Hum. Reprod. 2012 Velez Edwards 54-60-2

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Human Reproduction, Vol.27, No.1 pp.

54 60, 2012
Advanced Access publication on November 3, 2011 doi:10.1093/humrep/der354

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Early pregnancy

First-trimester bleeding characteristics

associate with increased risk
of preterm birth: data from
a prospective pregnancy cohort
D.R. Velez Edwards 1,2,*, D.D. Baird 3, R. Hasan 4, D.A. Savitz 5,
and K.E. Hartmann 1

*Correspondence address. Tel: +1-615-322-1288; Fax: +1-615-322-8291; E-mail:

Submitted on August 12, 2011; resubmitted on September 8, 2011; accepted on September 27, 2011

background: Prior evidence linking rst-trimester bleeding with preterm birth (PTB, ,37 weeks gestation) risk has been inconsistent
and may be biased by subject selection and/or incomplete documentation of bleeding episodes for all participants. Prior studies have not
carefully examined the role of bleeding characteristics in PTB risk. In the present study, we estimate the association between rst-trimester
bleeding and PTB in a non-clinical prospective cohort and test whether bleeding characteristics better predict risk.
methods: Women were enrolled in Right from the Start (20002009), a prospective pregnancy cohort. Data about bleeding and
bleeding characteristics were examined with logistic regression to assess association with PTB.
results: Among 3978 pregnancies 344 were PTB and 3634 term. Bleeding was reported by 986 (26%) participants. After screening
candidate confounders, only multiple gestations remained in the model. Bleeding associated with PTB [odds ratio (OR)adjusted 1.40,
95% condence interval (CI) 1.09 1.80]. Risk did not vary by race/ethnicity. Compared with non-bleeders, PTB risk was higher for bleeding
with red color (ORadjusted 1.92, 95% CI, 1.32 2.82), for heavy episodes (ORadjusted 2.40, 95% CI 1.18 4.88) and long duration
(ORadjusted 1.67, 95% CI 1.17 2.38).

conclusions: Bleeding associated with PTB was not confounded by common risk factors for bleeding or PTB. PTB risk was greatest
for women with heavy bleeding episodes with long duration and red color and would suggest that combining women with different bleeding
characteristics may affect the accuracy of risk assessment. These data suggest a candidate etiologic pathway for PTB and warrant further
investigation of the biologic mechanisms.
Key words: epidemiology / rst-trimester / pregnancy / preterm birth / vaginal bleeding

Birth before 37 weeks gestation is the predominant predictor of
perinatal mortality in the USA (Weinberg et al., 1992) consuming
a large portion of funds spent for perinatal health care (Berkowitz
and Papiernik, 1993; Institute of Medicine, 1993). In the USA,
preterm birth (PTB) rates have been slowly increasing over the
last decade from 9.7% in 1990 to 12.7% in 2005.(Martin et al.,
2002; Hamilton et al., 2007) This trend has also been demonstrated
outside of the USA (Langhoff-Roos et al., 2006). Efforts to predict
impending PTB and delay its occurrence have experienced limited

success (Shiono and Klebanoff, 1993; Hauth et al., 1995; Burton

et al., 1989) with the strongest predictors of PTB being a prior
PTB and multifetal gestations (Berkowitz and Papiernik, 1993;
Savitz and Pastore, 1999). Other factors associated with risk
include maternal age, minority status, genitourinary tract infection,
smoking and low pre-pregnancy weight, with smoking cessation
counseling and progestogen injections being the only interventions
to demonstrate risk reduction among pregnant women (Ernest
et al., 1988; Mueller-Heubach and Guzick, 1989; Savitz et al.,
1991; Schieve et al., 2000; Shah and Bracken, 2000; Ovalle and
Levancini, 2001; FDA US Food and Drug Administration, 2011).

