Watchtower: Celebrating Christmas 1908-1926

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ournal is one of the prime factors or instruments in the system of Bible Instruction, or "Seminary Extension," &&being presented in
all parts of the civilized world by the WATCHTOWERBIBLE& TRACTSOCIETY,chartered A.D. 1881, "For the Promotion of Christian
Knowledge." I t not orily serves as a class room where Bible Students may meet in the study of the divine Word, but also as a channel of communication through which they may be reached with announcements of the Society's Conventions and of the coming of its traveling representatives styled "Pilgrims," and refreshed with reports of its Conventions.
Our "Berean Lessonsn are topical rehearsals or reviews of our Society's published "Studies," most entertaininglyarranged, and very helpful
to all who would merit the only honorary degree which the Society accords, viz., Verbi Dei Minister (V.D.M. , which translated into English
is, Minajter of the D-vine Word. Our treatment of the International S. S. Lessons is specially for the older Bi le Students and Teachers. By
some this feature is considered indispensable.
This Journal stands firmly for the ilefence of the only true foundation of the Christian's hope now being so generally repudiated,-Regemption
through the precious'blood of "the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom [;a corresponding price, a substitute] for all." ( I Pet. I.: r
19; I Tim. z :6.) Building up on this sure foundation the gold, silver and precious stones ( I Cor. 3: I 1-15 ; z Pet. I: 5-11) of the Word
n!l see what is the fellowship of the mystery which
has been hid in God,
, to the intent
of God, its further mission is -".Make
that now might be made known by the Chu : '1 the manifold wisdom of God9'-"which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men
. . ''.
as it is now revealed."-Eph. 3 :5-9, 10. ".,
I t stands free from all parties, se&s mi creeds of men, while it seeks more and more to bring its every utterance into fullest subje&
the will of God in Christ, as expressed in the Holy Scriptures. I t is thus free to declare boldly whatsoever the Lord hath spoken;-according to
the divine wisdom granted unto us, to understand. Its attitude is not dogmatical, but confident; for we know whereof we a h , treading with
implicit faith upon the sure promises of God. It is held a s a trust, to b e used only in his service ; hence our decisions relative to what may and
what may not appear in its columns must be according to our judgment of his p d pleasure, the teaching of his Word, for the upbuilding of his
people in grace and knowledge. And we not only invite but urge our readers 20 prove all its utterances by the infallible Word to which reference
is constantly made, to facilitate such testing.






That the Chsxh is "the Temple of the Living God9'-peculiarly "I-Iis workmanship; " that iti construEtion has been in progress throughout the
Gospel ag-cever since Christ became the world's Redeemer and the chief comer stone of his Temple, through which, when finished,
God's blessing shall come GCtoall eople " and they find access to him.-I Cor. 3 :16, 17 ; Eph. 2 :20-22; Gen. 28 :14; Gal. 3 :29.
That meantime the chiseling, shaping anJpolisk.ig. of consecrated believers in Christ's atonement for sin, progresses; and when the last of these
"living stones," "ele&andprecious," shall havebeenmade ready, the great hlasterworkman will bring all together in the First Resuneftion;
and the Temple shall be filled with his glory, and be the meeting place between God and men throughout the Millennium.-Rev.
That the Basis of Hope, for the Church and the World, lies ill the fa& that "Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for r~eryman," "a ran2:g; Jao I :;;~Tim. 2:5,6.
som for all," and will be "the true light which lighteth every man that conzefhizto the worZ.l," "in due time."-EIeb.
That the Hope of the Church is that she may be like her Lord, "see him as he is," be "partaker of the divine nature," and share his glory as
his joint-heir.-I John 3:2t John 1734; Rom. 8:17; z Pet. 1:4.
That the present mission of the CI urch is the perfetting of the saints for the future work of service; to develop in herself every .mace; to be God's
witness to the world; and to prepare td be k i n g and priests in the next age.-Eph. 4 . 12; JIatt. 2+:i4; Rev. I :G; 26:6
That the hope for the Worldlies in the blessings of knowledge and opportunity to be brought to aN by Christ's nIillennia1 liingdom-the restitu.
tion of all that was lost in Adam, to all the willing and obedieut, at the hands of their Redeemer and his glorified Church-when all the
wilfully wicked will be dtstr~yi.d.-Acts 3:1g-23; Isa. 35.


U. S. A.








610, 6L2, 6,+ ARCH ST,, ALLEGHENY, PA,, b. S. A.





STR., 45, E L B E R F E ~ D .
PRICE, $1.00 (4s. ) A YEAR I N 'ADVANCE.

Ah Rible Students who, by reason of old aze, or other infirmityor adversity are
unable t o pay for this Journal, will be supplied PRaa if they send a Portal k a r d
each M A Y stating their case andrequesting its continuance. We are not only
willing but anxious, that all such be on our list continually and in touch with the
Stu'die:. etc.







J u s t issued-a poem of 59 verses b y Sister M. R. L a n d .
It is a beautiful little booklet, appropriately illustrated, a n d
suggested for use as a Christmas token. Price, 15c o r $1.50
per dozen, postpaid.


Tabernacle Shadows a n d Spiritism booklets i n t h e DanoNorwegian language, 10c each. Also excellent Norwegian
Volunteer matter.
T h e Hell Booklets in cloth a t 10c a n d i n b o a r d covers
a t l s c , i n Swedish; also Spiritism a n d Tabernacle S h a d o w s
treatises in TOWER
form, i n Swedislr, a t Sc p e r copy. T a b e r nacle Shadows i n bookict form a t 10c each. Plenty of good
Swedish Volunteer matter.
V o l u m e 1 in Hollandish is now i n stock a t 25c p e r copy.


W e have a choice line a t very low prices, a s s e t f o r t h i n
o u r issue of November 1st. Also Sermonette" Postcards, 15c
p e r dozen, postpaid.
Glacier Window Mottoes, like those exhibited a t t h e Convention, 30c p e r dozen, postpaid.


W e a r e a b o u t t o discontinue these Tracts. O r d e r a t o n c e all
you c a n use, so w e need not move t h e s t o c k t o o a r n e w quarters.



K1TS "


SERIESI., The Plan of the Ages, gives an outline of the divine plan
revealed in the Bible, relating to man's redemption and restitution
38 6 pages, in embossed cloth, 2 9 . (IS. gd.). India paper edition, 7 9 .
t 3 3 . ! %d.).
This volume has been published as a special issue of our joumala t the extremely low price of gc a copy, in any quantity, postage in^
cluded. (To foreign countries, gc.) This enables people of slender
purse to herald far and wide the good tidings in a most helpful form
SERIESII., The Time is ot Hand, treatj of the manner and time of
Testimony On this
the Lord's second coming3considering the
subject: 370 pages. in embossed cloth 25c. (IS. %d.). India pape?
edition, 75c. (2s. 'gd.).
SERIE III., Thy Kingdom Come, considers prophecies 'which mark
;events connected with the "Time of the End," the glorification of the
Church and the establishment of the Millennia1 Kingdom; it also contains a chapter on the Great Pyramid, showing its corroboration of the
dates and other teachings of the Bible: 384 pages, in embossed cloth
25c (IS. x d . ) . India paper edition, 75c. (3s. I g d . ).
- S E R I E ~iv.,. The ~ o y b f v e n ~ e a n cshows
e . ihat'the dissolution of the
present order of things is in progress, and that all the panaceas offered
are valueless to avert the predicted end. I t marks in these events the
fulfilment of prophecy, noting specially our Lord's great prophecy of
Matt. 1 4 , and Zech 14:r- :660 pages, in embossed cloth goc. (IS. gd.).
Indiapaper edition, 85t Q3s. 6 g d . )
SERIESV., The At-onr-ment Between God and Man, treats a n alltmportant subject-the hub, the center around which all the features
of divine grace revolve. Its topic deserves the most careful and
prayerful consideration on the part of all true Christians: 507 pages,
in embossed cloth goc. (IS. 3d.). India paper edition. 85c (3s.6%dd.)
SERIESVI., The New Creation, deals with the Creative Week. Gen
esis I and a, and with the Church, God's "New Creation." I t examines the personnel, organization, rites, ceremonies, obligations and
hopes appertaining t o those called and accepted as members of t h e
body under the Head: 740 pages, in embossed cloth 3oc. (IS. 3d.).
India paper edition, 85c (3s. 6 S d . )
The above prices include postage.
gilt edges, the set (6 vols.) $3 oo,
( I 2s. 6d.), plus postage 60c (IS.).
DAWNis published in foreign languages ss follows:
in G t m ~ a nfive
, vols., in Swedirh. Vols. I , 2, 3 'and 5; in Dano-Norwegian, three vols.; in F r t n d two vols.; in fialian, one vol.; in
Greek, two vols.; bound in cloth, uniform with English edition, prices
the same.
The volumes in English are bound in two styles. MILLENNIAL
in green cloth binding and SCRIPTURE
STUDIESin maroon cloth. Specify which you desire.





N. Y.

H i s weekly wrrn0n.s were handled by a newspaper syndiMore than 21000 newspapers, with a combined circulaeak.
Seeing t h a t God has such a wonderful plan for the blessing
tion of fifteen million readers, a t one time p u b l i ~ h e dhis disof mankind, Pastor Russell Rave all of his power and energy
t o making known these great truths t o the world. H e never
than 4,000
these sermons.
took a varation; lie workcd until the day of his death.
Like other Cllristians, he was looking for the second
Pastor Russell, once published t h e following significant statein,B of Christ, Brtw-ren 1872-6 he disrovercd that the Scripment concerning him:
tures clearly teach t h a t the Lord would n o t return in a body
"His writings are said to have greater newspaper cirof flesh, but aolild return as a spirit being, inri3ible t o human
culationevery week than
of any Otllpr living m n n ;
eyes, and t h a t his second presrnce was duc in the ~ ~ i t u mofn
1874. l-his led to the p,lhlisllinF:
a booklet rntitle(l, u ~ h a~ greatcr, tlot~lrtless,t h a ~ it11e coml~iiicdrirc*nlation of the
~ i t i n g of
s all the priests ant1 prrac.l~rrsjn Korth Amcri>fanner of Ollr Lord's Return," wllirh had a pile.
evcn than i l ~ c work of A r t l ~ n r Drislxinr,
nomenal c.irc.nlation.
Norman Hapgood, Geyrge Ilornre, Dr. Frank
Many s t ~ ~ d e n of
t s the Bible througlrout the United Stntrs
cane, ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ )a i(lllzc,n
i ~ ~other
k ~ of~tile , beat
a n d Canada responilrtl to tlle information arrived from t h a t
known editors and syntlicate T,-ritrrs put t ~ , g e t l l e r . ~ ~
book, and his correspondence brrarnr x-duminous. Renlizing
the nct.r<sity of k c e p i n ~the t r u t h hrfore t l ~ eminds of tilose
who hat1 hrgun to in\rlstigatr, in 1879 1~ I~rpanthe publication
of Tjrl; \ y A ~ c , lT ~ , Y ~ K
Pastor Russr1l adhered rlosrly t o the teachings of the
Scriptures. IIe belirvrd and taught t h a t we a r e living in the
x;ls its solr he it^^ to the time of his d ~ ; ~ t hThis
jollrnal is
issupci semi-monttlly; it ncrrr puhlisllrs s(1vrrtisemrnts. but i s time of the second presence of our Lord, and t h a t his presence
devoted exclllsivrly to religious topics. ~~~~g thp EngliSll dates from 1874; that since t h a t time we h a r e bcrn living in
"clitl of t11r age." dlrrin,rr wl~iclitlir
spr;lkine: proplc in tllr c?n;tell ~ t , ~ ~ t ~ ~~ ,and ~Great; the~time of
d the ~eilcl"-thr
Britain, its scmi monthly cirrlllation is 45,000 copies. I t is Lord h a s been conducting his p e a t harvest work; tliat, in
also p,lhlished in, Frenc.h, Swrclish, nano-Norwepinn tlarrnony with the Lord'.; own statement, this harvest work i s
anti polish, r r n r h i n ~ l;trge numbcr of
in America
separating true Christians designated US "whcnt," from
and Europe.
merely professing Christians, designated a s "tares," and
the t r u e saints into the kingdom of the ~ o r d . 1 t
I f e was Prrsi(lrnt of the i V A ~ c nTO\VT:R
E T ~ . , gatllerin6
~ ~
is here intersting
that Jesus said. '""ho
Socrray from i t s organization in 1x81 until his death. IJe was
and wise ser"ant9
his Lord lLatll made
also I'resident of the PEOPLESPTTT.PIT
over his household,
to give
~ Dm,,E Q~~~~~~
~ them meat ~in due season?; Blessed
in 1909, and
is t h a t servant, whom his Zord. when ht? cometh. sllall find so
both of the
TIOX, incorporated i n London, in
rordoing! Verily, I say unto poll t h a t he shall nlake him ruler
porations being adiunrts to tl,e ,17ATcrr T~~~ BmzE AND
rorporations, as Well over all his goods." Tliousands of the renders of Pastor RusTRACT SOCIETY.
ThrouKh thrRe
tile Gospel of 3frs- sell's writings believe t h a t lie filletl the office of "tliat faithas bv the wortl of mouth, he
of tile following pllbli- 1111 and wise servant," and thnt 11is prrat \ w r k was giving t o
Riahrs kingdom. He was thr
the househo'd of faith men' in due season. His '""('est~ and
cations, iwslled hetween the years 1 8 ~ 1and 1914,
humility precluded him from openly clniming this title, hut
phenomenal cirrulation, a s given brlow:
he admitted a s much in private conversation. For a more detailed account of fiis work, referenre is made to TIIE WATCE
FOODFOR TIIINXIXG CIIRISTIANS. . . . . . . . . . 1.450,000
TABERNACLESnanoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000
I n 1910 Pastor Russell visited Palestine and Russia. He
PLAXOF TIIE AQFT. ................... 4,817,000
there orally delivered lectures to tliol~sandsof orthodox Jews
nME IS AT IIASD.. ..................... 1,657,000
on t h e regathering of Jews to Palestine. I n 1911 he was one
COME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,578.000
of a committee of seven who made a journey around the world
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.000
and especially examined into t h e ronditions of missionary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445,000
work in Japan, China, Korea and India. On the same occasion hie again visited the Jews in Palestine and Galntia, exTRE NEW CRFATIOA.. .......................
plaining to them t h a t the prophecies teach t h a t the Jews a t a n
early date will
be eatablislied in Palestine. On his 1.eI l e m-as also the anther of WHAT SAYTHE S C R ~ R F S tllm to America he was given a great ovation a t the NCW
City Hippodrome by thonmnds of Jews, his disrourm on
tliis ocrasion h i n g published by Hebrew papers both in AmerH~ was the arlthor of the p l r o ~ O - ~ OF
~ ACRKA.,.~OA.
had been exhibited prior to his death to more than nine mil- ica and in
During the 42 years of Pastor Russell's Christian work
lion persons. I I r wrote and pnblished the SCEAARIOof the
OF CREATIOR,which had a very wide circulahe never directly or indirectly solicited money. No coltion. His plthlirations were translated into thirty-five differ- lection was ever taken a t any meeting add~easedby h i m or by
ent l a n p ~ a p . A t t h e same time he was Pastor of wore than
any of his associates. He had faith tliat the Lord would
1,200 congregations of J%ihlestudmts, in different parts of t h e supply sufficient money to carry on liis work; t h a t the work
was t h e Lord's, and n o t man's. The fact t h a t voluntary conworld. These he visited and taught a s often a s possible.
persons throughout
H e orpnjzpd and condllctpd a Lectllre Bureau which con- tribntions were liberally made
stantly employed sevrnty Dihle lecturrns, who traveled and the
proved that his
were correct.
H e devoted his private fortune entirely to the cause to
delivered lectures on the Srriptures. H e organized and managed a n a ~ l x i l i a vlecture bureau of Wven hundred men who which he gave his life. H e received the nominal sum of $11.00
month for his permnal expenses. H e died, leaving no
pave a portion of their time t o lecturing on Bible teachings.
Eaeh year he wrote practically a11 of the copy for fie BmLn estate whatsoever.
B~ORTHLY,the annual distribution of which
Thns closed t h e career of a most remarkable man. H e
amoilnted t o approximatdp fifty million copies.
\\-as loved most hy those who knew him best.


Shortly before h i s death Brother Russell gave instructions
for the publication of a beautiful little card conveying his
Ghristian greetings and best urishcs t o the new creation,
together with references to fire recent WATCHTOWERarticles
which he considered particularly timely and helpful. also
announcing t h e Year Test for 1917, over his signature. On
t h e other side of this rard is a r o t o ~ n v u r ereproduction of
t h e famous painting. "Christ Stilling t h e Storm on the Sea,"
a s selected by our Pastor. According to his request, these
cards a r e now being enclosed in all regular mail sent a u t

from his office in acknowledgment of orders, etc. By this

means practically all of our interested readers will receive
one. Any who fail to receive a copy, may have one upon
Anticipating a continued d e m ~ n d for thia pidure, h e
ordered an edition in regular p t - e a r d form, with Rpace for
message, which may be had a t 10c per doz., postpaid. We
have also a quantity of the same plrture in post-card size.
printed on heavy mated paper, with "Our Morning Resolve"
on t h e reverse side. These will cost 6r. per doz., postpaid.



Iioly ,brethren, chose11 by the sovereign Voice of Might,
& your high and holy calling out of darkness intu light!
Called according to his purpoae and the riches of his love,
Won to listen by the leadings of the gentle heavenly dove!
Called to suffer wit11 our 3faster, atiently to run his race;
Called a blessing to inherit, c a l l 3 to holiness and grace,

Called to fellowship with Jwus b the ever faithfd One.

Called to his eternal glory, to d e kingdom of God'. Son.
\Yhorn he caIleth he preaeweth: and his glory they shall we.
He is faithful who h a ~ hcalled you; he will do it, fear not ye!
Then, holy brethren, onward! Thus make your calling sure;
For the prize of the high calling bravely to the end endure.

[The last three paragraphs of th13 article were reprinted irom Chapter 111, Volume 1 of Scripture Studic*~. Tllr first two
paragraphs wrre reprinted from article rntitled, "qod's Covenant a t Sinai," published in issue of August 1. 1913. The remintier mas reprinted from artivle, "God First-in
the h l o g u e , " published in issue of July 1, 1902. Please see article^


Faithful when with tears thine epos are dim,
Faithful when .Joy's cup o'erllors it.q brim;
Faithful when God seems to veil his face,
Faithful when he crowns thy work with pee.
Faithful, though thy loved ones turn aeide.

Lips that praised thee once, with harshness chide;

Fnitl~fulthough success enwreathe thy brow,
Faithful should the world before thee bow.
Faithful till hath fled life's fleeting breath,
Eager hands lie folded stiil in death.


[Parapaphs 4 to i of this article were renrintctl iron) ~ r t l c l euntitled. "(;ad's Ttkn t.ommitnt1menLs~'publial~edi n I r s i w of
Aupllot 1.- 1913. I'arapaph W \v:r-; reprintrd'frc~man .~rtlrleentitled, "Who Te M Keighhor,"-publislled in issue of rame date.
The remainder was rcprintpd from artiele mtitled, "This N t h Gcd Rmpirc," pu%lished in isalte of June 15, 1907. Pleafie see
articles named.1



particularly the fir& article and the reproductim from m e

of the old Towme--"Divine Provideneea." We have read
Grace, mercy and pea- be multiplied unto you!
and re-read these articla, and it seems to 11s they are just
Am taking advantage of 8x1 opportunity to dietate this note about the finest we have ever had the good fortune to see,
to extend to all the dear friends throughout the United S t a k a and we are grateful t o our heavenly Father for hie abundant
an& Canada mv heartfelt thanks for the great love M O W H I and delieirms spread. Every article in the Toww of Nov.
upon us and manifested in the n u m e m Christmas presents
1st is a gem; and the iseue of Nov. 15th is also fine sa far
which I and my associates have received, as well
cards, as we have read, particularly the first article. The dear
you one Father ie certainly setting a most wonderful and bountiful
letters and messages of love. May the Lord bltable before
and all!
and it seems the& the food gets better aa the
1 am unat~let o write you personally, and so am asking that end of the way draws nearer.
this general mesaage be given you. I am overwhelmed by
Be assured t h a t it is o w Bail7 prayer that o m heavenly
your expression9 of love, dear brethren. May the b r d re- Father will guide and direct you In the work you are doing:
and we ask also that r o u rememhr us in your petitions.
ward you richly!
Your brother and semant by hi grace,
Yorv brother by hls grace,
P. -4. G . - h .
J. F. R ~ ~ T I ~ F Q B D .




