Solved Pair of Words 1971
Solved Pair of Words 1971
Solved Pair of Words 1971
English (Prcis and Composition) 1972
Meaning: the state of understanding and realizing something.
Use in sentence: Her consciousness that she's different makes her feel uneasy.
Meaning: putting a lot of effort into your work/ controlled by or done according to
Use in sentence: She has always been a very conscientious worker.
Meaning: very clever and skilful
Use in sentence: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
Meaning: honest, sincere and trusting/ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and
Use in sentence: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete
stranger to look after his luggage.
Meaning: extremely good
Use in sentence: You look fantastic in that dress.
Meaning: describes someone whose admiration for something is considered to be
extreme or unreasonable
Use in sentence: His enthusiasm for aerobics was almost fanatical.
Meaning: a title used before the name of some government officials
Use in sentence: The Honourable Andrew Robinson
Meaning: given as an honour to someone
Use in sentence: She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in
recognition of her work for the homeless.
Meaning: a member of a government or law-making organization
Use in sentence: We do not have good politicians in our country.
Meaning: an experienced politician, especially one who is respected for making good
Use in sentence: He was a soldier and statesman.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1974
Meaning: showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
Use in sentence: I'm so grateful (to you) for all that you've done.
Meaning: to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need
Use in sentence: We were gratified by the response to our appeal.
Meaning: describes something that is created by and exists only in the mind; that is not
Use in sentence: As a child I had an imaginary friend called Polly.
Meaning: of, relating to, or characterized by imagination
Use in sentence: The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent
Meaning: not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your
Use in sentence: The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the
children to swim in dangerous water.
Meaning: too slight or small in amount to be of importance
Use in sentence: The difference between the two products is negligible.
Meaning: to stop from being angry
Use in sentence: The Canaanites had many gods and they ran here, there and
everywhere to placate these gods.
Meaning: capable of being recognized
Use in sentence: An easy thing you could do is making clocks placeable on walls.
Meaning: unwilling to be controlled or be patient
Use in sentence: The audience was becoming restive as they waited for the
performance to begin.
Meaning: unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are
worried or bored
Use in sentence: He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.
Use in sentence: His manner was perfectly amicable but I felt uncomfortable.
Meaning: large or of noticeable importance
Use in sentence: The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
Meaning: kind and helpful
Use in sentence: She promises to be quieter and more considerate in future.
Meaning: very clever and skillful
Use in sentence: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
Meaning: honest, sincere and trusting/ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and
Use in sentence: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete
stranger to look after his luggage. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: lasting for a very short time
Use in sentence: Be careful not to make even momentary short circuits with metal
Meaning: very important because of effects on future events
Use in sentence: Whether or not to move overseas was a momentous decision for the
Meaning: having good moral qualities and behavior
Use in sentence: He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people.
Meaning: describes something that can be done or seen using a computer and therefore
without going anywhere or talking to anyone
Use in sentence: In tests, we have found the virtual machine runs at a reasonable
Meaning: to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with
Use in sentence: The music complements her voice perfectly.
Meaning: Satisfied
Use in sentence: We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
Meaning: willing to please; affably agreeable; obliging
Use in sentence: Can we really sit back and watch the suffering of a whole nation and
be so complaisant?
Meaning: a country or its government
Use in sentence: Britain is one of the member states of the European Union.
Meaning: the group of people who officially control a country
Use in sentence: The government is expected to announce its/their tax proposals
Meaning: famous, respected or important
Use in sentence: An eminent historian
Meaning: very well-known and important
Use in sentence: The government should be playing a more prominent role in
promoting human rights.
Meaning: in a lower position
Use in sentence: From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.
Meaning: in or to a lower position
Use in sentence: Jeremy hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
Meaning: fat and round
Use in sentence: He was a portly figure in a tight-fitting jacket and bow tie.
Meaning: describes a woman who is attractive in appearance
Use in sentence: She is very comely.
Meaning: the way in which something is set up
Use in sentence: This allows simplified setup of Local Area Networking devices.
Set upon:
Meaning: to attack someone
Use in sentence: He was set upon by a vicious dog.
Meaning: used instead of 'will' when the subject is 'I' or 'we'
Use in sentence: Shall we be able to get this finished today, do you think?
Meaning: used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that
you are certain about or things that are planned
Use in sentence: Clare will be five years old next month.
Meaning: to (cause something or someone to) go down below the surface or to the
bottom of a liquid or soft substance
Use in sentence: Enemy aircraft sank two battleships.
Meaning: to (cause to) die by being unable to breathe under water
Use in sentence: He drowned in a boating accident.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1977
Meaning: a type of table used in ceremonies in a Christian church or in other religious
Use in sentence: A 3rd century Roman pagan altar was also recently found on the site.
Meaning: to change something
Use in sentence: We've had to alter some of our plans.
Meaning: suitable and right for the occasion
Use in sentence: It is, however, apposite to note that this process will continue in the
year ahead.
Meaning: completely different
Use in sentence: You'd never know they're sisters - they're completely opposite to each
other in every way.
Meaning: to accept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasant
Use in sentence: It's your decision - you must bear the responsibility if things go wrong.
Meaning: without any clothes or not covered by anything
Use in sentence: Don't walk around outside in your bare feet.
