Messages of Meher Baba
Messages of Meher Baba
Messages of Meher Baba
Compiled by
Published by:
For the Publication Committee
Meher Baba Universal Spiritual Centre
King's Road, Ahmednagar, India.
Re. 1/8
Printed by
Mohan Printers
Station Road, Ahmednagar
"I have come not to teach but to awaken."
Meher Baba
1 Foreword
2 Biographical Sketch of Meher Baba …… 1
3 Messages Delivered in the East:
To India on His Fourth Voyage to Europe
1923-33 … … … … … … … 5
4 To All Faiths’ Conference at Nasik−June 1933 6
5 Fortieth Birthday Message to Saidapet Ashram,
Madras−February 1934 … … 6
6 To the “Meher Gazette” on the Eve of His Eighth Voyage
to the West−November 1934 … … … … … …
… ... 7
7 Forty-third Birthday Message at Nasik−February 1937
… … … … … 8
8 On the Foundation Day, 17th December, 1939 of the
Universal Spiritual Centre at Byramangala near
Bangalore … … … 9
9 Love … … … … … … … 11
10 The Seven Realities … … … … 12
11 The New Humanity … … … … 13
12 The Travail of the New World Order … 22
13 The Spiritual Significance of the Present War … …
… … … … … 26
14 Action and Inaction … … … … 34
15 The Need for Creative Leadership in India … …
… … … … … 37
16 Violence and Non-violence … … … 42
17 We Must Live for God and Die for God 49
18 Work for the Spiritual Freedom of Humanity … …
… … … … 50
19 The Task for Spiritual Workers … … 55
20 The Modern Youths … … … … 63
21 God and Religion … … … … … 65
22 God as the Only Reality … … … 67
23 God as Love … … … … … … 69
24 Message of Cheer and Hope to Suffering Humanity …
… … … … … 71
25 The Dynamism of Love … … … 73
26 The Unity of All Life … … … … 74
27 The Unquenching Fire of Spiritual Longing … … …
… … … ... 76
28 The Divine Heritage of Man … … ... 78
29 The Hidden Treasure of the Self … … 80
30 Messages Delivered in the West:
To “Paramount Newsreel” on arrival in London on 10th
April, 1932 … … … 83
31 To Reporters and Press Representatives aboard
“Bremen”, New York, on 19th May, 1932 … … …
… … … 84
32 At the Reception Given in His honour at the Residence of
Mr. Phelps Stokes, New York, on 22nd May, 1932 …
… 88
33 To Reporters in Hollywood (California) on 31st May,
1932 … … … … … 90
34 At a General Reception in Knicker-bocker Hotel,
Hollywood (California) on 31st May, 1932 … … 94
35 At “Pickfair House”, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, on 1st
June, 1932 … … 97
We, the human race, stand before two problems: one, the world
as it is today, and the other, the world as it should be in the years
that lie ahead. What it should be, and how to make it so is the
preoccupation, not only of the world's leaders, but of every man
and woman alive.
according to the places where he lived: (l) The hut on the Fergus-
son College Road, Poona, where he drew around him his first
close disciples; (2) Manzil-e-Meem, at Dadar, Bombay; this stay
was chiefly devoted to the training of his mandali (close
disciples) for an arduous spiritual life; (3) Meherabad, Ahmed-
nagar (Bombay Presidency) where a new colony was established
and has been his headquarters ever since. Here under Meher
Baba's guidance the disciples put into practice their training in
selfless service. Interesting activities of the Meherabad Colony
were: The Hazrat Babajan School, where the students received
free schooling; Meher Ashram, a free boarding house for students,
one particular branch of which was for the spiritual awakening of
the selected candidates; Dharmashala or Free Shelter for the
migrant poor; and The Meher Charitable Hospital and Dispensary.
Meher Baba also took personal interest in the upliftment of the
depressed classes, and in all the institutions no distinction was
made between Brahmin or Untouchable who mingled in common
fellowship under the in- spiration of the Master. His disciples of
the Colony were of all creeds, and among his Hindu disciples, even
the caste distinctions came to be abolished.
immersed in bliss and unconscious of the body), and for this work
he has journeyed throughout India and Ceylon. This individual
contact results not only singly, but also collectively, in the sense
that these spiritual contacts are not solely beneficial for the masts,
but also help Baba's Universal Spiritual work, through their co-
operating in his work as assistants.