DEAR l3BElnmFT:-


I become a member Of the Church of

I was converted t o the Wief lust winter when a
of m e af Your ~ u M i c a t i ~was
e P h a in my hands;
a d I beIieve that i t was by divine providence t h a t I received
the volume. I hed long struggled with and argued
thearia on the Bible
P 1 ~ of$ d~o u s chnrc?hee, m i l a t times I was adamad of
h a p the devil waa inspiring me
copy of the letter t o you, without any meditation or without mpelf, and thought that
to argue winst
But now I eee that I was
looking t o the leading of the Lurd in the matter.
for truth and lQht.
Rowwer, einee that time I have meditated very much over
the matter, looking up various Scriptures. Now I a m fully
At the
when I @ the
convinced of my mistake, and
to apoleze for being so men's Bible class in the First Methodist Church here. I
but I
hasty in such an important matter and for any i n ~ o n v e n ~ ~ " , ~
ws% so deairona of bringing the light to those whom I hsd
or trouble I may have mused there. Hoping t h a t
learned to I o n t h a t I continued to teach the class, discarded
among the rerrders of TaB"%p.Am
TOWEB, and also ae a mmnibm of the International Bible Stu- theoria of the j m r m b and auhtitnted a s much preeent
truth BE I knew. I was tbe president of the h p e l T e r n ;
dents' Aesociation, I remain
~ n Id gave i t t o them there and tried to lead them to the real
Your brother in the service of the Lord,
truth. But this was all in vain. In a liWe while I despaired
G' W' V. B~dWmh+
and quit. 80 a t laat I have given up all hope of making a
deaf ear hear. I am "done" Have pon nnp advice for ane?
m w CEEIBT:Sincerely y m ,
A. E J.- Kana
in certainly g r a d ; and we believe the worda
CIEATEYUL APPBBUIATIOH OF TBE TOd onr dear Pastor an just IW true now ae they ever were
will be wed of -r
(See F 868) and that THE WAT(JBTOWEB
b~:t h e h r d in the future a6 w d l
in the
( m e 12:S'I;
Gand see be mdtiplied Pnto you! ManP timee have
Revelation 8:s; 1 4 : 1 ) The '?fizp+'
of Jeremiah aeeitu I
-b to you to t.n ym 01 my bp
to teach the eame thing, Mi~izp9hmeanln "watchtower."
far YOU. and of how much I appreciate what yon are doing for
W e ask an interest in your prayere tk.t
XnaY dud eve*
rn 1. W. m y of
q lalth a d w a g q
kithlol, and assure YOU of OUrB in h.-ny
With the VOW. j o p in fie
b t I have
Yours in the one hope. BTO. and Sr. K F. B.--OhG.
f r b e d fdoing
1 knaw h t you we an qnib
busy. But when I read the laek T
m (Dm.Iat h u e ) I
DEABB~kl9anr:Eould refrain no longer, an it contained just the sobjeuta that
We juet want to tell you something about o w apprBciution I b v e been 00nmdmhg for the pa&
m n t h s , using the
of the laat two iwuea of TEE W A T TOWEB.
We feel
same e
back numbern of the T(OPPQ. From the
we have never enjoyed a TOWEEUS we have that of Nov. lst,
of 1911, pagee 180-182, the utiale on "The Rewards
regret for my action taken abut a week
I t is with
&at I
mite wm letter,
ago that
grievousmistake in supposinm for one moment
have made
of the
that TaE
J ~ r d . I attended a meeting of o w n e n t a , a t which were
I ? ~ & $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,




&:Tgt2 ; : ~ ~



F r e ~ i . ~IS.
~ v1919


seven of us t o hc wntmved tngethrr, for Rome reitson known

t o him the eighth brother being left behind and not yet eent e n c ~ d . \Vc fiprnt sc\cn days al:d niphts in the dark cells of
Raymond Strret jail. Brooklyn. Then we were removed
I ~ n gIslantl City j:iil, and placed in seven adjoining eells on
the mrridor. IIcr* for seven days we have had fellowsl~iptogether, being permitbci t o as~emh!e in one re11 e v p v morning
for our Ilcthel errvicr. \ire have been treated vcry krndl here.
.\ntl now on the seventh night in this prison \ve are inrormed
tllst this is tcr be nur 1;~stltrre, and t h a t on the morrow we
sllall In taken to Atlaxta. This journey will begin J u l 4,
\vlrrn all the nllird nations a r e celebrating the birthday o?the
.irncric;tn nntion.
During our imprisonment the other prisoners have been
re-pectful to us and have treated us with deference. The offivrr- liavc bren kind. We have expected t o be governed by the
pricorl rules, and have gladly ofwpcd them in letter and in
spirit. Kot a tear of regrct or of bitterness has been shed by
,211c of the seven. We liave wept for ~ b u ,Beloved; we have
st,rro\v~lhceanv of our s e p a m t i o ~iron1
~ you. We have prayed
much for 77011, t h a t thc dear I ~ r will
protect yo11 from the
wolves anti will take you safely into hi* foltl. We know t h a t he
loves you moro than we can, and that he will care for you
where we t m n o t .
Sorrow not for ua, dear Saints; for we are in the Lord's
hands. Thus fnr he has led us, and he will lead 11s on. Your
pathway may be fraught with many trying experiences: but
rememher his words, "Fear not them t h a t can kill the body,
hut fear Him who may destroy the soul [new croature]," "Fear
not, little flock; i t is your Father's good pleasure to give you
t h e kingdom." I know that you are now counted by eccleslasticisrn a s the off-seourings of the earth; and t h a t you a r e a
qazingstoek while you are companions o i prisoners. Rut fork$. all these things. Remember t h a t owr XInster made himsrlf
of no reputation, t h a t he endured the cruel cross, despising the
- h ~ m e ,all that Ile might do the Father's will. W h a t a blcasrd
privilege, then, to be counted worthy of bearing some of the
reproaches t h a t fell upon him! God has favor& you and us
above the ancient worthies, who endured hardships. snfferings
and persecutions far greater than we hare endured. He h a s
favored us above the a?~pelriof hvaven. who deeirerl to lonk intn
his plan, but werc not permitted. Ile has favored u s hy 1x111ing us t o the h~avenlycalling f a r nbove angels, powers and
principalities, setting l~cfore113 tllc grmteet of all prizes. Hc
tells us t h a t we can have this prize only hy passing through
much tribulation, and t h a t the feet members mu& have a
goodly p a r t of this peraecittion. Behold, then, the persecution
and the prize; behold the cross and crown! We can hare the
latter onlp by gladly tnking t h e former. Shall we then falter
or fall hack? I am persuaded of vou. dear Brethren, that you
will not falter; but tllnt when the fiery chariot mmes near,
vou will gladly take t o it. It is the p e a t c a t privilege ever to
Let into t h a t chariot. Tt means a h m e of glory: i t means
:I c r a m of life; i t m a n s to w e and be like Jeslzs; i t means to
behold the face of the p a t Jehovah.
Poor blind world. It is mad. It i s drunk with the wine
nf Babylon. It i s staggering now like a drunken man, nnd is
; { h u t a t i t s wit's end. (Psalm 107:27-21)) Soon the Prince
o f I'rare will speak to the rnginp waves of the surging msasps,
and then quietnew and calmness will result. Then will follow
the derire of all honest prople of all nrttiona. If we have withstood the storms and have been faithful t o the Lord, we may

(58 i9)

have a part in blessing those who have used us ill because they
did not know us, even a s the same class did not know our
The dark night ie a t hand; b u t remenlher t h a t i t ia d s r k ~ s t
just before dawn of the bright day, Soon the Son of Righteousness will fully arise with Ilealing in his beams; and i i we
have proven faithful, we shall experience the m e e t promise of
our Lord, who said: "Then shall the rightcaous sliine forth as
the brightness of the sun in the kingdom of the Father." (?fntthew 13:43) Then will the world know us. not a s srditionists.
but a s true atriots, t h a t we are not enemies but friends, anxious to do a 6 for mankind. The Lord has promised t h a t the
xvorld shall know who has been born in Zion. (Psnlm 87:5)
Will yon be born there? 1 hope you nili. 1 hope I shall see
you there. Then will be fully appreciated the nortls of our
dear Brother St. Paul tlmt "these l i g l ~ tafflictions endure but
a moment, and they ;ire working crut. for us n f:ir more cxcc.rding and eternnl we~pnlitnf ~ l o r j . " ( 2 Corintllian~4: l i : S o w
you are despised and hated of all nations; an11 rlow is tlic time
to rcmember the wonls of our King: "ln pntirncc po~sesuye
your souls"; "He t h a t endureth t o the end tlie same shall be
We have heheld the drgradetl c.horaerrrs in these prisons.
\Ye wnlked by a prisoner who b o a ~ t e dtliat he had murderetl
his fellow man. He was sentenced to i n yems. Seven men
were there who had given their ell t o help mankind; and they
were aentncrd t o twentp y ~ w r sof four counts, or eight yeare
each. We have beheld muell sorrow and suffering. d n t joy
aweits mankind when "the ransomed of the Lorn shall r e t i r n
[frcmn death and degradation] and come to Christ with songs
of joy upon their heads!" What joy t o have r part in returning a n d blessin them!
Beloved in t i e Lord, the history of the ages is behind you;
nnd a sad history it is. The glories of eternity are before you
and its grandeurs are beyond the dreams of man. Tang have
we hoped and prayed for tile coming of God's kingdom of righteousness. We are standing a t its very portals now. Lct us
hold fast a little while, and we s l ~ a l lenter into the presenru!
of our King. Then hy his grace we shall R I . ~him face to face.
Oh, t h a t will be glory for me 2nd for you!
The p r d has graciously g r a d e d me a candle in my cell, this
being my last night here. It is past midnight: my candle is
burning low; and I must clam. Never have I loved yon RO
much, and never have I desired ao much t o talk t o you.
And now tomorrow, a s prisonern for the tnlth9s sake, wo
go t o Atlanta. We go i n the etrengkh of the Lord. W e seven
Lave learned, to love each other with an ever increasing love.
We may not again see you in the flesh. We commend yo11
t o the gracious and loving arms of our Father and our Lord
Jesus Christ. Oh, how my heart yearns to d o something for
p u ! B u t our dear Lord will do what T cannot. His grace,
e and love be multiplied unto you. Be faithful, he brave,
e loyal, be trne; and may the Father of merries and God of
all comfort bleae, keep and comfort you.
Your brother a n d bond-slave of our blesved King.
3. F. RuT1r~9ro~n.
P. S.-We. associnte prisoners of our dear Brother Rutherford, desire to expreas our hearty concurrence in the a h r e
measage of love and admonition.
\\'. E. VLV ~ B U E G E , & IT. ? # ~ A c ~ ~ I L L . ~GEO.
H, F I E H ~ ,
CLAYTONJ. W o o o w o ~ R.
~ , J. J I m w , F. H. R~RISON.
J u l y 3, 1918.
Long Island City, N! Y.


brethren had t o slred some tesrs for ~11thlove; and all t h q
~ WB8:
"6od bleas them for their loving kindnesn!"
since our brrthmn in prison cannot write all the dear P O U ~Say
Xever this side the veil, dear friends, will ~ O I Iknow how much
friends, in their behalf I wish to express thp prst gratitude
they feel to each and c v e one
~ of the dcnr brethren who eent goad You did a n d how much joy von brought to these ambas'a
them some r~mernbrancefor Christmas, and this without re- sadors who are risoners for ~ h r ~ s t sake.
More than f50 prisoners i n the Castle had nothing for
&%rd to intrinsic valnr of the gift.
Many of their present^ were parkapes ni good, ~ubntantial C h r h t u s , and so our brethren ~ o t list of them from the
and wholesome food. Since rece~cingi t they have much im- 0fti~er0, and o u t of their own abundnnee made up e little
p-roved physically. The oranges and grapefruit have been spe- Christmas package for each of the anfortunatoe; and thna
were made ~ ~ P P Y Even
t h e officers were e.0 pleased
c ~ a l l y bcnelicial and probnblv hnve saved them from much
sickness and sufferinp. The b t h r r foods bnve hnilt them u p t h a t they were heard to say. '%ever was anything like t h a t
we a n truly my, the Lard
physically, and each one is feeling murh better. They are very done at this place before." And
in the risen t h a t *iatmaS.
I knew each o i you would
grateful to the tor11 for these temporal blersings and ere very "8
of Yon
desirous of expressing their thankfulness and gratitude t o the be ~ 1 . dto L O W oreme thhCF, ~u~
Our brethren wish m e to my for them t h a t they love You
dear ones sending the gifte. E~peciallydo they desire to exone of the Lord% dear little
press their thankfutnesa and appreeiation of the grest love t h a t One and a l l very much-erg.
prompted thc gifts. They were very much touched by the sweet o n e ~ - a n dif i t be hie will thog W t l ? deeire t o come t o you
love unto you.
accompanying the remembranm. One dear 0isk-r
Your sister by his grace,
m o t e , "Sugar m a scarre, and we did without several days t o
save sugar t o make aome goodies for you."
Of conree t h e
p B. ASEEU.-Qo.



8 journal b one of the prime factore o r instrumenb in the ayetern of Bible instruction, or "Seminary Extension", now be@

presented I n all par& of the civil-ili4ed world by the WATCHTOWEB BIBLE

dt TWCTS O C I B T ~chartered
A, D. 1884, "For the Ylomotion of Chrisuan Knowledge". It not only serves a s a clase room where Bible st~identsmay meet in the study of the divine Word but
as a Channel of communlratIon throtlgh which they muy be reached wit11 anno~~ncernents
of the Society's convenffoos and of the
coming of Its t r a r d i n g representatives, styled "Pilgrims", and refreshed with reports of its conventions.
most entertainingly arranged, and very
Our "Berean Lemons" a r e topical rehearsals or reviews of our Society'e published STGDIES
helpful t o all who wonld merit the only honorary degreo which the Soclety accords, viz., terbi Dei Minbter (V. D. AT.), which translated
into English is J f i n b t a 01 GotI'e Word. Our treatment of the International Sunday School Leasom h specially for the older Bible
&dents and twchers. By soma this feature is considered indispensable.
This journal stands firmly for t h e defense of the only true foundation of the ChristlanC hope now belng so generally repudiated
-redemption through the precious blood of "the man Chrlst Jesus, who g a r e himself a ransom [a corresponding price, a subvtftnte1 for
all". (1 Ycter 1: 1 0 ; 1 Tiruothy 3: 6 ) Building up on this sure foundation the gold, silver and precious stones (1 Corinthians 3: 1116; 2 Peter 1: 6-11)of thr: Word of God, its further mlssion is t o "make all see w h a t is the fellowship of the mystery which. .has
been hid i n God,
t o the illtent t h a t now m k h t be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of God"-"which
in other ages
waa not made known anto the sona of men as it is now revealedw.-Ephesians 3: 6-9,lO.
It stands free from all pnrtics, sects and creeds of men. w-hvhfle it sceka more and more t o brlng its every utterance into furllest
6ubjection to the will of God in Christ, as expressed i n the holy Scriptures. It is thw free t o declare boldly whatsoever the Lord
hnth spoken-accortling
to the divine wisdom granted unto us t o understand his utterances. Its attitude is not dogmatic, but contident;
for we know whereof we affirm, treading with implicit faith upon t h e sure p r o r u i . ~of God. It is held a s a trust, t o be used only in his
semlce; hence our deetsions relative t o what map and what may not appear in its columns musr be according t o our judgment of hls
good pleasure, the teerhing of his Word, for the upbuil&ng of his people i n grace a n d knowledge. And me not only invite but urge o w
readers t o prove all ib utterance4 by the infallible Word to which reference is coxudmtly made to facilitate such testing.

. ..


That the dlorrh is #'the ternple of the living God", peculiarly "hla worbanship" ; t h a t ite constractlon has been in progress throughout
.-illcu, Christ lemme the world's Redeemer and the Chief Corner Stone of hla temple. through 1rllic4,*rvhen
the gosl~da=+-erer
finiyhcd, Cod's blcssiu!: shall come "to all people': a n d they flnd access tr, him.-1 Corintbiane 3 :16, 17 ; Ephheslaas 2 . -0-23;
Genes:s 28 : 14 ; Galatians 3 :20.
That meantime the chiseling, shaping, and polishinl: of consecrated Werere in Christ's atonement for sin, progr9ses: and when thu
lest of these "living stones", "elect and precious." shall h a r e been made rcady, the great Master Workman wllI bring all together
i n .trr.first resurrection : and the temple ahall be fXIed with his glory. a n d be t h e meeting place between God a n e men throughout
the Blillenlr~nw.-Revelsriou 15 :5-8.
That t h e basis of hope, ior the r t ~ u r c hand the world, Iiee in tbe fact that "Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for evwy
mnn," "o ransom for all,'' and mill be "tlie true light which lightoth every man that con~ctlbiirto the world", "In due time".E ~ ~ J ~ C I2T :SD : John 1 :9 : 1 Timothy 2 :5. 6.
That :he hope of 'the churrb
t h a t sh; ma ' bi like her Lord lrseehim as he is " be partaker of the divine nature, and ahare b b
glory ns his joint-heir.-1
John 3 2 : Jo%n 17 :24 : Itom8 :11 : 2 Peter i :4.
~ h n t - t h epresent mission. Of the church is the perfect!&
of the ssinta .for the future work of semice- to .develop in herself every
grace ; to b e God's w~tneesto the world ;and t o prepare to be Mnga and priest6 in the nest age-dphesions
4 :1 2 ; Blatthew 24:
14 : IlevelaUon 1: 6 ; 20 :0.
That the hope for the world Jles In tbe Me&nge of knowled and opportunity to be b m h t to all bv CT~rist's1Itllen-1i:1!Iri~lzdom the
w t f t u t l o n of all t h a t was lost in Adam t o all the wil& and obedient. a t the k 3 . s of t h w ked-ler
~ u C
his glorilled chhrcb,
wben all t h e WilP~~lly
wicked will b e desireye&-A&
3 :19-23; Isainh 35.



P U ~ L I ~ W BY





A ~e Luxe edition, pocket size, of the Seven Volu~rles
1s THE S C ~ ~ L -~t-ill
~ Ebe; ready
for deliwry about

December 15th. While the ~ r i n t e r shone to hare them ready

: Brjtish: 34 Craven Terrace; Lancaster c r u ~ , for shipment on this date, we cannot guarantee their rc!London W. 2 ; Canadian: 58-40 Irwin Avenue. Toronto. Ontario ; ceipt by the friends for Christmas. Tlris edition is durably
dustratidan: 495 Cauins st., Melbourne. ~uatrnlk;Bouth dJWan:
B Lelie
bound, semi-flexible, elaborately embossed in five colors,
- - S
.. t -. Caoe Town. South Africa.
~ G ADD;^^^
gold edges, thin Bible pnper, and is desigued more especially
Y E A B t Y PUBSURIPS'ZON PRIth?Z: UNITED STATES, $1.00 ; C A N A ~ Afor use of the frfenda It contains some of the material
used in the Memorial WATCH TOWEB;the originnl text of
AND SOUTH Amrca. 8s. American femittances should be made by
Tabernacle Shadows; the booklet, "The Bible versus the
Express or Postal Bfoney Orders, or by Bank Draft. Canadian, British,
SouthAfrican, aqd Australasian remittances 8hould be made t o b?nlul
Evolution Theory"; and ad indes of all Scripture texts i:]
o w e a onZg. Rem~ttancesfrom scattered foragn terntory may be nlatle
tlie Seven Volumes. The set of Seven Volumes $8.75, single
to the Brooklpn office, but by Int~5tiWbaZhstalMonay Orders only.
( F w W tranabtione o j thw journal appew in several lang~oyes) volumes $125. Class rates for fifty or more volumes, $7.00
per set ; single volumes $1.00. ''The Harp of God" tn same
Gdttorial *Ca&rfa- m i s journal is published under the supervision
of a n ed~torlalcommittee, a t least three of whom have read and
style of binding* but different cover design, $1.25 per copy;
approved a s truth each and evsry article appearing in these columns.
The names of the edltodal committee are: J. F. R U T B E E ~ R D . class rates a s above. $1.00 per copy.
Term8 t o the Lo+## P w r : A11 Bible students who. by reason Of
old age oreother infirmity o r adversity. are unable t o pay for t h l s
January 2 : "The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom."-Daniel
journal, wOl be SUppIied free If they send a p o s m card each f a y
2 :44.
e e t i ~ i gtheir case and requestlug weh provis~on. We are not only
January 9: "Thy kingdom is a n everlasting kingdom.*'--Psalm
w~lling. but anxious, that iall such be on our list continually and
145 : 13.
in t o t & with t h e B.erean studjm.
Jannarp 16 : "The I.nrd hath prepared hie throne in the heaven&"
Notice t o Gub8~r.iber8:We do not, as a rule. send a card of acknowl-Psalm 103 : 19.
edgment for a renewal o r for a new subscrfption. Receipt and
2 :6.
January 23: "I ha\-e set mmy kin^ ulntn my holy bill."-Psalm
entry of renewal a r e indlcatecl withln a month by change i n expira- January 30 : "The goverrunent shall bc upon his shoulder."-Isaiah
tfon date, as shown
9 :6.
-- - --- ---


Emremi rr

S e d




6 150
13 LBO
20 67
7 3:30
14 200 21 123
1 .74
8 140
16 177 22 25
wednesdily2 1-1
@ 203
16 35 23 312
17 188 94 vow
4 110 1 1
18 309 B6 305
Saturday 6 261 1% 295 19 219 28 226








"The Atone-ment"

SRmT 2 : AuTHOF~O r T E E



Q. 29-35 W e k Of Jan. 20.......... Q. 43-60
of Jaa 13..........Q. 38-42 Week of Jan. 27. .-...-..
Q. 51-58
of Jan.


Qucttlun books on "The At-onr-srftlt,"




ELIS joarnal fa one of the prime factore o r instruments in the syetem of Bible instruction, or a'Seminary Extension'', now Wng
i n all parts of the dvillzed world by the WATCH TOWEB BIB= & -CT
80CIm, chartered A. D. 1884, "Fm the Promotion of Christian Knowledge.'. It not only serves a s a class room where Bible studeeta mey meet in the Btudy of the dlvine Word but
also as a chanuel of communication through whlch they may be reached witb announcements of the Society's aI~veIIti0Mand of the
coming of its traveling representatives, etgled c'Pilgrtms", and dream wlth reports of its conventions.
Our "Berean Le~sona''are topical rehearmls or reviewe of our Soeietfe published STEDIE~
mant entertainingly arranged, and very
helpful to all who would merit the only honorary degree which the Society nmrds, via.. Vefbi Dei Minister ( V . D. M.),which translated
into English ls Minister of God's W-wd. Our treatment of the International Sunday School Lessona is specially for the older Bible

students and teackers. By some t h feature is considered indispensable.

This journal stande firmly for the defense of the only h e foundation of the Chrletian's hope now being so generally repudiated
-redemption through the yrecicua blood of "the man Christ Jesue. who gave himself a r m o m [a correspondlug price, a substitute] for
all". (1 Peter 1 :19 ; 1 Tltatlthy 2 :0 ) Building up on this sure foundation the gold, silver and precious stones (1 Corinthlana 3 : 1115; 2 Peter 1:6-11)of the U'or& of Cod, its further misslon is to "make all see wbat is the fellowship of the mystery which. .hss
been hid in God.
to the intent t5st now might be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of WtSt1*which in other ages
nae not nmde known =to the son8 of men ria it is now revealedm.-Ephesians 3 :59,10,
I t stande free from all parties, secb and creeds of men. while it seeks more and more to brlng its every utterance into fullest
subjection to the will of God in Christ, as expressed in the holy Scriptures. It is thus free to declare boldly whatsoever the Lord
hath spoken-according to the divine wisdom granted unto UE to understand his utterances. I t s sttitude is not dogmatic, but confident;
for me know whereof we af8rm. treading with implicit faith npon the sure promises of God. I t ie held aa a trust, to be used only in his
eervice; hence our decisions relative to what mag and what may not appear i n its columns must be according to our judgment of hie
good pleasure, the teaching of his Word, for the npbnildhg of his people in grace and knowledge. And we not only invite but urge orq
readers t o prove all its utterances by the infallible Word to whieh reference la co118tantly made to facilitate such testing.




