Toy Bag

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The Toy Bag

Written by Arvind Gupta


Illustrated by Avinash Deshpande

Book Published by:

E7 - 453 (HIG)
Arera Colony,
Bhopal 462016, India
(Price Rupees Twenty only)

This motor will not just make one

revolution - but many. For, it is by
far the simplest electric motor.

Wind a 24 gauge, 1.5 meter long

enameled copper wire, on a torch
battery Fig (1).
The coil should have between
10 to 20 turns.
When the coil is removed from the
battery, it opens up like a spring
Fig (2).
Tie the coil at several places with the
little bits of string Fig (3).
Instead of string, bits of adhesive tape
can also be used.
The two ends of the cold should jut
diametrically outward Fig (4).

As it is on these two ends that the coil

will rotate, so care must be taken to
ensure symmetry and even
distribution of weight.

Now, keep the coil in the vertical

position, and scrape off the enamel
from the top, the right and the left
sides (3-sides).
Only the bottom end of the leads will
have enamel Fig (5).
Do not scrape the entire insulation,
but only from 3-sides of each end,
otherwise the motor will not work
Fig (6).

The copper/enamel sequence leads to

make / break of the circuit and
ensures that current flows in only
half the rotation of the coil.

This commutator, is the heart of this

simple electric motor.
(continued on next page)

Cut an old stove pin into two equal

parts Fig (1).
With a small nail, hammer a hole in
each piece near one end. Hammer
one more hole in each piece about
2-cm from the other end Fig (2).
Salvage an old radio speaker
magnet and place it on a new
battery with the help of a cycle tube
rubber band Fig (3).
Several such sticker magnets are
available in toyshops these days.
Stretch out another cycle tube
rubber band along the length of the
battery Fig (4).

Now, insert the stove pins in the

rubber band so that the pins keep in
contact with the positive and the
negative terminals of the battery.
The pin with two holes is fixed at
the battery bottom.
The second hole bites into this plane
end and this ensures good electrical
The stove pins serve three purposes
Fig (5).
They act as power leads, supplying
current to the coil.
They act as bearing supports for the
Finally, they also make a stand for
the motor.
Now pull the stove pins a little
apart and slip the coil in there holes
Fig (6).

Give the coil a gentle starting push

and it will keep rotating.

However, if the push is in the wrong

direction, then the coil will stop
after a while, flip and rotate in the
opposite direction.

Several interesting experiments can

be done with this simple motor.

What happens if you flip the

permanent magnet?
If the north and the south poles of the
magnet are interchanged, then the
direction of rotation of the coil is also
reversed Fig (1, 2).

What happens if another magnet is

brought close by?

If both magnets have opposite poles

facing each other then there is an
increase in the magnetic field and a
consequent spurt in the speed of the
motor Fig (3).

The speed decreases, however,

if both magnets have similar poles
facing each other Fig (4).

What is the effect of different

cross-sections of the coil on the
speed of the motor?
Try coils with circular, square,
elliptical, diamond shape cross-
sections too.

Observe the effect of the air gap

between the magnet and the coil on
the motor's performance Fig (5).

What happens to the speed/power

output of the motor if there are few
number of turns in the coil? Fig (6).

What happens if the number of turns

are more? Fig (7).

What would be the effect of using

thicker/thinner wire for the coil?
How many hours will this motor run
on a new 1.5-volt battery?
How can one approximate the speed
and power output of this motor?

One remarkable feature of this motor

is that the brushes are located right
inside the bearings.
So, there is little chance of a bad
This also enables you to turn the
motor upside-down Fig (1).
What do you observe?
As you invert the rotating motor from
its upright position the coil first comes
to a stop, then flips, and then starts to
rotate in the opposite direction.

The motor can be converted into

some joyous toys.
Fig (2) shows a circular card - the size
of the inner diameter of the coil, with a
cage in its center.
Draw a bird on the reverse of this card
Fig (3).
Fix the card with some adhesive tape
in the center of the coil Fig (4).
When the coil rotates, due to
persistence of vision, you'll see
the bird in the cage Fig (5).

Insert two equal matchstick pieces in

the ends of a cycle valve tube to make
a twin blade propeller Fig (6).
Insert the valve tube in one end of the
coil and see a rotating fan Fig (7).
Cut a circle from a stiff card sheet.
On this, cut equally spaced radial
blades and offset them to make a
blower fan for your motor Fig (8).

Which other ingenious toys can you

make out of this simple electric motor?