Meaning: Satisfied
Use in sentence: We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
Meaning: willing to please; affably agreeable; obliging
Use in sentence: Can we really sit back and watch the suffering of a whole nation and
be so complaisant? (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: having confidence
Use in sentence: Be a bit more confident in yourself!
Meaning: a person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with
Use in sentence: Within a few short years he was a trusted confidant.
Meaning: illness of people, animals, plants, etc.
Use in sentence: Starvation and diseases have killed thousands of refugees.
Meaning: a person's death
Use in sentence: The house will not be yours till after your mother's decease.
Meaning: a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes
like a door
Use in sentence: Take the next right turning through a large iron gate onto a cobbled
Meaning: a particular way of walking
Use in sentence: He walked with a slow stiff gait.
Meaning: involving a court of law
Use in sentence: The defense team will seek a judicial review of the sentence.
Meaning: having or showing reason and good judgment in making decisions
Use in sentence: We should make judicious use of the resources available to us.
Meaning: very clever and skillful
Use in sentence: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
Meaning: honest, sincere and trusting/ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and
Use in sentence: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete
stranger to look after his luggage. (Pair Repeated: 2)
Meaning: a wooden bar which is fastened over the necks of two animals, especially
cattle, and connected to the vehicle or load that they are pulling
Use in sentence: In just a few weeks another 10 nations, many freed from the yoke of
Communist oppression.
Meaning: the yellow, middle part of an egg
Use in sentence: I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.
Meaning: behavior or speech that is not sincere
Use in sentence: She has so many little affectations.
Meaning: of or in a city or town
Use in sentence: The development is clearly urban in character, but lacks local shops
and facilities.
Meaning: confident, comfortable and polite in social situations
Use in sentence: He was always well informed and brought an urbane authority to
everything he did.
Meaning: relating to a position of responsibility
Use in sentence: He visited China in his official capacity as America's trade
Meaning: too eager to tell people what to do and having too high an opinion of your own
Use in sentence: He's an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.
Meaning: at the side of, next to
Use in sentence: Come and sit here beside me.
Meaning: in addition to; also
Use in sentence: Do you play any other sports besides football and basketball?
Meaning: describes clothes that are not formal or not suitable for special occasions
Use in sentence: I dress casual as I am in a casual setting.
Meaning: a relationship, link, etc. between two things in which one causes the other
Use in sentence: Is there a causal relationship between violence on television and
violent behavior?
Meaning: to make a substance flow from a container, especially into another container,
by raising just one side of the container that the substance is in
Use in sentence: I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
Meaning: a very small hole in the skin of people or other animals, or a similar hole on
the surface of plants or rocks
Use in sentence: Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.
Meaning: to make someone feel ashamed or lose their respect for themselves
Use in sentence: How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of
everyone like that?
Meaning: the quality of not being proud because you are conscious of your bad qualities
Use in sentence: He doesn't have the humility to admit when he's wrong.
Meaning: to destroy or badly damage something
Use in sentence: Our greenhouse was wrecked in last night's storm.
Meaning: to have a strong unpleasant smell
Use in sentence: Her breath reeked of garlic.
Meaning: relating to practical matters or physical things, rather than spiritual ones
Use in sentence: Her starting point: 'The future is the only temporal area over which
people have power.
Meaning: not lasting or needed for very long
Use in sentence: The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1979
Meaning: a ceding or giving up (of rights, property, territory, etc.) to another
Use in sentence: The Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) led to further cessions of territory
by China.
Meaning: a formal meeting or series of meetings of an organization such as a
parliament or a law court
Use in sentence: The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.
Meaning: a Christian priest with special duties in a cathedral
Use in sentence: He was first appointed as a residentiary canon and only became
Chancellor after several years with us.
Meaning: a large, mounted piece of artillery; sometimes, specif., a large gun with a
relatively short barrel, as a howitzer
Use in sentence: Instead of eight machine guns, it now had twelve, or four 20mm
Meaning: extremely cruel and unpleasant behavior
Use in sentence: He witnessed some appalling acts of barbarism during the war.
Meaning: behavior that is very cruel, or a very cruel act
Use in sentence: This barbarity must cease!
Meaning: someone who paints, draws or makes sculptures
Use in sentence: Monet is one of my favorite artists.
Meaning: a person who does skilled work with his or her hands
Use in sentence: They were concerned about the skilled artisan, not the factory
Meaning: funny, silly or strange behavior
Use in sentence: But the rock-star whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars
is older and wiser now.
Meaning: something made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is
beautiful, rare, old or of high quality
Use in sentence: My mother collects antiques.
Meaning: an idea or belief which is not true
Use in sentence: He had no illusions about his talents as a singer.
Meaning: something that is said or written that is intended to make you think of a
particular thing or person
Use in sentence: Her novels are packed with literary allusions.
Meaning: to have a strong want or hope to do or have something
Use in sentence: Few people who aspire to fame ever achieve it.
Meaning: If something which lasts for a fixed length of time expires, it comes to an end
or stops being in use
Use in sentence: Our television license expires next month.
Meaning: an accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other with force
Use in sentence: There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.
Meaning: agreement between people to act together secretly or illegally in order to
deceive or cheat someone
Use in sentence: It is thought that they worked in collusion with the terrorist network.