& The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center, Institute of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN 37203, USA 2Center for Human Genetics Research, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA 3Epidemiology Branch,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA 4Department of
Epidemiology, University of North Carolina Gillings, School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA 5Departments of
Epidemiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA


First-trimester bleeding and preterm birth

Materials and Methods

Study population and data collection
The analyses presented are of a prospective study of rst-trimester vaginal
bleeding and PTB risk. RFTS is an ongoing community-based cohort that
began enrolling study participants in 2000. Women enrolled are either
trying to get pregnant or are currently pregnant. Over time, RFTS has
been funded through three major phases with distinctive research questions (RFTS 1, 2, 3). These studies enrolled participants in Galveston,
TX; Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga, TN; and the Research Triangle region (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill) in NC. RFTS
participants were 18 years or older and had not used assisted reproductive
technologies to conceive. Consent was obtained to review all records pertaining to the study pregnancy. Participants were actively recruited and followed from pre-conception or very early pregnancy through the end of
pregnancy. Follow-up was conducted to document outcomes. Participants
completed an intake computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) at approximately 13 weeks gestation, providing information on history of bleeding, medication use and exposure to potential confounders in the time
since last menstrual period (LMP). At enrollment, a study transvaginal
ultrasound was scheduled at a participating ultrasound site to assess

embryonic development, to systematically examine the uterus for presence of broids, gestational sac, yolk sac and fetal pole and to measure
fetal heart rate, uterine length and uterine width. The institutional
review boards of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN and the University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC approved this study.
Pregnancy outcomes were self-reported and abstraction of prenatal
records was used to verify outcomes. Live births were linked to state
vital records to assist in verifying the pregnancy outcomes. A PTB was
dened as a live birth with delivery at ,37 weeks gestation and a term
birth was dened as delivery at 37 weeks gestation. Women with spontaneous abortions (,20 weeks gestation) (n 572) and ectopic pregnancies (n 6) were excluded. We excluded spontaneous abortions because,
although they may have experienced rst-trimester bleeding, they are a
separate phenotype and are regulated by distinct biological mechanisms.
The gestational age was estimated from LMP and adjusted for the rsttrimester ultrasound. If the self-reported LMP was 7 days from the calculated ultrasound LMP, then the ultrasound was used to assign gestational
age. Women could enroll in RFTS during more than one pregnancy, but
only the rst enrollment was included (n 206 subsequent pregnancies

Variable denitions
Participants reported up to three bleeding events during their rsttrimester interview. First-trimester bleeding data have been collected
across RFTS all phases (1, 2 and 3) and was collected with planned secondary analyses to examined risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Data
collected included the timing of the bleeding event, heaviness, color and
duration experienced for each bleeding event. The duration of a bleeding
event was reported in days. Heaviness was assessed by comparing bleeding during each episode to bleeding experienced in a normal menstrual
period. Spotting was documented if it was only noticed by wiping; light
bleeding was dened as lighter than heavy ow during their normal menstrual period, heavy bleeding was dened as similar to the heavy ow of a
menstrual period or more than the heavy ow of a menstrual period. The
color of the blood for each bleeding episode was also reported and
included brown, pink and red. Finally, the duration of the bleeding
episode was documented in days and we grouped them into l, 2, 3,
4 6 and 7 or more days.
Maternal characteristics and previous obstetric history were also
examined. These included: maternal age, PTB history (more than one),
race/ethnicity (non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic and
other), multiple gestation, gravidity, spontaneous abortion history,
induced abortion history and smoking status (current or not current
smokers). Maternal characteristics are obtained either in person during
rst-trimester ultrasounds or from the rst-trimester CATI.

Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were generated and conducted using STATA statistical software version 11.0 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA).
Logistic regression was used to test for association between demographic variables and PTB outcome. Logistic regression was also used to
estimate the odds ratio (OR) for the relationship of bleeding (yes/no)
and PTB risk both adjusted and unadjusted for risk factors for PTB and
bleeding. These candidate confounders included maternal age, PTB
history, Black race, multiple gestation, spontaneous abortion history,
induced abortion history, broids and pregnancy smoking status. Covariates that resulted in a change in the effect size between bleeding and
PTB risk by 5% or more were retained in the model. This resulted in
the inclusion of multiple gestations in all subsequent adjusted models.
We did not adjust for a previous history of PTB due to the fact that adjusting for a previous history of PTB may reduce our precision and ability to

