to be dishonest or careless. Such a premise is indeed not
based on a cynical view of human nature in general, but rather on the realistic assumption that
there could be a few persons who would be dishonest or careless if it is easy for them to be so.
Further, apart from the prevention and detection of fraud, internal controls should reflect the
strength of the overall accounting environment in an organization as also the accuracy of its
financial and operational records.
Administrative Controls, which include but are not limited to the plan of organization
and records that are concerned with the decision processes leading to the managements
authorization of transactions.
Accounting Controls comprise the plan of organization, procedures and records that are
concerned with safeguarding of assets and the reliability of financial records designed to
provide reasonable assurance that the transactions are recorded and executed in accordance
with the general and /or specific authorization of the Management, recording of transactions
to ensure the preparation of financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted
accounting principles and any other criteria applicable to such statements, proper
maintenance of accountable of assets, Managements authorization of access to assets and
accountability for the physical verification of assets.
From the above it is clear that in an audit engagement the distinction between the two types of
controls requires considerable dexterity as the two are very often inter-related. Needless to say
that the distinction should not be artificially made and administrative controls generally have
a nexus with the accounting controls even if the linkage is indirect.
Scope of Review
Naturally therefore, the scope and objectives of the Statutory Auditor would vary and depend
upon both the size and structure of the entity as also the requirements of the Management.
Normally, however, the Statutory Auditor operates in one or more of the following areas.
Review of the Accounting Systems and the related internal controls. Thus while the
adequacy of the accounting systems is the responsibility of the Management, the Statutory
Auditor is usually assigned the specific responsibility for reviewing the accounting systems
and the related internal controls, as also monitoring their operations.
The degree of reliance that can be placed on the various systems and procedures in existence.
The nature, extent and timing of substantive audit tests to be applied. In this process due
to factors including the limitations of time, the volume of transactions and magnitude of
operations the Auditor can conduct:-
Enables an Auditor to restrict his detailed examination in areas where internal controls is
satisfactory, and intensifying the scrutiny in areas where the controls are weak.
Highlights areas of weakness in the operating systems, for suitable remedial action to be
taken by the Management.
Auditing Theory
Enables the Statutory Auditor in the determination of the degree of effectiveness of Internal
Audit in the auditee organization.
The Statement on Standard Auditing Practices (SAP) pertaining to the Study and Evaluation of
the Accounting System and Related Internal Controls in connection with an Audit, defines the
inter-relationship between the Statutory Auditor and internal control.
The System of Internal Control is the plan of organization and all the methods and procedures
adopted by the Management of an entity to assist in achieving managements objective of
ensuring, as far as practicable, the orderly and efficient conduct of business, including adherence
to Management policies, the safeguarding of assets, prevention and detection of fraud and error,
the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records and the timely preparation of reliable
financial information. The system of internal control extends beyond those matters which relate
directly to the functions of the accounting system. The internal audit functions constitute a
separate component of internal control established with the objective of determining whether
other internal controls are well designed and properly operated.
It would be necessary at this stage, to make a distinction between the concepts of control
environment and control procedures. The control environment refers to the overall attitude,
awareness and actions of the Management regarding control and its role and importance in the
Factors reflected in the control environment include:
The functions of the Board of Directors, personnel policies, procedures and external
A strong control environment (e.g. one with tight budgetary controls and an effective audit
function) can significantly complement specific controls. However, this by itself does not ensure
the overall effectiveness of the system of internal control. Hence arises the necessity for control
Control Procedures
Comparison of results of cash, security and inventory checks with accounting records.
Existence of an effective system for the efficient operation of the asset and a well regulated
system for safeguarding of assets.
Self Assessment
Assume a hypothetical IT audit specialist, who works for the accounting firm of Townsend
and Townsend, LLP. One of the accounting firm's partners, Harold Mobley, requested that
the IT audit specialist review the systems development process at a potential new audit
client, Collins Harp Enterprises. Collins Harp Enterprises develops most of its computer
application software internally. The IT function, which is managed by Linda Seth the IT
vice president, consists of five in-house programmers. The programmers develop and
modify both applications and systems software. Linda provides relatively free latitude to
programmers because she believes that allowing that type of creativity increases the
quality of the software developed. Most of the ideas for software developments come
from Linda Seth based upon her interactions with IT personnel at other companies. Relatively
few requests for software changes come from non-IT personnel at Collins Harp. Minimal
documentation is generated during the software development process. Programmers have
access to live copies of program tapes and disks stored in secondary storage. And, those
programmers have the ability to compile source code programs into object code, and they
regularly forward object code versions of those programs to the Librarian in charge of
secondary storage. While new programs and changes to existing programs are tested,
only the programming staff assists in the testing process. An executive at Collins Harp
asked the audit partner to have someone with good IT training review the systems
development process to identify weaknesses and recommendations for improvements.
Question: Analyses the case and draw your inference. What useful information is provided
by the given case?
Auditing Theory
and the recording of the transaction , are assigned to different departments or to different
individuals within the accounting department, in a computerized environment, these
incompatible functions may be consolidated within the EDP department. Therefore the need
arises for alternative controls including:1.
Organization controls with appropriate segregation of duties within the EDP Department.
Sound personnel practices with effective control over the quality of work.
Standard operating procedures for ensuring high quality processing and limiting the
possibility of errors as also the unauthorized use of files, programs and reports.
Evaluation of internal control systems can be done in a variety of ways. It would be reasonable
to expect that the desired degree of documentation would be in proportion with the size and
activities of the organization. The following are the general methods adopted:1.
Appraisal by workflow
Appraisal by duties
Appraisal by questionnaire
The adoption of any of the above methods does not preclude the use of one or more methods in
Evaluation of Internal Controls by the questionnaire methods (used in conjunction with other
methods.) is a convenient and efficient medium for documented evidence of such review having
actually taken place.
A standard Internal Control Questionnaire has therefore, been presented by the Research
Committee of Chartered Accountants of India. The questions are so framed that most of the
answers can be given by Yes or No or Not applicable. Affirmative answers generally indicate
good internal controls while negative answers indicate weaknesses. In such cases, it would be
advisable to add explanatory note. The arrears of coverage by the questionnaire relate to:
Fixed Assets
Share Capital
Does the organization chart show a clear definition and allocation of duties and
responsibilities of officials and employees?
Are control accounts kept in the general ledger in respect of all transactions where the
volume justifies it?
Are subsidiary records reconciled with the respective control accounts periodically?
Are daily returns and reports received from branches/factories for collections, sales and
dispatches, production and receipt of goods?
The Auditors may obtain answers on separate sheets, duly indexed against the questions to
which they relate. Inevitably a standard format for a questionnaire may not be feasible for
universal applicability as individual variations may be required. The following methods could
be adopted:
Answers could be compiled by the auditor on the basis of his observations and personal
interaction with the auditee.
Alternatively, the questionnaire may be given to auditee who could furnish answers on
separate sheets. The advantage of this method is that the auditee would have an opportunity
to review his own systems of internal control through the mere process of answering the
The auditor should then conduct a test check in order to ascertain the accuracy of the
replies and the actual operation of the system.
All negative answers are to be reviewed by the auditor with the auditee. The auditor may
also decide whether any qualification would be necessary in his report.
In the light of the questionnaire, the auditor should formulate his Audit Plan and
A review of the questionnaire, in the event of any major changes that may have taken
place in the auditee organisation, should be conducted by the auditor.
As can be seen from the nature of the above sample questions, the objective of the auditor is to
formulate an opinion on the existence, effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls and
whether these are designed as far as possible, to ensure the completeness and accuracy of records
Auditing Theory
as also to safeguard the assets. The auditor cannot rely on the controls of the auditee , for the
prevention and detection of fraud and errors. Therefore he is bound to obtain some degree of
assurance through his own substantive testing. The quantum would depend on the effectiveness
of the internal controls for preventing and detecting material errors.
The Systems Control Evaluation (SCE) based on the questions and answers exercise illustrated
above, is thus designed to identify the controls in the system which would satisfy the general
audit objectives (prevent or detect the various types of material errors). Having identified the
controls, the auditor assesses the adequacy of the process. He would necessarily be required to
adopt a critical approach attempting to envisage situations in which they might fail to operate
and consequently result in the occurrence of an error or fraud. Further, the auditor should also
consider how promptly errors could be identified and the impact on the financial statements; in
the event of their remaining undetected. Such evaluation should necessarily cover the entire
operation of controls for the entire accounting period. This should be borne in mind while
conducting Compliance Testing. Having completed this evaluation, the auditor should then
formulate his assessment based upon the suggested guidelines and categorize the assessment of
internal controls.
It is generally accepted that internal control procedures can provide reasonable and in no case,
absolute assurance, that the objectives of such controls relating to accounting systems are achieved.
This could be due to the possible existence of certain inherent limitations including:1.
The fact that most controls tend to be directed at anticipated types of transactions and not
at unusual and unforeseeable transactions.
The potential for human error due to carelessness, distractions, errors of judgment and
misinterpretation of instruction.
The possibility of circumvention of controls through collusion with parties outside the
entity or with employees of the entity, (e.g. a lack of segregation of duties between
computer programmers and computer operations).
The possibility that a person responsible for exercising control could abuse that
The possibility that the procedures may become inadequate due to changes in conditions
and compliance with procedures may deteriorate.
However, despite the existence of certain possible inherent weaknesses that would exist in
almost every system, howsoever perfect in design, the corrective action taken for rectification
by the Management and its periodic assessment through the Systems Control Evaluation method
adopted in Systems Based Audit enables the fulfillment of the principal objectives of establishing
and effectively operating Internal Control Procedures.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Answers of internal control questionnaire are compiled by the auditor on the basis of his
.............................. with the auditee.
The corrective action taken for rectification by the management and its periodic assessment
through ...................................... method enables the fulfillment of the principal objectives
of internal control procedures.
7.7 Summary
The internal audit activity evaluates risk exposures relating to the organizations
governance, operations and information systems, in relation to: Effectiveness and efficiency
of operations; Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information;
Safeguarding of assets; Compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts.
Internal check is an element of internal control. Weak internal check mechanisms mandate
a greater degree of auditing procedures.
A strong control environment (e.g. one with tight budgetary controls and an effective
audit function) can significantly complement specific controls.
7.8 Keywords
Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to
add value and improve an organizations operations.
Statement on Standard Auditing Practices (SAP): The Statement on Standard Auditing Practices
(SAP) pertaining to the Study and Evaluation of the Accounting System and Related Internal
Controls in connection with an Audit, defines the inter-relationship between the Statutory
Auditor and internal control.
Systems Control Evaluation (SCE): It is based on the questions and answers exercise illustrated
above, is thus designed to identify the controls in the system which would satisfy the general
audit objectives (prevent or detect the various types of material errors).
Auditing Theory
Define internal control and internal check. Explain the internal control process with respect
to audit.
Identify the scope and objectives of the Statutory Auditor and its role in internal control.
This case is appropriate when covering the importance of considering risks associated
with the reliance on information technologies to produce financial statement information.
Generally, this case is best used when the impact of information technology on internal
controls is discussed. This case is most appropriate when discussing IT general controls,
given that IT systems development processes are largely affected by IT general controls.
This case provides an excellent vehicle for highlighting obvious concerns related to IT.
This case is also useful for emphasizing public company auditor considerations of IT
general controls as part of their audits of internal control over financial reporting required
by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This case provides an illustration of IT general
control issues that public company auditors may need to consider.
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Audit Techniques
Audit Planning
Auditors Challenges and Modern Ways for Auditing Electronic Data Processing
(EDP) Accounts or Financial Statements
Audit Software
Uses of CAAT
Testing CAAT
8.10 Summary
8.11 Keywords
8.12 Review Questions
8.13 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Now-a-days, the corporate world is getting more and more inclined towards the use of
Information Technology (IT) and Computer Information System (CIS) in their daily operations.
This has changed the manner in which the organizations carry out their operations and various
business processes. This has further led to change in the nature of audit evidences generated by
each financial transaction. The method of collection and evaluation of audit evidences has also
changed. This requires auditors to possess reasonable knowledge about EDI, SDLC, CASE tools
and various hardware & software used in the organization.
Uniform processing of transaction, hence low clerical error: While feeding input, processing
transactions and generating outputs, computer system performs multiple checks on data
at each at each point of time. Moreover, the processing of transaction is in a uniform
manner. Hence the clerical errors generated are minimized. However, there is a shift of
errors from human generated errors towards system generated errors.
Concentration of duties: Under CIS environment, more than one kind of task/function
can be performed by an individual. This leads to difficulty in segregation of duties among
individual. Consequently, it gives rise to a number of security issues also.
Auditing Theory
Lack of audit trail: In computerized system, the processing of a transaction takes place
instantly. This leads to loss of audit trail. Thus, auditor needs to apply some alternate
procedure to compensate the loss of audit trial.
Did u know? Audit Trail: It can be defined as a step-by-step record by which a transaction
can be traced. The auditor may apply one of the following methods to compensate the loss
of audit trail:
Special/Exceptional Reports: The auditor may ask the client to arrange special reports
and printouts.
Example: Sales orders for the month of December & March; purchase orders that have
been short-closed by the purchase department.
It involves tagging the clients input data such that only relevant data is
highlighted on the screen, which needs to be verified by the auditor.
Example: Cash payments of more than ` 20,000/-; debtors outstanding for more than 3
months; purchase order pending for more than 30 days from expected delivery date; etc.
Auditors judgement: budgeting the figures and comparing them with actual
Testing on total basis: if individual items cant be checked in detail then auditor
may take totals of reasonable chunks of data and check accordingly.
Clerical recreation: Auditor may manually generate certain figures that have
been generated by the system (automatically).
Use of CAAT: The auditor may take the help of white-box audit approach or CAATs.
Internal Control Environment & management supervision: The success of CIS highly
depends upon the involvement of management in development and maintenance of CIS.
Under CIS environment, the risk of fraud & error is relatively high. Thus higher
management supervision and better internal control environment is required.
Use of CAAT: The audit under CIS environment cannot be carried by traditional (manual)
approaches, effectively. Since the processing of transaction in CIS environment is fast and
complicated, the audit must be carried out using Computer Assisted Audit Techniques
(CAAT). This requires a reasonably good amount of IT skills on part of the auditors.
It is a simple system
and somewhat like
traditional manual
In this process
transactions are
accumulated and
processed in groups.
In this files are not
updated quickly.
E.g.: Accountant
accumulates all the cash
receipts vouchers for
the day and updates his
accounting record by
the end of a working
OLRT On-Line /
Under this system
transaction are
processed as soon as
they occur.
All the records are
simultaneously on
occurrence of a
E.g.: On issue of a
Sales invoice, Sales
ledger and debtors
ledger are updated,
Software packages
like Tally, SAP, etc.
works like this
Data Storage/file system: The data storage facilities and filing system of the organisation has
gone through drastic changes as result of changes in the style of carrying out business processes.
Auditing Theory
Organizational structure: Since there is very high dependence of the organization of CIS,
now-a-days. Thus, there is a need for separate department (group of people) to take care of IT
needs of the organization. Some of the personnel are listed below:
System Analyst: takes care of the information requirement of the users for new as well as
existing applications; designs information system architecture to meet these requirements;
facilitates implementation of information systems and maintains documentation.
System Programmers: is responsible for the maintenance of operating system (OS) software,
network and hardware requirements.
Application Programmer: designs new programs and modifies existing to meet the data
processing needs; remove errors and improves efficiency of the existing application
Operation Specialist: plans and controls the day-to-day issues, which emerge during
normal course of work, of the users of information.
Modified internal control base: In CIS environment since most of the processes are automated,
the probability of occurrence of error substantially increases. Moreover, the risk of fraud is
higher in CIS environment, as it is less-easily identifiable. Thus, there is a shift in internal
control base in CIS environment as compared to traditional manual system. Following are two
main categories of internal control required in CIS environment:
Auditing Theory
Clients Output
Clients Input
Auditors Input
Notes The biggest advantage of auditing around the computer is the ease and simplicity,
since the auditor does not require in-depth knowledge of system application program in
order to perform his duties. On the contrary, a major disadvantage is that, under this
approach, the auditor is completely ignorant about the internal processes of the system.
Moreover, in order to generate certain complex reports, printouts cannot be arranged to
apply the audit procedures.
White-box Approach (Auditing through the computer): Under this approach, the auditor is not
only concerned with the subject matter of the audit (i.e. inputs and outputs), but also with the
internal processing of the computer system. This means to include various auditing with the
help of Audit software and Computer-aided Audit Techniques (CAAT).
Evaluation of the internal control system: Auditor should carefully evaluate the internal
control system. He should check the system existing in the entity, as well its actual use by
the business. It is possible that whereas a well designed system is present but it is not put
to use by the management. Based upon the evaluation of such a system, the auditor should
decide the degree of reliance that can be placed on it.
Checking the records: After checking the reliability of the internal control system auditor
should proceed to checking the record produced by the system. He should check the basic
records available in the entity. As far as possible auditor should insist on maintaining the
supporting vouchers which can be checked with the books of accounts.
Explanation and information: Auditor should make inquiries from the management and
staff regarding the work. Basing on such inquiries he can decide upon the truthfulness of
the financial records.
Analysis of the financial statements: Auditor should then check the financial statement
prepared form the books of account. All the other checking methods should be applied as
are used in the manual auditing.
EDP Audit
Current IT Trends:
Impact on Auditing:
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The auditor should obtain an understanding of the significance and .......................... of the
EDP activities.
Auditing Theory
Caution Under electronic data processing system, there is virtual elimination of errors
such as calculation mistakes, posting errors, totaling, etc. However, any error in
programming may result in serious errors and produce incorrect result.
EDP infrastructure: This includes hardware, operating systems and application software.
Local area network ( LAN ), where there is connection between two or more
computers located at a given small place, ( say, office ) to store and program
any data files centrally.
Remote linked PCs, where location of PCs is at different places or cities, but
interconnected with one another.
Operating systems: These may be window, Microsoft (MS) Office, Disc Operating
system (DOS), LINUX, etc. They oversee the communication of data between the
computer processor and its magnetic discs, as well as the management of files and
programs on the discs.
In electronic data processing, on the other hand, there are often no transaction creating
documents and no visible transaction trail. For example, if there is direct feeding of data
into computer, there may not be any physical input documents, e.g. voucher, invoice,
receipt, etc. and no transaction trail.
Example: In an online, system, salespersons may directly feed sale transactions in the
computer without any supporting documents, or there may be certain transactions generated by
the system based on program instructions such as sending reminders to customers who have
defaulted in payment.
Therefore, to assess how electronic data processing may influence the audit examination
process, he should consider the availability of data
Entered in computer,
The data may be available only in machine readable form and accessible only for a brief
period. In certain cases, the auditor may have to request the client to retain any particular
data for examination. Lack of visible inputs increases the risk of errors remaining hidden,
which is in direct contrast to manual accounting system where such errors are visible due
to presence of physical input documents.
Possibility of errors: While electronic data processing reduces the risk of human errors
like calculation mistakes, any error in programming may result in incorrect processing of
all transactions. Moreover, in the absence of continuous check by observation of errors as
in manual system, errors in electronic data processing may remain hidden for long. Further,
there is also likelihood of errors if persons, without authority to access data, make changes
in the stored data.
The auditor can also use computerized auditing tools to make the audit examination more
effective. In fact, the electronic data processing systems have in-built software and hardware
controls, a feature not present in the manual system.
EDP systems are more reliable: A computers works as programmed. If the programming
has taken into account all possible circumstances, the computer will work more reliably
Auditing Theory
and consistently than the manual system. In the manual system, the auditor may undertake
detailed checking of a number of transactions, yet certain errors and fraud may remain
undiscovered. Not so in the case of electronic data processing systems. He has only to see
whether there is effective internal control on programs and, if so, checking of certain
significant or unusual transactions will assure accuracy in accounting.
EDP system may have in-built control procedures: With built-in automatic control
procedures, the electronic data processing systems will themselves indicate certain unusual
or significant transactions such as, overdue payments, falling of inventory levels below
the prescribed levels, etc. In manual system, the auditor will have to make extra efforts for
the purpose. Prescription of password control in electronic data processing systems will
secure the data against access by unauthorized persons. In manual system, there is always
possibility of unauthorized access to accounts.
Example: Generation of monthly accounts in case of credit customers will remove the
need for manual preparation of accounts in individual cases.
Auditing in EDP environment: In this case the auditor should evaluate the internal control
relating to electronic data processing and other controls, and accordingly make extensive
use of computer(s) to determine the nature, timing and extent of compliance or substantive
audit procedures. However, this requires him to have adequate knowledge of computer
systems to plan, direct, supervise and review the work performed by others. For this, he
may himself acquire the necessary specialized skills, or hire persons suited for the job.
Electronic data processing environment is an area that requires special techniques in approaching,
as it is apparently risky and more technological skills is needed to the Auditor before real audit
is performed. However the professional guides issued by the International Auditing Standards
have disclosed several methods that have to be followed by Auditors when doing audit in
specialized areas this does not exclude auditing in an electronic data processing environment. In
actual fact the auditor should approach auditing in electronic data processing environment as
Evaluate reliability of accounting and internal control system: The auditor should ascertain
how far the accounting and internal control system of the business is reliable. To this end,
he should check the following:
Caution The Auditor should review the error correction procedure, as it will show
proper functioning of the internal control system.
Auditing Theory
Assess inherent and control risks: The auditor should assess inherent and control risk
for material financial misstatement.
Risk Assessment and internal Control
Risk in an electronic data processing environment may arise from the following;
Users may not participate fully in review-output, to ensure its reasonableness and
maintaining responsibility for authorization.
Effect of inherent and control risk: Inherent and control risk in electronic data processing
environment may have either all round effect on all accounts, or account specific effect.
Risk having all round-effect on all accounts: It may arise from deficiencies in program
development, system soft ware support, physical electronic data processing security,
and control over access to special privilege utility programs. These deficiencies will
affect all application systems processed in computer and result in material
misstatement in financial statements.
Account specific risk: Account specific risks may result in fraud and errors such as the
summarized real cases resulted from inherent and control risks:
Audit Techniques
Audit objectives remain the same whether processing of data is manual or computerized.
While designing audit procedures in electronic data processing environment, the auditor
should keep in mind two things:
Ensure that there is adequate compliance and substantive procedures and transmitted
data are correct and complete
Test data: They represented a set of test data prepared by the auditor himself, or by
using any such data prepared by the internal auditor of the client. Test data comprise
transactions of all kinds prepared specifically to test a program or a set of programs
of the client. To evaluate the effectiveness of the clients program (s), the auditor
may run his test data on the clients computer using the programs of the client
Use of test data serves as an assurance about the correct functioning of tested
programs. However, its limitation is that preparation of the test data requires care
and expertise on the part of auditor. For example, it will involve selection of the
type of master files or records (ledger like records where there is continuous updating
through transaction records), e.g. processing of a test transaction showing receipt of
payment from a debtor will reflect in the file that contains records of sundry debtors.
Moreover, the test data should cover all types and variations, whether they are
actual data used by the client, or certain modifications, to ascertain that the clients
program includes necessary controls.
For control purposes, the auditor should maintain proper working papers regarding
the use of test data. Working papers should show the programs put to test, and the
results-both expected and actual. He should also ensure that the programs tested are
those actually used by the client, and that actual records remain unaffected by the
tests used by him.
Modified test data facility: It is a simulated form of a test data technique. Under it, the
auditor creates artificial transactions, processes them along with normal processing
of actual transactions of the enterprise, and compares the results of the two. This will
Auditing Theory
expose whether the processing done by the enterprise is correct. However, employees
operating the electronic data processing system in the enterprise should know nothing
about this exercise.
Audit software: The auditor may use audit software specially developed for a particular
audit or, more often, Generalized Audit Software (GAS) Design of audit program
created for a particular audit will serve the needs of testing the audit programs of
the client. On the other hand, generalized audit software will perform certain common
data processing functions, like checking calculations, examining the correctness of
records, comparing client records with the data obtained through other procedures,
summarize or rearrange data, selecting samples, etc.
As evidence of proper planning and organization of his examination, the auditor should document
the following:
Audit Planning
Planning the audit for an electronic data processing environment client is not expected to be the
same as planning the audit for the manual data processing client. The auditor is required to
measure the usefulness and existence of reliable controls in the system before he or she start
auditing. In electronic data processing environment an IT environment check list will have to be
used together with interrogating the client main IT executives.
Important issues to be assessed regarding the whole of information technology field which
comprises data processing systems are listed and elaborated in the schedule below:
Procedure: Find out the process to register new users to the system.
Inherent risk: Illegal access to components.
Procedure: Examine the reliability of the procedures taken when a previous user is required
to leave or stop using the machine.
Inherent risk: Previous user still has access to the system.
Procedure: Find out whether access to the computer room is free to any person.
Inherent risk: Unauthorized personnel and visitors may enter the computer room for
malicious motives.
Procedure: Using the organizational chart verify the existence of job description in IT
positions in the entity.
Inherent risk: Staff may be performing other peoples duties involuntarily.
Procedure: Find out whether internet downloading and other uses of the internet is restricted
to safeguard entitys information.
Inherent risk: Virus penetration into the system is simple due to uncontrolled
internet activities
Procedure: Investigate to be sure that, the use of antivirus programs is present, there is safe
storage of backups which are frequently tested to identify irrelevant backups
Inherent risk: Restoration of data is not possible when misfortunes occur.
Auditing Theory
These types of packages offering almost all financial reports may be said to be compatible to all
types of financial processing needs and are really expensive and used in many business and non
business entities.
