Ley de Hidrocarburos de Guinea Ecuatorial PDF

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*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.


Hydrocarbons Law No. 8/2006, of 3 November

of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.---

The fundamental Law of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea consecrates and
designates as the property of the people of Equatorial Guinea all resources found in
our national territory, including the subsoil, continental shelf, islands, and the
Exclusive Economic Zone of our seas. It is by the mandate and delegation of the
people, to whom these resources legitimately belong, that the Government undertakes
to manage them.
As a result of its efforts to seek new heights of greater wellbeing for the Republic of
Equatorial Guinea, it has become a constant endeavor of the Nation's Government to
ensure that our legal framework adapts in a transparent, orderly and responsible
manner to each moment in the history of our country's socioeconomic life.
With reference to the Hydrocarbon sector, the Government, in its role as the promoter
of the Nation's economic growth, enthusiastically embraces the economic surge and
development that the Nation is experiencing, while continuing to focus on new
horizons that will foster a more advantageous use of our national subsoil resources.
It was in this line of discourse that, following the previous stage in the management,
handling and administration of our subsoil resources, in which attracting foreign
investment formed the principal focus of our attention and in turn determined the
alignment of the Government's objectives, the sole vision of which was to create and
lay the foundation for a nascent economic framework for the industry, with a view
toward its subsequent growth and consolidation, as the current reality reflects.
Against this backdrop, the Government has confirmed that with the passage of time
new horizons have emerged, along with new goals to be met and achievements to be
realized. It therefore becomes necessary to redirect our legal framework in a way that
adequately provides the necessary coverage for certain aspects or elements within the
Hydrocarbon sector that were nonexistent or whose regulation did not adequately
meet the needs of the Government.
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

In consideration of the above, the Government has proposed to stimulate the
economic framework for the management and use of Hydrocarbons by incorporating
into the law several components that are of vital importance to the legal, technical and
commercial aspects of the Hydrocarbon sector. These include the monetization of
gaseous Hydrocarbons, an increase in State participation, development of the
petrochemical sector and a focus on local content, which encompasses elements or
factors to propel the national economy and to promote the improvement in technical
capacity among Equatoguineans, thus optimizing the benefits that arise from
developing activity within Equatorial Guinea's Hydrocarbon sector.
In light of the above, the Government, conscious of its responsibility as guardian of
the public welfare and therefore mindful both of the finite and non-renewable nature
of our subsoil resources as well as the need to bring about a greater equilibrium and
profitability of resources in collaboration with foreign or domestic companies, and
investors in general.
Therefore, acting on a proposal by the Government which was duly approved by the
House of the People's Representatives in its ordinary session of September _____
through _______ of the current year, and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me
by the Fundamental Law, I hereby sanction the following.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.




Article 1. All Hydrocarbon reservoirs that exist in the surface and subsoil areas of
Equatorial Guinea, including its inland waters, territorial waters, exclusive economic
zone and Continental Shelf are the exclusive property of the State and therefore public
domain goods.
Article 2. This Law sets forth the access rules for the execution of Petroleum
Operations in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.
Article 3. All activities related to Petroleum Operations in the Republic of Equatorial
Guinea shall be governed by this Law.
Article 4. All Petroleum Operations are subject to the provisions set forth in this Law,
as well as any Petroleum Regulations and any other applicable laws, regulations or
decrees, issued or to be issued by the Government.
Article 5. All Petroleum Operations are to be conducted and executed in a manner
compatible with the conservation and sanitation of the environment, Hydrocarbons
and other resources of Equatorial Guinea. Contractors and their Associates are
required to perform all Petroleum Operations in accordance with this Law, their
respective Contracts, the Petroleum Regulations and any other applicable laws,
decrees, resolutions, agreements and/or licenses to which they are bound. Petroleum
Operations shall be conducted in a prudent manner using the best technical and
scientific practices available in the petroleum industry and taking into account the
safety of Persons and facilities, as well as the protection and sanitation of the
environment and the conservation of nature.
Article 6. The State is the holder of all Hydrocarbon exploitation rights in Equatorial
Guinea and has the right to perform Petroleum Operations in its own name, through
its National Companies directly or through an association with a Contractor.
Contractor's activities shall be authorized and regulated by the Ministry for and on
behalf of the State.
Article 7. The extraction or production of substances other than Hydrocarbons is
forbidden, except when such extraction or Production has been expressly authorized
by the Ministry. The State reserves the right to authorize the prospecting and
production of any substances other than Hydrocarbons. The execution of the
activities arising from the rights referred to in this Article 7 shall not jeopardize or
interfere with Petroleum Operations carried out in a Contract Area.
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.


Article 8. For the purposes of this Law, capitalized words and expressions used
herein shall have the following meanings:

Contract Area means the geographic area of the territory of Equatorial

Guinea which is subject to a Contract, as further described and delineated
in Exhibits A and B of such Contract.


Associate means any subcontractor, affiliate, subsidiary or other Person

associated with a Contractor in the conduct of Petroleum Operations.


Block means an area designated as a block on a map with defined

coordinates designated by the Ministry pursuant to this Law for the
purposes of a Contract.


National Gas Company means Sociedad Nacional de Gas de Guinea

Ecuatorial (Sonagas), Empresa Nacional de Gas, which was established as
the national gas company by Presidential Decree No. 45/2005 of January
24th and its amendments, or any other that may replace it.


National Oil Company means Guinea Ecuatorial de Petroleos (GEPetrol),

Empresa Nacional de Petrleos, which was established as the national oil
company by Presidential Decree No. 9/2001 of February 7th and its
amendments, or any other that may replace it.


National Companies means the National Gas Company and/or the

National Oil Company, or any other State-owned company that operates in
the Hydrocarbons industry, as the context may require, or any other that
may replace them.


Contractor means a Person with whom the State has entered into a


Contract means any agreement between the State and a Contractor that
authorizes the performance and regulates the conduct of Petroleum


Model Production Sharing Contract means the model contract attached

to the present law which shall be used as a basis for negotiations between
the State and Persons who have expressed an interest in carrying out
Petroleum Operations.


