Chemical Exposure Index (CEI)
Chemical Exposure Index (CEI)
Chemical Exposure Index (CEI)
Prof. SrinivasanChandrasekaran
Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Module No. #03
Lecture No. #03
Chemical exposure index (CEI)
So, we continue to discuss on chemical exposure index which is chemical risk analysis in
that connection we discussed about what we called as ERPG- Emergency response
planning guidelines. Basically it is the guideline published by American industrial
hygiene association. ERPG values are actually estimates of concentration ranges where
one might observe adverse effects. Basically ERPG will ultimately give you what I
called as hazard distance.So, basically these are values of concentration ranges which
one might observe very severe adverse effects on human health.
What are the natural uses of ERPG? They are useful actually to identify priority
concernsrelated to safety in any process industries. To evaluate adequacy of containment
of the process industry; to identify downwind areas therefore, you can take enough
precaution in these areas during any such toxic release of the chemical. Also to develop
what we call as community emergency response plans.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:28)
ERPG levels actually have got distinctly three values, what we call as ERPG-1, 2 and 3.
There are three levels by which the ERPG can be specified. Maximum airborne
Once you define the different levels of exposure of maximum airborne concentration
resulting from a chemical release then let us try to understand the steps involved in what
I call as chemical exposure index study.In chemical exposureindex study, try to first
identify the flow sheet of any process for which you are doing the CEI
investigation.Look at that process and try to understand the potential to release a
chemical; whether the chemical to be released from the industry will be in a gaseous
form or a liquid state; if at all it will be released, what will be the flow process where that
release could occur from the containment, from the process line etcetera.
What will be the people in operation in such chemical plants, what will be the population
of the public in the real vicinity of this chemical industry?All data should be available to
me before I start a plan CEI study on any chemical release problem. Once I have
thatsubsequently I determine what I call as chemical exposure index. So, I will get a
number which will be a quantitative number which is converting the toxic dispersion
effect of chemical on human health.
Remember health effect is a subjective value; toxic release is again a subjective value,
but we are trying to convert these two aspects on a mathematical figure by giving a
number using some mathematical technique. I will detail explain this procedure in couple
of lectures, we will do at least three examples to really make you to understand how can
I perform chemical exposure index study.
Ladies and gentlemen, remember this is one of the important landmark study in risk
analysis of chemical process industries, whichis very common in oil and gas industry.
So, kindly follow this step by step thoroughly. If you of course have difficulties, you can
always send a feedback to the speaker or the author at NP-TEL, IIT Madras.
So, find a chemical exposure index. Ultimately determine what we call as hazard
distances. I think you can get a clue from this terminology itself, I am trying to work out
what I called as safe distance, beyond which my public should live with respect to the
chemical industry, which is likely having a potential of release of chemical which is
hazardous to the public. I determine that distance which I call as hazard distance and that
distance is to be determined based on a specific problem or a number which I call as a
chemical exposure index value. Then I prepare what I call as the CEI summary sheet
then check whetherany further review of the design or modifications are necessary. So,
these are the broad steps involved in doing a CEI index study.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:11)
Now, you may wonder how do I compute the airborne quantity for a specific chemical to
be released or expected to be released in environment.I am coming to that equations
later, but if you have got many such scenarios manysuch hazardous situations which will
release chemicals in air then select the scenario which is having the largest AQ and
compute chemical exposure index number based on the largest AQ.I will come to get the
equations how to get this.
Suppose, if you do not have an airborne quantity then identify the type of release in your
case.If you know the type of release for each type of release compute the AQ value. For
a liquid release rate, for a liquid let us say for example, estimate the liquid release rate
and calculate the total liquid released based on this; also identify the operating
temperature, if the operating temperature is less than the boiling point of the specific
chemical then calculatewhat they call as flash or determine the vapour pool then also
check whether is all material completely airborne.If it is yes then from the vapour pool
compute the AQ and check for different scenario different AQ, and select the scenario
with the largest AQ and try to find chemical exposure index. So, this is a very simple
flow sheet which will tell you the different steps involved in doing a chemical exposure
index analysis.
So ultimately for finding out chemical exposure index, I require what I call airborne
quantity. Airborne quantity,of course, depends on what is the type of release you are
talking about. If it is a vapour release or a liquid release even for a liquid release whether
the operating temperature is below boiling point or greater than boiling point;all these
issues should be understood in advance before I do a chemical exposure index analysis
for a specific toxic release.
Now, the question comes airborne quantity, how to estimate the airborne quantity? If it is
a gaseous release, let us check how to do that. I have a very simple equation which is
shown here AQ is given by this relationship,where AQ is available in kilo gram per
second; P a is an absolute pressure at which the system is operatingwhich is kilo P a in
gauge pressure orP a plus 101.35. MW is a molecular weight of the material, and T is the
process temperature in degree Celsius. Now I am talking about a gases released, the gas
will be release from a specificpuncture of a pipe or a puncture in containment,Iam
looking for the whole diameter in millimeters.