Turning to other packages that dont offer all statements we can see that they have specific and
limited applications that range from business to non business, some give only the trial balance
leaving the rest of the report to be prepared by the accountant. Others give all other statement
except the cash flows statement. These problem calls for the need to have the so called system
analyst in organizations. These professionals have the responsibility of studying the need of the
organization as refers to electronic processing data issues. They do this by doing a so called
feasibility study which will be facilitated by communication with top financial executives of the
Electronic data processing has merits and demerits to the society and the professionals. The
following are some of the advantages and disadvantages that may be observed in every day life
of our businesses.
Fast and instant services in financial institution or banks as compared to manual data
processing, as formally it used to be harder to get even your saving or current statement
from the bank.
Records of Retired civil servants were not easily and readily available in the past and
caused much disturbances to old people who had served in the government for many
years; where as in modern electronic data processing such services are performed very
fast and the retiree are free from the former troubles.
The electronic data processing systems have decreased vacancies for accountants as one person
can perform the tasks that could have been done by five people. For example by entering a
transaction where purchases have been bought by cash or on credit, stock will automatically be
adjusted, total purchases also will be adjusted bank account if it is by cash also will be adjusted,
Creditors total amount will be adjusted if the purchase was on credit and finally the financial
statements i.e. financial position statement and financial performance statement and cash flows
if purchase was by cash will automatically be adjusted. These are just few of activities that will
be done after a simple entry of the transaction in the system by one accountant.
Electronic data processing requires more expertise and therefore a lot of money is required to be
invested in IT so that the organization can run smoothly.
It is not possible to use electronic data processing without computers and where there is no
steady supply of power.
After discussing the merits and demerits of electronic data processing in the modern business
arena lets talk a bit about some challenges facing organizations and these systems today. It is a
non disputed fact that electronic data processing has today gained popularity among the majority
of business organizations. However, some challenges need to be addressed before and after the
organization have decided to turn from manual to electronic data processing. The first thing to
be done by the organization is to ensure that it has its own Information technology policy which
caters for Administration, replacement and maintenance of computers and peripherals and
lastly but more significant Facilities and Access policy which will deal with Access codes and
passwords. This is the remedy or answer to the challenge of security risks that I wanted to talk
about. Yes, Security is a great or giant enemy of the electronic data processing systems. As some
people may enter harmful programs known as viruses into the electronic data processing system
and destroy important files or even running programs; likewise other unfaithful employee may
access records and delete or change records to suit their interest and henceforth cause loss to the
company. There are many risks but let me stop here.
For many years auditing have been performed in computer free environments, and as a result
auditing have been done in manual accounting tools such as working sheets that the auditor
uses to record his or her work. Control risk in manual processing and electronic processing are
not the same this have necessitated the use of modern risk assessment techniques and audit. Also
the use of computer assisted techniques has been brought into use as a result of the introduction
of the electronic data processing in many organizations.
Task Visit a company of your choice which maintains its accounts on computers. Discuss
with system manager and prepare a note on controls instituted by the management for
carrying out auditing process.
The usual controls based on proper segregation of incompatible functions may be absent
or may be less effective in an EDP environment. This is because the number of persons
involved in the processing of financial information in an EDP environment is comparatively
small. Moreover, the need for a centralized data processing function means that certain
data processing personnel may be the only ones with a detailed knowledge of the source
of the data, how it is used and the distribution and the use of output. This may also mean
that they are familiar with the internal controls operating and hence may be in a position
to alter the programs or data during processing or while stored. These factors increase the
possibilities for manipulation.
Poor security for master files they may be tempered with or lost.
Transactions and master file data are often concentrated either in one computer installation
located centrally or in a number of installations distributed throughout the enterprise.
Computer programs which provide the ability to obtain access to and alter such data are
likely to be stored at the same location as the data. This increases the possibilities for
unauthorized access to, and alteration of, programs and data.
Vulnerability of data and program storage media magnetic discs or tapes on which large
volume of data are stored while using EDP methods are vulnerable to theft, loss or
intentional or accidental destruction.
Auditing Theory
The common weaknesses mentioned above related to the organizational structure of an EDP
environment. In addition, system characteristics which result from the nature of EDP processing
include the following:
There is every possibility for the audit trail to get obscured by the loss of visibility of
the accounting records, and the increased amalgamation and summarization of data
by computer programs. On the other hand, in a manual system it is possible to follow
a transaction through the system by examining source documents, records, files and
Data may be entered directly into the computer system without supporting documents.
Computerized data may not be retained for as long as manually prepared accounting
Through the use of remote terminals, it may be possible for unauthorized access to, and
alteration of, program and data by persons inside or outside the enterprise.
The extent to which the auditor needs to understand the computer system is dependent upon the
preliminary audit strategy selected:
Lower assessment of control riskyou rely on the computers controls (audit through the
Auditing Theory
Beginning modestly in mid-year 1999 and continuing at an accelerated pace through May
2002, the company (under the direction of Ebbers, Scott Sullivan (CFO), David Myers
(Controller) and Buford Buddy Yates (Director of General Accounting)) used fraudulent
accounting methods to mask its declining earnings by painting a false picture of financial
growth and profitability to prop up the price of WorldComs stock.
The fraud was accomplished primarily in two ways:
In 2002, a small team of internal auditors at WorldCom worked together, often at night
and in secret, to investigate and unearth $3.8 billion in fraud. Shortly thereafter, the
companys audit committee and board of directors were notified of the fraud and acted
swiftly: Sullivan was fired, Myers resigned, Arthur Andersen withdrew its audit opinion
for 2001, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched an investigation
into these matters on June 26, 2002 (see accounting scandals). By the end of 2003, it was
estimated that the companys total assets had been inflated by around $11 billion.
On July 21, 2002, WorldCom filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the largest such
filing in United States history at the time (since overtaken by the collapse of Lehman
Brothers and Washington Mutual in September 2008). The WorldCom bankruptcy
proceedings were held before U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Judge Arthur J. Gonzalez who
simultaneously heard the Enron bankruptcy proceedings which were the second largest
bankruptcy case resulting from one of the largest corporate fraud scandals. None of the
criminal proceedings against WorldCom and its officers and agents was originated by
referral from Gonzalez or the Department of Justice lawyers. WorldCom changed its
name to MCI, and moved its corporate headquarters from Clinton, Mississippi, to Dulles,
Virginia, on April 14, 2003.
Under the bankruptcy reorganization agreement, the company paid $750 million to the
SEC in cash and stock in the new MCI, which was intended to be paid to wronged investors.
In the previous units, we have discussed in detail about the concept of internal audit in
general. Obviously, a question may come to your mind that whether it makes any difference
to internal audit in an Electronic Data Processing (EDP) environment. The answer is both
Yes and No. While the objectives of internal audit do not change in an EDP environment,
the audit techniques, procedures used will often differ from those used in manual or
mechanical data processing environment.
The organizational structure of the entitys EDP activities and the extent of concentration
or distribution of computer processing and development throughout the entity, particularly
as they may affect segregation of duties at both the user and EDP personnel levels.
The volume of transactions is such that users would find it difficult to identify and
correct errors in processing;
Plans by the entity to replace or significantly change the EDP Environment, where these
changes will affect the internal control structure.
The availability of data, source documents, certain computer files, and other evidential
matter that may be required by the auditor may exist for only a short period or only in
machine readable form. An entitys system may generate internal reports that may be
useful in performing substantive tests (particularly analytical procedures). The potential
for use of computer assisted audit techniques may permit increased efficiency in the
performance of audit procedures, or may enable the auditor to economically apply certain
procedures to an entire population of accounts or transactions.
In planning the internal audit, the auditor designs audit procedures that will provide sufficient
appropriate audit evidence. During the initial planning, phase of the audit, the auditor needs to
assess whether to use computer assisted audit techniques. The need to process and analyze large
quantities of data using computers may provide the auditor with opportunities to apply general
or specialized computer assisted audit techniques may be used as tests of control or substantive
procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
Assessment of Risk: The internal auditor should make an assessment of inherent and control
risks for material financial report assertions. The inherent and control risks in an EDP environment
may have both a pervasive and an account specific effect on the likelihood of material
misstatement. The risks may result from deficiencies in persuasive EDP activities such as program
development and maintenance, systems software support, operations etc. Once proper plans are
laid out, the issues of concern during the execution stage are as follows:
The user requirements must be clearly understood and as far as possible, the specifications
must be signed off formally prior to starting the system design.
If standard packages are to be used, their limitations and the scope of customization must
be clearly understood.
Staff at all levels must be appropriately trained and the entire organization slowly molded
into the computer culture. Properly designed training programs for top management and
users are every essential.
Reliability of hardware and software is of utmost importance, since users would lose
confidence otherwise.
The organization must be service oriented and not view itself as being in an ivory tower,
which tends to happen at times.
Auditing Theory
User requirements are bound to change over a period of time, primarily due to the experience
gained. The systems must be flexible enough to accommodate such changes.
Task Visit a company of your choice which maintains its accounts on computers. Discuss
with system manager and prepare a note on problems encountered by them in processing
accounting data.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The usual controls based on proper segregation of incompatible functions may be absent
or may be less .......................... in an EDP environment.
Transactions and master file data are often concentrated either in one computer installation
located centrally or in a number of .......................... distributed throughout the enterprise.
The continuous expansion of the range of internal auditing services, together with the limited
resources available, have created increased interest in finding new ways which the internal
auditor can achieve his audit objectives more efficiently. At the same time the major developments
in electronic data processing have provided new capabilities. All of these factors have led
internal auditors to make greater use for computers in their audit work. That use of especially
advantageous when there are voluminous data and processing involved. Computers also make
possible to a greater extent the use of the many types of statistical sampling. It is appropriate,
therefore, that we examine in more depth how internal auditors can utilize computers in achieving
their audit objectives in all operational areas.
The extended use of computers by companies of all size has stimulated changes in the auditors
approach. The auditor can no longer be satisfied with only manual audit procedures to fulfill
audit objectives. The whole internal control environment may change from those in a manual
setting. The nature of the audit evidence changes when information is a manual setting. The
nature of the audit evidence changes when information is readable only by electronic means.
The use of computer assisted audit techniques may result in the performance of audit tests by the
computer which were previously done manually. In addition, these techniques may enable the
auditor to carry out audit procedures that were hitherto impracticable. As new systems are
acquired or developed he can determine whether data can be accumulated and stored in a
manner that will facilitate later audit. Through maximum utilization of computer assisted audit
techniques, the internal auditor may not only improve the quality of audits, but also sharpen his
capabilities to perform special reviews for management thus provide better service.
Prior to selecting a computer audit package, a review should be made of the generalized computer
audit program systems that have been developed by other organizations. No single software
package may satisfy all the requirements of every audit group or assignment. The following are
some characteristics of an effective system.
Processing capabilities
Report writing.
Mechanics of Use: If data of audit interest are processed on a computer, the auditor should be on
the lookout for methods of using the computer to audit such data. The capabilities of most
computer audit packages open up new opportunities to use the computer to fulfill audit
responsibilities. The use of the computer is especially desirable when there is a large volume of
data and the data are readily available from the computer files. The auditor determines the
identity and content of all potentially useful files early to his audit, and obtains a copy of the
data layout for each record written on those files.
Once the auditor has recognized the availability of computer file of interest in the audit, he
considers methods for using a computer audit package, it is important to understand how the
computers audit package work. Basically, the package has the capability of listing those records
which match other records in the same file or in different files. One or more data fields designated
by the auditor are compared. Record layouts of the two files can be different, except for the fields
to be matched. The computer audit package can also print account details and totals for records
defined by the auditor.
In addition, the audit package is capable of performing various calculations and solution of
formulae. Special programs can be used for any computational task required. Sampling plans
can be developed and the results of sampling tests evaluated and projected. In addition, the
computer using its comparison capability, can select all or a sample of records having the
characteristics stated by the auditor. Multiple sets of characteristics can be designated for a
single application. For each stratum, statistics are provided on the number of records on the
input file, the number of records selected, and the sum of designated fields. Each stratum may be
sampled or printed in its entirety.
Applications: There are various areas in internal auditing for use of audit software packages.
Once the techniques are mastered, the applications to computer files are performed manually
and determine the feasibility of applying computer techniques. Another approach is to include
special computer routines in the normal, everyday processing. An example is in the review of
cheques disbursements. As transactions are processed, the computer can automatically select a
sample, or print out expenditures in excess of a specified amount by classification. The following
are some application for potential use by internal auditors.
Payrolls: There are operational as well as financial areas relating to payrolls that lend
themselves to the use of audit software packages. Printouts can be made to review labour
Auditing Theory
Maintenance: Overruns in excess of specified percentage can be pin pointed for analysis of
causes. Backlogs of maintenance request can be aged and printed out for review.
Energy: Plants or departments with excessive use of gas and electricity are identified for
monitoring under the energy program.
Travel and Telephone: Excessive chores by employee or departments can be identified for
follow up and possible reductions.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The extended use of computers by companies of all size has stimulated changes in the
.......................... approach.
Prior to selecting a computer audit package, a review should be made of the generalized
computer audit program systems that have been .......................... by other organizations.
Audit Software
The use of CAAT allows the auditor to test the reliability and credibility of the clients information
system, without being much dependent upon the clients software. Now-a-days, there are a
plenty of audit software options available with the auditor, with the help of which he can
perform his audit independently and effectively. This audit software may include package
programs, purpose-written programs, utility programs or system management program. These
programs are explained as follows:
Package Programs:
These packages come with a lot of generalized features and utilities, which can be
used at many clients site.
Since these software packages are highly generalized and are available across the
globe, so one does not face any compatibility issues. Almost all the organization
maintains certain level of compatibility with these programs.
Example: MS-Excel can be the most common example for such programs.
Purpose-written Programs:
These packages are not available for sale in the open market. The auditor is required
to get these programs developed.
The auditor may appoint some outside agency to develop the program on his behalf
(outsourcing) or he may himself hire the programmers and get it built in-house.
While choosing the purpose-written program option, the auditor must take into
consideration, the cost related issues.
Utility Programs:
These programs are used to perform common data processing functions such as
sorting; sampling; documenting; creating, emailing & printing files/reports, etc.
Although, these are not specifically designed for the audit purposes but can be
extremely useful while performing the audit.
Example: Acrobats Adobe Reader; Microsofts Office also consist of certain utility
programs such as MS-Access, MS-Word, MS-PowerPoint, etc.
These software/programs are also not specifically meant for audit purpose.
These are productive tools, meant to enhance the performance of the Operating
Example: Disk Defragment, Task Manager, Task Scheduler, Disk Cleanup, etc. are some
of the examples of system management software.
Following steps are required to be undertaken by the auditor in effective application of CAAT:
Understand the relationship between the data tables where a database is to be examined;
Define the specific tests or procedures and related transactions and balances affected;
Arrange files & databases: arrange with the user and IT departments, if appropriate, for
copies of the relevant files or database tables to be made at the appropriate cutoff date and
Audit team: identify the personnel who may participate in the design and application of
Auditing Theory
Arrange the administrative activities, including the necessary skills and computer facilities;
Reconcile data to be used for CAAT with the accounting and other records;
Document CAATs to be used including objectives, high level flowcharts and run
instructions; and
Under this approach auditor prepared transaction data (test data) is processed by the
clients processing system under the control of auditor.
The auditor plants certain errors in data along with correct transactions.
The results of the processing are compared with the predetermined output by him.
If errors are detected by the computer for follow up and corrections, this indicates
that all the application and general controls are functioning properly. Ideally, test
data should test each control on which auditor wishes to rely on.
The major disadvantage of this approach relates to the difficulty in designing test
data. To prepare it, an auditor must be technical proficient in designing erroneous
data as well as data which can test each control. He should assure himself that the
programmes being tested are actually the same as used by the client.
Under integrated test data approach, the auditor creates a fictitious entity (e.g.
fictitious customer accounts, fictitious vendor accounts) within the clients actual
Hypothetical data for fictitious transactions are, thus, integrated with actual client
data and processed. Subsequently, it is removed from records of the client by either
manually reversing journal entries or through programme commands and then
financial reports are complied.
Advantages: provides assurance that the programmes being tested by the auditor,
have actually been used by the client, long term economies and can be precisely
targeted for specific procedures within the programmes.
Disadvantages: difficult to ensure that fictitious transactions does not impact actual
results, errors, may be detected but well laid frauds difficult to detect and high
initial cost.
Generalized Audit Software (GAS): Under all the above approaches test data and integrated
test data an auditor is required to prepare input data or create programmes. In case of
generalized audit software, audit programmes are designed by computer manufacturers,
software professionals and large firms of auditors. The functions which can be performed
through GAS are as follows:
Examination and review of records based on auditors criteria: The computer can
scan the records and point out the exceptions to the criteria established by auditor.
For example, software can be designed to scan accounts receivable balances for
amounts exceeding the credit limit.
Selecting and printing audit samples: The computer can be used to select and print
audit samples using statistical or judgmental sampling techniques.
Example: Receivable accounts may be selected for confirmation using random sampling
tables and the computer might be used to print the confirmation letter and address on the
Testing calculations and making computations: GAS helps the auditor to test the
accuracy of computations in clients data files with greater speed as compared to a
manual system.
Example: The auditor can calculate the bad debts to sales ratio for the present year and
compare it with the past years to ensure reasonableness of bad debts written off during the year
under audit.
Comparing data on separate files: An auditor can compare data on separate files to
determine whether compatible information is in agreement. Differences, if any,
should be reconciled and investigated. Examples include comparing, paid vouchers
to cash disbursement through cheques and purchases of inventory as per stock
records to creditors file.
Comparing audit data with clients records: Audited data, must be converted to
machine readable form and may be, then, compared with the information in records
of the client.
Uses of CAAT
Detailed and in-depth test of transactions and balances: The auditor can check the
transaction in-depth and in detail, since he can select a larger sample size. There is a lot of
time saving, while applying CAAT, thus he may apply more time to analyse a transaction.
Auditing Theory
Application of complex analytical review procedures: The can perform complex procedure
and calculations with the help of CIS. He may extract detailed and complex reports also to
support his procedure.
Application of statistical sampling techniques to extract the relevant data: While extract
data from the clients information system, the auditor can take help of complex statistical
and scientific techniques in order to improve the quality and prudence of sample selected.
Application of statistical and scientific methods is almost impossible, without the help of
computer systems.
Test of general EDP controls: The auditor may check various input controls; processing
controls; output controls; data storage, transmission and security controls. The auditor can
check the access rules and procedure.
Test of Application controls: The auditor can check the functioning of various applications
installed and running in the system. The auditor may check the authenticity of various
application programs.
Re-performing calculations and processing: The auditor can also re-perform calculations
performed by the clients accounting system.
Better reporting Methods: Under CIS environment there are a number of reporting
techniques are available with the auditor. The auditor can use of various graphical designs
and multimedia techniques in order to make his report effective, concrete and more
Example: MS PowerPoint is one of the software used to prepare presentations.
While planning an audit with the help of CAAT, the auditor must take care of the following
IT knowledge and experience of the Audit Team: Both the auditor and the audit team
should have sufficient skills and experience to handle the audit under CAAT.
Availability of relevant Audit Software and suitable computer facilities: The auditor can
use the CAAT and maintain the independence only if he has sufficient infrastructure, in
the form of computer hardware and audit software, available with him. Otherwise the
cooperation and assistance of the client entitys personnel will be required.
Impracticability of manual test: Now-a-days, many organisations are adopting ecofriendly approaches while performing the business operations. Moreover, many computer
information system perform tasks where there is no hard copy evidence is generated.
Hence making it impractical for the auditor to perform the tests manually.
Effective and Efficiency: With the help of CAAT, it is possible to test large number of
transactions together with a better level of precision. This brings efficiency and effectiveness
in performing the audit assignment.
Time Constraint: The auditor is required to perform the assignment in the limited time
span. Whereas, a large amount of data is required to be stored (such as transaction details
and reports) for such short audit period. Thus the auditor is required to make arrangement
for retention and retrieval of data.
Detection of fraud and error: The CAAT allows the auditor to plan and execute the audit
work more effectively with the help of sophisticated audit software. But, under CIS
environment, frauds are intentional and generally deep-laid. Moreover, there are chances
that some frauds are highlighted, but there is no concrete evidence to prove the same.
Thus it cannot be said that the auditing through the computer will increase the probability
of detection of fraud.
Use of CAAT in small organisations: In small business organisation, use of CAAT might
not be a cost-effective and viable alternative. This is because of two reasons, first the
revenue per assignment is not very huge, and second the client entity might not have the
appropriate technical infrastructure to run CAAT.
Testing CAAT
Before applying or completely relying CAAT, the auditor must first obtain reasonable assurance
of the integrity, reliability, usefulness, and security of CAAT through appropriate planning,
design, testing, processing and review of documentation. There are many testing methods;
some of them are listed below:
Test Data: The auditor enters the test data into the entitys computer system and compares
the result with predetermined results.
Test Packs: It involves testing a set of data, chosen by the auditor from the entitys system
and testing it separately from the normal processing procedure.
Integrated Test Facility: In this approach, auditor establishes a dummy unit, into which
test transactions are posted during the normal processing cycle of the entity. However,
these dummy entries are eliminated later on.
Since, most of the audit procedures performed using CAAT are highly automated and machine
driven. Moreover, many-a-times, a situation may occur, where the auditor also requires the
cooperation of client entitys IT staff for extensive knowledge of computer installation. In such
circumstances, the chances of inappropriately influencing the CAAT results by the clients staff.
Thus, while applying CAAT in audit procedure, due care and control must be exercised. Following
points are important to consider:
Review the entitys general controls that may affect the integrity of CAAT, for example,
controls over program changes and access to computer files. When such controls cannot be
relied on to ensure the integrity of CAAT, the auditor may consider processing CAAT
application at another suitable computer facility; and
Ensure appropriate integration of the output by the auditor into the audit process, and
later on in drawing audit conclusions and reporting.
The success or failure of auditing with CAAT highly depends upon the degree of control exercised
on the overall application of CAAT. The control over the CAAT applications can be:
Participation in design and testing of CAAT: The success of CAAT significantly depends
upon the participation of the principal auditor in the designing and testing of CAAT.
Auditing Theory
Checking the coding: Wherever applicable, detailed checking the coding of the program
to ensure that it is in-line with the program specification.
Compatibility with clients system: Asking the client entitys IT staff to check the
compatibility of the audit software with the operating system used in the clients
information system.
Testing the software: Before running the audit software on the main systems data
files, the software must be run on small test files in a different system.
Addressing the security issues: The must establish appropriate security measures to
safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of clients data.
Regular follow-up: Sufficient evidence must be obtained so as to ensure that the audit
software is functioning, as planned. And also ensure that there is proper vendor
Initially, performing the test runs with small chunks of test data, before submitting
the main audit test data.
Predicting the results of the test data and comparing it with the actual test data
Confirming that the current version of the programs was used to process the test
Ensure that the client entity used the same version of software throughout the audit
period, on which the audit is being conducted.
Make sure that dummy entries are deleted, which were fed in the system, while
performing the audit.
The auditor should one thing in mind while performing the audit that, CAAT is
one of the solutions for Audit and no the substitute to Audit.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
An auditor uses various Computer assisted Audit .......................... to carry out audit
procedures while auditing through the computer.
Under integrated test data approach, the auditor creates a .......................... entity within the
clients actual data.
8.10 Summary
In planning the portions of the internal audit which may be affected by the entitys EDP
Environment, the auditor should obtain an understanding of the significance and
complexity of the EDP activities and the availability of data for use in the audit.
In planning the internal audit, the auditor designs audit procedures that will provide
sufficient appropriate audit evidence. During the initial planning, phase of the audit, the
auditor needs to assess whether to use computer assisted audit techniques.
The internal auditor should make an assessment of inherent and control risks for material
financial report assertions. The inherent and control risks in an EDP environment may
have both a pervasive and an account specific effect on the likelihood of material
The usual controls based on proper segregation of incompatible functions may be absent
or may be less effective in an EDP environment. This is because the number of persons
involved in the processing of financial information in an EDP environment is comparatively
The continuous expansion of the range of internal auditing services, together with the
limited resources available, have created increased interest in finding new ways which
the internal auditor can achieve his audit objectives more efficiently.
Once the auditor has recognized the availability of computer file of interest in the audit,
he considers methods for using a computer audit package, it is important to understand
how the computers audit package work.
There are various areas in internal auditing for use of audit software packages.
An auditor uses various Computer assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) to carry out audit
procedures while auditing through the computer viz. Test Data Approach, Integrated Test
Data Approach and Generalized Audit Software.
8.11 Keywords
CAATs: Computer assisted Audit Techniques
Data File Interrogation: Data File Interrogation is a method which is used to interrogate financial
data files. It is a form of substantive testing, as it involves the direct examination of transactions
and balances.
EDP Audit: A process of auditing in a computerized environment.
EDP Environment: Exits when a computer of any type or size is involved in the processing by an
entity of financial information of significance to the audit.
GAS: Generalized Audit Software
Generalized Audit Package: GAPs are standard packages developed by software companies
specifically for the purpose of auditors for auditing data stored on computer.
Substantive Tests: Tests designed to obtain evidence to verify balance of an account or a specific
financial statement assertion.
Test data techniques are used to conduct audit by way of entering sample of transactions into
clients computer system and comparing the output with predetermined output to make sure
that the output being generated by clients computer system is correct.
Distinguish between the Audit around the computer and audit through the computer.
Auditing Theory
Describe the procedure to perform Computer assisted Auditing using generalized audit
What do you mean by Generalized Audit Packages (GAPs)? Write down the typical steps
in using audit package.