How does a commutator work?

Take a coil and scrape the entire
enamel insulation from both its leads
Fig (1).
Rig up the motor as shown in Fig (2).
Improvise a switch using two nails and
a stove pin bent into a 'Z' - shape.
Now slip in the coil and press the
switch to complete the circuit.
The coil will turn a bit and come to a
stop. It will not rotate. However, if you
keep, closing / opening the switch
repeatedly then the coil will begin to
rotate. The earlier coil - with half
copper and half enamel did exactly

How does this D.C motor work?

When an electric current flows
through a wire, it produces a magnetic
field around it Fig (3).
The north and south poles of the
electromagnet are shown in Fig (4, 5).
Gripping the coil as shown your thumb
points towards the North Pole.

When a D.C. current goes through the

copper half of the coil, it acts as an
electromagnet with a N-pole and a S-
pole Fig (6). These poles are pulled
towards the opposite ends of the
permanent magnet. The coil will tend
to come to rest once its N and S poles
align with the S and N Doles of the
magnet. But just as it reaches this
point something happens.
The enameled half of the coil lead
switches off current to the coil.
Momentum propels it on until once
again its half-copper leads touch the
power leads. Once again the coil
becomes an electromagnet. So, round
the coil goes, and as it reaches the
come to rest point it demagnetizes.
Momentum propels it on. In this way
the coil continues to revolve, round
and round.
This is a truly dramatic way of
demonstrating Centripetal force.

Grasping the hanger by the hook and

midway along the longest side, stretch
it into a diamond shape Fig (1).

Bend the hook slightly inwards.

Make a hole in an injection bottle

rubber cap with a divider point
Fig (2).

Insert the rubber cap in the tip of the

hanger hook, pig (3).

Place a coin on the rubber cap and

then dangle the hanger from your
index finger Fig (4).

Slowly swing the hanger back and

forth on your finger.

Then build-up a little speed and spin

the hanger in a full circle Fig (5, 6).

Continue spinning as fast as you like.

The coin will not fall off.

When you want to stop spinning, do it

gradually, coming to a slow halt.

The coin still remains perched on the

cap, as if it has been glued to it.

It will excite you and your' friends

no end.

While the hanger is spinning, the tip

of the hook exerts an inward force,
which pushes the coin towards the
center of the circle.

This force is called Centripetal force

and prevents the coin from flying

Tie a piece of string, about one meter

long, to the too of a carrot.
Slip the free end of the string through
a ball pen body.
Then tie it to a small potato Fig (1).
Hold the pen body in your hand and
begin making circular motions - the
potato must swing in a circle.
As you increase the speed of rotation,
the carrot will rise Fig (2).
There is a force associated with the
rotation of the potato.
This force pulls away the center of
the circle and is called Centrifugal

This simple sprinkler designed by

Suresh Vaidyarajan, works in a
similar way.

Take one meter long flexible plastic

tube - the one used as a petrol pipe or
as a mason's level tube.
Keep one end of this tube immersed
in a bottle of water and suck out from
the other end Fig (3).
When water starts flowing from the
other end you start rotating it and
slowly raise it.
Water will keep sprinkling out as
long as you continue spinning the
This way you can drain out the whole
bottle Fig (4).

The Centrifugal force of rotation is

enough to suck and lift water from a
height of almost half a meter.

To prevent the water from falling

back in the bottle improvise a simple
'foot valve' like in a Holi “pichkari”
(a pump for throwing colored water)
using a cycle steel ball and a pen body
as a seat.

This letter balance is convenient for

weighing small objects.

Post cards are 9-cm wide.

Mark 9-cm along the length and cut a
post card square Fig (1).

Draw a diagonal and poke two holes

with a divider as shown in Fig (2).
Insert paper clips in the top hole for the
pivot and in the right hand hole for
hanging letters Fig (3).
Stick an old 50-paise coin (weight 5.0-
gms.) in the left hand corner and
suspend a small nut tied to a thread
from the pivot clip Fig (4).
This is the pointer plumb line.

Now suspend an old 50-paise coin from

the right clip and mark the position of
the pointer on the card, indicating 5.0-
gms Fig (5).

Again hang 7.5-gms. (one old 50-paise

and one old 25-paise) from the right clip,
and mark its position on the card
Fig (6).
Using standard weights of coins given
in Fig (9), also indicate 2.5, 10.0, 15.0,
20.0-gms marks on the card Fig (7).