Meaning: to give advice, especially on social or personal problems
Use in sentence: The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by
the tragedy.
Meaning: a group of people elected or chosen to make decisions or give advice on a
particular subject
Use in sentence: This play is supported by a grant from the local arts council.
Meaning: helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally
Use in sentence: It might be expedient not to pay him until the work is finished.
Meaning: quick
Use in sentence: The bank was expeditious in replying to my letter.Meaning: a ceding
or giving up (of rights, property, territory, etc.) to another
Use in sentence: The Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) led to further cessions of territory by
Meaning: suitable and right for the occasion
Use in sentence: It is, however, apposite to note that this process will continue in the
year ahead.
Meaning: completely different
Use in sentence: You'd never know they're sisters - they're completely opposite to each
other in every way. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: someone who paints, draws or makes sculptures
Use in sentence: Monet is one of my favorite artists.
Meaning: a skilled performer, especially a dancer, singer or actor
Use in sentence: Denise has been a solo artiste for over 20 years working all over the
Meaning: to change something to suit different conditions or uses
Use in sentence: Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new
operating system.
Meaning: to choose or take as your own
Use in sentence: Dr Kennedy has been adopted as the party's candidate for South
English (Prcis and Composition) 1982
Meaning: to make something less harmful, unpleasant or bad
Use in sentence: It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
Meaning: to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
Use in sentence: The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.
Meaning: to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their
race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone
Use in sentence: Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the tenyear regime.
Meaning: to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or (of a
lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime
Use in sentence: He was prosecuted for fraud.
Meaning: liked, enjoyed or supported by many people
Use in sentence: She's the most popular teacher in school.
Meaning: the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place
Use in sentence: Some studies show that workers in the nuclear industry are more
likely than the general populace to get cancer.
Meaning: remark that expresses approval, admiration or respect
Use in sentence: I take it as a compliment when people say I look like my mother.
Meaning: to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with
Use in sentence: The music complements her voice perfectly. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to make someone have strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm
Use in sentence: Nothing about my life excites me at present.
Meaning: to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent
Use in sentence: She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their
Meaning: excessive desire to eat
Use in sentence: On reaching the ship they were offered some bread, which they
devoured with a voracious appetite.
Meaning: the quality of being true, honest or accurate
Use in sentence: The veracity of the second claim can be tested against the findings of
Meaning: having good moral qualities and behavior
Use in sentence: He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people.
Meaning: describes something that can be done or seen using a computer and therefore
without going anywhere or talking to anyone
Use in sentence: In tests, we have found the virtual machine runs at a reasonable
speed. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc
Use in sentence: The Company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.
Meaning: offensive or upsetting
Use in sentence: This action is normally only taken in exceptionable circumstances.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1983
Meaning: an idea or belief which is not true
Use in sentence: He had no illusions about his talents as a singer.
Meaning: something that is said or written that is intended to make you think of a
particular thing or person
Use in sentence: Her novels are packed with literary allusions. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: great enthusiasm or love
Use in sentence: Similarly, the Japanese seem to have less ardor for luxury goods than
in the boom years of the late 90s.
Meaning: the way in which people or things are arranged
Use in sentence: The children lined up in order of age/height.
Meaning: to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force
Use in sentence: The Spanish conquered the New World in the 16th century.
Meaning: to agree with someone or have the same opinion as someone else
Use in sentence: The new report concurs with previous findings.
Meaning: to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has
Use in sentence: She cited three reasons why people get into debt.
Meaning: a place where something is, was, or will be built, or where something
happened, is happening, or will happen
Use in sentence: The council hasnt yet chosen the site for the new hospital.
Meaning: a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something
Use in sentence: There are a reported two million male cocaine addicts in the US.
Meaning: an official order, especially one which is given in a forceful and unfair way
Use in sentence: Most shops are ignoring the government's edict against Sunday
Meaning: to continue as planned
Use in sentence: His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.
Meaning: to be or go before something or someone in time or space
Use in sentence: It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an
Meaning: correct
Use in sentence: You got three answers right and two wrong.
Meaning: a set of fixed words and actions
Use in sentence: You have to go through an initiation rite before you become a full
Meaning: the conditions in the air above the Earth such as wind, rain or temperature,
especially at a particular time over a particular area
Use in sentence: The weather in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable
Meaning: if, or not
Use in sentence: I wasn't sure whether you'd like it.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1985
Meaning: famous, respected or important
Use in sentence: An eminent historian
Meaning: coming or likely to happen very soon
Use in sentence: A strike is imminent.
Meaning: respect and politeness
Use in sentence: He treats her with such deference.
Meaning: the way in which two or more things which you are comparing are not the
Use in sentence: What's the difference between an ape and a monkey?
Meaning: having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions
Use in sentence: Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.
Meaning: impossible or almost impossible to read because of being very untidy or not
Use in sentence: His writing is almost illegible.
Meaning: involving a court of law
Use in sentence: The defense team will seek a judicial review of the sentence.
Meaning: having or showing reason and good judgment in making decisions
Use in sentence: We should make judicious use of the resources available to us. (Pair
Repeated: 1)
Meaning: the person who has the highest political position in a country which is a
republic and who, in some of these countries, is the leader of the government
Use in sentence: The President of France.
Meaning: an action, situation or decision which has already happened
Use in sentence: There are several precedents for promoting people who don't have
formal qualifications.