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Observational studies have shown that rst-trimester bleeding

occurs in 7 24% of pregnancies and may associate with PTB risk (Batzon et al., 1984; Sipila et al., 1992; Axelsen et al., 1995; French et al.,
1999; Yang et al., 2005; Hasan et al., 2010a,b). The imprecision in these
estimates of bleeding is due, in great part, to the lack of adequately
powered studies to examine prevalence rates, as well as use of recalled
data and biased sampling (Batzon et al., 1984; Sipila et al., 1992;
Axelsen et al., 1995; French et al., 1999; Yang et al., 2005). Prior
studies have not carefully examined bleeding characteristics despite
the fact that specic bleeding characteristics may have distinct etiology.
For example, light bleeding may be normal and directly related to specic embryological events that occur during the rst-trimester.
However, stronger, longer and heavier episodes may be indicative of
more serious complications and should therefore be examined separately from light bleeding. Several biological mechanisms during pregnancy that may lead to bleeding and PTB have been proposed,
including aberrations in the coagulation cascade and platelet activation
(Lockwood, 2006). However, it is difcult to document patterns of
bleeding, particularly in early pregnancy (Axelsen et al., 1995; Harville
et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2005) and as a result the causes of rst-trimester
bleeding that result in a PTB rather than pregnancy loss are few (Salaa
et al., 1995; Chen et al., 1996; Yang et al., 2004).
Prior evidence linking rst-trimester vaginal bleeding with risk for
PTB may be potentially biased by subject selection (e.g. tertiary care
databases) and/or incomplete documentation of bleeding episodes
for all participants (e.g. casecontrol studies). We used data from
the Right from the Start (RFTS) study (2000 2009), a non-clinical,
prospective community-based pregnancy cohort, to examine bleeding
patterns among women who experienced a PTB or term birth. We
evaluated bleeding episodes and tested whether individual bleeding
characteristics are better predictors of PTB risk than bleeding alone.
We included analyses of the heaviness, color and duration for
each bleeding episode. We also examined associations stratied by


Velez Edwards et al.

Table I Study characteristics of preterm and term

births of participants in the RFTS study, 20002009.

Table I Continued


Preterm birth
(n 5 344)

Term birth
(n 5 3634)

Maternal age
(mean years + SD)

3978 28.3 + 5.7

Gravidity (mean + SD)

3870 2.5 + 1.74

Parity (%)


28.8 + 5.0

1839 48.3


1324 26.9


663 24.8




Maternal race/ethnicity (%)

2714 55.6


791 34.1



286 7.9



178 2.9


Household income (%)

$40 000

1180 44.7

$40 001 $80 000

1397 28.3


.$80 000

1171 27.0




Marital status (%)


3519 80.2

Gestational age delivery
(days + SD)

Not current smokers

3731 93.0



138 7.0





3978 241.4 + 21.2

278.9 + 9.4

3636 94.5


see an effect due to over-adjusting for factors that may be intermediates

on the causal pathway between the exposure and the disease outcome
(Schisterman et al., 2009; Weinberg, 1993). However, we do present analyses stratied by previous PTB history. We also tested for effect modication by race/ethnicity, rst creating a binary variable for each race (NonHispanic Black and Hispanic) comparing them with Non-Hispanic Whites
as the referent group and then testing these variables for interactions with
bleeding. We also performed race/ethnicity-stratied analyses to further
examine the relationship between rst-trimester bleeding and PTB risk
among Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic women
both unadjusted and adjusted for covariates. Finally, we performed subanalyses to assess whether risk varied by early or late PTB (early PTB
,34 weeks gestation; late PTB 34 weeks gestation) and by women
with and without a history of PTB (1).
Bleeding characteristics were examined with logistic regression (no
bleeding as referent) and included heaviness, color and duration of the
bleeding episodes. Individuals were classied according to the most
severe classication across the three episodes for each bleeding characteristic (e.g. heaviest bleed, longest duration or reddest color). For these analyses, we classied women as follows for each characteristic: heaviness was
stratied by women with spotting or light and heavy bleeding, color by
brown or pink and red color, and duration by short duration (,3 days)
and long duration (3 days). Each bleeding characteristic was analyzed
independently of the others both unadjusted and adjusted for covariates.

