M.S University Semester 4 Syllabus

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Paper Code: MBAS4P1



 Meaning and Nature of Strategic Management

 Its importance and relevance
 Characteristics of Strategic Management
 The Strategic Management Process
 Relationship between a Company’s Strategy and its Business Model

Strategy formulation

 Developing Strategic Vision and Mission for a company

 Setting Objectives – Strategic Objectives and Financial Objectives
 Balanced score card
 Company Goals and Company Philosophy
 The hierarchy of Strategic Intent
 Merging the Strategic Vision Objectives and Strategy into a Strategic Plan


Analyzing a company’s External Environment

 The Strategically relevant components of a company’s external environment

 Industry Analysis
Porter’s dominant economic features
 Competitive Environment Analysis
 Porter’s five force model
 Industry driving forces
 Key success factors concept and implementation.

Analyzing a company’s resources and competitive position

 Analysis of the company’s present strategies

 SWOT Analysis
 Value chain Analysis
 Bench marking.


Generic Competitive Strategies

 Low cost, Differentiation, Best cost ,Focused Strategies

 Strategic alliances
 Collaborative partnerships
 Mergers and acquisition
 Joint Ventures Strategies
 Outsourcing Strategies
 International Business level strategies


 Formulating long term and Grand Strategies

 Tailoring Strategy to fit specific Industry and company situation
 Long term objectives for Grand Strategies
 Innovation, Integration and diversification
 Conglomerate Diversification
 Retrenchment, Restructuring and turnaround
 GE nine cell planning grid and BCG Matrix.


Strategy Implementation

 Operationalizing strategy
 Annual Objectives
 Developing Functional strategies
 Developing and communicating concise policies.
Institutionalizing the strategy Structure
 Leadership and Culture.
 Ethical Process and corporate social responsibility

Strategy Audit and Controls

 Strategic review and audit

 Strategic control guiding and evaluating strategies
 Establishing Strategic controls
 Operational Control Systems
 Monitoring performance and evaluating deviations
 Challenges of strategy Implement


1. Strategic Management – An Integrated Approach by Charles W.L. Hill, Gareth R..Jones –BIZTANTRA, 6/e, 2004/05

2. Strategic Management by David Hunger

3. Crafting and executing strategy by Arthur A. Thomnson Jr., A. J. Strickland III

4. John E. Gamble-Tata McGraw Hill, 14/e, 2005

5. Competitive Advantage by Michael E Porter, Free press, NY



Paper Code: MBAS4MM3

Unit 1: Overview of Advertising Management

Meaning, nature and scope of Advertising; Advertising and other promotional tools; Role of advertising in promoters mix; Process of advertising;
Customer and competitor analysis; STP strategies for advertising. STRATEGICADVERTISING DECISIONS - Setting Advertising Objectives - The
Budget Decision - Preparing the Product and Media Brief

Unit 2: Campaign Planning

Message creation; Copywriting; Role of creativity in copywriting; Media planning; Testing for advertising effectiveness; Preparation and choice of
methods of advertising budget; Ethical and social issues in advertising; Management of advertising agencies; Role of advertising in natural

Unit 3: Ad Layout

Visualization of Ad Layout - Elements of Ad Copy and Creation -Principles of verbal versus visual thinkers, Styles and Stages in advertising copy
creation -Copy (Pre-) Testing methods and measurements.

Unit 4: Media Decisions

Media Planning and Selection - Concepts of Reach, Frequency, Continuity, and Selectivity - Measures of Media Cost Efficiency – Media
(Readership / Viewership) Research. The Internet as an Advertising Medium: Tracking Website visits page views, hits, and click-stream analysis,
permission marketing and privacy, ethical concerns.
Unit 5: Measuring Effectiveness

Measuring Advertising Effectiveness - Control of Advertising by practitioners, media and the market - Advertising in the International Market-place
- Advertising and Principles of Integrated Marketing Communication and Image Building.

Recommended books:

1. Aaker, Batra & Myers: ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT; Prentice Hall, India.

2. Wright, Winter & Zeigler: ADVERTISING; Tata McGraw Hill.

3. Sandage, Fryburger & Rotzoll: ADVERTISING; Irwin.

4. Belch E. George & Belch A. Michael, "Advertising and Promotion", 5 edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.