This calibrated balance can be used to

weigh letters.

The balance can also be calibrated

by taking moments about the pivot P
Fig (8).

m g a sin A = Mg b cos A ;
M = a/b m tan A

Check whether the tangent of the angle

you measure is proportional to the mass
of the object being weighed.

This is a very sensitive balance.

You can easily weigh a human hair
with it.

Insert a needle at right angles, at

about 5-cm from one end of a soda-
straw Fig (1).

The balance must be mounted on

frictionless bearings.

The best we can do is to use two

safety pins without their latch ends.
Poke the prongs of the safety pins at
one end of an old rubber slipper.

Place the needle along with the straw

in the eyes of the safety pins.

Cut the right end of the straw at an

angle to make a pan.

Carefully balance the straw by

adjusting the position of the paper
clip counter weight Fig (2).

Calibrate the balance by weighing

some objects of known weight -
1-cm. x 1-cm pieces of postcard
Fig (4, 5).
Now, weigh various light objects - a
hair, a stamp, a piece of thread etc.

A single, double spreadsheet of

ordinary newspaper weighs
approximately 25-gms Fig (3).

Four such double spreadsheets

will weigh close to 100-gms.

The weight of an ordinary postcard is

around 2.5-gms Fig (4), and its area is
9 x 14 = 126 sq. cm.
Thus each 1-sq. cm. of postcard
weighs around 20 milligrams Fig (5).

One has to stand in a queue for virtually

everything these days.
And what with people pushing and
shoving from behind!
Well, a push from someone right behind
has a way of getting transmitted right to
the front, and it is difficult to identify
the person who gave the initial push.

This is part of everyday experience.

Also, on a cycle stand, if one cycle falls

down, it brings down the one next to it,
which in turn topples the one next to it.
The fall continues until all the cycles lie
flattened on the ground.

Children often stand bricks and

dominoes, like wagons in a train,
leaving little gaps in between.
They have great fun tipping one piece
and then seeing the whole train come
tumbling down in a sequence.
The same thing can be done with a pack
of old playing cards.
Hold them and fold them so that there is
a crease in the middle.

This enables them to stand upright.

Stand these cards to make a long train.
You can make gentle U and S shape
curves too.

On tipping one card the pulse travels

until the very last card falls down.

Does it not resemble the propagation of


I have made several crude water

wheels and turbines using odds and
bits, but this one is the most
sophisticated one of them all.

This is nature's very own turbine -

the seed of the CASURINA tree.
This tree can be easily mistaken
for a pine.
However, its seeds are oval, woody,
and have a dozen deep furrows
running along the length.
It is these furrows which simulate the
blades of a real life turbine.

Heat a needle tip and poke it along

the long axis of the Casurina seed.

You may have to heat the tip a few

times before the needle gets firmly
embedded Fig (1).

Poke another needle at the other end of

the seed Fig (2).

The needles become the axles on

which the Casurina turbine will rotate
Fig (3).

Cut a piece of old rubber slipper and

fix two nails on it Fig (4).

Tie 1-cm. long used refill pieces on the

nail heads.

The refill pieces must lie in a line

Fig (5).

Now, place the needle in the refill

pieces - which act like bush-bearings.

Finally, keep the seed turbine below a

running tap such that the water stream
falls on one side of the seed.

This elegant turbine will then keep

rotating and give you endless joy.

This brilliant idea won the national

award in China, for the best designed
teaching aid, in 1988.

To locate the position of a moving

particle you will require some fairly
expensive and sophisticated gadgets.
The paper reed pathfinder enables
you to do that at almost zero cost.

Remove the center from a 10-cm x

20-cm piece of cardboard, leaving a
1-cm. wide frame Fig (1).

Take a 10-cm x 20-cm sheet of paper,

and leaving aside 1-cm. along its
length, cut parallel strips along its
width Fig (2, 3).

Apply glue along the uncut length of

this paper reed and stick it along one
long edge of the frame Fig (4).

Hold the edge of the frame with one

hand and drop a marble into the
frame Fig (5).

The marble will strike the reeds and

at the point of strike, the reeds will
go below the frame Fig (6).

This enables you to locate the position

of the particle.

The path of a moving marble can

be found by placing several such
mounted frames along its
approximate trajectory.

One throwing, the marble will pass

through all the frames.
The reeds will go behind each
frame at the point of strike.

Of course, the thinner the strips

the more precisely can the position
of the particle be located.

