Famished Road Wed., 7 Apr To Pg. 307
Famished Road Wed., 7 Apr To Pg. 307
Famished Road Wed., 7 Apr To Pg. 307
Absence of race
‐ homogenous black population?
‐ mom’s story of white people (282)
‐ white supervisor of black labor, workers on the road (277‐8, then 288)
Ancient mother
‐ a totem? symbolic?
‐ a different version of Madame K?
The role of the photographer
‐ documenting events?
‐ a link to reality, unlike a gateway to spiritual visions /experiences
o the photos or the man? (182‐83)
o but the photographer brags about his spiritual power/battles
ability to kill the rats
hides in his camera, travels to the moon (262)
later, appears at father’s bedside during healing (362)
The role or purpose of suffering
‐ money and power softening that suffering?
o Madame K’s shift from benevolent to opponent
Azaro starving himself
drifting in and out of reality
but a more explicit parallel between the two worlds – real and spiritual – is spelled out during
his sickness/cure
Dad’s fight w/ Yellow Jaguar
‐ mentally damaged, as well as physically
o but a sense of rebirth
“How many times is a man reborn in one life?” (362)
“birth brings glory” (345)
‐ the fighting was so intense, that they crossed over into the spirit world?
Blind man and his music playing
‐ able to see spirits? a different kind of seeing
‐ is he helping Azaro’s dad or hindering him?
‐ “full ugly power of the music” (362)
‐ the worries about money seem to go away (pushed away?) when A’s dad concentrates on
his fighting
‐ a new character
o why is he named, unlike so many other characters?
‐ another spirit child?
Madame Koto’s car
Fight w Green Leopard
‐ father covered in mud; dad’s use of mud like Yellow Jaguar in the swamp?
Father’s new/reaffirmed connection to the spirit world
‐ his own father was a spiritual leader of his tribe
‐ Father’s new interest in politics, books, reading
o Money: is this a mismanagement of his earnings/winnings?
short term selfish goals?
throws party
impulsive; show ‐off
long term family goals?
Wants family to survive: “we can’t remain poor forever” (411)
The Party
‐ Predicted Tragedy w/ Madame K’s car comes true
‐ Father’s attempt at a speech: “TRANSFORM YOUR HUNGER INTO POWER” (420)
‐ photographer appears just before car accident; “silent presence” (421)
Family of Beggars w/ Young Girl
‐ she was blind in one eye
‐ associated w/ “distant music”
Azaro’s nature
‐ both childlike and very mature, insightful, experienced
Famished Road ‐ Thurs., 15 Apr ‐to end
Final page / moment
‐ was it all a dream? “A dream can be the highest point of a life” (500)
‐ Mother’s story / experience w/ white man / Yoruba man who lived many years in a couple
weeks (blue sunglasses story)
Madame Koto
‐ is she really two hundred years old? needs Azaro’s young blood? (496)
‐ What’s the connection (if any) w/ the white beads?
‐ Could she have organized or worked with the spirit world to get Azaro?
o Or is what she wanted more physical (blood)?
A’s Father
‐ could he have been the lion, roaring, who drives away Madame K?
o He was “sleeping” during this moment, so it could have been his spirit
Spirit World = Nigeria (the country)?
‐ “ours too was an abiku nation” (493)
‐ sleeping as a mode of organizing, assembling, ordering
‐ dreams affected (hemmed in or expanded) depending on politics (495)
The paradoxes of freedom and limitaions