It does not matter how much India suffers, as long as its spiritual
power and value are retained. Moreover, the result of its present
suffering will be freedom and happiness.
The world will soon realize that neither cults, creeds, dogmas,
religious ceremonies, lectures and sermons on the one hand, nor,
on the other hand, ardent seeking for material welfare or physical
pleasures, can ever bring about real happiness—but that only
selfless love and universal brotherhood can do it.
The reason of my coming here all the way from one end of the
country to the other to participate personally in your celebrations is
your love that has irresistibly
Even wars require and call upon the existence and exercise of co-
operative functioning; but the scope of this co-operative
functioning is artificially restricted by identification with a limited
group or ideal. Wars often are carried on by a form of love; but it
is a love which has not been understood properly. In order that
love should come to its own, it must be free from all its trammels
and become unlimited. Love does exist in all the phases of human
life; but it is latent or is limited and poisoned by personal ambition,
racial pride, narrow loyalties and rivalries, and attachment to sex,
nationality, sect, caste
spheres, but it will shine in its own purity and beauty. Divine Love
is unassailable by the onslaughts of duality and is an expression of
Divinity itself; and it is through Divine Love, that the New
Humanity will come in tune with the Divine Plan. Divine Love
will not only introduce imperishable sweetness and infinite bliss in
personal life, but it will also make possible an era of a New
Humanity. Through Divine Love, the New Humanity will learn the
art of co-operarative and harmonious life; it will free itself from
the tyranny of dead forms and release the creative life of spiritual
wisdom; it will shed all illusions and get established in the Truth;
it will enjoy peace and abiding happiness; it will be initiated in the
life of Eternity.
The World-Storm
The present chaos and destruction will engulf the whole world;
but this will be followed by a very long period, in which there shall
be no war. The passing sufferings and miseries of our times would
be worth enduring for the sake of the long period of happiness,
which is to follow. What will the present chaos lead to? How will
it all end? It can only end in one way. Mankind will be sick of it
all. Men will be sick of wanting and sick of fighting out of hatred.
Greed and hatred will reach such intensity that every one will
become weary of them. The way out of the deadlock will be found
through selflessness. The only alternative which will bring a solu-
tion will be to stop hating and to love, to stop wanting and to give,
to stop domination and to serve.
The time is also ripe when men will ardently seek to contact the
embodiment of the Truth in the form of a God-man, through whom
they can be inspired and lifted into spiritual understanding. They
will accept the guidance which comes from Divine authority. Only
the outpouring of Divine Love can bring about spiritual awake-
ning. In this critical time of universal suffering, men are becoming
ready to turn towards their Higher Self and to fulfill the will of
God. Divine Love will perform the supreme miracle of bringing
God into the hearts of men and of getting them established in
lasting and true happiness; it will satisfy the greatest need and
longing of mankind. Divine Love will make men selfless and help-
ful in their mutual relations; and it will bring about the final
solution of all problems. The new brotherhood on earth shall be a
fulfilled fact and nations will be united in the fraternity of Love and
Even in itself, war is not an unmixed evil, since it calls forth and
releases under the stress of imminent
From the spiritual point of view of the last and the only Truth,
all souls are, in their essence, fundamentally
one. War cannot create any real cleavage or division between the
people who are fighting with each other. The people of the
warring countries seem to be different from each other merely by
virtue of having different bodies and minds; but from the point of
view of their souls, all differences are not only secondary but false.
The spiritual unity of all souls remains inviolable in spite of all
wars; and from the point of view of ultimate reality, it remains true
that no soul is really at war with any other soul. There is a war in
different ideologies; and this war of ideologies extends to and
involves not only the minds but also the bodies of the people; but
the undivided and indivisible soul remains one in its
unimpeachable and integral unity.
In the hour of trial, let the thought of every one be not for the
limited self, but for others—not for the claims of the ego-life, but
for the claims of the Divine Self which is equally in all. It is a
mistake to ignore human suffering as merely a part of the illusory
universe. Not by ignoring human suffering, but by handling it with
Creative Love, is the Gateway opened for Life Eternal; and not
through callous indifference, but through active and selfless
service, is secured the attainment of that transcendental and
illimitable Truth, which is at the heart of the illusory universe.