Taking its name from the Greek god of

the wind, Aeolus, the Aeolian Top is
propelled by the wind.

It was popular during the late

nineteenth century.

It consists of a thick card disc,

7-cm, in diameter, that has a series of
oblique slots arranged symmetrically
around its surface Fig (1).

Cut along the three sides of the flaps as

shown in Fig (2, 3).

Color the top with sketch pens,

if you like.

Stick a straight pin or a thin nail

through the center of the disc, leaving
about 1-cm. projecting below Fig (4).

This will serve as the pivot point for the

top. Apply several drops of glue or a dab
of Fevicol (glue) around the pin to hold
it in place Fig (5).

Now, your top is ready.

Hold the disc lightly against one end of
an empty thread spool with your finger,
letting the long end of the pin stick up
through the hole in the spool.

Blow through the other end of the spool

Fig (6).

The stream of air you blow strikes the

radial vanes and makes them spin.

The stream of air also creates a

low-pressure zone that holds the disc
against the spool.

If you hold the whirling top over a table

or any flat surface and stop blowing,
it will drop from the spool and continue
This simple device uses the sun's energy
to rotate a pinwheel.

Fold a square paper as shown in Fig (1)

to make a windmill.

Glue its corners to the center Fig (2).

Make a single dent (not a hole) with a
pencil at the center of the windmill.

With the help of an adult, cut the

bottom out of three old tin cans Fig (3).

Paint the outside of the cans black.

Join the three cans together with some

tape, to make a long metallic hoop.

Get a piece of thin wire and bend it as

shown in Fig (4).

Tape the wire on the top of the can and

balance the windmill on its tip.

Stand the cans on two books on a sunny


Watch what happens as the sun warms

the cans.

The hot air inside the can rises up,

sucking cold air from below.

This continuous convection current keeps

the pinwheel rotating.

Instead of joining three tin cans to make a

hollow cylinder, you can make use of the
metallic hoop at the end of the soft broom
- the 'Phool Jhadu'.

How can you make this windmill turn on

a day when the sun is not shining?

Can two cylinders with the same surface

area, have different volumes?

You will need two old post cards, some

sticky tape, a matchbox drawer and
some sand to do this experiment.

Post cards from the post office come in

one standard size – 14-cm long and 9-cm

They have the same area.

Take two old post cards, and roll each

one of them into a tube.

One the long way Fig (1), and the other

the short way Fig (2).

Tape the ends.

One cylinder will be tall and thin

Fig (3).

The other will be fat and squat Fig (4).

“Will each cylinder hold the same


What do you think is the answer?

Try and estimate the capacity of each

cylinder by filling it with sand.

Use a matchbox drawer as a measure

Fig (5).

This experiment relates volume to area.

Volume is a three-dimensional measure.

Area is a two-dimensional measure.

What difference does that make?

A Belgian physicist J.A.E Plateau

invented the Phantascope or
“Magic Disc” in 1872.
It is supposed to be the first moving
picture machine.
The design of the Phantascope is nothing
more than a cardboard circle with a
series of equispaced slits.
The Phantascope can rotate about a
pivot mounted on a handle.
On the other side a set of sequential
pictures are placed between slits. When
the device is placed in front of a mirror
and viewed through the rotating slits,
the pictures give the viewer the
impression that they are moving.

Trace the pattern in Fig (1) and glue it

on cardboard.

Now cut the twelve slits in the center

with a sharp knife Fig (2).

Attach the pencil handle to the

Phantascope by pushing a thumbtack
through the center into the eraser of the
pencil Fig (3).

Make sure that the pencil is on the blank

side of the cardboard.

Now your Phantascope is complete

Fig (4).

Stand in front of a mirror, holding the

Phantascope so that the pictures face the

Twirl the edge of the disc with your


Do not twirl too fast.

Watch through the viewing slits, as the

images become a moving picture Fig (5).
The flexagon is an amazing model.
Each time that it flexes about its
center a different picture comes into
It can be used to depict any four stage
cycle or sequence.
Four flexagon networks printed on
thin card sheets are stapled in the
middle of the book.
The card sheet has the printed
network on one side.
The reverse side is plain white.
Make the flexagons as follows:

First, cut out the network precisely

along the outline Fig (1).
Fold all 8 diagonal lines marked with
dashes (-------) away from the
picture Fig (2).
Fold all 6 vertical lines towards the
picture Fig (3).
First try to assemble the model
without applying glue.
When you can see how it fits together
glue in order of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Glue 1, 2, 3 on the picture side
Fig (4).
Apply glue also to the three
triangular hills on the plain side of
the sheet Fig (5).
These have not been marked on the

Stick Glue 1 of the picture side on

Glue 1 of the plain side.
Do the same with Glue 2 and Glue 3,
to get the chain in Fig (6).
Apply glue to flaps 4 and 5.
They go inside the pocket to complete
the ring Fig (7).
The use of a quick dry impact
adhesive like Fevibond gives better
Once the model is dry, flex it away to

This is very ingenious puzzle.