Development means activities carried out pursuant to a Contract for a

commercial discovery in order to achieve Production.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.


Appraisal means the activities carried out, excluding tasks or operations in

the hole of a discovery well, following the discovery of a Hydrocarbon
deposit in accordance with a Contract and aimed at better defining the
parameters of the reservoir in order to assess its commerciality, including
without limitation:
1. drilling of appraisal wells;
2. running supplementary analyses, and the acquisition, study and
processing of geological and other data.


Exploration means the set of operations carried out onshore or offshore,

through the use of geological, geochemical or geophysical methods, with a
view to locating Hydrocarbon deposits, as well as the processing, analysis
and interpretation of data so acquired as well as regional studies and
mapping, in each case leading to an appraisal and better knowledge of the
Hydrocarbon potential of a given area and the drilling and testing of wells
that may lead to the discovery of Hydrocarbons.


Natural Gas means those Hydrocarbons that, at atmospheric conditions of

temperature and pressure, are in a gaseous state including dry gas, wet gas
and residual gas remaining after extraction, treatment, processing or
separation of liquid Hydrocarbons from wet gas, as well as gas or gases
produced in association with liquid or gaseous Hydrocarbons.


Associated Natural Gas means all Natural Gas produced from a reservoir
the predominant content of which is Crude Oil and which is separated from
Crude Oil in accordance with generally accepted international petroleum
industry practice, including the free gas cap, but excluding any liquid
Hydrocarbons extracted from such gas either by normal field separation,
dehydration or in a gas processing plant.


Unassociated Natural Gas means all gaseous Hydrocarbons produced

from gas reservoirs, including wet gas, dry gas and residual gas remaining
after extraction of liquid Hydrocarbons from wet gas.


Equatorial Guinea or State means the country of this Law's jurisdiction

and application.


Hydrocarbons means all natural organic substances composed of carbon

and hydrogen.


Environmental Law means Law No. 7/2003 of November 27, 2003, that
regulates the environment.


Ministry means the governmental department that is or may be

responsible for Petroleum Operations in Equatorial Guinea.


Petroleum Operations means all operations related to the Exploration,

Appraisal, Development, Production, transportation, distribution, storage,

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

conservation, decommissioning, refining, commercialization, sale or other
disposition of Hydrocarbons and all related activities in the area described
in Article 1.

Operator means the Person responsible for carrying out Petroleum

Operations in a Contract Area.


Person includes any individual or legal entity, consortium, joint venture,

partnership, trust, heir, unincorporated organization or government or any
agency or local entity.


Crude Oil means Hydrocarbons which are produced at the wellhead in a

liquid state at atmospheric pressure including asphalt and ozokerites (fossil
waxes), and the liquid Hydrocarbons known as condensate and/or Natural
Gas liquids obtained from Natural Gas by condensation or extraction
through field separation units.


Continental Shelf means the seabed and subsoil of the submarine zones
adjacent to the national territory of Equatorial Guinea, up to the limits set
forth in the laws of Equatorial Guinea and in international conventions to
which Equatorial Guinea is a party.


Production means the activities involved in the extraction of

Hydrocarbons, including without limitation, planning, scheduling,
controlling, measuring, testing, gathering, treatment, transportation, storing
and dispatching of hydrocarbons from the underlying reservoir to the
designated exporting or lifting locations and furthermore, the
decommissioning of wells, facilities, pipelines and Hydrocarbon deposits
and related activities.


Royalty means the States entitlement to Hydrocarbons produced and

saved from a Contract Area and not utilized in Petroleum Operations,
based on percentages calculated as a function of daily production rates as
determined in accordance with Article 58 of this Law and the applicable


Petroleum Regulations means all regulations issued by the State pursuant

to and in accordance with this Law.

Article 9. Notwithstanding the areas of responsibility assigned to the Ministry by the
Law of the Legal Regime for the Central Administration of the State and its organic
and functional regulations, the Ministry shall be the state entity responsible for the
formulation, regulation and monitoring of Petroleum Operation policies, as well as the
administration, planning, implementation, supervision, inspection, auditing and
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

enforcement of all Petroleum Operations and all activities relating thereto. The
Ministry shall be the competent body in all areas relating to Hydrocarbon
management and Petroleum Operations.
Likewise, the Ministry is also responsible for negotiating, signing and executing all
Contracts entered into between the State and Contractors, as well as for amending the
terms of any Contracts to ensure that Petroleum Operations are carried out for the
benefit of the State.
Article 10. For the purposes of enabling the Ministry to fulfill its supervisory role, all
Contractors and their Associates shall provide the Ministry with all data and
information which the Ministry deems necessary for the effective technical, economic
and administrative control of the Contractors and their Associates and of their
activities. In addition, the Ministry and its representatives shall have free access to the
locations and facilities where Petroleum Operations are carried out, in order for the
Ministry to perform its duties of inspection, supervision and verification of Petroleum
Article 11. Contractors and their Associates shall cooperate with the Ministry in the
exercise of its powers of supervision.
Article 12. If the Ministry determines that a given Petroleum Operation may cause
injury to or death of persons, or damage to property, or harm to the environment, or
whenever reasons of national interest so require, the Ministry, after consultation with
the affected Contractor, may:

order Petroleum Operations to be suspended;


order the evacuation of Persons from locations deemed dangerous, in

coordination with the jurisdiction's authorities;


order the suspension of the use of any machine or equipment; and/or


take any other action it deems necessary or appropriate.

