NM Medical Cannabis Producers
NM Medical Cannabis Producers
NM Medical Cannabis Producers
Bernalillo County
Cannaceutics, Inc
Website: www.cannaceutics.org
E-mail: Support@Cannaceutics.org
Address: PO Box 95705, Albuquerque, NM 87199
Telephone: (505) 672-8734
Fax: (505) 274-7760
CG Corrigan
Website: www.Cgcorrigan.org
Email: info@cgcorrigan.org
6614 Gulton CT NE Suite A Albuquerque, NM 87109
Telephone: 505-933-5599
Natural RX
Website: www.naturalrxnm.org
E-mail: info@naturalrxnm.org
Address: 8612 Paseo Alameda NE Suite E
Albuquerque, NM 87713
Telephone: (505) 404-8214 or (505) 771-3000
Fax: 505-404-8244
GrassRoots Rx
Website: www.grrx.org
E-mail: info.grrx@gmail.com
Address; 2717 2nd Street NW ABQ, NM
Telephone: (505) 835-5360
HES: Healthy Education Society
Website: www.legalcannabisrx.com
E-mail: nmlegalgreen@gmail.com
Address: 5401 Lomas Blvd. NE Ste. A Albuquerque, NM 8711
Telephone: (505) 312-7664
High Desert Relief
Website: www.highdesertrelief.org
E-mail: order@highdesertrelief.org
Address: 4730-C Pan American East Freeway, ABQ, NM 87109
Telephone: (505) 750-4015
MedZen Services, Inc. (Location One)
Website: www.medzen.info
E-mail: contactus@medzen.info
Address: 10660 Unser Blvd Ste H Alb., NM 87114
Telephone: (505) 891-1881
MedZen Services, Inc. (Location Two)
4014 Central Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Telephone: 505-200-2367
Sandia Botanicals, Inc.
Website: sandiabotanicals.com
E-mail: info@sandiabotanicals.com
Address: 2406 Comanche RD NE ABQ, NM 87107
Telephone: (505) 717-2764
Medical Cannabis Program - New Mexico Department of Health - 1190 St. Francis Dr. Suite S-3400 - Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
E-mail: medical.cannabis@state.nm.us Website: www.nmhealth.org/go/mcp Telephone: 505-827-2321 Last Update 01/29/2016
Chaves County
Compassionate Distributors
Website: wwwcompassionatedistributors.com
E-mail: customerservice@compassionatedistributors.com
117 West Walnut Street
Roswell, NM
Telephone Number: 575-258-1087
Curry County
Budding Hope
Website: www.buddinghope.org
E-Mail: ceo@buddinghope.org
Address 2500 East 7th Street Clovis, NM 88101
Telephone:(575) 366-5100
Dona Ana
Mother Earth Herbs, Inc.
Website: www.motherearthherbs.org
Login: cannabis Password: medicine
E-mail: motherearthherbsrx@gmail.com
Physical Address;1115 Commerce Drive Las Cruces, NM
Telephone: (575) 312-2446
Fax: (575)521-8615
MJ Express-O
Website: mjexpresso.com
E-mail: info@mjexpresso.com
Address: 755 S. Telshor Blvd. Suite 102 A
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Telephone: (575)-740-0803
Budding Hope
Website: www.buddinghope.org
Email: ceo@buddinghope.org
Address: PO Box Roy, NM 87743
Telephone Number: 575-447-1869
Lea County
New Mexico Top Organics
Email: info@nmtoporganics.org
Web site: www.nmtoporganics.org
Address: 3211 N. Dal Paso Ste. B Hobbs, NM 88240
Telephone: (575) 964-1500
Santa Fe County
Fruit of the Earth Organics
Website: fruitoftheearthorganics.com
E-mail: FruitoftheEarthorganics@gmail.com
Address: 901 Early Street, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Telephone: 505-310-7917
Sacred Garden
Website: www.sacredgardennm.com
E-mail: admin@sacredgardennm.com
Address: 1300 Luisa Street Suite 1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Telephone: (505) 216-9686
Fax: 505-216-9834
New Mexico Top Organics
Email: info@nmtoporganics.org
Web site: www.nmtoporganics.org
Address: 1907 St. Michaels Drive Suite F, Santa Fe, NM 87502
Telephone: (505) 216-0898
New MexiCann Natural Medicine
Website: www.newmexicann.org
E-mail: Info@newmexicann.org
Address: 1592 San Mateo Lane Santa Fe, NM 87505
Telephone: 505-982-2621
Order Line: 505-501-8038
Medical Cannabis Program - New Mexico Department of Health - 1190 St. Francis Dr. Suite S-3400 - Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
E-mail: medical.cannabis@state.nm.us Website: www.nmhealth.org/go/mcp Telephone: 505-827-2321 Last Update: 01/29/2016
Taos County
San Juan
New Mexico Alternative Care
Website: newmexicoalternativecare.com
E-mail: nmaltcare@gmail.com
Address: 220 Browning Parkway Farmington, NM 87401
Telephone: (505)-258-4952
Valencia County
San Miguel County
New Mexicann Natural Medicine, Inc.
Website: www.newmexicann.org
E-mail: Info@newmexicann.org
615 Lincoln Avenue
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Telephone: 505-349-4783
Sandoval County
C.G. Corrigan, Inc.
Website: www.CGCORRIGAN.org
E-mail: info@cgcorrigan.org
Walk-In Location: 30 East Frontage RD Suite D
Placitas, NM 87043
Telephone: (505) 933-5599
Website: www.gandggeneticsinc.org
Email: gggi@gandgeneticsinc.org
Address: P. O. Box 1754, Grants, NM 87020
Deliveries: Cibola, McKinley, and Valencia Counties
Telephone: (505) 917-0534 or (505) 240-3230
Giving Tree
Harvest Foundation
Keyway, Inc.
Kure, Inc.
Pecos Valley Pharm
Seven Clover
Seven Point Farms
Southwest Wellness
Urban Wellness
Verde Care
Medical Cannabis Program - New Mexico Department of Health - 1190 St. Francis Dr. Suite S-3400 - Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
E-mail: medical.cannabis@state.nm.us Website: www.nmhealth.org/go/mcp Telephone: 505-827-2321 Last Update: 01/29/2016
Medical Cannabis Program - New Mexico Department of Health - 1190 St. Francis Dr. Suite S-3400 - Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
E-mail: medical.cannabis@state.nm.us Website: www.nmhealth.org/go/mcp Telephone: 505-827-2321 Last Update: 01/29/2016