The last but not the least duty of those who would stand by
Reason and Love, is to see War as well as War effort, in the right
perspective, as being only the means for the goal of Peace and
Understanding. It is not possible to justify war apart from the end
which is sought through it. War does not stand justified merely by
the spiritual qualities which it generates and fosters; these qualities
can also be developed in times of Peace. It is time that humanity is
imbibed by the spontaneous spirit of Love and Service, needing no
stimulus of danger for the release of impersonal and unselfish
To the Disciples —
1. They should be above party, politics and should bear malice
and ill-will towards none.
To the Devotees—
A. Items No. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 (from above) apply in toto to this
In General—
1. They may join the A. R. P. and the HomeGuard Organizations
of the Government and any such humanitarian activities
undertaken by non-official bodies like the Red Cross Ambu-
lance Society and the League of Mercy.
Throughout the hoary ages of the past, India has played the most
prominent part in shaping the spiritual history of humanity. She
has been a home of Avatars, Prophets, Masters, Seers and Sages,
whose contribution to the spiritual evolution of humanity has been
unparalleled. The contribution of India to the solution of mundane
problems has also been remarkable, since she has produced
scientists, poets, philosophers, emperors, leaders and statesmen of
the first order. In the past, India has attained eminence in spiritual
as well as mundane spheres of life: and her place in the post-war
New World of the future is going to be unique.
THE problems, which India has to face today, are, in some ways,
more complicated than the problems which any other country is
called upon to solve. Men of all races, creeds, cults and religions
have found a home in India: and if this lack of uniformity in
composition has presented some difficulties in arriving at solidarity
and concerted action in the national life of India, it must, in no
way, be looked upon as a pure handicap. The various streams of
culture, which have poured into the life history of India, have
added to the wealth of her national personality: and they have not
only created a suitable opportunity for arriving at a new cultural
synthesis, but have necessitated its emergence. If handled with
creative leadership,
Situation No. 4. Suppose a mad dog has run amok and is likely
to bite school-children, and the teachers in the school destroy the
mad dog in order to protect the children. This destruction of the
mad dog does imply Violence but there is no hatred in it.
is for the good of the person, against whom it is used, but in most
cases of such operations, the patient gives his prior consent for the
application of such force as may be necessary for the execution of
the operation. Further, the operation is intended not only to protect
the patient himself from further ravages of the disease, but is also
intended to protect others from the spread of infection. The
application of force here springs out of the motive of doing
unmixed good both to the patient as well as many others who
might come into contact with him. Since no harm or injury is
intended, the application of force in this situation does not amount
to violence in the ordinary sense; and it also cannot be adequately
looked upon as non-violence, since it is a clear case of cutting a
part of a living body.
All over the world, the spirit of man is crying for Freedom. Love
for Freedom and search for Freedom are the principal charac-
teristics of humanity; in all races and under all climes, in all
countries and at all times, the watch-word for the groping and
struggling humanity has always been Freedom ! But there are
very few persons who really understand the full implications of
true and unqualified Freedom; and there are many, who, in their
partial understanding of the real conditions of Freedom, strive only
for the attainment of that kind of existence, which gives them a
sense of relative Freedom. Thus, different persons long for dif-
ferent kinds of Freedom according to the different things, which
they have come to value.
Kinds of Freedom
True Service
Those who are inspired by the spirit of selfless service are quick
to render unto humanity all possible help through the provision of
the necessities of life like clothes and shelter, food and medicine,
education and other amenities of civilization: and in pursuance of
the Path of Duty, they are not only prepared to fight for defending
the weak against cruel aggression and
oppression, but also to lay down their very lives for the sake of
others. All these types of service are great and good; but from the
ultimate point of view, the help which secures Spiritual Freedom
for humanity, surpasseth them all; and it is insuperable in im-
The Call
Because of its supreme importance for the true and final well-
being of humanity, Spiritual Work has a natural and imperative
claim on all who love humanity; it is, therefore, very necessary to
be quite clear about its nature. The whole world is firmly
established in the false idea of separateness, and being caught up
in the illusion of duality, it is subject to all the complexities
States of Consciousness
Every soul is eternally and inviolably one with the one undivided
and indivisible universal soul which is the sole reality: and yet the
false identification with the bodies or the ego minds creates the
illusion of manyness and differentiation within the whole in which,
there is, in fact, no room for any kind of separateness or duality.