Article 13. For the award of Contracts, this Law hereby establishes a competitive
international public tender system that ensures concurrence and competition between
potential Contractors or in reserved areas of the State, Contracts shall be awarded
Contracts entered into between Contractors and the State shall be based on the Model
Production Sharing Contract attached to this Law and will be an integral part of the
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

same. With respect to reserved areas of the State, a direct contracting system through
the execution other types of Contracts is adopted.
Article 14. The Ministry shall only enter into Contracts with Persons having suitable
technical and financial capability, as well as proven experience in the oil and gas
Article 15. The Ministry may award Contracts to Persons by means of competitive
international public tender in accordance with the rules to be established by the
Ministry, or by means of direct negotiation, and shall obtain, to the extent possible,
the most favorable terms possible for Equatorial Guinea.
Article 16. Each Contract shall come into force only after it has been ratified by the
President of Equatorial Guinea and on the date of delivery to the Contractor of a
written notice of said ratification.
Article 17. Applications for Contracts must be submitted to the Ministry,
accompanied by documentation showing the technical and financial capability and
experience of the applicant, and such other information as may be required by the
Article 18. The State may assume any risk inherent in Exploration activities in a
Contract Area only through direct participation or through the participation of a
National Company in a Contract.
Article 19. The national territory which is suitable for being explored and developed
shall be divided into Blocks by the Ministry. Contract Areas shall be limited to TWO
THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY (2650) square kilometers. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Ministry has the right to increase or decrease any Contract Area to be
awarded to a Contractor.
Article 20. Contractors and the Associates of Contractors designated by the Ministry,
who are not Equatoguinean Persons must establish a representative branch in
Equatorial Guinea within six (6) months of the entry into force of their Contract or, in
the case of such Associates, such other applicable agreements or licenses to which
they are bound, and must establish and maintain a bank account in Equatorial Guinea
with a minimum balance sufficient for guaranteeing their obligations. Regarding the
CONTRACTOR'S Associates, a bank guarantee approved by the Ministry which shall
be submitted at the time of registering with the Ministry. Contractors producing
Hydrocarbons from a Contract Area must construct their own building in which their
Ecuatoguinean headquarters will be located.
Article 21. Contractors shall be responsible for the activities of their Associates.
Article 22. Where more than one Person makes up the Contractor, the joint operating
agreement or other joint venture agreement between such Persons shall be submitted
to the Ministry for its review and approval, and one of the Persons making up the
Contractor shall be designated as the Operator pursuant to Chapter VIII (Operator).
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.


Article 23. The granting of rights for the exercise of Petroleum Operations is not, in
principle, incompatible with the prior or subsequent granting of rights for the exercise
of other activities relating to other natural resources for the same area.
Article 24. In the event that the exercise of the rights referred to in Article 23 is
incompatible with the conduct of petroleum activities, the Ministry shall decide which
of the rights shall prevail and under what terms, without prejudice to any
compensation which may be due to the holders of the rights thereby overridden
pursuant to Chapter XXI.

Article 25. Activities comprising Petroleum Operations are divided into two (2)
a. the exploration period, comprising the Exploration phase and the Appraisal
phase; and
b. the production period, comprising the Development phase and the Production
Article 26. The exploration period is divided into:
a. an initial exploration period divided into two (2) sub-periods, the first and
second exploration sub-period. The duration of the initial exploration period
shall be between four (4) and five (5) years, as specified in the relevant
Contract; and
b. a maximum of two (2) extension periods which shall be for a term of one (1)
year each.
The Ministry may, if it deems appropriate, amend the duration of the aforementioned
periods in the Contract.
Article 27. The Exploration, Appraisal, Development and Production phases shall be
further defined in each Contract.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 28. Contracts shall establish the obligation of the Contractor to relinquish part
or parts of the Contract Area, in the manner, to the extent and at such time as is
stipulated in the Contract.
Article 29. Contractors and their Associates authorized to carry out Petroleum
Operations shall be entitled to request the temporary occupation or expropriation of
land, as the case may be, as well as the establishment of rights of way in favor of the
activity. Any temporary occupation or expropriation of land or rights of way shall be
effectuated pursuant to all applicable laws and existing rights and shall be limited to
the land or area necessary to carry out Petroleum Operations. Contractors shall pay
compensation to those Persons who have had any property occupied or expropriated.
The amount of compensation shall be determined in accordance with the Forceful
Expropriation Law in force at the time of occupation or expropriation.
Article 30. Subject to Article 45, the Ministry may authorize the laying of pipelines,
gas transmission lines, facilities and other equipment through another Contract Area,
provided that this does not unreasonably hinder Petroleum Operations of the latter and
after consulting with the relevant Contractor.
Article 31. The land and permanent works, including the facilities, accessories and
equipment which are an integral part of them and any other assets acquired for the
performance of Petroleum Operations under a Contract, whatever their nature or
ownership, shall be maintained in good condition by the Contractor.
Article 32. All facilities, materials, equipment and all other assets used in Petroleum
Operations shall be transferred to the ownership of the State after the Contractor has
recovered all costs in respect of such asset or upon expiration of the applicable
Contract, whichever occurs first, at no cost, in good operating condition and free of all
liens and other encumbrances. If the Ministry so decides, the Ministry may require
the Contractor to dispose of any such facilities, materials, equipment and assets and
such disposal shall be carried out so as to protect and preserve the environment. The
Ministry shall authorize the Contractor to continue using those permanent facilities
and equipment that continue to prove useful in carrying out Petroleum Operations.
The Contractor shall maintain a detailed inventory of all such facilities, materials,
equipment and assets and shall provide an updated copy of such inventory to the
Ministry periodically at intervals to be established by the Ministry.
Article 33. Contractors shall meter and record all Hydrocarbons extracted and
recovered on a daily basis, using for such purpose methods and instruments certified
under the legal standards in force, in strict compliance with the rules of good technical
standards and the practice in the international petroleum industry. Contractors shall
inform the Ministry of the volumes produced in each Development area at the times
and in the manner set forth in the Contract.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 34. Each Contractor shall submit an annual work program and operations
budget to the Ministry for its review and approval in accordance with the terms and
conditions of its Contract. The deadline for submittal of such annual work program
and operations budget shall be set by the Ministry in each Contract.
Article 35. In the event a Contractor should incur cost overruns in excess of five
percent (5%) of the approved budget without prior authorization by the Ministry, such
Contractor shall be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter
XXV (Infractions and Penalties). Such cost overruns shall not be considered
Petroleum Operation costs and shall consequently not be recoverable by the
Contractor nor deductible for tax purposes. Prior to incurring cost overruns greater
than five percent (5%) of the approved budget a Contractor must present a written
report justifying the necessity of such cost overruns.
Article 36. If a Contract allows a Contractor to finance Petroleum Operations with
loans from a third party or from one of its Associates and/or Affiliates, the interest
rate for such loans shall not exceed the lowest market rates available for commercial
loans, and such loans and the terms of those loans must be approved by the Ministry
prior to being finalized. Regardless of any disposition to the contrary, the interests
paid on loans from Associates and/or affiliates will be subject to Equatorial Guinea's
tax laws irrespective of the location where the loan was finalized and the location
where the interests will be paid.