5. Parameswaran, "Brand building advertising: concepts and cases", Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.


Paper Code: MBAS4MM1

UNIT 1: Introduction
Introduction to sales management: Meaning, Evaluation, Importance, Sales Management, Functions of sales management, Trends in modern sales
management, SPIN Selling Personal Selling, Personal selling: Objectives, Steps, Strategies, Determining sales force profile, Product &market
analysis, Determining sales force size, Customer oriented selling strategies, Emerging Trends in Sales Management, Elementary study of sales
organizations, Qualities and responsibilities of sales manager. Types of sales organizations.

UNIT 2: Sales Structure

Organization Structure, Sales management structure, Sales management positions, Inter departmental relations, Selling skills & Selling strategies:

Selling and Business Styles, selling skills, situations, selling process, sales presentation,

Handling customer objections, Follow-up-action.

UNIT 3: Sales Territory

Management of Sales Territory & Sales Quota: Sales territory, meaning, size, designing, sales quota, procedure for sales quota. Types of sales quota,
Methods of setting sales Quota, Sales budget, determine sales budget, Targets& territories, Sales Process: Prospecting, Building rapport,
Presentation, Handling objections, closing the sales, Building relationships.

UNIT 4: Sales force recruitment

Sales force recruitment: Selection, Training, Motivation, Compensation, Evaluation & supervision Sales force motivation and compensation: Nature
of motivation, Importance, Process and factors in the motivation, Compensation- Meaning, Types compensation plans and evaluation of sales force
by performance and appraisal process.

UNIT 5: Distribution Logistics

Distribution logistics: Elements Of Physical Distribution, Ware Housing& Inventory Decision, Transportation, Distribution Channels& Creating
Channels, Deciding The Number & Location Of Channel Members, Selection & Appointment Of Dealers, Managing Dealer Network, Dealer
Relations & Dealer Motivation, Dealer Training, Performance Appraisal Of Dealers

Recommended Books:
1. Sales Management by Charlesm. Futrell, 6/e, 2003, Thomson South Western
2. Sales & Distribution Management by Tapan K. Panda & Sunil Sahadev, 6/e, Oxford University Press
3. Managing of Sales Force by Spiro Stanton Rich, 11/e,2003, TMH

4. “Krishna .K.Havaldar and Vasant. M. Cavall”, Sales & Distribution Management,

TMH, 2007.
5. Sales & Retail Management an Indian Perspective by Dr. S.L.Gupta, 1/e,2007, Excell books
6. Salesmanship And Sales Management – P.K. Sahu & K.C. Raut,3/e, Vikas Publishing House
7. Sales Management- Douglas J Dalrymple, William L Crowe- John Wiley & Co.



Paper Code: MBAS4MM2

UNIT 1: Introduction to Services Marketing

Services economy – evolution and growth of service sector – nature and scope of services – characteristics – classification – service market potential
– expanded marketing mix for services – service quality – introduction to gaps model and SERVQUAL dimensions.

UNIT 2: Focus on Customers

Assessing service marketing opportunities – customer expectations and perceptions of services – customer behaviour specific to usage of services –
service markets segmentation – market targeting and selection.

UNIT 3: Service Design

Levels of service product – Service life cycle – new service development – service blueprinting – physical evidence and service scape – competitive
differentiation of services – service positioning strategies – developing positioning maps – pricing of services – methods and specific issues.

Unit 4: Service Delivery

People in services – service process – distributing service direct distribution, channel functions, channels selection, impact of information technology
– designing communications mix for promoting services – building service customer relationships and service recovery – role of internal marketing
in service delivery.

UNIT 5: Marketing Strategies for Different Services

Formulating service marketing strategies for health, hospitality, tourism, logistics, financial, information technology, educational, entertainment and
public utility services.

Recommended Books:

1. Kenneth E Clow, et. al "Services Marketing Operation Management and Strategy" Biztantra, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Chiristropher H.Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, "Services Marketing", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Halen Woodroffe, "Services Marketing", McMillan Publishing Co, New Delhi 2003.

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