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Tilloo SK et al.

IRJP 2012, 3 (4)


Review Article

ISSN 2230 8407


Tilloo SK*, Pande VB, Rasala TM, Kale VV
Gurunanak College of Pharmacy, Nari dixit Nagar, Nagpur, India
Article Received on: 10/02/12 Revised on: 25/03/12 Approved for publication: 11/04/12

Asystasia gangetica (L).T. also known as Chinese violet is a rapidly growing straggling herb mainly distributed in India. In traditional system of medicine,
the plant is used for various ailments and diseases. The present review article overview the ethanomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological investigation
carried out on the plant.
KEYWORDS: Asystasia gangetica, Current status, Medicinal applications

The value of medicinal plants to the human being is very well
proven, according to WHO about 70 to 80% of the people
worldwide accept traditional herbal healthcare systems of
medicines. Present review acknowledges the value of
medicinal plant as sources of new compounds of therapeutics
value and lead compound in development of drugs which has
to explore. It is need of hour to screen medicinal plants for
bioactive principles as basis of further research studies
Asystasia gangetica (L).T. also known as Chinese violet is
a rapidly growing straggling herb mainly distributed in India,
grows to 10m height at an altitude 300m1. The leaves are
green, oval shaped with rounded base, very slightly sawedged
and smooth2. Flowers are pale purple blue to violet or lime
white in colour, capsules are 2.5-3.5cm long with wide base
and seeds are 5mm in diameter3.

Figure 1: Plant of Asystasia gangetica


Table1: Plant profile

Plantae Plants


Tracheobionta Vascular plants


Spermatophyta Seed plants


Magnoliophyta Flowering
Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons






Acanthaceae Acanthus family


Asystasia Blume asystasia


Asystasia gangetica (L.) T.

Anderson Chinese violet


The plant Asystasia gangetica has been used medicinally
from ancient time in Babungo for treating different
ailments11. Rural people in Sivagangai district of Tamil
Nadu, Peoples of Southern part of India used entire plant
juice for rheumatism12. Tribal people of Marudhamalai hills,
Coimbatore Tamil Nadu generally apply root paste for skin
allergies13. In Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa people use
Asystasia gangetica as vegetable. Traditionally plant juice
used for anthelmintic activity, in swelling, rheumatism also in
gonorrhea and ear disease14.
It is a folk remedy for treating diabetes mellitus in parts of
South India. Nigerian people claimed to be leaves of
Asystasia gangetica are highly effective in local treatment of
Asystasia gangetica contains carbohydrates, proteins,
alkaloids, tannins, steroidal aglycans, saponins, flavonoides,
and triterpenoides27, the plant also contain minerals like
calcium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, copper, zinc,
magnesium, iron16.
Biflavon glycoside from flowers of Asystasia gangetica have
been isolated, which was characterized as apigenin 7-0glucosyl (36) luteolin 7-0-glucoside17. A 5,11epoxymegastigmane glucoside (asysgangoside) was isolated
from aerial part of Asystasia gangetica together with known
compounds, salidroside, benzyl beta-D- glucopyranoside,
(6S,9R)-roseoside, ajugol, apigenin 7-0-neohesperidoside18.
Aquous extract of stem and leaves contain cardiac glycoside
and methanolic extract shown presence of Anthraquinones27.
Asystasia gangetica contains substances like flavonoids and
others , which makes plant useful in various ailments or
Analgesic And Anti-Inflammatory Activity
The anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extract of
Asysatasia gangetica (L).T. Andas. leaves (200 and 400
mg/kg. p.o.) in albino wistar rats was assessed by using
various types of in-vivo pharmacological screening methods
such as Carageenan induced paw oedema and Cotton pellet
induced granuloma technique. Methanolic extract
(400mg/kg) of Asysatasia gangetica L. significantly
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Tilloo SK et al. IRJP 2012, 3 (4)