So, once I have these data with me in their respective units, I substitute them here to find
AQ in kilo gram per second. It means, somuch kilogram of the chemical will be released
in the gaseous format per second - that is what I will get from this equation.
Suppose it is a liquid release then try to understand, what is the density of the liquid at
operating temperature? Try to know what is the gauge pressure at which it is
operating,for example, if it is you are dealing with the tank open to the atmosphere there
you can consider this as zero. Determine delta h which is the height of the liquid column
above the release, point for example, you have a big container or a containment, the
containment has a specificheight delta height of the column and the release is happening
at the bottom try to find delta h in meters. W T is a total liquid release rate which is given
in kilo gram and L will be the liquid flow rate. The D is again the hole diameter through
which the liquid is getting released.
Now, I can easily find the liquid flow rate first as given by this equation, where D is the
hole diameter, rho 1 is the density of the liquid at operating temperature, P g is a gauge
pressure, and delta h is the height of liquid column above the release in meters. Sofrom
this equation, I will get the liquid flow rate in kilo gram per second; from the liquid flow
rate I obtain what is called total liquid release rate in only kilo gram by simply
multiplying with 900.
Once I get this value,now I will try to estimate the airborne quantity due to flashing.
Remember the flow chart which we discussed flashing will occur only when the boiling
temperature operating temperature is to be compared with normal boiling point. If the
temperature is less than the normal boiling point flash fraction will be zero. If the
operating temperature is more than the normal boiling point than part of the liquid will
become vaporized what we call as a flash fraction.
I want to find that specific volume because the operating temperature is higher than the
normal boiling point of that chemical. If my T b is the normal boiling point of the liquid
and T s is the operating temperature and T s is greater than T b. So, that I get the volume
of flash fraction C p is average heat capacity of the liquid in joules per kg per
degreeCelsius; H v is the heat of vaporization of the liquid in joules per kilo gram, and L
is a liquid flow rate which you have obtained from the previous equation, and which F v
will now given by this equation which is a flash fraction which is given by C p by H v T
s minus T b.
C p is the average heat capacity H v is heat of vaporization and T s and T b are operating
temperature and boiling temperature and this figure will be positive if you would not
have a flash for example, once you obtain the flash fraction the air Q f that is air quantity
of flash will be given as five times of this into L. If this F v is greater than 0.2 then AQ f
is considered simply as L only.In that situation no pool will be formed and we can
proceed to step number fouror else pool will be formed.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:02)
Now, the question is if the chemical is not listed and needed information cannot be found
from a standard chemical table then use C p by H v as a previous equation as a constant
as 0.0044. Now as flashing occurs, some liquid will be entrained as droplets. Some of
these droplets are quite small and travel with the vapour while large droplets fall to the
ground and collect in a pool. So, we would like to find what is a pool formation? If 20
percent of the material flashes, the entire stream becomes airborne and no pool is
formed;that is a general assumption what we make in this c a calculation.Therefore, if F
v is more than 0.2, the airborne quantity is taken straight as a liquid and no pool will be
If it is not so,try to find,what is air quantity due to pool boiling? If W t is a total liquid
released and F v is the fraction released which you saw in the previous equation, W p is
the total mass entering the pool, rho 1 is the density in kilo gram per cubic meter, and A
p is the pool area, and MW is the molecular weight then P v is the vapor pressure of the
liquid of the pool temperature expressed in degree Celsius at the pool temperature of
degree Celsius, and T is a characteristic pool temperature in degree Celsius then AQ
pwhich is the area airborne quantity due to pool boiling will be given by this equation.
Where MV is the molecular weight, P v is the vapor pressure; T is the temperature in the
characteristic pool temperature in degree Celsius.I can also find W p from this equation
and A p which I got to use from this equationwhich is the function of W p and rho1.
Therefore ladies and gentlemen, I can find airborne quantity due to pool boiling or
airborne quantity due to flash only if it is a liquid released from this previous equation as
I discussed.
Subsequently in step number four, I try to find what is AQ f and AQ p as a sum. This is
airborne quantity due to flash fraction; this is airborne quantity due to pool formation.
The total airborne quantity of liquid released will be given by a summation of these two
value, which is given in kilogram per second. If the airborne quantity is more than the
liquid flow rate what I calculated earlier then I simply say airborne quantity will be
exactly equal to the liquid flow rate which I estimated.
Then compute the chemical exposure index CEI.If CEI is greater than 1000, set CEI to
1000. The CEI calculations actually assume a normal wind speed of 5 meter per second
and a normal weather condition present in the plant. In CEI calculation, you are using
ERPG in somany mg per cubic meter. Suppose if you have this ERPG in a different
concentration in ppm, we have already given you equation as to convert these into ppm
as well depending upon the molecular weight of the chemical being exposed.
So, CEI is given by a simple equation which is 655.1 multiplied by the ratio of AQ by
ERPG-2 square root of this value. Ladies and gentlemen, it is not ERPG minus two; it is
ERPG second level; recollect that ERPG are of three levels ERPG-1, ERPG-2, ERPG-3.