Meaning: never thinking about things that are serious or important
Use in sentence: He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.
Meaning: more than is needed or wanted
Use in sentence: The report was marred by a mass of superfluous detail.
Meaning: a person who has come to a different country in order to live there
Use in sentence: Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.
Meaning: a person who emigrates
Use in sentence: There was only a small number of emigrants on board.
Meaning: A rightful position or claim is one which is morally or legally correct
Use in sentence: Don't forget that I am the rightful owner of this house.
Meaning: morally correct
Use in sentence: He was regarded as a righteous and holy man.
Meaning: deserving contempt
Use in sentence: Her behavior was contemptible.
Meaning: expressing contempt
Use in sentence: He was very contemptuous of 'popular' writers, whom he described as
having no talent.
Meaning: very clever and skillful
Use in sentence: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
Meaning: honest, sincere and trusting/ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and
Use in sentence: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete
stranger to look after his luggage. (Pair Repeated: 4)
Meaning: a violent escape, especially by a group, from prison
Use in sentence: There has been a mass breakout from one of Germany's top security
Meaning: to make possible or easier
Use in sentence: The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.
Meaning: to wish happiness to; congratulate
Use in sentence: Asian medal winners to be felicitated next Sunday.
Meaning: to continue as planned
Use in sentence: His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.
Meaning: to be or go before something or someone in time or space
Use in sentence: It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an
introduction. (Pair Repeated: 2)
Meaning: the way that something is arranged
Use in sentence: I like the layout of the house.
Meaning: an amount of money spent for a particular purpose, especially as a first
investment in something
Use in sentence: For an initial outlay of 2000 to buy the equipment, you should be
earning up to 500 a month if the product sells well.
Meaning: to stop something
Use in sentence: The Company has decided to cease all UK operations after this year.
Meaning: to take something quickly and keep or hold it
Use in sentence: I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me.
Meaning: a profession or occupation which one trains for and pursues as a lifework
Use in sentence: Graduates may pursue careers in the public or private sector.
Meaning: a person or thing that carries something
Use in sentence: The parcels carriers used by most online retailers tend to be less
Meaning: to undergo, or alter by acculturation
Use in sentence: Today the Iroquois are highly acculturated, holding jobs in
communities surrounding the reservations.
Meaning: to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc
Use in sentence: We found it impossible to acclimatize ourselves to the new working
Meaning: when you like something or someone more than another person or thing
Use in sentence: Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
Meaning: when someone or something climbs or moves upwards
Use in sentence: As the plane made its ascent, we saw thick smoke coming from one
Meaning: official agreement to or approval of an idea, plan or request
Use in sentence: Once the directors have given their assent to the proposal we can
Meaning: a person who has come to a different country in order to live there
Use in sentence: Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.
Meaning: a person who emigrates
Use in sentence: There was only a small number of emigrants on board. (Pair
Repeated: 2)
Meaning: happening repeatedly, usually in an annoying or not convenient way
Use in sentence: I've had continual problems with this car ever since I bought it.
Meaning: without a pause or interruption
Use in sentence: My computer makes a continuous low buzzing noise. (Pair
Repeated: 1)
English (Prcis and Composition) 1988
Meaning: a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time
Use in sentence: An ancient custom was for the oldest son to have a double portion of
the inheritance.
Meaning: something which you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that
you are doing it
Use in sentence: I always buy the same brand of toothpaste just out of habit. (Pair
Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to damage and spoil the appearance of something by writing or drawing on it
Use in sentence: He was fined for defacing library books.
Meaning: to remove something intentionally
Use in sentence: The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old
Meaning: to be not like something or someone else, either physically or in another way
Use in sentence: The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament.
Meaning: to delay something until a later time; to postpone
Use in sentence: My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan while I'm still
a student.
Meaning: to behave in a particular way, especially in a public or a formal situation, or to
organize the way in which you live in a particular way
Use in sentence: How should I conduct myself at these dinners? I know nothing about
Meaning: the particular combination of qualities in a person or place that makes them
different from others
Use in sentence: Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
Meaning: large or of noticeable importance
Use in sentence: The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
Meaning: kind and helpful
Use in sentence: She promises to be quieter and more considerate in future. (Pair
Repeated: 1)
Meaning: remark that expresses approval, admiration or respect
Use in sentence: I take it as a compliment when people say I look like my mother.
Meaning: to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with
Use in sentence: The music complements her voice perfectly. (Pair Repeated: 3)
Meaning: plural of foot
Use in sentence: Your feet look horrible.
Meaning: something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, bravery, etc. to achieve it
Use in sentence: The Eiffel Tower is a remarkable feat of engineering.
Meaning: just and honest; impartial
Use in sentence: It's not fair that she's allowed to go and I'm not!
Meaning: the money that you pay for a journey on a vehicle such as a bus or train
Use in sentence: Train fares are going up again.
Meaning: good enough to be envied or desired
Use in sentence: She's in the enviable position of being able to choose who she works
Use in sentence: Dr Kennedy has been adopted as the party's candidate for South
Meaning: said or thought by some people to be the stated bad or illegal thing
Use in sentence: It took 15 years for the alleged criminals to prove their innocence.
Meaning: the person who is on trial in a court or the people on trial in a court
Use in sentence: The accused protested her innocence.