Article 37. Each Contract Area shall have a designated Operator of recognized
experience, capacity, technical and financial capability and knowledge, and that shall
be subject to the approval of the Ministry.
Article 38. The Operator shall be subject to all legislation in force and shall strictly
comply with the provisions of this Law, all Petroleum Regulations and the applicable
Article 39. Any change of an Operator shall be subject to the prior approval of the
Ministry on the proposal of the Contractor.
Article 40. The Operator is required to seek and receive the approval of the Ministry
prior to entering into any contracts or subcontracts in connection with Petroleum

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 41. All activities related to the distillation, purification and transformation of
Hydrocarbons, performed for the purposes of adding value and the commercialization
of the products obtained, constitute refining and commercialization activities, which
may be performed by the State and other Persons, either jointly or individually,
pursuant to the provisions set forth in this Chapter IX.
Article 42. All refineries shall adhere to a national plan for their installation and
operation and shall be linked with specific projects approved in advance by the
Article 43. All Persons wishing to perform Hydrocarbon refining and
commercialization activities must obtain a license from the Ministry, which shall
contain the following minimum requirements:

identification of the Persons and their representatives;


description of the project indicating the applicable technology and the

destination of the products, as well as the economic resources to be
employed in the project;


duration of the applicable company or project, which shall not exceed

twenty-five (25) years, renewable for a term to be agreed on, which
shall not exceed ten (10) years, provided that the project requirements
have been complied with; and


an indication of the special advantages offered to the State.

Article 44. The right to store, transport and otherwise distribute all refined products is
reserved for the State. Any activities related to the storage, transportation and other
distribution of Hydrocarbons shall be regulated by Petroleum Regulations. An
authorization shall be required from the Ministry in order to obtain the corresponding
permit to perform such activities.
Article 45. The construction and operating of pipelines and transmissions through
piping relating to Petroleum Operations may only be undertaken by the State or a
National Company, unless otherwise stated by the Ministry.
Article 46. All Persons engaged in the refining and commercialization activities set
forth in this Chapter IX must register with the Ministry and even if such Persons are
not a Contractor or an Associate of a Contractor, they shall nonetheless be subject to
the provisions of this Law, as if they were such a Contractor or an Associate.
Article 47. The distribution and sale of Natural Gas in the domestic market of
Equatorial Guinea shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the National Gas
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Company, which may operate in partnership with other Persons, giving preference to
the Contractor that discovered the Natural Gas to be distributed and sold.
Article 48. The selling price of Hydrocarbon products other than Natural Gas in the
domestic market shall be established by the Government by taking into account the
price of the Crude Oil from which said products originate, refining costs, storage and
transportation costs, as well as the profit margins in force for each activity. This cost
must also include the depreciation of any investment made.
Article 49. The selling price of Natural Gas in the domestic market shall be
established by the Government taking into account the cost of gas production, the cost
of facilities designated specifically to meet domestic demand and any operating costs
related with the facilities and maintenance of the gas to be sold, as well as the profit
margins in force for each activity. This cost must also include the depreciation of any
investment made.

Article 50. The Ministry may determine that in a given Contract Area the facilities
and other equipment of another Contract Area may be used, if such use contributes to
more efficient and economic management of existing resources and provided that this
does not materially reduce production levels or disrupt the satisfactory progress of
Petroleum Operations in the Contract Area to which such facilities and equipment
were originally allocated.
Article 51. Any decision taken by the Ministry in accordance with Article 50 shall be
taken after consultation with the Contractor in each of the Contract Areas involved.
Article 52. The amount to be paid for use of the facilities and equipment referred to in
Article 50 shall be agreed by the Contractors, and shall be submitted to the Ministry
for its approval. If no such agreement is reached within a period of time which the
Ministry deems adequate, the Ministry shall set the price for such use.
Article 53. In the event of an emergency as stated in Chapter XXI the Persons
engaged in the storage, transportation or distribution of Hydrocarbons shall cooperate
with the Ministry in order to allow the use of their facilities by the State.

Article 54. When a Hydrocarbon reservoir lies under one or more Contract Areas, the
Contractors of the affected Contract Areas must enter into a unitization agreement for
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

the exploitation of such reservoir, which unitization agreement shall be subject to the
approval of the Ministry. If no agreement is reached within a period of time which the
Ministry deems adequate, the Ministry shall establish the conditions governing the
production of such Hydrocarbon reservoir.
Article 55. In the event that a reservoir shall extend from areas covered by a Contract
into areas not authorized for Production, the Ministry shall adopt measures necessary
to protect the rights and interests of the State in the exploitation of such reservoir.
Article 56. In the event that a Hydrocarbon reservoir lies across national boundaries
into Areas that are part of the domain of neighboring countries, any agreements
leading to the exploitation of such reservoir shall require the prior approval of the
Government and ratification by the President of Equatorial Guinea. The Government
may adopt measures necessary to protect the interests of Equatorial Guinea, including
without limitation, revoking the right to produce the Hydrocarbon reservoir in

Article 57. Notwithstanding the other taxation laws of Equatorial Guinea, Contractors
and their Associates shall be liable for the following taxes, without limitation:
a. royalties, to be paid in the manner stipulated in Articles 58, 59 and 60 and the
terms of the applicable Contract;
b. surface rentals, to be paid annually and in the amounts stipulated in the
applicable Contract;
c. personal income tax in the amount stipulated under the applicable tax law;
d. corporate tax in the amount established in the applicable tax law;
e. customs duties and any other similar taxes stipulated under the applicable tax
law and subject to Chapter XIII; and
f. any windfall tax that may be imposed by the State.
Article 58. Contractors shall pay a Royalty to the State in the amount set forth in their
Contract. Contracts shall provide for increasing levels of Royalty based on daily
production rates with a minimum Royalty of 13%. The volume of Hydrocarbons
constituting the Royalty shall be calculated directly by applying the percentage
specified in the Contract for a given level of daily production to the total amount of
Hydrocarbons produced and saved as from the date the relevant level of daily
production is reached.
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.