That the chnrch I s "the temple of the Ilving God", peculiarly "his workmanship" ; that its conatruetlon h m been In progress throughon@
the gospel age-ever since C M s t beeame the world'e Redeemer and the Chief Corner Stone of hie temple, through which, wben
finished. Gcd's blessing shall come "to all people", and they h d access to WLL-1 Corinthian6 8: 16, 17: EphesW 2: 20-22;
Genesis 2 S :1 4 ; Galatians 3 :29.
That meantime the chiseling, ahaping, and polishing of consecrated believere in Christ's atonement far sin, pro?:
and when thq
last of thwe "living stones", "elect and precious," shall have been made ready. the great Naater Workman wdl brlng all together
in the first resurrection : and the temple shall be filled with Ms glory, and be the meeting place between God and men throughout
the Millennium.-Revelntion
15 :5-8.
That the basis of hope, for the church and the world. lies in the f a d that "Jesus Cbrlst, by the m c e of God, tasted death for every
man." "n ransom for all," and will be "the true light which lfghteth ever# rsau t b d wmeth 4nto the wvrZd'', "in due time".Hebrews 3 : U : John 1 :0 : 1 nmothv 2 : 5. G.
'J'hat the hope of .the church 'is that she ma ' b e l i e her h r d %ee h
i as he is" be 'partaker of the divine nature; m d ahare hie
glory a s his joint-heir.-1
John 3 :2 ; ~ o % n17 :24 : ~ o r n a & 8 :17 : 2 Peter i :4.
What the present mission of the church is the perfecting of the saints 'for the future work of service- to develop in herself every
grace ; to be God's n7itneria to the world ; and to prepare t o be k i n g and priesta in tbe nest age-dpheaisna 4 :12 ; Matthew 24 9
14 ; Revelatxon 1 : 6 ; 20 :6.
That thc ho e for the world lies In tbe blessfn of knowIe$ge and opporhrnlty to be brou h t to art b (Ihrletra Rfillennial kingdom, the
rostltutfon of all that was lost in Adam
all the willing and ohedlent. a t the ha& of their &edeemer and his glo-ed
chwhen all the wilfully wicked will be deePhuyed.-~cts 3 :19-23: IsJah 36.


v - - - -







F o a ~ i t i s O ~ P I C E S: nnttah: 34 Crnxcn 'I'cLd t a , LtucasLer cn..
h n d o n W. 2 ; Canadrun: 38-40 Irwin Sven\re, Toruutu, Ontario ;
Austtalu.uia%: -105 Collins St., Melbourne. Australia; Bonth Aftican:
8 =e
Y t , Cape Town, South Africa.
A~nscssT n E SOCIETY



$1.00; C A N A V ~
an^ I i l r s c e ~ ~ ~ w
o l~r s; ~$1.50
AND 6 o u ~ HAsk:ca. ba American resillttnnces shoi~ltlbe made by
R p m s or Postal Money Ordera, or by Bank Draft. Cali:ldi~n,British,
South African, and Australasian remittances should be made to brug~eh
omea only. Remittances from scattered foleign territory m a y be made
to the Brooklyn oHice, but by lnte4rational Puatal Money Orders only.
(Poreigrr translatrons of thfe fountat appear tn several langua!jee)

to Paradisc" is the title of the new book
for children. It was planned to have this book ready
for Christmas, but pen drawing of illustrations selected
has delayed the publication. It can be alnlounced that
the boolr mill be ready about February 1st. It will contain 256 pages including 40 illustrations, is cloth bound,
gold stamped, about 5x71/4 inches. Price per copy 65
cents; in quantities of 50 or more, 40 cents.


A specialiy drawn design apropos to tlir "nr text. The

&dUcriol Commifta- This journal is published under the supervisidn
card is lO%rlSg/a inches in size and is
:Wed in six
of an editorial committee, a t least three of whom have read and
colors. A weekly calendar pad is attached containing the
approved as truth each and every article appearing in these columns.
~ ~ . text, also the weekly test for prayer-meeting topJc
The naniee of the editorial committee are: J. F. K r ; ~ ~ c l t ~ . o ayear
B. H. B-suI
together with the Bethel morning hymn. 35 cents each,
three for $LOO- I n quantiti
of fifty o r more. 25 cente
Twmr t o the Lord's Poor: All Bible students who. by reason c.f
oId age or other infirmity or adversiw. are unable to pay for this
each, charges collect.
journal, \\-\-111be supplied free if they send a postal card each Alay
statin: tlielr rase and requesting such provision. We are not O U ~ Y
willing but anxious, that till mch be on our list cvntinually and
in tou6h with tbe Re-n
Notice to Brcbsc?ibers: We do not, a s a rule. send a card of acknowiedgment for a renewal or for a new st~bseription. Receipt and
entry of renewal are indicated wfthin a month by change in expiration-date, aa shown on wrapper label.

An entirely new line of 22 beautiful designs. 44 texts, of

various sizes, vlz., 5x7, 7x10, 10x14, 14x20 inches The
designs were made especially for us, and hnve texts in
keeping with the year text. This line of mottoes may be
obtairred a s follows :

Packet containing 1 of each design and each text44 mottoes ..........................................................

ak i ~ ~ g d ~ ~ . ' ' - ~ ~ j ~
J ~ u a r y2: c * ~ ?or; heaq-en
Packet containing
- assortment of designs and sizes.~ = ~ = .
January 9 : "Thy kingdom ie a n ewrlasting kingdom.'*-Psalm
6 m0ttOes ..................................................... 2.50
116 :13.
Packet containing assortment of dealgns-6 mottoes 2.00
January 16 : " T h ~ _ ~ ~ d ~ h , ~ t ~ phis
e pthrone
a r e d in the heavens."
pxcket containing assortment of designs-5 mottoea 1.50
- I-Sa1IIl 1u.> : In.
Packet containing assortment of d e s i g n s 4 mottoes -75
Janusry 23 :
Jannm 30 : "The government shall be upon h
s ~ h o u ~ d e r . - - ~ ~ i a bStngle mottoes. per copy, 14x20, 7 5 ~ ;10x14, 40c; 7d0,
9 :6.
20c ; 5x7, lor.



The kingdom of heaven is a t hand. Of that we are

Although the fiery trials of 1917 and 1918caused quite quite certain. No greater privilege was ever granted to
a nnmber who had worked in harmony with the SOCIETY men or angels thau that of now telling to the world
to turn aside and follow a different course, yet the Lard that the great Messiah is here, has taken unto himself
quickly Med up the ranks with new recruits and brought his power and will establish a government that will
in even more. Reports of those that commemorated the bring the desire of all nations.
Let us gird on our armor and with renewed zeal and
Memorial in 1923 were far greater than thcse of any
press on during the year that is just
previous year during the harvest period. From 1904 to
as we go; and the God of heaven
1922 the greatest number of colporteurs in the fieId at
fight our battles for us and wi!l
any one time was 650; while the greatest number of
bound voIumes sold during any one year was 128,478.
In 1923 the largest number of colporteurs in the service
at any one time was 921; and the total sales of clothIninlctl~atcly
the report, which was received
bound books by the colporteurs for the past year aggrewith
the order of business progate 1,241,570. This is by far the greatest record ever
Board of Directors and
made in the United States. The Lord's hand has surely
Sexton gaining recogbeen in the work and "a marvelous work he hath done."
mas my privilege four p a r s ago to
More and more the brethren appreciate the fact that
it is their privilege to announce the new government of place in nomination the oiiicers of this SOCIETY.
Christ Jesus the Messiah, that which will bring peace
as shown by the report we have just heard warrants me
2nd rest and life to mankind. Their love for the Lord
and his cause has spurred them on to greater efforts in concluding that the Lord was pleased with that
this ycar. While the contributions to the "Good Hopes" nomi1:ntion and has been blessing the servants of the
1, therefore, take pleasure in nominating for
fund have been in cscecs of what they were a year %go, SOCIEXY.
Directo1.s the follou ing :
the classes throughout the United States in particular,
and also many other countries, have expended large
J. F. Rutherford
sums of money in preparing for s public witness and
C. A. Wise
giving the same. It is impossible to estimate the amount
E. I7an Amburgh
of money spent by the fricildv in this way; but it has
A. H. Macmillan
all been spent to a good purpose.
Eugo H. Riemer
During the year the classes hav,e considered each week
J. A. Baeuerlcin
the prayermeeting texts relating to the transformation
C. H. Anderson"
of the new creature into the likeness of the Lord and
Master, by
the mind fixed
There being no other
these were eleehd
striving to co6Perate
him in this transforming
work. by unanimous vote. The share-holders then p c e e d e d
The influence haa been such that visible effects are
the nomination of the eleetion of oacera and the
manifested by the brethren. It is esny to be seen that
to lRit:
the classes generdly throughout the country are in a
good spiritual condition, have entered into the joy of
For President, J. F. Rutherford
the Lord, and are doing whatsoever their hands h d to
For Vice-president, C. A. Wise
do with gladness, looking to that blessed time when all
For Secretary-Treasurer, W. E. Van Amburgh
the faithful ones shall enter the habitation of the s a i ~ t a
in glory, there to dwell in the house of the Lord forever,
There being no further business the annual meeting
to behold his beauty and to inquire in his temple.

"To open wide the doors of vision and of thought
"To give some little token of affection's warmth
To those whose lives are rich in what is best;
To give the hungry food, the tired rest,
Call back the blush of youth to faded cheek;
To bring a glint of joy to eyes grown dim,
Or sing a hymn of praise for those whose cares
And plodding toil have never yet bern sung;
To cIasp the strange;ep'shand like that of frientl
And feel his heart beat full with brother's love;

For those whose souls are starvi~!gfor the truth,

And bid them welcome to a stronger hope;
To give our better selves to those most dear;
To stand alone with God and life among
The quiet hills, beneath a heaven of stars,
Too full of joy for words or songAll this was taught us in thy birth,
8 Son of God and man t"


No. 24


"Tor unto us a child is b v m , unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulde~;and his namr
shall be eaIled Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty GodJ Ths t ~ ~ l a ~ t i lFather,
Prince of Peace."'-Isaiah 9 : 6.

ITH the coming of the Christmas season all ness. God's love for man has been made manifest in
Christians have something to say about Jesus. many marked ways. The Scriptures were M t t e n for
That is supposed to be the time of his birth. the benefit of men who love God, that dl such may b
Most of the professed Christians at this season thoroughly furnished unto all good works. ( 2 Timoth7
of the year give the three wise men wide advertisement 3: 11) God desires his people to learn and to have
by highly colored cards picturing them, by cantatas, and their hearts comforted by s knowledge of his plan, snd
by divers and numerous other ways. Satan has ever for this reason he caused the Scriptures to be written.
been on the alert to see to it that he and his agents are (Romans 15 :4) Unselfishness prompted the Lord Qod
to the fore and get plenty of advertisement. By this to do this. The making of the record is no profit to
means he turns the minds of the people away from the him. He did it for man's benefit After having written
Lord. He has deceived most of the people a h u t Christ- his Word he then makes man acquainted with it, and
mas as well as about many other things. Students of the permits the Iight from his couiltenance to shine upon
Bible b o w that the wise men were not representatives that Word with increased briIiiancy for man's benefit
of the h s d but mere tools of Sutim, used by him to as man makes progem in the narrow way.-Prov. 4: 18.
carry out his conspiracy.
I n the early days of man's experience God provided
The Scriptural account of the wise men is set forth that his beloved Son should eventually come ta earth

in order to become man'a Re

roborative facts, sho~wthat the vision had by the wise darner. It has been his loving kindness for man that
men, and the Iight which they followed, were approx- has caused God to unfold his purposes gradually and to
imately two yeam dter the birth of the child Jesus. show man the outworking of his plan to redeem and
Satan seized upon the incident and has worked it over- bless him. As man comes to understand the Word of
b e for the purpose of turning the minds of men away the Lord his faith in God increases and his desire- also
from God and his beloved Son and from the true facts grows to be unselfish and to be devoted wholly to the
concerning the birth of the Savior m d God's great plan Lord
of redemption.
* Students of the Scrintures also know that the birth
of the babe Jesus did nGt take place in December; get
When Isaiah wrote the above text,T n t o us s child
because of the general belief upon this point by most peo- is born," the Child had not been born. The words he
ple, it seems to be an appropdate time to speak the wrote applied to a future time; hence these words, eontruth concerning his birth and the purpose thereof. stituted s prophecy. Isaiah could not understand the
The Scriptural testimony, supported by extraneous full meaning or import of his own words, nor could m y
facts, shows that the birth of Jesus occurred approx- man prior to the giving of the h o b spirit. I d a h did
imately October 1st. The event is so important that it not b o w about that. Why then did the prophet say,
ie always appropriate to call it to the minds of the pea- "Unto us a child is bow"? Whom did he mean by Uw"J?
ple, regardless of the date.
Primarily he meant the natural house of Israel, which
house constituted Bod's chosen people, whom Qod had
1x18LOYING ~ N E S ~
~ e l e d dsnd set aside for his own pwpoaes. lsrael
Few of earth1a m- the iiesh foreshadowed spiritual Israel, and the pro*
4 It fta written: c4Qod ia love?
e have ever understood the full import oi that ecY had more particular reference to the lattert
hkment, h e L the perfect q r e s s i o a 31 unselfishCertain faithfuZ Jam before the birth d fbr

in Matthew 2 : 11-16. This record, together with cor- and be born of a woman


were wed as types foreshadowing future events. God
caused Isaiah to say : cCBehold,I, and the children whom

the Lord hath given me, are for signs and for wonders
In Israel from the Lard of hosts, which dwelleth in
~ o u n Zion."
(Isaiah 3 : 18) Thm words, "signs and
wonders," mean that Isaiah and his sons mere types used
by the Lord to foreshado~vthings to happen in the future. The vords of the pro~het,especially concemhg
the "child", refer to some future time, although spoken
in the present tense as though pertaining to the time
when Isaiah was serving in the office of prophet. The
time must come when this prophecy will be fulfilled.

All of the prophecies of God are fulfilled exactly in

his due time, not before nor after. This one of Isaiah
9 : 6 began to have its fulfilment approximately 19536
years ago, and is s t i l l in course of fulfilment. We should
expect the light of it to increase until the f u l h e n t is
complete. God had promised the Jews that he weuld
send them a mighty One of whom Hoses was a type.
Of course the devout Jews were expecting a fuElment
of that promise. Then the Lord, through his angel, addressed the virgin who was to give birth to the Child,
and informed her that his name should be called Jesus.
He further said, 'cHe s h d be great, and shall be called
the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give
unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall
reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end." (Luke 1:32,33) This
latter statement from the angel to Mary was also a
prophecy, and is directly Linked to the prophecy which
Isaiah had written long before.
* The holy angels of heaven must have been informed
of what was soon to take place, and that information
surely brought great joy to the angels. The due time
came; and a company of these angels was organized in
heaven and directed to proceed to the earth and there
give testimony in the name of Jehoyah God concerning
the birth of the mightg- Child. When these angels left
the host of heaven, and as that happy train moved toward
the earth, they must have induiged in continuous praises
unto Jehovah, rejoicing because of the commission which
they were soon to execute. When they reached the proximity of the earth one of these angels was given the
distinguished honor of rnalwg the announcement of
the purpose of the visit.
10 God knew, of course, that the enemy would attempt
to deny the birth of the Child. Therefore the Lord
arranged for competent witnesses who would, for man's
benefit, thereafter g i ~ etestimony concerning his birth.
God did not select the three "wise men fram the east"
to be his witnesses, nor did he seled the clergy of the
Jewish people for that purpose. Later the Devil saw
that these wise men and the clergy together would make
a good combination for birn to we in Hi3 attempt to
destroy the Child and thereafter to deceiw the people;

and that is why the wise men have been given such prominence in connection with this account. God evidently
had their visit recorded in order to show that he did
not select any of the De~il'sinstruments for his purposes, and that the Devil could not thwart his purposee.
The Lord God selected honest men, who would not
think more higldy of themselves than they ought to
think, to be his witnesses. Those selected as his witnesses were herders of sheep. They had brought their
Bheep into the corral, just over the brow of the hill
upon which was situated the little town of Bethlehem.
There they were watching their flocks to safeguard them
from the wild animals, even as the Lord causes his
flock to be watched to safeguard them from the wild
dogs generally called D. D.'s. (Isaiah 56: 1 0 , l l ) "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision."-Philippians
3 :2.
* That honored heavenly messenger who made the
announcement of the Savior's birth was clothed with
glory from Jehovah, and the Lord caused that glory
to shine round about the shepherds. The Bible record
shows that the appearance of the angels always brings
dread and fear to men, and gives the reason therefor.
Of course these humble shepherds were afraid, because
they knew that the representative of the great Jehovah
God was there. UndoulstedIy they had heard of angels
appearing on previous occasions to their forefathers,
and now as they witnessed these heavenly messengers
they stood in great awe and fear. The mighty messenger from heaven, in order that he might still their
troubled hearts and allay their emotions, said to them:
'Tear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of
great joy, which shaU be to a l l people. For unto you
is born this b y , in the city of David, a Saviour, which
is Christ the Lord."-Luke
2 : 10,11.
At this point began the fulfilment of the prophecy
which Isaiah had previously written; and here the angel
gave utterance to another prophecy from God which in
due time shall be completely fuWled, and all people
shall know about it; and then those who obey the Lord
will greatly rejoice in its fulament. While ttiis special
heavenly messenger delivered the glad tidings to the witnessea the other members of the heavenly train seemed
to wait at a respectful distance; then a t the opportune
moment they appeared, and all together joined in singing an anthem of praise, which dm was a prophecy, to
wit : cCGloryto God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men."
l* This last-mentioned prophecy also is directly connected with that previously pronounced in Isaiah 9: 6
concerning the birth of the Child who b to be the Prince
of Peace. It must have its fd6lment in due t h e . !I%e
time must come when there wiU be lasting peace og
earth and good will expremed toward aU men. The importance of this wonderful Child is emphasized by the
prophefa utterance concerning the same. The h-

portance of the prophecy is greatly enhanced in the
minds of Chrhtiam as the divine plan is revealed to
them. I n God's due time its importance will appear t6
dl the families of the earth, and tlie day wiU come
when every creature in hea~enand in earth wiIl join
together in joyful acknowledgment of Jesus as the
Christ, all to the glory of Jehovah God.
lS Of course the enemy Satan would employ every
powible means of fraud and deception to blind the minds
of men concerning the reason for the birth of this Child
of God. Among other means employed is that deceptive
theory, since taught to the people by the clergymen in
various denominations, namely, t h a t Jesus when he was
on earth was God himself, merely incarnated, using a
body of flesh for the time being. If their statement is
trueJ then God himself wae practising a fraud upon
mankind. It is just like the Devil to make God appear
as a fraud, which he, the Devil himself, is. The preachers of this error have been used by the Devil for many
centuries to practise this fraud upon mankind and to
blind honest thinkers from a true understanding of the
philosophy of the ransom sacrifice.
The human race came under condemnation b j
reason of Adam's r in. Adam was tried before Jehovah,
f w d guilty of a violation of the divine lawJ and sentenced to death. (Genesis 3: 1544) At that time no
children had been born, the parent0 were under the sentenr# of death, m d the children were afterward born
without a right to life, hence condemned before Jehovah
Cod. The children were not sentenced to death, but by
reason of inheritance were born in sin and shapen in iniquity; m d for that reason they had no right to life.
- P h 51: 5.
Being without the right to life mankind must die,
and they mnst remain dead for ever unless God should
make some provision for their dediverance out of death.
And God made such prol-ision. CWherefore,as by one
man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so
death passed upon all men, for that aJl have sinned:
therefore as by the offence of one judgment came
upon aU men to condemnation ;even so by the righteousness of one the free $t came upon a l l men unto justification of life."-Romans
5: 1.2, 18.

.. .

laI n the exercise of his loving kindness God made
provision for the redemption of mankind. This he did
in agreement with his promise. (Hosea 13:14) Bansom
mam "exact corresponding priceJ'; that is to say, an
eye for an eye, a tooth for s tooth, and a life for a life.
Such is the statement of the divine law. (Exodus 21 :
W, 24; D e u h n o m y 19: 21) A n angel codd not bem e man's redeemer, because angels are greater than
d af a different - - P a
8; 6,

lB The term incarnate meam to be invested with a

body of flesh, t o be clothed with flesh. Bn incarnated
being would therefore mean a spirit being who ia m e r e
ly for the time being clotlied with a human form, but
in truth and in fact at the same time is a spirit and
not a man. The incarnation theory is that Jesus, when
he was on this earth, was a divine being who walked
around in human body; and that it was only this human body that died. It is easy to be seen that as incarnated creature could not provide the ransom price.
The one who furnishes "a life for a life" in behaIf of
Adam must be one who not only appears as a human
being perfect in organism, but who must really be a human being, and have the right to life as a human being.
He must exactly correspond with the one sentenced to
20 The one who would provide the ransom price for
Adam must therefore be just exactly equal to Adam. For
this reason it is recorded i n the Scriptures that upon
earth thcre was none who could meet these requirements
nor give to God a ransom for man. (Psalm 49 : 5') But
in due time God sent forth his Son, made of s woman,
which means that he was made flesh and dwelt amongst
men. (Galatians 4: 4; John 1:14) Of course Jehovah
God and the Logos were a t aII times higher than the
angels; God is without beginning, and the Lagos was the
beginning of God% creation and the active agent of
Jehovah God in the creation of all things that we=
created.-John 1:I, 2 ;Revelation 4 :11;Proverb 8 :22.
21 It is written:
"But we see Jesus, who was made s
little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death,
crowned with glory and honour: that he by the grace of
God should taste death for every man." (Hebrews 2: 9)
The one providing the redemption for man of necessity
must be a man, not more nor Iess; otherwise he could
not be an exact corresponding price. That Jesus war a
man is further testified to by the apostle: ccForthere is
one God, and one mediator between God aad men, the
man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for alln
to be testified in due time."-1 Timothy 2: 5,6.
22 To provide the ransom price such man must be
without sin. But how could he be without sin if brought
forth from an imperfect woman ? The answer is that Jem
wasnot begotten of imperfect man but begotten in the
womb of Mary by the power of Jehovah. (Uatthew 1:
18) Hence he %-as born holy, complete, harmless, without sin or iniquity, or otherwise imperfect. The birth'
of this wonderful Child was necessary in order for God
to fulfil his promise concerning man's redemption.
(Hosea 13:14) It was necessary for that Child to h
born perfect and grow to manhood's estate in orden
that he might be the Redeemer. The hope of maa for litr
is entirely dependent upon this g a t and wondarhd
event. Without the birth of the perfect One the
saerdice couid not have been given.


a W s it necessary for the Redeemer to be born a

Jew, and if so why? A perfect man had sinned and
was sentenced to death. A perfect man must become the
voluntary substitute for the condemned man in order
that the one sentenced and his offspring might be released from that judgment and the effect thereof.
Under the rule laid down by Jehovah, n a m e 1 y,
"a life for a life," s perfect man could have provided the
ransom price regardless of whether he were a Jew or
r Gentile. But since Jesus wm born a Jew there must
have been a good reason therefor. There was more t h m
one good reason for this.
Abraham is the father of Israel. To Abraham God
made promise, saying, "In thy seed shall alI the families
of the earth be blessed." The Redeemer therefore must
be of the "seed of Abraham" in order to meet this promise of God. Jacob mas the grandson of Abraham; and
God also caused a prophecy to be made at the time of
Jacob's death, to wit: "The sceptre shall not depart
from Judah, nor a la15-giver from between his feet, until
Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the
49 : 10.
people be."-Genesis
Moses was a Jew and a natural descendant of
Abraham; and God caused this prophecy to be written
concerning Moses and his antitype: T h e Lord thy
God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of
thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall
I will raise them up a Prophet from
m o n g their brethren, iilre unto thee, and will put
my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them
tll that I &all command him."-Deut.
18: 15,18.
David was a direct descendant of Abraham; and
God made promise to David that the Redeemer must
be from the house of David and that this descendant of
David shouId for ever sit upon the throne. All of these
prophecies must have a fulfilment. Cod never fails to
carry out what he says. '2 have spoken it, I will also
bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it."
(Isaiah 46 :11) "So shall my word be that goeth forth
out of my mouth: i t shall not return unto me void; but
it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall
prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."-Isaiah
55: 11.