Imagine a box - white on all sides.
Give it a few turns and twists,
and it is black on all sides!

Using stiff card sheet cut six squares,

with a 5-cm edge.

The squares we white on one side,

black on the other.

Cut two squares along diagonal to

make four triangles Fig (1).

Using adhesive tape stick the four

squares and the four triangles into a
“W” formation Fig (2).

Now bring edges AB and CD together

and join them with tape to get a
square formation Fig (3).

Twisting Fig (3) results in an all white

cube shown in Fig (4).

Fold the square in Fig (3) along its

middle horizontal line to get the
rectangle in Fig (5).

Open out the rectangle in Fig (5)

on its bottom edge to get a black
hexagon Fig (6), which is closed into a
rectangle Fig (7).

When this rectangle is opened up a

large square Fig (8) is obtained,
which can be twisted to give an all
black cube Fig (9).

It is almost magical how a few turns

and twists can turn a six faceted cube
completely inside-out.
Threading an old matchbox in an
ingenious way makes this zero-cost
dynamic toy.

Make a hole each on the strike

surface of the matchbox about
1.5-cm from one end.
Make two more holes on the drawer
using a divider point Fig (1).
Take a needle with a 1.5-meter long
Thread the needle through the
strike surface and the drawer hole
Fig (2).
Thread the needle through the other
holes too Fig (3).

The threaded matchbox is shown in

Fig (4).
Now, tie the two ends of the thread
to complete the mechanism Fig (5).
Hold the string in both hands as
shown in Fig (6).
Turn and twist the left hand
The matchbox will travel along the
string tracks.

However, it is more interesting if

you stick a cutout of a rabbit on the
matchbox Fig (7) and enjoy the
rabbit hop at your fingertips.
The mechanism moves in one
direction only, and you will have to
bring it back once it reaches the left-
hand end.

Hand the top string loop of the

mechanism by a nail and stick a
cutout of a lizard on it.
On pulling the left and right-hand
strings in succession, the lizard will
crawl up Fig (8).
The Climbing Joker is quite akin in
principle to the Matchbox Rider.

Both these toys are based on friction.

Remove the joker from an old pack of
playing cards.

Cut two soda-straw pieces, each 6-cm


Using adhesive tape, stick these soda-

straw pieces at an angle of about 20
degrees, on the backside of the joker
card Fig (1).

Thread a 2-meter long string through

the straws.

Tie both the ends of the string in a

knot Fig (2).

Hang the string by a nail as shown in

Fig (3).

Hold both ends of the string taut.

Pull each end of the string alternately
and the joker will climb the string.

Before the joker begins to climb the

string should have a minimum of

Try to increase and decrease the angle

between the straws and see the change
in tension required to get the joker

What would happen if you used old

ball pen refills instead of soda-straws?

There is one good thing the string-

straw mechanism.
Unlike the Matchbox Climber, it does
not have to be brought back to its
initial position.
The joker simply slides down as soon
as the tension in the string is released.
Fill a narrow drinking glass with water, to
about 1-cm from the lip.
Float a cork on the water surface.
No matter how carefully you try to center it,
the cork will always move to the edge of the
glass Fig (1).
Now remove the cork, and slowly add water
to the glass until the water level is slightly
above the rim of the glass.
Carefully place the cork on the surface once
This time the cork will float in the center
Fig (2).
In Fig (1), the water level is slightly higher at
the walls than in the middle, so the cork floats
towards the rim of the glass.
However, in Fig (2), the water level is slightly
convex and the cork floats to the center.


This experiment demonstrates a very strange

fact about a flame.
Though most of it is too hot to touch without
burning your fingers, there is a cold spot in
the center.
Hold the middle of a matchstick in a flame for
a moment, or two Fig (3).
On removing, you will see that the matchstick
has burnt only at the two spots where it
touched the flame.
The portion between them has not burnt
Fig (4).
You can do this experiment in another way.
Hold a square of stiff paper steady in a flame
for a second or two.
On removing, there will be a scorched ring on
the paper formed by the hot outside ring of
the flame.
The cool center remains unburned Fig (5).