Bodies or the ego-minds are only the mediums or the vehicles of
consciousness; and as the soul experiences the different planes of
the world through its different mediums or vehicles, it goes
through different states of consciousness.
can help others to gain spiritual freedom and to come out of the
illusion of duality only if you yourself do not miss this idea of unity
while working for others, who are inclined to create divisions
where they do not exist and who allow no respite to the Spiritual
You must not divide life into departments and then begin to deal
with each department separately and exclusively. Departmental
thinking is often an obstacle for integral vision. Thus if you divide
life into politics, education, morality, material advancement,
science, art, religion,
You, as spiritual workers, must not lose sight of the real work,
which the Masters desire to get done through you. When it is
clearly understood that Spiritual Wisdom is latent in all, you will
no longer be anxious to provide to others ready-made answers and
solutions. In many cases you will be content to set up for others a
new problem or to clarify to others the nature of the problem with
which they are faced. You may have done your duty if you ask
them a question, which they would not themselves ask, when they
are placed in some practical situation, and in some cases, you will
have done your duty,
The organised religions of the world often fail to express the real
Vision of those who have been the Fountain-head of Inspiration for
their very coming into existence. Dogmas and beliefs, rituals and
ceremonies can never be the essence of the true spiritual life. They
are generally not only superficial and ineffective, but positively
harmful and misleading. Often, they not only feed the ego of the
priest class, but also serve as an instrument for the exploitation of
the credulous. When religion has become merely a matter of
external rituals and ceremonies, it has become a cage for the soul.
Nor does it help very far to change one religion to another; it is like
going from one cage to another. If religion does not help man to
emancipate the soul from spiritual bondage and realize God, it has
no useful purpose to serve. Then it is time that religion should go
to make room for God.
The soul gets deeply stuck in the ignorance of being the same as
the physical body due to sanskaric limitations of consciousness;
and its knowledge of the Reality, therefore, necessarily gets
restricted to that which is given in sense-perception or that
which is inferred from it. But such knowledge is, in fact, quite
inadequate and even misleading in respect of the true nature of
Reality. The manifold world of sense-perception (with its duality
of subject and object) is false, though it seems to be quite real to
those whose understanding is vitiated by identification with the
body. From the point of view of the highest and the only Truth,
God alone is real and is one eternal, indivisible and unlimited
Being which may, for the purposes of intellectual understanding,
be described as an Infinite Ocean of Love, Bliss and Under-
life; it is the final reason why the entire universe came into exis-
If there is one thing which is most necessary for safe and sure
arrival at the top, it is Love. All other qualities, which are essential
for the Aspirants of the Highest, can and must come to them, if
they faithfully follow the whispers of the Unerring Guide of Love,
who speaks from within their own hearts and sheds Light on the
Path. If you lose hold of the mantle of this Guide, there is only
despair in store for you; the heart without Love is entombed in
unending darkness and suffering; but the heart which is restless
with Love is on the way to realization of the Unfading Light on the
Unfathomable Sweetness of Life Divine.
In the war-crazy world around you today, what do you see with
regard to the quality and quantity of suffering and pain that has
afflicted humanity in general? It is patent to all that not only those
who have taken up arms and are actually engaged in fighting, that
have suffered intense loss and pain, but even the innocent and the
peace-loving section of humanity—men, women and children,
have experienced and are experiencing crucial agonies and tortures
both physical and mental.
Whatever may be the political and economic explanation of the
worldly wise, in this respect, this sanguine phenomena, from the
spiritual point of view, is a cyclic Divine visitation over which no
earthly power has any control. The whole situation is simply and
purely the resultant of the Divine Law of 'Cause & Effect', which
is the same as conveyed by the Persian adage meaning 'It is only
from us whatever is upon us' ( good or bad ).
However dark the clouds and whatever may be the poignancy of
pain and despair, one spiritual fact, embodying cheer and hope to
suffering humanity, must not be lost sight of and which I am going
to convey to you here today.