Describe the various factors which determine the use of Computer assisted Audit Techniques
What is Generalized Audit Package (GAP)? Describe the various facilities to be provided
by the GAP.
What major steps are required to be undertaken by the auditor prior to implementation of
a CAAT? Explain.
Describe the Integrated Test Facility (ITF) method used in conducting audit through
Program comparison
Explain test data technique of audit in a computerized environment with the help of test
pack approach.
Mention uses of CAATs. What factors should be considered in determining whether to use
What considerations should be given while using CAATs in Small Business Computer
Environment? Discuss in brief.
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Unit 9: Vouching
Objectives of Vouching
Procedures of Vouching
Understatement of Deductions
Purchase Return
Credit Sales
Sales Return
Review Questions
Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Unit 9: Vouching
Vouching means to test the truth of items appearing in the books of original entry. It is an
important part of an auditors duty to certify as correct the transactions recorded in the looks of
accounts. The Accountant of a business is responsible for passing entries in the books of prime
entry. The question arises how and on what basis such entries have been passed. The auditors
primary duty is to check these entries and only then certify the accounts as correct and free from
any error or fraud.
9.1 Vouching
Some of the important definitions by well known authors are giving below:
According to Lawrence Dicksee had defined vouching as an act of comparing entries in the books of
accounts with documentary evidence in support thereof.
According to Ronald A. Irish has defined vouching as a technical term which refers to the inspection
by the auditor of documentary evidence supporting and substantiating a transaction.
According to F R M De Paula, Vouching does not mean merely the inspection of receipts with the cash
book, but includes the examination of the transactions of a business together with documentary and other
evidence of sufficient validity to satisfy an auditor that such transactions are in order, have been properly
authorized and are correctly recorded in the books.
According to Arthur W Holmes, Vouching is the examination of the underlying evidence which is in
support of the accuracy of the transaction. The process of vouching is intended to substantiate an entry by
providing authority, ownership, existence and accuracy.
From the above definitions we can conclude that vouching is a method of examination to not
only substantiates an entry in the books of account with documentary evidences, but also to see
that these evidences are adequate, reliable and really connected with the business. For this, the
auditor should go beyond the books of account i.e. he should go to the very source of the
transaction to see that it is related to the business and is properly authorized.
Objectives of Vouching
To examine the accounting entries recorded in the books of accounts with reference to
documentary evidence known as vouchers.
Auditing Theory
Vouching is very useful in proving the accuracy of the entries in the books of accounts. It
also indicates about that transaction, which is omitted from the books of account.
Did u know? Vouching is called the essence of auditing. So audit is not possible without
vouching. The object of vouching is to find out the accuracy of the entries appearing in the
books of accounts and detect that no entry has been omitted from the books of account.
Procedures of Vouching
Reading out: The vouching is a task of the auditor. The junior audit can read out the
contents of the vouchers. He can inform the senior auditor about the data name of
organization, number of voucher and amount of vouchers.
Comparison: The senior can head the contents called out by junior auditor. He tally each
and every item stated in the voucher with entries in the books of accounts. Thus comparison
is a part of vouching procedure.
Ticking: The senior auditor can use various ticks or symbols to clear the items checked.
The ticks may be an abbreviation of words. Such ticks or symbols may differ from auditor
to auditor because these are code words.
Stamping: The senior auditor instead of signature or initials he can use stamps for checking
the vouchers can use the rubber stamps. The rubber stamp may have the wording checking
and cancelled on it.
Signatures: The senior auditor can vouch the entries with the help of vouchers. He can put
his signature or initials on every voucher for safety measures. The signed vouchers cannot
be presented again for another entry.
Query: The voucher may be missing. The entries may be doubtful due to over writing and
erasing. The audit staff can make the word Q against such entry. This entry is recorded
in working papers.
Management: The audit staff can be giving sometime to the management for clearing the
objections. The doubtful entries are handed over in written form. The management can
examine the record in detail.
Reply: The management may reply after one or two days about the doubtful entries. The
auditor can examine the reply of the managers. The auditor can judge whether the reply is
right or wrong.
Clearance: The audit staff can clear the query for which proper answer is made available.
The auditor may not be satisfied with the answer of objections. He can inform the
management about this query.
No Satisfactory: The auditor may reject the unsatisfactory reply. He has skill, training and
experience. He can use all available means to test the truth. He can note down poor
clarification in working papers.
Unit 9: Vouching
Objections: The objection stated in the working papers can be discussed with the
management at the end of audit. He can form an opinion on the basis of such objections.
He can submit his report either clear or qualified.
9.1.3 Precautions
The following are the precautions of vouching:
The act of establishing the accuracy and authenticity of entries in the account books is
called vouching. Vouching is a technical term which refers to the inspection by auditor of
documentary evidence supporting and substantiating transactions.
Vouching is considered to be the essence of auditing and therefore the auditor should be
very careful while vouching.
Vouching means to substantiate an entity in the books of account not only with any
documentary evidence such as agreement, receipts, counterfoils of a receipts, but also to
see that the transactions has been properly authorized, recorded and entered in the books
of account.
Vouching also means checking of additions, ledger posting, extracting of balances in the
ledger, etc.
The extent to which the auditor should check will depend upon the size of the
business, the accounts of which he is auditing.
All the vouchers are consecutively numbered and filed in order of the entries in
the accounts.
He should pay attention to the dates, name of party to whom the voucher is issued
and amount.
Special attention should be paid to those vouchers which are in the personal name
of one of the patterns, directors, manager or secretary.
He should also find out the nature of payment as to whether it relates to the
Auditing Theory
explanation for their loss should be obtained from the client and it the auditor is
not satisfied with the explanations, he should mention this fact in his report.
The audit clerk should not take the help of any members of the staff of the client
for an explanation, while vouching receipts.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
Vouching does not indicate about that transaction, which is omitted from the books of
The vouchers are considers correct only when the proper authority signs on them.
The stamps are required according to the valuation of the amount or cash memo.
The senior auditor instead of signature or initials he can use stamps for checking the
vouchers can use the rubber stamps.
To know that all receipts and payments have been properly recorded; and
Unit 9: Vouching
While examining the vouchers the audit clerk should note the period for which the payment has
been made.
Before the auditor starts the vouching of the cash book, he should enquire about the
system of internal check in operation. There are lot chances of misappropriation of cash if
there is no well-organized system of internal check. He should enquire as to the duties of
the cashier, and whether he has access to the ledger and other books of original entry.
The following system of internal check as regard receipt and payment of cash is
All the receipts of the day should be deposited in the bank at the end of the day or
the next morning.
The cashier should not have any control over the ledgers.
All payments as far as possible, except for petty cash, should be made by cheques.
Cashier should not sanction the payments of special nature. Directors should do
After satisfying himself that there is a good internal check system regarding the receipts and
payments of cash, the audit clerk should now proceed to vouch the debit side of the cashbook.
Some of the important items which usually appear on the debit side of the cash book and the
duty of an auditor in that connection are given below:
Opening Balance: This should be compared with the balance shown in the duly audited balance
sheet of the previous year.
Cash Sales: There are grater chances of fraud under this head. The salesman may sell goods and
may not an entry in the cash book and thus misappropriate the money. The auditors should
compare the dates on the cash memos and the cash book. If discount has been allowed on sales,
he should see that a uniform policy and rate of discount has been followed. He may also
compare a few items of sale with the stock.
Receipts from Debtors: The auditor should vouch cash received form debtors to whom goods
have been sold on credit in the past. The only evidence available on account of this item is the
Auditing Theory
counterfoils of the receipts issued to the debtors. Whenever possible, after taking permission
form his clients, a statement of accounts should be sent to the debtors to confirm the balances
show in the statement so sent.
Income from Interest, Dividends, etc.: Interest received on account of fixed deposits in the bank
account should be vouched with the bank pass book; Dividend received can be vouched with the
counterfoil of tops of the dividend warrants or the letterers covering the cheque. Interest
received on securities can be vouched form the securities themselves or from the tax deduction
certificate issued by the Reserve Bank.
Loans: The receipt of loan should be vouched with the agreement with the lender.
He should see whether his client is entitled to raise loan. He should examine the
rate of interest payable, the terms of repayment and the security offered which should be
Rents Received: The auditors should examine the Lease Deed and agreements to ascertain the
amount of rent payable, the due date, and provision regarding the repairs, etc. Particular attention
should be paid towards rent-outstanding. It is possible that rent might have been received but
misappropriated while it may be shown as outstanding.
Rent received: Bill receivable Book should be compared with Cash book and the Pass book to see
that the amount has been received on the due date. Inquires should be made regarding the bills
when have matured but the amount has not been received for them. Such bills might have been
dishonored or retired.
Commission: Commission account should be checked with the accounts of the parties form
whom commission has been received. Agreement with parties regarding the rate of commission
should be inspected.
Sale of Investment: The amount received on account of the sale of investment should be vouched
with the Brokers sold note. If they have been sold through the bank, examine the bank advice.
Ex-dividend and Cum-dividend must be inquired.
Insurance Claim Money: Insurance money received against a claim from and insurance company
should be checked with correspondence passing between the client and insurance company, the
account rendered by the insurance broker or company.
Share Capital: In the case of firms, the partnership Deed should be examined. In case of company
the Memorandum of Association should be examined.
Sale of Fixed Assets: This item may be vouched with correspondence, auctioneers account, sale
contract minute book of the Board of Directors or any other evidence available. He should see
that the proper asset account has been credited with the amount. If there is any profit, that should
be credited to the Capital Reserve Account which is not available for distribution to the
Miscellaneous Receipts: Correspondence, contracts or any other document will
help auditor to vouch such transactions.
When the auditor has finished the vouching of the debit side of the cash book and having
satisfied himself that there is a good internal check system, he should now proceed to
vouch the cash payments which mean that he should satisfy himself that the payments
have been actually made:
Unit 9: Vouching
The detection of misappropriation of money depends largely upon an intelligent and careful
vouching of this side of the cash book. Some of the important items which usually appear on the
credit side of the cash book and the duties of an auditor thereto are given below:
Payments to Creditors: Money paid to creditors on open accounts can be vouched with the
receipts issued by the creditors acknowledging the receipt of money. Money due to them can be
compared with the accounts of the creditors and the actual invoices received form the suppliers
of the goods. The auditor should examine whether periodical statements are submitted by the
creditors and are compared with the creditors accounts. He may have to refer to minutes,
contracts, and other evidences before he passes an entry. If any voucher is missing, he should
insist upon getting a duplicate copy of it. He should vouch such an item with any other possible
documentary evidence.
Wages: Another important entry, which is usually a big one, is that of wages. There are many
chances of misappropriation of cash under this head. Before the auditor proceeds with his work,
he should make a through investigation regarding the internal check system which is in operation.
The chances of fraud or errors are:
Understatement of deductions
The following internal check for the payment of wages is, however, suggested to avoid fraud.
The system will be of great help to the auditor.
Time records: If the wages are to be paid according to the time spent by the workers,
correct record of the time spent by them in the factory should be recorded.
Piecework Records: Where the wages are to be paid according to piece-wage system, each
worker should be given a card which should record the amount of work done by the
Preparation of Wages sheets: Workers number. Name, occupation and rate of wages per
day or month, time ordinary and overtime, Gross amount payable, any deduction, any
advance payment of wages, Net wages payable, and signature of the workers must be
mentioned in the Wages sheet.
Payment of Wages: Wages may be paid by cash or Bank cheque. Related cash book and
Bank book must be examined by the auditor.
Task Make list of items to be included under internal test checks for vouching cash
Auditing Theory
He should see whether the internal check system as detailed above is satisfactory and
there is no loophole for any fraud.
He should check the total of wages payable with the amount of cash or
He should check the name of some of the workers as mentioned the wages sheets with the
job cards.
He should also see that the wages sheets are properly initialed or signed by all the persons
responsible for the preparation of the wages sheet.
He should compare the sanctioned strength of the workers with the wages sheet.
Wages sheets of the previous months should be compared with the current month.
Capital Expenditure: The duty of an auditor in this connection is to see that the payment
is in order, that it is dully authorized and that the money spent has been properly
capitalized. Such expenditure requires special attention. The agreement for the purchase
of property or the lease deed should be examined. Invoice of the supplier should be
Loans: He should examine the receipt given by the borrower and the loan agreement,
Pro-Note or bill of exchange. He should read carefully terms of loan regarding the rate of
interest, the dates on which interest has to pay and the date of repayment of the loan. He
should make inquiry whether his client is authorized to advance loans.
Salaries: Salaries book should be examined. He should see that the total for the salaries
book for a particular month agrees with the cheque drawn for salaries or the item in the
cash book under the cash column.
Travelling Allowance: He should the rules and regulations regarding the payment of
travelling allowance. Calculation should be made. If there are so such rules, he should
recommend to the management to frame rules. He should examine the vouchers which
should be counteragent by a responsible official.
Insurance of Premiums: In case of new policy, the cover note or the receipt from the
insurance company and the policy itself should be examined. In case of renewal, the
renewal receipt for the premium should be examined.
Bill Payable: Returned bills duly cancelled should be examined. It would be a sufficient
evidence of the amount having been paid. Reference may be made to the Bank pass and
Bills payable Books.
Freight, Carriage and Custom Duties: The statements of account regarding the payment of
freight and carriage, submitted by the shippers, clearing or forwarding agents, together
with the receipts issued by them, should be examined to see that the payments has been
duly made and accounted for.
Unit 9: Vouching
Bank Charges: Bank charges such as commissions, interest on overdraft and loan, etc,
should be examined with the pass book of Bank. He should check the calculation of
Postage: The Postage book should be compared with the Cash book or the Petty cash book
and the balance of stamps in hand should be counted.
Petty Cash: There are greater chances of misappropriation of cash as thee are no voucher
for a number of petty payments. He should, therefore make an enquiry into the internal
check system of petty system of petty cash payments. The petty cash book should be
maintained on the imprest system. The auditor should count the petty cash balance on the
balance sheet date.
Directors Fee: As a general rule the directors of a company cannot claim any remuneration
unless the articles expressly provide for it. In any case they are not entitled to get any
monthly salary. He should examine the Articles of association to find out the fee payable
to the directors. He should also examine the minute book or the attendance registrar of the
Board of Directors or the resolution passed at a general meeting sanctioning such a payment
to ascertain the number of meeting attended by them, and to calculate the fee payable to
the directors.
Miscellaneous expenses, such as rent, rates, taxes, advertising, lighting, etc.: He should
examine the vouchers as usual and see that the expenditure is properly appropriated
between the periods where necessary.
Bank: During the course of the year, cash or cheques are sent to the bank for deposit or
collection and money is withdrawn from it frequently. Therefore such receipts and
payments are to be vouched. These transactions in the Cash Book should be compared
with the pass Book. Payments into the bank should be vouched with counterfoils of the
paying-in-book. With regard to the balance at the bank, reconciliation statement should
be prepared by the client to verify the balance. A copy of such a Reconciliation statement
should be retained by the auditor as his working paper for future reference.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Voucher is a piece of paper or a document that confirms the truth of a happening and
confirm either the ....................................
The only evidence available on account of Receipts from Debtors is the ....................................
Interest received on account of fixed deposits in the bank account should be vouched with
the ....................
Auditing Theory
should see that the client pays for only those goods which have actually been ordered and
received. Before the auditor begins his work, he should examine the internal check system
regarding the purchase on credit, returns outward, etc.
The system of internal check will depend upon the size of the business and the staff available. If
auditor finds a bad or inefficient system the auditor should exercise great care exhaustively the
purchase book and the ledger. Whenever goods are required in a particular department, the
head of such a department should send the Purchase Requisition which should show the quantity,
quality, if possible the price of the maximum price at which they may be purchased, the time by
which the goods must be supplied, etc., to the Purchase department which should invite tenders
or quotations from suppliers.
The auditor should inquire about the procedure for opening and acceptance of the tenders.
A responsible officer in addition to the storekeeper should be present when the goods are
received and unpacked to see the accuracy of the quality and quantity of the goods.
All the orders sent out should be recorded in the Purchase Order Book which should have
two carbon copies. One to be sent to the supplier of the goods and the other to be retained
for reference purpose.
When the goods, are received the gatekeeper or the storekeeper should make a record in
the Goods Inward Book after having check the quantity, weight etc.
The invoice should then be checked with the Goods Inward Book maintained by the
storekeeper and the delivery note, if any, to see that the goods received are correctly
recorded in the Stock Register, according to the invoice.
After this, the invoice should be sent to the head of the department who placed the order
for the goods to see that the prices and qualities etc., are correct.
The departmental head will then pass over the invoice to the clerk who will record the
same in the Purchase Book.
Every Person who has to deal the invoice and the goods should initial the invoice.
Task Make list of items to be included under internal test checks for vouching trading
After having satisfied himself that there is a good internal check system regarding the
purchase, the auditor should now proceed to vouch the Purchase Book. While examining
the invoice, the auditor should pay attention to the following points:
Unit 9: Vouching
He should also see that only those goods which are dealt with by client have been purchased.
The auditor also sees that the goods mentioned in the invoice are not capital goods.
He should, as a test check, compare some invoice with the Goods Inward Book or the
Gatekeepers Inward Book in order to see that the goods have been actually received.
He should see whether trade discount has been deducted from the invoice before making
the entry in the Purchase Book.
While examining the invoices, if the auditor comes across invoices marked copy or
duplicate, he should satisfy himself that they were obtained in respect on only those
invoices which have been actually lost or missed and they have not already been entered
anywhere else in the Purchase Book.
If an invoice runs into several pages, the auditor should see that the grand total is correct.
Purchase Return
When the goods are returned to the seller, being not according to the sample or of inferior
quality, a credit note should be obtained if the price has already been paid. If the price has not
been paid, a note should be sent to the cash department to send less amount to seller. The auditor
should compare the credit note with the purchase Returns Journal or Return Outwards Book and
Gate keepers Outwork Book or the stores records. The auditor should pay particular attention
to heavy returns at the beginning or the close of the year as such entries might have been passed
to adjust a fictitious purchase in the past.
Credit Sales
The auditor should now proceed to vouch the Day Book or the Sales Book which records only
credit sales. The auditor has to be more careful in the case of vouching sales, as documentary
evidence is not as conclusive as in case of purchase. He should enquire into the internal check
system regarding the sales may be outlined as below:
Whenever on order is received, it should be recorded in the Order Received Book, giving
details regarding the date on which the order was received, the name of the customer, the
particulars about the goods, date of delivery, made of transport, etc.
When the Despatch Department has packed the goods, another clerk should compare the
A responsible official will now mark the rate at which the goods are to be charged.
The invoice will then prepare in duplicate or triplicate by means of carbon papers.
One copy of the invoice will be sent to the invoice clerk who enters it in the Sales Book and
later on this is sent to the customer, another copy will be sent to the gatekeeper who will
record in the Goods Outward Book that such and such goods left the premises, the third
copy will be retained for further reference.
Auditing Theory
Notes The auditor has to be more careful in the case of vouching sales, as documentary
evidence is not as conclusive as in case of purchase.
He should compare the data of the copy of the invoice with the data in the Sales Book.
He should see that the sales are not omitted from being entered in the Sales Book.
He should further see that the sale of an asset is not treated as ordinary sale, otherwise
profit will be inflated.
With the permission of the client, the auditor should send Statements of Account to the
customers to confirm the accuracy of the balance.
He should check the Sales Book for the last days or weeks of the financial period and the
Returns Inward Book for a few days or weeks after the close of the period in order to see
whether fictitious sales or returns had been recorded to inflate profits.
He should check the casts and cross casts of the Sales Book.
The cancelled invoice should be checked with the duplicate copy of the invoice.
Sales tax, insurance charges, etc, which are recoverable from the customers should be
debited to the customers account and credited to the appropriate accounts.
Sales Return
When the goods are returned from customers, being defective or on account of any other reason,
they should be entered by the gatekeeper in the register known as Gatekeepers Return Inward
Book and the Stock Register and also recorded to the Sales return book and credit note should be
issued and signed by the responsible official.
Until the customer approves of the goods they cannot be treated as sales. It may so happen that
on the date of the balance sheet, some of the goods might be with the customers who might not
have sent their approval. In such case, these goods cannot be treated as sales. The auditor should,
therefore, see that until the approval, such goods must be shown as goods with customers and
deducted from sales of the current period and from the list of the debtors.
When the goods are sent out to agents to be sold at the owners risk a separate book called
Consignments Outward Journal should be maintained if the number of such transactions is
large. This book should be vouched with the copies of the proforma invoice, correspondence,
account sale, and contracts with the consignees.
Unit 9: Vouching
All those entries which cannot be passed through any other book of prime entry are
passed through the Journal. The following transactions are usually passed through the
Opening Entries.
The acquisition of different assets or liabilities taken over forms the vendors.
Forfeiture of shares.
Adjusting entries.
Closing entries.
The auditor should pay attention to the transactions passed through the journal. While
vouching the entries in the journal, the auditor should see that
The auditor should not pass any entry in the journal until he is quite satisfied with regard
to its validity and correctness.
Bought Ledger
The auditor should now proceed to check the bought ledger, i.e., the ledger which
contains the creditors accounts. The opening balance of different accounts in the bought
ledger should be checked with the previous years audited balance sheet or the schedule
of creditors duly checked by the previous auditor. The ledger can be vouched with the
help of the audited balance sheet of the previous year. Purchase Journal, Purchase
Returns Book, cash Book, Journal, Allowance Book, Bills Payable Book etc. The casting
of the accounts in the Bought ledger should now be checked with the balance as shown in
the schedule of creditors which has been supplied to him by the client. If the books are
maintained on Self-balancing system, the total of the balance shown in the creditors
Ledger Adjustment Account in the General Ledger should agree with the total of the
schedule of creditors.
Sales Ledger
Having checked the bought ledger, the auditor should now proceed to check the sales ledger,
i.e., the ledger which contains the accounts of the debtors. The opening debit balances will be
checked from the previous audited balance sheet or the schedule of debtors duly checked by the
previous auditor. The accounts in this ledger will be checked from the previous audited balance
sheet and subsidiary books, such as Sales journal, Sales Return Book, Cash Book, Journal,
Allowance Book, Bills Receivable Book, etc. For the Purpose of valuation of debts, he should ask
Auditing Theory
his client to supply him a list of good, doubtful and bad debts. He should scrutiny such a
schedule. He can verify this list by applying the following tests to each account:
If the account is regularly settled and the advantages of cash discount taken by the debtor,
the debt is good.
Whether the debt is outstanding beyond the period of credit allowed. If so, it may mean
that the debt is doubtful.
Whether the payments are on account and the balance tends to increase. If it so it means the
party is doubtful.
Whether an old balance is being carried forward and the new goods are supplied for cash.
If so, it means, the debt is doubtful.
Whether a cheque or a bill received against a debt balance has ever been dishonored. If it
has been the case, it shows the party is not financially sound, and that the debt may be
doubtful or prove bad some day.
The law of limitation allows three years to recover a debt and if the debt is outstanding for
a longer period, it means the debt is bad.
If the bills are constantly renewed, the party is financially weak and the debt may be
treated as doubtful.
If payments are irregular, the debt may not be good, and may become bad some day.
Whether there is any unusual item of discount or allowance. If so, he should enquire the
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
After having satisfied himself that there is a good internal check system regarding the
purchase, the auditor should now proceed to vouch the ..........................
The auditor should vouch the Day Book or the Sales Book which records only .................
..................can be vouched with the help of the audited balance sheet of the previous year
9.4 Summary
The main objectives of vouching are: to examine the accounting entries recorded in the
books of accounts with reference to documentary evidence known as vouchers; to examine
Unit 9: Vouching
the authenticity of the transactions recorded in the books of account; to examine the
adequacy and reliability of documentary evidence.
Before the auditor starts the vouching of the cash book, he should enquire about the
system of internal check in operation.
After satisfying himself that there is a good internal check system regarding the receipts
and payments of cash, the audit clerk should now proceed to vouch the debit side of the
Under vouching for trading transaction one of the objects of auditing is to check and
prevent misappropriation of goods. The auditor should see that the client pays for only
those goods which have actually been ordered and received.
Whenever goods are required in a particular department, the head of such a department
should send the Purchase Requisition which should show the quantity, quality, if possible
the price of the maximum price at which they may be purchased, the time by which the
goods must be supplied, etc., to the Purchase department which should invite tenders or
quotations from suppliers.
After having satisfied himself that there is a good internal check system regarding the
purchase, the auditor should now proceed to vouch the Purchase Book.
The auditor should not pass any entry in the journal until he is quite satisfied with regard
to its validity and correctness.
The auditors should apply a few test checks and if he finds that there is no mistake, he may
presume that everything is all right.
9.5 Keywords
Bought Ledger: Ledger which contains the creditors accounts.
Sales Ledger: the ledger which contains the accounts of the debtors.
Voucher is a piece of paper or a document that confirms the truth of a happening in the field of
accountancy; it confirms either the payment or receipt of money.
Vouching: The exercise of establishing and verifying the accuracy and authenticity of the
accounting entries passed in the book of account with reliable evidences are technically called
vouching. It means vouching is the testing the truth of all the entries made in the book of
Auditing Theory
How vouching of cash transactions is carried out? What is its relevance in auditing?
What do you understand by total accounts and sectional balancing in vouching of big
organizations account?