decreased the paw oedema from the second hour of
carageenan induced paw oedema method and a significant
decrease in granuloma formation was observed in the cotton
pellet technique. However, the significant decrease in the
paw oedema was also observed even at the dose of 200mg/kg
of methanolic extract of Asysatasia gangetica L. after four
hours carageenan induction. The anti-inflammatory activity
of the methanolic extract may be due to the inhibition of
prostaglandin synthesis and by the stabilization of the
lysosomal membrane as evidenced from its efficacy19.
The aqueous stem and leaf extract of Asystasia gangetica
(25-200 mg/kg) significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the number
of writhes in the acetic acid induced writhing test. At 100
mg/kg, it produced an increase in pain threshold comparable
to that produced by morphine (10 mg/kg) in the tail flick test
and peak analgesia at 200 mg/kg in the hot plate test. The
extract (25-200 mg/kg) also produced significant (p < 0.05)
inhibition of oedema comparable to indomethacin (10 mg/kg)
in the carrageenan induced paw oedema model. The extract
(200 mg/kg) produced a significant inhibitory effect (p <
0.05) comparable to that produced by 1 mg/kg
dexamethasone in the xylene induced mouse ear oedema
Hypoglycemic And Hypolipidemic Activity
The potential hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of
Asystasia gangetica in alloxan induced diabetes mellitus was
investigated. Diabetes was induced by alloxan (150 mg/kg
i.p) in to rats. Ethanolic extract of leaves of Asystasia
gangetica was administered to alloxan induced diabetic rats.
Glibenclamide used as a reference standard. Blood glucose,
triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol
and total proteins were estimated from the serum by using
standard kits. All groups show significant decreased in
thebiochemical parameters after administration of ethanolic
extract of leaves of Asystasia gangetica. From this study it
has been concluded that the ethanolic extracts of leaves of
Asystasia gangetica having good hypoglycemic and
hypolipidemic effect21.
Antioxidant Activity
In vivo studies reveals that levels of the protective antioxidant
enzymes like SOD, CAT and GSH were increased along with
decrease in the LPO levels provide a scientific evidence for
antioxidant potential of Asystasia gangetica22. In vitro
studies indicate that DPPH radical scavenging of methanolic
extract has IC50 value 179.67 g/ml. The methanolic extract
showed concentration dependant -glucosidase (IC50 325g/ml) and -amylase (IC50 -3.75g/ml) inhibitory
activity. The in vitro studies clearly indicate that the
methanol extract of leaves of Asystasia gangetica has
significant in vitro antioxidant and -glucosidase and amylase enzymes inhibitory activity23.
Antiasthmatic Activity
The hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the leaves
of Asystasia gangetica, obtained by successive sohxlet
extraction. The extracts relaxed histamine-precontracted
tracheal strips in the following degree of potency ethylacetate
extract > hexane extract = methanol extract. The extracts also
exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in the order of
magnitude-methanol extract > hexane extract > ethylacetate
extract. Acute toxicity test estimated an i.p. LD50 of 2150
mg/kg in mice for methanol extract .The study justified the
use of the leaf of Asystasia gangetica in the management of
asthma 24-26.

Antimicrobial And Antifungal Activity

The hexane, ethylacetate and methanol extracts obtained
from the whole plant of Asystasia gangetica were evaluated
in-vitro to determine inhibition of human pathogenic
microorganisms made up of six bacteria and six fungi. The
crude extracts inhibited the growth of twelve test organisms
to different degrees. All the bacteria strains Salmonella typhii
(UCH4801), Escherica coli (UCH 00260), Pseudomonas
aeruginosa (UCH 1102) and Klebsiellae pneumonae (UCH
2894) belongs to the gram-negative and Bacillus subtilis
(UCH 74230) while Staphylococcus aureus (UCH 2473)
belongs to the gram-positive were sensitive to all the extracts
at concentration ranging from 50 to 200mg/ml using the agar
diffusion pour plate method. The inhibition of these test
organisms were concentration dependent, activity being
higher at higher concentrations of all the three extracts. The
extracts showed higher antifungal properties on Candida
albicans, Penicillum notatum, Tricophyton rubrum and
Epidermophyton floccosum with activity comparable to that
of the reference drug, Tioconazole27.
The present paper reveals the multi-potential application of
Asystasia gangetica as medicinal plant. The bioactive
components responsible for the activities are not precisely
known but it may be one or more of the phytoconstituents
established to be present in various parts of plant. However it
is imperative to explore unexploited potential of this plant
especially as novel antiasthmatic agent.
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