If you look at a dry paintbrush you will

see that its hair is frayed and do not
cling to a point Fig (1).
Even in water, the hair does not cling
and form a tip Fig (2).
However, if you remove the brush from
the water then the hair clings to a point
Fig (3).
This is because the wet molecules of
water form a film, which in trying to
minimize its surface area makes the hair
cling together.

While threading a needle, we often find

that the frayed end of the thread does
not enter the eye of the needle Fig (4).
So, we wet the thread end with our spit
Fig (5).
The frayed fibers now cling together and
ease threading Fig (6).

Make four holes in a plastic or a

thermocole cup using a divider point
Fig (7).
The holes should be about half a
centimeter apart.
On filling the cup with water, four
streams of water will spurt out.
Squeeze the streams together, with your
thumb and index finger Fig (8).
They will combine to form a single
stream of water Fig (9).
This is what happens.
Each of the four streams of water has a
film around it.
This film, composed of water molecules,
encases the water, but it is quite elastic
and allows movement.
When the streams are pinched together,
a new film is formed, which is strong
enough to hold all the water together.
If you carefully look at steel bridges or roof
trusses, you will notice that they often
consist of a large number of triangles,
joined together.
Cut 1-cm. wide and 10-cm long strips from
stiff greeting cards and punch holes on
there ends Fig (1).
Using press-buttons as joints, join three
card strips into a triangle Fig (2).
Does its shape alter?
Try making squares, pentagons and other
Are they rigid?
Join several triangles together Fig (3).
Is this new structure strong?
In which other large structures have you
seen triangles being used?


What is the best diameter for a tube?
Given a postcard how can we roll it up to
make the strongest tube?
Roll up a few old postcards to make tubes
of the same length but different diameters.
Use the same amount of sticky tape to stick
each tube Fig (4).
Slip a pan with a string tied around one of
the tubes.
Ensure that the same amount of the tube
rests on each desk.
See that the pan is in the center of the tube.
Keep adding weights until the tube begins
to buckle Fig (5).
Test the other tubes.
Which tube is the strongest?
Now, roll a postcard up so that it forms a
solid rod of paper.
Will it be stronger than strongest tube?
Find out.
Tetrapacks have revolutionized
packaging the world over.
Now-a-days, cooking oil and several
cold drinks are being distributed in
After use, the cartons are just thrown
These cartons are made of composite
layers plastic film, aluminum foil and
paper fused together.
It is very expensive too.
An empty 200-ml. carton costs about
one rupee. You can make wonderful
things with old tetrapacks.

Open, clean and straighten a

tetrapack Fig (1).
Using a divider and a scale mark out
a network of eight equilateral
triangles (edge length of 2.5-cm).
The five little flaps will be glued and
will hold the model in shape Fig (2).
After cutting the network crease
along the edges.
Apply adhesive or glue the flaps
Fig (3, 4).
Fold and stick them to complete the
The exact network of the Octahedron
is given in Fig (5).
Similarly, using network of Fig (9),
fold a CUBE Fig (10).
The tetrapack material takes sharp
The finished silvery models are rigid,
waterproof and look almost metallic.

(Continued on next page)


Mark network shown in Fig (1) on

the tetrapack sheet and fold it into an
elegant 20 faceted ICOSAHEDRON
Fig (2).
Using the network in Fig (3), make a
Thus, all the five regular convex
solids - the Platonic solids - the
regular Tetrahedron, Hexahedron
(cube), Octahedron, Dodecahedron
and the Icosahedron can be made
from tetrapacks.
Euler - the famous mathematician
discovered a simple relation
connecting the numbers of vertices
(V), edges (E) and faces (F) of
See whether V + F = E + 2, holds true
for all the above solids.