Purchase Book
credit sales
bought ledger
The ledger
sales ledger
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Unit 9: Vouching
Online links
Auditing Theory
Risk Assessment
Analytical Procedures
Tests of Details
Statement Calculations
Income Details
Expense Review
Gather Evidence
Perform Analytics
Review Documentation
Non-performing Investments
Income Recognition
10.11 Depreciation
Straight-Line Depreciation
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Know audit of share capital, reserve and surplus, current assets and liabilities;
A financial statement audit is the examination of an entitys financial statements and
accompanying disclosures by an independent auditor, with the result being a report by the
auditor, attesting to the fairness of presentation of the financial statements and related disclosures.
The auditors report must accompany the financial statements when they are issued to the
intended recipients.
The purpose of a financial statement audit is to add credibility to the reported financial position
and performance of a business. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that all entities
that are publicly held must file annual reports with it that are audited. Similarly, lenders typically
require an audit of the financial statements of any entity to which they lend funds. Suppliers
may also require audited financial statements before they will be willing to extend trade credit.
Audits have become increasing common as the complexity of the two primary accounting
frameworks, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and International Financial Reporting
Standards, have increased, and because there have been an ongoing series of disclosures of
fraudulent reporting by major companies.
Notes The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that all entities that are publicly
held must file annual reports with it that are audited.
Planning and risk assessment involves gaining an understanding of the business and the
business environment in which it operates, and using this information to assess whether
there may be risks that could impact the financial statements.
Auditing Theory
Internal controls testing involves the assessment of the effectiveness of an entitys suite of
controls, concentrating on such areas as proper authorization, the safeguarding of assets,
and the segregation of duties. This can involve an array of tests conducted on a sampling
of transactions to determine the degree of control effectiveness. A high level of effectiveness
allows the auditors to scale back some of their later audit procedures. If the controls are
ineffective (i.e., there is a high risk of material misstatement), then the auditors must use
other procedures to examine the financial statements. There are a variety of risk assessment
questionnaires available that can assist with internal controls testing.
Analysis: Conduct a ratio comparison with historical, forecasted, and industry results
to spot anomalies.
Cash: Review bank reconciliation, count on-hand cash, confirm restrictions on bank
balances, issue bank confirmations.
Fixed assets: Observe assets, review purchase and disposal authorizations, review
lease documents, examine appraisal reports, recalculate depreciation and
Debt: Confirm with lenders, review lease agreements, review references in board of
directors minutes.
An audit is the most expense of all the types of examination of financial statements. The least
expensive is a compilation, followed by a review. Due to its cost, many companies attempt to
downgrade to a review or compilation, though this is only an option if it is acceptable to the
report recipients.
guidelines and accounting principles to verify that they adhere to regulatory procedures and
standards generally accepted in firms industries. These specialists may work in internal audit
departments or at public accounting firms.
Notes Auditors who review firms financial statements focus on internal controls and
processes, operating guidelines, business risks and policies in financial reporting programs.
Auditing Theory
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
..............................is the risk of loss from business partner defaults and is measured by
internal rating models.
Task Make a checklist with the help of an anonymous income statement of various steps
involved in performing income statement audit.
To find out the most recent sales/subsequent sales after year end.
Cost > Selling Price, valued at selling price Selling Price > Cost, valued at cost.
Caution Each respective item has to be valued at cost or net realizable value.
Cutoff analysis: The auditors will examine procedures for halting any further receiving
into the warehouse or shipments from it at the time of the physical inventory count, so
that extraneous inventory items are excluded. They typically test the last few receiving
Auditing Theory
and shipping transactions prior to the physical count, as well as transactions immediately
following it, to see if properly accounting for them.
Observe the physical inventory count: The auditors want to be comfortable with the
procedures company use to count the inventory. This means that they will discuss the
counting procedure, observe counts as they are being done, test count some of the inventory
themselves and trace their counts to the amounts recorded by the companys counters, and
verify that all inventory count tags were accounted for. If company has multiple inventory
storage locations, they may test the inventory in those locations where there are significant
amounts of inventory. They may also ask for confirmations of inventory from the custodian
of any public warehouse where the company is storing inventory.
Reconcile the inventory count to the general ledger: They will trace the valuation compiled
from the physical inventory count to the companys general ledger, to verify that the
counted balance was carried forward into the companys accounting records.
Test high-value items: If there are items in the inventory that are of unusually high value,
the auditors will likely spend extra time counting them in inventory, ensuring that they
are valued correctly, and tracing them into the valuation report that carries forward into
the inventory balance in the general ledger.
Test error-prone items: If the auditors have noticed an error trend in prior years for
specific inventory items, they will be more likely to test these items again.
Test inventory in transit: There is a risk that company has inventory in transit from one
storage location to another at the time of the physical count. Auditors test for this by
reviewing transfer documentation.
Test item costs: The auditors need to know where purchased costs in accounting records
come from, so they will compare the amounts in recent supplier invoices to the costs listed
in inventory valuation.
Review freight costs: Company can either include freight costs in inventory or charge it to
expense in the period incurred, but it need to be consistent in its treatment - so the auditors
will trace a selection of freight invoices through accounting system to see how they are
Test for lower of cost or market: The auditors must follow the lower of cost or market rule,
and will do so by comparing a selection of market prices to their recorded costs.
Direct labor analysis: If direct labor is included in the cost of inventory, then the auditors
will want to trace the labor charged during production on time cards or labor routings to
the cost of the inventory. They will also investigate whether the labor costs listed in the
valuation are supported by payroll records.
Overhead analysis: If company apply overhead costs to the inventory valuation, then the
auditors will verify that it is consistently using the same general ledger accounts as the
source for its overhead costs, whether overhead includes any abnormal costs (which should
be charged to expense as incurred), and test the validity and consistency of the method use
to apply overhead costs to inventory.
Inventory allowances: The auditors will determine whether the amounts have recorded
as allowances for obsolete inventory or scrap are adequate, based on companys procedures
for doing so, historical patterns, where used reports, and reports of inventory usage (as
well as by physical observation during the physical count). If it does not have such
allowances, they may require you to create them.
Inventory ownership: The auditors will review purchase records to ensure that the
inventory in companys warehouse is actually owned by the company (as opposed to
customer-owned inventory or inventory on consignment from suppliers).
Inventory layers: If you are using a FIFO or LIFO inventory valuation system, the auditors
will test the inventory layers that company has recorded to verify that they are valid.
Did u know? If the company uses cycle counts instead of a physical count, the auditors can
still use the procedures related to a physical count. They simply do so during one or more
cycle counts, and can do so at any time; there is no need to only observe a cycle count that
occurs at the end of the reporting period. Their tests may also evaluate the frequency of
cycle counts, as well as the quality of the investigations conducted by counters into any
variances found.
Equity Share Capital: This type of share capital is that part of capital that is not a preferential.
In other words it is the basic kind of capital or an ordinary share capital.
Preferential Share Capital: This part of capital has the following characteristics:
Authorization of the issue: Auditor should check the minutes of the meeting of the board
of directors to check the authorization of the terms of the terms of the issue of share
Vouching share applications: Auditor should test check the share application forms and
vouches their respective entries in the cash book.
Legal requirement: It should be checked that the legal requirements as laid down by the
companies act, SEBI and other regulatory bodies are met.
While doing the audit of share capital auditor should vouch the following carefully:
Memorandum of association
Articles of association
Auditing Theory
Letters of allotment
Letters of refund
Share registers
Cash book
Ledger accounts.
Management Representations
Notes The legal requirements, including disclosure norms, relating to investments under
certain prominent statutes, illustrative letter of confirmation for investments held by
banks, and management representation letter for investments.
10.7.5 Recalculation
Recalculation consists of checking the mathematical accuracy of documents and records. The
auditor selects a sample of items from the fixed asset listing and recalculates prior and current
depreciation expense. The auditor determines if the amounts are accurate and records any
necessary adjustments.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Auditing starts with the income section by confirming that the total revenue amount is
equal to the sum of the ....................
Auditor should test check the share application forms and vouches their respective entries
in the ....................
The fixed asset balance, which deals with assets that cant easily be converted into cash, is
a common .................. on an entitys financial statements.
Auditing Theory
Did u know? Securitization is a process by which the future cash inflows of an entity
(originator) are converted and sold as debt instruments called pay through or pass through
certificates with a fixed rate of return to the holders of the debt instrument in the form of
beneficial interest. The originator of a typical securitization, transfers a portfolio of
homogenous financial assets to a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), normally a trust. The SPV
is basically funded by investors.
In return for the transfer, the originator gets cash up-front on the basis of a mutually agreed
valuation of the receivables. The transfer value of the receivables is done in such a manner so as
to give the lenders a reasonable rate of return. In pass-through and pay-through securitizations,
receivables are transferred to the SPV at the inception of the securitization, and no further
transfers are made. All cash collections are paid to the holders of beneficial interests in the SPV
(basically the lenders).
The objective of investments are statutory requirements and to deploy surplus liquidity and
floats for generating optimum returns. The objectives of securitization transactions are several,
which inter alia include higher credit rating and cheaper borrowings. They can be done by
conversion of existing or future cash in-flows of any entity i.e. loans, trade receivables, credit
card receivables, rent etc. into tradable security. Securitization can, at times, be used for better
profitability. The importance of securitization lies in the fact that it helps to convert illiquid
assets or future receivables into current cash inflows and that too at a low cost. The company
may sell the receivables in the market and raise loans.
Caution The guidelines on Securitization of Standard assets (RBI guidelines) may be referred
as and when required. It may be noted that these guidelines are applicable to bankers,
financial institutions and non-banking financial companies.
Auditing Theory
Banks should put in place a reporting system to report to the top management, on a weekly
basis, the details of transactions in securities, details of bouncing of SGL transfer forms issued by
other banks, BRs outstanding for more than 15 days, capital market exposures, a review of
investment transactions undertaken during the period and overall risk management and internal
The internal audit department should audit the transactions in securities on an on-going basis,
monitor the compliance with the laid down management policies and prescribed procedures
and report the deficiencies directly to the management of the bank. In regard to securitisation
transactions depending upon their categorisation i.e. if they are investments then the internal
controls as referred hereinabove may be applied otherwise as applicable to advances may be
Caution Under no circumstances should an SGL transfer form be issued in favor of another
bank, resulting in bouncing back for want of sufficient balances. In such an event the
selling bank issuing the form would be liable to penal action by RBI against it.
All Ready-forward deals in Government Securities including Treasury bills are prohibited.
The cash collected from the portfolio is distributed to the investors and others as specified by the
legal documents that establishes the SPV.
The process of securitization of receivables normally has the following two stages, i.e. in the
first stage there should be pooling and transferring of homogenous assets to a bankruptcy
remote vehicle (SPV) and the second stage comprises of repackaging and selling the security
interests represented by the claims on the incoming cash flows from the pool of assets, to the
third party investors should be effected.
The micro stages involved are:
The originator identifies the assets he wants to securitize for raising funds.
The SPV is funded by investors and the SPV issues the securities to the investors. This
referred to as financial closure.
The SPV acquires the receivables under an agreement at their discounted value.
The servicer collects the receivables, usually in an escrow mechanism and water fall
arrangement, and pays off the collection to the SPV.
The SPV either passes the collection to the investors, or reinvests the same to pay off to
investors at stated pre-determined intervals.
In case of default, the servicer takes action against the debtors as the SPV agent.
When only a small amount of outstanding receivables are left to be collected, the originator
may clean up the transaction by buying back the outstanding receivables.
At the end of the transaction, the originators profit, if retained and subject to any losses
and expenses to the extent agreed upon by the originator, in the transaction is paid off.
The originating bank transferring the assets to the SPV should not hold any interest,
direct or indirect in the Trustee Company. The originator should under no circumstances
support losses of SPV. The Trust should be non-discretionary. The decision-making or
the disguised substance that the originating bank continues to dominate the transactions
must be identified. The transactions should be at arms length, auditors would have a
crucial role to play in ensuring that the comparable market quotations are available on
records and the investment instruments (PTCs) are independently rated.
True Sale Compliance: For ensuring true sale of the pool by the Originator to the SPV,
certain conditions with regard to establishment of no investments in the SPV except
limited to 5 %, the originator should not have any interest or commitment whatsoever for
repurchase of assets. Except clean up calls and non-maintenance of effective control over
transferred assets, all risk and rewards should have been transferred along with the assets.
Auditing Theory
Classification: All outflows and PTCs or share in securitized assets may be classified into
Investments or Advances. Generally these are instruments, which are independently
realizable at will and classified as investments under non-SLR category. The above
investment should be carried in the books of the bank/FI at the price as determined
above, until its ultimate sale or realization, and on such sale or realization; the loss or gain
must be dealt with as under:
If the sale to SC/RC is at a price below the Net Book Value (NBV) (i.e. Book value
less provisions held), the shortfall should be debited to the profit and loss account of
that year.
If the sale is for a value higher than the NBV, the excess provision will not be
reversed but will be utilised to meet the shortfall/loss on account of sale of other
financial assets to SC/RC.
All instruments received by banks/FIs from SC/RC as sale consideration for financial
assets sold to them and also other instruments issued by SC/RC in which banks/FIs
invest, will be in the nature of non-SLR securities. Accordingly, the valuation, classification
and other norms applicable to investment in non-SLR instruments prescribed by RBI from
time to time would be applicable to banks/FIs investment in debentures/bonds/security
receipts/PTCs issued by SC/RC. However, if any of the above instruments issued by
SC/RC is limited to the actual realization of the financial assets assigned to the instruments
in the concerned scheme the bank/FI shall reckon the Net Asset Value (NAV), obtained
from SC/RC from time to time, for valuation of such investments. There are exceptions
where certain bonds or subscriptions to equities for projects are termed as Advances.
Sub-classification: The entire investment portfolio of the banks (including SLR securities
and non-SLR securities) should be classified under three categories viz. Held to Maturity,
Available for Sale and Held for Trading. However, in the Balance sheet, the investments
will continue to be disclosed as per the existing six classifications viz. (a) Government
securities, (b) Other approved securities, (c) Shares, (d) Debentures & Bonds, (e) Subsidiaries/
joint ventures and (f ) Others (CP, Mutual Fund Units, etc.). Banks should decide the
category of the investment at the time of acquisition and the decision should be recorded
on the investment proposals.
Held To Maturity: The securities acquired by the banks with the intention to hold them up
to maturity will be classified under Held to Maturity. (Banks are allowed to include
investments included under Held to Maturity category up to 25 per cent of their total
investments). SLR securities up to 25 per cent of their Demand and Time Liabilities (DTL)
as on the last Friday of the second preceding fortnight, Non-SLR securities included under
HTM as on September 2, 2004, Fresh re-capitalization bonds received by the bank from the
Government of India towards their re-capitalization requirement and held in their
investment portfolio, Fresh investment in the equity of subsidiaries and joint ventures
(holds more than 25 per cent of the equity) and RIDF/ SIDBI deposits.
Available For Sale: The banks will have the freedom to decide on the extent of holdings
under Available for Sale and Held for Trading categories. This will be decided by them
after considering various aspects such as basis of intent, trading strategies, risk management
capabilities, tax planning, manpower skills, capital position. The investments classified
under Held for Trading category would be those from which the bank expects to make a
gain by the movement in the interest rates/market rates. These securities are to be sold
within 90 days.
Shifting among Categories: Banks may shift investments to/from Held to Maturity category
with the approval of the Board of Directors once a year. Such shifting will normally be
allowed at the beginning of the accounting year. No further shifting to/from this category
will be allowed during the remaining part of that accounting year. Banks may shift
investments from Available for Sale category to Held for Trading category with the
approval of their Board of Directors/ALCO/Investment Committee. In case of exigencies,
such shifting may be done with the approval of the Chief Executive of the bank/Head of
the ALCO, but should be ratified by the Board of Directors/ALCO. Shifting of investments
from Held for Trading category to Available for Sale category is generally not allowed.
However, it will be permitted only under exceptional circumstances like not being able to
sell the security within 90 days due to tight liquidity conditions, or extreme volatility, or
market becoming unidirectional.
Such transfer is permitted only with the approval of the Board of Directors/ALCO/
Investment Committee. Transfer of scripts from one category to another, under all
circumstances, should be done at the acquisition cost/book value/market value on the
date of transfer, whichever is the least, and the depreciation, if any, on such transfer should
be fully provided for. Banks may apply the values as on the date of transfer and in case,
there are practical difficulties in applying the values as on the date of transfer, banks have
the option of applying the values as on the previous working day, for arriving at the
depreciation requirement on shifting of securities.
Profit and Loss: All Profit on sale of investments should be taken to profit and loss
account except in case of HTM which should be first taken to the Profit & Loss Account and
thereafter be appropriated to the Capital Reserve Account. Loss on sale to be always
recognized in the Profit & Loss Account.
Banks should undertake a half-yearly review (as of 30th September and 31st March) of
their investment portfolio, which should, apart from other operational aspects of
investment portfolio, clearly indicate amendments made to the Investment Policy and
certify adherence to laid down internal investment policy and procedures and Reserve
Bank guidelines, and put up the same before their respective Boards within a month, i.e.
by end-April and end-October.
A copy of the review report put up to the Banks Board, should be forwarded to the
Reserve Bank (concerned Regional Office of DBS) by 15th November and 15th May
Auditing Theory
10.10.1 Valuation
Held to Maturity
Investments classified under Held to Maturity category need not be marked to market and
will be carried at acquisition cost, unless it is more than the face value, in which case the
premium should be amortized over the period remaining to maturity.
Banks should recognize any diminution, other than temporary, in the value of their
investments in subsidiaries/joint ventures which are included under Held to Maturity
category and should be provided for. Such diminution should be determined and provided
for each investment individually.
net of transfer to Statutory Reserves as applicable to such excess provision) should be appropriated
to an Investment Reserve Account in Schedule 2 Reserves & Surplus under the head Revenue
and other Reserves and would be eligible for inclusion under Tier II within the overall ceiling
of 1.25 per cent of total Risk Weighted Assets prescribed for General Provisions/ Loss Reserves.
Banks may utilize Investment Reserve Account for provisions required to be created on account
of depreciation in the AFS and HFT categories.
Market Value
The market value for the purpose of periodical valuation of investments included in the
Available for Sale and Held for Trading categories would be the market price of the scrip as
available from the trades/quotes on the stock exchanges, SGL account transactions, price list of
RBI, prices declared by Primary Dealers Association of India (PDAI) jointly with the Fixed
Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) periodically. In respect
of unquoted securities, the procedure as detailed below should be adopted.
Unquoted SLR Securities: Central Government Securitiesthe prices/ YTM rates put out
by the PDAI/ FIMMDA at periodical intervals. Treasury Bills should be valued at carrying
Zero coupon bonds: Zero coupon bonds should be shown in the books at carrying cost,
i.e., acquisition cost plus discount accrued at the rate prevailing at the time of
acquisition, which may be marked to market with reference to the market value.
Equity shares: The equity shares in the banks portfolio should be marked to market
preferably on a daily basis, but at least on a weekly basis.
Mutual funds units: Investment in quoted Mutual Fund Units should be valued as per
Stock Exchange quotations. Investment in unquoted Mutual Fund Units is to be
valued on the basis of the latest re-purchase price declared by the Mutual Fund in
respect of each particular Scheme. In case of funds with a lock-in period, where
repurchase price/market quote is not available, Units could be valued at NAV. If
NAV is not available, then these could be valued at cost, till the end of the lock-in
period. Wherever the re-purchase price is not available the Units could be valued at
the NAV of the respective scheme.
Auditing Theory
Valuation/Provisioning Norms
When banks/FIs invest in the security receipts/pass-through certificates issued by Securitization
Company (SC)/Reconstruction Company (RC) in respect of the financial assets sold by them to
the SC/RC, the sale shall be recognized in books of the banks/FIs at the lower of:
the redemption value of the security receipts/pass through certificates, and v the NBV of
the financial asset.
The above investment should be carried in the books of the bank/FI at the price as determined
above until its sale or realization, and on such sale or realization, the loss or gain must be dealt
with as under:
If the sale to SC/RC is at a price below the net book value (NBV) (i.e. Book value less
provisions held), the shortfall should be debited to the profit and loss account of that year.
If the sale is for a value higher than the NBV, the excess provision will not be reversed but will
be utilized to meet the shortfall/loss on account of sale of other financial assets to SC/RC.
All instruments received by banks/FIs from SC/RC as sale consideration for financial assets
sold to them and also other instruments issued by SC/RC in which banks/FIs invest will be in
the nature of non-SLR securities. Accordingly, the valuation, classification and other norms
applicable to investment in non-SLR instruments prescribed by RBI from time to time would be
applicable to banks/FIs investment in debentures/bonds/security receipts/PTCs issued by
SC/RC. However, if any of the above instruments issued by SC/RC is limited to the actual
realization of the financial assets assigned to the instruments in the concerned scheme of the
bank/FI shall reckon the Net Asset Value (NAV), obtained from SC/RC from time to time, for
valuation of such investments.
Interest/installment (including maturity proceeds) is due and remains unpaid for more
than 90 days.
The above would apply mutates mutandis to preference shares where the fixed dividend
is not paid.
In the case of equity shares, in the event the investment in the shares of any company is
valued at ` 1 per company on account of the non availability of the latest balance sheet in
accordance with the instructions contained in paragraph 28 of the Annexure to circular
DBOD.BP.BC.32/ 21.04.048/ 2000-01 dated October 16, 2000, those equity shares would
also be reckoned as NPI.
If any credit facility availed by the issuer is NPA in the books of the bank, investment in
any of the securities issued by the same issuer would also be treated as NPI and vice versa.
10.11 Depreciation
Check whether there is any addition made during the year, if yes then check whether
depreciation is correctly charged from the date of purchase till last date of a/c year.
Check whether there is sale of any asset and if yes den check its treatment given by the
Scrutinize all the original documents supporting any additions made by the company in
case of fixed assets and cross tally the amount debited to FA a/c with such documents.
Also check application of AS-10 & AS-6 whether it has been correctly applied by the
See whether all the assets added and sold by the management are properly authorized by
passing resolution for it.
Also check the internal policy if any of the company. These are some of the imp points that
you need to keep in mind while doing audit of asset & dep.
Auditing Theory
or obsolescence of the property. Most types of tangible property (except land), including
buildings, furniture, machinery, and equipment are depreciable. Depreciable intangible property
includes patents, copyrights and software. Under straight-line methods, a propertys value is
depreciated at a constant dollar value per year over its expected life span.
Keep the receipts for all office equipment and furniture purchased over the taxable year.
You will not have to produce these receipts to file your taxes, but they will be necessary to
prove your claim should you be audited.
Determine whether the new office equipment or furniture you acquired is depreciable.
Depreciable assets are defined as having a determinable life span exceeding one year and
for which a value can be calculated.
Decide whether you want to take a Section 179 deduction. A Section 179 deduction allows
you to take a full or partial deduction for the entire cost of the office equipment or
furniture in lieu of deducting the depreciated portion. If the financial situation of your
business is such that a significant reduction in income would provide needed financial
relief, this is a good option.
Determine whether you want to take the deduction as a depreciable asset. The benefit of
choosing to treat office furniture and equipment as a depreciable asset is that you can
spread the deduction over many years. There are usually years in which a business purchases
more of such assets than others, and its nice to be able to count on taking a deduction in
future years.
Use the MACRS Depreciation model (the most commonly used depreciation model for
business property) to calculate the depreciation of the office furniture and equipment you
intend to deduct from your income taxes. The IRS gives detailed instructions about how
calculate the depreciation on property in its Publication 946 (see Resources below).
Use form 4562 to record section 179 deductions and what you deduct as depreciating
property. This form is attached to your tax returns.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
All cash collections are paid to the holders or lenders of beneficial interests in the SPV.
The objective of Investments are statutory requirements and to deploy surplus liquidity
and floats for generating optimum returns.
The originating bank transferring the assets to the SPV should not hold any interest, direct
or indirect in the Trustee Company.
Depreciable assets are defined as having a determinable life span exceeding one year and
for which a value can be calculated.
10.13 Summary
The auditors report must accompany the financial statements when they are issued to the
intended recipients.
The primary stages of an audit are: Planning and risk assessment; Internal controls testing
and Substantive financial procedures.
An income statement audit can help isolate mathematical errors and ledger discrepancies
Inventory audit procedures that auditors may follow: Cutoff analysis; Observe the physical
inventory count; Reconcile the inventory count to the general ledger; Test high-value
items; Test error-prone items; Test inventory in transit; Test item costs; Review freight
costs; Test for lower of cost or market; Finished goods cost analysis; Direct labor analysis;
overhead analysis; Work-in-process testing; Inventory allowances; Inventory ownership;
Inventory layers, etc.
In case of share capital issued by the company following points merit consideration of the
auditor: Authorization of the issue; Vouching share applications; Legal requirement;
Compilation requirements.
The procedures that are adopted by the auditor for auditing investments include: Internal
Control Evaluation; Verification of Transactions; Physical Verification; Examination of
Valuation or Disclosures; Analytical Procedures; Management Representations;
Documentation by the auditor.
The fixed asset balance, which deals with assets that cant easily be converted into cash, is
a common material account balance on an entitys financial statements. It is audited through
procedures that confirm the existence and valuation of the reported account balance.
The auditors must ensure that the guidelines issued by the RBI in regard to the Internal
Control System are strictly adhered to. There should be a clear functional separation of
(i) trading, (ii) settlement, monitoring and control and (iii) accounting.
Auditing Theory
10.14 Keywords
Fixed Asset: A long-term tangible piece of property that a firm owns and uses in the production
of its income and is not expected to be consumed or converted into cash any sooner than at least
one years time. Fixed assets are sometimes collectively referred to as plant.