"The statement is often made that the Jews were

under a double sentence, (1) by reason of the sin of
Adam, and (2) by reason of their failure to keep the
ha myenant. It has been dii3icult to understand how
one muld be under sentence to death and then again be
mtenced to death. The difficulty has arisen from conhdng the tern sentence and condemnation. When s
ovrn fa tried 19 a proper court with competent jurisdic
tlon, nnd found guilty, the judgment of the court is
then entered against him, sentencing him to the punishment It k tb4 antazcs OT judicid determination, made

and entered on m r d against the one personally involved, that is carried out, Condemnation means disapproval or that which is wrong and not approved because imperfect.
g8 When Adam sinned he was required to appear before
Jehovah. He had a hearing before that great court, was
judged and found guilty; and the jnd,pent or sentence
of death, and expulsion from Eden to enforce that judgment, was then and there entered against Adam. (Genesis 3 :11-19) None of his children were yet born, and
therefore they codd not be on trial and could not be
sentenced. Later they were born; and being born of
parents who were under sentence of death and therefore
imperfect, these children came forth imperfect, unrighteous, m n g , therefore disapproved or condemned in the
sight of Jehovah. It is proper therefore to my that all
of Adam's posterity were born under condemnation, even
though theywere not under sentence. I n agreement with
this i t is written: "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity,
and in sin my mother did conceive me."-Psalm
51 :5.
"All the Jews were descendants of Adam and therefore came into the world under condemnation; they
were wrong, disapproved, and were without right to life,
just ss were all other peoples. God then made a cow
enant or contract with the nation of Israel, acting through
Moses as the mediator. And when ?vIoses laid before the
Israelites the terms of this contract, "dl the people ansvered together, and said, All that the Lord hath
spoken we will do." (Exodus 19 :8) The Lord God
stated to the Jews :' T e shall therefore keep my statutes,
and my judgments; which if a man do, he shall live
in them."-Leviticus
18 :5; Romans 10 :6.
As descendants of Adam, neither t h e Jews nor
other peoples were under sentence of death by reason
of Adam's sin; but they were disapproved, condemned,
because born imperfect, and therefore were without the
right to life. This disapproval or condemnation wan
the result of Adam's ixin by inheritance. Had the Jews
been under a sentence of death, as was Adam, they could
not have entered into a covenant with God. Until the
value of a perfect human life is substituted for Adam it
will be impossible for him to enter into a covenant with
God ;for he is under a sentence of death. But a condemned
person or people might enter into a covenant with Jehovah through a mediator, which mediator must have
the approval of God. The law covenant was made with
Moses as mediator for the nation of Israel..
a' If the people of Israel could not make the covenant
direct with Jehovah how could they enter into a covenant with Jehovah through Moses as mediator, seeing
that Moses was also an ofEspring of Adam and therefore born disapproved or under condemnation? The
answer to that question is given by the Apostle Paul.
Moses had faith in God and in the coming of Messiah,
and because of his faith God counted this unto him for
rig1:llteousness or justificaticm, and by reason of his faith
God could deal with bim a righteous man snd therebr

make him the mediator. It was true that 3Ioses mas not
actually perfect; but God counted him so by reason of

receive life upon an plane must receive f by reasao

of hie faith in the lood of Jesus shed for him, and
render ,Pull obedience to the law of God.
Answering therefore the question, Why muat ths
Redeemer be boim a Jew? (1) Because God had said that
a descendant of Abraham and a tlescendant of Jamb,
through the house of David, would be the Redeemerj
tmd God must keep his word. (2) The One thus born to
redeem the human race was born a Jew not only that he
might redeem mankind from the disability resulwg
from Adam's sin but that he might remove the disabili9
resting upon the Jews by virtue of their violation of
their law covenant. This is not a double sentmce.
Their condemnation through Adam is not a sentence.
But the condemnation resulting to the Jews under the
law covenant bears a close resemblance to a sentence for
the reason that the Jews, acting through their mediator,
had agreed to the penalty imposed for a violation of the
law; and this penalty must be met before the account
can be squared. Behold the economy of Jehovah in thus
arranging that by the death of his beloved Son all these
disabilities could be removed.

his faith, that he might make of and with him a type

of the great Mediator to come.-Heb. 10 : I ; 11 :23-29.
The law covenant provided a penalty for failure to
keep its terms. That penalty the nation of I ~ r a e agreed
to. (Exodus 19: 8) The lam provided that. any one
guilty of a wrong that was punishable by death should
be hanged on a tree, and counted accursed by Jehovah
far that reason. Other violations of the law brought
npon them severe penalti@. (Deuteronomy 21 : 22,23 ;
27: 1-26) The Jews broke every statute of t h e lam covenant, therefore under the contract or covenat they
were subject to the penalty agreed upon. They dew the
prophets of God m d were gailty of death. Agreeing t o
the penalty of tbc law, which they did, was equivalent to
a judicial determination or sentence against them.
"A perfect man, Jew or Gentile, could provide redemption from the condemnation resting upon the Jews
by reason of Adam's sin. No man, hovever, could relieve them from the disability resulting from a violation of the law covenant, which entailed upon them s
penalty to which they had agreed, nnlcss that man was
born under the law. Jems was born a Jew, born under
to establish a desirable governthe law. He kept that law perfectly, because he was a
a long time they were in
perfect man and was always in harmony 116thJehovah.
promised by the prophHe did not gain anything for himseLf by keeping the
Jews were anxiom
law; but he did prove that the law is honorable and
that they d g h t
right, and that a perfect man can keep it, and that God
nothing about
was dealing sincerely with the Jews when he told them
the prophet
that he would give them life if they could keep the law.
"Note now the argument of the Apostle Paul :'%at. wards to the Gentiles] a child is born, unto usanda son
when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth
his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to reSB When the time came for the fulfilment of this part
deem them that were under the law, that we might reof
the prophecy the Child born could -and would prove
ceive the adoption of sons." (Galatians 4: 4,5) Being
the law covenant wonld give life to any who could
made of a woman, that is to say, being a m u born of
it, and further prove that only a perfect man can
woman, the death of Jesus mould have provided a rankeep
the law covenant, and therefore that the Jews
Born price for all, removing from all the disability resulting from Adam's sin. But being born of a woman, could not get life under the Iaw covenant because they
and also being born a Jew under the lawy and dying could not keep it. This Child now born, being the Son
upon the tree or cross, as or in the place of a sinner, of God, was therdore perfed and able to do the will
Jesus thus met all the requiremente of the lam and the of God perfectly. God clothed him with power to save
penalty imposed by the law covenrsnt, being acceptable to the uttermost.
38 The Prophet Isaiah says further: "And the governinstead of or in the place o f the Jews as a nation or
people. (Galatians 3 :13) Jesus therefore by his death ment shall be upon his shoulder." Thus he states that
on the cross provided the price to remove the disability this mighty One would bear u p the government; and
upon the Jews and upon dl men, thereby making it then in other parts of his prophecy he prorreede to tell
possible for the Jews as well as the Gentiles to become the Jews and dl who wonld hear and believe that tbia
t h e sons of God by faith in Christ.
mighty One not only wodd be the Oovemor but would
rule in righteousness and bring blessings la the peopla
as The law covenant served as a schoolmaster or tutor
to lead the Jews to Christ and to prove to &them that it
1The Jews looked upon Moses aa a great leader,
was utt~rly~ o a s i b l for
e them to get life by theh own upon David as a great king, and upon Solomon as the
It also for ever stops the mouth of every human wisest man of all time; but now saps Isaiah the prophd
being be he Jew or Gentile, from claiming that it i,q unto them colucerning this Child about whom ha m b
possible for man, by his own &orb, to obtain life e m - esied: "His name shall be called Wonderful,* meenfngp
lasting. E v q member of the human family who will thereby that his name wodd become mapvdoq

kould be the worker of miracles, that his fame would
@read throughout the whole universe and that his gratnesa would far exceed that of any one else. The prophet
then adds that he shall be called "Counseller", which
means that he would guide the people aright, advise
them and teach them to go in the right way, and wouId
lead thcm into life and happiness. He then adds that
he wodd be called "The mighty God". The Jews would
thereby understand that tlieir magistrates before had
been called gods or mighty ones, but now this Child
when born would be One who ~vouldreceive all power
and authority to act for and in their behalf.
Then the prophet also says that he shall be k n o w
aa "The everlasting Father". Father means giver of
life; and those miderstanding the prophecy would know
that this mighty One mould be clothed with pawcr and
ruthority to grant life everlasting to those who would
obey. I n harmony with this Jesus afterwards said: 6'phis
is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true
Qod, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." Then
adds the prophet that he shall be known as "the Prince
of Peace". The word prince means governor or lord.
This mighty One, then, is to be the rightful Governor
of the earth. Unto him shall the gathering of the people
be, and under his righteous reign peace shall be established and never end.
42 It was a great privilege enjoyed by Isaiah the prophet to be permitted to foretell the birth of the Iiedeemer
and earth's rightful Governor. Had he been able then
to comprehend the full import of his own words he
would doubtless have been overwhelmed with joy. Even
greater than his was the privilege of the angels to anmounce the birth of this mighty One. The Apostle Peter
dearly intimates that the angels themselves did not
maderstand the f d l meaning of the birth of the Master.
(1 Peter 1: 12) But they knew that it was the outlvorking of God's plan in behalf of mankind, and probably
understood that it was the beginning of the fulament
of the prophecy uttered by Isaiah. What they did know
thrilled their bearts with joy and they sang praises to
Jehovah God. It was a still greate~favor which the
disciplee of Jerms enjoyed by being permitted to walk
with him and for three and one-half years talk with him
and hear the grmious words that fell from his lips.
They greatly rejoiced when they learned that he was
the Messiah and the Redeemer.
48 But now a much greater favor is conferred upon the
truly consecrated saints of God on earth in being permitted to know that this great and mighty One has
taken his power and begun his reign, and in being perrmitted at this time not only to speak of his birth but
to tell forth the gmdness of God and that it now is the
time for the beginning of the fulillment of prophecy
which in Gtod'a due time will result in the complete
CatabliBhment of peace on earth and good will to men.
now enjoying the privilege of being
m the tunple class, can to m e degree appreciate the

joy that thrilled the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ

when he began operations to establish his kingdom in
1914 and, further, when he came to his temple in 1918.
It was then to the faithful ones that he said : 'You have
been faithful over a few things ; I will make you ruler
oyer many. Enter into the joy of your Lord.' Those
who have now entered into the joy of the Lord appreciate
the fact that the joy of the Lord is their strength.
45 Blessed is the pri~ilege of the saints now l
these now look upon the works of Jehovah and his beloved Son Christ Jesus, and know that Christ Jesus is
earth's rightful Governor and that he has taken his
power and begun his reign, they lift up their voices in
song, saying, "Great and marvellous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou
King of saints."-Itevelation
15 :3.
\That particular incident has been given undue prominence

in conl~ectionwith the birth of Jesus, and why? \.men

was Jesus born? V 1-3.
Why did Jehovah cause the Bible to be written? f 4, 5.
What i s meant by the statement, ''Unto w a child is born"?
Explain Isaiah 8: 18. U 6, 7.
What prophecy dld the angel give to Mary the v i r a n ? TO
whom did the angels make announcement of our Savior's
birtli? Why did they not make their announcement to
the ''wise mm"? Why Is the visit of these wise men mentioned in the Bible? I 8-11.
Why did the angel say to the shepherds. "Fear not"? What
prvphecy was then made unto them? 1 12-14.
How has Satan confused the m ~ n d sof many concerning the
reason for Jesus' birth as a human being? What was the
reason for it? 11 15-17.
Whnt does the word ransom mean? Wbat is the incarnation
theory, and why do we know that Jesus was not an incarnated Logos? (1 18-20.
Explain Hebrews 2: 9. How could Jesns be perfect, seeing
that he was born of an imperfect mother? 1 21, 22.
What prophecies bad foretold that Jesus would be born a
Jew? 1 23-26.
Were the Jews under a double sentence? Wbat is the dffferenee between sentence and condemnation? Was Adam
sentenced? Were his children sentenced or merely condemned? B 27, 28.
How could God consistently enter into a covenant of life
with Israel? Cotlld he have made such a covenant with
Adam after he had sentenced him to death? 1 29, 30.
How could Moses, being imperfect, be approved by Jehovah
as a mediator? When Israei violated their covenant with
God what position did this place them In before him?
1 31, 32.
Could the Jews have been redeemed by the death of a perfect Gentile? What is St. Paul's argument in Galatians
4 :4, 6? 11 33, 34.
What purpose did the law covenant serve? Summarize the
reasons why the Redeemer most be born a Jew. P ?35, 8&
Were the Jews anxious for the comlng of the Nessfah? Why 7
What did J m s ' keeping of the law prove to them? 13 7 , a
Explain the entire text of Isaiah 9: 6, especiaIiy the titles
therein gtven. fi 3441.
How does the privilege of the Prophet Isaiah, and that of
the angel who announced the ChUd's birth, compare wtth
the privileges of the King's witnesses on earth today2

1 42-45.


r Wrd Ir th.1 harp, wMeh !US -1

bsa unrtrUnG .
And men hard but dIxordant its notes; N w rn 6nd am W
chmbfnnnM0sesO J o b How trMdlvyWt mebP4y-5 - .




JjC M n * urn. LoNoQI*Y 8







5 1


The Song of the Angels By U r s . E. Hwtter

D E A R old Christmas, with its good cheer1 NoPeaa a Yet
What happy memories of childhood cluster
around this season!
We 8 1 treasure the joys of Chrisand
recall i t h pleasure its sweet song8 of heave*
mmic, the merry faces of little children bright
~ i t ex~edation
of coming favors, the beautifd
Christmas trees bespangled with gold and silwr, and the twinkling little candles u e tiny
mattinela on the mount of green.
Bometimes a t the top of the tree there would
k 8 bright s b r , or an angel with outspread
wingo, bearing the message of joy.
Many are the delights of Chrism=;
are glad that the poor old world has had so
much pleasure in the celebration. While we cannot agree that December twenty-6fth the C O P
rect date of our Saviois birth, nevertheless we
are glad to join in the happy song of praise
and thanksgiving for Jehovah's gift of gifts to
a lost and dying race-His Son. But ah! how
few of earth's millions have any serious thought
of the real import of the birth of Jeans, the
Holy Child of Bethlehem. Yet it is the great
outstanding t?vent of history, without which
there would be no hope of a future life.
Pause and consider for a moment as
we glance bt~ckwardon the stream of time. Let
W listen to the Song of the Angels, as it rang
out on the hills of Jndea more th- nineteen
centuries ago.
I t was in the qniet stillnea~~
of the nigh% and
the faithful shepherds were watching their
f l o h in the open field. Above glistened the
lovely ~ b m Silently
proclaiming the glory of
Qod Suddenly appeared the mgel of Jehovah
with the song that has come d o n through the
agea: "Fear not: for, behold, I bring yon good
tidinga of great joy, which shall be to a
d peopleFor unto yo? is born
day in the UV of
David a Savlor, whch is Chnst the Lord."
Immediately the heavenly choir caught the
glad refrain and filled the air with the uweeteat
rong of earth-the Song of the h g e l a : " G ~ v
to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good
will toward men."
What a benediction, what hope for the chil&wn of men in the Song of the &gels l
'Wappy shepherd on whom eye
Shone the glory from on high,
Of the heavenly mmje."

TDnow after so many years we turn our

longing eyes in every direction for some
manifestation of the promised peace on esrth.

Oh, sad indeed are the mnditions in the world

hie feuow msn and pefiBCw

every device for further slanghter; the idle rich

living in -1
while the poor are
to keep alive the little spark of life. In the
slums of our great cities we see sights that
make the heart sick and the brain fain6little
children r e d in crime, who never had a
chance, who were doomed from birth to fall by
the wayside, many of them old before reaching
~ d tod all this the
tion of the common people corrnptmen in
high places,the gambling -,
the drinGng
cnrae, the inpane
ssylams, the hospitals, the reform schools, e t c What a picture of the sighing, Crging, and dping of the poor h m raw 1
We tarn from it all; sad we
the Song of the hgels:
I bring
good tidings of great joy,
be to all
people!, conld there have kena
the angels rnisnnderstand this message
they brought from the courts of Jehovaht No;
they were perfect angelic beings, and the mensage was one of joy and not of sorrow. HOW
can we harmonire the message of ujof and
#apeaeuwith the night time of weepingt ~ g s i n
we pause and look into the distant past.
I,the Garden of the Lord, the one perfect
beauty spot of earth, our &st parents came
into being with all the grandear of p e r f d o n ,
mental, morab and physical. But Satan, th.t
old serpent the devil, aspiring to make hhmeli
like the ~~~t ~ i ~reached
h ,
out to
dominion over them. One act of disobedience te
the just requirement of their Creator, at Satan's
instigation; and the jewala of perfeation began
to fade. Out into the unprepared earth thg
were driven to wrest their sustenance from the
mil as best they could, straggling with tho adv e m conditions amid the thorns and thidea.
Separated from the fellowship of their Creator,
the Eden home gone, the dominion of earth 108%
and the death penalty upon them, oar first parents were indeed reaping the bitter fruib of
disobedience; and by inheritance the penale
has fallen upon every member of the human
family. The sentence, 'Puat thou art, and unto



were tempted, were dab with the sward. They

wandered about in sheepskins m d goatskins;
being destitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom
the world was not worthy." (Hebrews 11:37,
38) Tenderly and with reverence we think of
those dear prophets of old, and rejoice to know
that a great reward and honor awaits them.
They will represent the earthly, visible phase
of the kingdom, ''princes in all the earth" (Pealm
45 :16), during the Messianic reign.
Another elect class representing the heavenly
phase of the kingdom has been called during
this Gospel age t o walk in the footsteps of Jesus
and to eacrilice with Him their little a l l of
haman life, aims, and hopes, exchanging these
for "glory, honor, and immortality," proving
nnder severe trials faithful unto death. Of this
class it is aaid: " b d they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years" as " l b g a and
priests" unto God, ruling, judging and blessing
mankind. (Revelation 20: 4,6; 1:6) They are
Jehovah's appointed missionaries for the conversion of the world. Then that gracious invi- - tation found in Revelation 22: 17 will be extended: "The Spirit and the bride my, Come,
Blessings Sure to Come
and let him that is athirst come ; and whoET the angels had sung: "Good tidings of eoever will let him take the water of life freely."
great joy, which shall be to all people."
\lTe must conclude that the blessing tarries; for Earth's Restored Paradhe
as u-e view the changing scenes of church and
ANY are the promises of a restored earth,
state we find no record of wonderful blessings
the Golden Age long dreamed of by poet
having come to the world such as predicted by and sage, and spoken of "by the mouth of all
the prophets of old and as sung by the angels. the holy prophets."
W h y the long granting the blessing
As we catch a glimpse of these times of reto all as promised?
freshing, we are assured that the Song of the
Reflecting on God's Word, we find that He is Angels has rung true: "Good tidings of great
a great economist and frequently accomplishes jog, which shall be to all people."
more than one purpose a t a time. Evidently it
Let us consider a few of the blessings which
was Hi? \-:ill to permit six thousand years of shall obtain in that new earth. Justice shall be
evil to teaeh men the exceeding sinfulness of the foundation of the government-to-be. (Isaiah
sin nnd its awful results; and a t the Bsme time 28 :17) Human life will be more precions than
l i e has been ending crucial tests to certain h e gold. (Isaiah 13:12) "They shall bnild
clect classes \\-horn He purposed to use in bless- houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant
ing the non-elect world in general. The long vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall
tirue it has taken to prepare these elect classes not build, and another inhabit; they shall not
for thcir future wcrk gkes us some idea of the plant, and another eat!'
(Isaiah 65 :21,22)
importance of that work in Jehovah's sight.
"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
I n the Old Testament we have the record of neither shall they learn war any more."rome faithful ones who mere loyal to God and Isaiah 2: 4.
And again, %hen the judgments of the Lord
the princip!es of righteousness under adverse
conditions. OP this elass the apostle Paul wrote: are in the earth the inhabitants will learn right' T::cy were sto~ecl,they --ere s a m asunder, eoasness! 'Their flesh shall be fresher than s
dust shalt thou return," has never been revoked.
The first faint gleam of hope for the condemned race was that the "seed of the woman"
should utterly destroy the power of sin. About
midway between the fall of Adam and the Song
of the Angels in the hills of Judea stands that
wonderful promise made to Abraham: "In
blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I
will ~nultiplythy seed as the stars of the heaven,
and as the sand which is upon the sea shore;
. . and in thy seed shall all nations of the
earth be blessed."--Genesis
22: 17,18.
Some Christians believe that this promise
was fulfilled when Jesus died on Calrary and
thus became the Redeemer of the world. But a
moment's reflection will prove the fallacy of
snrh a thongl~t. Tme, some were blessed and,
through faith, passed from nnder the curse in
Adam to the promise of life in Christ, "saved
by hope." But more than half of the human
race hare lived and died without hearing of the
1~2mcof Jesus. Consequently they have not
k e n blessed. And we still have the sorrows
o: enrlh.


ohild's, and they shall return to the days of wisdom of men ; for it is based upon selfishness.
their youth'; and, blessed thought! "there shall The Lord shakes the nations to shake oat nn-.
be no more death!'
This will be Paradise on righteousness, ~ t r n t hand irreverence; the.
enrth, with the gift of everlasting life to who- the deaire of all-life, liberty, and the pursuit
mever will give heed and receive instructions of happiness in a real, tangible form-ahall
in the way of righteousnese and life.
come. God's mind is made up; He has declared
The Song of the &gels is on the eve of ful- it; He will do it. "Sing unto the Lord with the
filment. Good tidings of great joy are going harp
make a joyful noise before the Lord,
forth to the meek ones of earth, a message f r l ~for he cometh to judge the earths*-Psa. I)8: 5-9.
grant with hope. On every side we see prepaWhen Jesus in His humiliation came to earth
rations for that perfect government which shall to be man's Redeemer few recognized Him
be "the desire of all nations!'
the Messiah, the One sent from God. So now
In an interview some time ago Marconi said: in the end of the age we h d similar conditions
"Science w i l l transform the world. Within fifty existing; and again it is true that "there standyears life on this planet will be so changed that eth one among you whom ye h o w not" ( J o h n
we who are here now would have m c u l t y in 1:26)--earth's rightful King, Jehovah's Anoi~itrecognizing it. I t will be a better and happier ed, veiled from the sight of flesh, but recognized
world" And again: "The age of what are by the eye of faith through the prophecies as
known as scientific miracles is not in danger of now present, by the signs of the times, the precoming to a pause ;it has only just begun." He dicted running to and fro, and the increase of
tells much of the wonder-world to corns and knowledge-all indicating preparations for the
fears that life will be too easy for the human blessing of all nations by the Prince of Pence.
race with electricity doing the labor; that "if
True, there is a destructive work a s well as a
people are not careful they will deteriorate!'
constructive work going on in the world today,
Groandless fear1 Very few of the k~ixman which may seem to nullify the promised pence
family have had an opportunity to develop on earth. Many are the dire forebodings heard
themselvea physically, mentally, and morally. on every side. In a magazine article ex-PresiThe strnggle for existence has kept most of us dent Wilson expressed the opinion that "civilibusy. With long, delightfd hours of leisure, zation is tottering." I t is indeed the world's
what wonders could be accomplished toward the dark hour just before the dawn. But again we
goal of perfection l The latent qualities of rea- see the wisdom of God; for this destructive
son, memory, and determination will be devel- work will act as a purifying fire to humble and
oped; the Godlike quality of benevolence shall make the world ready for the blessings which
radiate from every face, which will be returning God has for it.
to His image, with the added blessing of health
The silver k i n g to the dark cloud is the
that bespeaks the harmony with nature's bendkingdom
of Christ set up in "power and glory,"
cent lam.
which is the only remedy for the ills of the
Jehovah'r King Noto Present
human race. Happy and wise are they who
H E wsste places of the earth will be made have sutEcient faith to touch the hem of His
to bloom like the Garden of Eden, and man garment (to recognize His presence) and be
will have the privilege of cooperating for his among those "millions now living [whol will
own developm6nt. Already we see the desert never die!'
When Christ and Hia footstep followers beblooming like the rose and streams breaking
forth in dry lands-all because we are living in gin their reign of a thousand years, and the
the dawn of the Golden Age, the due time for glories of perfection stretch out before the wonthe blessing of all nations. Not all are familiar dering gaze of humanity, for the blessing of all
with the fact that the blessing time is in the the willing and obedient of the human family,
world's judgment day. The Prophet 8ays: the Song of the Angels will ring out not only
"When thy [God's] judgments are in the earth, in the hills of Judea, but gradually and rapidly
the inhabitants of the world will learn right- to earth's remotest bounds: "Glory to God in
eousness." There needs must come the hum- the highest, and on earth peace, good will tobling of the nations by bringing to naught the ward men."