Meaning: to think or believe something to be true or probable
Use in sentence: So far, the police do not suspect foul play.
Meaning: to accept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasant
Use in sentence: It's your decision - you must bear the responsibility if things go wrong.
Meaning: past participle of bear
Use in sentence: The weight was more than could be borne by a lone man
Meaning: brought into life by birth
Use in sentence: She was born in 1950.
Meaning: to lift something to a higher position
Use in sentence: Would all those in favor please raise their hands?
Meaning: to move upwards
Use in sentence: New buildings are rising throughout the city.
Meaning: to completely destroy a city, building, etc
Use in sentence: The town was razed to the ground in the bombing raid - not a building
was left standing.
Meaning: to have a particular quality that others can notice with their noses
Use in sentence: That cake smells good.
Meaning: to smell very unpleasant
Use in sentence: The woman next to me sprayed on some perfume and stank up the
whole shop
Meaning: a pleasant natural smell
Use in sentence: The scent of roses
Meaning: less than anything or anyone else; the smallest amount or number
Use in sentence: This group is the least likely of the four to win.
Meaning: a smaller amount (of); not so much, or to a smaller degree
or dangerous situation
Use in sentence: It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to
Meaning: the conditions in the air above the Earth such as wind, rain or temperature,
especially at a particular time over a particular area
Use in sentence: The weather in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable
Meaning: if, or not
Use in sentence: I wasn't sure whether you'd like it. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: best or most important
Use in sentence: He's one of the nation's premier scientists.
Meaning: the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment
Use in sentence: The world premiere of the opera will be at the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York.
Meaning: very clever and skillful
Use in sentence: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
Meaning: honest, sincere and trusting/ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and
Use in sentence: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete
stranger to look after his luggage. (Pair Repeated: 5)
Meaning: to make possible or easier
Use in sentence: The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.
Meaning: to wish happiness to; congratulate
Use in sentence: Asian medal winners to be felicitated next Sunday. (Pair Repeated:
Meaning: to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present
Use in sentence: I think she's very conscious of being the only person in the office who
didn't have a university education.
Meaning: putting a lot of effort into your work/ controlled by or done according to
Use in sentence: She has always been a very conscientious worker.
Meaning: illness of people, animals, plants, etc.
Use in sentence: Starvation and diseases have killed thousands of refugees.
Meaning: a person's death
Use in sentence: The house will not be yours till after your mother's decease. (Pair
Repeated: 1)
English (Prcis and Composition) 1992
Meaning: when someone or something climbs or moves upwards
Use in sentence: As the plane made its ascent, we saw thick smoke coming from one
Meaning: official agreement to or approval of an idea, plan or request
Use in sentence: Once the directors have given their assent to the proposal we can
begin. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: a system or occasion of secret voting
Use in sentence: They decided to hold a ballot.
Meaning: a type of dancing where carefully organized movements tell a story or express
an idea
Use in sentence: By the age of fifteen he had already composed his first ballet.
Meaning: a military unit trained to perform particular duties
Use in sentence: The EU could set up the "external action service, a kind of EU
diplomatic corps.
Meaning: a dead body, usually of a person
Use in sentence: In the morning they found his corpse on the ground.
Meaning: expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time
Use in sentence: The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time.
Meaning: drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside during the
Use in sentence: There was moderate dew on the grass.
Meaning: a book with a separate space or page for each day, in which you write down
your future arrangements, meetings, etc., or one used to record your thoughts and
feelings or what has happened on that day
Use in sentence: Don't forget to write the date of the meeting in your diary.
Meaning: A commercial establishment for processing or selling milk and milk products.
Use in sentence: Dairy farm may be supplied by water from a nearby spring.
Meaning: lasting for a very short time
Use in sentence: Be careful not to make even momentary short circuits with metal
Meaning: very important because of effects on future events
Use in sentence: Whether or not to move overseas was a momentous decision for the
family. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: a particular way or direction between places
Use in sentence: The route we had planned took us right across Greece.
Meaning: to defeat an enemy completely and force them to run away
Use in sentence: The Russian chess team has routed all the rest.
Meaning: a piece of thin material worn by women to cover the face or head
Use in sentence: The women wore black veils which covered all but their eyes.
Meaning: used in the name of some valleys
Use in sentence: The Vale of Evesham
English (Prcis and Composition) 1993
Meaning: a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something
Use in sentence: There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road.
Meaning: a signal for someone to do something
Use in sentence: They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.
Meaning: to be not like something or someone else, either physically or in another way
Use in sentence: The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament.
Meaning: to delay something until a later time; to postpone
Use in sentence: My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan while I'm still
a student. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present
Use in sentence: I think she's very conscious of being the only person in the office who
didn't have a university education.
Meaning: the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you
feel guilty about bad things that you have done
Use in sentence: You didn't do anything wrong - you should have a clear conscience.
Meaning: a person you trust and share your feelings and secrets with
Use in sentence: Within a few short years he was a trusted confidant.
Meaning: a woman or girl confidant
Use in sentence: Within a few short years he was a trusted confidant.
Meaning: someone who believes that God or gods do not exist
Use in sentence: Laura is very ladylike and elegant.