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS): The MACRS depreciation model is used
for calculating business income taxes and not determining the value of a company.
What do you understand by audit of financial statements? Why it is needed and give brief
notice of various steps involved in carrying out financial statement audit?
Discuss Audit procedure for position statement with respect to depreciation of fixed asset.
What are the various methods applied by auditors for carrying out valuation of inventory?
Briefly explain the audit of share capital, reserve and surplus, current assets and liabilities.
Comparisons between historical and current-year data; evaluations of key ratios; appraisals
of financial trends
Credit risk
income lines
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
11.1 Appointment of an Auditor
11.2 General Rule of Appointment
11.3 Procedure for Appointment of First Auditor
11.4 Auditors in Private Company
11.5 Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Auditor
Auditor as a Watchdog
Standard of Care
Legal Requirement
Qualified Opinion
Disclaimer of Opinion
Civil Liabilities
11.9 Summary
11.10 Keywords
11.11 Review Questions
11.12 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Unit explains the appointment of an auditor and basic qualifications of a person to become an
auditor and disqualifications of an auditor under Section 226 and 254. Rights, Duties and Liabilities
of an Auditor under Section 255 are also described with suitable examples and cases.
Practicing Chartered Accounts [Sec. 226(1)J]: A person shall not be qualified for
appointment as auditor of a company unless he is a Chartered Accountant within the
meaning of the Chartered Accountant Act 1949. A Chartered Accountant means a person
who is the member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan. He will be
deemed to be in practice. When individually or in partnership with other Chartered
Accountants in practice him for consideration received or to be received.
Renders the Services: Renders the services as, in the opinion of the council are or may be
renders by a chartered accountant in practice.
Certified Auditor [Sec 226 (2)]: A part from practicing chartered accountants, a person
holding a certificate under the Restricted Auditors Certificate Rules, 1965 is also qualified
to be appointed as auditor of a company. Such certified auditors are subject to the rules
framed in this behalf by the Central Government. The object of the provisions as to
qualify is to ensure that only persons of proven worth and standing and under the discipline
of a statutory body are appointed as auditor.
Auditing Theory
A body corporate
A person who is indebted to the company for an amount exceeding ` 1000 or who has
given any guarantee of any third person to the company for an amount exceeding ` 1000.
A person who was a director other officer or employee of the company at any time during
the preceding three years.
According to Section 226(4) a person shall not be qualified for appointment as auditor of anybody
corporate. Further if the auditor already holds the appointment as auditor in the specified
number of companies as per Section {Section 224(1-13)}, he will be disqualified for further
appointment as auditor in any other company.
Apart from the disqualifications laid down in Section 226, the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India has prepared its own code of ethics which is mandatory for its members. In order to
ensure independence of the auditors and also to prevent conflict of interest and duty, the Council
has decided not to permit a Chartered Accountant in employment to certify the financial
statements of the concern in which he is employed, or of a concern under the same management
as the concern in which he is employed, even though he is holding a certificate of practice and
even though such certification can be done by any chartered accountant in practice. This restriction
does not apply where the certification is permitted by any law. Further, it has also been decided
that a chartered accountant should not by himself or in his firm name: (1) accept the auditorship
of a collage, if he is working as a part-time lecturer in the college. (2) Accept the auditorship of
a trust where his partner is either an employee or a trustee of the trust.
Section 224. Persons appointed as auditors under other sub-sections need not inform the Registrar.
Hence, the first auditors who are appointed by the Board of Directors are under no obligation to
inform the Registrar.
Casual Vacancy
A casual vacancy is a vacancy of temporary nature that may occur during the currency of the year
after an appointment is made by the company at its general meeting. Thus, a casual vacancy is
not one created by a deliberate omission on the part of the company to appoint an auditor at its
general meeting. It denotes a vacancy caused by a validly appointed auditor ceasing to act as
such, due to death, disqualifications, etc. The auditor appointed in a casual vacancy shall hold
office till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.
Auditing Theory
procedure vis a vis special notice has been laid down in section 190 which mandates that the
special notice be given to the company at least fourteen clear days before the meeting is to
beheld. The day on which the notice is served and the day of the meeting itself are to be excluded
in computing the period of fourteen days. The object of giving a special notice is to invite the
special or pointed attention of the members to the particular resolution. In the absence of such
a special notice being given, the resolution would be rendered illegal and ineffective. And the
appointment of a new auditor without complying with the provisions of Section 225 (that is,
without special notice required for a resolution appointing as an auditor a person other than the
retiring auditor), then the resolution passed for appointing the new auditor would be illegal
and in effective. Where at any such meeting no auditor is appointed or reappointed, the Central
Government may appoint a person to fill the vacancy. Notice of the fact that the powers of the
Central Government have become exercisable has to be given by the company to the Central
Government within seven days thereof. Any delay in giving such notice does not affect the
jurisdiction or the capacity of the Central Government to appoint the auditor. The auditor so
appointed by the Central Government holds office till the next annual general meeting of the
company. The Central Government is also authorized to fix the remuneration of the auditors so
appointed by it. Also, in cases where the appointment of the auditor is void abinitio, the Central
Government may fill the vacancy. Similarly where the person appointed at the annual general
meeting is unwilling to accept the appointment, the Central Government would be eligible to
appoint the auditor.
Consider the appointment of external auditor in the board meeting and pass a board
resolution recommending the candidature of external auditor to the shareholders.
Put the agenda for the appointment of external auditor in the AGM notice.
On due date pass an ordinary resolution for the appointment of external auditor.
Auditing Theory
Intimate the auditor regarding his appointment within 7 days of appointment in AGM.
After receiving intimation from the company it is duty of the auditor to inform ROC
about his appointment through filing of form 23B within 30 days of intimation from
Do not forget to collect a written certificate from the auditor or auditors proposed to be so
appointed to the effect that the appointment or reappointment, if made, will be in
accordance with the limits specified in sub-section (1B).
The first exception to the above mentioned general rule is that dormant companies that are not
required to prepare group accounts may by special resolution exclude the obligation to appoint
auditors. Such a resolution may be passed at any general meeting of the company at any time
after copies of the accounts, prepared under Section 226 of the Companies Act, 1985, have been
sent out in accordance with Section 238 (1), provided that it has been dormant since the end of
that financial year. Where the resolution is passed at a general meeting that is not the first such
meeting, the company must in addition, be entitled to the benefit of accounting exemptions
available to small companies, or must be ineligible for those exemptions only on account of the
fact that it is a member of an ineligible group. Alternatively, such a resolution may be passed at
any time, provided that the company has been dormant from the time of its formation, and
provided that it is not a public company, a banking or insurance company, or an authorized
person under the Financial Services Act, 1986. The other exception is with regard to private
companies which are exempt from the audit requirement, in which case they are also exempt
from the obligation to appoint an auditor.
Removal of Auditors
Any auditor appointed under Section 224 except the auditors appointed by the Board of Directors
in pursuance of the proviso to Section 224(5) can be removed before the expiry of his term only
by the company in the general meeting. Additionally, a prior approval from the Central
Government is also necessary for such removal of the auditors.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
If the auditor already holds the appointment as auditor in the specified number of companies
as per....................., he will be disqualified for further appointment as auditor in any other
Right to receive notices of general meetings and to attend those meetings [Section 255(6)].
Right to make representation where another person is being appointed as auditor [Section
To give a report to the members on the accounts, books of account, balance sheet and
profit and loss account examined by him. [Section 255(3)].
Where any matter reported upon is answered in the negative or with a qualification the
report shall include reasons for such qualification with factual position.
To include in the report of the company such matters as directed by the Federal
To attend those general meetings of a listed company, either himself or through authorized
person, in which the balance sheet, profit and loss account and the auditors report are to
be considered.
Auditing Theory
To make report for inclusion in prospectus. (Section 53 read with Part I of Schedule II).
To certify receipts and payments account in the statutory report (Section 157).
To exercise reasonable care and skill in carrying out his duties and make such inquiries as
considered necessary.
Reading and Inspection of Auditors Report (Section-256): Auditors report shall be read in
general meeting and shall be open to inspection by the members.
Task Students should know the contents of report from examination point of view.
Please see section 255(3) of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
The person appointed as auditor shall sign the auditors report or other documents required
under the law.
Position of an Auditor
The audit is intended for the protection of the shareholders and the auditor is expected to
examine the true financial position of the company. The directors occupy a fiduciary position in
relation to the shareholders and in auditing the accounts maintained by the directors the auditor
acts in the interest of the shareholders who are in the position of beneficiaries. The auditor is like
a trustee for shareholders. Thus, auditors have a fiduciary relationship vis-a-vis the shareholders
as a body. The statutory auditors are the watchdogs of the company and they have access to the
books of accounts, vouchers and documents which no member of the company has. These
powers are given to the auditors to facilitate discharge of their functions and responsibilities.
The reason for the fiduciary relationship of the auditors with the company has been explained
by the Calcutta High Court in the case of Deputy Secretary v. S. N. Das Gupta: A joint stock
company carries on business with capital furnished by persons who buy its shares. The owners
of the capital are, however, not in direct control of its application, which is left to the executive
of the company. In those circumstances, some arrangement is obviously called for by which
those who provide the capital know periodically what is being done with their money how the
affairs of the company stand? and what the present value of their investment is?
The Companies Act, therefore, provides for the employment of an auditor who is the servant of
the shareholder and whose duty is to examine the affairs of the company on their behalf at the
end of a year and to report to them what he has found. That examination by an independent
agency such as the auditors is practically the only safeguard which the shareholders have against
the enterprise being carried on in a business like way or their money being misapplied or
misappropriated without their knowing anything about it. The Act provides the safeguard in
two forms. It makes the duty of the auditor to give an expression of opinion on certain specified
matters of a vital character and it makes him liable, along with the directors, for misfeasance, if
he fails to perform his duties as required by law and the approved audit procedure. The auditor,
being an appointee of the shareholders has a duty to take care of their interests and thus any
failure to report any major flaws and deficiencies may result in the non-fulfillment of the duties
of the Auditors.
Auditing Theory
Statutory duties: The Companies Act, 1956 requires the appointment by a company of an
auditor and performance of certain duties by him. Section 227 of the Companies Act specifies the
powers and duties of the auditor. Section 209(1) requires every company to maintain proper
books of account with respect to matters stated therein. Section 209(3) provides that books of
account, to be proper, must provide a true and fair view of the state of the company or its
branches, as the case may be, and explain its transactions. To establish if the books of accounts
have been maintained as required, and whether the provisions of the Act have been complied
with, the auditor is appointed, and is required, inter alia, to report on these aspects. The examination
by an independent agency such as the auditor is practically the only safeguard which shareholders
have against the enterprise being carried on in an unbusiness-like way or their money being
misapplied or misappropriated. The purpose of statutory audit is to provide such a mechanism
to enable those who have a proprietary interest in the company or are concerned with its
management and control, to have access to accurate financial information about the company.
When those persons have such information, the statutory purpose is satisfied. It is the duty of the
auditor to protect the shareholders by examining the accounts maintained by the directors with
a view to informing the shareholders of the true financial position of the company.
While the directors occupy a fiduciary position in relation to the shareholders, in auditing the
accounts maintained by them, the auditor acts in the interest of the shareholders who are in the
position of beneficiaries. The duties cast upon the auditor are accompanied by certain powers;
for example, access to the books of account of the company, to enable him to discharge these
functions effectively. Any regulations which preclude the auditors from availing themselves of
all the information to which they are entitled are inconsistent with the Act.
Contractual duties: The contractual duties of the auditors depend upon the contract between the
auditor and the client. The contract will regulate the nature and extent of the task and the
standard of the performance. Even when the nature of the engagement is established as audit,
questions may arise as to whether the audit contract requires the taking of certain steps. Where
the extent of the audit is described in some detail, whether expressly in the contract of engagement
or in the case of statutory audit, in the statute concerned, these questions are less likely to arise.
Duties owed to third parties: Another important duty of the auditors is with regard to third
parties. An issue that has been addressed by the Courts in numerous cases is whether the
auditors owe any duty and are liable to third parties in the absence of any contractual relationship.
This issue has been examined in detail while discussing the liability of the auditors. The prevailing
view is that even in the absence of contractual relationship, in certain circumstances the auditors
could be held to be liable. The parameters of such responsibility are limited by the neighborhood
principle laid down by Lord Atkin in Donaghue v. Stevenson. The three broad aspects that the
duties of the auditors cover are (a) the duty to make certain enquiries; (b) the duty to make a
report to the members of the company on the accounts examined by him, and on every balance
sheet and profit and loss account including on all documents annexed thereto; and (c) the duty to
make statements in terms of the provisions of MAOCARO, 1988. The duties of the auditor can be
broadly classified as: General duties and Duty of care.
Duty to prepare auditors report: These duties are discussed in detail in the following chapters
of this research paper. An auditor of a company has, equally, rights and duties, which have to be
performed, in order to satisfy the position he is holding in the company. The duties of the
auditors has been discussed and elucidated by the Courts in numerous cases. While describing
the general duties of an auditor the Courts have opined: An auditor is not to be confined to the
mechanics of checking vouchers and making arithmetical computations. He is not to be written
off as a professional adder-upper or a subtractor. His vital task is to take care to see that errors
are not made, be the errors of computation or errors of omission or commission or downright
untruths. To perform this task, he must come to it with an inquiring mind not suspicious of
dishonesty but suspecting that someone may have made a mistake somewhere and that a
check must be made to ensure that there has been none.
In exercise of his duty, an auditor must use reasonable care and skill, and must certify to the
shareholders only what he believes to be true. Essentially, an auditor should give a true and fair
view of the companys annual financial statement. One of the earliest cases establishing this
principle is In Re London and General Bank, where the Court held: The duty of the auditor is to
ascertain and state the true financial position of the company at the time of the audit, and his
duty is confined to that. He discharges his duty by examining the books the company. But he
does not discharge his duty by doing this without inquiry and without taking any trouble to see
that the books themselves show the companys true position.
Auditing Theory
reasonable care to ascertain that accounts books show the true position. The auditor is not a
insurer and does not guarantee that the books show the companys position directly. This point
was further reiterated in Trisure India v. A. F. Fergueson & Co. where it was held that the auditor
must be honest and should have reasonable skill and care in ascertaining the accuracy of the
companys books of account, balance sheet and profit and loss account. Reasonable care and skill
is not exercised when in spite of the presence of unusual features in the accounts which prima
facie, give reason for believing that the accounts of the company are not in order, the examination
is not detailed.
This report should state whether the accounts are kept in accordance with the provisions of the
Act and whether they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company.
Auditing Theory
The auditor should be careful about the use of language in the report, which should be clear and
unambiguous. The Auditor while drafting the report must keep in mind that the shareholders,
whose agent he is and to whom he is submitting the report, and with whom he shares a fiduciary
relationship are ordinary persons who do not possess technical knowledge and skill of
accountancy or auditing. His opinions and observations should, therefore, be communicated in
no uncertain terms so that the reader of the report is able to know what they are. In London and
General Bank Ltd. the Court held that a person whose duty it is to convey information to others,
does not discharge that duty by simply giving them, so much information as is calculated to
induce them, or some of them, to ask for more. Information and means of information are by no
means equivalent terms. An auditor who gives shareholders means of information instead of
information in respect of a companys financial position does so at his peril, and runs the very
serious risk of being held, judicially, to have failed to discharge his duty The duty of an auditor
is to convey information, not to arouse inquiry, and although an auditor might infer from an
unusual statement that something was seriously wrong, it by no means follows that ordinary
people would have their suspicions aroused by a similar statement if, as in this case, its language
expresses no more than any ordinary person would infer without it.
Report should be complete The auditor should give a complete report. If he gives his report,
subject to separate notes, those notes also should be given simultaneously. In Hitkarini
Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur v. P.C. Madan where the auditor made his report on the accounts of an
institution subject to separate notes which were not submitted within a reasonable time, the
Court held him guilty of gross negligence. The reasoning for this was that any one going
through the report would assume that those notes were prepared and were ready at the time
when the report was signed by him. It could not be supposed that those notes were not in
existence at that time and were written at some later date on some facts, which were still to be
verified or ascertained. Though this was not a case of bad or vicious intention, it was still held to
be an act of gross negligence.
Adverse: In an adverse opinion the auditor states that in his opinion the financial statements
do not give a true and fair view.
Exception: In an except for opinion the auditor expresses an adverse opinion on a particular
matter which is not considered fundamental. Auditors who wrongfully fail to qualify
company accounts are not liable to the company for subsequent loss if the company did
not actually rely upon them and was not misled by the information contained in the
accounts. Certification of accounts by auditors does not on the basis of the Caparo principle
expose them to the risk of being sued by lenders who may rely on those accounts when
considering whether to make finance available to the company.
If, based on his examination, the auditor does not agree with the affirmations to be made, the
auditor may give an adverse opinion. For example, the opinion given by the auditor is adverse
or negative when he states that the financial statements do not represent a true and fair view of
the state of affairs and the working results of an undertaking. An adverse opinion is appropriate
where the reservations or the objections of the auditor are so material that he feels that the
overall view of the accounts is materially distorted. Where the auditor gives an adverse opinion,
he should disclose all material reasons therefore.
Example: In case the company is engaged in hire purchase and finance business where
provision for doubtful debts was not made in spite of the fact that a sizeable proportions of
sundry debtors were not recoverable, the auditor is expected to state that the said accounts do
not give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company in as much as no provision for
bad and doubtful debts has been made.
Auditing Theory
valid. A qualification should be clear and precise and the manner in which qualifications are
made in the auditors report should be such as not to leave any room for doubt in the minds of
the public. The companys auditor should mention clearly whether in his opinion a particular
matter stated in his report is in the nature of a qualification or is merely an explanation. A factual
reference in the report does not automatically become a qualification. The use of the expression
read with the notes thereon does not qualify the contents of the auditors report. In any case, the
notes are necessarily apart of the accounts and even if the auditor does not make a specific
reference thereto, his report automatically covers them
The report prepared by the auditors should be comprehensive and brief and specify the matters in
respect of which the auditors have reservations or qualifications, and the amounts involved in
clear and unambiguous manner, leaving no scope for misinterpretation. Full information and if
that is not available as much information as is available should be given in the report. Vague
statements, the effect of which is not ascertainable on the accounts should be avoided. The auditor
should avoid making qualifications in his report, which do not contain any real objection on his
report. Further, it is not a good practice to qualify the present Report by reference to a report made
in an earlier year because the shareholders may not have access to such reports. Each years
accounts being independent, the essential facts relating to a qualification made in an earlier year
must be repeated where appropriate. All qualifications should be contained in the auditors report
itself and should appear at one place in order to give the reader a clear view thereof.
Auditing Theory
where it is not he should state in his report that he has accepted a certificate. In the light of PartA of ddendum to ISA-8, Attendance at Physical Inventory Counting and SAP - 3 Verification
of Inventories, the position of auditors as held in Kingston Cotton Mills Co. Ltd. is no longer
accepted without making probes and inquiries into the matter in great detail. The report must
reflect the fact that they were suspicious of the functioning of the company and were given
explanations which were either satisfactory or not for them.
Did u know? In order to establish the existence of duty of care owed to the plaintiff, who
claims damages, by auditor who is alleged to have made a negligent misstatement, three
requirements must be satisfied. These are: (i) It must be reasonably foreseeable by the
defendant that the statement will be relied on by the plaintiff; (ii) There must exist the
relevant degree of proximity between the parties; and (iii) It must be just and reasonable
in all circumstances to impose a duty of care on part of the defendant to the plaintiff. This
however, leads us into the issue of liability to third parties.
Auditing Theory
liability could be incurred for a negligent misstatement made by one person to another, even in
the absence of any contractual or fiduciary relationship. The parameters of such responsibility
were limited by the neighbourhood principle laid down by Lord Atkin in Donaghue v. Stevenson.
In Jeb Fastners v. Marks Bloom & Co., the appropriate test for establishing whether a degree of care
exists was laid down to be whether the defendant knew or reasonably should have foreseen at
the time the accounts were audited that a person might rely upon those accounts for the purpose
of deciding whether or not to take over the company and, therefore could suffer a loss if the
accounts were inaccurate. Firstly, they must have relied upon the accounts and secondly, they
must have done so in circumstances where either the auditors knew they would, or ought to
have known, that they might. The decision in Hedley Byrne v. Heller held that liability for
negligent statements resulting in the financial loss is not limited only to cases where there is an
existing contractual or fiduciary relationship. This raised the question of the limits of such
liability. The test of a reasonable man would not make the auditors liable. The rule thus was that
the auditors would not be liable to third parties unless the facts of the case showed otherwise.
Thus, in Candler v. Crane, Christmas and Co, where the accounts were prepared specifically for the
purpose of inducing the plaintiff to invest in the company, to the knowledge of the auditors,
there was a duty of care even though the plaintiffs were not members or shareholders of the
company. This can however, be negated by a clear clause expressly disclaiming liability. There
are recent cases which state that the auditors should have foreseen that the accounts may be
relied on by future investors for the purpose of making decisions regarding their investments.
Report by London Economics on Auditors Liability
Self Assessment
Choose the appropriate answers:
Mr. Narayan, a Charted Accountant, has nineteen audits, Out of following audits which
audits should he accept to ensure he doesn't violate provisions of section 224(IB) __
All of them
As per the requirements of section 226(3) and 226(4) a person is disqualified from being
appointed as a statutory auditor if he holds
The term of the auditor ship of first auditor would be from the date of appointment
Auditing Theory
The independence of an internal auditor will most likely be assured if he reports to the
President Finance
President System
Managing Director
Proper segregation of duties reduces the opportunities in which a person would both
Life Insurance Corporation of India holds twenty five percent of subscribed capital of XYZ
Ltd. The appointment of statutory auditor in XYZ Ltd. Would be by......................
Ordinary resolution
Special resolution
(a) or (b)
ICICI prudential, a life insurance company, holds thirty two percent of subscribed share
capital of Delta Ltd. The statutory auditor of Delta Ltd. would be appointed by.................
Ordinary resolution
Special resolution
The scope and ambit of these rights of the auditor are given below.
in his report. This is to ensure that the shareholders are made aware of the fact and such awareness
may give critical clues to them and indicate that all is not well with the Company. The power to
ask for information includes the exercise of such powers over the officers of the company and
includes the Directors and Managing Directors. This power is not extinguished by the winding
up of the Company. Where a Company is under Liquidation, the courts can call upon the
directors to appear before the Auditors to submit explanations to the questions raised by them.
This is based on the logic that while directors may cease to enjoy powers, the obligations and
liabilities incurred by them in the time when they were directors are not extinguished with the
passing of the order of winding up. This was held in Bhawnagar Vegetable Products Ltd., In Re.
Under English law, an officer of the company who makes to an auditor (orally or in writing) a
misleading statement which conveys, or purports to convey, any information or explanation
which the auditor requires, or is entitled to in his capacity as auditor is guilty of a statutory
offence and may be liable to fine or imprisonment or both. For the officer to be guilty of an
offence, the statement must be misleading, false or deceptive in a material particular and made
knowingly or recklessly.
Notes The power to ask for information includes the exercise of such powers over the
officers of the company and includes the Directors and Managing Directors.
Caution The right of access to the books can be enforced by mandatory injunction but not
where litigation is pending between the company and the auditors.
Auditing Theory
The auditors of a company are entitled to attend any general meeting of the company and to
receive notice of, and communications relating to, any general meeting which any member of
the company is entitled to receive. Thus, the Auditor has the right to receive notices and other
communications relating to the general meetings. The auditors also have the right to attend the
meeting and speak on any part of the business of such meetings which concerns them as auditors.
Where a company is proposing a resolution as a written resolution, they are entitled to receive
copies of all communications supplied to members. However, the mere fact that the Auditor has
said something in the meeting does not mean that he is absolved of all responsibilities to say
material facts in the Report. In Woolworth v. Conroy, the Court of Appeal held that accountants in
the course of doing the in ordinary professional work of producing and auditing accounts, advising on
financial problems and carrying on negotiations in relation to taxation have at least a particular lien over any
books of accounts, files and papers which their clients have delivered to them, and also over documents which
have come into their possession in the course of acting as their clients agents in the course of their ordinary
professional work.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
It is not obligatory on the part of the officers of the Company to furnish the relevant
information to the auditor.
The Right of an auditor to have access to the books of accounts is not extinguished by the
winding up of the company.
The term at all times enables the auditor to check the records without waiting for
financial year to end or office business hours.
11.9 Summary
Qualification of an Auditor [Section 226 (1) and (2)]: Practicing Chartered Accounts (Sec
226 (1) J): Verification: He offers to perform or performs the services involving the auditing
or verifications of the financial transactions, books of accounts or Professional Services;
Renders the Services: Renders the services as, in the opinion of the council are or may be
renders by a chartered accountant in practice or Certified Auditor [Sec. 226 (2)]
Person cannot become the auditor of the company according section 254 is a body corporate;
an officer or employee of the company; person who is the employment of an officer or
employee of the company; person who is indebted to the company for an amount exceeding
` 1000; the spouse of a director of the company; a person who was a director other officer
or employee of the company at any time during the preceding three years; a person who
is a partner of a director, officer or employee of a company.
As per section 224(5), the first auditor or auditors of a company shall be appointed by the
Board of directors by passing a board resolution within one month of the date of registration
of the company.
Section 224 governs the appointment of auditors. The auditors are to be appointed by the
shareholders of the company in an annual general meeting by passing an ordinary
Powers/Rights, Duties and Liabilities of an Auditor are described under Section 255.
The person appointed as auditor shall sign the auditors report or other documents required
under the law. The report should indicate the date and place, as per Section 257.