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Tlilr conme u r n na It. t e s t book T h e H a r p of Cnd."

nf 3 4 preu. A weekly rearllnz wrni.mmrrrt ir
mail'&, mllotjnn an hour's rertdinc for Yt~n*ln?r. .\ -rifqula card a r b twer.ry qneations on what. lr;r* h ~ r6:cti.
The course c m be r o m ~ i e t e d In 13 aefk*. The Harp
Bible Study Coorre roml)lete. 6%~.


l work

Complete set of the 7 r o l u m a of Stucliea in the Scdp.

tures, cloth binding. $3.i0: one y e s subscription to the
TOWEB. lamed semi-montbly. $1.00: OM
rubscrlptlon to the cfiror.u hc8, ilsucd every other a&
$1.00: one copy of I. B. S. A. Bible 1919. Ieatbei binding,
md under gold d g a . $3.30: when o r d u d u Blble Students Combimdon. $7.00 p s t p d d .



Complete set of 7 rolomem of Studicr In the M p t r r m ,

cloth bindlng. $3.70: one copy of I. B. 8. A. Blble 1918.
leather blndlng. red under gold &a. $3.00: w h m o r d e r d
aa Special L i h w Oner. $6.00 wtplld

Complete Harp Blhle Stody Courae, c p h hindin* pocket

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Insued every other week. $1.0: one mpp of 1. R. I. A. I:il*le
1918. leather bindins. red under gold ulaen, F3.M: wlrrn
o r d a d u H u g Bible Stnclents Cornhination. $1.30 post-




Copy of the F l n f ~ h e d \lrstery. rlnth hlndlnc. A M . ropy

Tbr mom limited pour t l m a the more M I t h b c 6 n r ~ of ~ I i l l i a a sX w I A r i n ~Will Scrrr Die. pnper hinrlinc. 2.5~:
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Gentlemen :
Plea* forward to add-

binatloo checked.

0. S. A.


I melon.






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I J b n r y OUer.........---.

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H a r p Bibla Study Conma .


H a r p Bible Students Snmblnatlo~.

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@ ! z m ~ m ~ m m ~ ~ m -

A Sift Received Unexpectedly



AS is n-ont to happen, some friend map send yon a Cliristmas remembrance, some one omitted froin your Christmas list.
But eierenth-llour purchases leave on to clioose from the bargain
counter, ,aenerr,?llytlie left-orers and passed-up articles of the shoppers.
An encba~igeof presents that n~ouldspeali of your regard r o u l d be a
gift that ~ronldseem of itself to hold the spirit of esteem,
Books s e r e as rr fitting remembrance; for there is alvays the freshness of being nemTin books. They seein to allow the scrutiny that esteems
a gift as the sentiment of the giver, an expression of another's r e g a d

S T L .ri~ rn
and Tlie I ~ BIBLE
P S T ~ ~Course,
topically arranged Bible Study Books dealing, as they do, with the
bearing the Bible has upon our life of today, nill convey to another
.. tho
indiridual selltiment and regard of tlie holiday season.

m ~ mS.C R ~ C Rare
E Snot a preachment on conduct. They aim
to acquaint one ~ v i t hthe mca~lingof our troublous times and to hold
forth "peace on earth'' as the afternlath of the world's perplexity and
trouble. Their viewpoint is fonvard-looking.
The 11.i~~
Course, consisting of textbook, rending assignilicnts and self-quiz carcls, provides a preparatory resume of STDDIES
~1ssisti:lgby outlining tlie comprehensive field of tlie
EiLle Stncly Library.

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By telegraphing your order to BrooMln ~ o may

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I. 13. S. A. orgonizatio~lsin over fifteen hundred cities assure delivery
of your remembrance as Iate as Christmas Day.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bible Students Association

B r o o k l y n , N. Y.

'a C;I







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assist in the use of thc books. A card mailed aeeklp for h e l v e necks assures the use of your gift.

This library of eight volumes containing over 4,000 pages, mailed $9.85.



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Crooklyu, New Tork

1xmnxar1os.u B1or.1: Srrm~srsAS~OCIATIOX.
G c r i l l r ~ r t c i ~1'le:ise
for\mrd tire Library of elshr rolumw of Giblc. Study book for whlch I endm

I d p u t l n t for the complete set









About Santa Ciaus

By Gerald Bnrry

E name "Santa Claus" is an American cor- courage the '.Santa Claus" custom, or
rnption of the Dutch form "San Nicolaas" children be told the plain facts of the
'(St. Nicholas), whose festival used to be obTo those v~holove llonesty and truth, t h d

served on December 6th. From early times is but one anever to this question: Such sr+~G
feasts were held in this saint's honor in Eng- bound to discourage everything akin to false- "
land and Germany, thougl1 subsequmtly they hood and cleception. I t mould be better every- ~7
became confounded with the Christmas festivi- way to point childre11 and all to the real spirit .->
ties. As many are not aware of the origin of of Christmas - that it celebrates in a general "
the custom the following extract from the "En- mTaythe great gift \\.]lich God provided for the
cyclopedia Britannica" may be of interest:
salvation of our race; namely, the gift of God's '
"Nicholas, St., bishop of Myra, in Lycia, a saint dear Son, ~vhowas born into the world $s the
honored by the Greeks and the liatins on the sixth of Babe of Bethlehem. (Luke 2 : 10-12). On, this
December. His cult is as celebrated as his history is point pastor ~ ~ ~has swell
.-~ said:
l l

that have 'Ome doan to as
are of a purelydegendary character, and it is impossible
to find any sing1e incident Onfirmed historicall~. The
main facts of his life are usually given as follows: He
was bishop of Myra in the time of the emperor DiocleIVas
tian, was perwcuted, tortured for the
in prison until the more tolerant reign of Constantine,
and was present at the council of Nicea. It should be
observed that this l a d circ~rmstanceis ignored by all
the historians, an* that St. Athanasius, who knew all
the notable bishops of the period, never mentions Nicholas, bishop of Myra. .
"There are nearly 400 churches in England dedicated
to St. Nicholas. He is the patron saint of Russia; the
special protector of children, scholars, merchants, and
sailors, and is invoked by travellers against robbers. . . .
A legend of his surreptitious bestowal of dowries upon
the three daughters of an impoverished citizen rho, unto procure fit marriages for them, was On the point
is said to have
of giving them UP to a life of
originated the old custom of giving presents in secret
on the Eve of St. Nicholas, subsequently transferred to
Christmas Day. Hence the association of Christmas
it^, 'santac+laus; an ~~~~i~~~ corruption of the
Dutch form 'Sari Nicolaas,' the custom being brought
to America by the early Dutch colonists."-"Encyclop d i a Britannica,?' Vol. 19, page 648.


The question may be asked: I s it wise to en-


"Altllougll n e cannot agree that this(December 25th)

is the proper day for celebrating the birth of our dear- 'Redeemcr, hilt must
that i t was about October Id,
nevertheless since he did not intimate his desire that we""
should celebrate his birthday it is quite immaterial upc.
what day that
greatimportance to
celebrated. Upon this day, so generally celebrated, we
may proper,y enough join with all
hearts are in .
the attitude of love and appreciation toward
and a5
toward the Sarior. The habit of giving little remebrances one to another at
time of gear seems to
especially'appropriate. God is the great giver of every good and
gift. He is continually giving and
receiving from Him; but amongst &.
His gifts the one of greatest importance to us
gift of His Son to be our Redeemer. While, therefore,
thanking the Lord for this great gift and for the
plan lvhich centered in it, it is appropriate that re
in our hearts the spirit of liberality, genemiQr - ..
to our conditions and circumstances..,. . ,
TITe recommend that every little gift on this occasion ;
should, as far as possible, represent or be accompanied -*'
by some little remembrancer of the great gifksorn* -=
thing to draw the mind of the recipient to the fact t b t t-L
the great gift of God in Christ is and should be ia the f'"
minds of all who give or who receive the trifling exchanges of the season."-Watch
Tower,-1903, page 457.:



all the walks of life, particularly anlong what

the world calls "the higher upsn-big business,
big politicians (miscalled statesmen) and big.
ecclesiastics. What a herculean task it will be in
_the Golden Age to rid this old earth of all the
taints of sin that have become so deeply imbedded in every fibre of the present social fabric 1





Rewriting Earth's Literature

CERTAINLY do enjoy reading your fearI less
exposures of the errors that prevail in

a, i

~y E. J. Willits

Talre the matter of the world's literature:

have often ~vonderedwhether it will all be de
stro~-edand a conlpletely new literature wr
ten, leaving the dead past to bury its dead;
whether it will be "revised" in accordance vrri
the trnth. I can imagine the chagrin of the
Longfello~\i,for instance, when upon his a
ening from the sleep of death, he learns
the 6orld has been 'turned to a p m e lmgiraj&f
the message of truth; and perceives that






violation of the just and loving laws of his

Creator-was not proper. David's love for the
Hittite's wife, which prompted him to place
Uriah in the forefront of battle that he might
be slain and that the king might have his wife
waa not proper. Aphroditean love, which we
The eyes of the present generation are soon
to be opened to the impropriety of it all and
to the propriety of God's l o v e t o its height,
depth, length and breadth. Thus when every
individual becomes a perfect creature, he will
realize the truthfulness of the phrase 'love
divine, all love excelling!'
All sincere Christians realize the truthfulness
of this statement even now. I would urge all

auch that they allow not Aphmditean love to

enter into their hearts ;that they allow not anything to take the place of Gtod's superior love.
[Cats may be urged not to ran after mice; but
wilI they heedt-Ed.]
In the Golden Age now at hand every individual who will bend himself into harmony with
God's righteous laws will become more attra*
tive and beautiful than the statue of Aphrodite.
Then it is that admiration for this statue will
be torn from the hearts of all. Worshipful ad
miration for other individuals will cease. Each
person will be complete in himself. Mascnlinity and femininity will exist combined as a unit
in each person, instead of in the present unsatisfactory divided state.

The Real Character of St. Nicholas

FIE article abont Santa Claw by Gerald

T B a r r p in No. 773 of THE G O ~ B IAGE
P cantains the query as to whether we should tell
children the plain facts abont Santa Claus. I
say: Yes; and then tell them the story, whiohI will relate briefly as best I can.
St. Nicholas was born on December 6th in
the year 300 A. D., and when grown became a
monk in a monastery in a little village. His
parents were very rich. They both died; and
St. Sicholas, being their only child, inherited
all their wealth,which was mostly in gold. There
lived in the village a poor man with his daugh-

BY ~ r sI.. 8.Marshull

ter. One night St. Nicholas went to this man'e

hut like a thief, but not to steal. He filled the
poor man's boots with gold and went out. The
next morning when the man got up and was
abont to put his boots on, he was surprised to
find them full of gold. That is where the idea
of a Santa Clans came from, and the practice
of children hanging up their stockings a t .
Christmas time. St. Xicholas waa a helper of
the poor; he did not care for others to know
what he had given; he did not leave a card with
his gift; for it was a gift from the heart. How
noble is the motive of such giving I

Joy Department
to thank yon for the pleasure and
AGBthe most vaIIfromWISH
the benefits, and the inspiration I receive I uable paper published today and hope to be
your magazine. Each issue seems to be your constant subscriber. This is the age for

better than the one preceding.. May TBE the truth, and yon should feel blessed that yon
AGE Live throughout the Golden Age. are the agency used fcu its propagation.

Prices Paid to Farmers

a small f a m we have a few
R lJx>2S(3
apple trees. Having this season a
of the early variety, on June 25th we nlade a
c o n r i r ~ i ~ i l rof~ ~ten
t barrels. containing eleven
pecks each to a firm of commission merchants
in Louisville, Kentucky.

~y W. C. ~ i ~ e r

........................ 5.00
....................... 5.25
....................... .50
.................... 2.75

Shipment sold for.

Espense for barrcl;.
Expense for freight..
Expense for droying.
Espnse for mmrmsaion,

Deducting all expen* we received for our crop $14.00


on the,&

before X m You find that a friend has been overlooked,

and yet yon wish your kind regard for him
to be expressed in a gift other than what
remains on the bargain counter, STWDTES
TS C Band ~
Course, we believe, wiU be fonnd to be a
fitting a d appropriate remembrance.

They are a collection of b o k s that help to preseme the Christ

mas spirit of good will thronqhout the entire year. A fitting
reminder of ths esteem of the giver.
and the H a a ~ .
The Library containing STWDIRS
BIBLPSTUDYCourse can be delivered within a day's notice in over
Mteen hundred cities in the United States.
Telegraph yonr order to Brooklyn, and the Local Branch
will deliver the set to the door of your friend with your
The set of eight cloth-bound book4 containing over 4000
pageta-$2.85 delivered.

International B i b 1e S t u d c n t 8 Association
Brooklyn, N.Y.

A Recurrent
"Would ye that this the Yuletide
spirit remained throughont the year?"


.Why o f course. Fzrrthemtore,

Not only would you like to have the spirit remain with you,
but you would doubtless like to be able to impart it to your
friends in such a way that that Christmasy feeling would
rise up in them every week or two.

Here's o Capital t i d y :
Even if you do desire to send y6ur closest friends something of g r e a t cost, t h i s need not deter yon from adding
such a g i f t a s will be delivered throughont the whole year
--essentially a new gift every two weeks.

Right there is rc-here we serue:

Coming h i c e a month The Golden Age will always remind its recipient of the Yuletide spirit you hold for them throughout the
year. It w i l l be a token of your esteem - after all, the valuable
thing of life.

The Clvlden Age both looks forward and points forward. What on
the surface may cause consternation in life's affairs, in national
issues, in world crises or in religious, d i s i n t e r e s d T h s Golden Age
always points to the meaning of those events, and to the sure, the
foretold results. Its message is the no less hopeful one than that
"millions now living will never die". , '

Even the ultra optimistic concede that every day d nut be b'right.
Why not employ The Golden Age as your twice-a-month reminder,
whether as the remembrancer, or as an after-thought in addition to
your more expensive gift?


If you desire, The Golden Age zcill moil

n letter to your friends for w h a you

subscribe, advising them of uho sends the subscription and for hou. Tong.


T H E C:OLL)E.\' I t i E , Brooklyn. Y. T.
Gentlemen : Enclo-4 please find .3.l.tJO (C.~nntln5: Foreign $2.50) for one year's
ccription nq Chri-Vmnc Remernbrtince to be 4ent to

...... .Your otcn ?lame..................................................




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Book Gift Suggestions

AGES. OIltlirur th. d i m
revahd In tho ~ i b hfor -*d .:,
r c d c ~ p t .nd
l ~ dtutlao. U O


irialtm, w n t e n t . .nd tm*

of our day. 667 Wges-,.190


uamlnatlon of Blble ChronoC
ow and the Blble's hi.tory of the
Predicted World War,
1914 384 p.gcr


a 7 mW=


to the prophetic testimony and
chronology of the Bible regarding tho tlrne of Christ'# Kingdom. THB HARP BIBLB STUDY C o u m and
3S8 ~ . r
the Seven vo:umen of STUDIES fn tlm
SCl'UPTUaEs lzsa .
W N . C o v m c l d t l # epoch oi
Gospel aga hkwnba uums of
ioor LnterpalntleW and
ofthe8ertptUranotInth.0Ldemt Greek M s s
h'a l9l8: prim SS, gat.- pr,
paid. Slze 4%" x 8%". Red
under Gold idpa, dlrinity
cot+ aood bbck grained dl8ldo b h d i n ~
No. 1919: prlce S
Baran help.

AND hiail. The keywt. l8 th.
m w m prlca Fmm this dob
trine all othera r8dlata


p l l a the Scrtptural rula .ad
lam of manapment o t t h a
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Ikvclation and EzaUad.






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mta probable fuUllorent efpmgbrcier-6lOpapr-


lmd u t&.tua=
book A
and cwp.ct ewlb
tb Blbl. Teachloft
p.d.L1y adaptad for Bibb S W
CI~aseq Didding Into t.m b.dc

L creation. 2 Jodlcm Mdfem&

TEXTS: A t ~ i arrangement
of Blbla mbject. arranged undu
dlrtLoct hsadiaOL
DEX: Alphabetimlb
Lodud b r aubjcetr


Same b l n d i n ~and cantentl

u Na 1910, o n b larger p r b t ; a
little hr@3P book. 87%".


8. Abrohnmlc Prom-


The Rumom.