Fig (5) shows the sector of a circle

with radius 5.0-cm and an angle of
108 degrees.
It is folded and stuck with the silver
side inside to make a cone Fig (8).
The base and height of this cone is the
same as that of a film roll bottle
which is a cylinder.
The cone fits snugly into the bottle
Fig (7).
There is a relationship between a
cone and a cylinder with the same
base and the same height.
The volume of the cylinder is thrice
that of the cone.
Test it by pouring one full cone of
water in the film bottle Fig (9).
Two cones, Fig (10) and finally three
cones to top the film-roll bottle with
water Fig (11).
Using plastic soda-straws you can
make some very elegant models.
The straws can be used both for
joints as well as the structural

For the JOINT-OF-TWO take a

2-cm long piece of straw and crimp it
with your thumb and finger Fig (1).
Insert one end of the joint in a straw
Fig (2).
The other end of the joint is inserted
in a second straw Fig (3).
Using three joints and three straws
make a triangle Fig (4).
To prevent the joints from coming
out of the straw, weld them by poking
a hot needle tip.
Assemble a square Fig (5) and a few
more polygons.

The JOINT-OF-FOUR is made

out of two pieces of straw.
Take a 2-cm long piece of straw and
bend it double Fig (7).
Slightly nip both long edges at the
bend as shown in Fig (8) to make a
diamond shape hole Fig (9).
Weave the second piece through this
hole Fig (10), to make a cross joint.
To prevent the cross pieces from
slipping out, weld them together with
a hot needle tip Fig (11).

A JOINT-OF-THREE is got by
simply cutting one leg of the “cross”
Fig (12).
Assemble a TETRAHEDRON as in
Fig (13) and a PRISM Fig (14) using

Weld the straw members and the

joints together to prevent them from
coming apart.

To make a JOINT-OF-SIX cut out

diamond holes in the middle of the
two straw pieces.
Weave a third straw piece through
these holes to make an H shape
Fig (1).
Take one leg of the H and weave it
through the adjacent joint-of-four, to
make a phased out star joint Fig (2).
Weld the straw pieces with a hot
needle tip Fig (3).

A JOINT-OF-FIVE is got by simply

cutting off one leg of the joint-of-six
Fig (4).

Using 30 straw members and 12

joints-of-five, assemble an

The PYRAMID in Fig (6) is made

with 8 members, 4 joints-of-three and
1 joint-of-four.

The OCTAHEDRON in Fig (7) looks

like two pyramids back-to- back, and
can be made using 6 joints-of-four
and 12 members.

Structures from soda-straw look very

neat and elegant.
You can test the relative strengths of
these structures by banging weights
from their members.
Plastic soda-straw models are also
So, you can dip them in soap solution
and study the nature of soap films on
their facets.
Mark out the pattern in Fig (1) on a
piece of paper.
Then cut out the rectangular shape
with a small square flap on one edge
Fig (2).
Roll the paper like a cigarette,
gluing its other edge so it does not
open Fig (3).
This simple roll of paper with a little
flap bent over one-end makes a nice
paper flute Fig (4).
If you place the end with the flap
inside your mouth then you have to
blow out to play it.
Otherwise, you can have the flap
end outside, in which case you suck
gently, thus vibrating the flap
against the tube Fig (5).
Now, insert the tube inside a used
thread reel Fig (6).
Vary the length of the vibrating
column and see if there is some
change in the sound, Fig (7).


Flatten out one end of a soda-straw.

Nip, both long edges of this end with
a scissors with a “V” point
Fig (8, 9).
Keeping the “V” end outside suck
air from the other end.
The “V” end will vibrate producing
a musical note Fig (10).
You can also keep the “V” end
inside the mouth and blow out air.
The straw will again sound a note.
Now keep cutting little lengths of
straw with a scissors Fig (11).
As the straw becomes shorter the
sound becomes shriller.
Cut a few holes on the straw to
make it into a flute Fig (12).
By opening and closing these holes
you can play a few notes on the
soda-straw flute.
Take a few squares.
Try and make all the possible
patterns using five square coins or
Five squares can be fitted together
edge-to-edge in only 12 different
ways. These shapes are known as
PENTOMINOES and are shown here
fined together like a Jigsaw to form a
10 x 6 rectangle Fig (1).
Cut yourself a set of pentominoes
from cardboard or shoe sole rubber.
See if you can find other ways of
fining them to form 10 x 6, 12 x 5,
15 x 4 and 20 x 3 rectangles.
There are thousands of solutions,
but feel happy if you can find one for
each rectangle.

One of the pentomino shapes can

form a regular repeating pattern to
cover the page without any gaps -
that is it forms a tesselation Fig (2).
Draw patterns to show which other
pentominoes will tesselate.
The same pentomino lis shown folded
in Fig (3) to form an open cubical
Find which of the other pentominoes
will form a net for the box and shade
the square corresponding to its base.