Article 59. The Royalty may be requested by the State, through the Ministry, in kind
or in cash, fully or partially. Unless otherwise requested, it shall be understood that
the Ministry has chosen to receive Royalties in full and in cash. The Royalty shall be
paid monthly or more frequently as provided for in the applicable Contract.
Article 60. When the State, through the Ministry, elects to receive the Royalty in
cash, the Contractor shall pay the market price as determined under the applicable
Article 61. Contractors and their Associates shall pay income taxes as provided by the
applicable laws of Equatorial Guinea and any other tax, levy or charge not expressly
included in its Contract or this Law.
Article 62. Contractors shall pay all bonuses and surface rental fees payable to the
State under the terms of its respective Contracts.

Article 63. Regarding the importation and exportation of materials and equipment
directly related to Petroleum Operations, the Contractor shall be subject to the
customs regulations of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and of the CEMAC area.
During the term of the Contract, if stipulated therein, Contractors and its Associates
may import, free of import duties, the materials and equipment to be used directly and
necessarily in Petroleum Operations, and which are not available in Equatorial
Guinea, after having submitted to the Ministry a master list of such materials and
equipment to be imported, in accordance with the Foreign Capital Investment Law.
Article 64. The materials and equipment denoted in Article 63 above and imported
under the temporary import regime may be exported from Equatorial Guinea free of
all export duties, provided that the ownership of such materials and equipment has not
been transferred to the State pursuant to Article 32.

Article 65. In carrying out their activities, Contractors and their Associates shall take
all precautions necessary to protect the environment, in order to preserve the same,
namely in respect of health, water, soil and subsoil, air, the preservation of
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

biodiversity, flora and fauna, ecosystems, landscape, atmosphere and cultural,
archeological and artistic heritage.
Article 66. For the purposes of Article 65, Contractors and their Associates shall
submit to the Ministry, within the time frames established by the Ministry, the plans
required by the Environmental law and the terms of their Contract, specifying the
practical measures which should be taken in order to prevent harm to the
environment, including environmental impact assessment studies and audits, plans for
ecosystem and structural rehabilitation and permanent management and
environmental auditing plans. Such documentation shall later be submitted to the
relevant Department for its examination and approval.
Article 67. Contractors and their Associates shall indemnify the State and/or other
Persons which are harmed as a result of noncompliance with environmental
regulations in carrying out Petroleum Operations.
Article 68. The Ministry, after consultation with other relevant bodies, shall establish
the limits and the regime of the safety zone adjacent to the site of the equipment and
facilities, whether permanent or temporary, used in the Petroleum Operations.
Article 69. Petroleum Operations shall be carried out in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations and the generally accepted environmental, safety, hygiene, and
health practices in the international oil industry.
Article 70. For purposes of Article 69, Contractors and their Associates shall submit
to the Ministry all plans required by applicable law and the terms of their Contract.

Article 71. The Contractor shall hold the State harmless from and indemnify the State
for, any losses and damages of any type, including without limitation, losses and
damage to property or compensation payable to Persons for death or accident caused
by a Contractor or its Associates or by any entity or Person representing them or
acting under their responsibility.

Article 72. All Associated Natural Gas that is produced and not utilized in Petroleum
Operations is the property of the State. The Development and Production of all
Natural Gas must be carried out in partnership with the National Gas Company.
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 73. If a Contractor discovers any Unassociated Natural Gas in a Contract
Area and elects not to develop such discovery in accordance with the terms of its
Contract, the right to develop such discovery shall automatically transfer to the State,
without compensation. The National Gas Company shall have the right to undertake
the Development and Production of such reservoir. The Contractor shall have no
further rights to the Natural Gas produced from such discovery, excepting the Natural
Gas utilized for Petroleum Operations within the Contract Area, and for which the
Contractor shall construct the facilities necessary for the exploitation of the Natural
Gas reservoir by the National Gas Company, including, among others, facilities for
the separation of Associated Natural Gas from liquid Hydrocarbons. If the Contractor
does elect to develop any Natural Gas discovery, it must do so in partnership with the
National Gas Company on the terms as shall be agreed between the Ministry and the
Article 74. Any expense incurred by a Contractor for the purpose of facilitating the
Development and Production of a Natural Gas discovery in accordance with Article
73, shall be considered a Petroleum Operation cost and shall be recoverable by the
Contractor in accordance with the accounting principles set forth in its Contract.
Article 75. The National Gas Company shall have the first right of refusal to buy all
Natural Gas produced from a Contract Area and the Natural Gas processed in
Equatorial Guinea by a Contractor or its Associate for prices established as follows:
1) for the gas sold for domestic consumption pursuant to Article 86; 2) for the gas
sold for consumption outside the domestic market, pursuant to the applicable
Article 76. The Contractor and/or its Associates are strictly prohibited from flaring
any quantity of Natural Gas in carrying out Petroleum Operations. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the Ministry may authorize the flaring of minimum quantities of
Natural Gas, as requested by the Contractor in a written report that includes the
technical, economic, financial and/or environmental reasons, etc. that, in the opinion
of the Contractor, unavoidably result in such flaring. In this case, the Ministry shall
have sole discretion to authorize flaring, with or without compensation by the
Contractor and/or its Associates.