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:price $5.50, part.- prr

6 Same M NO. 1939. cucept
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bemd con&cutiw!& and q o r ,
number; patent thumb Index, 5 0 ~ tiom are snpplhd U tb. ad d
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DTSE 50.000 e d 1 t 1on,
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!B6 pallrs. i l l w t r r t d ,
l3BAVE?iLY . .
blodlng, S5c Cloth blading, 8Je.
cloth Modd6 craCr
IVritten for children k
Do Lure $I%. H a r m o n 1a e r
and B i r t h Stleace, Histow and Philoeoph~ tween tho a m of 7 to
d W mCOrd
wtth the Bib!+ A non-technlaler18 It I8 a textbook for
of the planetary agatere
the study of the JJlbla
Cloth bindin= planatlea
T r a m the steps of clvlliaatlnn
mrher thnn n story book
Is selat*
Gk Luther blndlnR f200' A
during the p u t 8.000 yeam The
The compllatloa had la
day of the fear, and an approP*atm
~ivisionof racca hplains the
d e w the placfng of
e x p l a n a b r l ~om0a-t follows C-m-m
dcdnrctioo oi w o r n from n a b
plan for man r t t h l h tho
brfd and plthr, a r e # aPDr0xhat.L
Present-day lnrm c o m p of~childtionr
fouctaeq linw en&

No. 1-

International Bibles tudents Associ-at ion


N. Y.


Ihe Qokiol Age for December 24, zgzg



- --*-


be. a sign unto yon; Ye shall find thc babe

llniwrsd P m e
'.On earth peace, gwd ~ ~ toward
7 1 mn/t-Lut;r $ : I ) . wrapped i n swaddling flotll@% lYiu in
manger." (Lukc 2 :10-12) Awed by this \ision
C H R L S T x A s is w ~ r d c d man). people na and thrilled njth &ir c n p i r o ~ ~ n t ,the
, .hep
the date of thc birth of the bdw Jesus in a herds in ,rondcr and
stood speedRt Rethlchen
the dde lees before the fieayenly messenger. Then mdis correct is of mall imprtancc, bnt the event dcpJy there
was and is of
greatest import3ncE.
mnliitn;Io of t]lc lleavcnl?;host, angels bright and
Bethlehem is eituatcd on en clcvstion over- fair; and 3,
of this
looking a deep ravino, beyond which are fields of the age8 they joyfully sang together an
where shepherds graze their flocks. Beautifol allthem of praise to Jehovah, " G l o r ~to God in
for ~0cZItionis this historic spot, particularly the highest,
on earth pace, gbod
attractive to one of poetic mind and deep rever- toward lllen".
ential h e a r t , a n d doubly w since the P a t
J ~ p cenbries
and the bnrdens of earthly
events, recorclc'd in Holy xTrit, which therc c a r e s h a r e c ~ r e c e do r Gdden
iranepired nearly nineteen centuries ago. From ~ s i o nfrom
minds of most men who
tfie snwouncling hius of 3uclm the shepherds themselves Christians; and today these wotd6
had broWllt their d e e p to the field opposite announcing universal peat%to thoso of worldly
Betlilehe~nand corralled them &ere for the Nind
as but a hollow mockev. xeftr]y
night. I f t i l e the others slept, one or more of ,inet,,,
cenhries have come and gone sins
the shepllcrds kept v i d over the flocb, ~ d t i n g .that heavenly messenger announced the birth
for the dam of day. The atmosphere of J n d m of Jesus and brought a message of good tidings;
is exceedingly rarided, and the stars shine forth and after these long years of laborions =sort
with nnnsual b c a n t ~and brilliancy, and
on the part of
men to establish ideal conthe glory of the night is enhanced.
ditions, wit11 dismay they witness the whole
Without doubt these lowly herders of sheep -:~orldrocked from center to c i r c d e r e n c e nnd
were men of @cat reverence for h d , men who all lrindreds and peoples engaged in the strife of
trusted in his promiaea made to their father tongues, tumult, distress and war. Now the
Abraham and hem? were expecting the earning great mass of so-called Christendom is trusting
of Messinh. b d for their faithfulriess J e h o r h ifi fie god of f o r e and violence rather than in
rewarded them with s woriderful vision. While ->c Gocl of peace and love. Millions of earth's
tlrese humble watchers were t w i n = into the -brrl)ltants, including those who pose as teachers
starlit heavens nnd mcditatinguponthemajesty and preachers of the Gospel, haye turned36
and expressed wisdom of Jehovah, thme ~ u d - infidelity, disregarding the Word of God, and
denly appeared unto them 8 star of remarkable advise, counsel and engage in. strife and
l ~ ~ i l l i n n c standing
over against'Bethlehern, violence. Alas! their faith in God and in bis
c . +,- :$e,,@led the city of David. Simnltari- precious promises is gone.
ro~~!;:hn migel of the Lord, the heaven1J mesEow different with those r h o truly love the
s e n p r , ap~cnredunto them, and the light of Lord arid who atudy to show themselves approvthe dory of the Lord shone round about them. ed nn t o God ! Their diligent and prayerful
Then the shepherds were sore afraid. What search to h-iorn the meaning of these e+ents
man of .reverential mind would not Fave been past and present the Lord has been pleased to
nwe-struck at snch a marvelous mamfestationl reward with a clear vision; and now they aro
To calm their fears, the heavenly messenger privilcgad to mark the majestic onward tread
sweetly said to these humble men of the fields; of Jehovah in the unfolding of his marvelow
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings plan. And thus understanding, their h e a r b are ,
of great joy, which &dlbe to all pepple.' For tilled with joy; and the sweet message of that
unto you is born this day in the city of David a ;'.svedy host resdunds through the corridor8
Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this d ~ dof the n g , cdlli~lgattention .to the momentoun


--.-.-...--.-.-. -".."-"."-

The Q o h Age for December 24, r 9x9


events that are transpiring and the even greater man should die because of his disobedicncc to
ones iniinediately to follow. Not only do they the Ian-, Jehovah chose, a s a means of enforcing
rejoice in their o m hearts, bnt it is the privilege this jud,mcnt, to compel man to live o u t ~ i d cof
of such true foUoaers of the Master nit11 con- the perfect Edcn and to feed npon the poisfinonfi
fidexlce to say to the bewildered and frightened elements of the, earth until complete death
of nominal Christendom: "Behold, t h y God would ensue. Hence he drove 'the two out of
Eden and set a flaming sword at the garden's
And now we invite all sober-minded peoples entrance, lest Adam might return and partake
of corth-Christian and infidel. Jew and Gen- of the tree of life. F o r 930 years Adam battled
t jlc, bond nnd f ree-to come with us' xvhilc we with the elements of the earth, daily saccum@in~,
together briefly review this beautiful Christmas until a t the end of that time he was datld.
story, and ascertain its meaning and significance
The s&et of all the snflering, sorrow, sickness
to the groaning people of all the nations of and death of humankind from then until now
earth. Its message of comfort is intended for lies hi what occurred in -Eden and followir~g.
all; for the angel of the Lord said: "Behold, I IVhile in Eden the perfect man did not eremi*
bring you good tidings of great joy, which his power to beget children; and I~ellrcthe
fillall be to all people". The time is now due perfect pair never bronght forth childnm. It
for the world to bcgin to understand the real was only after undergoing the legal kntene of
meaning of what occurred on that memorable death, and after they had imbibed the poisonons
morning in Bethlel~em;and those who do under- elements of earth's vegetation, thnt this pair
stand and avail themselves of such knowledge cohabited arid children resulted. It is reasonwill h greatly blessed and comforted in heart, able, therefore, tb see tliat this condemnation
mind and body.
fcll upon the offspring; and that the father,
11-11y should -the babe Jesns be born at all? now imperfect, d d not beget a perfect child ;
TI-hg nlnrk his birth nith such ceremony and h e ~ ~ cthe
e offspring of Adam wonlrl'be an irnjoyful expression by llle heavenly host t Ths p e r f e c t one. F o r t l G -reason the Psnlnlist
a n s w e r i s t h e olcl, old story, which grows \\-rote: "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and
s~veeterthe ofteller told; and never so sweet as in sin did my mother". (Psalm51:.
no\v, because the time is here for its nppreci- 5) And for the same reason the inspired witness
said, "As by one man sin entered into the world,
ation by mb..
Four thousand years before the staging of and death by sin; so death passed [by inheritthis drama in the hills of Judrea, Jchovah had nnce] upon all men, for that all have sinned".
(Romans 5:12) T h e ultimate *result of tho
created a perfect pair-Adam and Eve-and
provided them with a perfect home 'in E d e n operation of the divine law of necessity W O R ~ ~
He had endow'ed them with power and authority h a v e m e a n t the complete extinction of the
to bring forth children, to fill the earth and to hu~naurace. T o d a ~ instead
of men living 930
coxltrol i t and to make the entire earth a s a years, the nverage life is much less than one- garden, a glorious spot, a fit habitation for a tenth as long.
happy and perfect race of people. To this first
God forelnew the course that man would
pair the L o r d granted the privilege of life take; and before the foundation of the world hc
everlasting in a state of human blessedness, 'outlined .a plan for human redemption -and
conditioned, however, upon a faithful obedience blessing. Xearly two thousand years after.the
to .&is law. The wife, deceived by Satan into hunlankind had wandered in the earth in sorrow
a violation of the divine law, in turn induced and distress, Jehovah spoke to his s e m t
her husband to take the step of disobedience Abraham, likewise an imperfect man, but one
wiifully rather than be separated from her. who exercised great faith in God, and to him
The result of this trans,gression was an infiiction made promise that through his seed all the
of the penalty of the law, whieh penalty is fanlilies, nations, liindreds and peoples of earth
described in the Genesis account (chapter 3) as should have rr blessing. (Genesis 12: 2, 3; 22:
n dying condition nntil death was fully accom- 18; Galatians 3: 16) Later, God organized the
plished, a return 'to the dust whence the Lord descendants of Abraham into a nation bnder
had taken the elements to make man.
the name of Israel, arid with that nation and
Having judicially determined that t&cperfect people made 4lam corenant and from time to


The G o b Age for De&

24, rgr g


time reiterated his prom'rae to bring a blessing pcrfcct human being-nothing

more and
to the nations of earth throug11 the seed.of nothing less.
Abraham. The I ~ r w l i t e sverily believed that
At once, then, \co see that none of Adam's
this promised seed was an earthly seed. The ~ t o c kcould mect this requirement of the law and
promise at one time was conhod to the house redeem the human race k u 8 e all were in!
of David; and when David ascended the throne perfect, having descended from Adam. And.
the Jews thought that the t h e had come for this thought is expressed by the Psalmist,who
the blessing of mankind. Tllc prophets, how- sap, "None of them a n by any means redeem
eyer, foretold the coming of another and great- his brother nor give to God a-ransomfor him".
er one; and at the time of Jesus' birth all (Psdm 49: 7) Any child begotten by n member
thonghtfd people of Israel were looking for 'of the Adamic stock =odd nece6sarily be im,
the coming of the Messiah. God through bjs ~>crfect;hence cthe amount concerning the conprophet had foretold that Messiah would be ception of Mary and the birth of the babe Jesus.
boni ill Bctlilehem of Juha-Matthew 2:5,6. ghows that shc conceived by the power.of thc
Hcrc we e i n p h i z c one thing prominent in holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:l8-25) Therefore
the message bmugld by the angel; namely, the Jesus n-ps begotten not by muq M born of s
word all. I t will be marked in thc examinatiol~ woman, cmd when born he w-aa "holy, harmless,
of this a11d other Scriptures relating to- the undefiled and separate from sinners". (Hebrews
reden~ptionof man that God had promised to 7: 2G) J\?len he grew to manhood's estate he
bless all the families.of thc cnrth, and thnt at was thc csact counterpart of Adam prior to his
tbe birth of Jeans the angel announced that diaohedicnre. Not until we understand theso
this is glad tidings which gllall be brought to all tltings can n-e understnnd why there n-as RO
' people. It i s not the thouqht of the Scriptures
mudl joy in heaven aniong the angelic host at
that we11n mrfisagc ~souldI>e brought to all at thc birth of Jesus. The heavenly beings had
thc same time; but ihat ill God's due t h e every heit observing for four tl~onsandyears tha
one of the human rare would hear this messagc dow;\snrcl course of mankind. They had see11
of glocl tidings and \\-odd each have the oppor- ihc preot degradation and sorrow that sin had
tunity of availing hirnsclf of the Ixnefit of it. inflicted npon thc hu~nanfamily, and now they
The race ~ v n sjustly condemned to death lx- pcrerivecl that Jehovah ~ - o smaking prorieion
cause of disohdiencx to tbc la\\- of God; and for ihe rcdenvtion and Messing and uplifting
this jndgmcilt could not bc sct mi?c or rerersed of all mcn.
T h a t which man prizes aborc everything
for the renson that God is unehangcable. His
1an.s arc ked. IIowevcr, sucli a jud,ment aonld else is lifc'; for wjthout life nothing else call bc
be satisfied by the dcmaitds of the law being enjoyed: Tlie ti-holc human race, being under
met. In due course of tinw God made promibe the condelnnalion of death, ultimately must die.
to tlre house of Israel, his ~pecidlycho~en Why, then, did Jellus come to earth! U'hy
pcoplc, that a provision f o r releasing manbind Itc born t He answers; "That the people might
from death and the effects of tltis j u d e ~ e n t Itave life ancl have it more abundantly". (John
would bc made. Y 'ticill ransom them from the 10: 10) He "was madc flesl~and h e l t anlong
power of ihc grave: I will redeem them from us? (John 1: 14) "Frasmuch as the'childrei~
.-'q death
: 0 cleatli, I \\ill be thy plagues; 0 grate, are partakers of dceh ancl blood, he d s o limself
like\\.i.w partook of the sane." (Hebrews 2: 14)
I n-ill bc' Uly dcstrnction."-Hosea
The word ransom means a price etactly "Ve sec Jesus, \\-llo \\.as made a little lou-er
... correspox~ding. A perfect man hacl violated t l ~ a nt1)c rrngcls [namel~,t, human being] for
Godk: Ian-, and dcnth resulted. Therefore. tlic thc suffering of death, crowned with glory and
of God should tast-e
only thing that could constitutc n ransom 'or Ilo~ror;that he by the
eorrcspor~dingprice for mankind t\-onld be the dcatl~for every mrm." ( H e b m 2: 9) Jesus
life of another pcdcct man, exactly equivalent himself declnred
he laid down his life for
. to Adam while in Men. I n other words, t l ~ c the sheep. (John 10:11,15, 16) Here he uses
tedentption and deliverance of the human mcc the word sheei, to iilustratc. those who arc!
frocJeath, and its restoration to human per- milling and obedient to the will of God, that
fection and happiness, must entirely depend they shall mceivc the benefit of his sacrifice.
And this opportunity must come to dl, as
tile voluntary submiasion to death of zr




The Golden Age for December 24, 1319


St P a d states: T o r this is good and accept- sacrifice and continue thus faithful nnto death.
zblc in the sight of God our Savior, m-110 will T h c ~ eare promised a part iq the first resnrrechave all men to tic saved and to conle unto the tion and an nssociation nith Christ Jesns as
Therefore we
Imo\.vlcdge of the truth. For there is one God, inembers of tlic royal
and one mediator between God and men, the e m understand the words of the Master when
man Christ Jesus; who gore himself n rn1160~1lie aid that only a little flock (comparatively
for all, to be testified [ t o dl] in dnc t h e . " opedring) of maidiind n-odd hare this blessing.
(1 Timotiiy 2:s-6) Here again it is observed -Luke 12: 32.
that it is God's will that all nlen shall be saved
The purposes of the Lord in this regard a r e
from the condemnatio:i of death and thercaftcr esccrtained from the nrords of the Apostle:
brought to a Imo~vledgeof God's provision for "God a t the f i s t did visit the Oentiles to take
them, which tnoxlcdge opens to them tke op- out of them a people for his name. And to
portunity of accepting Uie benefits of the ran- this agree the words of the prophets; as it i s
som ~acrifice. Hence, says the Apootlc. thesc: written, Aftcr this I will return, and I will
facts must be testified to all men in God's due build again the tolrcrnaclc of David, which is
t h c . As this testimony comes to nleil at fallen down; and I will build again the ruins
different times a11c1 they nnderstand it, they - tlicreof, and I m i l l set i t up; that the residue
rejoice in i t because to them it is good tidings, of men might seek after the Lord, and all the
good news of a better thing for them-an up- Gentiles, upon whom my name is called."
portunity f o r life.
-Acts 15 :14-17.
Why, then, if Jesns died on the cross llearly
Jesns taught IJs disciples, and through them
nineteen benturies ago, tihodd tllc humail race the chusch has been taught, that after be had
c:ontlnue to suffer? The Scriptural ansu-cr is ascended on higb he would return in course of
clear. TIE promist. to Abraham \-:as that in time and gather mlto himself the saints, and
his seed should tllc bleseing come to mcdcind; the11 \\-ould estal~lishhis kingdom for the purand this seed must first be fully devcloped pose of blessing mankind. .All C % r i s h people
before tlic benefit of thc ransom sacrifice call have looked forward to the second coming of
be extended lo sll. I t is important, tllcrcfore, the Lord, a11dto the end of the wicked order of
to perceive what constitutes tllc seed and how things sad the estd~lishmentof a new and
it is developed. Tlle Scriptural proof i s that righteous order. This same thought was in the
this seed is the Christ, the Messiah, composed mind of the di~cipleswhen they approached
of Jesus, the Head, and the church, meaning Jesus just before his crucifkion and propoundthe called-out class n-hidl constitute the mcm- ed to him the direct question : "Tell as when
bcrs of the body of the N e s ~ i a hclass. ltence St. thcsc things shall be, and what shall be the
Paul argues: "As many of you a s h a ~ ebcen procf of thy coming and the end of the world ?"
baptized into Christ have put on Christ
And -blattl~ew 24: 3.
The Lord Jesus anfivered their question, and
if ye be Christ's, tllci lare ye Abr&nm's seed,
and heirs according to the promise".-Galatians
the answer is recorded in the twenty-fourth
chapter of Matthcw and the twenty-first chaptcr
3 :27, 29.
I t bas pleased t'nc h e a ~ e n l yFather to devote of Lukc. He describes the great stress and
the period of time elapsing from the resurrec- trouble that is now upon the human race.
tion of Jesns until the setting up of his kingdom Among other things he said that there mould
to the work of selecting those who would be be a great world mar in which nation would rise
w . i n g followers of +e Master, and who wodd against nation, to be accompanied by famine,
prore their faithfulness and loyalty to him even pestilence and revolntions and a time of trouble
unto death, and to whom he would grant the such a s never was before; and dl mankind arc
privilege of joint-heirship with Christ'Jesns in witnessing the f n L f h e n t of this prophecy $t
his Iungdom. (Romans 8: 16, 17; 2 Timothy 2: t l i s very time. Again he said in answer to the
11,13) The selection of this class has been from m e question that there wonld be 'hpon the
among those who have ~oluntarilyconsecrated earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the
their lives to the Lord. Not every one who says, sea and the wares [restless h d t y ] roaring;
"Lord, Lord", %
ll that class, but only men's hearts failing them for fear, and for lookthose who enter into a covenant with God by ing after thoec things ~ h i c hare corning on the

. ..



The Go&

Age for

earth: for the powers of heaven [ecclesiastical

qatems] shall be shaken". (Lnke 21 :25, 26)
All the trouble that has fitted the natiom
since the fall of 1914 has been clearly in fulwment of the prophetic utterance of the Lord.
To the Christian this means (and soon all the
world Kill learn to know that this is the meaning) that the kingdom of the Lord is a t hand,
that Christ is present, that he is tearing away
the old order of things preparatory to establishing a kingdom of rightkousness and peace which
hall constitute "the desire of d l nations". "I
trill shake all nations, and the desire of all
nations shall come".-Haggai
2 :7.
The wars, famine, pestilence, rc~olutionsand
like disturbances that so much-distress hnmankind d q not constitute any part of the &lad
tidings. No one rejoices in this suffering and
trouble; but the Christian rejoices that these
tronbleso~lletimes are the proof foretold by the
Lord that would precede the establishment of
his kingdom of righteousness which would
bring blessings to all the groaning creation.
The message that has been preached to the
people f o r long centuries, and is yet being
preached by many, to the effect that i t is the
Lord's purpose to save a few in heaven and to
consign all the residue of mankind to a condition of endless torture, contains no glad tidings to any one of an honest heart. Surely it
could be no real joy to any person to be convinced that he would spend eternity in heavenly
bliss while at the same time some one Far and
' d e a r t o him would be spending eternity in
torture. Such a doctrine is not taught by the
Word of God, but is the result of a distorted
interpretation of the scriptures.
The divine program, which has been develop
ing progressively for many cef pries, has now
z about renit:>,; :he point of time for the world
of man kin^ to, begin to understand and a p
preciate some nf the lengths and breadths and
heights and 2=pths of tho love of God. His
inspired witness m e : "Times of refreshing
shall come from the presence of Jehovah; for.
he 9Fill send Jews, who before was preached
unto yon, whom the heavens must retain until
the times of restitution of all things,which God
h a t h spoken by t h e mouth of an hi8 holy
prophets since the world began9'.-Ads 399-21.
T h e word refreshing here rmggesta the
thought of something that makes one happy
after a long experience with that which is con-

trary to happiness. The autumn season marks

the dying and falling of the leaves, the trees
appear bare, and the wind moans and sighs
through their branches. Then follows the long,
dark, cold winter, picturing i n + ameasure the
long night of saffering and death that has
aficted the human race. In the spring -son
the warm, gentle rays of the sun, falling npon
the earth, cause the grass to spring forth, tho
trees to bud and leaf, followed by the blossom8
and the fruit, the singing of the birdn a ~ the
rejoicing of dl nature because of the reviving,
or coming again to life, of that which was dead' .
Seemingly the Apostle had such a picture in his
mind when he said that times of refreshing
would come a t the establishment of Messiah'r
kingdom because i t would mean the restoration
of thnt which father Adam lost for himself and
all of his offspring, namely, life and all the
sweetness incident thereto. The perfed man
Jesus, having laid down his life and thereby
providing the purchase price for the human
race, now returns for the pnrpose of ministering to mankind by giving to him the very thing
that he has long desired.
Long ago the Apostle saw this and wrote:
"He [God] hath appointed a day, in which he
will judge the world in righteousness by that man
[Christ Jesus] whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in
that he hath raised him from the dead". (Acts
17:31) The assurance here then is to every man
that has lived on the earth that he must have
a fair and impartial trial in a time of righteo_ne
ness, which trial is for the purpose of giving
him an opportunity to render himself in obedience to the lam of God and live. I t means th6t
millions who have gone inta death will retarn
again; for "there shall be a r e s u m t i o n of
the dead, both of the just and the unjusL'' (Acts
24:15) Tbe great Master himself assures us
that all in their graves shall hear his voice and
awaken to the resurrection by judgments, i. e.,
a time of trial and opportunity and its
blessings.-John 5 :2629.
The work of reconstructing the human race
will devolve npon the great Messiah, and that
great work will begin as soon as the present
trouble upon the earth has ended; for Jesus
assures us that there never will be another time
like it. (Mattbew (24: 21) Then, under his
righteous reign, every one will have a chance
of hearing the sayings of Jesus and then w$


The Cjolden Age for December 24, 191g

-- ....-.. ....-.-..-...