None (%)
Any (%)

245 5.5




History of preterm birth (%)


3511 79.6


316 20.4




History of spontaneous abortions (%)


3001 77.1


826 22.9




History of induced abortions (%)


3230 81.8


598 18.2




Multiple gestations (%)


3939 94.6



37 5.4


Smoking status (%)


Table I presents the maternal characteristics of the RFTS study population in relation to PTB status. We included a 344 preterm and 3634
term pregnancies in these analyses. A total of 3978 women were
enrolled, 97.2% reported on rst-trimester bleeding. Among these,
32.6% of women who experienced a PTB reported a bleeding
episode while 24.8% of women with term pregnancies reported a
bleeding episode. When we analyzed predictors of PTB for their association with PTB risk, we observed signicant increase in risk for
women with multiple gestations [OR 11.78, 95% condence interval (CI) 6.12 22.66], a history of PTB (OR 3.32, 95% CI 2.46
4.49), Black race (Non-Hispanic White referent, OR 2.30, 95% CI
1.79 2.94) and were current smokers (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.41
A total of 986 women experienced at least one bleeding episode,
with a total of 1991 bleeding episodes across all reported episodes
(Table II). Any rst-trimester bleeding was associated with PTB with
a similar effect size for adjusted (for multiple gestation) and unadjusted
analyses (ORadjusted 1.40, 95% CI 1.09 1.80, P 0.008). Among
PTB cases, 25% (,34 weeks gestation) were early PTBs and 75%
were late PTBs (34 weeks gestation). Further analyses to assess
whether PTB risk associated with rst-trimester bleeding differed

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Non-Hispanic White
Non-Hispanic Black


Term birth
(n 5 3634)


Preterm birth
(n 5 344)

2.24 + 1.34



First-trimester bleeding and preterm birth

Table II Adjusted and unadjusted analyses of rst-trimester bleeding for association risk of preterm birth in RFTS,
2000 2009.
First-trimester vaginal bleeding

Preterm birth %

Term birth %

OR (95% CI)


Adjusteda OR
(95% CI)


Any bleeding








1.46 (1.15 1.87)

Early PTB (,34 weeks gestation)

Any bleeding

Any bleeding








1.18 (0.72 1.92)


Any bleeding









1.56 (1.19 2.06)

1.52 (1.16 2.01)








1.79 (1.03 3.12)


1.78 (1.02 3.11)








1.81 (1.18 2.77)

Non-Hispanic White-only

1.00 (0.60 1.67)


No previous PTB


1.85 (1.20 2.86)








1.46 (1.06 2.04)

Non-Hispanic Black-only

1.37 (0.98 1.91)









Any bleeding




1.47 (0.95 2.30)

1.51 (0.96 2.36)









1.80 (0.77 4.20)

1.83 (0.78 4.27)

Any bleeding



Adjusted for multiple gestation.
In bold are statistically signicant associations (P , 0.05).

between early and late PTBs showed an association among later PTBs
(ORadjusted 1.52, 95% CI 1.16 2.01, P 0.003) but not early PTBs
(ORadjusted 1.00, 95% CI 0.60 1.67, P 0.994). Despite our
reduced power for stratied analyses, these data would indicate that
there is a null effect for early PTBs given the narrow CIs.
Analyses stratied by women with and without a history of PTB
(only included women with one or more previous pregnancies)
showed that women with bleeding were at increased risk of PTB
whether they did or did not have a history of PTB (Table II). There
was a slightly higher risk for PTB among women with bleeding and a
previous history of PTB (ORadjusted 1.78, 95% CI 1.02 1.79, P
0.042) relative those without a history of PTB (ORadjusted 1.85,
95% CI 1.20 2.85, P 0.005). However, the differences in effect
size may be due to differences in power, there were only 87
women with bleeding and a history of PTB. In addition, the effect
sizes overlap with the CIs between those with and without a history
of PTB, suggesting that the risk is not different between these two
When analyses for any rst-trimester bleeding were further examined for effect modication by race/ethnicity, there was no evidence
for an interaction with race (P . 0.05) (Table II). Despite the decrease