Article 77. The National Companies are wholly-owned by the State and supervised
by the Ministry.
Article 78. The National Companies created pursuant to previous regulations, as well
as those that may be created in the future, shall from now on be governed by this Law,
the Petroleum Regulations and other applicable laws, regulations or decrees issued by
competent organs.
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.


Article 79. The Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy shall exercise control over
the National Companies and their subsidiaries, carry out technical, financial and
economic oversight and inspection, and establish the policies which must be complied
with regarding the matters referred to in this Law. The National Companies must
submit to the Ministry quarterly reports on their technical and economic activities,
including details on their short, mid and long term plans.
Article 80. The State, through the Ministry, may transfer to the National Companies
any rights required by them to carry out their assigned activities and duties in
accordance with their corporate purpose.

Article 81. In addition to Royalties, the State is entitled to a percentage of all
Hydrocarbons won and saved from a Contract Area based on the terms agreed in each
Contract and after deduction of Royalties and investment recovery oil.
Article 82. Subject to Article 18, the State is entitled to invest or participate in any
Contract Area, the terms of which shall be negotiated between the Ministry and each
Contractor and clearly set forth in all contracts. When the State invests or participates
in a Contract Area its right to a share of Hydrocarbons in respect of such investment
or participation is in addition to its right to receive Royalties and a percentage of
Hydrocarbons as provided for under Article 81.
Article 83. The investment or participation of the State in any Contract Area shall be
effectuated directly or through the National Oil Company or the National Gas
Company, as appropriate, and shall be by way of a carried or paid interest, as
determined by the Ministry, of not less than twenty percent (20%) as set forth in the
relevant Contract, unless otherwise agreed by the Government.
Article 84. At the sole option of the State, the carried interests of the State, the
National Gas Company or the National Oil Company may be converted to a paid
interest at any time.
Article 85. In respect of any carried interest of the State or a National Company, no
exploration costs whatsoever shall be payable by the State or such National Company,
which shall only be liable for the payment of Petroleum Operation costs generated
from the date on which the State notifies the Contractor in writing of its intention to
convert its carried interest to a paid interest pursuant to Article 84. All interest paid or
payable by a Contractor in respect of a carried interest of the State or a National
Company shall not be cost recoverable by such Contractor.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 86. All Contractors are obliged to sell and transfer to the State, upon written
request of the Ministry, any amounts of Hydrocarbons of a Contract Area and any
amounts of Natural Gas processed in Equatorial Guinea by a Contractor or its
Associate that the State shall deem necessary to meet domestic consumption
requirements. The sales price of Crude Oil shall be established pursuant to the
applicable Contract. The sales price of Natural Gas shall be established pursuant to
the guidelines established in Article 49.
Article 87. The amount of Hydrocarbons to be supplied by a Contractor for the
purpose of meeting domestic consumption requirements shall be calculated by
multiplying the amount of Hydrocarbons available to a Contractor after subtracting
Royalties and Hydrocarbons designated for cost recovery over any applicable period
of time by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the domestic consumption for
such period of time, less the amount of Hydrocarbons delivered to the State by all
Contractors, and the denominator of which shall be the amount of Hydrocarbons
available to all Contractors after subtracting Royalties and Hydrocarbons designated
for cost recovery during such period of time.

Article 88. The State, and the Contractors shall contribute to the study, design,
construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of the Hydrocarbon
Technological Institute of Equatorial Guinea and the creation of training centers for
Persons from Equatorial Guinea working in Petroleum Operations or operations
related thereto, regardless of their promotion, support and development of other
training centers with similar purposes in existence in Equatorial Guinea.
Article 89. The Ministry shall adopt measures to guarantee, promote and encourage
investment in the Hydrocarbon sector by Equatoguinean companies and shall create
the conditions necessary for such purpose. As such, Contractors and their Associates
will comply with the measures adopted by the Ministry regarding the involvement of
the National Companies in Hydrocarbons sector projects.
Article 90. Contractors and their Associates shall cooperate with the Ministry to carry
out public benefit activities in order to promote the socio-economic development of
Equatorial Guinea.
Article 91. The Government shall adopt measures aimed at the creation of national
capital to encourage the participation of Persons of Equatoguinean origin to take part
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

in Petroleum Operations. For that purpose, Contractors and their Associates must give
preference to the use of goods, services, human resources and capital of
Equatoguinean origin.
Article 92. Contractors shall train and integrate national personnel into all levels of
their organizations in accordance with this Law and the terms of their Contracts. In
addition to the above, each Contractor will likewise contribute to the training of
Ministry personnel. To that end, the Contractor shall annually provide the Ministry
with a sum in United States Dollars during the Exploration and Production periods.
This amount shall be determined by the Ministry in accordance with its prudent
judgment, by means of a resolution stating the grounds for such decision, and taking
into account factors such as the phase, whether Exploration or Production, in which
the Contractor is involved, as well as the level of activity being developed by the
Contractor within the country. These amounts shall be considered Petroleum
Operations costs.
Article 93. Contractors shall cooperate with the Government to identify projects
which promote the realization of public benefit activities of the broadest possible
impact on the public welfare. Contractors shall carry out all projects designated by
the Government and shall submit a proposal for approval by the Ministry prior to
undertaking any project not designated by the Government. To that end, during both
the Exploration and Production periods, the Contractor shall annually provide the
Ministry with an amount in United States Dollars. This amount shall be determined
by the Ministry in accordance with its prudent judgment, by means of a resolution
stating the grounds for such decision, and taking into account factors such as the
phase, whether Exploration or Production, in which the Contractor is involved, as
well as the level of activity being developed by the Contractor within the country.
These amounts shall not be considered Petroleum Operations costs.