---...Aapp!y his' lrorde, 'Terily I say unto you, If way, and it sllall h called The n-ay of holiness:
a mzll lreep my sayiiig he shall never sce death." the u:lclea~i shall not pass over it; but i t dial1
That Scripture, like all other sayings of the h for those: the wcl?-faring men, thougll fools,
IJastcr, inust havc its time for fulfilllmnt; sllall not err thcreiil". This highway is the
and no one could keep his sayiugs until first !Scssi~h, \vho i s @;iten a s a mediator between
they heard tlle~n. T!lc iuillions ill death could God and npn, to ]cad man back to the state of
not hear until a\;.nlic:ied oat of death, and the perfection; and thc \I-ZIJ- to pass over it will
n~illionsnow on carth could not hear until God's bc by rcndcring tl~emselvesiu obedience to the
due time and mltjl they are told. Tllat due time la\\. of tlic Yessiah. It ~ h d lbe a holy, a
is about a t hand.
rigliteous way. KO person shall be permitted
Will that be a time, then, .of rcjoicing and to progress ip \vickednesi, in profiteering, in
gladness? Thc Lord t!lroug11 the proplict gives oppression, in lcccping the people in ignorance
us n vision of that great time of blessing, sap- or filching their pockets under the pretense of
irlg. "The ~rjldcr~iess
and the solitary plzcz! preaching tlle Gospcl or mythit else; but its
~ 5 n l lbe glad for theill and tlir desert slid1 objcct sllnll he Lhc cltnansing anw'glessiilg of the
rejoice, and blosso~nas the rose," thus pictnr- people, and it shall be so clear mld plain that
ing how the earth itsclf shall begill to yield thnt every ninn can understand it. "No lion shall be
~ ~ l l i cihs necessArp for the sustenance of there"; that is to say, no monstrous beast, such
mankind and pcrnlit him ,to enjoy thc fruits as czars, beastly governments, oppressing corof his labors 11-it1:out the interrcntion and porations, or ecr.lesiastia1, political or financial
oppression of the profiteers. "It shall blossom sysleuis. "Sor any ravenous beast [government
nl)undantly, and rejoice even wit11 joy and GP opprcssii-e violence] shall go np thereon, it
singing: the glory of Lel~anonshall be given ~liallnot 1w found there; but the redeemed shall
111110it, the cscolle~~cy
of Carmcl and Sl~aron, vall; tllerc." Thc earth and everthing in it sllall
the\- ellall see tlie ~ i o r yof the Lord, and thp Lw mudc co~iducireto the uplifting and blessing
excellency of our God."
of mallkind.
Before the comili,rr of that glorious day,
H a v i n g i n mindi then, that the Apostle
holvever, the prophet irlfers that the people nssul-cs us time and again that Jesus ransomed
would become very much discouraged and the entire human race, all of them, the prophet
without strength. EIe pictures thcm as tremb- conti~~ncs
: "And the ransomed of the Lord shall
ling in their knees and hanging doun their return [meaning they shall return from the land
hands, and for their encouragenlent says: of thg enemy, from death and from their bond"Stre~igtl~en
ye thc weak hands, and confirm age in blindn~ssand ignorance and superstithe feeble knees. Say to them that are of a tion], and come to Zion [the Messiah] m i t k
fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, songs nnd everlasting joy upon their heads:
your God u-ill con~cwith vengeance, eve11 God t11c.y sllall obtcin joy and gladness, and sorrow
with a recornpence; he will come and save you." and s i g l ~ i n gsI1nl1 flec away". (Isaiah 35)
St. Paul tells ns thnt the whole world aside lndeed then all shall lino\i- the truth ~f the
from Christians are blind, and blinded by thc message that the nngcl brought to the shepherds
ad~ersary. Many peopje are actually blind, as they w\.ntcllcd their flocks-good titihgs of
l\-hilc practically all are blind concerning a great joy unto all.
hlcssiah's kingdom will establish a .ulirersal
vision of God's plnn.
T h e p r o p h e t t h e n pictures the blessinp peace. As the propllet declares, rrllcn bis'bingduring the reconstruction, saying, "l'lic~i tlic do111 is establislierl, then the nations
Pyes of the blind slldl be opened, aiid thc ears and eny, "Let us go up to the mountaill [king
] tllc Lord, and he ill teat h us of his
01 tho, deaf shall bc nnstopped. Then shall tllc ( I o ~ I ~of
lame mall leap a s an hart, and the tongue of thc: lvays, and I\-c-~vill~ ~ in lliis kpaths.
cluml~sing: for in the wilderness s1:all waters they :;111:11 tcat their m-ords intn ylowoharcs,
_ and tl~cirspeais into pru~~hlghooks
:nation shall
brcak out, and streams in t l ~ edcsert."
Then the prophet describes a way opened not lift up cr ~31'ordagainst naticn, neither shall.
for the human race to journey back to the they learn \!-at any more. But they s h d sit
perfection of life, of boay and mind, contin- ever?. Inan nilder I i s vine and nitder his fig tree;
uing : "And an Iii~hwayshall bc thcre, and a and none sltnll make them afra:S'.-Micah 4 :14.

. .-.

The G o b Age for D

To assure sach a lasting blessing will require,
of course, nothing short of a perfect ruler.
Then the earth w i l l have such, for "the government shall be upon his [Messiah's] shonlder;
m d hie name shall be called Wonderful, Coanseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,
[Life-giver], The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall
be no endM.-Isaiah 9: 6, 7.
' '.
To the Christian, therefore, who has a clear
vision of the divine plan and who appreciates
the time through whidi the world is now passing
this should be the happiest Christmas he has
ever spent, beranse by the eye of faith he can
see the Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in its beam, driving back the great dark
night of suffering, tumult and trouble, preparatory to the bealing,'blessing and uplifting of
the human ram, back to the perfection of life,
liberty and happiness. The incoming of this
glorious time means the beginning of the Golden
Age-a time of rejoicing for all who love

d 24, rgrg




AGE inaugurates a children's Bible ahdy department. There is no desire or purpose to

teach the doctrines of any sed or q t e m ; but
the sole purpose is to instruct t
h cbiidren in
the Bible. To do so we have arranged this study
in question and answer form,.propotanding the
qnestions and briefly answering, citing the
Scriptures where the proper Biblical answer
may be had. We snggest that the parents propound these questions to their children and aid
them to locate in the Bible the answer, thw
familiarizing the child (and incidentally the parent) with the texts of the Bible and enabling
them to get some insight into the gloriow
character of Jehovah and the Lord J e w n
We suggest f i a t the ohild be given one
question each day and that in addition to the
answer here given, it be encouraged fa 'wk up
the' Scriptures cited and any other Scriptures
that, with the aid of the parent, it might &Id
bearing on the question. As this is a primary
study, we therefore begin with the mbject


1. What is meant by t 7 word


Juvenile Bible StucEy

Answer: A book that contains the Word of
AN'S highest duty and privilege is to God as expressed to man, and has reference
glorify God One who loves and obeys tho to all the sixty-& books collectively, contained
p a t Creator Iovbs and obeys righteousness, in what is commonly accepted as the Holy
makes a better citiwn and a greater benefactor Scriptures.
to mankind. To love and obey Jehovah one
2. What i s the Bible?
must know him. How can we h o w him except
Answer: It is an expression of God's m
through his Word, and how can we know and toward man and an outline of his plan concemunderstand his Word unless we are. taught7 ing the human race, given for man's instraction.
If it is proper and necessary to send oar chil- --John 17:17; 2 Corinthians 4 :2.
dren to th6 public schools that they there may
3. Are we invited to study the Bakl be taught concerning the a e W things of this
Answer: Yes; Jehovah says to as: " E i e ,
life, with ~trongerreasoning is it proper and ' now, let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18);and necessary that they be taught concerning the "Study to show thyself approved unto &dY'.
things that have to do with their eternal welfare -2 Timothy 2 :15; J o h 5 :39; Deuteronomy
. and happinea
29 :29; Revelation 1:3; 1Peter 3: 15.
The Biblical education of children, b e believe,
1. Ghould we ezpect to udrskmd the deep
- has been sadly neglected. Every parent owes a things in the Bible ?
d u e to his own child and a corresponding duty
Answer: If we study it mith a reverential
to every other child to whom he can render aid. and prayerful desire we may understand them.
h view of the time of great stress now upon T h e reverence of the Lord is the beginning of
the .human race, is it not high time that WB take wisdom." [Proverbs 1:7) The plan of God is a
some positbe' action toward the instruction of secret which he has promised to reveal to those
the children concerning the greatest thing about who reverentidly seek to understand it m e
. which they should know, the Word of Godt secret of the Lord is with them that fear him;
We believe that all parents, whether Chriirtim and he will show them his plan."-Psh 25:
or not, desire to aee their children grow up in. 14; 1Corinthians 2 :10.
righteousness and truth. Became of tbe long5. Can everybody understwid the Bible?
felt need in behalf of the children, TEEQ o ~ ~ w rAnswer: They could, if everyone would corn-

rn Golden Age


~ ~ m b~t9 2~ ~,1 9 2 1 .

"Tb& be 40
God t'r his u & p e ~ gift."-2




Corinllzians 9~15.

in the general
Rather, as the Scriptures show, these mercies
of .the
season. !l%e of God scattered broadcast tell of a provision
w t o m of
tokens of love and friendship - on our Creator's part for the necessities of His revails wherever the story of Jems has gone. creatures That H e allows these iaws b be inBumtg tbt is.jprt as it d o n ~ m e some terfered with at the present t h e and permits
may h been injnred by receiving b o ~ t i e s , adverse conditions npon our race H e fully
but few~ifany,havebeenotberthanhtinthe q h .
to be b&we of its sinfnl, rebellious of them. Herein we see corroborated attitude, beeanse the aentence, the carse of
our $a*$
words, "It its more blessed to give d&, has h e n justly pronounced against manthan to receive". I n proportion as we-attaia bd,and b e c a d He sees a way by which
in proprtian as the spirit of present hwons of adversity andtribulationmay
Christ &re& richly in us, in proportion as we be made instxmdve as respects "t3rs exweding
posaess the holy spirit, in that same proportion s';infnlness of sin*.
&dl we appreciate more and more oar Lord's
"AU Taw&#of Gas'
+ s t a t e "
Two of the great kssons for ns to learn are
In our dealings with God it is necessary that
we realize our dependence, our own i n s d c i - - (1)our complete dependence ripon God and (2)
ency, and His greatness and beneficence; and His loving kindness and tender mercies over all
that we learn to go to B[im as His "dear chiid- His works. But these les?lons can- be learned
ren*, to whom He delights to give His favors, only from one standpoint and by one &a
and who receive them and appreciate them with Those who view matters from f i e outside only
gratitude of heart. In every sense of the word KiIl surely misunderstand, misinterpret, many
we are debtors to God and always shall be. We of the operations of dirine providence
"The secret of the Lord is with them that
can never dispute the obligations nnder which
him and be ..will show &em his covHis mercy and loving kindness have placed us.
futnre plans, His agreement.
The sooner we &r
this fact, the better will
In order to see, to understand,
it be for na Some possessed 6th a false pride
we must accept certain
declare that the? a& no favors from God o r
"that he is"--that there
man--that they pay their way and wish always
to -doso. AE r e s p t s our dealings ~5thour is an Almiaty Creator; (2) "that he is the
fellowmen, something of this spirit is praise- rewarder of them that diligently seek himn.
worthy; but the entire proposition is inconsisb (Hebrews 11 :6) Seeking the Lord diligently,
we find in the Bible that which eommends i t t u
ent Kith our relationship with the Almighty.
As we did xi@ create ourselves, neither can onr hearts as well as to our heads.
But right here we are beset by a danger and
we maintainoar%&,& as the Scriptures assert:
difiicnlty; f o r while it is.possible to receive
"In Him we live:snd move and have our being".
assistance from fellow-believers in the
tdd4 '" T)
of the divine Word, yet there is
whether i r , ~ a
cr an angelic plane or as perfect
our becoming even more conhnman -;
for we could not have created
the creeds and
ouysth~s,ecdly* or indirectly. Through the
handed down
arrangements of His providence in n a h e , God
was rewnsible for our birth; and He is the
tentativelyPmvkkr for His creatures on every plane. The
fact tb4t He c a s e s His sun to shine npon the for examination, for proving and 'testing by the
just a d the unjust, and sends His rain upon the Word of God. Thus we "try the spirits," or
a4 aa well aa upon the good, and thus provides doctrines, as the Apostle admonishes. (1 John
for the world of mankind tbat in general is in 4: I.) Thus we permit God b be His own interrebellion against Him and His arrthority, does- p;eter and to make the maiter plain to n s
not prove eat the law8 of natnre are antocratie. Those teachers who refer to the Word of God,

8a appropriateness





The C j o h n Age Holiday Number, 1920-~gzr







to those in fullest harm on^ with Himself. False

theologies have taught us that eterl~allife is a
natural quality-yea, that it is a persistent one,
that not even God Himself can destroy our lives
or being. This erroneous thought has distorted
all our reasonings, and has left the issue as
htween an eternal life in torture or an eternal
life in bliss, But the Scriptures clearly define a
"Every Good and Perfect Gift"
O d p after \re have been fof some time in the different issue; namely, as between extinction,
School of Christ can we comprehend the force destruction, and a life in harmony with God, a
of the Apostle's words, "Xvery good and perfect life which Divine Love a n d Mercy had provided
gift is from above". (James 1:17) Then we for those who are in accord with the Almighty.
Let us hearken to the testimony of our Lord,
, begin to look about to h d some of these good
' and perfect g i f t s We soon find many gifts and the Apostles and the Proflets on this subject,
Blessings, but very few of them perfect, purely and see that God is now proffering .the chwch
good. Everything connected with our present a gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our
condition is imperfect. Even the sunshine and Lord. Let us note the Scriptare proposition
the rain, which are common to all God's crea- that if we are willfully, deliberately, intellitnres, are evidently not furnished under perfect gently, rejecting this gift it will be withdrawn,
conditions. Imperfection seems to be mitten and that the effect npon ns will be the second
upon everything we have, as well as upon our- death, everlasting oblivion, from which God
offers no hope of recovery.
The Bible explanation of this state of affairs
Let us note that this is the general dealing of
i.: that, while God's work is perfect (Deuteron- God ; and hence that when His time shall come
olny 32: 4), our race today are not really for dealing with the world of mankind in gensamples of His ~i-orkmanship,but are depraved, eral, during the W e n n i a l age, the offer then
fallen, imperfect through the original sin of to be made to them w i l l be a similar proposition
Father Adam and its entailed weaknesses and of life or death everlasting. Those who will
blemishes npon his posterity. The good and accept God's gift npon God's terms are welcome
perfect gifts of God are to be seen only by the to it. He is pleased to give it to them Those
eye of faith--only by those whose eyes of under- who will then reject it shall die the second death.
standing have been opened to see by faith Jesus, -Acts 3: 22, 23.
"Through Jesus Christ our ~ord,' is the
the great Redeenler. By faith this class see
accomplished in God's due time His great work Apostle's statement. The gift is not offered to
of Redemption, the wiping away of all tears us by the Father directly, bat indirectly
from off all faces and the re-establis'hment of through the Son. To those whose eyes of underperfect life conditions, such as God has promised. standing have been opened, the Apostles says, Those whose eyes of understanding have b "This is the record, that God has given unto us
some extent he11 opened see more and more of eternal life; and this life is in His Son. He that
the riches pf God's grace, and appreciate more . hath the Son hath life < and he that hath not the
and more all of His gifts and favors, especialljr Son of God hath not life." (1John 4: 12) Other
v;r;, tl~cunspeakable gift, mentioned Scriptures inform us that this life is merely
thi$ gift is the entire S c r i p reckoned to the church now, and that they will
1: czr e
tures set forth in various presentations. Of, not get it until they shall experience the change
those s t a t e r n ~ vm~ e of the most forceful is St. of the first resurrection, a t the second coming
Paul's declaration, "The wages of sin is death, of our Lord. Of these it is written, 'Pour life
.but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus is hid xith Christ in God". (Colossians 3: 3)
Christ our Lord".-Romans
6 :23.
Thus every suggestion of God's gift is bound up
similarly in Christ. Only as we become united
to Hi&, related to Him, can we have this unA Gift Not Appreciated
~ a l r theologies
have diverted or taken away speakable gift of God. Hence it is not improper
from the Bible statements that eternal life is that we,:should sometimes both thintc and speak
Hiwelf as being
the gift of God, and that He will supply it only of Jesds
- -.
~ h point
out to us its harmony with itself and
\*,jth reason, giving the citations and showing
betwen test and context-these
are the teachers who are really helpful. 911
1 others are apt to be injurious, vhether they
a:ldress us orally or in print.





% Qddm Age Ho?i&q N&,


-?'- "

TA~U&$&M~W ' Both Jesus and tbe efernal Me which the

Father has provided through Him are m q m k a g e in tbc sc23st fiat it is impossible for na to
p-esent fully to othem the r k h e a ~and the
glary which inhem in both Who caa descri'be
life eternal on either a spirit plane or as
restored and perfected humanity1 It is beyond
all the powers of onr mental oomprhension.
Even the thought of it can only imperfectly
commnnicated and 'imperfectly grssped. It
must graddig dawn upon us, grow upon as in
appreciation and campdension Similarly the
wealth of grace divine represented in our h d
Jesus is unspeakable. We cannot'tdi it; and
1 the natural man cannot receive of the things of
1 the Spirit of God, neither know them.-l Corinthians 2 :14.
I Ody those who are espeeidy favored of Qod
>anget even the &-st glimpse of the riches of
GoJ's grace in Christ. If this glimpse be appre-;ate& i t leads to dearer and still dearer views;
. all u-bo will appreciate either our Lord
Laus or the gift of life mnst be ''taught of God".
(John 6: 54) As our Eledeemer said to St. Peter,
Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona; for flesh and
lood Lath not rev&
this nnto thee, bnt my
Father in Beaven" (Matthew 16: I ? ) , so all who
.odd grasp s p i r i t d things must be taught
4 U our teaching and preachisgcannot overcome
the hlindlless of the na@ral fallen h d in
.;?spect to God's gift and the channel throngh
hich it comes.
Only as the Heavenly Father shall grant 33s
hI,?ssing may fruits b our labors be expected.
is written, "As many as the Lord your God
!.dl call," and; "No man can come unto me
~ s e p tthe Father who sent me draw h h "
I cts 2: 39;Jahn 6:44) Heme we s& that our
9 ?fi~ntap~rcdatj'nn
of di&ne goodness implies
hrcc ,
,,:, I. i s.- .duke provision of eternalI?> (2j Cnrist the channel, and (3) the &nowije by ;thid~w e are enabled to appreciate both
i e gift and the c h m e l .


. .


iimd f i e f in & s c r i m assamnu! th;t the

preeent world-wide drrQnerrr 3s
redt of
Ad=% sin m d caademnation ta death; that,
dthough Christ has come and offered Hls sacriZioefor sin, and thns made posra%IttBe r e m o d
af the cmat and the Wgkrgbadt of Adam and
aU of his r;aa to harmony with @
and t~
the I
possibiity of eceepfing 5gift d e L r d M e
upon EIis terms, never&&m** 6 of thi~
~pporbmityto ths
in p a d * . i l S Plltora.
How glad we a m thatc.S~
M d ' i )jhw all
the blind eyes ahall bead! ib.ibisb ears


The few who now me bnbt"'kp$%&ts God's

gift amindeed,as t b & a f g ~ & & r e , a
gen'little floe ( L a lfk 82); t
erally disowned by men, d%WbW'fa;Ol~QTh
Chrisfs sake? they src &k %
home, in advance of #e world, & sedpients
of God's favor by faith. Even now they msp
think of themselves as being possesson of life
eternal-because of their joy and eoddence in
Him who has promised.
There is a superlative hlemibg of etctrral lifc
on the spirit plane; "far above an&
principdities and powers". Those who atbin that bless
ing ailZ indeed be "parhhm a the divine
nature". (2 Peter 1: 4; 1John 3:2) S d y
"eye b t h not seen, nor ear bard, neither have
entered in& the h a d of zmm, ihe things wbith
God -bath prepared for them that love Him".
I1 Corinthians 2: 9) Those who have nos aficepted Christ as their Redeemer and their
Bridegroom possess also all the dches of God's
grace that center in -;
and when Be ebali
appear, they
Like Him, sharers in
g l o w " T W be anto God for bis Ms p h b l e at!"

Gifts to -&ChwcRGod%time bas not yet mw fm giving the

gifts of the Redeemer's sacrifice to the world.
- The distribution to fie world of manlrina of
Receiving and Rejecting God's Gift
'1.1s w e look out over the world and perceive those blcssirijis is held in abeyance,waiting for

.000,000 in heathen darkness and t31e reining 400,000,000 of nominal Christendom in

" , dull foggy light of saperstition and ignorIre, or7r first thought migllt bc that the w d d
In ~ n e r ahas
l rejected God's gift and hence has
-e led its doom for the second death. Then we


ear heard,





.. .....-




Holiday hT:rmber,1920-1921

God k.- right to give different gifts to EEis

differei.; c! fL-;urew He has given to the angels
thc! gilt.-.I..,sings, which cause their everlasttrig hay;^^:.: .s; and now He is selecting from
. ~ m o n gi : i t~- . n ~ by various trials, tests, a very
::pecial c!ciz.;-a
saintly class, of all nations and
denomin:?:io=ls. While He calls all perfect intelligent Lleiltgs (angelic and human) "sons of
God", He purpose's that the saintly ones now
being selected shall be His sons on a still high&
plane, to which Jesus has been exalted as a
reward for Ris obedience--"far above angels,
principalities and powers and every name that
is named".
To such of these as respond to the dranings
and leadings and tests, God is giving specid
earthly gifts,
gifts a t the present time-wt
'. tangible and seen of men, but spistual *giftsnew hearts of appreciation, new eyes of understanding, new ears of comprehension, new
powers of spiritual enjoymelit. To them 'old
things are passed away* and all things haye
i ~ c o m enew".-2 Corinthians 5 :17.

The Most Helpful Gifts

hoping for gifts in returnGive
every gift a t this season should be a love token.
m e value the gift not so much for its monetary
worth as because of the love and fellowship of
which it is a reminder. I t is eminently proper
that friends and parents should prepare gifts
for others in secret, and keep them until the
opporhne time for presentation.
all this
they are merely copying the Heavenly Father,,
who is thus preparing for the world the wonderfnl gifts of t h 2 Messianic Kingdom, described
as "a feast of fat things for all people".
But there are other gifts which should not lp
kept back merely for Christmas time. Each
nno 47?despecially each Christian, should every
aay ~ 2 : : ic.r& on life's pathway gifts and blessings that wohld bring joy, cheer, to many hearts
-the trinri!~mnrd, the nod of recognition, especially to one in less favored circumstances,
the kindly look, the word or act of sympathy.
Oh, ho* much these gifts mean to the poor
world, whom the Apostle Pan1 describes as the
groaning creation ! Many of them have little
that they know how to enjoy m
' the present life,
and no prospect beyond. How blank such lives!
n god:? pleasure comes from casting upon
then1 an occasional ray of smshine !


" l o r e Blessed T o Give"

is fhe great pattern set before
us in His nVord. 'In proportion as we have
received of God's gift and have appreciated it,
in that same proportion are- we privileged to
be so "taught of God" a s to become more and
more libc Him in spirit, disposition-desirous
of gi~ng-generons. Since man was created
in the image and likeness of God, d men would
have p o ~ e s e dthis generous disposition had it
not been for the fall of Adam; and we find that
the fall has especially blighted some in one particular m d others in mother. Hence amongst
"natural men" there are some who uc generous, and wvl~oto that degree have p e r h p s more
Godlikdness than have some of the children of
grace--especially until the latter have been
trained in theSchoo1 of Christ.
F~~we are to remember that ~ ~ message
and His drawing power affect the less honorable
of mafind.
(1 corint.iana 1: 26 - r)) 'mw
0pportunitJ ia afforded for the Lord to demonstrate the power of His grace in the transformstion of character. But so surely as we have
become God's children, recipients of His blessing and of the instruction of the School of
firisf this q u a l i e of benevolence
grow in
Us; and the more ripe We become m i s t b n 4
the more it wiU z h u n d in oar thoughts, words
and deeds. But any other ~ n d i t i o qany failme
to ProPess, any b r n i n g toward greater seifishness* would be Enre signs that we are faced in
the wrong direction, that we are waUring after
after the SP*
the flesh,
Thousands on thousands in the world are
needy; and those possessed of the Lord's spirit
will feel an intense desire to give to these. But
here the M c u l t y arises. W h a t lines shall wc
draw? We answer that aa comparing spirituaI
and temporal gifts we should prefer to give tho
higher, the spiritual, wherever we have opportuniQ-not forgetting the other, however, as occasion may demand or opportunity offer.
Since the judgment of each will be according
to his light, it follows that many more can ap- preciate the privilege of giving earthly blessings, comforts, succor, solace, etc., than can
understand' the still higher privilege of giving
heavenly gifts, blessings, counsel, succor, cons o l a t i o ~ comfort. Whoever, thgefore, has spiritual ability to give further spiritual favors
shouldkejoice to thus engage in blessing others.
G C Himself




J O for

All People Coming Soon



"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which sltall be to all people; for zinto 9024 is born
this da.y in the City of Betltleltent a Savior, which is Christ the Lo rd."- Luke 2: 1 0 , ~ ~ .
Great joy to all people? Did God send that
message by the angelsf Can we believe it implicitly? If so, it tells us of the most momentous
change conceivable in human conditions. Of the
t the poet has truthfully said :
"Now the world is full of suffering,
Sounds of woe f u l l on my ears,
SIghts of \vretcl~eclness nnd sorrow

Fill m y eyes with pitying tenrs.

