Kindergarten: Embedded Inquiry: Conceptual Strand Guiding Question
Kindergarten: Embedded Inquiry: Conceptual Strand Guiding Question
Kindergarten: Embedded Inquiry: Conceptual Strand Guiding Question
Conceptual Strand
Understandings about scientific inquiry and the ability to conduct inquiry are essential for living in the 21st century.
Guiding Question
What tools, skills, knowledge, and dispositions are needed to conduct scientific inquiry?
GLE 0007.Inq.1 Observe the world of familiar 90007.Inq.1 Use senses and simple tools to
objects using the senses and tools. make observations.
GLE 0007.Inq.2 Ask questions, make logical 90007.Inq.2 Communicate interest in simple
predictions, plan investigations, and represent phenomena and plan for simple
data. investigations.
Guiding Question
How do science concepts, engineering skills, and applications of technology improve the quality of life?
GLE 0007.T/E.1 Recognize that both natural 90007.T/E.1 Explain how simple tools are
materials and human-made tools have specific used to extend the senses, make life easier,
characteristics that determine their use. and solve everyday problems.
GLE 0007.T/E.2 Apply engineering design and 90007.T/E.2 Invent designs for simple
creative thinking to solve practical problems. products.
Guiding Question 1
How are plant and animals cells organized to carry on the processes of life?
Grade Level Expectations Checks for Understanding State Performance Indicators
GLE 0007.1.1 Recognize that many things are 90007.1.1 Use puzzles to determine that
made of parts. there are many parts that make up a whole.
Guiding Question 2
How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?
GLE 0007.2.1 Recognize that some things are 90007.2.1 Categorize objects or images of
living and some are not. objects as living or non-living according to
their characteristics.
GLE 0007.2.2 Know that people interact with
their environment through their senses.
90007.2.2 Use the senses to investigate and
describe an object.
Guiding Question 3
What scientific information explains how matter and energy flow through the biosphere?
GLE 0007.3.1 Recognize that living things 90007.3.1 Observe plants and animals and
require water, food, and air. make records of their similarities and
GLE 0007.4.1 Observe how plants and animals 90007.4.1 Observe a plant to identify how it
change as they grow. changes as it grows from a seed to the adult
plant and record data using non-standard
GLE 0007.4.2 Observe that offspring resemble measurement devices.
their parents.
90007.4.2 Match pictures of seedlings to
adult plants and a juvenile to the adult animal.
Guiding Question 5
How does natural selection explain how organisms have changed over time?
Guiding Question 6
What big ideas guide human understanding about the origin and structure of the universe, Earth’s place in the cosmos, and observable
motions and patterns in the sky?
Guiding Question 7
How is the earth affected by long-term and short term geological cycles and the influence of man?
Guiding Question 8
How do the physical characteristics and the chemical makeup of the atmosphere influence surface processes and life on Earth?
GLE 0007.8.2 Collect daily weather data at 90007.8.1 Collect, compare, and record daily
different times of the year. weather data during different seasons.
Guiding Question 9
How does the structure of matter influence its physical and chemical behavior?
GLE 0007.9.1 Describe an object by its 90007.9.1 Observe, identify, and compare the
observable properties. properties of various objects such as color,
shape, and size.
GLE 0007.9.2 Identify objects and materials as
solids or liquids. 90007.9.2 Observe, discuss, and compare
characteristics of various solids and liquids.
Guiding Question 10
What basic energy related ideas are essential for understanding the dependency of the natural and human-made worlds on energy?
Guiding Question 11
What causes objects to move differently under different circumstances?
GLE 0007.11.1 Explore different ways that 90007.11.1 Use a variety of objects to
objects move. demonstrate different types of movement.
(e.g., straight line/zigzag, backwards/
forward, side to side, in circles, fast/slow).
Kindergarten : Standard 12 - Forces in Nature
Conceptual Strand 12
Everything in the universe exerts a gravitational force on everything else; there is an interplay between magnetic fields and electrical
Guiding Question 12
What are the scientific principles that explain gravity and electromagnetism?
None for this Grade Level. None for this Grade Level.