AQ can be airborne quantity of a gas or a liquid which is got to be appropriatelyobtained
using the previous equation. So, get the ratio of these two and find the CEI using this
Based upon the obtained CEI value, try to find what we call as hazard distance. The
hazard distance is actually given by a simple relationship what you get here. Now the
hazard distance is as per a specific ERPG value,for example, if you substitute here
ERPG-1, you get hazard distance for ERPG level one. Recollect ERPG level one, level
two and level three or addressing basically different kinds of effect of chemical release
on human health. So, depending upon a specific chemical ERPG values are available in
the table, pick up those ERPG values and for each respective ERPG valueobtain what I
call as hazard distance. If the hazard distance what you get from this equation exceeds
10000 then set hazard distance as 10000 meters or 10 kilometers.
Once you find the ERPG based on ERPGs different hazard distances, try to fill up what
we call chemical exposure summary sheet. The chemical exposure summary sheet is a
very interesting format in a comprehensive form which is to be filled up to make people
to understand the hazard distances of different type of release what you have estimated.
Let us spend some time in understanding this specific report.
What is the name of the plant which you are analyzing, kindly enter it here. Where the
plant is located the geometric and geographic locations enter it here. What is the
chemical you are analyzing for it is riskanalysis please enter the name of the chemical
here. If you have more than one chemical possibly present where you want to analyze the
chemical risk analysis prepare an exposure summary sheet for each chemical
separately.Try to find what the total quantity of that chemical present in the plant enter it
here - that is an inventory basically. Locate the largest single containment holding this
chemical in the process flow sheet, whether the name is given or the location is given or
the capacity is given any form you can enter it here.What is the pressure of the
containment under which under which it is operating and what is the operational
temperature of the container in degree Celsius. These values are got to be given.
So, all these are basically prior information available to you, before you start the
CEI.Now you pick up the scenario being evaluated, is the scenario a gaseous release or a
liquid release. For that release try to determine the airborne release rate which isAQ
given in kilogram per second or pounds per minute. I will advise you to strongly follow
SI unit therefore, fill up the value in kilogram per second; also obviously, I have not
given you any equations for non SI units at all in my presentation.
Once you get the AQ value for a specific type of scenario maybe gas or liquid release,
try to compute chemical exposure index from the equations given in the previous
presentation.For the chemical exposure index, for the chemical being identified look at
the ERPG guideline, and try to find the concentration and the hazard distances. Try to
obtain the concentration of thatchemical in mg by cubic meter, and enter those values
here; if you have ppm also you can always convert them in the vice versa form using
standard equations explainedin the previous slides.
Once you get the hazard distance in meters or in feet as per the requirement of the client
then distances to which the public generally considered as a door property land enter the
details or meters; also enter the non company plant for business in meters, and also enter
other company facilities in meters. Because you know what the safe hazard distance
beyond which you can locate the public, you can locate the company facility, you can
locate the non company facility or any other business plant. So, also see that you are
preparing this report and list any sites, any odour, any sound you hear here - physical
observation and you are about to enter your name;this is got to be reviewed with
somebody his name will be there then you have to enter the date at which it has been
reviewed and all details. So, this becomes a comprehensive report which I call as
chemical exposure summarysheet.
Also prepare what I call is a mitigation check list along with the chemical exposure
summary sheet.This is a very simple mitigation check list which is related to what I
showed you in the previous lecture for an automobile checking.For example, I had a car,
I want to go for a long drive during vacation what kind of check list I will prepare, sothat
I can avoid basically the risk involved in the driving. Similar to that I can prepare also a
mitigation checklist for chemical exposure index which I can list the risk reducing
factors whether all pressure vessel and relief device systems.
Properly registered and inspection has been done; check whether it has been done or not,
whether all forces inspected and tested regularly please check that; whether all
operational controls and system design and routinelytestedto fail safe; whether the
critical instrumentation program up-to-date has been done whether operating discipline
complete and up-to-date. Whether vapor detectors properly placed and tested regularly;
whether appropriate engineering specifications properly applies; whether all the relieve
valves and toxic containers designed to minimize atmospheric emission; whether failure
analysis and non destructive testing have been carried out; whether physical barriers are
in place, whether the design for excess pressure if needed; whether all personal properly
trained to understand hazards and emergency responses.
Whether emergency procedures related to these exposed potential is in place and an
annual drill being held on this kind of procedures; whether safety rules and safety
standards are reviewed and enforced; whether lost prevention and principal and
minimum requirements are appropriately applied;whether technology centre guidelines
appropriately applied or incorporated; whether reactive chemical review is completed;
whether loss prevention audit has been done whether technology centre audit has been
competed; whether all new operations and modifications underwent safety prestart up
audit; whether the management of change procedures has been written and utilized.
So, prepare a simple checklist of mitigation like this, which will all help to reduce the
risk and these are what we call as risk reducing factors. Based on this checklist which is
presented along with the chemical exposure index report, one can easily attempt to have
a safe operationable features on a plant.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:52)
Now, you will be interested to know what kind of examples we will solve on chemical
exposure index. Yes, we will at least solve fewexamples in detail will discuss them in the
next class.
Thank you.