in precision for race/ethnicity-stratied analyses, analyses showed a

statistically signicant association among Non-Hispanic Whites but
not Blacks or Hispanics for unadjusted analyses (Non-Hispanic
Whites ORunadjusted 1.47, 95% CI 1.06 2.04, P 0.019). Blacks
but not Hispanics showed a trend toward statistical signicance
(Blacks ORunadjusted 1.48, 95% CI 0.96 2.30, P 0.090). The
effect size was very similar between racial/ethnic groups and all effect
sizes were within the 95% CI for each racial/ethnic group, suggesting
that the lack of association among Blacks is due to reduced sample size.
Examination of the bleeding characteristics (Tables III and IV) indicated that a greater increase in PTB risk was associated with bleeding
episodes with a longer duration (ORadjusted 1.67, 95% CI 1.17
2.38, P 0.005), bleeding that involved red color (ORadjusted
1.92, 95% CI 1.32 2.82, P 0.001) and heavy bleeding (ORadjusted
2.40, 95% CI 1.18 4.88, P 0.015). Spotting and light bleeding
(ORadjusted 1.34, 95% CI 1.04 1.74, P 0.024) also resulted in a
smaller but still signicant increase in risk for PTB compared with no
bleeding. However, it is of note that bleeding with pink or brown
color and bleeding of short duration were not statistically signicantly
associated with an increased risk for PTB, suggesting that minor
bleeding is not a signicant risk factor for PTB.

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Any bleeding

1.40 (1.09 1.80)


Previous PTB (1)



Late PTB (34 weeks gestation)




Velez Edwards et al.

In this study, we observed an increased risk for PTB for those with rsttrimester bleeding, with an effect size (ORadjusted 1.40, 95% CI 1.09
1.80) consistent with some previous studies, but inconsistent with two
previous meta-analyses (Ananth and Savitz, 1994; Saraswat et al., 2010)
that indicated a much higher risk [Ananth and Savitz, 1994; relative risk
(RR) 2.2, 95% CI 2.12.40; Saraswat et al., 2010; OR 2.05, 95%
CI 1.76 2.4] (Ananth and Savitz, 1994; Rochon, 1998; Yang et al.,

Table III Descriptive characteristics across heaviest/

severest bleeding reported from one to three episodes
for preterm and term births in RFTS, 2000 2009.



birth %





Light bleeding




Heavy bleeding

















1 Day




2 Days




3 Days




4 6 Days




7 days




Table IV Adjusted and unadjusted rst-trimester bleeding characteristics analyses for risk of preterm birth in RFTS,
2000 2009.
First-trimester bleeding

Unadjusted OR (95% CI)


Adjusteda OR (95% CI)




Spotting and light bleeding (n 925)

1.39 (1.08 1.79)


1.34 (1.04 1.74)


Heavy bleeding (n 60)

2.70 (1.38 5.27)


2.40 (1.18 4.88)


No bleeding


Pink or brown (n 717)

1.28 (0.96 1.70)


1.21 (0.91 1.63)


Red (n 268)

1.99 (1.37 2.88)


1.92 (1.32 2.82)


No bleeding


Short duration (n 646)

1.27 (0.95 1.72)


1.27 (0.94 1.71)


Long duration (3 days) (n 338)

1.85 (1.31 2.60)


1.67 (1.17 2.38)


Adjusted for multiple gestation.
In bold are statistically signicant associations (P , 0.05).