There are always two aspects of Divinity, perpetually and
eternally active in the affairs of the world. The destructive aspect
of Divinity as expressed in Persian means 'Self-Glorification' and
the constructive aspect of Divinity is called in Persian as 'Self-
Beatitude'. The
But even in the very midst of the tumultuous pains and pleasures
of the ego-life, there dawns, in the ripeness of experience, and
through the Grace of the Master, the clear perception of the utter
futility of desires, which seek fulfilment through the false and the
transient forms of life. The Master's life of Love is unperturbed by
desires or duality; and once the soul gets a glimpse into this life of
true values, it protests against the bondage of desires and the cage
of the separative ego-life. This is the beginning of the life of
spiritual longing, accompanied by constant discrimination between
the true and the false, the really important and the really
unimportant. When the spiritual longing is thus awakened, it can
never be
the Truth, with which he is one, and not from any limited ego-
consciousness, and his help is more effective than all the unaided
efforts on the part of the aspirant himself. This does not mean that
the aspirant should not try for spiritual freedom and fulfilment. He
must try his best for their realisation; but he must at the same time
open himself out to the abundant and indispensable help that
comes to him from the Master. The Master does not give to the
aspirant something which is not already within the aspirant in a
latent form; he only unveils the real Self of the aspirant himself and
enables him to come into his own Divine heritage which is
rightfully his.
The period of junction of the old and new cycle usually connotes
the advent of a Master who rejuvenates religious thought, infusing
new life and meaning into the old order of things.
through which one experiences and sees things as they are. In this
state, one feels at harmony with everyone and everything, and
realizes Divinity in every phase of life and is able to impart
happiness to others. Here, one attends to all duties and material
affairs and yet feels mentally detached from the world. This is true
renunciation. The last and highest state of understanding is the
merging of the soul into the limitless Ocean of Infinite Bliss,
Knowledge and Power. One who has himself attained this Free-
dom, can make thousands perfect like himself. I intend bringing
about a great spiritual revival in the near future, utilizing the tre-
mendous amount of energy possessed by America for the purpose.
Such a spiritual outpouring that I visualize usually takes place at
the beginning or end of a cycle and only a Perfect One who has
reached the Christ State of Consciousness can make such a univer-
sal appeal. My work will embrace everything. It will permeate
every phase of life. Perfection would fall far short of the ideal, if it
were to accept one thing and eschew another. The general spiritual
push that I shall give to the whole world will automatically adjust
problems, such as politics, economics and sex, though these are not
directly connected with the original theme. New values and
significance will be attached to things which appear to baffle
solution at the moment.
and blend the realistic West with the idealistic East, and the West
at the zenith of its intellectual and material attainment and the East
at the height of its Spiritual Manifestation in the shape of a Perfect
Master will meet without shaming or looking down upon each
other. I repeat, materialism and spirituality must go hand in hand.
The balance of head and heart must be maintained (the head for
discrimination, the heart for feeling), whereby it is possible to
realize Infinite Consciousness in art, science, nature and every
phase of life.
People will then realize that Truth, which is the Source of All Love
and Existence, rules supreme in all departments of life.
So much has been said and written about the "Highest Con-
sciousness" and God-realization that people are bewildered as to
the right process and immediate possibility of attainment. The
philosophical mind wading laboriously through such literature only
ends by learning a few intellectual gymnastics. The Highest State
of Consciousness is latent in all. The Son of God is in every man,
but requires to be manifested. The method of attaining this great
Consciousness must be
The above is the normal procedure for one who works on his
own initiative without having come across a living Master. With
the help of a Perfect Master, the whole affair, however, is greatly
The answer has been so simple that it has been difficult to grasp.
I will elaborate it now in order that it may be more easily
It has been asked why I have remained silent for seven years,
communicating only by means of an alphabet board, and why I
intend to break my silence shortly; and it might be asked, in view
of what has just been stated, what relation my speaking will have
to the transformation of human consciousness which has been
(2) the Subtle, or the Desire, Body, which is composed of the five
psychic senses. They may rest here, as in the case of dreams or
unfulfilled desire, or they may be further expressed in action
through (3) the Physical Body with five physical senses.
I do not need to tell you, who are engaged in the production and
distribution of moving pictures, what a power you hold in your
hands; nor do I doubt that you
Both the press and the radio influence thought, but both lack the
power of visible example, which is the greatest stimulant to action
and which the moving pictures offer better now than any other
Now how can the moving pictures help man to attain to this
realization? The character of the pictures exhibited need not be
changed. Love, romance, adventure are fundamental things. They
should be portrayed as thrillingly, as entertainingly, as inspiringly
as possible. The wider the appeal, the better.
Between these two extremes are many kinds of love all of which
are good, but some of which are better than
others. I use the terms "good" and "better" simply to designate the
degrees of liberation which they lead to, or confer. Even the love
which expresses through physical desire is good to the extent that
it frees one from the thralldom of personal likes and dislikes and
makes one want to serve the beloved above all other things.
List of changes made to Messages