Article 94. In the event of a national emergency, such as armed conflict, natural
disaster or the imminent expectation of the same, the State may requisition, for so
long as the state of emergency lasts, all or part of the Hydrocarbon production from
any Contract Area, with the exception of the portion necessary for operational
consumption, and require the Contractor and its Associates to increase production to
the technically viable maximum limit. Under such circumstances, the State may also
requisition the facilities of any Petroleum Operations.
Article 95. Any requisition shall be effected by order of the State by means of a
Presidential Decree.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 96. In the event of a requisition pursuant to Article 94, the State shall
compensate the Contractor for the following for the period during which the
requisition is maintained:
a. the losses and damages directly caused by the requisition; and
b. the requisitioned Hydrocarbon production to which the Contractor was
entitled during the requisition period.
Article 97. The value of losses and damages caused by acts of war carried out by
enemy forces or other force majeure acts shall not be included in the compensation
referred to in Article 96.
Article 98. The value of Hydrocarbons requisitioned by the State shall be calculated
in accordance with the rules for determining market value under the applicable
Contract and shall be paid by the State within a time period to be agreed upon by the
State and each affected Contractor following the conclusion of the requisition period.

Article 99. The State may terminate any Contract, in whole or in part, for public
interest reasons, against payment of fair compensation, which shall be negotiated
between the State and the Contractor. Should no agreement be reached, the amount of
compensation shall be determined by arbitration conducted in accordance with the
principles established in the relevant Contract.
Article 100. Contracts may be revoked by the Ministry, on behalf of the State,
without any compensation for the Contractor:

if the causes of termination or revocation set forth in the Contract



in the event of material noncompliance with the provisions set forth in

this Law, the Petroleum Regulations or other applicable laws or
regulations pertaining to Petroleum Operations;


if the Contractor also engages in illegal activities or those that are not
authorized by the laws of Equatorial Guinea; or


if the Contractor declares bankruptcy, is liquidated or proves to be


*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 101. All data and information acquired in the course of Petroleum Operations
are the sole property of the State, notwithstanding the rights of the Contractor to use
such data and information for the duration of their Contract. Any unauthorized or
improper transfer or disclosure of the same shall be subject to sanctions.

Article 102. The assignment, transfer, or other disposition of the rights granted by
any Contract shall require prior written authorization from the Ministry. Requests for
such authorization shall be accompanied by all information related to the assignment,
transfer, or other disposition including without limitation all legal instruments, the
final draft, used to carry out the proposed transaction, the identity of all parties to the
transaction, the form of the transaction, the estimated value of the transaction and
whether payable in kind, securities, cash or otherwise. Such assignment, transfer, or
other disposition shall be subject to the payment of a non-recoverable, non-deductible
fee and other requirements that shall be established in the authorization issued by the
Ministry. The Contractor and any third party assignee or beneficiary shall be jointly
and severally liable for the payment of such fee and the fulfillment of any other
requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Ministry, at its sole discretion, may
exempt an affected party from the payment of such fee and other requirements.
Article 103. For the purposes of this Law, the transfer of ownership of more than
fifty percent (50%) of the shares in the capital of any Person making up a Contractor,
that affects the ownership of the rights under the relevant Contract, shall be deemed to
be an assignment of contractual rights under a Contract and consequently subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in articles 102, 104 and 105. However, the
acquisition of the parent company of a Contractor by another Person, or the merger of
the parent company with another Person shall not be subject to the conditions set out
in the above-mentioned Articles.
Article 104. When any assignment, transfer or other disposition of rights under a
Contract is anticipated, the assigning Contractor must notify the National Petroleum
Company or the National Gas Company, as appropriate, in writing as soon as
practicable. The notified National Company shall then have the preferential right to
purchase the assigning Contractor's interest under the Contract and that was proposed
to be assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of on the same terms and conditions
as those offered to a bona-fide third-party assignee. This right shall exist in addition
to any rights of preemption granted to a National Company under the terms of a joint
venture or other agreement.
*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 105. Any purported assignment, transfer or other disposition for which the fee
and other requirements referred to in Article 102 has not been paid, unless exempted
by the Ministry, or that has not been effected in accordance with this Chapter XXIV
shall be null and void.
Article 106. When a Contractor or its Associates resort to third party funding which
involves the assignment of rights over its entitlement to Hydrocarbons under the terms
of a Contract or other agreement with the State, it shall notify the Ministry
immediately of any and all terms of such financing. The rights of the State to any
Hydrocarbons in accordance with this Law and/or a Contract, including national
consumption requirements, shall prevail over the rights of any Person who provides
funding to a Contractor or their Associates and must be satisfied prior to any claim
made by such Person.
Article 107. All profits resulting from any assignment, transfer or other disposition of
rights under a Contract, regardless of the beneficiary, type or location of the
transaction, shall be subject to taxes in accordance with the laws of Equatorial

Article 108. Noncompliance by a Contractor or their Associates of the provisions of
this Law, the Petroleum Regulations, their Contract or other applicable laws or
regulations pertaining to Petroleum Operations which is not a consequence of force
majeure pursuant to the corresponding Contract, may be sanctioned with the
imposition of a fine. Infractions subject to penalties shall include, without limitation:

carrying out Petroleum Operations without having submitted and

obtained approval of the respective work plans and budgets;


incurring costs overruns in excess of five percent (5%) of a budget

which have not been previously approved by the Ministry;


failure to deliver information gathered in the course of Petroleum

Operations and/or other data available when requested by the relevant
state body or as required under the applicable Contract;


breach of any duty of confidentiality;


failure to provide a bank guarantee or a guarantee from the parent

company within the specified time frame, if applicable;


failure to deliver within the specified timeframe, annual work

programs and budgets, development plans and decommissioning plans

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

for a production or injection well, as well as plans for the permanent
abandonment of any field;

failure to commence Production within the specified time-frame;


exceeding the maximum production level as agreed to and approved by

the Ministry;


failure to comply with environmental or health and safety legislation;


flaring without the prior authorization of the Ministry.


the unauthorized or improper transfer or disclosure of the information

referenced in Article 101.

Article 109. The infractions provided for in the previous Article, shall be sanctioned
with the following fines:

The infraction defined in paragraph a) shall be sanctioned with a fine

equivalent to 50% of the cost of the plan carried out.


The infraction defined in paragraph b) shall be sanctioned with a fine

equivalent to 50% of the amount of the cost overrun.