'Tis t h e earth's dark 11i.zI1tof \ v c ~ ~ ) i:t ~ g
\Vrong and evil triumph now ;
I cnn \\'nit. for just befare m e
Beams the morning's roseate glow."

This is in full agreement with the proplietic

declaration, 'Weeping inay endure for a night,
but joy cometh in the morning". (Psalm 30: 5)
The question is not as respects the weeping and
the night, the reign of darkness, of sin, or death.
This is fact-not imagination, not speculation.
Even those most favorably situated share with
the world in general the condition which the
Apostle describes, saying, "The whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together . . .
waiting for the manifestation of the sons of
God" (Romans 8: 22,19), waiting for the morning of the new and better day referred to by
the angels and by all the prophets and apostles,
as well as by our Redeemer. What interests us
in this connection is the promised escape from
present conditions to those of joy, happiness
and blessing. Whoever can heartily believe the
a n ~ e l i cmessage will surely agree that it is good
tid~ngs-a message of peace on earth and.good
will to men. But show us how it can be brought
about, and when. Prove the matter to us, not
only Scripturally, but demonst rate it logically,
for it is contrary to all that we have ever h e n
' taught or ever believed, and it seems too good


Gear frirncis, I' address you as Christian believers, pupils in tEs School of Christ, students
of the L0i.d'~ Ttord, arid remind you that not
oilly all creation is groaning, but that the Apostle includes us and all believers in the matter,
saying, "Ourselves also, which have the first
fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves, groan
within ourselves waiting for the adoption, to
wit, the redemption of our body," the Body of

Christ. (Romans 8: 23) We have indeed a faith

which the world has not-a message of peace
and fellowship of spirit with the Lord, and,
many of us, also a communion with saints: hut
blessed as these divine favors are, they leave
much to -be desired, and we groan, waiting for
the glorious consummation
the conditions
which are to be ours in the Resnrrection morning.


I n order to appreciate the Bible explanation

of how the relief and joy are coming to the
world, we must note these declarations respecting the cause and source of our tribulations.
Nowhere is the matter so beautifully and thoroughly summed up as in the Apostle's statement, %y one man's disobedience sin entered
into the world, and death as the result of sin;
and so death passed upon all men, for that all
have sinned". (Romans 5 :12) That esplanation
shows the entire situation. ?Ve perceive that sin
has gotten hold of our race; has blemished its
organism; has more o r less defiled its every
member. And we perceive that death is its natural out\vorking o r penalty, and that all of our
sorro.uTs and troubles and 11-eaknesses, mental,
moral, and physical, are the results of this dying process, which is operating in us. The Scriptural explanation t h a t the entire matter in its
start in weakness, origi~ialsin, was in Eden,
with our first parents, is logical. We perceive
exactly how these blemishes have been collveyetl
from parent to child with increasing force and
virulence. Thus we confirm the statement that
we were "born in sin and shapen in inquity;
in sin did our mothers conceive us," and that
there is none righteous from the crown of the
head to the soles of the feet.
As a race we are unable to justify ourselves
before God, for, as the Apostle declares, "We
cannot do the things that we would", for "there
is none righteous, no, not one," in the absolute
sense. (Romans 3:lO) We see, then, that our
Creator determined not to sympathize ~ r i t h ,
nor encourage, nor permit sin,but to destroy it.

was rich became poor for our sakes, voluntarily,

and has now been gloriously rewarded in part,
for His faithfulness to the F a t h e i s will. H e
notes how Jesus humbled Himself, even unto
the death of the cross, and then adds, "Where-,
Is it supposable that the unchangeable God fore God hath higl~lyexalted him and given him
\\-ill change? Surely not! What then is there a s a name above every name, that a t the name
a basis for hope, since H e has already decreed of Jesus every h ~ e eshall bow, of things in
us unworthy of life-worthy of destmctionheaven and things in earth, and things under
death? Does not justice rule in all of the divine the earth; that every tongue shall confess 'that
dealings? Could God violate this element of Jesus Christ is Lord. to the glory of the FathHis character, of which we read, "Justice is the er".-Philippians
2 :9-11.
foundation of his throne"? We must assent that
God cannot change. But the Scriptures reveal
These are the fundamental divine attributes.
to us another of God's attributes coming to our
relief-His love. W e inquire with deepest in- The first three have been exhibited to us in o p
terest, Is i t possible for God's love to triumph eration. W e wonder and adore divine justice,
over His justice? We ansn-er, No, the divine unchangeable ; divine uisdom, inscrutable ; diattributes are so perfectly coordinated that one vine love, im~lleasurahle. What remains, therecannot trample upon another. Human wisdom fore, is t o see the final demonstration of divine
might here drop the matter as hopeless, but the power in action. A sample of i t was given as
divine plan shows us to the contrary - that by our Lord, when H e awakened Lazarus from
divine love provided for the satisfaction of jus- the sleep of death, a s showing further the glortice, by a sacrifice and corresponding price. To ies of H i s coming kingdom-the divine kingour astonishment, the Scriptures hold u p our dom. Divine power is still more manifest in our
Lord, "The man Christ Jesus, who gave him- Lord's own resurrection, His "change" from
self a ransom for all ;to be testified in due time". earthly to heavenly condition. "in a moment, in
(1 Tinlothy 2: 5 , 6 ) Now we bebin to see that the twinkling of a n eye". (1 Corinthians 15: 52)
our all-wise and all-just Creator, in the fulness 'J'he work of this gospel age, the selection of
of H i s love, provided for the satisfaction of His the church from amongst . mankind, demonown justice, and thus provided for the relief of strates further the justice, wisdom, love and
our race, and for the fulfillment of our text, that power of God; hut the power still -waits for a
ultimately great joy should come to all people, full development. If that element of the divine
through Nessiah's sacrifice.
character shall prevail, it will indeed mean what
But would it be just to lay the penalty of our text declares, that "great joy shall be to
Adam's sin upon a substitute! n70uld i t be just all people".
Love divine has sought the world and bought
to cause the innocent to suffer for the guilty?
All, yes ! That course n~ouldbe unjust. But that it with the precious sacrifice of our Redeemer.
is not the divine program. On the contrary, Adam was the transgressor, and all his race
m before the Redeemer a great suffer in consequence. Jesus Christ redeemed
divine ~ ~ i s c l oset
prize and rich reward if He would undertake father Adam, and in so doing, redeemed all of
the sacrifice incidental to our deliverance from his family and all of his. inheritance. Our glorthe power of sin and death. Jesus did this. As ious Lord purposes to take the place of Adam
we read, "Who for the joy that ~ 7 a sset before and to adopt all of his children, if they will,
I-iirn, endured the cross? despising the shame, and to give them back again all that was lost
and is set dourn a t the r ~ g h hand
of the throne in their father Adam. We must remember that,
cf God:'. (Hcbrc~vs12: 2) The Apostle, telling no matter what our plane of birth, no matter
us of tlie sacrifice, assures us that He voluntari- how deep our degradation, our rights, as the
ly left the glory which H e had with the Father, children of Adam, were the perfect human
was lnadc flesh, and gave Himself a s the "pro- rights, had those not been forfeited by his dispitiatioll for our sins; and not for ours only, but obedience. Consequently the restoration which
for the sins of the whole worldy'.-1 John 2 :2. our Redeemer purposes is not merely a restorThe Apostle assures u s further that H e who ing to each individual of the things which he
Ilis \vol.k has operated along the li~lesof justice,
in selitc.licing us to dcath and in holding to that
for IIOW six thousand years.





once possessed, but a restitutionlof all that was

his by right under the original divine arrangement, if Adam had not sinned. Halielujahl
What a Savior! "Ahle to save unto the uttermost them that come unto God by him." (Hebrews 7 :25) So surely as the divine program
has thus been carried out, exhibiting God's justice and wisdom and lore, so surely the remainder of the divine program will follo\v. and
demonstrate divine power.


7Yith a haste which properly belon; t o our

short-lived and dying condition, we wonder why
d i ~ n power
has not made greater haste in the
deliverance of Adam and his race from the
bondage of sin and death-~hy Messiah. after
purchasing the world and the fulness thereof,
has not made haste to take possession of it, but
has permitted the reign of sin and death to continue, and has permitted Satan still to be the
god of this world and the deceiver of men.
The Scriptures give the only answer. They
tell us that, from the divine standpoint, the six
thousand pears of the reign of sin and death
are a short time in God's sight-that a thousand pears in God's sight are but as ysterday,
and that we are to have patience and faith.
They show us that the divine command was to
multiply and fill the earth, and that this work
has been much more rapidly accomplished under the reign of sin and death than it would
have been otherwise, and that thus God has provided by now a sufficient number of Sdam's
race to 611 the whole earth. They show ns further that these have all had some lessons and
experiences along the line of sin and death, and
will, thereby, be prepared for the lessons on the
side of righteousness, the lessons which God
purposes they shall have in the future, when
the Redeemer shall fulfill His promise and call
them forth from the tomb, the prison-house of
An'hample of the operation was granted to
us when our Lord called to his friend Lazarus,
.t.-,?as dead, "Lazarus, come forth"-and the
dead came forth. He was not alive. He was
dead, or, from the divine standpoint of speaking of things ~vhichare not yet accomplished,
a s though they were, he was asleep, just as
Stephen was asleep when he was stoned to
death, and as the good and bad of all the past
are said to be asleep with their fathers.


Aaotlier particular reason for the delay of

the establishment of 3iessid1's kingdom and the
blessing of the world which H e redeemed is that
there is another feature of the divine yurpoee,
namely, the selecting, or electing, of a 'little
f l o e to be the church of Christ, His bride and
joint-heir in His kingdom glory and illillennial
work. The type o r pattern of this church was
Israel in the flesh aud the overcomers of that
time, briefly mentioned by the Apostle in Hebrews ll. They are to have a special reward
ariil share in the services of the future. They,
hoaever, were not invited to be members of the
h i d e class, the selection of which began a t
Pentecost and will, we believe, very soon be
completed, \\-hen the last one of them shall have
been accepted, found faithful, chiseled and polished, and made ready for the kingdom glory,
into which they will be ushered by the power
of the first resurrection. "So also is the resurrection of the dead; it is sown a natural body;
it is raised a spiritual body." (1 Corinthians
15:42,44) "And I saw the souls of them that
were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and
for the Word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had
they received his mark upon their; foreheads,
nor in their hands: and they lived and reigned
vith Christ a t h o u s a ~ ~years."-Rev.
20: 4.
That time is Scripturally designated the
"morningy of tlie New Dispeusntion. The picture is carried out by telling us that now darkness covers the earth and gross darkmess the
heathen, but that in due time the light of divine
g l o shall
arise. Meantime the Lord's faithful
mnst walk by faith and not by sight, and the
Father's Word of promise must be the lamp to
their patl~\\-ay,the light of their footsteps, even
as a "lamp shining in a dark place, until the
day dax-n".-2 Peter 1:19.
Our Lord Himself is styled the"sun of Righteousness", which shall arise with healing restitution in His beams. (Iialachi 4: 2) And in one
of His parables our Lord represents His church,
which is also to be with Bim the "Sun of Righteousness", mhicli is to return and refresh the
world. He describes the future glory of the
garnered wheat of this gospel age, saying,
"Then shall the righteous shine forth as the
sun,in the kingdom of their Father". (Uatthew
13:43) The results mill be the scattering of

t h e igiiorance and superstition and darkness of

sill, \vilich no\\. prevails, and the enli&litcnment
of all mallkind.
A further guarantee of the blessing of that
time is given us in the assurance that on< of
the first works of our Lord, in respect to the
cstnbli~limentof His kingdom, mill be the binding of Satan. The Apostle says, "And he laid
hold on Satan, and bound him for a thousand
pears, and set a seal upon him, that he should
dccaeive the nations no more, till the thousand
yca1.s should be finislied". How careful our Lord
is to prove to us Iiow cvei-y detail of that gloriorw l'1i111 has been worked out. and that nothing
fail! He assures ns as follon-s: "So shall
nly word be that goeth forth out of my mouth;
it s1!:111 not return unto me void, but it shall acconiplish that which I please, and it shall prospcsr i l l the thing whereunto I sent ity7.(Isaiah
5.5 :11) And if our faith be lame, He assures
our hearts, saying, "For as the heavens are
Irighcr than the earth, so are m y mays higher
tl1it11 your vT\.ays,and my thoughts than Tour
tl~o~~zllts".-Tsaiah55 :9.

I.ord said, ?Blessed are they that mourn;

for rlicy shall be comforted". (Matthew 5:4)
So il' v-c find that the great nlajority of mankillti Itaye had considerable experience in monrni n g a i d sorrow, under tlie reign of sin and
dcnlll, there is comfort in the thought that the
s;utle large majority of the race shall be comforted, shall receive joy. All
have the opportunity of coming to this estate of joy, promised for all r h o were redeemed by the precious
hlood. -4nd the promised "times of restitution
of all things, which God hath spoken by the
~nouthof all his holy prophets since the world
began," will be morld-wide in their influence.
All escept the church trill share in that glorious
restitution blessing. And the faithful of the
church will have, before then, received their
,I-'...: d~lessing, through the "change" of


nature froni human to divine. "Behold, I show

you a mystery," says the Apostle, "we shall be
changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an
eye".-1 Corinthians 13 :51,52.
The restitution work will begin immediately
with the generation living a t that time
following the great time of trouble, which the
Scriptures declare will usher in the Millennium.
As soon as order and blessing shall be established in the world, under. that glorious kingdom
or dominion, invisible to men except through
its agents or channels, then will begin the awakening of the sleeping millions-gradually.
last w i l l be first, so that the first Adwill
probably be the last to be awakened. But their
awakening will be for the purpose of bringing
them to an accurate knowledge of Ood, His
justice, wisdom, love and power, to the intent
that, if they will be rightly exercised in obedience to Christ, the great Mediator between God
and men, they will gradually regain the perfection lost by original sin and, if they become
careless, they will receive stripes, chastisements, that by these judgments of the Lord,
they may finally regain all that was lost. Their
joys n4.l be increasing with every step taken
on the return journey back from sin and death
to perfection of life. The joy ,will be unto all
people, yet there is the intimation that some
w i l l reject the divine favor. As it is written,
"And it shall come to pass, that every s o d which
will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyd
from among the people".-Acts
3: 23.
Thus enlightened by the divine message, our
hearts 'Nil1 undoubtedly be d r a m nearer and
nearer to the Fountain of all Grace and our
lives \\ill be all sunshine. Let us not only put
off tlie works of darkness, but put off all that
pertains to the darkness and error, and be
clothed in garments of lights, and give

"Pr:tiw to him by who= kind favor

Heavenly Truth has reached our ears;

.Uay its sweet. reviving savor
Fill our hearts and calm our feara"


Spirit of Cl~rlstmas.the wl~oleworld Is waiting.

Waiting and longing for Christ and for you.
Song of the angek oh! banish nll hating;
Peace and good will ring. 0 joy-bells, rIng true!
Spread the glad tidings. the new day L dawning.
Llft up your bends, all ye snlnts. and rejoice.
Glory to God in the hlghest! "l'ls morning.
Praise Him, oh 1 praise Him with heart and with voice
- A ~ W Bourse.




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, ' promised by Jehovah to ''dl the-families of the earth".

. 9ee &n& 12 :1-3 ; 29 :13-18 ; 26 :2-5 ; 28 : 11-14.

14. H o w will those days of trottble be slrortAM,: The mswer is found in Revelation 20: 1-3,
where it u shown that Satan will be bound for a thousand ? c u r (during the reign af Christ over the earth)
by "an angel come down from heavenH-by Christ come
to earth. \Vhen Satan is bound, the trouble stops; for .
he is the great trouble-maker. "And God @hallwipe
away all tcm.h#n their eyea; and there &all be no
more derth, m i t h q sorrow nor crging, neither &aU
there be any mere pain; for tbr former t h i q p are
passed aaa;'"-Revehtioa
21 :
, ,
Beginning with our next isnw TRRC 6 W A ~ wBi l l
publish r list of questions ereh issue b i ~ t x
Butherford's new book, "The Harp o i " ~ The
answers w i l l be found in the book. Set w e n t on
last page.
2 %

worldn.(John 14: 30) "Tho god of thia aorld" [Satan]

doer not d ~ i to
n have his kingdom taken from him;
m ha is r a i d b g rt every rtep the forward much of
new King'of euth. In the Bcvised ITersionyReven 11:15 reads : "The liingdom [not kingdoms] of
world ir kcome @~mrning]fhe kingdom of our
and of ht Chid", etc. The kingdoms am r d j
aw kingdom, the kingdom of Satan, just as the new
kingdom w i l l ba one kingdom, thc kingdom of Christ.

Tb. text b.. k.ll erltiealll rev184 by Pmtemw

Bailey, Chkl ot tk Astranamlcal D@pt.a( Hamad,
Dr. J.
Ro#wq Dean of the Oaklaad (Callf.)
Technical RfLm Schonl. Dr. Edward Ka-nrr d C*
!rrmMa, and Dr. a. D. BrlakhoK of Cambridge.




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13. Why sb&i t k rtanding u p of Jlicrhael

D&et @$'I) or the fnkirrg of @is
power to be& 9"d reign (Rerelatior, 11:z7,
18), cawe ~ u c h
a great time o f trouble?
Am,: Satan ir "the god of [god means mighty one]
thir world" [the present ordar or arraagement of
thing]. He waa .to.called by Jesur "the prince cd this

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erer) is aot a single indiridual or perwn. but. ''many

( I Corinthians 12 : 12-14,27) ; that God's dear Son "ia
the Head of the body [the body of the Christ], the
church" ( Co1or;sians 1: IS), and that all who are Christ'a
are Abraham's seed and heirs acmrding to the pmmisl"
to bless all families and nations of the earth. S@ Galatians 3 : 8, 16, 29 ; Genesis 12 : 3 ; 22 : 18.

: Jesils \\-:isa1:ointed of God (Luke 4: 18;

\cts 10 3 8 ) . and a1.n t h ~L~IIYC!I.-O Corinthians 1:
&ginning with our next issue THE G O ~ E ; AGE
!I 1 Jtbiln 2 : 2:.
publieh a Iict of questions each issue taken from Judge
4. T h e n , in ploi)z ln1tg7tnge,zohat is this great I{utherford7s new book, "The Harp of (30d". The an-


n,+stery that St. Pnitl is sperrk,i?tg of?

Bna: It is that the promised seed (the great deliv-

swers will be found in THE GOLDENAQE and in the

book See advertisement on last page.
.... .

And man. a t war with man, hears not
The lovesong which they bring:
Oh, hush the noise, ye men of strife.
And hear the angels. sing!
And ye henenth life's crushing load.
Whore forms are bending low. . '
Who toil along the climbldg way
' .
With ~ a i n f u lstem and slow.
I m k no^.! for glad and golden h o u a
Come swiftly on the wing:
Oh, rest beside the weary road,
And hear the angels sing!
F o r lo! the days a r e hastening on
By prophet-bards foretold,
When with the ever-circling yeals
Comes round the age of gold;
\\'hen peace shall over all the earth
Its ancient splendors fling
And the whole world give back the song
Which now the angels sing.

It came upon the midnight clear.

That ~ l o r i o u ssong of old.
From angels bending nenr the earth
To touch their linrps of gold;
"Peace on earth. good will to men,
From henren's all-gmcious King".
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sink
Still through the cloven skies they colne
With peaceful wings unfurled,
And still thelr heavenly music floats
O'er all the aenry world;
Above its ead and lowly plains
They bend r.; :;yering
:'ad ever o'er its Babel sounds
'l'he blessed angels sing.
Ijat with t h e woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long;
Beneath t h e nnpl-strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wronp;


[Thls hymn, translated for T m WEN
Aom, lm .aog by
tho Hollandish peeplo en thr might ef u c h December Slmtl

Hours, days, rnzz*s, and years,

Sxviftly as the shadows go;
Ah, r e find upon our pnthway
Naught that's lnsting here below.
In the way that we must traverse.
Scarce a footprint e'er remains.
Only on the soul the present
Leavea its blessings or its stains.

Neither weal nor woe can harm me,

Neither grief nor chastening rod.
Thou a r t ever left to cheer me,
Thou'rt eternnlll my God.
Rhate'er sorrow here may threaten,
Unto Tbce for rest I go;
Thou art, through Thy Son, my Father,
Spite of changes, splte of woe.

Generations languish earthward,

And we bloom upon their p a v e s ;
And In time our chlldren mourn WFallen, like the autumn t e a m
puqt, thgt n p - elow have gnthcmd.
m t s wit1 .
-*'i-nme grave ;

Father, stlll. In all my sorrows.

Father, though in shade o r sun.
Father, in the Vale of Shadow,
Father, too, when death has won.
Though on earth Is naught but cbanglng,
Thou, 0 God, dost faithful stand;
E'en my soul rests in Tby m e w ,
Slumbers in Thy Father-hand


R-~rhoutThee, Z~errrni F~kiLar,

Ah, who could our being save?

~ h o t i g hThou riirreGjt ro deSt~cti0tL
Still Thy grace forsnkes us not,
Heavenly light shines round about US,
Glory is Thy children's l o t
'Neath Thy loving care and guidanco
All the weary, dying way
I m d s us, a s Thy Word hath spoken,
To the full and perfect Day.


Haste then, years, haste freely onward,

With your sunllght and your p a
What of grief ye brlng upon me.
nline i s peace that shall remain.
Though all else on earth should fall m0,
Onward led by Thy dear hand,
Bright, hepond our mean existence
Shines my heavenly Fatherland.

OR more t an

two yaars ::ow

The Gol& Age has been going
reguldly to its subscriben. Once it
was found necessary to advance the

price from $1.50 to $2.00,

on account of mark& rises in paper prices and other costs of produdion. But
now we have a Holiday szvprise for our
readers-fiom January 7, 1922, the annual subscr@tion price to our j o u r d is
reduced to $1.00 per year

( ~ n m u aand foreign+ $1.50)

This drop in price does not indicate

any change in the size of the magazine
nor in the number or quality of the contributions. It is simply a
in price.

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