Shapes made from six squares like in

Fig (4) are called HEXOMINOES.
Which of the shapes in Fig (4) could
be folded to make a cube?
There are 35 hexominoes.
Try to find them all.
It may help if you use squared paper.

A hexaflexagon is an intriguing
arrangement of equilateral triangles
folded in such ways that at any time
six of them form a hexagon.
The flexagon can be 'flexed' into a new
arrangement by pinching together two
adjacent triangles and opening out the
triangle from the center to reveal a new
When you have made a flexagon, mark
the corners of the triangles at the center
of the visible hexagon with a symbol
such as a heart or diamond, or spell out
a six-letter word.
Then flex the hexaflexagon and mark
the center of the new face with another
set of symbols.
You will be surprised just how many
different centers you can find!

Take a strip of thin card and draw 18

equilateral triangles as in Fig (1).
You will find 5-cm a good size for the
side of a triangle.
Score along each of the dotted sides of
the triangle. On one side number the
triangles 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3,..., and mark the
end triangles along the edge as in
Fig (2).
Turn the strip over and number the
other side with a 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,...,
pattern exactly like Fig (3).
Next fold the strip by placing triangle 4
exactly onto triangle 4, 5 onto 5, 6 onto 6
etc. as shown in Fig (1).
This rolls the strip up, see Fig (5).
Now fold the strip again so that the
triangles of the same number are all on
the top, as shown in.
Stick the two marked edges together
using adhesive tape.
Now you can keep flexing the
hexaflexagons to glory.

Many puzzles are based on

cutting up one shape in as few
pieces as possible, which can be
rearranged to form another

An example of this is a 12-sided

regular polygon, shown in Fig (1)
cut into 6 pieces, which are
reassembled into a square
Fig (2).

Similarly, the “E” shape as in

Fig (3) can be dissected to be
reassembled into a square of the
same area Fig (4).

Typical amongst the dissection

puzzles is to cut the Greek cross
into four pieces, which can be
rearranged to form a square
Fig (5).

If the cross is seen as made up of

5 unit squares then the square
into which the cross is to be
transformed must also have an
area equivalent to 5 square units.

Two solutions are shown in

Fig (6, 7). But how are they
arrived at? One answer lies in the
use of tesselations.

In Fig (8) the Greek cross is

shown forming a tesselation and
then superimposed on it is a
tesselation of squares whose area
is 5 square units formed by
joining the centers of the
adjacent crosses.
This is a very good puzzle to baffle your
friends with.

Take a rectangle of paper about 25-cm

long and 15-cm wide.

Fold the rectangle in half from bottom

to top Fig (1).

Cut a little slot in one end of the paper

as shown in Fig (2).

Then unfold the rectangle.

Now fold the rectangle in half from left
to right Fig (3).

From the folded side, mark two parallel

cuts that go towards, but do not quite
touch the slot Fig (4).

Unfold the rectangle.

This should be your finished result
Fig (5).

Now, the ends of the paper towards each

other, but not quite together.

Thread the strip made by the two

parallel cuts in Fig (4), through the slot,
so that you get a little loop sticking out
Fig (6).

Thread the buttons on to a length of

cotton and knot the ends so that the
buttons do not fall off Fig (7).

Put one of the buttons through the loop

Fig (8).

Fold the paper back into place

so that it looks like in Fig (9).

Show the puzzle to your friends.

Ask them if they can remove the buttons
without breaking the cotton thread or
tearing the paper Fig (10).

The secret is simply to repeat the steps

in Fig (6, 8) and to pull the buttons back
through the loop.
With a few, quick folds and with
just one cut of the scissors, you can
make five stars in one sheet of

First, cut out a large square from a

double spread newspaper sheet
Fig (1).

Fold the square in half from top to

bottom Fig (2).

Fold it in half from left to right

Fig (3).

Fold the top left-hand corner down

to meet the bottom right-hand
corners Fig (4).

Fold the top right-hand corner up to

meet the middle of the diagonal
slope Fig (5).

Fold both the top right-hand and

bottom left- hand corners over to
meet the bottom right hand corners
Fig (6).

Press the paper flat and turn it over

Fig (7).

Fold the paper in half, from the top

right-hand corner to the bottom
left-hand corner, along the diagonal
fold line Fig (8).

This way you will be making a

triangle Fig (9).

With a scissors carefully cut away

the shaded part Fig (10).

Open out the paper carefully and

you will have five stars glittering at
you Fig (11).

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