Meaning: a respectful way of referring to or talking to a woman or girl who has the rank
of a peer or knight without using her title
Use in sentence: We are honored to welcome your ladyship here tonight.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1996
Meaning: completely or in total
Use in sentence: The government ought to abolish the tax altogether.
All together:
Meaning: all at the same time
Use in sentence: The last time we were all together was in 1999.
Meaning: having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes
Use in sentence: His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
Meaning: having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how
you feel
Use in sentence: I felt very ambivalent about leaving home.
Meaning: to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or
Use in sentence: At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to
appraise their own performance.
Meaning: to tell someone about something
Use in sentence: The President has been apprised of the situation. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm
Use in sentence: Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.
Meaning: in a severe and harmful way
Use in sentence: She was badly affected by the events in her childhood.
Meaning: to examine or look for the difference between two or more things
Use in sentence: If you compare house prices in the two areas, it's quite amazing how
different they are.
Meaning: an obvious difference between two or more things
Use in sentence: The antique furnishing provides an unusual contrast to the modernity
of the building.
Meaning: to reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts
Use in sentence: We cannot deduce very much from these figures.
Meaning: to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
Use in sentence: I detected an implied criticism of the way he was treated.
Differ from:
Meaning: to be not like something or someone else, either physically or in another way
Use in sentence: His views differ considerably from those of his parents.
Differ with:
Meaning: to disagree
Use in sentence: I beg to differ with you on that point.
Meaning: to a greater distance
Use in sentence: The fog's so thick, I can't see farther than about ten meters.
Meaning: to a greater distance or degree; at a more advanced level
Use in sentence: We discussed the problem but we didn't get much further in actually
solving it.
English (Prcis and Composition) 1998
Meaning: to close, shut, or block
Use in sentence: I try to set the end distance (at which the fog totally occludes
everything) no lower than 4000.
Meaning: relating to magical powers and activities, such as those of witchcraft and
Use in sentence: She claims to have occult powers, given to her by some mysterious
Meaning: relating to experience, real situations or actions rather than ideas or
Use in sentence: Qualifications are important but practical experience is always an
Meaning: able to be done or put into action
Use in sentence: The troops will be brought home as soon as practicable.
Meaning: to completely destroy a city, building, etc
Use in sentence: The town was razed to the ground in the bombing raid - not a building
was left standing.
Meaning: to lift something to a higher position
Use in sentence: Would all those in favor please raise their hands? (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: a Christian priest with special duties in a cathedral
Use in sentence: He was first appointed as a residentiary canon and only became
Chancellor after several years with us.
Meaning: a large, mounted piece of artillery; sometimes, specif., a large gun with a
relatively short barrel, as a howitzer
Use in sentence: Instead of eight machine guns, it now had twelve, or four 20mm
cannon. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to do harm to or punish the person responsible for something bad done to you
Use in sentence: He swore he would avenge his brother's death.
Meaning: harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to
someone else
Use in sentence: He is believed to have been shot by a rival gang in revenge for the
shootings last week.
Meaning: a mark () used in writing or in correcting proof, to show where something is to
be inserted
Use in sentence: Some screen readers use the system caret to determine which area of
the screen to read or magnify.
Meaning: a unit for measuring the weight of jewels
Use in sentence: 24-carat gold is the purest.
Meaning: to separate the parts, esp. threads
Use in sentence: The road raveled rapidly and became merely a pile of loose stones.
Meaning: to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously
Use in sentence: He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.
Meaning: a large cage or closed space in which birds are kept as pets
Use in sentence: I have an aviary with 17 birds.
Meaning: a place where people keep bees, especially a collection of hives kept to
provide honey
Use in sentence: I once visited an apiary where there were numerous cardboard boxes
scattered around.
Meaning: Unable to find in dictionaries
Use in sentence: Unable to find in dictionaries
Meaning: to cause someone to become less respected
Use in sentence: The entire family was demeaned by his behavior.
English (Prcis and Composition) 2001
Meaning: a small piece of jewelry with a pin at the back that is fastened to a woman's
Use in sentence: She wore a small silver brooch.
Meaning: very wide
Use in sentence: We walked down a broad avenue lined with trees.
Meaning: an accident that happens when two vehicles hit each other with force
Use in sentence: There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.
Meaning: agreement between people to act together secretly or illegally in order to
deceive or cheat someone
Use in sentence: It is thought that they worked in collusion with the terrorist
network. (Pair Repeated: 2)
Meaning: glad; ready
Use in sentence: He is fain to do all things himself.
Meaning: to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
Use in sentence: You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old
you are.
Meaning: to collect large amounts of something and keep it in a safe, often secret, place
Use in sentence: During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.
Meaning: a large group of people
Use in sentence: Hordes of students on bikes made crossing the road difficult.
Meaning: an idea or belief which is not true
Use in sentence: He had no illusions about his talents as a singer.
Meaning: when someone believes something that is not true
Use in sentence: He's under the delusion that he will be promoted this year.
Meaning: to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their
race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone
Use in sentence: Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the tenyear regime.
Meaning: to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or (of a
lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime
Use in sentence: He was prosecuted for fraud. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to say what medical treatment someone should have
Use in sentence: The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.
Meaning: to not allow something
Use in sentence: The Athletics Federation has banned the runner from future races for
using proscribed drugs. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: in a way that shows you want to be polite or honor someone
Use in sentence: As the body was carried through the crowd, people drew back
Meaning: relating or belonging to each of the separate people or things you have just
Use in sentence: In the 200 meters, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third respectively.
