Game Playing: MIN-MAX Search
Game Playing: MIN-MAX Search
Game Playing: MIN-MAX Search
There were two reasons that games appeared to be a good domain in which to explore machine
1. They provide a structured task in which it is very easy to measure success or
2. They did not require large amount of knowledge. They were thought to be
solvable by straight forward search from the starting state to a winning position.
Ex Chess
The average branching factor is around 35.
In an average game, each player might make 50 moves.
One would have to examine 35100 positions.
Some kind of heuristic search procedure is necessary.
Generally Generate and test procedure is used, in which at one extreme the generator
generates entire proposed solution, which the tester then the other extreme, the
generator generates individual moves in the search space, each of which is then evaluated by the
tetser and the most promising one is chosen.
To improve the effectiveness of a search-based problem solving program two things can
be done:
o Improve the generate procedure so that only good moves are generated.
o Improve the test procedure so that the best moves will be recognized and
explored first.
Consider again the problem of playing chess. On the average, there are about 35 legal
moves available at each turn. If a simple legal-move generator is used, then the test procedure,
will have to look at each of them. The test procedure must be fast and and look at so many
possibilities. So it cannot do a a very accurate job.
On the other hand, instead of a legal move generator, a plausible move generator
generates only some small amount of promising moves. As the legal moves increases, heuristics
have to be applied to select only those that have some kind of promise. Thus by incorporating
heuristic knowledge into both the generator and the tester the performance of the overall system
can be improved.
The ideal way to use a search procedure to find a solution to a problem is to generate
moves through the problem space until a goal state is reached. The depth of the resulting tree and
its branching factor are too great. It is possible to search a tree only ten or twenty moves deep
called ply and to choose the best move, the resulting board positions must be compared to
discover which is most advantageous. This is done using a static evaluation function which uses
whatever information it has to evaluate individual board positions by estimating how likely they
are to lead eventually to a win.
A good plausible-move generator and a good static evaluation function must both
incorporate a great deal of knowledge about the particular game being played. But unless these
functions are perfect, a search procedure is needed that makes it possible to look ahead as many
moves as possible to see what may occur.
For a simple one-person game or puzzle, the A* algorithm can be used. But this
procedure is inadequate for two-person games such as chess. There are several ways this can be
done and the most commonly used method is the minimax procedure.
MIN-MAX Search
Games have always been an important application area for heuristic algorithms. In playing games whose
state space may be exhaustively delineated, the primary difficulty is in accounting for the actions of the
opponent. This can be handled easily by assuming that the opponent uses the same knowledge of the state
space as us and applies that knowledge in a consistent effort to win the game. Minmax implements game
steps. 0, -3,
3, 4, 5, 6, -5, 0 represent the utility values of respective move. They indicate goodness of a move. The utility
value is back propagated to ancestor node, according to situation whether it is max ply
or min ply. As it is
a two player game, the utility value is alternatively maximized and minimized. Here as the second players
move is maximizing, so maximum value of all children of one node will be back propagated to node. Thus,
the nodes B, C, D, get the values 4, 5, 6 respectively. Again as ply 1 is minimizing, so the minimum value
out of these i.e. 4 is propagated to A. then from A move will be taken to B.
MIN MAX procedure is straightforward recursive procedure that relies on two auxiliary procedures that
are specific to the game being played.
1. MOVEGEN (position, player): the move generator which returns a list of nodes representing the
moves that can be made by player in position. We may have 2 players namely PLAYER-TWO in a
chess problem.
2. STATIC (position, player): the static evaluation function, which returns a number representing the
goodness of position from the standpoint of player.
We assume that MIN MAX returns a structure containing both results and that we have two functions,
VALUE and PATH that extract the separate components. A function LAST PLY is taken which is assumed
to evaluate all of the factors and to return TRUE if the search should be stopped at the current level and
FALSE otherwise.
MIN MAX procedure takes three parameters like a board position, a current depth of the search and the
players to move. So the initial call to compute the best move from the position CURRENT should be
(If player one is to move)
(If player two is to move)
Player(Position, Depth):
for each S SUCCESSORS(Position) do
RESULT = Opponent(S, Depth + 1)
Opponent(Position, Depth):
for each S SUCCESSORS(Position) do
RESULT = Player(S, Depth + 1)
Any-Player(Position, Depth):
for each S SUCCESSORS(Position) do
RESULT = Any-Player(S, Depth + 1)
When the initial call to MIN MAX returns, the best move from CURRENT is the first element in the PATH.
When a number of states of a game increase and it cannot be predicted about the states, then we can use
the method pruning. Pruning is a method which is used to reduce the no. of states in a game. Alpha- beta
is one such pruning technique. The problem with minmax search is that the number of game states it has
to examine is exponential in the number of moves. Unfortunately we cannot eliminate the exponent, but
we can effectively cut it in half. Alpha-beta pruning is one of the solutions to the problem of minmax
search tree. When - pruning is applied to a standard minmax tree, it returns the same move as minmax
would, but prunes away branches that cannot possibly influence the final decision.
The idea of alpha beta pruning is very simple. Alpha beta search proceeds in a depth first fashion rather
than searching the entire space. Generally two values, called alpha and beta, are created during the search.
The alpha value is associated with MAX nodes and the beta value is with MIN values. The value of alpha
can never decrease; on the other hand the value of beta never increases. Suppose the alpha value of A
MAX node is 5. The MAX node then need not consider any transmitted value less than or equal to 5
which is associated with any MIN node below it. Alpha is the worst that MAX can score given that MIN
will also do its best. Similarly, if a MIN has a beta value of 5, it need not further consider any MAX node
below it that has a value of 6 or more.
The general principal is that: consider a node somewhere in the search tree, such that player has a
choice of moving to that node. If player has a better choice either at the parent node of or at any
choice point further up, then will never be reached in actual play. So once we have found out enough
about (by examining some of its descendents) to reach this conclusion, we can prune it.
We can also say that is the value of the best choice we have found so far at any choice point along the
path for MAX. Similarly is the value of the best choice we have found so far at any choice point
along the path for MIN. Consider the following example
Player(Position, Depth, , ):
for each S SUCCESSORS(Position) do
Here at MIN ply, the best value from three nodes is - 4, 5, 0. These will be back propagated towards root
and a maximizing move 5 will be taken. Now the node E has the value 8 is far more, then accepted as it is
minimizing ply. So, further node E will not be explored. In the situation when more plies are considered,
whole sub tree below E will be pruned. Similarly if =0, =7, all the nodes and related sub trees having
value less than 0 at maximizing ply and more than 7 at minimizing ply will be pruned.
Alpha beta search updates the value of and as it goes along and prunes the remaining branches at a
node as soon as the value of the current node is known to be worse than the current and value for
MAX or MIN respectively. The effectiveness of alpha- beta pruning is highly dependent on the order in
which the successors are examined suppose in a search tree the branching factor is x and depth d. the -
search needs examining only xd/2 nodes to pick up best move, instead of xd for MINMAX.