The liabilities of auditors of a company can be studied under following heads: (a) Civil
Liabilities, and (b) Criminal.
11.10 Keywords
Auditor: A qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business
or other organization. An auditor (audit) examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of
verification; audit accounts and tax returns.
Auditors Report: The Auditors report is a formal opinion, or disclaimer thereof, issued by
either an internal auditor or an independent external auditor as a result of an internal or external
audit or evaluation performed on a legal entity or sub-division thereof (called an auditee).
Certified Auditor [Sec. 226 (2)]: A part from practicing Chartered Accountants, a person holding
a certificate under the Restricted Auditors Certificate Rules, 1965 is also qualified to be appointed
as auditor of a company.
Civil Liabilities
What are the qualifications of a person to become an auditor? Who are disqualify to be an
Section 224(1-13)
Auditing Theory
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
12.1 Cost Audit
Clauses Removed
Clauses Expanded
New Clauses
Management Reporting
12.4 Summary
12.5 Keywords
12.6 Review Questions
12.7 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Auditing Theory
At present, the Companies Act contains provisions relating to maintenance of Cost Records
under section 209 (1) (d) and Cost Audit under section 233B of the Companies Act in respect of
specified industries. The Audit Committee felt that Cost Records and Cost Audit were important
instruments that would enable companies make their operations efficient and exist in a
competitive environment. The Committee noted that the present corporate scenario also included
a sizeable component of Government owned enterprises or companies operating under
administered price mechanism or a regime of subsidies. It would be relevant for the Government
or the regulators concerned with non-competitive situations to seek costing data. The Committee,
therefore, took the view that while the enabling provision may be retained in the law providing
powers to the Government to cause Cost Audit; legislative guidance has to take into account the
role of management in addressing cost management issues in context of the liberalized business
and economic environment. Further, Government approval for appointment of Cost Auditor
for carrying out such Cost Audit was also not considered necessary.
Examine the correctness of the cost records maintained by the concern and
To report as to whether the cost accounting plans have been adhered to or not.
12.1.1 Procedure for Cost Audit (for Financial Year 2011-2012 Onwards)
Applicability of cost audit is based on turnover of the total company or meeting the other
conditions laid down in the respective Cost Audit Orders issued by the Cost Audit Branch,
Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Subject to meeting total turnover criterion or other criteria laid
down in the respective Cost Audit Orders, if any activity of a company is covered under cost
audit dated 2nd May 2011 or 30th June 2011 or 24th January 2012, the cost audit will be applicable
to that company irrespective of the turnover of that particular activity.
It may please be noted that according to revised system of cost audit as above, individual Cost
Audit Orders for the companies or products are now not issued by the Cost Audit Branch,
Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
The procedure for appointment of Cost Auditor has been modified by the Cost Audit Branch,
Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The revised procedure is affected from the financial year
commencing on or after the 1st day of April, 2011.
As per provisions of section 233B (2), the Board of Directors of a Company can appoint a cost
auditor after obtaining prior approval of the Central Government.
As per the revised procedure, the first point of reference will be the Audit Committee to ensure
that the cost auditor is free from any disqualification as specified under section 233B (5) read
with section 224 and sub-section (3) or sub-section (4) of section 226 of the Companies Act, 1956.
The Audit Committee should also ensure that the cost auditor is independent and is at arms
length relationship with the company. After ascertaining the eligibility, the Audit Committee
will recommend to the Board of Directors for appointment of the Cost Auditor.
Cost Auditor to provide a certificate under Section 224 (IB) of the Companies Act, 1956. Board
Resolution to be passed by the Company for appointment of Cost Auditor. Form 23-C to be filed
by the Company, with Cost Audit Branch, Ministry of Corporate Affairs seeking approval for
appointment of Cost Auditor.
Caution Further, Government approval for appointment of Cost Auditor for carrying out
such Cost Audit was also not considered necessary.
Certified Copy of Board Resolution passed by the Company sanctioning the proposal for
which the Central Government approval has been sought.
Copy of Certificate obtained from cost auditor regarding compliance of Section 224 (1B).
Any other information can be provided as an optional attachment. For example:
In case of change in cost auditor, letter to the previous auditor informing him about the
In case there is extension of financial year, approval letter for such extension.
Payment of Application fee is through ON LINE Mode: Credit Card/Debit Card. The
amount fee payable as on date is as follows:
Task Identify different steps carrying out by cost auditor in performing cost audit.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
Government approval for appointment of Cost Auditor for carrying out such Cost Audit
was earlier considered necessary.
Cost audit is an audit process for verifying the cost of manufacture or production.
Individual Cost Audit Orders for the companies or products are issued by the Cost Audit
Branch, Ministry of Corporate Affairs for year 2011-12.
Auditing Theory
While commenting on Section 301 of the Companies Act, the auditor is to state whether
the transactions entered into have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard
to the prevailing market prices at the relevant time. Benchmarks have been set that these
transactions should exceed ` 5 lakh in respect of any party and in any one financial year.
The auditor also needs to investigate into transactions relating to loans and advances,
whether reasonable steps have been taken by the company for recovery/payment of the
principal and interest.
While commenting on fixed assets, the auditor needs to comment whether the going
concern is affected in case a substantial part of the fixed assets have been disposed of
during the year.
In cases of contraventions of Section 58/58A of the Companies Act, the nature of the
contraventions should be expanded upon and compliance with orders of the CLB need to
be seen.
In cases wherein there are disputed statutory dues, such as sales tax/income-tax/Customs
tax/excise duty and cess, the amounts involved and the forum where the dispute is pending
need to be mentioned.
With the impending death of the BIFR, the incipient signs of sickness have been defined to
mean accumulated losses at the end of the financial year being not less than 50 per cent of
net worth and where cash losses have been incurred for the financial year under report
and the immediately preceding one.
In case a company has granted loans by way of pledge of shares, debentures or other
securities, whether adequate documents and records are maintained is to be reported and
deficiencies pointed out.
Specific points regarding ratios, prudential norms, appraisal of credit proposals and
repayment schedules are to be reported.
In case of companies dealing in shares, whether proper records have been maintained of
transactions and contracts and whether timely entries have been made therein is to be
The auditor is also required to comment whether the company has given any guarantee
for loans taken by others and whether the terms and conditions are prejudicial to the
interests of the company.
The auditor is also required to comment on whether the term loans were applied for the
purpose for which they were obtained.
The auditor is also required to comment whether the funds raised on short-term basis
were use for long-term purposes.
Whether the management has disclosed on the end use of funds in case of public issues and
whether the same has been verified.
Whether any fraud on, or by the, company has been noticed or reported during the year.
The nature and the amount are to be indicated
In case the auditors report is unfavorable or qualified in respect of any of the matters
above, the report shall also state the reasons for the unfavorable or qualified answer. In
case the auditor is unable to express an opinion on any of the matters stated, he should
expressly state this fact.
Notes This system would ensure that the ordinary shareholder gets to know the deviations
instead of wading through all the fine print. This system would also take care of situations
wherein companies slip on certain areas in particular years.
It could also have barred the parking of grey transactions in the notes to accounts. The notes
often contain many a landmine, which could blow up. It could take a cue from a recent RBI
guideline for banks, wherein it has been expressly stated that accounting disputes need to be
mentioned in the audit report or the financial statements, altered. With the introduction of
CARO, the responsibility of the auditors as well as the companies to which this report applies
has increased. This article makes an attempt to compare the reporting requirements in MAOCARO
with that prescribed in CARO. This will help the practicing members as well as members in
industry to understand the new requirement and comply with it.
Auditing Theory
Full name
Clause relating to
Fixed Assets
Maintenance of proper
records of fixed assets,
physical verification of
fixed assets and accounting
of material discrepancies on
physical verification
No such reporting is
Whether physical
verification carried out at
reasonable intervals in
respect of finished goods,
store, spare parts and raw
Whether procedures
relating to physical
verification of stocks
reasonable and adequate in
relation to the size of and
nature of the business of the
company. If not
inadequacies to be reported
Clause relating to
Clause relating to
Loans granted and
taken from parties
listed in register
maintained u/s.
301and Companies
under the same
management as
defined u/s. 370 (1B)
Clause relating to
other loans or
advances in the nature
of loans granted or
taken by the company
Whether material
discrepancies relating to
physical verification
properly accounted for
Same as MAOCATO.
Clause relating to
Internal Control
Is there an adequate
internal control procedure
commensurate with the size
of and the nature of the
business of the company
relating to inventory and
fixed assets and for the sale
of goods.
Clause relating to
transactions entered
with parties
mentioned in register
mentioned u/s. 301
Auditing Theory
Clause relating to
unserviceable or
damaged stores, raw
materials or finished
Clause relating to
acceptance of public
Clause relating to
maintenance of
records for sale and
disposal of byproducts/scrap
Clause relating to
Internal Audit System
Clause relating to
Cost Accounting
Clause relating to
deposit of Statutory
Clause relating to
deposit of Statutory
Dues (contd.)
Clause relating to
personal expenses
Clause relating to
default in repayment
of dues to banks / FI/
Debenture holders
Clause relating to
maintenance of
records for loans or
advances granted
Clause relating to
guarantees given for
Auditing Theory
Clause relating to
usage of loan funds
Clause relating to
preferential allotment
of shares
Clause relating to
creation of securities
for debenture holders
Clause relating to
usage of equity funds
Clause relating to
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
With the introduction of CARO, the responsibility of the auditors as well as the companies
to which this report applies has not changed much.
Clause relating to unserviceable or damaged stores, raw materials or finished goods has
been removed from CARO.
Management audit is an emerging concept of auditing. It has been originated from America.
Management audit is an act of evaluation of all the activities of all the departments with a view
to provide appropriate suggestions to the management to help their work. In other words,
management auditing is a future oriented task which evaluates timely in all the levels of
management like production management, sales management etc. The main objective of
management audit is to improve the profit earning capacity, work of management, objectives of
program, social objectives and human resource development so that organizational goal can be
easily attained. It refers to the existence of control system, compliance of rules and regulations,
process of managerial decisions etc.
Three basic evaluation methods exist for any work activity: inspection, compliance auditing and
management auditing. The first method, inspection, measures a processs output against certain
characteristics. These characteristics, generally identified as form, fit and function, are specified,
and the process output either possesses those characteristics or it doesnt. As a result, an
inspections outcome is always binary: pass or fail.
In contrast, compliance audits check on the implementation of written manuals, procedures and
work instructions. The compliance audit evolved in the 20th century as business practices became
more complex. The first use of compliance auditing appeared in financial transactions, because
tax collectors and bank examiners needed assurance that the financial data were correct. This
concept of verifying compliance was picked up by the quality profession in the 1960s and
applied to the military and the nuclear power industry. Compliance audits are still used in
high-risk activities; where there is a desire to verify that the activities are being performed in
strict compliance to approved requirements. Third-party registration audits, regulatory
inspections and most supplier audits measure compliance. The application of a compliance
audit results in stability and assurance that rules are being followed.
The management audit is a more recent concept. It focuses on results, evaluating the effectiveness
and suitability of controls by challenging underlying rules, procedures and methods. Management
audits, which are generally performed internally, are compliance audits plus cause-and-effect
analysis. When performed correctly, they are potentially the most useful of the evaluation
methods, because they result in change.
Management Audit is the systematic recognition, analysis and assessment of competencies and
the actual behavior of both individual executives as well as complete executive teams particularly
with regard to the business strategic requirements. The basis of Management Audit is structured
interviews and reference checks conducted by external experts to be documented in expert
Management Audits focus on personal attributes and business skills. Personal attributes can be
sub-divided into:
Intellectual Capability
Leadership behavior
Auditing Theory
As psychological tests cannot adequately cope with above mentioned criteria (issues) the
Management Audit should be conducted by experienced and well-trained interviewers. It is the
objective of the process not to assess the individual manager in isolation but in context to their
competitors and comparable roles outside the company. This benchmark information is most
valuable and delivers conclusions as to the effectiveness of the management team.
Simply defined, the management audit is a comprehensive and thorough examination of an
organization or one of its components. The audit is implemented to identify problems or
significant weaknesses in the organization or corporation, thus providing management with a
tool to address and repair the problem area.
Did u know? The audit is not a new or recent idea. History tells us of the presence of
auditors in Pharaohs Egypt and the classical periods of Greek and Roman history. As
businesses developed and grew over the centuries of recorded history, the need for controls
became increasingly important. Financial auditing became a standard in American
businesses and, following the lead of New York State, certification for accountants was
enacted as legislation in many states. The financial audit is now fully integrated into
business practices.
The internal audit follows the spirit of financial auditing and surpasses it to examine operational
matters as well. Another natural extension is operational auditing. While internal auditing is
conducted by employees within the organization, an operational audit is generally completed
by an internal task force or external analysts.
Caution As psychological tests cannot adequately cope with above mentioned criteria
(issues) the Management Audit should be conducted by experienced and well-trained
The management audit is now widely accepted in the business field. For more than 40 years,
corporations and nonprofit organizations have utilized the management audit as a
comprehensive tool. In 1932 T. G. Rose, a lecturer in management at Cambridge University and
former manager for Leyland Motors, embraced the concept of an annual organizational and
management audit; Queens University School of Business professor William P. Leonard followed
suit, urging a comprehensive examination of the business entity. Additional credibility stemmed
from the General Accounting Office of the federal government, an office charged with independent
audits of government agencies.
The management audit is defined by its scope and objectives. The scope is broad and generally
includes all functions of the organization, including objectives and strategy, corporate structure,
organizational planning, the budgeting process, human and financial resources management,
decision making, research and development, marketing, equipment and operations, and
management information systems. This breadth extends to recent, present, and future operations
and covers external issues as well as internal concerns. Objectives of the management audit
include the development of recommendations and improvements, as well as increased awareness
of the credibility and acceptance of the audits results. The process is more an audit of management,
in order to enhance corporate profits and financial stability.
The audit follows a logical, step-by-step format, including initial interviews with key managers.
A study team uses the interview process to define the scope of the audit, including the areas or
functions to be studied. Next, the team requests various forms of documentation, including
budgets, planning documents, corporate reports, financial statements, policy and procedure
manuals, biographical material, and various other documents. Following this stage, the study
team then prepares a schedule and detailed plan of study, all aimed at proceeding to the internal
fact finding step. Fact-finding relies once again on interviews, documentation, and personal
observation of facilities and organizational work patterns. By the time these steps are completed,
the study team develops a thorough understanding of organizational structure and operations.
The team generally turns next to an external review, using interviews to determine the opinions
and attitudes key people outside the organization have about its operations. Examples of those
interviewed are customers, representatives of financial institutions, and employees of federal
agencies having contact with the audited organization. These interviews provide the team with
more objective evaluations, and lead to an analysis of all the information and data now gathered.
Organizational performance is profiled, then efficiency and effectiveness are evaluated and
compared against industry norms. While many criteria can be measured quantitatively, team
members have to use sound judgment and objectivity when evaluating issues that cannot be
measured. In turn, the organizations management has to be receptive to the audit process and
demonstrate clear acceptance of audit findings.
The study team then develops conclusions and recommendations which are communicated to
the organizations management. These final two stagesconclusions/recommendations and
communicationare essential to the management audit process. The audit is expected to identify
corporate strengths and weaknesses, sources of problems, and potential problem areas.
Recommendations for correction are presented to top management. The final report comes in
the form of an overall plan of action, which includes prioritized recommendations, the specific
units and individuals expected to carry out the recommendations, a schedule for action, and
expected results. When conducted with thoroughness, objectivity, and timeliness, the management
audit becomes a powerful tool for corporate and organizational executives who seek to improve
effectiveness and efficiency.
An important aspect of the management audit is the composition of the study team. Both internal
and external analysts are frequently used on audit teams; the composition depends on several
factors, including the need for independent appraisal, the lack of human or financial resources to
conduct the audit, and the need to provide an external audit to contrast against internal findings.
In some instances, associations such as the American Institute of Management (AIM) provide
audit teams. The AIM has developed ten categories of the management audit, and many audits
apply these same categories. They include:
Economic function
Corporate structure
Health of earnings
Service to stockholders
Directorate analysis
Fiscal policies
Production efficiency
Sales vigor
Executive evaluation
Auditing Theory
Management Audits
Emphasizes stability
Emphasizes results
Management audit identifies the objectives of an organization if such objectives are not
set up.
Management audit reviews the structure of organization and asset of the organization and
decides whether goals can be obtained or not.
Management audit examines all the scope of work and liability centers.
Management audit provides valuable suggestions to the management after the evaluation
of all above facts.
To help all the members of management to make effective discharge of their duties.
completed or not. It evaluates the actual performances and compares them with the
pre-determined targets. It concentrates on results and not on the files. It can be particularly
useful in many situations like the following:
Such an audit is highly oriented. It does not question whether the procedures have been
followed or not. It concerns itself primarily with the results and with the ratios of inputs
and outputs.
It measures in quantitative terms, the various inputs that a manager uses in terms of
man-hours, wages, materials, overheads, or capital resources. The outputs are measured
in terms of quantity, return or performance targets. The performances are evaluated by
relating inputs with outputs.
Similarly, a bank or a financial institution may like to get a management audit conducted
before advancing loans or before agreeing to participate in the equity capital of an
Foreign collaborators may also like to get management audit conducted periodically.
This would help them in assessing the management potential of their associates.
In case of government organizations also, there is an urgent need to review the methods
of audit.
Notes Management audit evaluates the actual performances and compares them with the
pre-determined targets.
The present system of audit may be replaced by a suitable form of management audit so that the
basic outlook of government officials is changed and they become result-oriented rather than
procedure-bound. Management audit, if properly undertaken, can be an excellent tool of
management control in many situations. Whether performing a compliance or a management
audit, auditors must obey four basic rules. First, audits must provide information for a defined
need, that is, the customers need. Second, auditors must be capable of performing their duties.
Third, audits must measure performance against agreed criteria. Fourth, audit conclusions must
be based on fact.
Auditing Theory
auditors outside perspective can be quite valuable. The client (the person who commissions the
audit), in contrast to the auditee, is accountable for the auditors actions and reports. Committees
cannot generally perform this function; an audit boss should schedule the audits and make
assignments. Finally, auditors must serve the organizations needs. Business values are important
and the auditors can assist by determining whether the enterprise is actually achieving its goals.
see the patterns, rather than the individual events. For a compliance audit, these patterns are
then reported as either conformities or non-conformities.
Management audits require some additional work. The auditor needs to identify the pain
associated with those groups of bad facts. (Its important to identify business problems, such as
scrap, rework and overtime, as pain.) Then the auditor combines the missing control (the system
error thats causing the problems) and the business pain into one statement, called a finding. The
finding will reveal cause-and-effect patterns occurring within processes. Because the business
pain is identified, there will be a tremendous desire to do something about it.
By associating the negative facts with missing or weak controls, the auditor rises to the system
level of analysis. This has lasting value, because the system affects the process, which affects the
product or service.
Be prepared
Initial Steps of the Audit Notification, Planning, Opening Meeting and Fieldwork
Notification: The audit process begins with notification. The notification process alerts the
party to be audited of the date and time of the process. The notification also will list the documents
that the order wishes to review in order to understand the organization of the company. Main
points that need to be considered are:
Establishing the objects of organization: The first job in the management audit is to
identify the objectives of the business organization.
Evaluation of the organization structure: Next step in the management audit is to evaluate
the organization structure. To find out that whether the structure enough to achieve the
goals of the organizations.
Auditing Theory
Observation: In many cases the management auditor may have to rely upon his won
observation of pertinent activities and conditions in the organisation. A management
auditor may prepare organisational charts and flowcharts as a result of his observation of
pertinent activities and conditions.
Evaluating the policies of the organization: Evaluating the policies of the organization is
very important is very important. Any scope of improvement in it should be reported.
Planning: The next step, planning, is the steps the auditor takes, before the audit, to identify key
areas of risk and areas of concern. This step is usually accomplished in a series of meetings with
auditing staff. This leads up to the opening meeting between the auditing staff and senior
management of the auditing target as well as administrative staff. The auditors will describe the
process they will undertake. Management will describe areas of concern to them and the schedule
of the employees that must be consulted.
Fieldwork: The next step, fieldwork, begins after the results of the meeting are used to adjust the
final audit plans. Employees are notified of the audit, schedules are drawn up regarding the
activities of the audit staff, and initial investigation is begun after learning of business procedures,
interviewing key staff, testing current business practices by sampling, reviewing the law and
testing internal rules and practices for reasonableness. Main points that need to be considered are:
Inquiry: A management auditor collects most of the evidence required by him by asking
relevant questions and obtaining satisfactory answers to these questions. Proper framing of
questionnaire is one of the first steps in conducting management audit. The main value of
questionnaires lies in the fact that a good question is often a key to uncover a hidden problem.
Examination: In many cases, the management auditor may have to conduct an examination
of documents and records. This may be necessary in case of inquiry process yields certain
information which needs collaboration or which suffers from internal contradictions.
Developing Audit Questionnaire: Select a procedure to audit. Define the scope and intent,
identify the participants and pull together a plan of action. Create an audit questionnaire
to accompany and document each audit. This questionnaire should help to automate and
formalize certain audit procedures. Include audit procedures on the questionnaire, and
provide a place for the name of the procedure at the top of the questionnaire; this will help
to focus the audit.
Providing Weights: Procedures should also include an explanation for audit responses. In
general audit responses are as follows: yes, no, and N/A. No answers identify a procedural
performance issue and yes answers identify areas of procedural effectiveness. N/A
signifies that the questions are not applicable to the situation. Audit procedures should also
provide a weighting system. Assign a weight to each question. For instance, each question
can be rated on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 signifying less risk and 5 signifying more risk.
Communication is the next step. The audit team should consistently be in contact with the
corporate auditor to clarify processes, gain access to documents and clarify procedures. At
the completion of the audit, the next step, the draft audit, is prepared.
The draft audit will detail what was done and what was found, a distribution list of parties
to receive preliminary results, and a list of concerns. The draft is given to management to
review, edit and suggest changes, probe areas of concern and correct errors. Upon making
final corrections, the report is given to management for the seventh step, the management
Management is requested to answer the report by stating whether they agree with the
problems cited, the plan to correct noted problem and the expected date by which all
issues will have been addressed.
The final meeting is designed to close loose ends, discuss the management response and
address the scope of the audit.
Reviewing the actual performance- Auditor should review the actual performance of the
various work centers. The performance should be carefully and critically evaluated. Any
scope of the improvement or inefficient working should be reported.
The next step is the report distribution, where the final audit report is sent to appropriate
officials inside and outside the audit area.
Report: On the basis of the above steps, auditor should prepare a report and
submit to the appointing authority. The report should point out all the weak and inefficient
points present in the organization.
Feedback: The last step is the audit feedback whereby the audited company implements
the recommended changes and the auditors review and test the quality, adherence and
effects of the adopted changes. This continues until all issues are adopted and the next
audit cycle begins.
Auditing Theory
responsibility and the power of delegation at each level should be clearly spelt out. A clearly
defined organizational structure ensures tight system and procedures with minimum loopholes
and gaps. Management audit will have to focus on this and try to determine to what extent
executives and managers at medium and lower level have utilized the authority vested in them.
Remedial measures can consequently be suggested for appropriate delegation to achieve the
desired results.
Decision-making: Correct and prompt decision making, can help in improving profit and services
of cooperatives. Decision making comprises a series of acts at different levels in a hierarchy.
Assessment of the quality of the decisions taken will have to take into account several factorssome controllable and some uncontrollable. Although, it is the effort of every organization to
appoint right man at the right position to ensure quality decision-making. It is not always
possible. Management audit will have to take into account the executive caliber of people at
different levels, especially in sensitive areas like personnel department, credit appraisal and
public relation. In credit cooperatives management audit will be required to ascertain as to what
extent the power of writing off bad debts, sanctioning credit limit and various types of loans,
settlement of disputes between banks and staff should be delegated to middle and lower level
Management audit will examine situations critically and poet out faults and whether these are
at top level or lower level. Finally this will help in deciding as to what extent power should be
delegated to middle and lower level for effective and quick decision making. The expectations
of the clients of the bank regarding services to be rendered should be the guiding factor for
delegating power. The audit should reach conclusions keeping in mind the capacity, capability
and expertise of the person who has been delegated powers. It should also be able to assess
whether failures are due to deficiency at individual eve or due to lacunae in organizational
Notes Management audit will have to take into account the executive caliber of people at
different levels, especially in sensitive areas like personnel department, credit appraisal
and public relation.
Human Resource Development: The employees of a cooperative contribute significantly to its
development. Hence if employees are expected to make tangible contribution it is necessary
that their morale is kept high. Management audit should take into an account the morale is kept
high. Management audit should take into account the employees level of motivation, the
infrastructure developed for personnel in the areas of training, promotional prospects and
incentives available for exemplary performance. A review of the cooperatives personnel policies
in respect of transfer, placements and promotion will indicate the important areas where
management audit may be conducted. Management audit will generate conducive atmosphere
in the Organization by which good results will be ensured.
Financial Viability: The present day problem of cooperative banks is primarily that of
profitability and viability which calls for a definite orientation in management audit exercise.
Cooperative banks business essentially comprises lending to non-farm sector and also agriculture
financing. Besides; these banks are required to undertake higher priority sector lending as
compared to private and public sector banks, and also have to implement government sponsored
programmes which affects their profitability. Being placed in such a position the cooperative
banks are a not able to extend desired lending services to their customers, and as a result they are
not able to generate sufficient income beyond their routine earning of interest.