Meaning: Satisfied
Use in sentence: We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
Meaning: willing to please; affably agreeable; obliging
Use in sentence: Can we really sit back and watch the suffering of a whole nation and
be so complaisant? (Pair Repeated: 2)
English (Prcis and Composition) 2004
Meaning: a tool consisting of a twisted rod of metal fixed to a handle, used for making
large holes in wood or in the ground
Use in sentence: In order to measure the pH directly; the kit includes a plastic auger to
perforate the ground.
Meaning: to be a sign of especially good or bad things in the future
Use in sentence: Do you think that this recent ministerial announcement augurs a shift
in government policy?
Meaning: glad; ready
Use in sentence: He is fain to do all things himself.
Meaning: to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
Use in sentence: You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old
you are. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one
Use in sentence: Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the
nineteenth century.
Meaning: to come to live in a different country
Use in sentence: He immigrated with his parents in 1895, and grew up in London.
Meaning: to wish that you had something that another person has
Use in sentence: I envy her ability to talk to people she's never met before.
Meaning: a feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something that you
Use in sentence: The team has performed very badly this season due to petty
jealousies among the players.
Meaning: to enter an area of activity in a forceful and noticeable way
Use in sentence: Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the
next few days.
Meaning: to try to hurt or defeat using violence
Use in sentence: He was attacked and seriously injured by a gang of youths.
Meaning: A trifling matter or amount of money is small or not important
Use in sentence: It was such a trifling sum of money to argue about!
Meaning: having little value or importance
Use in sentence: I don't know why he gets so upset about something that is utterly
Meaning: a model of a set of problems or events that can be used to teach someone
how to do something
Use in sentence: The manager prepared a computer simulation of likely sales
performance for the rest of the year.
Meaning: To conceal one's true feelings or intentions.
Use in sentence: As an actress she had been trained to dissimulate, so she had no
trouble hiding her true feelings offstage as well.
Meaning: A venal person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in
exchange for money
Use in sentence: A venal ruler
Meaning: describes a wrong action that is not serious and therefore easy to forgive
Use in sentence: Aristocracy is not an institution: aristocracy is a sin; generally a very
venial one.
English (Prcis and Composition) 2005
Meaning: to give advice, especially on social or personal problems
Use in sentence: The police have provided experts to counsel local people affected by
the tragedy.
Meaning: a group of people elected or chosen to make decisions or give advice on a
Meaning: a piece of cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the
painting itself
Use in sentence: These two canvases by Hockney would sell for 500 000.
Meaning: to try to get political support or votes, especially by visiting all the houses in
an area
Use in sentence: I've been out canvassing for the Labor Party every evening this
week. (Pair Repeated: 1)
English (Prcis and Composition) 2006
Meaning: excessive desire to eat
Use in sentence: On reaching the ship they were offered some bread, which they
devoured with a voracious appetite.
Meaning: the quality of being true, honest or accurate
Use in sentence: The veracity of the second claim can be tested against the findings of
archeology. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their
race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone
Use in sentence: Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the tenyear regime.
Meaning: to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or (of a
lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime
Use in sentence: He was prosecuted for fraud. (Pair Repeated: 2)
Meaning: a long wide hole which is dug all the way around a place such as a castle, and
usually filled with water, to make it more difficult to attack
Use in sentence: The site of the manor house is surrounded by a narrow moat which is
fed by water from the New River.
Meaning: something, especially a bit of dust, that is so small it is almost impossible to
Use in sentence: Dust motes swam alongside the gloomy corridor.
Meaning: to be unwilling to do something
Use in sentence: I'm loath to spend it all at once.
Meaning: to hate someone or something
Use in sentence: From an early age the brothers have loathed each other.
Meaning: very clever and skillful
Use in sentence: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.
Meaning: honest, sincere and trusting/ showing innocent or childlike simplicity and
Use in sentence: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete
stranger to look after his luggage. (Pair Repeated: 6)
Meaning: glad; ready
Use in sentence: He is fain to do all things himself.
Meaning: to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
Use in sentence: You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old
you are. (Pair Repeated: 2)
Meaning: a person who has come to a different country in order to live there
Use in sentence: Illegal immigrants are sent back across the border if they are caught.
Meaning: a person who emigrates
Use in sentence: There was only a small number of emigrants on board. (Pair
Repeated: 2)
Meaning: to destroy or badly damage something
Use in sentence: Our greenhouse was wrecked in last night's storm.
Meaning: to cause something to happen in a violent and often uncontrolled way
Use in sentence: The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops. (Pair Repeated: 1)
English (Prcis and Composition) 2007
Meaning: having a lot of money or owning a lot of things
Use in sentence: What we are seeing increasingly is a society of private affluence and
public squalor.
Meaning: a thing that flows out or forth
Use in sentence: How can Reef Entertainment justify releasing this effluence on the
general public?
Meaning: a person who experiences something unpleasant
Use in sentence: A gentleman said that a week ago he was the wretch in the county,
but now saved.
Meaning: to react in a way as if you are vomiting
Use in sentence: The sight of blood makes him retch.