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birth %

2004; Lockwood, 2006; Hossain et al., 2007; Lykke et al., 2010). Our
data also indicated a higher incidence of rst-trimester bleeding
(32.5% in PTB and 24.9% in term) relative to other studies that have
observed bleeding to occur in 24.4% of all pregnancies (Yang et al.,
2004). In our cohort, the early enrollment, timing of the interview
and prospective collection of the data may facilitate better recall for
bleeding episodes, particularly minor bleeding episodes that may not
have been collected in other studies. We believe that having study interviews conducted immediately after the rst-trimester reduces recall
bias compared with other comparable studies that rely on second
and third trimester study interviews. The study being prospective and
the study interview conducted prior to pregnancy outcome ensures
that recall is not biased by pregnancy outcome, as it may be for
studies of pregnancy losses where losses happen in the rst-trimester.
In addition, our ability to include these more minor episodes may have
resulted in a lower relative risk than studies based on recall, which likely
are only capturing more signicant amounts of bleeding. In addition, we
observed an increased risk for late (OR 1.52) but not early PTB
among women who had experienced rst-trimester bleeding, which
has not been previously reported.
We observed that women with specic bleeding characteristics,
that include episodes with heavy bleeding, red color, and long duration
of bleeding, were at increased risk for PTB. Bleeding charactersitics
have not been examined extensively for association with PTB in previous studies, which may be due to the lack of detailed questionnaires
regarding bleeding characteristics and the limited sample sizes for previous studies. Our data would indicate that these individual bleeding
characteristics are stronger predictors of PTB than bleeding alone.
The ndings from examining bleeding characteristics are particularly
informative from a clinical perspective because they would indicate
that some light bleeding is normal in the rst-trimester and does not
put a woman at increased risk for PTB, with 24% of term births
also experiencing a bleeding episode. However, if the bleeding
episode was heavy and lasted for a long period of time then a
woman may require further survelliance for potential risk of PTB.


First-trimester bleeding and preterm birth

episodes in the rst-trimester of pregnancy rather than examining

bleeding episodes over the course of the pregnancy. This was due
to the fact that few published studies have comprehensively examined
rst-trimester vaginal bleeding episodes in the context of PTB risk.
RFTS is unique in that the majority of study participants were recruited
either when they were trying to conceive or very early in the rsttrimester (,10 weeks), and although we also rely on recalled data
we have well-timed collection and documented exposure data for
the rst few weeks of pregnancy, which is not common among
other studies. We performed sensitivity analyses including and excluding multiple gestations (5% of cohort) and did not observe a signicant
change in point estimates for the association between PTB and bleeding for models excluding multiple gestations. Finally, we had a PTB rate
in our cohort of 8%; as a result, we had reduced power to perform
the analyses stratied by race/ethnicity particularly among Hispanics in
our cohort. We were also underpowered to detect an association
when stratifying by early and late PTB, which may explain why we
only observed an association with late PTB but not early PTB as
would be expected. In future studies as our sample size grows we
may be able to perform more detailed stratied analyses.
In conclusion, we observed a statistically signicant increase in risk
for PTB among those who experienced rst-trimester bleeding, had
bleeding episodes that lasted .3 days, was red in color, and heavy
bleeding. Although some prior evidence has linked rst-trimester
vaginal bleeding with risk for PTB, these studies were potentially
biased by subject selection and/or incomplete documentation of
bleeding episodes for all participants and limited number of PTB
subjects for analysis. We had the advantage of a well characterized
nonclinical prospective cohort with ultrasound data to estimate gestational age for all participants, a large sample size, well documented
covariates and carefully captured bleeding episodes and characteristics. This study not only demonstrates that rst-trimester bleeding is
associated with PTB, but also that the individual characteristics of
the bleeding episode may be better predictors of risk than bleeding
alone. These data would indicate that women with light bleeding
were at less risk of PTB than women with heavier bleeding episodes
as dened by heaviness, color and duration. Further understanding
of the implications and underlying basis for this association can only
come from more biologically rened research.