These banks could undertake the business of bills of exchange and foreign exchange also. With
the help of management audit it is possible to determine at what level profitability is being
eroded and what is the extent of cross-subsidization of non-viable services including opening of
new branches. Management audit can help to identity clearly factors which are contributing to
the profitability and viability to the bank, as also those which are not making any contributions
in this regard. The management and administrative costs should be analyzed thoroughly by the
audit to apprise the management of the impropriety in expenses.
The total income of the bank should match its managerial, financial and administrative expenses
and save a certain quantum as met profit. Management audit is a very suitable device for
suggesting remedial measures to improve the profitability and viability of the bank. A factual
and analytical management audit can be an effective test for stimulating action to correct the
weakness underscored by the auditor. Management audit will be able to pinpoint weakness in
control and identify vulnerable areas for suggestion and improvement. The auditors task is not
score points by adopting a fault finding approach but to deep the interest of the organization in
Notes Management audit can help to identity clearly factors which are contributing to the
profitability and viability to the bank. The management and administrative costs should
be analyzed thoroughly by the audit to apprise the management of the impropriety in
Management audit attests the quality of the management in the similar fashion as financial
audit attests the accuracy of the records and financial statements.
It permits more objective and complete evaluation of the total management and operating
It enables the management to find specific .problem areas where managers are unable to
come out with fruitful solutions.
A check can be made on new policies and practices for both their suitability and compliance.
It provides adequate measure for the extent to which the current managerial controls are
effective. .
It provides mechanism for continually updating the total management and operating
structure of the firm.
Management audit provides information about strong and weak points of the management
after reviewing policies and programs. So, it helps to the smooth operation of an
Auditing Theory
Relevancy: The reports should be presented only to the persons who need them. Sometimes
the reports are sent to various departments and the secrecy will not be maintained and
expenditure will be more. Consistency There should be a consistency in the preparation of
reports. The comparability of reports will be possible only if they are consistent.
Cost Consideration: The cost of preparing and presenting the report should also be
considered and it should not exceed the advantage derived from such reports.
Frequency of reports: Along with promptness, the frequency of reporting is also significant.
The timing of reporting will depend upon the nature of information and its purpose.
These reports are prepared for appropriate persons.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Three basic evaluation methods exist for any work activity includes inspection, compliance
auditing and ........................
Management audits, which are generally performed internally, are compliance audits
plus ............................
12.4 Summary
Cost audit means a systematic and accurate verification of the cost accounts and records
and checking of adherence to the objectives of the cost accounting.
At present, the Companies Act contains provisions relating to maintenance of Cost Records
under section 209 (1) (d) and Cost Audit under section 233B of the Companies Act in
respect of specified industries.
In cost audit, auditor has to perform the following duties: Examine the correctness of the
cost records maintained by the concern and to report as to whether the cost accounting
plans have been adhered to or not.
If any activity of a company is covered under cost audit dated 2nd May 2011 or 30th June
2011 or 24th January 2012, the cost audit will be applicable to that company irrespective of
the turnover of that particular activity.
Through Notification No G.S.R. 480(E) of June 12, 2003, the Department of Company
Affairs (DCA) has replaced MAOCARO with the Companies (Auditors Report) Order,
2003 CARO. The new order does merely remove the MAO in the old order it appears
much more expansive in scope.
Effective from July 1, 2003, it applies to all companies save banking and insurance
companies, Section 25 companies and private limited companies with paid-up capital and
reserves of less than ` 50 lakh which have not accepted public deposits and do not have a
loan liabilities in excess of ` 10 lakh and whose turnover does not exceed ` 5 crore.
Three basic evaluation methods exist for any work activity: inspection, compliance auditing
and management auditing.
Auditing Theory
The management audit is a more recent concept. It focuses on results, evaluating the
effectiveness and suitability of controls by challenging underlying rules, procedures and
Management audits, which are generally performed internally, are compliance audits
plus cause-and-effect analysis. When performed correctly, they are potentially the most
useful of the evaluation methods, because they result in change.
12.5 Keywords
CARO: Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003.
Financial Audit: A financial audit, or more accurately, an audit of financial statements, is the
review of the financial statements of a company or any other legal entity (including governments),
resulting in the publication of an independent opinion on whether those financial statements
are relevant, accurate.
Management Audit: Simply defined, the management audit is a comprehensive and thorough
examination of an organization or one of its components. The audit is implemented to identify
problems or significant weaknesses in the organization or corporation, thus providing
management with a tool to address and repair the problem area.
MAOCARO: Manufacturing and other Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 1988.
What clauses are removed, clauses that are expanded and new clauses added while changing
MAOCARO with CARO? Explain pros and cons of this revision.
What are the key areas in which management audit can be undertaken in co-operatives?
Management auditing
cause-and-effect analysis
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation. John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Role of Co-operatives
Pre-IRDA Scenario
Post-IRDA Scenario
Other Issues
13.4 Summary
13.5 Keywords
13.6 Review Questions
13.7 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
There are several areas in banking, cooperative banking and insurance accounting and finance,
both at the corporate level and operational level that need an auditors focused attention and
critical review.
Caution The Banking Regulation Act casts greater responsibilities on the directors of
banks as compared to those of other companies in the matter of supervision over their
It would be fitting to conclude that Auditing is an art as well as a Science in as much as one need
to apply the principles to the actual realities in an innovative manner. While the regulatory
prescriptions and banks own policy guidelines form the boundaries within which the banks
investment operations are required and expected to be carried out, it is the auditing process that
culls out and highlights the bubbles and weaknesses in the procedures adopted by the banks
operating personnel and forewarn the management about the likely risks which have the
potential to undermine the Corporate Objectives of the bank.
The large PSBs having balance sheet size (assets + liabilities) of above ` 1 lac crore each to
exercise managerial autonomy in regard to appointment of SBAs also from the year
Auditing Theory
2008-09 onwards. Thus, State Bank of India, Allahabad Bank, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda,
Canara Bank, Central Bank of India, Indian Overseas Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce,
Syndicate Bank, Punjab National Bank, UCO Bank and Union Bank of India would be
required to select/appoint their SBAs from the year 2008-09. In addition, Andhra Bank and
Punjab & Sind Bank which have opted to exercise autonomy in the matter of appointment
of statutory auditors will also select/appoint their SBAs in 2008-09.
For the remaining PSBs, the existing practice of RBI providing the list of audit firms to be
appointed as SBAs would continue during the years 2008-09.
In respect of the banks identified above, RBI to provide the list of eligible auditors/audit
firms. The existing categorization norms for empanelment of SBAs to continue.
The auditors/audit firms who got statutory audit of branches of PSBs in the year 04-05 and
afterwards will continue to get the audit of same bank except in certain exceptional cases.
Banks do not have any authority to remove the audit firms during this period without
prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India.
The concept of one audit firm for one PSB to continue. The consent given by an audit firm
will be treated as irrevocable.
The number of eligible auditors/audit firms is more than the number of branches to be
audited at the following 33 centres (viz. Mumbai, Kolhapur, Pune, Solapur, Thane, Kolkata,
Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi/New Delhi, Ajmer, Bikaner, Jaipur, Kota, Udaipur,
Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Raipur, Faridabad, Gurgaon,
Panchkula, Panipat, Sonipat, Bangalore, Ernakulam, Indore, Nagpur, Ludhiana, Jodhpur,
Bhilwara, and Ghaziabad). In such centres, the auditors/audit firms will be put to a period
of compulsory rest for two years. In other centres, where the number of eligible auditors/
audit firms is less than the number of branches to be audited, the branch auditors will be
subjected to the principle of rotation.
After the selection of branch auditors, PSBs will be required to recommend the names of
both continuing and new branch auditors to seek the approval from RBI before their
actual appointment
Auditors Report (Indian Bank) Year End : Mar 12
udited Balance Sheet of INDIAN BANK as at 31st March 2012, the Profit and Loss
Account and Cash Flow Statement annexed thereto for the year ended on that
date, in which are incorporated the returns of 20 Branches and 34 Zonal Offices
audited by us, 1608 Branches audited by statutory branch auditors, and 3 foreign branches
audited by local statutory auditors for the sole purpose of inclusion in the consolidation.
The branches audited by us and those audited by other auditors have been selected by the
Bank in accordance with the guidelines issued to the Bank by the Reserve Bank of India.
Also incorporated in the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account are the returns of
327 branches and 26 other offices, which have not been subjected to audit. These unaudited
branches account for 1.12 % of advances, 5.74 % of deposits, 1.69 % of interest income and
5.29 % of interest expenses. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Banks
Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements
based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in
India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis
for our opinion.
The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account have been drawn up in Form A and
B respectively of the Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
As required by the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act,
1970 and subject to the limitations of disclosures required therein and the limitations of
the audit indicated in Para (1) above, we report that:
We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our
knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of our audit and have found
them to be satisfactory.
The transactions of the Bank, which have come to our notice, have been within the
powers of the Bank.
The returns received from the branches and offices of the Bank as supplemented
with the information furnished by the Management, have been found adequate for
the purpose of our audit.
In our opinion the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement comply
with the applicable accounting standards.
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 9.2 of Schedule 18 to the
financial statements, which describes deferment of pension and gratuity liability of the
bank to the extent of ` 587.53 crore pursuant to the exemption granted by the Reserve Bank
of India to the Public Sector Banks from application of the provisions of Accounting
Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits, vide its circular no. DBOD.BPBC/80/21.04.018/201011 dt.09.02.2011 on Reopening of Pension Option to Employees of Public Sector Banks and
Enhancement in Gratuity Limits - Prudential Regulatory Treatment.
In our opinion, as shown by books of bank, and to the best of our information and
according to the explanations given to us:
The Balance Sheet read together with Significant Accounting Policies and Notes
thereon is a full and fair Balance Sheet containing all the necessary particulars and is
properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of state of affairs of the Bank
as at 31st March 2012 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
The Profit and Loss Account read with the Significant Accounting Policies and notes
thereon shows a true balance of the Profit for the year covered by the account in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India; and
The Cash Flow Statement gives a true and fair view of the cash flows for the year
ended on that date.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
A banking company requires maintaining the books of account in accordance with section
209 of the Companies Act ...............
Auditing Theory
The financial position of a bank is depended on the condition of assets, loan, investment,
cash balanced and those of its .........................
The large PSBs having balance sheet size (assets + liabilities) of above ` .................. can
exercise managerial autonomy in regard to appointment of SBAs from the year 2008-09
may be registered under KCS Act (Section 4). The aims of the society should not be inconsistent
with the principles of social justice, and its byelaws not contrary to the Provisions of the KCS Act
and Rules. It should comply with the requirements of sound business and have reasonable
chance of success before it could be considered for registration (Section 7). Thus a Co-operative
Society is a business organization with a special mode of doing business, in a strictly business
like manner tempered by a high moral purpose of encouraging in its members, habits of honesty,
industry, thrift, prudence, punctuality and mutual help. The liability of a Co-operative Society
may be limited or unlimited subject to the provisions of Section 4 read with Section 5. The
registration of a society shall render it a body corporate by the name under which it is registered
having perpetual succession and a common seal and with power to hold property, enter into
contracts, etc., (Sec.9). The Act provides for compulsory audit by the Director of Co-operative
Audit or a person authorised by him (Sec. 63).
Did u know? Under sub-section (4 A) of Section 63 of the Act every Co-operative Society
shall submit for each Co-operative year, to the Registrar and the Director of Co-operative
Audit, statements showing the receipts and disbursements, Profit and Loss and the Balance
Sheet for the year and such other statements and returns as the Registrar or the Director of
Co-operative Audit may direct. According to Rule 51 of KCS Rules every Society has to
keep Books of Accounts and Registers in connection with the business of the society in
such form as the Director of Co-operative Audit may from time to time require.
Restrictions on Loans: Under Section 60 of the K.C.S. Act a Co-operative Society shall not
make a loan to any person other than a member. With general or special sanction of the
Registrar, however, a co-operative society can make loans to another co-operative society.
A co-operative society may also make a loan to a depositor on the security of his deposit.
Investment of Funds: According to Section 58 of the K.C.S. Act a Co-operative society may
invest or deposit its funds (a) in a Government Savings Bank, (b) in any of the securities
specified in Section 20 of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 (c) in the shares or securities of any
other co-operative society or (d) with any Co-operative Bank or with any Scheduled Bank
approved by the Registrar. With special sanction of the Registrar, a co-operative society
may invest its Reserve Fund in its own business or in the construction or purchase of
buildings or lands required for carrying on the objects of the society. (Rule 23).
Provident Fund: According to Section 62 of the K.C.S. Act a society may establish a
Provident Fund for the benefit of its employees. Such provident fund cannot be used in its
business or for creating any assets for the society. The provident fund is also not liable for
any attachment or be subject to any other process of any courts or other authority.
Audit or auditing is a critical and intelligent examination of the books of accounts and verification
of correctness of accounts with relevant vouchers and documents in order to ensure that the
entries in the books have been made correctly so as to constitute a true record of the transactions
and that the Profit and Loss account and the Balance Sheet have been properly drawn up so as to
exhibit a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the institution at the end of the year and the
profit or loss for the financial year ended on that date.
Auditing Theory
Notes Such examination should not be confined to a mere arithmetical check of the books
of accounts. It should go beyond the books of accounts to ensure that the transactions
recorded therein are genuine, properly authorized and correctly entered.
The members of the Society are to be satisfied that the affairs of the society are managed
properly and on sound business principles. This is possible by the Co-operative Auditor
undertaking a detailed check of the voluminous transactions taking place during the
entire year and making a report of his findings as a result of this check, to the members.
A large number of societies borrow funds from outside. The creditors would be keen to
satisfy themselves of the financial soundness and credit worthiness of the society. For this
purpose they would depend upon the Co-operative Auditors report.
A large number of persons are employed by Co-operatives for managing their affairs. In
order to ensure that there is proper check on efficiency and integrity of employees, the
managements would require a systematic and thorough check of their accounts. This
purpose is served by Co-operative Audit.
Non-members who deposit their funds with the Co-operative Banks would like to satisfy
themselves that their funds are safe with the Bank, This is possible by the Co-operative
Auditors report.
and guidance is to be given by the Co-operative Auditor for improvement of the Co-operative
Institution in the light of this background. The Co-operative Audit is thus not merely a financial
audit. It involves Administrative Audit also.
Examination of overdue debts, if any, verification of the cash balance and security and
genuineness of advances, ensuring of personal expenses not being charged to revenue
account valuation of the assets and liabilities and an examination of the working and the
other prescribed particulars of the society.
To certify that whether the financial statements prepared by the society gives a true and
fair view about the state of affairs of a co-operative society as at the end of the year. And
also to report those proper books of accounts have been kept by the society so far as
appears from his examination of those books and proper returns adequate for the purpose
of his audit.
Any of the matters referred to in sub-section (13) and (14) is answered in the negative or with a
qualification, the auditor shall state the reason for the answer in his audit report.
Section 63(5) of the KCS Act requires communication of the result of audit to the society, the
Registrar and to the financing Bank or Credit Agency and if the society is affiliated to any other
society, to such society.
Under Rule 30 of the KCS Rules every Co-operative Society shall pay to the State Government
a fee for the audit of its accounts for each Co-operative year in accordance with the scale fixed by
the Director with the previous approval of the State Government in respect of the class of
societies to which it belongs.
Auditing Theory
Valuation of assets and Liabilities and Verification of Cash Balance and Securities.
Apart from the general processes of auditing like posting, vouching, verification of assets and
liabilities etc., the special features of Co-operative Audit are briefly mentioned below.
Verification of the accuracy of the books of accounts and ascertaining correctness of accounts.
Detection of clerical errors and errors of principles and prevention of such errors.
Examination of the affairs of the society in order to ascertain whether they have been
carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Co-operative Law and the Principles of
Co-operation and on sound business principles.
Assessment of the extent to which the conditions of the members, particularly their
economic conditions, have improved by the operations of the society.
It is the duty of the auditor to verify the cash balance and securities, examine the overdue
debts, if any, value assets and liabilities of the society, verify balances at the credit of the
depositors and creditors and the amount due by the societys debtors (Section 63(2) of the
KCS Act read with rule 29(1) of the KCS Rules).
The Auditor should satisfy himself that the Co-operative Society has kept all account
books and registers in connection with the business of the society as required by the
Director of Co-operative Audit, properly and up-to-date (rule 51 of the KCS Rules).
The accounts have been prepared by the Co-operative Society for each separate year in
such form as specified by the Director of Co-operative Audit (Rule 53(1) of the KCS Rules).
Verify whether the provisions of all the bylaws have been strictly observed and the
bylaws are in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Rules framed there under.
Auditing Theory
In respect of Credit Societies and Banks, whether loans have been sanctioned for
proper objects and periods and on adequate security as per conditions applicable to
grant of such loans to proper persons. He has also to examine the repayments in
order to ascertain book adjustments, improper renewals etc., and examine whether
prompt action has been taken for recovery of dues and over dues.
In respect of marketing societies whether the society has undertaken pooling and
grading before sale of produce of members etc., and
In respect of other societies whether the business of the society has been conducted
according to the Co-operative principles and sound business practices
Verify genuineness and adequacy of securities, mortgage and other bonds, adequacy of
provision made for depreciation of assets and other items of expenses including interest
payable on borrowings and deposits.
Verify whether net profit arrived at is in accordance with the provisions of Rule 22 of
K.C.S., Rules and appropriations made out of net profits are in accordance with Section 57
of the K.C.S. Act.
Analyze the reasons for losses incurred by the society and assess after careful
examination, deficiency or loss, if any, arising out of negligence or misconduct on
the part of any employee or member of the committee, or of the society and after
giving due opportunity to the persons whose actions are likely to be adversely
commented upon in the Audit Report to explain why responsibility should not be
fixed on them for the said deficiency or loss.
Certify the balance sheet subject to qualifications if any indicating the state of:
Accounts and Affairs of the society and award audit classification to the societies on
the basis of instructions issued by the Director of Co-operative Audit by other
competition from time to time.
Government have been relying on the Co-operative Sector to a great extent in the
implementation of their schemes for the upliftment of the weaker sections of society.
The schemes include provision of cheap houses, providing credit to farmers,
encouragement to small scale and cottage industry, reduction in and easy availability
of essential consumer goods etc., Audit has a positive role to play in the
implementation of these schemes, by ensuring that the interests of the weaker sections
of the society are taken care of by the management. During audit it should be seen,
for example, that loans are given in right amounts, at right time and for right
purposes, increased profits reach the masses in the form of reduced prices etc.
The above constitute some of the important duties/responsibilities of the Auditor and are, as
such not exhaustive. In general the Auditors examination of accounts and affairs of the society
should be such as to enable him to certify that the balance sheet of the society exhibits a true and
fair view of the affairs of the society at the end of the year and the profit or loss for the financial
year ended on that date. The auditor should always be kind and courteous in his relations with
both officials and non-officials. His reports should be in polite, courteous and clear language.
He should act without fear or favor.
Sub-sections (3) and (4) of Section 63 of the K.C.S. Act contain provisions relating to the powers
of auditors.
Under Section 63(3) of the K.C.S. Act, the Director of Co-operative Audit or the person authorized
by him shall at all times have access to all the books, accounts, documents, papers, securities,
cash and other properties belonging to, or in the custody of the society and may summon any
person in possession or responsible for the custody of any such books, accounts, documents,
paper, securities, cash or other properties, to produce the same at any public office at the
headquarters of the society or any branch thereof.
Under Section 63(4) of the K.C.S. Act, every person who is or has at any time been an officer or
employee of the society and every member and past member of the society shall furnish, such
information in regard to the transactions and working of the society as the Director of
Co-operative Audit or the person authorized by him may require. Failure of an officer/
employee/member of a Co-operative Society in possession of any information, books or records
to furnish such information or produce such books or records or to give assistance to the person
authorized to audit the accounts of the society under section 63 of the Act is an offence and is
punishable under Section 109 of the Act.
Under Section 66 of the K.C.S. Act, if any officer or person conducting audit under Section 63 of
the K.C.S. Act, has reason to believe that any books or other property of the society have been
tampered with or are likely to be tampered with, if left with the society with a view to eliminate
or efface or change or manipulate any evidence which may be deemed necessary by such officer
or person in connection with the proof of any defect or irregularities noticed by him during the
course of audit, he shall have the power to seize and impound such books or property in such
manner and for such period as may be prescribed. The manner for seizure and the period for
which they could be impounded are laid down in Rule 53 A of the K.C.S. Rules.
Supervising Officer should review the action taken by the Institution to rectify the mistakes
and omissions pointed out in previous audit reports and make a comment if the action
taken has not been satisfactory.
He should see whether the Auditor has verified the investments and securities and sought
confirmation letters from various Debtor and Banker of the society/Institutions and
conducted personal verification of loans.
Auditing Theory
He should see whether the Auditor has verified the adequate provisioning of depreciation
at prescribed rate, and valued the closing stock correctly.
The supervising officer should go through the draft audit report and make necessary
corrections and get the draft signed by the Secretary or the Managing Director in token of
his having seen it at draft stage. In case the Managing Director or Secretary wishes to his
own version regarding any particular transaction that may be incorporated in the audit
report together with the Auditors comment thereon.
In respect of audits which can not be supervised locally by the supervising officer, a
general scrutiny will be exercised by the audit report releasing authority, when audit
reports are received from the Auditors concerned.
On receipt of the audit reports relating to audits which are not supervised on the spot the
releasing authority will exercise the following checks in addition to the checks stipulated
in Head Office Circular No. ADT/2/78-79, dated: 18th May 1978.
Whether the Auditor has furnished as many details as necessary regarding shortages
or misappropriations if any, and explained them clearly.
Whether the Auditor has given opportunity to the persons concerned to furnish
their versions regarding transactions which are adversely commented upon in the
audit report and their comments regarding assessments made against them.
Whether necessary schedules and statements have been attached to the final accounts.
Whether there is any apparent omission on the part of the Auditor to look into any
aspects of the working of society, as can be gathered by a perusal of the final accounts
and his report.
The arithmetical accuracy of the final accounts should be got checked in the Assistant
Directors Office.
The sub-divisional Assistant Director of Co-operative Audit, and the Deputy Director of
Co-operative Audit are required to supervise certain audits conducted by the Auditors.
For the purpose they have to select for every month, a prescribed number of societies
whose audit is in the final stage of completion. The societies selected should generally be
important institutions. They should visit the institution at the end of the audit. So that the
draft audit report is available for is perusal During the course of their supervision they
should look into the following points apart from perusing the draft audit report prepared
by the auditor.
Whether the Auditor has seen that the society has fulfilled the objectives for which
it was set up.
Whether the Auditor has used impersonal and objective language in his report
without mentioning individuals by name except while reporting shortages or
misappropriations or dues outstanding against individuals.
Whether it is evident that the Auditor has seen all the receipts vouchers and challans,
all books of accounts and all the statements or the final accounts and whether there
is any apparent omission on the part of the Auditor to look into any aspect of the
working of the society as can be gathered by a perusal of the final accounts and his
Whether the Auditor has given opportunity to the persons concerned to furnish
their versions regarding transactions which are adversely commented upon in the
audit report and obtained their comments regarding assessments made against
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
The aims of the society should not be inconsistent with the principles of social justice, and
its bylaws not contrary to the provisions of the.................
With sanction of............................., Co-operative societies may also borrow from credit
agencies subject to the limits and conditions prescribed.
While the main object of a ................. is to earn profit, the object of a ................. is to render
service to its members.
Task How audit procedure for banks are different from insurance company?
Auditing Theory
companies), policyholders, reinsurers who do business with the companies etc. consider the
published financials of the Insurance Companies as the symbol of the strength and more so
because such financials bear the attestation of the Chartered Accountants, who audit the
The excitement among Chartered Accountants that is perceptible in late March and early April
in connection with Bank Audits, their eagerness to get acquainted with the latest on NPA
provisioning norms and their self-propelling attitude to attend the Bank Audit seminars in huge
numbers are all normally not very pronounced even among those who get the insurance audit
allotments. For some unfathomable reasons, the auditors do not display any enthusiasm in
acquiring the necessary domain expertise of this industry, the financial concepts of which are
riddled with unique and specialized concepts such as heavy influence of the bottom lines by
various estimations, statutory limitation on management expenses, relationship between the
capitalizations and risk bearing capacities, protection of policyholders interests vis--vis
expectations of stakeholders etc.
This lack of domain expertise sometimes leads to an auditors performing his role in lesser
dimension than he normally should. There are several areas in insurance accounting and finance,
both at the corporate level and operational level that need an auditors focused attention and
critical review. However, before embarking on the core area, let us briefly go over the
metamorphosis in the area of financial reporting and disclosure requirements of general
insurance companies.
IRDA set out to change this. In the first set of Regulations that came out in 2000, it was required
that the companies recognized the Premium income over the contract period or the period of
risk, which, simply meant, proportionately.
Example: If `3,650/- is collected for a vehicle insurance policy that commenced on 18th
Sept, 2003 to expire on 17th Sept, 2004, the revenue recognizable is ` 1,950/- for the financial year
ending 31st Mar, 2004, as the policy runs its course for 195 days out of 365 days in the current
financial year. The balance of ` 1,700/- is to be kept as unearned premium, as it is attributable
and allocable to the succeeding accounting period.
Perhaps, the idea germinated from the perception that in the days of high-end computers and
sophisticated methods of accounting, any percentage adhocism in provisioning was not necessary
and that the revenue accounting could be almost realistic.