Meaning: a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word
Use in sentence: 'Senior citizen' is a euphemism for 'old person'.
Repeated: 1)
Meaning: to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their
race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone
Use in sentence: Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the tenyear regime.
Meaning: to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or (of a
lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime
Use in sentence: He was prosecuted for fraud. (Pair Repeated: 3)
Meaning: liked, enjoyed or supported by many people
Use in sentence: She's the most popular teacher in school.
Meaning: the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place
Use in sentence: Some studies show that workers in the nuclear industry are more
likely than the general populace to get cancer. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: remark that expresses approval, admiration or respect
Use in sentence: I take it as a compliment when people say I look like my mother.
Meaning: to make something else seem better or more attractive when combining with
Use in sentence: The music complements her voice perfectly. (Pair Repeated: 5)
Meaning: to make someone have strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm
Use in sentence: Nothing about my life excites me at present.
Meaning: to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent
Use in sentence: She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their
teachers. (Pair Repeated: 1)
Meaning: excessive desire to eat
Use in sentence: On reaching the ship they were offered some bread, which they
devoured with a voracious appetite.
Meaning: the quality of being true, honest or accurate
Use in sentence: The veracity of the second claim can be tested against the findings of
archeology. (Pair Repeated: 2)
Meaning: having good moral qualities and behavior
Use in sentence: He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people.
Meaning: describes something that can be done or seen using a computer and therefore
without going anywhere or talking to anyone
Use in sentence: In tests, we have found the virtual machine runs at a reasonable
speed. (Pair Repeated: 3)
Meaning: much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc
Use in sentence: The Company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.
Meaning: offensive or upsetting
Use in sentence: This action is normally only taken in exceptionable
circumstances. (Pair Repeated: 1)
English (Prcis and Composition) 2009
Meaning: to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their
race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone
Use in sentence: Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the tenyear regime.
Meaning: to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or (of a
lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime
Use in sentence: He was prosecuted for fraud. (Pair Repeated: 4)
Meaning: growing thickly, strongly and well
Use in sentence: This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now
Meaning: very comfortable and expensive
Use in sentence: They have a very luxurious house.
Meaning: to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact
Use in sentence: These figures mean that almost 7% of the working population is
Meaning: a person's appearance, especially the typical expression on their face
Use in sentence: His aristocratic mien and smart clothes singled him out.
Meaning: when you observe something or someone
Use in sentence: The police are keeping the suspect under observation.
Meaning: when someone obeys a law or follows a religious custom
Use in sentence: The State must enforce the observance of human rights in its
domestic legal order.
Meaning: not behaving properly; mischievous or disobedient
Use in sentence: Now that's naughty - you mustn't throw food on the floor!
Meaning: complicated and difficult to solve
Use in sentence: That's rather a knotty question.
Meaning: pale and transparent
Use in sentence: The image is fading which gives the figure a rather ghostly
Meaning: unpleasant and shocking
Use in sentence: Today's newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.
Meaning: to cut a large piece out of rock, stone or another hard material in a rough way
Use in sentence: The monument was hewn out of the side of a mountain.
Meaning: a particular shade or tint of a given color
Use in sentence: In the Caribbean waters there are fish of every hue.
English (Prcis and Composition) 2010
Meaning: having a negative or harmful effect on something
Use in sentence: The match has been canceled due to adverse weather conditions.
Meaning: strongly disliking or opposed to
Use in sentence: Few MPs are averse to the attention of the media.
Meaning: a tall plant grown in many parts of the world for its yellow seeds which are
eaten as food, made into flour or fed to animals
Use in sentence: Some of our foods may contain ingredients produced from genetically
modified maize.
Meaning: An intricate, usually confusing network of interconnecting pathways
Use in sentence: The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages.
Meaning: a small, flat piece of metal with a design or inscription stamped or inscribed
on it, made to commemorate some event, or awarded for some distinguished action
Use in sentence: She won three Olympic gold medals.
Meaning: to concern oneself with or take part in other people's affairs without being
asked or needed
Use in sentence: People shouldn't meddle with things they don't understand.
Meaning: belonging or relating to an empire or the person or country that rules it
Use in sentence: Delhi is a city of two centers, comprising imperial Lutyens architecture
and numerous monuments to the Moghul Empire.
Meaning: unpleasantly proud and expecting obedience
Use in sentence: He sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand. (Pair
repeated: 1)
Meaning: a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter
Use in sentence: A stamped, addressed envelope should be enclosed for reply.
Meaning: an official statement that something must happen
Use in sentence: More than 200 people were freed by military decree.
Meaning: amount or level of something
Use in sentence: This job demands a high degree of skill.
Meaning: describes a place that is empty and not attractive
Use in sentence: The house stood in a bleak and desolate landscape.
Meaning: immoral
Use in sentence: He led a dissolute life.
Meaning: a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics
to each other
Use in sentence: Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.
Meaning: Coined money
Use in sentence: The next insinuation is that the Bank has refused specie payments.
Meaning: not direct or simple
Use in sentence: He took a tortuous route through back streets.
Meaning: causing torture
Use in sentence: It was torturous to think that he could have stopped the boy from
running into the road.
Meaning: covered in water or another liquid
Use in sentence: My bike got wet in the rain.
Meaning: to increase someone's interest in and wish for something
Use in sentence: I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my