Authors roles
D.R.V.E. drafted the rst draft of the manuscript and performed the
statistical analyses; D.D.B. assisted in drafting the manuscript,
consulted on statistical analyses and was involved in the original data
collection for data included in this manuscript; D.S. assisted in drafting
the manuscript, consulted on statistical analyses and was involved in
the original data collection for data included in this manuscript; R.H.
assisted in drafting the manuscript and consulted on statistical analysis;
K.E.H. assisted in drafting the manuscript, consulted on statistical
analysis and was P.I. for data collected for this manuscript.

The authors acknowledge the eld research was supported by grants
from the National Institute of Child and Human Development
(R01HD043883 and R01HD049675) and the American Water

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Our data also indicate that combining women with light and heavy
bleeding episodes may dilute the magnitude of the risk for PTB associated with rst-trimester bleeding, with a higher risk among heavy
bleeders (OR 2.40) relative to when all bleeders were combined
(OR 1.40). Further detailed analyses of bleeding and bleeding
characteristic are necessary to assess whether risk is modied by
the gestaional age of the bleeding episode.
The association observed between bleeding and PTB among NonHispanic Whites in race stratied analyses is consistent with two previous studies that observed a signicant increase in risk for PTB and rsttrimester bleeding among Non-Hispanic Whites (Yang and Savitz, 2001;
Yang et al., 2004). Our results, however, are consistent with the pregnancy, infection and nutrition study, which observed an RR 1.40, 95%
CI 1.10 1.90 (Yang et al., 2004). The OR for bleeding and PTB risk in
our study were similar across racial/ethnic groups for race/ethnicitystratied analyses, supporting that there is no strong disparity in
bleeding and risk for PTB despite the known disparity in PTB risk.
Bleeding during the rst-trimester of pregnancy can be a powerful indicator of a pregnancy complication. Bleeding may result from intrauterine blood collecting in a variety of positions relative to the developing
sac and placenta. This intrauterine blood may track away from the placenta, often elevating the attached chorionic membrane, dissecting it
and the decidua and surrounding the gestational sac. The bleeding
resulting from this hematoma will become apparent through vaginal
bleeding as the blood begins to collect in the endometrial cavity.
Although the causes of later pregnancy bleeding have been more extensively investigated and are commonly attributable to placental previa,
abruption or infection, the causes of rst-trimester bleeding are less
well understood and results in general have been inconsistent (French
et al., 1999; Gomez et al., 2005). These inconsistencies may result
from the location rather than the size of the hematoma; for example,
a small retroplacental hematoma may have a more adverse effect on
pregnancy than a large hematoma located within the endometrial
cavity, away from the placenta. Such details have not been captured
in previous early pregnancy studies. The risk for PTB attributable to
rst-trimester bleeding has not been examined extensively in published
research; although bleeding has been hypothesized to have a role
through decidual hemorrhage, retroplacental hematomas and retrochorionic hematomas (Salaa et al., 1995; Nagy et al., 2005; Lockwood,
2006). Studies often overlook decidual bleeding as a risk factor for PTB
due to the fact that traditional methods rely on pathological examination of the placenta for a diagnosis. As a result, establishing decidual
hemorrhage as the cause of PTB becomes a retrospective diagnosis
unless vaginal bleeding or spotting is observed during pregnancy or
there are ultrasonographic signs indicating an abruption (Salaa et al.,
1995) Although we did not have data on the presence of haematomas
in our cohort, our study ndings do support a relationship between
rst-trimester vaginal bleeding and PTB that may be due to the
presence of subchorionic/retrochorionic haematomas.
The certainty of our results is limited by the quality of self-reported
bleeding episodes (Hasan et al., 2010b). The dates and estimates of
the heaviness, color and duration for each bleeding episode
during the rst-trimester of pregnancy are subjective and thus vulnerable to potential recall bias. To limit recall bias, we performed the
rst-trimester interview as soon as possible after the completion of
the rst-trimester. Most previous studies have conducted interviews
later in pregnancy. We also limited our study to only bleeding

Works Association Research Foundation (2579). Additional funds
were provided by the Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in
Womens Health career development program (K12HD4383). This
research was funded in part (DD Baird salary) by the National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH.


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