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Jenny (Xiao) Zhang

Technology Professional and Enthusiast


6 Things You Need To Know About Hadoop

What is Hadoop?
Hadoop is an open-source software framework for storage and large-scale processing of
data-sets on clusters of commodity hardware. Hadoop is an Apache top-level project. It is
licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Why Hadoop?
Since there are a lot of low cost storage available, the key challenge for handling Big Data is
how to read large amount of data fast. Hadoop is good for reading a big file in one shot. The
default data block size (the smallest unit of data that a file system can store) of Hadoop is
64MB. The block size in disk is generally 4KB.
Hadoop today is not for: low latency data access , lots of small files ( each file will need
metadata) , multiple writes, arbitrary file miseducation.

Hadoop Ecosystem

Flume Import and Export Unstructured or Semi-Structured Data to/from Hadoop.

Sqoop (SQL+Hadoop) Import and Export Structured Data to/from Hadoop.
HDFS Hadoop distributed file system.
MapReduce a programming model and associated implementation for processing and
generating large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.
HBase NoSQL Database, read/ write from HDFS to MapReduce, can be used for OLTP.
Pig data analysis tool originally developed by yahoo, use procedural data-flow language
(PigLatin), good for semi-structured data.
Hive data warehouse tool, use SQL like language (HiveQL), good for structured data.
Mahout a machine learning framework, used to develop social network/E- commerce
Apache oozie workflow scheduler and management tool, can schedule and run Hadoop
jobs in parallel.


HDFS has a master/slave architecture. An HDFS cluster consists of a single NameNode and a
number of DataNodes.
NameNode is the master. It maintains and manages the blocks that are presented on
DataNodes. It manages all the metadata of HDFS. NameNode only stores information in
RAM. NameNode is associated with Job Tracker. There is a secondary NameNode in the
system but it is not a hot standby of the NameNode. It reads from NameNodes RAM and
write to a file system ( hard disk) and used for disaster recovery.
DataNode is the slave. It serves the read/write requests from the clients. DataNode is
associated with Task Tracker. A file is split into one or more blocks and these blocks are
stored in a set of DataNodes.
The beauty of Hadoop is data localization. Traditional DFS is transferring TB of data in the
network to process. Hadoop has the concept of data localization and only transfers KB level
of code in the network. Data is processed locally in DataNodes.


1. User (a person) copies the input file into the Distributed File System.
2. User submits the job to Client (software).
3. Client gets information about the input file.
4. Client split the job into multiple splits.
5. Client upload the job information to DFS.
6. Client submits job to Job Tracker.
7. Job Tracker initializes the job in job queue.
8. Job Tracker reads job files from DFS to understand the job.
9. Job Tracker creates Map tasks and Reduce Tasks based on the job type. The number of
Map tasks equal the number of input splits, which is configurable. Each Map task is running
on one input split. The output of the Map task will go to Reduce Task. The number of Reduce
tasks generated can be defined. The Map and Reduce tasks are running on DataNodes.
10. Task Trackers send Heartbeats to Job Tracker to let it know they are available for tasks.
11. Job Tracker picks the Task Trackers that have the most local Data.
12. Job Tracker assign tasks to Task Trackers.
Once the tasks are completed, Task Tracker sends Heartbeat to Job Tracker agains and Job
Tracker will assign more tasks.

Hadoop 1.0 vs 2.0


are following challenges in Hadoop 1.0:

Horizontal scalability of NameNode (bottleneck after 4000 nodes)
NameNode is a single point of failure of the system
Over burn of job tracker
Cannot run non-MapReduce applications on HDFS
No multi-tenancy: Ability to run multiple types of jobs on the same resource at the

same time
How Hadoop 2.0 solve the challenges of Hadoop 1.0?

HDFS Federation different NameNodes for different organizations. One Namespace has
one NameNode. NameNodes are independent and do not talk to each other. Data is spread
on large scale of DataNodes. All DataNodes are used as common storage for all NameNodes.
Each DataNode is registered with all NameNodes. There is one block pool for one NameNode
/ Namespace but one DataNode can belong to multiple Namespaces.

NameNode High Availability One Namespace has one active NameNode, one stand by
NameNode, and one secondary NameNode (optional).
Fail over process If NameNode does not response in 10 seconds, the system assumes it
is dead. All DataNodes will talk to the stand by NameNode, which becomes the active
NameNode. But the issue is the NameNode may not really die. Maybe the network is slow.
Fencing make sure the failed NameNode is actually dead. Kill all active processes on that
NameNode and then kill the NameNode stonith, send special power supply signal and stop
the power supply. Need to manually bring the dead NameNode back.
YARN yet another resource negotiator (has nothing to do with MapReduce), better
processing control, support non MapReduce processing. Resource manage replaces job
tracker (scheduling , applications manager- manage jobs). Node manager replaces task

Multi-tenancy Yarn supports Multi-tenancy, which means you can run multiple types of
jobs (batch, interactive, streaming) on the same resource at the same time. There are
multiple job queues. Each queue has a priority and shares certain percent of cluster. FIFO in
each queue.
Thank you very much for reading this blog. Please feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or want to learn more about Hadoop.

Map reduce- C++


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