The infraction defined in paragraph c) shall be sanctioned with a fine

ranging from FIFTY (50) to ONE HUNDRED (100) MILLION CFA


The infraction defined in paragraph d) shall be sanctioned with a fine

ranging from THREE HUNDRED (300) to FIVE HUNDRED (500)


The infraction defined in paragraph e) shall be sanctioned by the

termination of the relevant Contract.


The infraction defined in paragraph f) shall be sanctioned with a fine

ranging from FIFTY (50) to ONE HUNDRED (100) MILLION CFA


The infraction defined in paragraph g) shall be sanctioned with a fine

ranging from FIFTY (50) to ONE HUNDRED (100) MILLION CFA


The infraction defined in paragraph h) shall be sanctioned with a fine

ranging from TWO HUNDRED (200) to FIVE HUNDRED (500)
MILLION CFA Francs, as well as a refund to the State, in cash or in
kind, of the volume of crude equal to the amount in excess of the

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

maximum efficiency level during the period in which the infraction

The infraction defined in paragraph i) shall be sanctioned according to

the regulations in effect regarding the Environmental Law, at the time
the infraction is committed.


The infraction defined in paragraph j) shall be sanctioned with a fine

ranging from TWO HUNDRED (200) to FIVE HUNDRED (500)


The infraction defined in paragraph k) shall be sanctioned with a fine


The sanctions contained in this article shall be applied in addition to and

notwithstanding other provisions of the laws of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
and/or applicable Contracts.
Article 110. The application and payment of fines shall not relieve the offender from
its liability to perform the duties and obligations which gave rise to such fines. All
penalties shall be applied notwithstanding the rights of the State under Chapter XXII
(Termination of Contracts) or any civil, administrative or criminal proceedings that
may be filed against the offender, as well as any measures which may be imposed by
the Ministry in order to reinstate conditions to their original status prior to such
Article 111. The resolutions of the Ministry or other organs of equal or lower rank
are subject to the administrative appeals procedures and challenges provided for in the
law in force.

Article 112. The Contractor must prepare and deliver to the Ministry a plan for the
abandonment of all wells, facilities and equipment, the rehabilitation of the landscape
and the continuation of Petroleum Operations, if applicable, upon the earlier of (i) six
(6) years prior to the estimated commencement of abandonment operations, (ii) the
date on which fifty percent (50%) or more of the recoverable Hydrocarbons from a
Development and Production area have been produced and (iii) one (1) year prior to
the termination of the applicable Contract or the proposed date of the abandonment of
any production area included therein. Such plan shall be subject to the prior approval
of the Ministry. Said plan may be amended by the Contractor and the State from time
to time to take account of further Petroleum Operations.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 113. The abandonment plan referred to in Article 112 shall provide the
Ministry with sufficient information in order for it to properly assess the future of the
applicable Contract Area or part thereof from a technical, financial, safety and
environmental standpoint and include details of the reserve fund to be established in
accordance with Article 114.
Article 114. The Contractor must establish and contribute to a reserve fund to provide
for all future abandonment costs. Such reserve fund must take the form of an escrow
account to be opened in the name of the Contractor and the State with an international
financial institution acceptable to each of them. The amount to be deposited by the
Contractor, as well as the timing of such deposits, shall be established in the
abandonment plan approved by the Ministry. After the completion of all abandonment
operations in accordance with the approved abandonment plan, in the event that the
reserve fund established is greater than the actual cost of abandonment liabilities, the
account balance shall be distributed between the Contractor and the State, in the same
proportion as the allocation of profit oil at the time of abandonment operations. In the
event that such reserve fund shall be insufficient to cover such costs, the Contractor
shall be liable for the remainder.
Article 115. Upon the abandonment of any Contract Area or part thereof, the
Contractor shall proceed to properly decommission the well or wells in question and
shall also take other measures to decommission facilities and other equipment and
rehabilitate the landscape all in accordance with the approved abandonment plan, the
applicable Contract, this Law and good oil field practice.
Article 116. Should the Contractor fail to deliver the abandonment plan referred to in
Article 112 within the prescribed period or if such abandonment plan is not carried
out within the timeframe provided for therein, the Ministry may take all measures it
deems necessary to ensure that all abandonment operations are prepared and executed
at the expense and risk of the Contractor.
Article 117. In accordance with the terms of the applicable Contract, the Ministry has
the right to take over any Petroleum Operations proposed to be abandoned by a
Contractor whereupon the reserve fund shall be transferred to the sole name of the
State and the Contractor shall have no further liability in respect of abandonment
operations in the applicable Contract Area. The Ministry is entitled to require the
Contractor provide all services and facilities to the Ministry in respect of any
Petroleum Operations taken over by the Ministry pursuant to this Article for a fee to
be agreed.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

Article 118. Notwithstanding to the jurisdiction of the courts of Equatorial Guinea the
Ministry shall have authority to resolve all questions related to the interpretation of
this Law and the Petroleum Regulations.

The Ministry is hereby authorized to issue any regulation and take any measure
necessary for the strict enforcement of this Hydrocarbons Law.

All Contractors shall be subject to this Hydrocarbons Law and the terms of any
Contract to which they are a party. The Ministry may, at its discretion, require that
any Contract that is valid on the date this Hydrocarbons Law comes into effect, be
renegotiated for the purpose of adapting any terms and conditions of such Contract
that are inconsistent with the Hydrocarbons Law and any Petroleum Regulation.

Any legislation of equal or lesser rank to this Law which is inconsistent with the
provisions set forth in this Hydrocarbons Law is hereby revoked, in particular, Law
No. 7/1981 of 16 June pertaining to Hydrocarbons and Law No. 6/2000 of 20 March
which modifies the former.

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

This Law shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official
Government Gazette (Boletn Oficial del Estado).
Given in Malabo on this third day of November in the year two thousand
and six.





His Excellency, Minister of Mines Industry and Energy.-.-

*This translation has no legal force or effect in Equatorial Guinea and should not be relied
upon to determine the content of the laws of Equatorial Guinea. Only the official Spanish
version of the Hydrocarbons Law published by the Government has the force of law.

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