IRDAs fresh set of regulations of 2002, possibly realizing that the earlier Regulations on this
score were found complicated by the existing and the new insurers alike, sought to grant an
escape route by bringing back the adhoc regime, by saying that though the premium recognition
should still to be on accrual basis, the minimum of URR should be at percentages prescribed.
However, the problem is far from over. First of all, there is an all important point that has been
missed by the rule-framers and not also queried by rule-followers. The URR provision, basically,
is on the Net basis. For this, only percentages, however adhoc they may seem, can work.
Pro-rata recognition of revenue is possible only on Gross premiums.
This is, essentially because, the Reinsurance programmes are not policy wise, except for very
major ones. They are, mostly, on treaty basis and the underwriting year for reinsurance markets
will be blatantly different from the financial year basis that we might be following.
The actual manner in which the whole premium accounting and RI cessions accounting works is
too mind boggling to be wished away with any simplistic solutions in the name of bringing in
any seeming realism. Many insurers, taking advantage of the situation that actual accrual can
never be worked out correctly, simply continue adopting ad-hoc percentages, claiming that
they are the minimum.
Now, there are myriad practical problems that are encountered by the companies in recognizing
the revenue but, the responsibility of auditors is to see that the Regulation is followed
scrupulously or if not followed, reported accordingly. If one peruses the published annual
reports of the insurance companies for 2002-03, it can be seen that most of the auditors have
conveniently maintained silence on this. What is worse, some nationalized insurers have blatantly
changed the rules of the game to suit their convenience during 2001-02 and 2002-03, resulting in
huge difference to bottom lines, without eliciting any adverse comment from the auditors. This
is perhaps the only industry, where lower business volume in a year can actually result in
higher profits because of the reserve release factor. Unless the auditors understand the tricks
that can be played by the managements in this, it will not be possible for them to be true and fair
to themselves let alone to the shareholders.
For the first time, a new concept called Premium Deficiency was brought in by IRDA. Again a
measure for augmenting policyholders funds, it mandated that if the sum of expected claims
costs, related expenses etc. exceed the URR, the said excess is to be recognized as Premium
Deficiency. It is a fact that neither IRDA has attempted to explain the concept of this Premium
Deficiency or the methodology of providing the same nor any Insurance Company really appeared
to be unduly bothered on this. Some companies have opined that there was no premium deficiency
in their companies while some simply disclosed certain sums, even though the regulatory
need was to recognize the same in accounts. However, the interesting aspect is that in most
Auditing Theory
cases, the auditors have looked the other way on this issue or simply have gone by the averments
made by managements in this regard.
Reciprocally, he also accepts risks ceded to him. Wider the spread, better it is for all. However,
such transactions between insurers (and reinsurers) mostly take place by way of correspondence
and accounting entries only. While the Balance Sheet items refer to the net balances as on a date,
the relative effect should have gone to the revenue. There are always some transactions pending
accounting for want of full information and especially when the number of transactions is huge,
there can be understandable differences in balances between entities having such transactions. If
periodical reconciliations take place and such pending items are accounted in the way they
should be, then there will be some excuse in hiding behind the concepts such as going concern
and consistency. But, in reality, such reconciliations never happen and balances are always
allowed to mount, with differences ever swelling, resulting in massive sums that should have
found their rightful places in the revenue accounts and in P&L accounts of the insurance companies
being held captive in capital accounts.
Auditing Theory
However, the objective of the IRDAs regulations on Investments is only the protection of
policyholders funds. IRDA has stipulated that every insurer shall constitute an Investment
Committee and shall draw up an annual Investment Policy which shall be placed before the
Board for approval after being vetted by the Investment Committee. The Investment Policy, as
approved by the Board shall also be filed with the IRDA. Schedule B of Regulation 3 of the IRDA
(Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditors Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations,
detailing the accounting principles for preparation of financial statements provided for the
procedure for valuation of investments, provisioning and impairment norms, recognition of
income, disclosures forming part of financial statements etc. which reflect the intention of the
Regulators to bring in more transparency in presentation. Audit of investments will have to be
a very detailed one and critical areas like investment in unapproved investments (within the
permissive limits), disinvestments and selling the traded securities etc. will have to be brought
under careful scrutiny.
Reinsurance is a highly technical area and unless the auditors get very well versed in verification
of Bordereaux (a spreadsheet kind statement detailing risks ceded/accepted, commissions claims
etc.), checking of quarterly statements of individual treaty reinsurers, profit commission
statements etc. it may not at all be possible to do justice in this area. The one important thing that
needs to be borne in mind by the auditors is that reinsurance transactions operate between
companies at the international level based on a very high level of trust (concept of utmost good
faith fortified) and the reinsurers place heavy reliance on the quality of the auditors who attest
the financials of the Indian companies, which fact only increases the responsibility of the auditors.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Co-operative Society shall not make a loan to any person other than a......................
................. main role is preparation of financial statements and auditors report of insurance
.................................. is the actual claims paid less adjustments for reinsurance recoveries on
them and provisions for claims outstanding as on the date of financial reporting.
A new concept called Premium Deficiency was brought in by IRDA as a measure for
augmenting policyholders funds, it mandated that if the sum of expected claims costs,
related expenses etc. exceed the ................. the said excess is to be recognized as Premium
13.4 Summary
A banking company requires maintaining the books of account in accordance with section
209 of the Companies Act, 1956.
The large PSBs having balance sheet size (assets + liabilities) of above ` 1 lac crore each to
exercise managerial autonomy in regard to appointment of SBAs also from the year
2008-09 onwards.
The concept of one audit firm for one PSB to continue. The consent given by an audit firm
will be treated as irrevocable
Several financial concepts came under major revision and a sea change not only in the
reporting and disclosure requirements but in the very area of concept of premium accounting
for insurance companies are: Revenue Recognition vis-vis URR provisioning; Premium
Deficiency; Investment Income bifurcation between Policyholders funds and Shareholders
funds; IBNER (Incurred but not enough reported) Claims; Cash flow under Direct Method;
Adherence to Accounting Standards with specific modifications; Concept of Management
Report to stress adequate disclosures; Auditors report Revision in Format, etc.
Various Laws Applicable to Co-op. Banks & Co-op. Credit Societies: The Banking
Regulation Act, 1949 as modified by Banking Laws (Application to Cooperative Societies)
Act, 1965 effective from 1st March 1966 for the purpose of regulating the banking business
of certain co-operative societies and the Banking Regulation (Co-op. Societies) Rules, 1966
effective from 3rd December, 1966; the Reserve Bank of India Act; the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999; the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Rules (the income is taxable, but
certain deductions are available u/s 80P); the Service Tax Act and Rules; the Bombay
Stamp Act, the Indian Stamp Act; the Indian Contract Act 1872, Transfer of Property Act
1882 & Sale of Goods Act 1930; Law of Limitation; Byelaws of the Society.
IRDA has started compiling a panel of Chartered Accountants and for the purpose, has
also prescribed certain exacting parameters for such empanelment.
13.5 Keywords
An insurance premium is the amount of money charged by a company for active coverage. The
sum a person pays in premiums, also referred to as the rate, is determined by several factors,
including age, health, and the area a person lives in.
Banking company means any company which transacts the business of banking (5(i)(c).
Banking means accepting for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from
public repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by cheque, drafts order or otherwise
(5 (i) (b)).
Auditing Theory
Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority, a body constituted under the Ministry of
Finance to deal with licensing, regulating and monitoring all activities relating to the insurers,
brokers, agents, corporate agents and the TPAs.
State the procedure for verification of Agents Balances in the course of Audit of GIC.
Write short notes on (i) Co-insurance; (ii) Re-insurance; (iii) Management Expenses of
Insurance Companies; (iv) Valuation of Investments in GIC and (v) Solvency Margin.
In an audit of an insurance company, the Receipts and Payments Account is also subjected
to audit. Comment on this statement in brief.
1 lac crore
State Government
IRAC Norms
Incurred Claims
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency Through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Online links
Auditing Theory
Audit Procedure
Appointments of Auditors
Remuneration of Auditors
Disqualification of Auditors
Audit Fees
Audit Jurisdiction
Nature of Audit
Performance Audit
CAGs Role
14.4 Summary
14.5 Keywords
14.6 Review Questions
14.7 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Auditing procedure for a partnership firm and partner account is carried out by study the
partnership agreement carefully. Agreement should be signed by the partners. Auditors study
the partners contribution, amalgamation with another firm, review the internal controls and
study the organizational structure of the firm. Unit also includes detailed auditing procedures
for a government owned company.
Ancillary Services
Over Draft
Audit Procedure
Auditing Theory
Caution Every auditor appointed under sub-section (1), shall within thirty days of the
receipt from the company of the intimation of his appointment, inform the Registrar in
writing that he has accepted or refused to accept, the appointment.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
Bona fide partnerships entail the joint contribution of capital or services for the purpose of
carrying on a business or investment activity in which the partners share profits and
Partnership firm is a firm registered or unregistered as per the Partnership Act, 1932.
or divisions, who are responsible for key decisions or judgments on significant matters with
respect to the audit of the financial statements on which the firm will express an opinion. The
term is used not only in the provision on partner rotation, but also with respect to employment
relationships and compensation, where it is concluded that such provisions should apply to
additional audit partners. The definition of key audit partner focuses on whether a partner is
responsible for key decisions or judgments on significant matters with respect to the audit of the
financial statements on which the firm will express an opinion.
Example: In the case of an audit of consolidated financial statements, if the audit partner
of a significant subsidiary is responsible for key decisions or judgments on significant matters
with respect to the consolidated financial statements, that individual would be considered to be
a key audit partner.
Partnership deed: Auditor must study the partnership deed before starting the audit. The
clauses containing the working of the firm should be carefully studied.
Explanations: If the partnership deed is silent about any important matter, it should be
clarified with the partners of the firm.
Powers and duties of partners: Auditor should inquire about the powers and duties of the
partners. It should be checked that they work within their powers.
Division of work: Division of work among the partners should be studied carefully. It
should be checked that the partners work for the allotted work to them.
Study the financial clauses: Auditor should carefully study the clauses of the deed regarding
the salary of partners, interest on the capital, and interest on drawings.
Checking of the books of account: After studying the special points in the partnership
deed, auditor can start checking the books of account as in any other routine audit.
Report of the audit: Auditor should submit the report to the partners of the firm.
Auditing Theory
fit. Such comments or supplementary report shall be placed before the annual general meeting
along with the audit report.
Where the Central Government is a member of the Government company it shall cause an
annual report on the working and affairs of the company to be prepared and laid before both
Houses of Parliament along with the audit report and the comment, if any, of the Comptroller
and Auditor general or India. The report shall be prepared within 3 months of the annual
general meeting. Where the State Government is also a member, the report shall also be laid
before the state legislature. But where the Central Government in not a member of the
Government company, the State Government concerned shall cause the above documents
prepared and laid before the state legislature.
Task Elaborate with example laws governing the audit of Government companies.
Identify its scope.
The Companies Amendment Act 1974 has enlarged the concept of Government company for the
purposes of audit. Section 619-B has been inserted and it provides that the provisions of section
619 for the purposes of audit shall apply to a company in which at least 51% of the paid up share
capital is held by the one or more the following or any combination thereof:
The Central Government, one or more State Governments and one or more Government
The Central Government and one or more corporations owned or controlled by the Central
The Central Government, one or more State Governments and one or more corporations
owned or controlled by the Central Government;
One or more corporations owned or controlled by the Central Government or any State
Notes The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette direct that any
of the provisions of the Act (except the above noted provisions) shall not apply to any
Government company or shall apply with such exceptions, modifications and adaptations
as may be specified in the notification. A copy of every such notification shall be laid in
draft before both Houses of the Parliament for a period of not less than 30 days while they
are in session. Since the said period of 30 days cannot, sometimes be completed in one
session, section 620 has been amended by the Companies Amendment Act, 1977 to permit
the period of 30 days to be completed in one session or in two or more successive sessions.
To avoid the excess expenditures beyond the limit of the budget approved by the
To make expenditures according to the appropriate act, rules and legal provisions of the
To provide reliable financial data and information about the operation of public fund.
To facilitate for estimating the annual budget by providing historical financial data of
government revenues and expenditures.
Audit Jurisdiction
The organizations, subject to the audit of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India are:
All the Union and State Government departments and offices including the Indian Railways
and Posts and Telecommunications.
About 1500 public commercial enterprises controlled by the Union and State governments,
i.e. government companies and corporations.
Over 4400 authorities and bodies substantially financed from Union or State revenues.
Notes Further, the Committee took the view that the holding companies should be required
to maintain records relating to consolidation of financial statements for specified periods.
Presentation of consolidated financial statements by the holding company should be in
addition to the mandatory presentation of individual financial statements of that holding
Auditing Theory
Committee felt that the rules may provide for preservation of books of account and records of
the company for a period of 7 years to bring it in harmony with Income Tax Act.
Financial Year
The Companies Act at present does not contain any provision relating to the minimum period
of a Financial Year. The Concept Paper has defined the Financial Year with the minimum
period of six months. The Committee dwelt on the subject and came to the conclusion that the
first financial year should begin from the date of incorporation and end on the immediately
succeeding 31st March and the subsequent Financial Years should also end on 31st March
every year. The definition of Financial Year may be modified to indicate that the duration of
the first Financial Year should be minimum three months instead of the six months proposed
in the Concept Paper (2004). It was also suggested that the present provisions regarding laying
down of the accounts before the shareholders within six months of the end of the Financial
Year should continue.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
Audit of consolidated financial statements, if the audit partner is responsible for key
decisions or judgments on significant matters with respect to the consolidated financial
statements, that individual would be considered to be..........................
Auditor should carefully study the clauses of the deed regarding the salary of partners,
interest on the capital, and interest on ............................
The Companies Amendment Act .................... has enlarged the concept of Government
Company for the purposes of audit.
Section 620 has been amended by the Companies Amendment Act, 1977 to permit the
period of ..................... to be completed in one session or in two or more successive sessions.
Auditing Theory
wherever such Committees were mandated, in recommending the appointment of the Auditors
to the Board in general. The Committee recommended that the existing provisions relating to
appointment of first Auditor to be made by the Board, failing which by the shareholders and the
power of the Central Government to appoint the Auditors whenever the Board/shareholders
fail to appoint them were necessary and should continue. The company should also be required
to send intimation to the Registrar of Companies regarding appointment of First Auditors,
within 7 days of such appointment.
Subsequent to the appointment of First Auditors, the appointment of Auditors should be done
on AGM to AGM basis with a power to the Board to fill any casual vacancy. There should not be
any situation where the company is without duly appointed Auditors. Such appointment of
Auditors should be made by the shareholders taking into account the recommendations of the
Board, which, in turn should be arrived at after obtaining the recommendations of the Audit
Committee, where such a Committee is mandated or is in existence. In case any of the shareholders
wish to propose any other Auditor in place of retiring Auditors, this process should also
necessarily seek the views of the Audit Committee. There should be an obligation to intimate
appointment of Auditor to Registrar of Companies by the Company within 7 days.
Rotation of Auditors
The view that rotation of Audit partner should take place every five years in the case of all listed
Companies was also considered by the Committee. However, the Committee thought it fit that
the matter of change of Auditors be left to the shareholders of the Company and the Auditors
themselves rather than be provided under law.
Auditing Theory
Cost Audit
At present, the Companies Act contains provisions relating to maintenance of Cost Records
under section 209 (1) (d) and Cost Audit under section 233B of the Companies Act in respect of
specified industries. The Committee felt that Cost Records and Cost Audit were important
instruments that would enable companies make their operations efficient and exist in a
competitive environment.
The Committee noted that the present corporate scenario also included a sizeable component of
Government owned enterprises or companies operating under administered price mechanism
or a regime of subsidies. It would be relevant for the Government or the regulators concerned
with non-competitive situations to seek costing data. The Committee, therefore, took the view
that while the enabling provision may be retained in the law providing powers to the Government
to cause Cost Audit, legislative guidance has to take into account the role of management in
addressing cost management issues in context of the liberalized business and economic
environment. Further, Government approval for appointment of Cost Auditor for carrying out
such Cost Audit was also not considered necessary.
Special Audit
The Committee felt that the provisions in the present Act requiring Special Audit under certain
circumstances were not relevant in view of the detailed investigation provisions recommended
by the Committee. During the course of investigation, it is expected that the inspector would
have access to the specialized expertise of various professionals as may be required. Further,
such investigation may be carried out by private professionals operating individually or in
teams. In this background, Special Audit taken in isolation would serve no useful purpose and
may be dispensed with.
The Committee discussed the application of the corporate law framework to Government
companies on many occasions and took the view that in general, there should not be any special
dispensation for such companies. In respect of audit of Government companies however,
Companies Act provide a special regime. Pursuant to Section 19(1) of Comptroller and AuditorGenerals Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service Act, 1971, audit of the accounts of Government
companies is conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) in accordance with
the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the Auditor (Chartered Accountant) of a Government
Company is appointed or reappointed by the C&AG. It is further stipulated that C&AG shall
have the power to (a) direct the auditor to conduct the audit in a specified manner, (b) give
instructions on any matter relating to the performance of his functions, (c) conduct himself a
supplementary or test audit of the companys accounts and (d) comment upon or supplement the
audit report in such manner as he (C&AG) thinks fit. The comments of C&AG are to be placed
before AGM along with Auditors Report.
The Committee noted with concern the delays in finalization of the accounts of Government
companies. In many cases, Government companies and their directors become liable for penal
action but are provided selective exclusions from their liabilities only because they are
Government companies. This is leading to an unhealthy situation which must be addressed.
While considering classifications of companies in Chapter III of this Report, the Committee
discussed the manner in which company law should apply to Government companies (Chapter
III, para 7.1-7.4). The law should clearly provide the definition of a Government company in
context of ownership of the Central and/or State Government. Therefore, the extension of
special exemptions and protections to various commercial ventures taken up by Government
companies in the course of their commercial operations along with strategic partners or general
public should be done away with so that such entities can operate in the market place on the
same terms and conditions as other entities. In particular, reflection of financial information of
such ventures by Government companies and their audit should be subject to the common legal
regime applicable. The existing delays are enabling a large number of corporate entities to
evade their responsibilities and liability for correct disclosure of true and fair financial information
in a timely manner. In this context, the relevance of the present section 619B of the Act was
considered appropriate for a review.
The Committee felt that since statutory audit is conducted by the statutory auditor appointed by
the C&AG in the manner directed by him, the test/supplementary audit is superfluous since it
would duplicate audit work already done by statutory auditor. Further, where any directions
are given by the C&AG to the Statutory Auditor not in accordance with the Accounting Standards,
the Statutory Auditor may be required to mention the same in the notes on accounts.
Auditing Theory
A Government Company is defined in Section 617 as any company in which not less than 51 per cent
of paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government or by any State Government or Governments or
partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments and includes a company
which is a subsidiary of a Governments Company as thus defined.
Special Provisions
The special provisions of the Companies Act relating to Government Companies are as follows:
As regards audit
The auditor is required to submit a copy of his audit report to the Comptroller and
Auditor General, who shall have the right to comment upon the report. Any such
comments shall be placed before the annual general meeting of the company along
with the audit report (Sec. 619 as amended by the Amendment Act, 1974). Thus, it
may be seen that the general provisions contained in Sees. 224 to 233 of the Act
relating to audit and appointment of auditors do not apply to a Government
For example, they have been exempted from complying with the provisions of Sections
198,259,268, 269, 309, 310, 311, 387 and 388 relating to the appointment of Managing or
Whole time directors and payment of remuneration to them. Similarly, Sections 255,
256 and 257 pertaining to appointment and retirement of directors, and Section 370
relating to making of loans, etc., to companies under the same management shall not
apply to such Government Companies which are wholly owned by the Central or
State Government. Examples of popular Government Companies are: Heavy
Engineering Corporation Ltd., Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd., State Trading
Corporation of India Ltd., and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
A Government Company, no doubt, has certain special feature but it should not be
placed on the same footing as a State or Government. It basically remains a company
in the ordinary sense, having a legal entity of its own, separate from that of its
shareholders whoever they may be. It makes no difference whether the entirety of
the capital is subscribed by the Government or Government holds only 51 per cent
of the share capital. In no case a Government Company is identified with the State
and its employees do not become Government servants, holders of civil posts under
the Union or State Governments (S. K. Debnath vs. Mining and Allied Machinery
Consisting of 5 or more partners but less than 10 partners with at least one partner holding
a certificate of practice for five years or more; or
Consisting of 10 or more partners with at least one partner holding a certificate of practice
for five years or more.
Provided that such restriction shall not apply in respect of the following:
Audit of accounts of charitable institutions clubs, provident funds, etc. where the
appointment is honorary i.e. without any fees;.
Auditing Theory
Audit of newly formed concerns relating to two accounting years from the date of
commencement of their operations;
Certification or audit under Income-tax Act or other attestation work carried out by the
Statutory Auditor; and
All the Union and State Government departments and offices including the Indian Railways
and Posts and Telecommunications.
About 1500 public commercial enterprises controlled by the Union and State governments,
i.e. government companies and corporations.
Over 4400 authorities and bodies substantially financed from Union or State revenues.
that the moneys (shown in the accounts) were disbursed legally on the service or purpose to
which they were applied;
It is also the duty of the PAC to examine the statement of accounts of autonomous and
semi-autonomous bodies, the audit of which is conducted by the Comptroller & Auditor-General
either under the directions of the President or by a Statute of Parliament.
To examine the reports of the Comptroller & Auditor General on public undertakings.
To examine the efficiency of public undertakings and to see whether they are being managed
in accordance with sound business principles and prudent commercial practices.
The examination of public enterprises by the Committee takes the form of comprehensive
appraisal or evaluation of performance of the undertaking. It involves a thorough examination,
including evaluation of the policies, programmes and financial working of the undertaking.
Auditing Theory
The objective of the Financial Committees, in doing so, is not to focus only on the individual
irregularity, but on the defects in the system which led to such irregularity, and the need for
correction of such systems and procedures.
The Union Audit Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, contain the
findings of transaction audit and performance audit in the areas of:
Civil Audit
Defense Services
Central Commercial
The Audit of the CAG is bifurcated into two streams namely Performance Audit and
Regularity (Compliance) Audit.
While audit of the Civil Departments, Railways and Defense are conducted as per the
direct mandate in the constitution and relevant provisions of the DPC Act, the Commercial
Audit is conducted under the provisions of Company Act. Autonomous Bodies are audited
as per the mandate in the act establishing the body.
The reports of the CAG are deliberated upon by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of
the parliament, save the commercial reports which are examined by the Committee on
Public Undertakings (COPU).
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
At present, Section 209 (4A) of the Act requires companies to preserve the................., together
with the vouchers relevant to any entry in such books of account, in good order, relating
to a period of not less than .............immediately preceding the current year.
The auditor appointed or reappointed for Government company audit does not hold
appointment as auditor in more than ............companies, of which not more than ten could
be companies, with paid-up share capital of ` ............ or more.
14.4 Summary
Key audit partner focuses on whether a partner is responsible for key decisions or
judgments on significant matters with respect to the audit of the financial statements on
which the firm will express an opinion.
Audit procedure for a partnership account include: Partnership deed or the clauses
containing the working of the firm should be carefully studied; Seek explanations if the
partnership deed is silent about any important matter; Powers and duties of partners;
Division of work; Study the financial clauses; Checking of the books of account and making
report of the audit.
A Government Company is defined in Section 617 as any company in which not less than
51 per cent of paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government or by any State
Government or Governments or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or
more State Governments and includes a company which is a subsidiary of a Governments
Company as thus defined.
The auditor will submit a copy of the audit report to the Comptroller and Auditor-General
of India who may comment upon or supplement the audit report in such manner as he
may think fit.
The preparation of financial information and its audit, therefore, needs to be regulated
through law with stringent penalties for non-observance Accounting Standards serve a
vital function in this respect.
The Audit Committee discussed at length the existing provisions of the Act regarding
approval and authentication of accounts, circulation of accounts and filing of accounts
with the Regulatory body.
Auditing Theory
At present, the Companies Act contains provisions relating to maintenance of Cost Records
under section 209 (1) (d) and Cost Audit under section 233B of the Companies Act in
respect of specified industries.
The Committee felt that the provisions in the present Act requiring Special Audit under
certain circumstances were not relevant in view of the detailed investigation provisions
recommended by the Committee.
14.5 Keywords
A Government Company is defined in Section 617 as any company in which not less than 51 per
cent of paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government or by any State Government or
Governments or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments
and includes a company which is a subsidiary of a Governments Company as thus defined.
Audit Committee: The Companies (Amendment) Act (2000), among other things, provides for
the formation and functioning of audit committees (section 292A). Similar requirements for
audit committees are prescribed under clause 49 of the Listing Agreement issued by SEBI.
Partnership Deed: A document setting out the agreement of the partners on how the partnership
is to be conducted (including the arrangements for sharing profits and losses.
Partnership, partner, firm and firm name - Partnership is the relation between persons who
have agreed to share the profits of business carried on by all or any to them acting for all.
What are the various special provisions of the Companies Act relating to Government
Companies as regard to audit?
30 days
twenty; 25 lakhs
Cost Records
David Coderre, Internal Audit: Efficiency through Automation, John Wiley & Sons,
Emile Woolf, Moira Hindson, Audit and Accountancy Pitfalls: A Casebook for Practising
Accountants, Lawyers and Insurers, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Iain Gray, Stuart Manson, The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage
Learning EMEA, 2007.
Jeanette Franzel, Single Audit: Opportunities exist to improve the Single Audit Process
and Oversight, DIANE Publishing, 2009.
Susan Switzer, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven
Reporting, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Online links